When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 120: Parents' choices


Although Benjamin didn't ask what he wanted to ask, he still got a lot of information from Michelle's words.

First of all, the church is hunting him, which means that the church has discovered his identity. Secondly, the church has blocked the royal capital, and his current situation is very dangerous. In other words, he is still within the royal capital. The entire royal capital was still in good condition and had not been blown up by his water balloon.

Thinking about it this way, this dimly lit little house should be Michelle's secret base in the royal capital.

However, the biggest question in his mind has still not been solved.

After he lost consciousness, what happened at the execution scene

"You should tell me what happened after I fainted." He asked the system in his heart.

Michelle just wasn't straightforward enough. If he wanted to ask her about the matter clearly, it would definitely take a lot of effort. Benjamin might as well ask the system directly.

—Tell Benjamin what happened when he fainted. Isn’t this the main job of the system all along

"Your water ball collapsed and turned into pure water flow, which almost washed away the royal capital." The system also started the narrative dutifully, "But you fainted after all. No one was in charge of this magic, and these water flows failed to function. It showed its true power and dissipated very quickly. The Pope was not a vegetarian, so he put up a big barrier to block it. So in the end, some illegal buildings may have been destroyed by you, but you did not cause any casualties. "

At this point, the system paused and then continued: "Of course, a period of chaos is inevitable. Many people were either frightened and fainted, or knocked unconscious by the water falling from the sky. The remaining people were in chaos."

However, upon hearing this, Benjamin actually felt a little disappointed.

That's it

Well, there were no innocent casualties, which is actually a good thing. However, Benjamin actually felt a bit regretful about this, as if the water polo he had worked so hard to create should have been more explosive, and shouldn't have been so thunderous and rainy.

...How did I become so crazy

It's not good. The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good.

While Benjamin adjusted his mentality, the systematic narrative continued.

"But don't be too disappointed. Before the water dispersed into water elements, there was still a flood. Several nobles grabbed the wooden board and asked for help, just like the disaster scene on TV. You also fooled the church and the Pope. I was in such a hurry that I had no time to care about you. Because of this, when the Pope was disturbed by the current and couldn't move, several people suddenly rushed out from the crowd and saved you from the cross."

Hearing this, Benjamin couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Tribulation court

It's a pity that he missed such a wonderful plot...

"Did Michelle do it?" After thinking about it, he asked in his mind.

"No, those people have nothing to do with Michelle. Michelle only found you later." However, the system replied, "They saved you from the cross and took you away from the scene during the chaos. , is someone hired by Claude."

Benjamin was stunned.

... Was it Claude who saved him

Is it the cheap father, Claude Reese, who feels uncomfortable whenever he meets him without scolding him, who is dissatisfied with him every day and never looks good

Complex emotions surged up all of a sudden, and Benjamin didn't know what to say.

This was an answer he didn't expect at all.

Just as it happened, in reality, Michelle also walked to the bed and threw a letter in his hand.

"I know you must have a lot of doubts in your mind. Read this letter, your father's letter to you. After reading it, you should understand what's going on." Michelle said quietly, " When I took you from those people, they gave me the letter and told me to deliver it to you."

Benjamin froze on the spot, not knowing whether it was the news that made him unable to react, or the headache that made him speechless.

However, he quickly came to his senses, took a deep breath, and picked up the letter at hand. He opened the letter and read it silently with indescribable feelings.

The content of the letter was very brief, and it took Benjamin less than five minutes to read it. But after reading it, he sat there in silence for a long time.

In fact, in this letter, Claude did not mention any relevant words. He didn't say why he wanted to save Benjamin, nor did he express how surprised he was that Benjamin was a mage. He just said on it: Now that you have learned magic, you should continue to learn it hard and stop being idle all day long. Although magic is not tolerated by the church, it can still be regarded as a career. You can develop well by hiding abroad.

The wording of the letter was quite cold and harsh, and it was Claude's usual tone of lecturing Benjamin, asking Benjamin to do this and this, and also asking Benjamin to do this and that. Benjamin could imagine how bossy Claude would be when he said these words.

However, facing this familiar lecture, Benjamin's mood was completely different from before.

It turns out...it's really Claude.

When he was framed by Mary and taken away by the Paladin, Claude was still inspecting the territory outside. Therefore, although Benjamin was not angry with Claude, he never had any expectations for Claude.

Therefore, Benjamin never imagined that Claude would be the one to save him in the end.

Even if Claude is dissatisfied with this method of letting the most disappointing eldest son die in place of the much-anticipated younger son, he should still silently accept the result...

But Claude didn't.

Claude chose to take a huge risk, preferring to be suspected and investigated by the church... to save his eldest son, who was usually unwilling to take another look, from the cross of the church.

Thinking of this, Benjamin suddenly felt a little tight in his chest. Complex and unspeakable emotions lingered in his heart.

There was silence for a long time. In the end, he could only tighten the letter in his hand and take a deep breath, trying to relieve the emotions in his chest.

"Don't be too sad, your father is not unwilling to show up to see you in person." Michelle, who was standing aside, suddenly said, "After that day, the church launched an investigation into the entire Rise family. You To avoid suspicion, father cannot see you."

When Benjamin heard this, he was silent for a while.

Suddenly, he spoke expressionlessly and asked, "Do I look sad?"

"It's not that I'm sad, it's more of a guilt." Michelle said, "But for the sake of your face that's about to cry, yes, you look sad."

Benjamin sighed, fell back to bed, and stared at the ceiling with empty eyes.

"Thank you, your words are so comforting."

Seeing this, Michelle could only shake her head and said, "I understand your current mood, but in the current situation, there is not much time to make you frown."

With that said, she walked to the door, held the door, turned to look at Benjamin, and continued: "I'll go out to investigate the situation first. I'll be back in an hour. I hope that by that time, you have adjusted yourself."

After saying that, she didn't care whether Benjamin responded or not, opened the door and left.

Now, Benjamin was the only one left in the dark little room. He lay on his bed, suddenly closed his eyes forcefully, and let out a long sigh.