When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 108: New disguise


However, this was not the answer Benjamin expected.

Got someone caught? What the hell

I am still standing here fine, who has the church arrested

Originally, in his imagination, the church would eventually give up because it really couldn't catch anyone, and let the matter just go away. He never thought that the church would finally give such an answer.

Could it be that... they arrested the wrong person

Thinking like this, Benjamin asked one more question: "Then... did they also find that very important letter?"

Jeremy nodded and said, "Yes, the church notice said that all the letters have been recovered. This assassin from the enemy country will not have any impact. Please don't panic."



Benjamin took the letter and destroyed it himself. The church said they had found the letter, but what kind of letter did they find

At that moment, Benjamin immediately realized that the church was lying.

They didn't find anyone, but they had too much to do and couldn't continue their search. Therefore, the church issued such an announcement to announce to the world that it had found him, and to lift the strict search and save some face for itself.

Well... nine times out of ten that's the case.

Benjamin also thought about whether the church had arrested the wrong person, but if they really had arrested the wrong person, why did they say they had found the letter

Of course, it is also possible that the church feels that such searches are too grand and will not catch anyone. So they deliberately released false news, hoping that the person who actually took the letter would relax their vigilance, and then secretly pursue clues to the whole matter.

However, this possibility is still unlikely.

You know, the church during this time is really stretched thin. The nobles caused trouble for them everywhere, and even secretly hired people to cause trouble in the Shenyou District in the outer city, causing the loyal believers to complain. Therefore, Benjamin believes that the church no longer has the energy to recover the letter.

Before, he felt that the church had taken too big a step, but now he saw that it was nonsense.

The nobles of the kingdom are like a piece of brown sugar. What do you think they can do? There's nothing they can do. But if you try to ignore them, they can annoy you to death.

Next, the church should be busy mobilizing paladins to clean up the chaos caused by the nobles - maybe they will kill chickens to scare monkeys and kill a few more noble families.

And it takes a lot of effort to do these things.

Even if they are still tracing the whereabouts of the letter, they probably don’t have many manpower available.

Indeed, the church should not rush to intervene in those three countries. There were still many unresolved issues within the kingdom, so they went to make trouble with Carites. As long as something unexpected happens, their entire plan will explode.

Benjamin, on the other hand, became a little accident that stuck in the gears.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that by taking that letter, he had even unintentionally changed the structure of several countries.

If the church cannot recover the letter, it will naturally think that the letter has been leaked to Icol or Freden, and the secret of Carites and their secret collusion will soon be revealed to the world. Therefore, the church will definitely give up its plan to unite Carites and attack the other two countries.

It seems that I have inexplicably helped those two countries a big favor

Well... I felt good being an unsung hero for once.

After thinking about it, Benjamin quickly put these thoughts behind him.

Regardless of what the church does next, he can't sit still. Ten days is considered a shelf life. If it is delayed any longer, even if the information left by the "Silver Fox" boss is not seen by others, it will become invalid.

He had to go to the prison ruins.

It’s not that he is arrogant and doesn’t take the church seriously. But he knew very well what the current situation of the church was, and they no longer had time to care about the "beggar" who stole the letter. Therefore, Benjamin made his decision.

Of course, he was never a reckless person and would not go unprepared.

After Jeremy finished cleaning the room, Benjamin stopped him and asked him to prepare a carriage for Benjamin to go to the outer city. After Jeremy nodded and left, Benjamin walked to the mirror and tidied up his appearance.

— Make yourself look more like Grant.

That's right, since the beggar's costume is no longer useful, he will change his costume.

He opened his hair and smoothed his hair back meticulously, revealing his previously covered forehead. He put on his black suit jacket, tied his bow tie, put on his polished leather shoes, and looked in the mirror again.

… He looks like a fucking little faggot.

Why didn't he see it before

It must have been that Grant's aura of being a middle-class boy was too strong, covering up the feeling of being gay, so he didn't notice it for a while.

Benjamin took a deep breath to drive away the coldness from his body, turned around, left the room, and walked towards the door.

Soon, he boarded the carriage prepared by Jeremy and came to the outer city.

He stopped the carriage on a street relatively close to the prison ruins, then got off the carriage, let the carriage go back, and walked towards the prison ruins.

Pretending to be Grant actually has many benefits. Not only in the aristocratic circle, but even within the church, Grant's status was very special. If he really met people from the church, Benjamin could use his power to bully them and overwhelm those priests and paladins without being able to lift their heads.

What's more, he can also say that he is here to help with the investigation. In this way, even if there are people from the church in the prison ruins, he can go in without hesitation, look around in a legitimate manner, and naturally understand the message that the "Silver Fox" boss left for him.

Just... perfect.

Thinking this way, he came to the prison ruins.

At the edge of the prison ruins, no one was seen around, but Benjamin still did not take it lightly. He thought for a while, released the water element induction method, relied on the feedback of the water element, and walked toward the depths of the prison ruins while observing the surrounding movements.

As expected, when he was approaching the exit of the secret passage, he met someone from the church.

Two paladins stopped in front of him.

"Who are you? You are not allowed to..." One of the knights said this. However, when his eyes fell on Benjamin's face, his expression immediately changed, and the rest of the words were stuck in his mouth and did not come out.

Another knight came closer, looked at it with some confusion, and said in an unbelievable tone: "Is... is it Lord Grant?"

Benjamin imitated Grant and nodded.

"It's me. What's wrong? Are you still here to pursue that matter?"

Grant didn't have a particularly strong personality, so it wasn't too difficult for Benjamin to learn him - he just had to speak in a very ordinary teenage tone.

Hearing this, the two paladins looked at each other, and one of them turned his head and said, "Mr. Grant, you... should be with the bishop or your mother at the moment. Why... why are you here?"

… Yeah

After hearing this, Benjamin felt a little confused.

When he went out, Grant was not at home, and the entire Reese family was very quiet. But if he remembered correctly, Grant should rest today, and there was no need to go to the church to learn divine arts.

What does this paladin mean? Shouldn't Grant be here

You don’t know how to dress yourself, right

Although he felt a little guilty, Benjamin was still able to keep his face intact.

"The bishop asked me to come." He showed a friendly smile and said, "The bishop asked me to come and investigate the matter again."

Hearing this, the two paladins looked at each other again.

"That's it..." One of the Paladins nodded thoughtfully, smiled at Benjamin, and said, "Okay, Mr. Grant, come here. It's over there, and that's the secret door leading from the hotel to here. The Word is out."

As he spoke, he also pointed out the direction for Benjamin.

Benjamin certainly knows how to go, but at this moment, he is playing Grant. Therefore, he nodded politely, smiled and thanked the two paladins.

Then, he walked toward the exit of the secret passage.

As he walked, out of intuition, he let go of the water element's induction.

Then, he sighed silently in his heart.

Through the induction of the water element, he could clearly see that behind him, the two holy knights who were respectful and polite just now suddenly showed fierce expressions at this moment. They grasped the hilts of their swords and followed them quietly.