When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 73: corpse


Xiao Kui appeared on the street with his head down, his steps heavy, and he didn't seem to be in a good mood. He looked up inadvertently and saw his eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen.

Xiao Kui was stunned.

After a while, he took two steps back suddenly, with a look of surprise: "Alive, alive? Corpses?" They had just finished fighting a group of corpses, and Xiao Kui was frightened when he saw these two people who shouldn't be here. The dead and the living are indistinguishable.

Yi Xichen almost laughed, then pulled his face and deliberately made a vicious look, and said sharply: "Xiao Kui! I'm here to claim your life!!"

The eldest grandson Zijun even cooperated with him for the first time in the world. He raised his sword and pointed at Xiao Kui: "Come on."

Xiao Kui was really frightened, he took two steps back, looked at Yi Xichen in horror, then at his eldest grandson Zijun, and then at Lu Ziyao.

It was Lu Ziyao who made a call out of the siege: "Junior Brother Xiao, it's Junior Brother Zhangsun and Junior Brother Yi. They happened to pass by here."

Gongsun Di said angrily, "What do you two want to do!"

Xiao Kui was stunned for a moment, only to know that he had been tricked, and he was immediately annoyed: "You...you!"

Yi Xichen sneered and said, "Senior Brother Xiao, what kind of unfortunate thing did you do to be so afraid of us? If we didn't, we would really become ghosts, and we wouldn't be able to find you." Yi Xichen has always hated Xiao Kui, if Xiao Kui didn't plan to plot against him that day, the eldest grandson Zijun would not have summoned Tianhuo, and he would not have been misunderstood by his teacher. Including the old grudges in the past, they really add to the old grudges.

Xiao Kui's face was red and white, but he couldn't say anything to refute.

Lu Ziyao has the best temper, and has always been a gentleman. Here he pulls the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen to stay away, and there he persuades Gongsun Di to stay calm, and brings Xiao Kui together.

Lu Ziyao said: "Several juniors, please be safe. Since we are together today, let's talk about it first, so as to avoid any misunderstanding. After all, we are all seniors from the same sect."

Xiao Kui, who is also a swordsman, hadn't said anything yet, but Gongsun Di shook his head with a look of hatred for iron not becoming steel: "Senior Brother Lu, I have long heard that you are gentle and soft-hearted. Disciples who violated the sect rules, they cried and apologized, you let them go, and when it was my turn to be on duty later, it always made it difficult for me to be a person. Those little things are all, the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xi Chen killed the teacher, betrayed the teacher, committed such a heinous crime, and you actually want to cover them up?"

Every disciple who joins the sect has to undertake a lot of tasks besides cultivation. The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen are in the medicine pavilion, and they are responsible for many chores such as cleaning and cleaning, while Lu Ziyao and Gongsundi are the leading disciples of the Lianjiange and the guarding. Disciple's Responsibilities. Therefore, although they belong to different pavilions, Gongsun Di still has some understanding of Lu Ziyao's temperament.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen were not in a hurry when they were on their way, and they refused to accept Gongsun Di, so they did not speak, and looked at their internal strife with cold eyes.

Gongsun Di put on an attacking stance again: "Junior Brother Xiao! Let's take down these two villains first!" He was completely disappointed with Lu Ziyao. Xiao Kui was the third in the sword-making pavilion and his cultivation was not weak. He looked at Xiao Kui and Xiao Kui. Together, Kui may be able to subdue the eldest grandson Zijun, and it will not be difficult to take down Yi Xichen at that time.

However, Xiao Kui did not respond to him either.

Gongsun Di was anxious and angry: "You...you!"

Lu Ziyao was quite embarrassed about Gongsun Di's accusation: "I... ah! I may... It's just that Elder Yao was killed, it's too strange, it's not that I have a heart to protect it, but... Elder Yao is such a good person, this happened. It really doesn't make sense! In short, let's listen to the explanation of the elder brother and the younger brother Yi."

"Yi Xichen is so good at rhetoric, how can you listen to him!" Gongsun Di turned his attention to Xiao Kui, "Junior Brother Xiao, how can you..."

Xiao Kui looked unhappy. Ask him to speak to the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen, and even kill him. If there was only Yi Xichen here, he would have shot without saying a word. But the eldest grandson Zijun... As far as the matter is concerned, if the eldest grandson Zijun killed the medicine or not, he also did not believe it. Not to mention the temperament of the eldest grandson Zijun, the medicine is so protective, Xiao Kui, as a thorn who always finds the eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen in trouble, doesn't know how much he has eaten and suffered from the medicine. insulted. As long as the eldest grandson Zijun is not crazy and delirious, it is really impossible to kill the medicine without poison.

The eldest grandson Zijun became slightly angry when he heard Gongsun Di's repeated remarks. The Cangyun Treasure Sword came out of the body, and the golden light burst forth in an instant. Lu Ziyao, Gongsun Di, and Xiao Kui felt a strong threat at the same time, and they all retreated. However, the eldest grandson Zijun did nothing and put away the sword again.

Gongsun Di hurriedly used his sword energy to protect his body, staring at his eldest grandson Zijun in shock and anger. However, Fang Cai's strong sense of deterrence made him realize that even if the three of them really joined forces, they might not be the opponents of the eldest grandson Zijun alone.

"I can kill you anytime," said the eldest grandson, "but I won't."

Gongsun Di was speechless for a moment. He understood the meaning of the eldest grandson Zijun, the eldest grandson did not bother to explain, his strength was to explain, he did not do anything, because the clearer is self-clearing. But it's impossible to convince Gongsun Di of them based on this alone, after all, Gongsun Di already had preconceived hostility.

Yi Xichen sighed and had a headache. There is no way to stay in a stalemate like this. He said: "Are the three senior brothers going to the ghost world? If we can't agree, we will take one step first, and there will be a future."

"Ghost world?" Xiao Kui was shocked, "What are you going to do in the ghost world?"

"Look for the ghost king, Jun Li."

As soon as Xiao Kui heard the words "魈lijun", his eyes widened immediately, and the sword in the scabbard trembled slightly.

Both Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun were watching Xiao Kui's reaction. They already had a tacit understanding. After forming a sympathetic agreement, they were even more connected. They didn't need to rely on language to communicate, not even the exchange of eyes. They were able to detect each other's thoughts: Xiao Kui and Ji Lijun, look There is indeed a connection!

Lu Ziyao watched Gongsun Di's reaction in a troubled way, and said in a deliberating tone: "It's better... Let's go together. The situation in Black Wind City is very unusual. I think there must be a high-level ghost cultivator who is manipulating evil ghosts to cause chaos and cause disaster. Human world, that's why we want to go to the ghost world to capture the culprit. It's just that that person can control so many evil ghosts, and his cultivation must be very powerful. If there are more helpers, our brothers and sisters will work together..."

The eldest grandson Zijun said suddenly: "Then let's go together."

Gongsun Di said angrily: "Lu Ziyao! You are bringing the wolf into the house! Be with the tiger!"

The Cangyun Treasure Sword came out of the body again, and was placed on Gongsun Di's neck with lightning speed. Gongsun Di was dumbfounded, and before he could react, the Cangyun Treasure Sword was sheathed again.

Gongsun Di is so depressing! what do people mean? threaten him? no! That means, I want to kill you, I can kill you at any time, there is no need to follow you and frame you secretly! The eldest grandson Zijun is so powerful that he can't refute it.

At this moment, everyone heard a shrill cry of a ghost.

Lu Ziyao said with a bitter face, "Why are you here again!"

The ferocious corpses that they had just cut down staggered to their feet again, and there were also ferocious corpses pouring out from the streets in all directions. There is no head either, which is very scary to describe. Ferocious corpses are the corpses of people after death. They have no soul and no consciousness. They are completely controlled by people to act.

Everyone was busy pressing down on the topic just now, and they all drew their swords to fight.

Although the corpse has a fierce temperament, because they attack when they see living things, they have no self-awareness and no spiritual power. The troublesome thing is that they are already corpses. They can't die again after they die. They can get up again after being chopped down. It's endless.

If it is dealing with living people, beheading the head and stabbing the victim, it is enough. But to deal with the corpse, beheading the head and stabbing the heart were all useless, so Yi Xichen drew his sword and stared at the corpse's legs. If the legs are cut off, the corpse cannot stand, but can only crawl, and the speed is slow.

Yi Xichen asked, "Senior Brother Lu, what is going on here? Why are you two together?"

Lu Ziyao also followed his example and explained to him while cutting off the corpse's legs.

It turned out that after the Sword Competition was over, the disciples of Tianjianmen went down the mountain one after another when it was time to go out to practice. After these young disciples descended the mountain, some went to look for opportunities to stand out and become famous, while others searched for opportunities for their own trials to improve their cultivation. But no matter if you want to emerge or try, in fact, the method is the same - slaying demons and slaying demons.

Where are the most opportunities? Naturally, it is close to places such as the devil world and the ghost world. However, the cultivation bases of the disciples are different, and the paths they choose are also different. Lu Ziyao and the three of them didn't come here on an appointment, but they all had similar ideas. Their cultivation was considered to be the most outstanding among the disciples of Tianjianmen, and they all chose the more dangerous entrance to the ghost world, so they met here. .

Ghost repair is an existence of both good and evil. Living creatures become ghosts after they die. When they die, they often lose part of their souls. The living souls will inevitably disappear, and the seven souls will also be incomplete. The seven emotions and six desires of the master of the seven souls, a few souls are missing, and the temperament has become very extreme. Some ghost cultivators who have lost their corpse dogs and non-poison souls are cruel and fierce, and they enjoy killing them. Such ghost cultivators must be killed. Of course, there will also be ghost cultivators who only have lust left, that is, the Battle Virgin in the Virgin Mary. This kind of ghost cultivator will often die again soon, and the remaining soul will be destroyed by others, and it will be completely eliminated. between heaven and earth.

The way of ghost cultivators is different from that of humans. High-level ghost cultivators can directly control low-level ghost cultivators, while ferocious corpses are corpses with no soul left. The bottom layer in the bottom layer can be controlled by ghost cultivators at will. Therefore, if a serious ghost cultivator becomes a high-level ghost cultivator, the danger will be great.

The eldest grandson, Zijun, watched Xiao Kui silently as he chopped off the legs of the corpse group.

Xiao Kui also followed everyone to kill the murderous corpse. However, if you look closely, everyone else is fighting the corpse, only Xiao Kui can't be counted as a fight, it can only be regarded as a one-sided attack—those corpses attacked other living people, but they didn't take the initiative to attack Xiao Kui!

As soon as Xiao Kui turned around, he met the eldest grandson Zijun's gaze, and was shocked to find that the eldest grandson was looking at him.

The eldest grandson Zijun didn't intend to reveal his identity, so he said lightly: "Be careful." He temporarily took his eyes back.

Xiao Kui was stunned for a moment, with a strange expression, and a light blush appeared on his face.

Yi Xichen suddenly said: "Don't fight." He took out a few hidden qi talismans, pasted one on his forehead, and threw it to everyone, "The target of these murderous corpses is not us, let's see what they want to do. ."

Lu Ziyao felt that it was reasonable, so he pasted a note on his forehead.

Xiao Kui and eldest grandson Zijun also posted it.

Gongsun Di was 10,000 unhappy, but in the end he put the talisman on it.

After everyone was silent, the corpses really stopped attacking them, and staggered towards the other direction.