When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 25: War has begun


Although it was already the curfew time, Benjamin returned to the Reese family smoothly under the escort of the knight.

Bypassing the vigilant servant, he quietly returned to his bedroom without anyone noticing his movements. He closed the door, lay down on his bed, took out the cross, and played with it happily.

This is a silver cross, small in style and exquisite in workmanship. Benjamin put it between his eyebrows and could feel a holy breath vaguely emanating from the inside of the cross.

This is the power of divine magic.

Ordinary people in the Kingdom of Hori are much more familiar with divine magic than magic. Every town has a church and a priest, and almost everyone has seen a priest use magic.

According to the church, magic is the power given by God to humans to fight against evil.

Legend has it that a long time ago, demons were rampant in this world. Famine, plague, war... sufferings continued to occur under the influence of demons. People are living in dire straits, and even a peaceful life has become a luxury.

Later, a pair of brothers appeared. The elder brother was named Cain and the younger brother was named Abel. No one knows where they come from, but they are determined to save mankind and end this era of demon dominance. After repeated failures, Cain pretended to sacrifice to the devil and gained great power. In the end, he used his increasingly powerful power to drive out the demons and restore peace and tranquility to the world.

However, the good times did not last long. Under the influence of demonic power, Cain's temperament changed drastically and he became more cruel and cunning, just like the demon he drove out. He began to enslave people, launch wars, and kill innocent people indiscriminately. The human world, which had been peaceful for a short time, once again fell into chaos.

Abel saw all these changes. After another war, he stood in the luxurious palace built by his brother and suddenly began to pray in front of Cain. Cain was furious and had Abel imprisoned, nailed to a huge cross and tortured. Seven days later, Abel disappeared, and when he appeared before Cain again, he already had the power of divine magic.

No one knows what happened to Abel. What everyone knows is that Abel and Cain, who had the power, started a big battle.

In the end, Abel defeated Cain.

When he was about to purify Cain with the holy light in his hand, Cain suddenly shed tears. He seemed to have turned back into the Cain he once was, crying bitterly to Abel and telling the story of his former brothers. Abel was touched and inadvertently exposed his back to Cain. Cain took the opportunity to sneak up and burned Abel to ashes with evil fire.

Just when Cain was feeling proud, a divine light suddenly descended from the sky and enveloped Cain. The voice of God came from the sky, questioning Cain about Abel's whereabouts. Cain denied it, claiming he knew nothing. God was dissatisfied with Cain's lies and punished him by depriving Cain of his power and banishing him for life. Cain was furious and refused to accept God's punishment. He cursed the world with his own blood and sealed the world. Since then, neither gods nor demons have appeared here again, and this world has become a "land abandoned by gods."

Cain died of weakness after casting the curse, and his blood spread across the world, passing on the demonic power. The polluted human world has once again fallen into war. People with demonic powers are killing each other, while ordinary people can only survive in the cracks.

Until one day, a young man stood where Abel was burned to ashes, clasping his hands in prayer. A ray of holy light rose from his palm, blooming like fireworks in the night sky, and fell into thousands of eyes looking up at the sky. Since then, humans have also possessed the power of divine magic, and the praying young man has become the first pope of the church.

He dug out a section of the sword blade from the soil where Abel died. When his hand touched the sword blade for the first time, one sentence echoed in his heart:

"Holy light covers the world."

The blade became a sacred relic of the church and was enshrined in the deepest part of St. Peter's Basilica, and those words became the first oracle, passed down from generation to generation.

The above is what the church preaches about the origins of divine arts and magic.

When the system recited this story to Benjamin for the first time, Benjamin had to admit that the mythical stories of this world were quite similar to his original world. Two very similar characters like Cain and Abel have long gone beyond the category of "any similarity is purely coincidental".

He couldn't help but wonder, could there be any connection between the two worlds

But at this moment, he couldn't think of an answer.

This world is different from his original world. There is magic and divine arts here, and there is no limit to human power. The so-called gods are probably just extremely powerful humans.

Therefore, the possibility of the myth of this world actually happening is much greater than that of the previous world—not necessarily the church’s version. Benjamin believes that if Master Jean were to tell this story, the plot might become completely different.

Thinking of this, he suddenly laughed to himself.

If this myth comes from something that really happened, it can be regarded as the origin of the essence of this world. With his current strength, it is too early to explore this - he has only been in this world for less than seven days, and he is going to heaven.

Take a shower and go to sleep.

Benjamin felt sleep coming over him. So he put away the cross, washed up hastily, turned off the oil lamp on the bedside, climbed into bed, and fell asleep peacefully not long after.

Perhaps because he hadn't slept for a long time, he slept deeply this time. By the time he woke up, it was almost noon the next day.

He was shaken awake.

"Benjamin! Wake up, we're leaving! Wake up!"

Benjamin opened his sleepy eyes, feeling dazed.

"Get up quickly, don't sleep, we're going to be late!" The noisy voice was still echoing in his ears, but the word "late" awakened the memory before the time travel, making him sober up. .

Late... late for what

Damn I was shocked, I thought there was a class in the morning.

Benjamin rubbed his eyes and looked hard, only to see a young man who was about the same age as him and looked very similar to him, standing beside his bed, shaking his shoulders vigorously with both hands.

It's his brother, Grant Reese.


Benjamin Black asked, looking confused.

According to the system's previous introduction, Grant had a good relationship with him and did not look down on him because he was useless. But for Benjamin at this moment, he has not really communicated with Grant yet. The current situation was completely beyond his expectation.

In addition, what does he mean by "being late" and "departing" when he is shouting about it

"Have you forgotten this? We are going to war with them today. Stop dawdling, we will be late!" Grant urged without hesitation.

Start a war

Benjamin stared at Grant with his eyes wide open and his mouth wide open. However, Grant's expression looked serious and solemn, even a little fanatical, and it didn't look like he was joking at all.


Benjamin was stunned for a moment, then fell asleep.

I must be dreaming.

Just dream, please don't disturb my sleep, this bed is very expensive.

"Hey! You're still asleep, get up quickly!" Grant did not disappear like a dream, but shook Benjamin's shoulders harder, shaking Benjamin to the point where he almost vomited stomach acid.

Benjamin sat up from his bed again and opened his eyes.

"Am I not dreaming?" he asked.

"No," Grant answered.


Benjamin didn't know what to say, he was not feeling well.

He felt that since he came to this world, his posture when he woke up has always been wrong. He was kidnapped by a witch, and met a sleepwalking idiot in the middle of the night. This time it was even more outrageous. He was about to start a war when he woke up. How long had he been asleep

… Do they really want to start a war

"Stop dawdling, get up! Get up, get up..."

"I'm up! Stop shaking me. I'm going to vomit!"

Under Grant's frantic urging, although Benjamin still didn't know what the situation was, he could only get up from his bed and be driven like a duck to wash up and change clothes. His head was still dizzy, and before he could say a word, he was dragged by Grant and ran out of the door of the house.

During this process, the servants they met had no expressions on their faces, looking as if they were not surprised.

Gradually recovering from his dazed state, Benjamin had no choice but to ask the system:

"What the hell is going on?"

The system emerged slowly and lazily replied: "It's not a big deal, it's just a small activity for the noble children."

Obviously, Benjamin would not be satisfied with this answer.

He asked: "Can you explain, what are the small activities of noble children? Also, what will happen if a war starts? Are we going to fight with other noble children?"

"Well..." The system seemed to think for a moment and said, "You can understand it this way."

"It's the same as not saying anything." Benjamin's dissatisfaction continued to escalate.

"Don't think too much, it's not a big deal, trust me." The system looked like an old god was there, "Why are you so anxious now? It will be very troublesome to explain. Anyway, when you get to the place, you will naturally know what is going on. .”

… Is the system really worth trusting

Benjamin couldn't help but curse.

The original system was just unreliable, but now there is another problem: laziness.

Needless to say, he couldn't ask anything from the system. Looking at Grant, who was dragging him and running wildly, it was obvious that he was not in a state of communication. So Benjamin had no choice but to resign himself to his fate and wait to see where Grant would take him.

On the street in the inner city of Havenright, two teenagers ran past in a hurry, leaving behind a lifeless face.

The place Grant wanted to go was not far away, and after running for a short time, they stopped.

They were still in the inner city, but the place was relatively remote and not many people passed by. In front of you is an abandoned castle that looks a bit old. Although it was not big, Benjamin was still quite surprised when facing the castle that appeared in the city.

I saw about a dozen people standing at the door of the castle. If I looked closely, I saw that they were all teenagers, and they were all dressed like nobility, which confirmed what the system called "noble children."

But Benjamin was still confused and knew nothing about the current situation.

"What the hell, why are you here so slowly?" One of the people in the group saw Benjamin and the two and walked up and said.

"Isn't it late? Why are you in a hurry?" Grant immediately retorted.

The man didn't care, and turned around and said: "Okay, okay, let's start. It's still the same old rules. Everyone spreads out first, and we will start taking action in ten minutes." Following his words, the group began to move towards the castle. Walk inside.

start to act? What on earth are you going to do...

Although he was still a little confused, Benjamin noticed that Dick Foer happened to be among these people.

When he saw Dick, Dick turned back and looked at him. When the two people's eyes met, Dick glared at Benjamin fiercely and made a threatening gesture, as if "you are dead".

Benjamin was suddenly speechless.

Why is it this person again