When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 26: Simulation war game


The confused Benjamin followed Grant into the castle, and in the process, the lazy system finally opened his mouth and explained the current situation.

"Seven or eight years ago, the situation on this continent was quite tense. There was another country competing with the Kingdom of Hori, and war was about to break out. Therefore, you noble children received a lot of war education when you were young. However, it is a pity. Yes, it didn’t take long for that country to divide itself due to civil strife, the war stopped, and your war education ended.”

The system paused and then continued:

"But you restless children, you have learned a lot about fighting, and you are fully looking forward to fighting, but when you don't start fighting, you all feel that your war talents have been buried. So, I don't know who's suggestion, With such a regular event, a bunch of people gathered in this castle to play a simulated war game. Of course, you don’t think it’s just a game, it’s really like a war, and everyone is extremely serious.”

After hearing what the system said, Benjamin felt a little speechless.

"These people are really naive."

He is not interested in this boring war game. Isn't it just a group fight among children? Instead of wasting time here, he would rather go back and sleep a little longer, or "meditate" a little longer.

"It sounds like you are very mature. Do you dare to say that you never played similar games in elementary school?" The system started to argue again.

"...I've played."

Benjamin choked for a moment, and immediately said confidently: "But that was all in elementary school. These people are old enough to go to high school. Isn't that childish?"

"That's because you have a computer." The system continued, "I have records here. Even after you become an adult, you will definitely spend more time on 'online war games' than these people spend on 'offline war games.' I spent a lot of time and even made a lot of money.”


Benjamin was speechless.

At this moment, in reality, he had followed Grant into a dilapidated small room. There was nothing in the room, so Grant took him and hid behind the door, holding the door ajar and holding his breath, as if he was actually setting up an ambush.

Although Benjamin obeyed obediently, he really didn't want to participate in this game.

"Well, can I..."

"Shh, don't talk." Grant immediately interrupted him and whispered to him, "Just follow me. Don't worry, you can win anyway."


It seems that his application to leave early will never be received.

Forget it, just hang out with them and just treat it like a dream back to your childhood. He also observed when entering the castle. The terrain here is not very complicated, and this game should not be able to be played in the first round.

Sure enough, within two minutes, two fools came to the door of this room, wanting to open the door and explore. Immediately, Grant nimbly flashed out from behind the door, holding two small balls he took out from nowhere in his hand. He shouted: "Holy Light Bullets!" and then smashed the balls at the two of them respectively.

The two people were obviously shocked. They came back to their senses, glanced at Grant, and touched the place where the ball hit them. Suddenly they fell to the ground in a grand manner, "sacrifice" gloriously.

"... What a fucking second grader." Although he was mentally prepared, Benjamin couldn't help but vomit silently in his heart.

Using small balls to replace holy light bombs and artificial sacrifices is quite understandable. What's the purpose of shouting "Holy Bomb" before throwing the ball? Could it be that after a while, the church’s highest ideal became to protect Athena

"Actually, this makes sense." The system popped up again and explained, "The Holy Light Bullet is a very eye-catching magic. In order to simulate this effect, the war game also stipulates that when using small balls to represent the Holy Light When playing, you must shout loudly to reveal your position so that others can hear."

"..." Benjamin was speechless again.

The system made another serious appearance and said, "Don't underestimate them. They have all received formal training and are very interested in this game."

Just as the system said, after "killing" the two enemies, Grant immediately took Benjamin and started to move the position. His movements, five steps and one prone, three steps and one back, were as professional as those of a special forces soldier.

However, the others were not as well-trained as Grant, and they still couldn't shake off the pampered aristocratic air in their every move. In this way, during the guerrilla process, Grant eliminated several pairs of enemies in succession, and the number of "bodies" wandering in the castle gradually increased.

Benjamin followed, lying helpless all the way.

However, through his performance along the way, he gained a more intuitive understanding of his genius brother.

"Are you sure this is the genius you mentioned? The one who lit up the sky and tolled bells as soon as he was born." He said in his heart a little helplessly.

"Do you think every genius is as arrogant as the book says, looking at people with their nostrils?" the system reminded, "Don't underestimate him. If he uses a real holy light bomb, he can destroy the entire castle." Get rid of all the people in the castle. And if you use the water bomb technique, it’s not enough to wash the hands of everyone in the castle.”


Ignoring the system's ridicule, Benjamin still didn't believe it: "Is he really that powerful? Then why did Michelle dare to kidnap him?"

The system further explained: "Michelle has been dealing with the church for so long, so she must have her own way of dealing with magic. Taking a step back, how could she play one-on-one with Grant? With this child's scheming and experience, Ten are not enough for her to play with."

Benjamin thought about it after hearing this, and finally accepted the explanation:

"That's true."

He suddenly cared about this, not that he cared much about his cheap brother, but he suddenly thought: Since Grant's magical power is so strong, why didn't he ask him for help and let him solve the curse on himself

After all, Grant is just a teenager, and Benjamin should be able to trick him into helping him if he can think of a reason to fool him. Although you may feel a little guilty for deceiving such a middle-aged boy, of course your life is more important when it comes to your own life.

Besides, as soon as the curse is lifted, Benjamin will be able to fly as high as the sky and let the fish leap in the vast sea. As for Michelle and the church, it's none of his business to fight as much as they like.

wonderful! How wonderful!

Thinking of this, Benjamin suddenly felt that his future was bright again.

Michelle is really smart, but for a moment of confusion, she probably couldn't have imagined it in her wildest dreams. Has this been missed? She must not have expected that Benjamin, a genius brother, could take advantage of him at a critical moment.



Michelle...didn't you really think of this

Benjamin's mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he suddenly woke up from his excitement. Maybe it was because Michelle had too much psychological shadow on him, and he always felt that Michelle didn't seem like someone who would miss this point.

Sure enough, after asking the system, he got this answer:

"I don't know. Maybe the curse she set is a bit biased, and Grant can't lift it. But the more likely reason is that she is taking advantage of the church's regulations on divine magic."

Benjamin felt that his hope had been extinguished again, but he still asked: "What are the rules?"

"Trainee priests cannot use magic at will." The system replied, "Although Grant is already more powerful than many official priests, he has not officially graduated from the church. Therefore, he has not officially graduated from the church. Therefore, he has not received permission from the church." The right to use divine magic. And under the nose of the church... the people of the church will probably not let him help you. You have experienced it yourself. Michelle should know this, so he is so confident."

Oh shit…

Benjamin felt like he was being played invisibly again.

Fortunately, after experiencing the battle of wits and courage with Michelle, his mentality has been tempered. He had never expected anyone else, and seeking Grant's help was just a hot-headed idea. It would be a surprise if it worked, but it would be normal if it didn't. This was not the first time that he felt the malice of the God of Destiny towards him.

Fortunately, he no longer had to worry about how to fool Grant, he could do it easily on his own.

In this way, Benjamin was thinking in his mind while following Grant, "killing God when God blocks him, killing Buddha when Buddha blocks Buddha". He witnessed Grant's series of professional military actions from ambushes, sneak attacks to frontal combat, and he encountered few opponents. One that can survive a minute.

This surprised Benjamin a little—although he still didn't take the game seriously.

However, he could also see that the defeated nobles were obviously not as serious as Grant. Grant really regarded this game as a war, and those people's game felt even heavier.

Benjamin couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't Grant be the first person to propose this war simulation

If placed in modern times, he must be the most ardent game fan, the kind who would cosplay by himself.

Under the leadership of the "veteran", Benjamin, a newbie, also passed all the levels and experienced a long hour for him. Finally, as the number of "bodies" increases, the game reaches its final level.

After checking the number of people with the system, Benjamin determined that there were only two enemies left in the castle that had not been "killed".

"It's finally over." He couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"You have to enjoy the game. Look at how focused they are. They not only feel happy in the game, but also practice their skills. What a great experience it is to be a good player that Yang Yongxin can't bear to play." The system actually said Being able to say this with great emotion is also very admirable.

"You can't say that. I also want to take this opportunity to relax, but I can't help it." Benjamin said quietly, "Just like a person who is used to playing 3D real-time production masterpieces, you let him play 2D rounds He can't play the emotional game. This is the case for me, and you can't blame me."

The system was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Do you know that after saying this, there will be a lot of fans who love 2D turn-based systems and will criticize you. It's not good for you to be like this."

Hearing this, Benjamin was silent for a moment, and then replied: "I know, but this is not writing a novel. If you make a mistake, you can delete it and rewrite it. Now that I have said it, it is useless for me to regret it. .”

The system stopped talking, and Benjamin lost his voice. After the two of them experienced a period of confused silence, Benjamin suddenly trembled as if he had been possessed and burped.

Then, he asked the system: "Did we just say something strange?"

The system replied blankly: "We didn't say anything just now."

When Benjamin heard this, he nodded with a serious expression:

"I think so too."

Soon, their attention returned to reality again. In reality, the game had already reached a late stage, and Grant was still looking for the remaining two people. When Benjamin saw this, he could only yawn boredly and wait patiently for the end of the game.

However, he suddenly seemed to think of something, and he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Hey, among those who were killed just now, was there that boy from the Foer family?" After thinking about it again and again, he asked the system.

The system replied: "No."

Benjamin: "Are you sure?"

System: "Are you questioning my ability? No, it means no. I am 800% sure."

Hearing this, Benjamin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He looked at the end of the corridor ahead, the only room that had not yet been explored, and a very bad premonition suddenly arose in his heart.