When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 16: The revenge of the shit man


Although he was muttering in his heart, Benjamin walked into the living room and looked at his father.

"I'm back, father."

The middle-aged man sitting in the main seat looked at Benjamin and said nothing. However, the emotion in his eyes was not at all happy, but rather a bit reproachful, which made Benjamin feel a little frightened.

What happened

As Benjamin's biological father, Claude Reese, the memories related to him were also understood by Benjamin very carefully. He is the head of the family and the Duke of the Kingdom. He enjoys an extremely high status in the aristocratic system of the Kingdom of Hurley and is a typical old-school aristocrat.

The so-called old-style nobility means being loyal to the king, and then following the king's butt and being loyal to the church; it means attaching importance to one's origin, emphasizing the distinction between nobles and commoners; it also means having good face, adhering to the so-called nobility anytime and anywhere. proud. In other words, this person is not advanced in thinking and very feudal.

From a personal perspective, Benjamin's father is a very serious person, and it is rare to see a smile on his face. As a father, this is also reflected in his strictness. He had high hopes for his sons, but his eldest son Benjamin had disgraced him. Naturally, Benjamin could not get a good look from him.

The most common thing he said to Benjamin was... Oh no, he basically didn't bother to talk to Benjamin. Probably because he got tired from scolding too much when he was a child, and it didn't enlighten people, so he simply gave up.

However, even though Duke Claude has always been disappointed with Benjamin, he seems to get angry when he sees Benjamin. However, he is still a reasonable person, and an angry look like this one usually only appears when Benjamin commits a crime.

Made a mistake? What did he commit

Thinking of this, Benjamin was confused.

"That's him! Last night, he was the one who attacked me with... that thing!"

Suddenly, in the oppressive and stiff atmosphere, the strange blond boy spoke first, breaking the silence, pointing at Benjamin's nose and scolding him angrily.

After hearing this, Benjamin became even more confused.

"Who is this person?"

To be cautious, he did not react in reality, but asked the system in his mind.

The system replied: "Well... he should be Dick Foer. Do you remember? He was the guy who sleepwalked last night, the guy who had your excrement splashed on his face."

Hearing this, Benjamin was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the man a few more times, and finally felt something familiar on that face.

Indeed, the pig's nose pointed upward was exactly the same as that of the unlucky guy last night. It's just that this man's face was covered in shit last night, but now it's gone and he looks different, so Benjamin didn't recognize him for a while.

Thinking of this, Benjamin wanted to say to him: "I'm sorry, you didn't have poop on your face today, so I didn't think of you." But he knew that now was not the time to be mean-mouthed. If he said these words, what would happen to him? I can't control it anymore. Therefore, he endured it for life.

He finally understood the current situation. In fact, the whole story of the incident is that Mr. Dick was a guest at their home yesterday. As a result, he had a sleepwalking attack and met himself who had just woken up. He was so angry that he hit him in the face with a chamber pot, so he brought me here to find a place today, so the battle in front of him happened.

This is the beginning of the war! Benjamin thought something was wrong.

A little tricky.

Out of various considerations, when faced with Dick's index finger pointing at his nose, he did not rush to say anything. Instead, he imitated Benjamin from before, with his head lowered and a stubborn face, as if he had been scolded after making mistakes in adolescence.

It's too much to say, but let's take a look at the attitude of his father, Duke Claude.

However, Claude's attitude was not good.

"Benjamin, is this the way we teach you how to serve as a guest?" When he opened his mouth, he looked like he hated iron but not steel, and he didn't want to help with the relationship.

Benjamin sighed inwardly.

He had long known from the system that Claude was not a person who would protect his shortcomings, but being so open to outsiders also gave Benjamin a lower understanding of his image in his father's mind.

But if you think about it carefully, judging from the deeds provided by the system, it seems that people here have never had the habit of protecting their shortcomings. The families here don't seem to be as tit-for-tat as in other novels, and there is no such thing as not being able to scold one's own family in front of outsiders. Just like ordinary Western nobles, they live in peace under the light of the church, and there is no hostile relationship at all.

Westerners’ concept of family is really weak.

From this point of view, when the family does not protect themselves, this situation is not only a bit tricky, it is simply a criticism meeting-everyone criticizes him alone.

I'm afraid I'm going to suffer.

Thinking of this, he was spineless and resigned on the spot.

"Brother! I didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Please forgive me!"

Even he could feel how realistic the acting was at this moment.

He has developed a good face.

He thought clearly: Instead of letting Claude force him to apologize to these people, he might as well say it first, which would not only improve Claude's impression a little, but also prevent the Foer family from taking advantage of it. He believes that as long as his attitude is perfect enough, the other party will not be able to find any reason to make things difficult for him.

As Benjamin expected, upon hearing his "sincere" apology, a look of surprise appeared on Claude's face, and his anger calmed down a little.

After all, Benjamin's current performance is much more mature than "him" before. Of course, no one found it strange and thought of such ghostly things as time travel. In the eyes of everyone in the Reese family, Benjamin should have been like this, but it is too late for them to change now!

Claude's harshness can be temporarily resolved with an apology, but as a victim of "Chamber Pot Gate", Dick Foer's anger is not so easy to calm down.

"If you say you forgive, just forgive. You have such a beautiful idea! I won't accept it!" The other party's attitude was very tough.

Even the system appeared strangely and echoed: "That's right. If an apology is useful, then why do we need the police?"


Benjamin ignored the system that was worried about the world being in chaos and looked at Claude. Claude seemed not to speak, as if he wanted to leave the grievances of these juniors to the juniors themselves to resolve.

So, Benjamin had no choice but to speak himself and asked Dick:

"What do you want?"

Hearing this, Dick stared at him with a look of superior contempt on his face. I only heard him snort with disdain and say through gritted teeth: "I want to return all the humiliation you have done to me to you!"

As he spoke, he suddenly took out a chamber pot from under the table, as if by magic.


Benjamin's face suddenly darkened.

Even if he pretends to be a grandson and apologizes, he won't lose a piece of meat. Anyway, while admitting his cowardice, his heart is always in a state of contempt for "you mortals". But if he really wanted to throw that kind of thing in his face, he would not be able to accept it no matter what.

"...you're dreaming."

No matter how much he could bear it, he couldn't bear it anymore.

Dick immediately became excited and shouted: "I knew that those apologies of yours were just fake. You didn't apologize to me sincerely at all, you shameless liar! Silly! Trash... "

Benjamin couldn't hold it in any longer. The accumulation of his half-life Internet career made him burst out at this moment, as if tens of thousands of trolls were possessed instantly. He was not fighting alone:

"You are a fucking waste! You stay awake in the middle of the night and come out to scare people. You scream like a pig being slaughtered. Which girl in your dream was so excited? Who are you qualified to criticize me? After eating too much shit, you start to squirt all over your mouth. Dung? Be careful of being stoned to death by bird droppings one day!"

"What the hell, you dare to scold me!"

"You've already taken a bath in shit and you're still afraid of being scolded?"

"I am going to kill you!"

"Come on! Whoever gives in will chop it live!"


According to a certain Mr. Green, who wished to remain anonymous, the scene was out of control for a time.

"I was surprised. It turns out that the life of aristocrats is no different from that of ordinary people. When they are angry, their curse words are just as vulgar and barren." Mr. Green, who did not want to be named, recalled the scene at that time and sighed. .

Everything was just as he said. With the onlookers stunned, the verbal battle between Benjamin and Dick continued to escalate. A large section of content that could not be viewed directly or described was omitted in the middle, and the scene ran away like a wild horse with anal prolapse.

Finally, Claude stood up.

"Shut up!"

The furious rebuke like a lion's roar finally stopped the heated battle. Both sides retreated their troops and stopped fighting, leaving only their angry eyes colliding with fierce sparks in the air.

Benjamin felt a little regretful, but also felt very happy.

But soon, this regret became more than just a little bit.

"Have you had enough trouble? Benjamin, all the books you read went into the dog's belly? What does it look like to make a noise in front of the guests? If you don't want to stay in this house anymore, then get out!"

A large number of phone calls were smashed down, which also made Benjamin a little wilted. At that moment, he even felt like he was back when he was a child, as if he had made a mistake and was scolded by his parents with a feather duster pointed at his nose.

It is simply a reappearance of the shadow of childhood.

"I..." Under this feeling, he subconsciously wanted to retort, but was interrupted without explanation.

"What? You still want to quibble? The Lisse family has been completely embarrassed by you. Tell me, how do you want us to face other nobles in the capital? What will the adults of the church think of us?" Claude His anger showed no sign of fading.

Benjamin immediately shut his mouth and did not dare to speak again.

At this time, anything he said would add fuel to the fire and would only make Claude feel more rebellious and ignorant. He might as well just bow his head and be scolded to get over this wave of anger.

Anyway, I felt comfortable scolding people just now - that backward-thinking playboy couldn't scold him at all.

At this time, it was another strange middle-aged man who spoke and persuaded Claude:

"Duke Claude, don't be so angry. I think he seems to know that he was wrong. Let my son take revenge. From now on, we will pretend that this matter never happened. To prevent rumors from spreading."

The system also popped up at the right time to introduce: He is Ax Foer, the head of the Foer family and Dick's father.

As the earl of the kingdom, this man was famous for being smooth and had many contacts with the business world. He was also deeply loved by the current king. He had a fat face and a smile that could make him blind.

At this time, only he can jump out and speak.

Although he seemed to be putting in a good word for Benjamin, Benjamin was not going to thank him. "Let my son take revenge." To put it bluntly, this man still wanted Dick to slam the chamber pot into his face.

There is really no good person in this family.

However, Claude's attitude surprised Benjamin again.

"If this can put this matter to rest, then so be it." He was silent for a while, regained his composure, and then said.

The moment the words came out of his mouth, Dick's eyes suddenly lit up. He held the chamber pot in his hand with excitement, just like Leonardo holding the Oscar trophy.

"It's over, you're going to become a 'shit person'." The system suddenly spoke, so calmly that it was hard to tell whether it was gloating or pity.

Benjamin's face was ashen.

He absolutely! Absolutely unacceptable!

Put down the shit basin and talk nicely...