When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 114: Execution scene and Parker


"What the hell is the weather? Yesterday I thought it was going to rain, but today the sun comes out."

As the time approached noon, Parker stood by the Royal Capital Square, squinting at the sky, and couldn't help but say this.

Parker is a new knight who joins the royal family.

Although he is only thirty years old, Parker has participated in more battles than many knights will fight in their lifetime. He fought with enemy knights, cut off the heads of monsters, and had many head-on collisions with mages... Although he failed to become a knight captain due to insufficient qualifications, among the knights of the royal family, he has become It has considerable prestige. In other words, when he speaks, everyone is willing to listen.

However, after becoming a knight of the royal family, his life was not so satisfactory.

Kong has a body of military force, but what he does every day are trivial things: escorting the royal family, checking people entering and leaving the palace, standing guard at night... When necessary, he even has to act as the little princess's playmate, using Try your best to make that little girl happy.

It made Parker feel buried.

Just like today, their task is to maintain order in the square and prevent theatergoers from going to places they shouldn't be.

what is this? A guard dog for the church

Parker was dissatisfied, but had nowhere to vent.

The only thing that could make him feel better was that what was going to happen in the square today was a big event. After all, it was a big deal, so let him just work as a coolie. No matter what, it's better than riding a horse for the little princess, right

Parker comforted himself like this.


What happened today was indeed a bit shocking.

"Brother Parker, there are so many people today." Suddenly, another knight standing next to him spoke and sighed to him.

After hearing this, Parker, who happened to be thinking of this, couldn't help but nodded.

Yes, who told the person to be executed today was the legendary Grant Reese

Grant Reese's reputation spread from the moment he was born. The holy light falling from the sky and the bells ringing in the middle of the night shocked the entire sleeping capital. Although Parker was just a kid in his early tenth year who didn't understand anything at that time, he still remembered this scene firmly in his mind, and it is still vivid after many years.

Not only him, but everyone in the royal capital remembers it.

The genius of divine magic, the messenger of holy light, the future pope... That young man's name has been deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone in the royal capital. That's why they were so shocked when they saw the announcement issued by the church.

At noon today, he will be executed by the church

The news was like a spark, instantly igniting the entire royal capital like hay.

The notice stated that this talented young man was executed because he had an improper relationship with a man and insulted the Holy Light. Therefore, the church will use blazing flames to burn this young man to death together with another man to purify him of the pollution he has tainted with the Holy Light.

When he first heard the news, Parker felt very sorry.

Tell me, why did this nice guy get together with another guy

As a knight, he has also heard about the special preferences of some nobles. As long as he is not caught, he can still live well. However, this Grant Reese is not just a nobleman. He was about to enter the church, so how could he be so obsessed that he did such a thing

However, Parker's thoughts didn't stop there.

He had never really met this genius, and besides, he was a knight with a mission. Since he wanted to maintain order at the execution site today, he had to maintain it well, and there was no need to think so much.

After all, this is a matter for those noble men, so what does it have to do with him

Moreover, he also heard some rumors that he shouldn't have heard.

Thinking this, Parker couldn't help but turn his head and look at the stands on the left side of the square.

The stand on the left was specially prepared for nobles, and it was already full of people. Later, these nobles will sit there, eating snacks and fruits, and watching how the flames turn the young man into ashes.

Parker couldn't help but frown.

He never liked nobles very much. Not only because nobles are always arrogant, but at the same time, he also heard that the reason why this magical genius made a big mistake was that he fell into the trap of a certain noble and fell into this situation.

Their group of knights stood guard here hard, while the nobles sat there comfortably, admiring the results of their conspiracy, and maybe planning the next conspiracy.

"It would be great if I could also become a nobleman..."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but speak, whispering to himself.

"Brother Parker, what did you say?" the knight next to him asked.

"Pay attention, don't look around, and stay on guard!" Parker immediately turned his head and ordered.

The knight on the side quickly nodded in agreement, looked away, and did not dare to ask any more questions.

In this way, as time went by, more and more people were in the square, and gradually, it became a bit overwhelming. Everyone wanted to see with their own eyes what this talented young man who destroyed himself looked like.

Once there are more people, order will become more chaotic. Parker had no choice but to get close to the other knights and form a human wall to prevent the spectators from pushing through.

He looked outside the square. It was dark and spectacular, filled with people.

"Fuck, how free are these people? Everyone in the capital must be here." Feeling the surging crowd, he was almost staggered by the crowd, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

However, he didn't have to worry about his scolding being heard by others. Obviously, these people were not only numerous, but also extremely noisy. No matter what he said, no one could hear him unless he shouted at the top of his lungs.

It’s so annoying…

If you have this time, why not go back and do more work

His understanding of the people's enthusiasm just now was completely wiped out by these people.

Just as Parker was complaining in his heart, suddenly, the surging crowd stopped. Not only that, these sounds that were so noisy that people were almost deafened also disappeared completely as if they had been cast by a spell.

Parker was stunned.

what happened

He turned his head and saw a few more figures suddenly appearing in the middle of the square, next to the huge towering cross.

After a brief daze, Parker immediately realized that it was Grant Reese! He immediately looked intently, and saw a total of four people on the side of the square, two of whom had their hands tied with ropes, and the other two, who looked like they were dressed as paladins.

Is the execution about to begin

I don't know why, Parker suddenly felt a little excited.

He looked carefully at the two tied men again, trying to identify which one was the legendary Grant Reese.

It is said that Grant's hair was golden brown, golden brown... the one on the right!

After seeing "Grant" standing by the cross clearly, Parker suddenly felt a little disappointed. This legendary young genius looked dull and ordinary at the moment, no different from ordinary people.

Such a little kid with no hair at all is actually the famous figure in the kingdom

Not only that, but when he looked carefully, he even felt that Grant seemed to have lost his soul. He was like a puppet in a circus, standing there with his eyes half open, motionless, letting others take him around. In full view of the crowd, the Paladin pushed and shoved him, but he didn't react at all.

Parker was disappointed.

Unexpectedly, the legendary figure turned out to be like this.

No wonder...no wonder she would do such a thing as having sex with a man. This kid is probably regretting it now. His promising future has been ruined and he is about to be burned to death. He is so devastated that he looks completely lost.

Parker couldn't help but think so.

Suddenly, there was another exclamation from the crowd.

what happened again

His thoughts were interrupted, and Parker followed everyone's gaze and looked to the right side of the square.

I saw an old man walking out slowly from the stands on the right side of the square.

He wore a high black iron-colored crown with a ring of gold on the brim, and a gold and red robe that was embroidered with dense patterns and was very gorgeous. And what was exposed through the opening of his robe was a spotless white lined tuxedo.

He wore gloves as red as blood and held a scepter studded with diamonds and pearls. He stared straight into the void in front of him and slowly walked up to the top of the stand.

A silent pressure spread from the top of the stands, like a sultry wind, sweeping through the hearts of everyone present.

The crowd's voice was suppressed several times in an instant, as if countless bees were vibrating their wings carefully, trying not to make any sound, but unable to bear to make a little sound.

"Yes... His Majesty the Pope." I don't know who whispered so earnestly.