When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 81: elder brother


When Song Yuan was exposed, he was still neither anxious nor angry nor sad, and still looked innocent and happy. He didn't deceive him deliberately, but when Lu Ziyao and the others saw that he was a happy boy, they preconceived him as a victim who needed to be protected.

People always think that the real murderer should be a treacherous person, they are evil by nature, irritable and misbehaving. And the words child, innocence, and smile always fail to make them think of evil.

Song Yuan tilted his head and said, "Me? Big brother means, they all listen to me? No wonder they do whatever I think in my heart!"

After hearing this, everyone was shocked again. After Song Yuan made a ghost contract, he never used the power he acquired. How much power can be exchanged by exchanging the soul, this is also indeterminate. Some people lose their soul, but only get the power of ants, and they are attacked by ghosts, and their lives are not guaranteed; some people exchange part of their souls and get is extremely powerful. Song Yuan is obviously the latter. And this, it seems that even he himself did not realize.

He clapped his hands and said, "Those people turned out to be good people! Then why do you keep beating them, big brother?"

It turned out that even he himself didn't know that the ghosts and monsters along the way were controlled by him, and he was also curious why those "people" moved with his heart.

When Lu Ziyao heard this, his face turned pale.

Because of his preconceived ideas, he thought that Song Yuan could not be the mastermind behind the scenes. Also because of preconceived ideas, he defined the act of manipulating murderous corpses as evil. But for the child Song Yuan, perhaps this matter has nothing to do with good or evil at all, this is the most real wish in his heart - to kill Song Huaide!

Yi Xichen looked at Song Huaide coldly, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll ask you again, how did Song Yuan's ghost contract come to be?"

When he asked Song Yuan if he made the ghost contract voluntarily, Song Yuan said yes. He asked Song Yuan again why he voluntarily formed a ghost contract. Song Yuan answered not that he didn't know, but that he didn't understand. The meaning of not understanding may be that after losing several emotions, he can no longer understand the reason why he did this in the first place. The reason why Song Yuan formed the ghost contract was that Song Huaide rushes to answer at that time and did not give him a chance to answer himself.

Song Huaide's face was pale, and he slowly stepped back: "This child is mentally ill after forming a ghost contract, trying to manipulate the murderous corpse to kill his father. Instead, you ask me, what is the reason for this!"

Yi Xichen's sword popped out and fell into his hands. Song Wang is mentally incomplete, but Song Huaide is very mentally sound. He led the crowd to the ghost realm, and what he was looking for was not Song Wang, a rebel, but wanted to use them to get the Thunder Fruit for him. The old wounds in his body made his cultivation impossible to improve, and he needed Thunder Fruit to heal his wounds!

Once you understand his real purpose, it will be chilling to think about other doubts.

Why did both of his sons have a ghost contract? Why did Song Yuan want to kill his own father

Song Huaide suddenly shouted: "Song Yuan! What are you doing!"

Everyone couldn't help but turn to look at Song Yuan, only to see Song Yuan standing beside Lu Ziyao, doing nothing. Looking back again, Song Huaide dashed towards the teleportation burst not far away! He has already been exposed, and he still wants to use his voice to escape punishment!

Yi Xichen secretly said: Courting death. then chased after.

However, before Song Huaide approached the teleportation formation, he saw a large number of ghosts pouring out one by one in front of him, blocking his path.

Song Huaide was shocked.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Song Wang rammed all the way and came to an ancient tomb. He was a little surprised when he arrived at this area, so there were unprecedented corpses and ghosts here, and it seemed that all the ghosts had come out of the cemetery. As soon as they showed up, the ghosts rushed towards them immediately!

Gongsun Di was shocked, and while parrying the ghost's attack, he said, "What's going on here? Is it a pit of thousands of ghosts?"

The eldest grandson said: "Senior Brother Lu, they have been here!"

Gongsun Di was stunned for a moment and couldn't help being overjoyed. There are still the severed stumps of the corpse on the ground, and not long ago, there was a battle here. It seems that just as the eldest grandson Zijun said, Lu Ziyao and his group have been here, and this has disturbed all the ghosts in the cemetery, and the disturbance here is extremely uneasy. In other words, Lu Ziyao and the others are not far away!

The eldest grandson Zijun saw a black teleportation formation not far away at a glance. There were still many corpses with broken limbs and arms near the teleportation formation, but further away, there were no traces of battles. - This is the most powerful evidence, Yi Xichen and the others must have entered this teleportation array and left!

The eldest grandson Zijun immediately rushed there with Song Wangchao!

This time, however, he encountered unprecedented resistance.

The piles of corpses and ghosts blocked his path like crazy, preventing him from getting close to the teleportation array. He swung his sword desperately, killing waves after waves like chopping melons and vegetables. He couldn't bear the fact that there were too many ghosts in this area. He killed one and immediately filled ten, and the thick, smelly plasma accumulated on the ground. Like a small river, overflowing the shoes.

This is the strongest wave of resistance that the eldest grandson Zijun has encountered since he came to the ghost world. He is almost certain that Yi Xichen has not left after the teleportation formation! That's why the resistance of the corpses and ghosts is so strong, and some people don't want them to be reunited!

He cleaved a bloody path among the ghosts, and approached the teleportation formation with difficulty. It's getting closer, it's coming soon!

However, suddenly, the ghosts seemed to have received different instructions, and a large number of ghosts changed their direction and rushed towards the teleportation array! In an instant, they disappeared into the black vortex and were sent to the next area!

This kind of change made the eldest grandson Zijun slightly startled, and then his heart was not good!

These teleportation arrays are automatically formed by the circulation of the spirit in the ghost world, and they will also change due to the change of spirit. When the number of people being teleported reaches a certain number, the teleportation array will automatically close, and a new teleportation array will be formed elsewhere. . The eldest grandson Zijun and Gongsun Di had already experienced this when they entered the ghost world from Jimei Town. And now, these ghosts are consuming the power of the teleportation array. When the teleportation array transmits enough ghosts, the eldest grandson Zijun will watch the teleportation array close again in front of his eyes! Another missed opportunity to find Yi Xichen!

The eldest grandson Jun's anger started from his heart, and every time he saw a ghost disappearing into the teleportation array, the fire in his heart burned even more.

"Go away!!!" He shouted angrily!

Get off! ! ! All go away! ! ! Get out of the way! ! ! Don't stop him! ! !

Suddenly, the ghosts in the entire area seemed to be immobilized, and all their attacks and actions stopped. A ferocious corpse that was about to jump into the teleportation array had half of its foot hanging above the vortex, but slowly retracted that foot.

The black vortex is converging, but because of the cessation of the ghost, the convergence has also been suspended.

The eldest grandson Zijun immediately jumped into the teleportation array with Song Wang!

Gongsun Di was stunned by this sudden change, and after a while, he said, "As expected of the young master of the ghost world..." He looked at the ferocious corpses that had been chopped up by the eldest grandson, and felt that these disgusting guys were a bit pitiful for the first time ever. It's not easy to be someone else's subordinate, so why didn't the eldest grandson Zijun exert his strength earlier? Are you warming up just now

As soon as the eldest grandson Jun disappeared in the teleportation array, the stiff corpse and ghosts began to move again. Gongsun Di did not dare to delay any longer, and rushed in quickly. After he was teleported, the black vortex disappeared in the graveyard.

Song Huaide was about to run away, but a large number of ghosts suddenly appeared in front of him. He thought that Song Yuan was at fault again, and was anxious and angry. However, compared to the ghosts in front of him, there was no doubt that the disciples of the Heavenly Sword Sect who were deeply cultivated and hated evil were more terrifying, so he swung his sword at the ghosts that appeared, and wanted to charge hard.

However, these ghosts and ghosts who appeared were so stupid that they didn't seem to understand what was going on, and were scattered by Song Huaide.

Song Huaide was overjoyed. Seeing that the teleportation formation was in front of him, he was about to speed up and rush to throw away the people behind him when a golden light suddenly descended from the sky, blocking his path.

He didn't have time to stop, he slammed on it, and was suddenly bounced back, and he rolled back to Yi Xichen's feet, his head was bleeding.

The eldest grandson Zijun appeared among the ghosts with a sword in hand! The surrounding ghosts were bounced off by the huge pressure, and fell to the ground in an instant, the eldest grandson Jun in the middle flickered, like a god descending!

"Zijun!" Yi Xichen was overjoyed!

"Junior Brother Changsun! Junior Brother Gongsun!"

The eldest grandson Zijun finally saw Yi Xichen and smiled lightly. Since he was hit by the "Magic Barrier", he has hardly left the 100-meter radius around Yi Xichen, so his body protection has to be as strong as possible from morning to night. Of course, it was very tormenting at the beginning, but after a long time, he gradually got used to it. He separated from Yi Xichen just now, and his bodyguard was instantly rested, but it made him uncomfortable.

Therefore, once he gets separated from Yi Xichen, in addition to the unease of being away from his lover, there is also a sense of frustration that a man "can't do it".

Fortunately, I finally found it!

Song Huaide raised his head in a dizzy way, and immediately panicked when he saw the eldest grandson Zijun in front of him. However, when he saw the young man in the hands of the eldest grandson Zijun, he immediately crawled back with his hands in horror: "Song Song Song... Song Wang!!"

When Song Wang saw his father, his eyes bulged out again, his expression was distorted, and his face was hideous. But when he saw Song Yuan who was behind Song Huaide, who was being held by Lu Ziyao in his arms, his grim expression turned into a look of horror: "...Little Wish!"

The brothers finally meet again, but there is no warmth or joy. Song Wang looked terrified, his eyes turned blood red, and blood and tears poured out of his eyes. And Song Yuan, although he was smiling, he kept smiling, seeing his brother was no different from seeing a murderous corpse.

Song Wang suddenly turned his head and rushed towards Song Huaide, who was lying on the ground, grabbed his shirt, and shouted, "I'll help you get the Thunder Fruit!! I've been thinking of a way!! Why do you still want to attack Xiaoyuan? !!!”

Song Huaide was strangled by him until his face flushed and he couldn't stop struggling.

"Thundering Fruit... Thundering Fruit!!" Song Wang was in a trance for a moment, then let go of Song Huaide and charged towards his eldest grandson, Jun. A black qi attacked the eldest grandson Zijun. He wanted to snatch the Thunder Fruit hidden in the eldest grandson Zijun's arms, but his attack was blocked by the eldest grandson Zijun's body-protecting sword qi.

He rushed forward without hesitation, he was only as tall as the eldest grandson Zijun's chest, he beat the eldest grandson Zijun's chest, Ling Lie's sword qi scraped the flesh on his hand, exposing the bones. He roared: "Give me the Thunder Fruit!!"

The eldest grandson Zijun held his head, and he couldn't move in an instant.

The eldest grandson said, "It's too late."

Until this moment, the eldest grandson Zijun finally fully understood. Song Wang has always been afraid and angry all the way. He has lost the ability to be happy, so when he sees his younger brother, he is so afraid.

The person who wants Thunder Fruit to heal is Song Huaide. He didn't have the ability to obtain the Thunder Fruit, so he forced his son to form a ghost contract and let his son go to the ghost world to snatch the Thunder Fruit for him. Song Wang's obsession with Thunder Fruit was to save his younger brother. He thought that as long as he got Thunder Fruit, Song Yuan would not be implicated. But the ghost contract did not give him strong power, he couldn't even bear the ghost contract and died, becoming a ghost repair. Ghost Deed gave Song Yuan powerful abilities.

The eldest grandson Zijun once thought that Song Wang had lost the ability to love. Actually not, the person who lost love is Song Yuan. Song Wang would be afraid. He didn't dare to see Song Yuan because he was afraid that he would not be able to protect Song Yuan after he died. Those who have love in their hearts may not be happy, but those who are afraid have love. Because there are people and things you care about, you will be in awe.

And the eldest grandson Zijun finally understood that when Yi Xichen asked Song Yuan why he voluntarily formed a ghost contract, Song Yuan's answer would be "I don't understand". Maybe Song Yuan, like his brother, thought his sacrifice could save his brother, but when he lost his love, he didn't understand why he chose to sacrifice in the first place.

The eldest grandson Zijun said that it was too late.

Thunder Fruit may be able to heal Song Huaide's old injury, but Song Yuan, who has lost his soul, is already weak.

"Ah!!!" The shrill ghost cry echoed in the black forest, "Little Wish... Little Wish!!!"

Song Yuan, who was being held by Lu Ziyao, seemed to feel something, the smile on his face faded, but there was still no sadness or panic. He broke free from Lu Ziyao's embrace and slowly walked towards Song Wang.

Lu Ziyao wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it. When he realized that Song Yuan was the mastermind behind the scenes, he didn't do it. He still had a 1/10,000th expectation, hoping that the beauty in Song Yuan's heart would still survive, and he would be able to wake him up when he helped him find his brother.

Song Yuan took small steps and approached his brother and father step by step. The stupid ghosts around him also acted and gathered towards the Song family. The little ghost girl who was pushed away by Lu Ziyao just now floated back.

Song Yuan approached Song Wang step by step, but Song Wang stepped back. Song Yuan finally stopped and looked up at him: "Brother."

Song Wang kept retreating, and blood kept pouring out of his eyes. He said, "Dad, why did you give birth to us?"

He said, "You named us Song Wang and Song Yuan, do we exist just to help you fulfill your wish?"

He said: "Why do you do this to us? We are also human, and we also have our own wishes to fulfill!"

No one noticed, because of his words, the blood on Xiao Kui's face, who had been watching the excitement, gradually faded.

The little ghost girl has floated back to Song Huaide's back. With a sad face, she grabbed Song Huaide's back with her paw. But before her hand could touch Song Huaide, someone grabbed it—the eldest grandson Zijun.

Gongsun Di couldn't help but said: "What are you doing! It's time for you to protect him?"

The eldest grandson pushed aside the sad little ghost, turned his head to look at Song Yuan's innocent face, and said lightly: "Don't force others to do what they don't want to do. Do it yourself. Or, say it, someone will be willing to help you. "The Cangyun Treasure Sword is already in his hands.

Song Huaide was frightened and scared, and his face was ashen.

Song Yuan moved forward again, and Song Wang finally stopped hiding. Song Yuan grabbed the corner of his clothes with one hand, looked up at him, and touched his heart with the other. He whispered: "Brother, I seem to have forgotten something, I don't understand."

Song Wang was trembling.

Song Yuan said: "I only remember one thing. Kill him, and what I lost can come back."

Song Yuan said, "Brother, help me!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Wang flew out, digging through Song Huaide's heart with a palm!