When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 19: Basement and potatoes


The entire time from Aix's apology to the time they left was no more than fifteen minutes.

Under the "kind" persuasion of the old lady, Aix finally surrendered. He apologized bravely and asked the men he brought to clean Dick up. Finally, they carried Dick and left the door of Reese's house in despair.

Looking at the silence and haste when they left, you can tell how humiliated they felt. But the old lady who had created all this seemed not to feel it at all, and instead sent them out with a kind face.

"Be careful on the road. Our Rise family welcomes you at any time."

Aix glared at the old lady fiercely, said nothing, and walked out of the door without looking back.

Just like that, the Foer family left.

Benjamin felt happy. Of course, he still tried hard to hold it in on his face and didn't show it.

This was probably the first time since he time traveled that when he was desperate, someone else stood up to save him. As a mental adult, he has the consciousness that everything depends on himself, but it feels really good to be able to win once.

Does this mean that he is no longer so unlucky

No matter what, he must not be fooled by the chamber pot. At least I escaped this disaster, which is something to be happy about.

However, he soon discovered that he was happy too early.

"Benjamin, what happened last night? Did you do it?"

After the Foer family left, the old lady shut up, but Claude seemed to have regained his majesty as the head of the family, and suddenly spoke, asking Benjamin very seriously.

Benjamin's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately cast a look at the old lady asking for help.

The old lady yawned and turned a blind eye.


It's over.

Save people to the end, send Buddha to the West! What’s up with giving up halfway!

Claude obviously also saw Benjamin's guilty conscience. He only heard him snort in dissatisfaction, and his expression became very scary. He glanced at the old lady nonchalantly, and then continued to lecture Benjamin:

"Don't think that this matter is over. How do I usually teach you? Where have you lost your pride as a noble? Forget it if you run away from home. You have such trouble within a day after coming back. Can't you let us worry about this for a while?"

Benjamin listened, and when he heard a certain sentence, a question mark suddenly appeared in his heart.


What's going on? Why do I feel like I missed another chapter? What plot did I miss

"Hey, what does running away from home mean? Has Benjamin run away from home before?" Benjamin was puzzled, so he asked the system in his mind.

"Not really." The system asked with certainty.

"Then what's going on?" Benjamin asked.

"I don't know." The system replied.

"You..." Benjamin was slightly speechless, but this was not the first time, so he recovered immediately and quickly responded:

"What do I need from you?"

The system's tone did not fluctuate at all: "It's of no use, so don't come to me again, let's break up."


This system is toxic.

His consciousness returned to reality and he sorted out the timeline before and after. Soon, Benjamin realized the only possibility of the "running away from home" incident.

Could it be that... others didn't know he was kidnapped, but thought he ran away from home

Blind student, I discovered Hua Dian!

Damn it, no wonder that after I came back, the people in this family didn't express any condolences as they should. Emotionally, they don’t know that they have narrowly escaped death, right? What's going on with this family? They don't even know that their son has been kidnapped. Do you think they just ran away from home? It is estimated that the church also did not tell the Reese family the truth in order to hide the news about Michelle.

No wonder! No wonder I can't see a good look on my face, no wonder their attitudes are so bad!

After all, he had just returned from a trip to hell. If these people knew this, how could they treat themselves like this

Thinking of this, he immediately defended:

"I didn't run away from home, I was..."

"Shut up! Good boy, where did you learn to lie so well? Do you think I'm stupid?" However, Claude interrupted him mercilessly, with no room for argument in his tone, "I want to Are you lying to me? You didn’t run away from home... You didn’t run away from home, so where have you been these past few days? Could it be that you were kidnapped? "


Yes, I was really kidnapped.

Benjamin wanted to say that, but in this situation, if he really said that, he would probably be beaten to death.

Damn, another one stealing someone else's lines.

Looking at Claude's current state, he is even more angry than before. I'm afraid, this is also mixed with the aggrievedness of being suppressed by the old lady in front of outsiders. It was impossible for Claude to be angry with the old lady, so Benjamin was the only one who was unlucky.

When you are so angry, I am afraid that nothing you say will be of any use.

He could only keep silent and get scolded.

Sure enough, good luck is only temporary, while bad luck is eternal.

Just like that, Benjamin bit the bullet and was scolded by Claude for fifteen minutes in front of everyone. I won't go into details. During this process, everyone else in the living room seemed to be frozen, not moving or talking, looking at their noses and hearts, except for the maid who was still cleaning up the feces and urine tremblingly.

Finally, after this series of scoldings, Claude's anger gradually subsided. He looked at Benjamin who was silent, paused for a moment, and suddenly said:

"Go to the basement and reflect on it. If you don't admit your mistake, you won't be able to eat!"

As a result, Benjamin was locked in the basement while crawling on the ground.

The entire criticism meeting came to an end, and everyone in the living room went back to their homes to find their mothers. At the same time, under Claude's long face and fierce eyes, a maid accepted the task of confining Benjamin and took him to the basement of the Reese family.

It's not like what is written in ordinary fantasy novels. There are always family secrets hidden in the basement. You can summon the devil to sign a contract by opening a book and so on. The Reese family's basement... is really just a small basement.

A small room of about eight square meters, with dark brick walls and moss crawling in the gaps between the bricks. And what was stored in this basement was none other than bags of potatoes.

As soon as Benjamin entered the basement, he stepped on a potato, lost his center of gravity, and fell into a sea of potatoes.

And after falling to pieces, he was about to turn around and ask for help. With a bang, the maid who led him in disappeared, leaving only the dark iron door tightly closed, and the lock on the door was locked tightly in an instant. Tight.

Benjamin looked at the gleaming keyhole, dazed for a moment, and sighed.

He slowly climbed up from the pile of potatoes.

"I'm in solitary confinement..." He looked around and confirmed the environment here.

He dusted himself off, found an open space without potatoes, sat down, and used the large bag of potatoes behind him as the backrest of his chair. to relax.

"Huh... Even though I'm in solitary confinement, I still found a chance to catch my breath." He said to himself.

Although he was punished in the end, no matter what, it was much better than having his face covered by a chamber pot. Isn't it just a solitary confinement? Could he still be locked up for a year and a half? I think I'll be able to go out in a few days and won't suffer much.

He could even take this as an opportunity for him to take a break.

Speaking of which, it had only been five days since he traveled to this world. Excluding the three days when he lost consciousness, he was in a state of tension all the time during the remaining two days. A battle of wits with Michelle, throwing a chamber pot at the sleepwalking Dick, being assassinated by an assassin, going to the church to find out information, holding a criticism meeting with the Foer family... He really did a lot of things in the past two days.

It really... feels like a dream.

These days are really restless. There are as many things as Party A of a design company, and each one is more irritating than the other.

It feels like my body is being hollowed out.

At this moment, he even began to feel that being called to be detained here by Claude was the best thing that had ever happened to him since time travel.

Although the basement is small and cramped, it is not uncomfortable. The dim relationship and quiet environment can also calm his restless mood, not to mention the faint aroma of potatoes wafting in the air.

The aroma of potatoes... is pretty good.

Maybe it's because I'm hungry.

Thinking of this, Benjamin suddenly realized a very serious problem. This problem has existed before and has demonstrated its horrific destructive power. If this problem is left unchecked, it will have unpredictable and terrible consequences.

The problem is: he is hungry.

Very...very hungry.

He hadn't eaten anything for a day and a night, and the intense hunger penetrated from the esophagus to the stomach to the large and small intestines, and then from the large and small intestines back to his throat. The feeling that penetrates my heart is simply - starving to death.

At this moment, he thought of Claude's words again: "If you don't admit your mistake, you won't be able to eat!" This sentence was like an alarm clock in the morning, echoing in his ears until it cast a shadow.

Don't even think about eating...

Want to eat...

Have a meal…


He was stunned for a moment, and then, as if he suddenly realized something, he bounced off the ground like a bow and arrow, rushed to the closed iron door, and clung to the rusty keyhole.

"Let me out! I want to admit my mistakes! You can't stop me from admitting my mistakes! Open the door and I can still admit my mistakes! I love admitting my mistakes! Admitting my mistakes makes me happy..."

The heartbreaking voice echoed over and over again in the basement.

Until Benjamin's hands and feet were so weak from hunger that he couldn't hold the door open, and his throat was so parched from shouting that he couldn't help but cough. There was no response from the world outside the door. He slipped from the door like a gecko and fell limply to the ground, feeling a little tired.

He began to realize what a terrible punishment confinement was.

After paralyzing on the ground for a while, his eyes began to turn to the potatoes scattered around him.

Although it is raw, although the taste is definitely not much better, but... it should still be edible.

"Can potatoes be eaten raw?" he asked the system.

"I haven't eaten it before, you can try it." The system replied.


If he hadn't been so hungry that he had no energy left, Benjamin would have yelled at the system.

do not care! I'm so hungry, I can't care less! Isn’t it said that when there is a famine, people even eat the bark of trees? They can eat tree bark, they can eat leather belts, but why can’t they eat raw potatoes? The mashed potatoes he eats at KFC are almost as good as raw, but he is still alive and well.

He would rather die of food poisoning than starve to death.

Starving to death is really terrible. It's the kind of death that people would joke about during meals. It's so shameless.

But it seems quite shameful to be poisoned to death by eating raw potatoes...

do not care! Why do you think so much? He wants to be the first warrior to eat raw potatoes!

Driven by hunger, Benjamin picked up a potato at hand, opened his mouth, and prepared to bite it.

At this moment, a snapping sound suddenly sounded in the basement.

Benjamin was shocked, but the action of biting the potato had already been made. Before he could take it back, the two set teeth had already bitten the potato hard. Along with a sour feeling, he felt that the roots of his teeth were soft and his jaw seemed to be dislocated.

Damn, it’s so hard, I can’t even bite it!

Benjamin, whose teeth were sore, quickly threw away the potatoes in his hand, turned around, and looked at the source of the strange noise just now.

I saw a small opening opening on the iron door of the basement, and a pair of blue eyes appeared in the opening. The eyes were huge and stared at Benjamin, which startled Benjamin.

Damn it, what is going on