When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 122: Curse the whole city


"You've got what you want, why do you want to return to the capital?"

"I have nothing to do. If I want to go back, I will do whatever I want."


Benjamin discovered that Michelle had mastered the best way to deal with him.

That's it - nonsense.

Their relationship is oddly caught between companions and enemies. Although they do not trust each other and are wary of each other, on the surface, they show a cooperative attitude. Their attitude towards each other was also okay, he asked Michelle questions and Michelle would answer.

However, the way she answered was not very satisfactory to Benjamin.

Thanks to the crack and the severe headache, Michelle had the upper hand in this "partnership". Therefore, she didn't need to care about Benjamin's thoughts at all, she just went her own way. Once Benjamin had a question, she would use some nonsense answers to push him back.

There was nothing Benjamin could do about this.

Who asked him to live under someone else's roof

He slowly thought clearly about his current situation. After summoning the water ball, the relationship between him and the church had completely collapsed. Either you die or I live. And given that the church is such a powerful force in the capital, he obviously cannot stay in the capital for too long.

Benjamin could only say goodbye to the aristocratic life he had lived in for the past few months.

He had to leave the royal capital.

However, the water ball he summoned in the square made things worse. Therefore, in order to catch him, the church even went so far as to close the city.

Obviously, in his current state, it is basically impossible to break through the blockade and leave the capital on his own. The repair of the cracks was quite slow, and it was conservatively estimated that it would take a month or two. During this period, he would not be able to use magic, otherwise the cracks might expand.

A month or two was enough for the church to pull him out of the dark corners of the royal capital.

Therefore, "cooperating" with Michelle was indeed his only option.

He also had no room to consider whether Michelle had ulterior motives.

Even if this witch has another conspiracy, so what? Benjamin's current situation is a dead end: either he will be caught and burned to death by the church, or he will be tricked to death by Michelle like Anne. It was meaningless for him to think about it, so he might as well be naive, regard Michelle as a kind person, and hope that she could really save him.

He is also broken now.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that fools were particularly lucky. In that case, he might as well act like a fool and see if his luck would get better.

"Where are we going?" In the dark night, Benjamin and Michelle were walking on a remote path in the outer city. Benjamin opened his mouth and asked Michelle.

"Go to the church and kill all those hypocritical believers." Michelle replied casually.

"Very good, I've wanted to do this for a long time!" Benjamin resisted the speechlessness in his heart, tried hard to look like a fool, and replied expectantly.

It was really hard not to spout Michelle's nonsense while suffering from a headache.

Benjamin felt like he couldn't hold on any longer.

Of course, from another perspective, the headache could slightly suppress his thirst for knowledge and make him less curious about what Michelle was going to do.

Just like now, even though he was following Michelle, walking aimlessly, he had no idea what he was doing. However, there was a strange sense of relief in his heart, as if even if Michelle wanted to sell him to the church, he would not be worried at all.

There was a kind of... He had an exam tomorrow, but he didn't review a single word. He was so calm.

Therefore, he simply followed Michelle and returned to the conscious space to continue repairing the cracks. He didn't care about what happened in the real world and just let it go.

To be honest, in this state, even if Michelle did bring him to the church, he would not be aware of it at all.

Fortunately, Michelle is not that crazy.

I don't know how long it took before they stopped. Benjamin also left the conscious space and returned to reality under the systematic reminder.

He came to his senses and began to observe his surroundings.

This is a desolate backyard, and I don’t know where it is located in the outer city. The yard was empty, under the pale moonlight, the only things visible were a dead old tree and a well.

There was not a single human figure around the yard, so no one had been here for a long time.

In such an environment, even though Benjamin had already given up on himself and was too lazy to care about anything, he still felt a little confused.

Why did Michelle bring him here

It's weird...

Although he knew that he might not get any normal answer, Benjamin couldn't help but asked: "Why did you bring me here?"

Fortunately, Michelle's answer finally became normal: "The church people are about to search the original place, and we have to find another place to hide. Besides, we can't just keep hiding like this."

Move your position...

Benjamin mused. Suddenly, his expression changed, and his eyes couldn't help but fall on the well in the yard.

His imagination is still very rich. After seeing the well, he immediately connected it with Michelle's words and came up with a guess.

Is it possible that there is a secret passage in this well

As if to confirm Benjamin's conjecture, after Michelle finished saying this, she also walked to the well, stopped, and looked meaningfully at the mouth of the well, as if there was really something in the well that could help them escape. Heavenly stuff.

Benjamin couldn't help but look forward to it.

As the capital of the kingdom, Havenright is very well-defended. If you want to enter or leave the capital, you can only use the city gate. At this moment, the city gate was sealed by the church, and no one was allowed to enter or exit. Therefore, it is actually difficult for them to escape from the royal capital. They can only hide in the outer city. If they are not careful, the church will smell their traces.

However, if there really is a secret passage, everything will be different.

Just like the situation in the hotel before, they could use the secret passage to hide from the eyes of the church and escape outside the city without anyone noticing. And by that time, the church could only desperately continue to search for him in the capital. How could they expect that he had escaped long ago

Simply... awesome!

"What are you looking at? You don't think there is any secret passage in this well, do you?" However, Michelle looked back at Benjamin, and then spoke, breaking his dream, "There is no way to lead to the capital. There is a secret passage outside the city. At the beginning of the founding of the country, the Pope set a forbidden curse on the city wall. Therefore, the city wall will never collapse, and no one can dig a secret passage through the city wall from the ground."



However, after getting closer, Benjamin also saw that the well was not dry, and there was a steady flow of water in the well. Therefore, there really could not be a secret passage here.

I'm so happy for nothing.

However, just when Benjamin started to feel confused again, Michelle suddenly took out a dagger. She stretched out her arm, rolled up her sleeves, and lightly scratched her arm with the dagger. As a result, blood seeped out quickly, dripping down her hand into the well.

Benjamin was stunned.

What is this... doing

I saw Michelle sitting by the well, letting her blood drip into the well head little by little. She suddenly opened her mouth and recited a spell that Benjamin had never heard before. The whole scene seemed like a strange cult ritual.

At that moment, Benjamin, who was watching on the sidelines, suddenly felt an extremely powerful spiritual power burst out from Michelle's body. The surrounding elements also fluctuated strangely.

That spiritual power was so powerful that it even surpassed that of the bishop, and was almost on the point of catching up with the Pope.

"Fuck..." Benjamin couldn't help but cursed.

what's the situation

He knew Michelle's magical strength. He had also felt Michelle's spiritual power when he watched Michelle cast spells before. To be honest, in terms of mental strength, Michelle is only a little stronger than him, and is not particularly outstanding at all.

However, we haven't seen her for a long time. Why does she have such terrifying mental power

Benjamin was so shocked that he almost thought he was hallucinating.

This, this is not right!

If Benjamin hadn't been mentally traumatized, he would have definitely used the water element induction method to carefully observe what changes had happened to Michelle. However, now that he can't use it, he can only stare at it with wide eyes.

With that weird feeling in his heart, Benjamin wanted to go up and stop Michelle. But out of caution, he did nothing.

Michelle... what on earth do you want to do

Soon, Michelle finished reciting the spell, turned her head, and looked at Benjamin again with a solemn face.

"You don't need to be afraid. I am opening the city gate of the Royal Capital." Her voice was low and hoarse, like the sound of a poisonous snake scurrying in the desert. It made people feel chilly. "The church only relies on the people of the Royal Capital. Their faith has temporarily sealed the city gates. However, if a plague suddenly breaks out in the royal capital and everyone panics, no matter how powerful the church is, it will not be able to seal the royal capital."

As she spoke, she returned her eyes to her bleeding arm, paused, and then continued: "In order to create enough chaos, I can only spread the curse throughout the royal capital."