When a Fanfic Protagonist Transmigrated into the Original Novel

Chapter 82: Little Lord


Song Huaide's eyes widened in horror. He wanted to struggle and escape, but he couldn't. He is too weak.

For a long time, he wanted to become stronger and wanted to get the Thunder Fruit, and he would do anything to do this, even at the risk of letting his two sons form a ghost contract. But in the end, one of his sons wanted to kill him, and one of his sons killed him. He was still so weak, too weak to resist.

Song Huaide's eyes widened, and he gradually stopped struggling.

Song Wang pulled out his hand, and Song Huaide fell straight down. he died.

The group of ghostly corpses that were about to move gradually dispersed and drifted to another place. Everyone was silent, no one said a word, Song Huaide deserved what he deserved, and it was not a pity to die. But even if he died, what the Song brothers lost could never be returned.

Song Wang stepped forward and hugged Song Yuan. Song Yuan smiled and said, "Brother." However, at this moment, his smile was particularly sad. Fortunately, although he had no good intentions in his heart, he also did not have much malice. After Song Huaide died, he had no intention of hurting others.

Song Wang bowed to the eldest grandson Zijun: "Thank you." He turned around again, and bowed to Lu Ziyao, Yi Xichen and others, "Thank you."

Lu Ziyao waved his hand: "No... No need."

Xiao Kui looked awkward and turned to look elsewhere.

Gongsun Di didn't help at all, and it was even more embarrassing.

Yi Xichen said: "What are you going to do next?"

Song Wang said hesitantly, "I'll take him to Qimei Town."

If Song Yuan didn't make a ghost contract, Yi Xichen and the others would definitely take him away. He was still young, so send him to a cultivating sect to practice well, and he might have a future. But Song Yuan gained powerful strength by relying on the ghost contract, but it has not been a few years since he lived. In his last days, let him stay with Song Wang. Ghost Town is the entrance to the ghost world, where ghost repairers and living souls can stay for a long time, it is indeed a good place for their brothers.

Song Yuan naturally had no opinion on this. He lost his fear, but he also had the calmness of a new born calf who was not afraid of tigers. He could be content in both the ghost world and the human world.

Song Wang finally bowed to everyone, and left with Song Yuan in his arms.

After they left, the disciples of Tianjianmen remained silent.

Xiao Kui didn't know when he stuck to Yi Xichen's side, he stuck close to him, his arm had already touched Yi Xichen, Yi Xichen was not happy to give in, but just as he moved away, Xiao Kui followed silently again.

Yi Xichen didn't understand what he wanted to do, and watched him vigilantly, but Xiao Kui just squeezed him and didn't do anything else. Gradually, Yi Xichen had been pushed to another position by him.

It was Gongsun Di who broke the silence first: "Senior Brother Lu, what should we do now?" They originally came to the ghost world to find the ghost who manipulated the corpse. Although the ending was unexpected, the matter was finally resolved. Confused about what to do next.

Lu Ziyao turned his attention to his eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen.

Gongsun Di suddenly became nervous again. Just now, in order to find Song Yuan quickly, he temporarily ignored the identity of the longer Sun Zijun, but now he can't ignore it. It is true that the eldest grandson Zijun did not do anything bad for them along the way, and Gongsun Di saw the sword of the eldest grandson Zijun going towards his back just before he turned into a golden stone. Some things may be his. However, he heard that the eldest grandson Zijun was the young master of the ghost world, and he saw with his own eyes that the eldest grandson Zijun could fight ghosts.

Gongsun Di was about to say something, but heard Yi Xichen say: "Senior Brother Lu, let's go, we still have some things to do, so let's part."

Lu Ziyao said, "You said earlier that you are looking for the real murderer who killed Elder Yao, do you need help?"

Yi Xichen smiled and said, "No need."

Gongsun Di hurried over and tugged at Lu Ziyao's clothes: "Senior Brother Lu, Junior Brother Xiao, since they said no, let's leave the ghost world quickly."

Lu Ziyao glanced at his grandson Zijun hesitantly: "Since you said so..."

Gongsun Di suddenly said nervously: "Eldest grandson Zijun, what are you doing!"

The eldest grandson, Jun, was inexplicable, and did not know what was going on with Gongsun Di.

But he saw Gongsun Di pointing at the teleportation array not far away and said, "Song Yuan has already left, isn't that what you're doing!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, but saw that the ghosts and corpses that had just dispersed had rushed towards the teleportation array, disappearing into the black vortex one after another.

This situation made everyone puzzled. Lots of ghosts leaving this area? Why? Someone drive them? What is the purpose? This matter is naturally not the masterpiece of the eldest grandson Zijun. Could it be that there is nothing to do here, so did the ghosts disperse on their own

Gongsun Di said, "Do you want to trap us here?!"

The eldest grandson Zijun was startled, and his expression changed immediately. Gongsun Di hit the key, this teleportation array will automatically close after a certain number of ghosts have been transmitted! The original purpose is this!

His sword light swept toward the ghosts and ghosts rushing into the vortex: "Get out of the way!"

However, it was too late, the last ghost disappeared in the teleportation array, and the black vortex disappeared before his eyes.

Just as the teleportation array closed, black light flickered under Yi Xichen's feet. Yi Xichen immediately noticed that something was wrong, and the eldest grandson Zijun had the same mind and sensed it almost at the same time.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, and a small black vortex was born out of thin air under Yi Xichen's feet, engulfing him! And the eldest grandson Zijun also rushed into the whirlpool with lightning speed!

And Xiao Kui, who was standing behind Yi Xichen, jumped forward—


The two feet fell firmly on the spot, and the black air of the vortex converged and disappeared under his feet.

The small teleportation array closed directly after sending Yi Xichen and the eldest grandson Zijun away. In other places, a new teleportation array was opened, but the destination of the teleportation array has changed.

This sudden change made everyone stunned, especially Xiao Kui who had gapped. For a time, the remaining three brothers stared at each other, no one knew what to say.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen opened their eyes and found that they had been teleported to a new area again.

The two waited for a while, but when no one else followed, Yi Xichen raised his eyebrows: "This Xiao Kui! No wonder he sneaked up to me and stood beside me before, it seems that he was holding on to the play!"

The eldest grandson Zijun was silent, slightly worried about Lu Ziyao and Gongsun Di.

Yi Xichen said: "Don't worry, Xiao Kui has no reason to attack Senior Brother Lu and Senior Brother Gongsun."

The eldest grandson Jun hummed. Indeed, Xiao Kui's goal has always been Yi Xichen. If he wants to plot against Lu Ziyao and Gongsun Di, he can do it before they arrive.

Yi Xichen said, "Where did you go just now?"

The eldest grandson Zijun took out the Thunder Fruit from his arms and handed it to him.

Yi Xichen's eyes lit up at once, and he held the golden-blue fruit in his hands, "This is the Thunder Fruit?!" No matter whether he still needs it or not, he is always happy to be able to get the treasure of heaven and earth. If you don't need it yourself, you can still sell it for money, make a fortune and make a fortune!

However, after a while, Yi Xichen was a little bit puzzled: "How can this treasure of heaven and earth be so easy to get like cabbage?"

The eldest grandson, Jun said, "Do you regret it?"

"What do you regret?" Yi Xichen was slightly startled, only to realize that the eldest grandson Zijun didn't regret choosing to cultivate with him too early after asking him. After all, the materials for body refinement don't seem so difficult to obtain!

Yi Xichen was amused and teased him: "I regret it!"

The eldest grandson Zijun: "...Humph!"

Yi Xichen put away the thunderbolt fruit and said with a smile: "I regret not cultivating with you sooner, otherwise I might be a great man now!"

The eldest grandson pouted: Could it be that the meaning of double cultivation is to help Yi Xichen break the seal and improve his cultivation

Yi Xichen noticed his unhappiness, looked at him with bright eyes, and said with great sincerity: "You are very good, really good, very good! I regret that I didn't give birth a hundred years earlier, but I was able to follow him a hundred years earlier. You double-cultivation! Double-cultivation every day, double-cultivation every night, and never separate from you!"

The eldest grandson Zijun: "..."

Yi Xichen hugged the eldest grandson Zijun's neck, kissed him directly on the mouth, and rubbed his forehead affectionately. The ghosts floating around quickly covered their eyes.

Yi Xichen noticed that the eldest grandson Zijun's mood was obviously a little better, and his mood also jumped up. He put his arms around his shoulder and said, "Let's go." He paused, because he clearly noticed that the eldest grandson Zijun had something to do with him. The reaction became more intense, and he said, "But then again, don't be in heat in such a ghost place."

The eldest grandson Zijun: "..." Don't let the heat get hot! ! ! Inhumane! ! !

The place they were teleported to was another vast cemetery, and there was no one around except for some erratic ghosts.

Yi Xichen called out, "Jun Li, are you there?"

No one responded.

He shrugged and took his eldest grandson Zijun's hand and walked forward.

The ghost king Manlijun must want to see him. Even if Jun Li doesn't see them, they still have to find him! The only thing that needs to be careful is not to let the erratic teleportation formation here break them apart.

The eldest grandson Zijun and Yi Xichen were searching in the vast ghost world. On the other side, Lu Ziyao, Xiao Kui and others were also looking for a way out.

They walked blankly for a while, Xiao Kui suddenly stopped, pointed to a black vortex and said, "There is a teleportation array here, let's go in."

Lu Ziyao and Gongsun Di didn't know the way to the ghost world, and they had no clue, so they could only rush in at will, so they got in.

They were sent to another area, Xiao Kui walked forward without saying a word, and the two followed at a loss.

After three teleportation formations, they actually returned to the area where they first came in. There are moving ghosts and corpses everywhere, and the darkness is overwhelming. Gongsun Di immediately put on a parrying posture.

However, Song Huaide was dead, and the Song family brothers were not here. Although these groups of corpses and ghosts did not welcome them, they were only a nuisance, not as crazy as before.

Xiao Kui took them to a whirlpool again: "Go here."

Gongsun Di went ahead ignorantly.

Lu Ziyao was about to go in, but hesitated for a moment and asked, "Junior Brother Xiao, do you recognize the way?"

"I don't know," Xiao Kui said with a sullen face, "Wandering around at will."

Lu Ziyao felt strange in his heart, but he still entered the teleportation formation.

When he opened his eyes, he had already returned to Qimei Town, with Gongsun Di beside him.

Gongsun Di said with joy, "It actually came out! I thought it would take several days to turn around in that labyrinth-like place!"

Lu Ziyao silently watched the location where they were teleported. But after a long time, Xiao Kui did not follow.

After sending Lu Ziyao and Gongsun Di away, Xiao Kui immediately turned back and quickly shuttled back and forth between teleportation formations. Outsiders don't know, but Xiao Kui, as the son of Jun Li, understands that the teleportation formation in the ghost world has potential rules, and it is not a random arrangement without reason. Knowing this rule, he walks in different spaces in the ghost world, just like traveling between different towns on the cultivation continent, and there is no difficulty.

He ran a few areas and bumped into two tall black-clothed ghost repairers. One of them had a huge nose, like a bull's nose; the other had protruding teeth, like a horse's mouth. The two have deep cultivation bases, and as soon as they met, Xiao Kui felt a strong pressure.

There are not many ghost cultivators who can have such a cultivation level. In addition, the appearance of these two people is easy to identify. Although Xiao Kui has never seen them before, he immediately knows who they are.

"Bull's head, horse's face!" Xiao Kui shouted.

The two ghost cultivators said displeasedly, "Who are you!"

Xiao Kui said: "I am your young master! I was ordered by my father to bring someone to see him. You are here just in time, help me divert the guy around him!"

"Young Master?" Niu Tau Ma glanced at each other, not only did not act, but also looked at Xiao Kui at the same time, his eyes seemed to say: Damn, mentally retarded!