When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 11: The night is long and I have no intention of sleeping


"Master, you can go back and rest first. Mr. Foer should leave it to us."

Finally, after a long silence, a middle-aged man who looked like a butler stood up and resolved the awkward situation.


Gu Bei's heart moved.

"Well, that's up to you."

The inexplicable man swimming in a sea of shit and flying is certainly exciting, but most people will take a few more glances, take a photo, and post it as a trending topic on Weibo. But as the instigator, he couldn't stay away from the incident and gloat over the misfortune, so it would be better to get out as soon as possible. And to be honest, Gu Bei didn't care what happened to this man. It was his own fault to act like a ghost in the middle of the night and be showered with excrement.

This is not the point. What is more important is Gu Bei's own situation.

Looking at the looks of the people around him and the decoration of the house, he already had a guess in his mind about the current situation.

He returned to the Reese family.

Although I was very confused as to how I came back, and I was also worried that I might reveal myself as a fake "young master", but in any case, I was safe, at least for the time being. This still made him feel relieved.

Under the command of the housekeeper, several maid-like people came out of the crowd, holding buckets and rags, and began to clean up the blond boy and the poop he had "addicted" to. The crowd of onlookers gradually dispersed and went back to their homes. However, judging from their expressions, I am afraid that what happened tonight will become their focus for a long time.

Gu Bei also returned to the room.

He lay back on the bed where he first woke up.

He had too much to digest.

"Super sophisticated invincible artificial intelligence, can you explain to me what happened?" He asked the system in his mind, "Also, where did you go when I called you just now? "

The system said nothing.

"Don't pretend to be dead for me, I know you heard me clearly."

"Waiting for the light, waiting for the light, turning on." Accompanied by the familiar music, the system sounded innocent enough to deserve a beating, "Hello, it's our first time meeting you. How can I help you?"

Veins began to pop out on Gu Bei's forehead: "Are you pretending to be stupid?"

He felt like a character in an anime, with veins shining like a cross on his forehead.

"... I was wrong." The speed of the system's change of attitude was breathtaking. "The information in the database exploded. I was just focusing on processing that data and didn't give you timely feedback. I'm sorry."

Gu Bei's anger calmed down slightly. After thinking for a while, he continued the system's words and asked:

"What happened to the database? What additional information came out?"

The system replied: "It's the memory of the original owner of this body. When the cleaners extracted your memory, all those memories suddenly popped up. The amount of information was too large and the database couldn't handle it, so it crashed. It took me three full It took days to repair it.”

Gu Bei felt that the amount of information in this sentence was a bit large.

The Cleaners extract their own memories? What the hell

What about three whole days

It seemed that a lot of things did happen during the time he fainted and lost consciousness.

"Why did the Cleaners extract my memory? Did they send me back here?" Gu Bei asked, "And where is Michelle? Did she let me go just like that?"

The system's voice suddenly became shy: "You have so many problems, and the system is going to crash again."

Gu Bei's veins popped out again.

"After knocking you unconscious, Michelle escaped." The tone of the system returned to normal instantly. "The cleaners came quickly and took you away. They adjusted you for two days, and it seems that they also used some kind of Method invades your memory."

Gu Bei felt a little scared: "Invaded my memory? Then they didn't find out that I learned magic?"

If the church people find out something, they will be doomed.

"No, you're quite lucky." For some reason, the system sounded a little disgusted, "The moment they invaded the memory, all the memories of the original owner of this body popped up and were read by them. .I don’t know why, but they didn’t seem to find your memory after you came to this world. They thought you were just kidnapped by the witch, tortured by Annie until you fainted, and then discovered by them. So in the end, they sent you back safely The Reese family.”

Hearing this, Gu Bei breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good that it wasn't discovered.

There are actually many loopholes in the plan to attract the Cleaners with water balloons and then escape with the help of the Cleaners. If the Cleaner has any special means and discovers that he can use magic, then he will definitely be dead.

He just came up with such a method when he was desperate. In fact, a large part of his mentality was just that he couldn't swallow this breath and didn't want Michelle to succeed. At the moment when he summoned the water polo, he was extremely worried, fearing that his life would be lost just like this.

Fortunately, everything went smoother than he imagined.

Although Gu Bei was still quite puzzled as to why Michelle let him go so easily. But now that Michelle has done this, what else does he want to do? Wouldn't it be nice if your own character exploded

Thank God, after being unlucky for so long, he finally got lucky.

"Don't be too happy too early, okay? You got into another big trouble today." The system seems to have the habit of pouring cold water on it, which is very unpopular. "The man who you poured shit and piss on today seems to be the same." Quite the background.”

"...Who is he?"

"Dick Foer, the eldest son of the Foer family." The system replied, "The Foer family is also a very prestigious noble in the royal capital. Their ancestors were very famous court entertainers. They accidentally burned down during a fire-breathing performance. The assassins who were preparing to assassinate the king died. The king was very happy and gave them the status of nobles. Up to now, the Foer family has taken over the entire entertainment industry in the royal capital and is very powerful."

Gu Bei thought for a while and asked, "How about comparing with the Lise family?"

"A little bit worse."

"Are you afraid of him being a bird?"

"..." The system was speechless.

Gu Bei's current situation is very delicate. He really doesn't have time to care about whether he has offended a playboy from a certain family. His most important question at this moment is: how to successfully play Grant Reaser.

After all, he is not the "young master" himself. It would be really bad if someone discovered his flaws.

Who knows what people in this world will think about time travel? Just because the church looked so scary, he was treated as a demon apostle and tied to a cross and burned alive? This is not impossible.

What makes him more unlucky is that he did not directly inherit all the memories of this body, which is why he has such an additional worry. And after being doubted once by Michelle, he was a little unsure of his acting skills.

Therefore, he must integrate into this world and the Riese family as quickly as possible.

This is the most life-threatening matter right now.

"Didn't you just say that the memory of the original owner of this body appeared in the database?" After thinking about it, Gu Bei said to the system, "Tell me everything about 'me'."

The system hesitated for a moment and said, "That's too much. Even if you talk about the last month, you may not be able to finish it."

Gu Bei was a little helpless: "Won't you simplify it? Tell me the most basic and important things first, so that I won't expose the truth in front of others, and don't worry about the details."

"Okay, please wait a moment, the data is being sorted..."

Accompanied by a series of strange electronic sound effects, the system fell silent again. Gu Bei called twice but got no response, and he probably knew that the power of this system was not very good. Therefore, he had to wait patiently for the system's "simplified version of memory" to be released.

Gu Bei felt very sad when he thought about the incredible lag of his small laptop, and also thought that the CPU that looked like an old ox pulling a cart might have been inherited from the system.

He should have changed his computer before traveling through time.

Everything fell silent again, and Gu Bei found this period of time a little awkward. Long or short, he really didn't know what to do. So in the end, he decided to continue sleeping to survive the long time of the system sorting out the data.

After all, it was late at night, so he couldn't go out and wander around again. What if he met another sleepwalking lunatic? He couldn't just throw shit in their face again.

In this case, it is always better to face the Riese family later and have more time to prepare. He also planned to stay in bed for a while tomorrow morning.

"sleep… "

It seems that I just slept for three days and three nights.

It’s over, so boring, can’t sleep...

He suddenly missed his mobile phone very much. In the past, before going to bed at night, he would turn off the lights and lie in bed, take out his mobile phone to browse Weibo and read novels, and then gradually fall asleep. But now when he subconsciously touched the bedside, he suddenly realized that those days were gone forever.

He is no longer in that world.

When he was held hostage by the witch before, he had no time to think about this. But now, the pressure was temporarily away from his shoulders, and all kinds of complicated and unspeakable emotions came out of nowhere.

He traveled through time.

He left the world he had lived in for more than twenty years and came to this completely unfamiliar place.

His previous life always made him tired. He always thought that one day he would go to another place and live a more meaningful life. But now that all this has really happened, he feels like he has a pebble in his shoe, and he is a bit stung.

There was no way, everything happened too fast. He was still sitting in his rented cabin, but when he opened his eyes, the world had turned upside down.

After all, he is just an ordinary person.

A helpless sigh fell from Gu Bei's bedside. He turned over and stared blankly at the empty darkness on the ceiling.

"Really... I can't go back."

Just as he was lying on his bed, trying to fall asleep but losing sleep, a very slight sound of the door lock turning suddenly reached his ears - when he is insomniac, the smallest sound will be amplified into a thunderbolt from the blue.

what's the situation…

Gu Bei was confused for a moment, but immediately became alert.

Someone is picking the lock on his room door!

Is there a thief

What the hell are you doing again

After recovering from the inexplicable melancholy of life and realizing the current situation, Gu Bei was also speechless. He has only been here for less than half a day, why can he still cause so much trouble? Are you going to let people have a peaceful life

In desperation, he decided to wait and see what this person wanted to do. So, he closed his eyes tightly, adjusted his breathing, and pretended that he had entered a deep sleep.

He focused all his attention on his ears, and soon he heard the soft sound of the door opening and the sound of cautious footsteps. His nerves suddenly became tense. Obviously, the fact that the other party is so sneaky can only mean that this guy doesn't intend to do anything good. If he was really a good person, he should knock on the door before coming in, right

If the other party is really malicious, what should you do

Gu Bei didn't rush to shout for help. He thought this was a bit strange.

His intuition made him patient.

Soon, the sneaky footsteps stopped beside the bed.

Since he couldn't open his eyes, he could only rely on some ethereal "feeling" to try to feel the person's breath. Is it malicious or benign? Is it strong or weak

Time seems to have gradually stopped.

There is a vague feeling of wonder.

As his attention became more concentrated, suddenly, as if the tip of a needle touched the foam, deep in his conscious space, the blue triangle character made a soft "ding" sound.

A ripple swept across the entire world, and everything took on a new look.

He suddenly found that he could feel the water vapor floating in the air around him. The "water" that was originally alienated became much closer to him in an instant. He was able to talk to them and receive their feedback, as if every tiny drop of water molecule was beating lively in his mind.

This feeling was very strange. Gu Bei seemed to have a new pair of eyes. Without opening his eyes, he can "see" everything nearby through his induction of water elements. Although this kind of "seeing" is still very blurry at present, about the level of eight hundred degrees myopia without glasses, the feeling is still wonderful.

He was like a baby opening his eyes for the first time, excitedly experiencing a new world.

He had sensed the person standing in front of his bed.

As Gu Bei gradually became familiar with this feeling, the image of the other person began to become more detailed: he should be an adult male, about 1.8 meters tall, but his body was extremely thin, like a bamboo pole. But that’s about it. Maybe it was because it was the first time he used this kind of induction, and he couldn't "see" details such as faces clearly no matter how hard he tried.

The man just stood there, as if waiting for something.

The initial novelty gradually wore off, and Gu Bei began to feel a little confused: he didn't know what the other party was going to do. He could feel a slight hint of danger - there seemed to be a faint murderous intention on the person who came.

But he didn't alert the enemy. Because he still vaguely felt that this person was not very powerful, and the emergence of the water element induction method made him feel at ease. So, he decided to wait.

This is the place of the Riese family. How did the other party get in? Why would he come after me

Gu Bei smelled a hint of conspiracy.

In short, the other party appeared too suddenly, and he wanted to see what this person wanted to do.

"Whoa! Don't sleep, wake up! This person is going to kill you!"

A loud mechanical sound, with the lethality of an alarm clock at 6:30 in the morning, shook Gu Bei from head to toe. That was a system that was originally organizing data. I don’t know what happened, but it actually appeared at this juncture.

It's not the system that comes out that's critical.

The key is that, affected by this sound, Gu Bei subconsciously opened his eyes.

Then, he was completely confused.

Through his eyes that were opened in fear, Gu Bei could see that in the darkness, there was a pair of eyes reflecting the light, staring blankly at him. At the same time, there was a dagger reflecting the light, also facing him.

The eyes looked at him and blinked a few times.

He also looked at those eyes and blinked a few times.


Damn, it exploded.

A system that kills a thousand cuts, eats instant noodles without seasoning packets, and gives birth to a son without a belly button.

Gu Bei looked into those eyes, took a deep breath, showed kind eyes, and said:

"The night is long and I have no intention of sleeping. Comrade, would you like to go out for a walk?"

As he spoke, he glanced at the shining dagger in horror, and hurriedly added:

"Brother, your fruit knife is so unique!"