When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 68: 300 rounds of war can detoxify 100 poisons


The author has something to say: A classmate asked me about the setting of magic, but there was a little bit of shaking, but I didn't explain it clearly. The setting about demons in this article is that those who have corrected the way cannot be transferred to the way of magic, and those who have cultivated the way of magic cannot be transferred to the way of correction. The right way into the devil is to go into the devil, and the result is basically an explosion and death, with the exception of a few exceptional talents.

Qiao Jue and Yue Xiaorou are not demons, it is the Heavenly Demon who has lent them their demonic abilities. If the body is invaded by demonic energy, there is a risk of going crazy, so it is necessary to treat it quickly, or the body will explode if it is not cured.

As for the demons, they are natural demons. Like natural demons, they are not human~ The setting is almost Jiangzi~

Yi Xichen carried Yue Xiaorou back to the demon cave. The Phaseless Heavenly Demon didn't know what to do to Yue Xiaorou, but Yue Xiaorou never woke up, and when she was in a coma, her expression was very depressed and patient.

Yi Xichen put her down among those monsters, reached out and pressed her frown, and sighed.

On the side of Yue Xiaorou, is the little demon rabbit. This little rabbit used to be so white that it could blend in with the snow, but now it was enveloped in black air. Yi Xichen picked it up distressedly and called its name softly, but it didn't respond at all.

He was in a very irritable mood.

Can Zijun find the body of the Phaseless Demon? If found, can he beat it? Five hundred years ago, the phaseless demon was killed by Fenglian Xiaozu and Yun Changzhen together. The eldest grandson Zijun was only twenty years old. Can he really fight the demon

Yi Xichen suddenly regretted that he didn't follow.

There is no bond between him and the eldest grandson Zijun, as long as he can't see or hear, he doesn't know what happened to Zijun. If Zijun was injured, in danger, or even killed, he didn't know when he would know!

"Damn it!" Yi Xichen stood up and walked irritably in the demon cave, "When he comes back this time, he has to form a bond with him no matter what!"

Anxiety filled his whole body, and the people and monsters here were in a coma. He couldn't find anyone to talk to, and he didn't know how to soothe his emotions.

"Fat! Come out and talk to me!"

No one pays attention to him.

"Stop pretending, I know that the person who spoke just now is you, and you are the one in the sea of nothingness. I have heard your voice in the sea of nothingness."

Still no one pays attention to him.

Yi Xichen rolled his eyes, untied the Qiankun bag, and grabbed Fat Haw out.

Fat Haw flew out of his palm, chirping, looking left and right, looking innocent and ignorant. Yi Xichen looked at the stupid appearance of this fat bird, and it was really difficult to associate it with the majestic man in red in the sea of nothingness.

"Hey, you said that you look stupid, but you're pretty handsome when you've changed? What is your origin? How can you be so diligent?"

Fat Haw froze when he heard the description of stupid. But it finally chose to pretend that it didn't understand and began to groom its feathers.

Yi Xichen was both funny and puzzled. Look at this pretentious appearance, why refuse to admit it? Apparently the doll looks pretty good.

Yi Xichen was startled and suddenly realized. Because Fat Haw was just a fat and annoying little grey bird in his mind, so when he found out that Fat Haw was so powerful, he would be pleasantly surprised. However, when Fat Haw's mind matures rapidly, it can be seen from its love of grooming its feathers that it is proud and vain. Presumably in Fei Haw's heart, he refused to admit that he was a little gray fat bird.

Yi Xichen couldn't help laughing: "Fat, what kind of bird are you? A natural bird, red... You can't be a phoenix, right?"

After finishing his feathers, Fei Hao walked up to Yi Xichen with a high-spirited look, and then... drilled back into his Qiankun bag.

"Ugh… "

Fei Hao refused to communicate, and Yi Xichen had no other person to talk to, so he couldn't help but start to worry about the condition of his eldest grandson Zijun.

The eldest grandson Zijun chased after the wisp of demonic energy, and flew several miles away in an instant. Going further north in the Ice and Snow Valley, the aura became thinner and thinner, and the footsteps gradually turned into a barren mountain. Finally, the demonic energy penetrated into a valley.

The eldest grandson Zijun immediately controlled the sword to fly down!

As soon as he fell into the valley, he felt a strong magical energy!

The aura of this barren mountain and forest is so thin that it is not suitable for cultivation, and the monks hardly come here. Therefore, the true body of the phaseless demon is hidden here, and it is not easy to be discovered.

The eldest grandson Zijun immediately pursued the demonic energy.

However, the valley was full of demonic energy, and it was difficult for him to tell where the Phaseless Demon was.

Suddenly, the eldest grandson Zijun noticed that a stone on the side of the road moved, and there was something hidden behind it!

He immediately drew out his sword, and his sword energy violently split the stone! Behind the stone, a black leopard jumped out.

The eldest grandson Zijun noticed that the leopard's body had a powerful magic current flowing, and it seemed that in all likelihood, this was the body of the Phaseless Demon. His whole body suddenly flourished with golden light, and Wan Jian stabbed at the black panther, intending to complete a sword prison!

This black panther is no longer as calm as the clone, and rushes wildly, avoiding the sword prison.

"Eldest grandson Zijun!" The hoarse voice was extremely angry, "What are you doing? Are you warding off demons? Hahahaha... What a big joke!"

The eldest grandson Zijun knew that the devil was good at deceiving people, so he didn't listen to what he said at all, and attacked the black panther wholeheartedly!

Countless sword shadows circled in the valley, chasing the black panther and falling down. How could the black panther be able to make a way through the impenetrable sword shadows? Several sword lights slashed at him from all directions at the same time, it had no way to escape, it turned into a black gas and disappeared in the sword light!

The sword shadow fell, and suddenly countless rocks burst and dust flew!

The black energy condensed back into the appearance of a black panther behind the eldest grandson Zijun, and suddenly took it from the back of the eldest grandson Zijun!

The eldest grandson Zijun felt the flow of demonic energy, turned around abruptly, and grabbed the black panther's neck with one palm!

The phaseless demon roared angrily!

His demonic energy couldn't penetrate into the eldest grandson Zijun at all. He worked hard more than ten years ago to plant a demon in the eldest grandson. At this time, he wanted to trigger the power of the demon to attack the eldest grandson, but he didn't expect that The power has disappeared without knowing when! !

The eldest grandson Zijun grabbed the black panther and couldn't help but immediately began to absorb his demonic energy!

However, the black panther turned into a black gas and disappeared in his hands!

"Eldest grandson Zijun!" The voice of the Phaseless Demon reverberated in the valley, and he couldn't tell where it came from. "If you want to eliminate the devil and guard the way, the most important thing to eliminate is yourself! Hahahaha... Hahahaha!"

The eldest grandson Zijun was startled: "Myself?"

The phaseless demon turned into a black panther again and roared at him: "If you are not a demon, how can you plunder the demonic energy?! Don't you know, you are the Mahayana demon!!!"

"The Mahayana Demon?" The eldest grandson Zijun raised his eyebrows and attacked the black panther again.

The Phaseless Heavenly Demon wanted to use this to affect the eldest grandson Zijun's state of mind, but he took the opportunity to make his demonic energy invade his body and mind, but he didn't want the eldest grandson Zijun to be so calm after hearing it, and he couldn't help but get even more angry: "Do you think I'm lying to you? ?"

The eldest grandson Zijun remained calm: "No, I believe it."

The so-called celestial beings are not magic cultivators, just like the natural beasts, the celestial beings are born monsters, born in the chaos, and gradually they have a mind, and they begin to harm the world. If a demon cultivator wants to plunder, he needs to resort to many means. However, the demon can use his own power as a medium, just like this demon without a phase. He can manipulate the demon to plunder the sacrifice, so it is extremely powerful, and its power is comparable to that of the gods. Five hundred years ago, Wuxiang Tianmo was seriously injured by Fenglian Xiaozu and Yunchang Zhenren. After five hundred years of recuperation, his cultivation has not recovered to normal, so today's eldest grandson Zijun can compete with him on a par.

However, among the Heavenly Demons, there is also an outlier, the Mahayana Heavenly Demon. The Mahayana Demon was born on the Antarctic Island, which is as isolated from the world as the sea of nothingness, with extremely abundant spiritual energy, but few people. It gradually absorbed the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and finally entered the Mahayana realm, becoming a half-devil and half-god monster, ushering in a catastrophe. It is above all demons, and it can directly plunder demonic energy without even needing a medium. However, after all, it still has the blood of the devil, the catastrophe is a rebirth from the ashes for the cultivator, but it is a annihilation for the devil. The Mahayana Demon died in the calamity, protecting a trace of blood that remained in the world, and the eldest grandson Zijun, the bloodline left by the Mahayana Demon, was finally reborn after a thousand years.

In the original work, the eldest grandson Zijun cultivated to a certain level, the blood in his body was revived, and he reached the state of going crazy and almost lost his mind. It was Yi Xichen who never gave up and finally awakened his sanity, allowing him to survive this catastrophe safely.

And the fellow author Jin Dan Da Yin Goose felt that the small attack with the blood of the demon was not cool enough, so he added a private setting and set five blood lines for him. In the fan story, the eldest grandson Zijun also went into trouble - this is a very useful stalk for fans - and then the fan author used the all-purpose detoxification and healing method of OOXX to easily solve the eldest grandson Zijun The predicament of going crazy.

- ingested aphrodisiac? Don't be afraid! Three hundred rounds of war can be solved!

- Poisoned? Don't be afraid! Three hundred rounds of war can be solved!

- Seriously injured? Don't be afraid! Three hundred rounds of war can be cured!

-dying? Don't be afraid! After 300 rounds of battle, you will be alive and kicking!

- Going crazy? Don't be afraid! After a few more three hundred rounds, King Kong is not bad, and the world is invincible!

The Phaseless Demon was furious: "I didn't lie to you!! You are a monster!!"

The eldest grandson, Jun, stabbed the black panther with a sword: "Oh."