When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 65: the truth


The two returned to the inn, Yi Xichen took out the pure water aquamarine from the Xingying Lamp, and the eldest grandson Zijun poured a basin of water.

Yi Xichen said: "I just entered the demon cave, but the shadow lamp was not there, which shocked me. There was no one in the demon cave. I waited for a while in the demon cave, and when Yue Xiaorou came back, I quickly hid. She I took the Xingying lamp out. I thought she found out that the lamp belonged to me, but she put it down and went out again. Then I quickly got the lamp back."

He carefully put the clean water aquamarine into the water: "Let's see if you have written down anything."

Fat Haw was playing on the beam by himself, and seemed to think it was new and interesting, so he jumped off the beam and landed on Yi Xichen's shoulder to watch it with them.

Soon, all kinds of colors overflowed from the aquamarine of the purified water, smeared and dyed in the water, colorful, and gradually formed a moving picture.

The light and shadow shook, and it was the eldest grandson Zijun who lit the shadow lamp. In the position he originally placed, Yingyingchaochuo saw that there seemed to be several figures lying down in the cave, but they couldn't see it clearly.

After a while, a bun-faced boy with a horn and a thin young man walked out. It seems that these two people are what Tuantuan and Xiaoying looked like after they were transformed into human figures.

The two were not suspicious of Xingying Lantern, but they just said that Yue Xiaorou brought it back, and also brought Xingying Lantern to the main cave.

There was originally a fire in the main cave, and when the shadow lamp was brought in, it immediately became brighter. However, when they saw the situation in the main cave, the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen widened their eyes at the same time, and even came. Fat Haw, who was watching the excitement, couldn't help but let out a "chirp"!

In the cave, in addition to the few monsters they had seen today, there were also three monsters bound by iron chains. The monsters in this ice and snow valley were supposed to be white, but the three monsters were pitch-black, and they looked very abrupt among the white monsters. Two were lying on their stomachs and could not see what they were, they seemed to be canine monsters, and the other was a black giant python. They gasped and struggled, but the chains caught them and they couldn't break free.

Those three monsters were obviously not conscious, as if they were seriously ill, and their expressions were painful. And the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen listened to the painful gasps all night, and it was from them.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen both had guesses in their hearts: These monsters are probably possessed by demons. But why do demonic beasts stay with the ice demons? And why are there so many demonic beasts at the same time

The people who turned into human figures walked up, squatted beside them, and touched their fur one by one to appease them. His expression was sad.

At this moment, Yue Xiaorou came back.

Yue Xiaorou said a few words and then entered the cave. She glanced at the three monsters, sat down beside the black python, hugged the python's body into her arms, and touched its body intimately.

Looking at the body and scales of the giant python, it can be seen that it is very old. Perhaps, she is the mother-in-law in the mouth of Yue Xiaorou.

The cave was silent. Gradually, the white and black monsters all fell asleep, and Yue Xiaorou also fell asleep holding the giant python.

Last night they listened to the movement of the sound bug all night and knew that it was a very quiet night and nothing happened. Yi Xichen mobilized his mana to speed up the release of the water-purifying aquamarine, and planned to skip the night. However, not long after he urged him, he heard his eldest grandson say, "Wait a minute!"

Yi Xichen stopped quickly, only to see Yue Xiaorou rolling on the ground with her arms folded!

He couldn't help but be stunned, not knowing what happened, and hurriedly went back a bit.

I saw Yue Xiaorou was falling asleep holding the python, suddenly woke up, frowned, and slowly moved away from the python. All the monsters in the hole fell asleep, and no one noticed her movements.

She moved to an unoccupied corner and hugged her arm. She raised her arms slightly, and her sleeves slid down, revealing the mark of the black six-pointed star.

At this moment, Fat Haw suddenly fluttered and flew! It swirled over the basin. It seems to be extremely disgusted with that mark, and wants to use its mouth to peck the figure in the water! The eldest grandson, Jun, was afraid that he would destroy the pure water aquamarine, so he hurriedly grabbed its wings and put it back on the table.

Fei Haw's mind is much more enlightened now, and he knows that it's just a basin of water, and it can't do anything. So it flew back to Yi Xichen's shoulder again.

Yue Xiaorou opened her mouth, gasping for breath, her body curled up, looking extremely painful. But she didn't make a sound at all—they didn't hear Yue Xiaorou make a sound yesterday, and none of those monsters were woken up.

She grabbed her arm tightly, the place was hurting, she used her fingernails to dig the mark so hard that her arm was bloody.

Yi Xichen had entered Qiao Jue's sea of knowledge and had seen similar scenes. Obviously, Yue Xiaorou did something against the will of the devil, and the devil is warning her in this way!

The degree of pain was deepening, the more Xiaorou couldn't vent, she rolled on the ground. After a while, she was sweating profusely. However, she actually stood up again and walked out, leaning on the wall weakly.

What is she doing out there? To see the devil? No, not right! The eldest grandson Zijun didn't hear a word from her last night, and in the second half of the night, he seemed to hear the wind that he hadn't heard in the first half of the night. Yue Xiaorou was afraid of being discovered by the monsters in the cave, so she went out to hide by herself!

After Yue Xiaorou went out, Yi Xichen accelerated the release of the shadow lamp, and before dawn, Yue Xiaorou came back, looking as usual, as if nothing had happened. The monster in the cave also gradually woke up. The more Xiaorou warned the ice demons, the ice demons came out one after another.

Yue Xiaorou grabbed the iron chains that trapped the three black monsters in her hands, and used Taoism to hold them up. She was about to take them away when she suddenly looked back at the shadow lamp on the table.

She thought for a while, picked up the shadow lamp, and went out with three monsters.

Yi Xichen and his eldest grandson Zijun were both puzzled. Could it be that Yue Xiaorou found out? If they found out, how could they let them take the shadow lamp back? When Yue Xiaorou came out of the demon cave, they realized that the sky outside was still very dark, and the sun had not yet risen. She took the Xingying Lamp as an ordinary lantern and took it out to illuminate it. On the contrary, it was convenient for Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun to see what she did after seeing her.

I saw Yue Xiaorou walking behind a small mountain with three monsters. The back slope of the mountain bag turned out to be hollow. She walked in, but there was a hot spring underneath. There is thick snow in the ice and snow valley, and there are no flowering plants, but the surrounding hot springs are full of flowers and Ganoderma lucidum, which shows the strength of the aura.

Earlier, when Yu Jian flew above, they didn't find this hot spring, because the protruding ice wall blocked the scenery below. Looking down from the sky, they could only see a vast expanse of white.

The three black monsters bound by iron chains were panting in pain all the time. The more Xiaorou soaked them in the hot spring, the pain in their expressions gradually faded away.

Yi Xichen was stunned for a while, then suddenly said: "I see! I know why there are so many magic cultivators in Dongchun Town! They are all here for this hot spring!"

Just looking at the scenery around the hot spring, you can know how strong the aura of the hot spring is. However, they had flown over the ice and snow valley. Even if they couldn't see the spring, they could reasonably sense the aura of the spring, but they didn't, which means that this spring is rare and the spiritual energy does not leak out. If you can soak in it. The first bubble is very beneficial.

Those who are at risk of going into the devil and soaking in this spring can calm the mind and suppress the devilish energy. And if you were originally a magic cultivator, if you take a dip in this spiritual spring, you will be able to dilute the magic energy in your body and better conceal your identity as a magic cultivator!

Yi Xichen said: "This spiritual spring can suppress demonic energy!"

As if to confirm what he said, a black monster turned as if it had faded, the black on its body gradually receded, revealing snow-white fur, which was no different from other ice monsters!

Yi Xichen glared: "My mother, this is too amazing, right? The black ones are directly washed white?"

The eldest grandson Zijun frowned: "I understand!"

Yue Xiaorou was listening to the sound bug on his body. When the demon cultivator exploded and died in the early morning, Yue Xiaorou said, "Xiao'e, you're awake", obviously speaking to this monster. !

In the picture in the shadow, Yue Xiaorou seemed to suddenly hear something, and quickly dragged the monster she called Xiao'e out of the spiritual spring, untied the iron chain on her body, grabbed the shadow lamp and ran back to the demon. in the hole. That Xiao'e had just escaped from the devil's claws, and she was still half awake and weak at the moment. Yue Xiaorou hurriedly put Xiaoe and Xingying Lantern in the demon cave, and then ran out again. Next, Yi Xichen appeared in the picture and took away the shadow lamp.

The things recorded by the shadow lamp are over.

"I understand." The eldest grandson Zijun clenched his fists tightly, "It's an exchange of sacrifices. The conditions she exchanged with that devil!"

Yi Xichen was slightly startled, and immediately understood what he meant: "So it is!"

The eldest grandson Zijun grabbed the Cangyun Sword and jumped out of the window!

However, at this moment, a softer voice came from Tingsheng Worm.

"Xiao'e is also awake. I found a new ice valley. Let's move there first."

The voice asked: "What about the mother-in-law and Xiaochai?"

Yue Xiao Judo: "You go first, when they wake up, I will..." Her voice suddenly stopped.

After a while, she panicked: "You, what's wrong with you? Tuan Tuan? Tuan Tuan!!"

The eldest grandson Zijun has never heard Yue Xiaorou's trembling voice!

He immediately flew towards the Ice and Snow Valley with Yujian!

However, for a moment, he heard Yue Xiaorou's hateful roar: "What have you done to them?! Didn't you just let them go if I said I would find a sacrifice for you!"

A hoarse laughter came over: "Hahaha..."

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen gasped at the same time. The eldest grandson Zijun listened to Yue Xiaorou, Yi Xichen listened to Tuantuan, and they all heard the laughter. That devil is actually by Yue Xiaorou's side right now!

"How can I care about these dusty guys. The more Xiaorou, you know, all I want from the beginning to the end is him. I let you get close to him, why don't you just do it?"