When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 31: Prayer space and Seal of Light


After hearing what the system said, Benjamin was stunned.

It wasn't that he was that surprised, but the system's words suddenly reminded him of a detail.

When Grant was about to use magic and gather the holy light, Benjamin was first attracted by the magic wave emitted. The situation was quite critical at the time, so Benjamin didn't pay attention to it, but now that he thinks about it, it's true...

That fluctuation is too similar to the fluctuation of magic release.

"After analysis of the data I collected, Grant's magical fluctuations and the fluctuations of your water polo skills are essentially the same. They are both mobilizing discrete elements for their own use." The system said, and did not forget to add at the end. With a knife, "Of course, his fluctuations are hundreds of times stronger than yours."

Benjamin was immune to the ridicule of the system. After all, if this discovery was true, it would be of great significance to him.

So he asked again: "Are you sure?"

The system said impatiently: "Of course, which one of my analysis results is wrong?"


After hearing the system's assurance, Benjamin felt even more guilty.

After much thought, he was still ready to verify this matter.

If divine arts and magic are essentially the same thing, it means that he can learn both magic and divine arts. It also means that the theories of divine arts can be applied to magic.

The development of divine arts is undoubtedly much more advanced than magic. He can completely learn from the theories of divine arts and use them in his own magic practice. Isn't it much better than just thinking blindly here on his own

Finally, I saw another road.

Of course, all this is still based on the fact that divine magic is essentially the same as magic. If the system's judgment is wrong, then all this thinking is in vain.

Thinking of this, Benjamin got out of bed and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" the system asked.

"Go find Grant. He has studied magic for so long. There must be a lot of information and textbooks about magic there. I'll go get some and take a look." Benjamin replied.

Of course he wouldn't be stupid enough to go to the church to learn about divine arts. Wouldn't that be unnecessary if he took off his pants and farted? Grant lived under the same roof as him and was his biological brother, which was extremely convenient.

He didn't want to delay this matter any longer. Now that he has an idea, he just does it. He can't afford to procrastinate now.

So, under the guidance of the system, Benjamin came to the door of Grant's bedroom.

After thinking about it, he decided to knock on the door first.

What if I sneak in and get caught? It's better to ask him for it openly. Since Grant is so stupid, he should be able to cheat him by making up some excuse.

After what happened at the castle, Grant should still feel guilty about him.

No one answered the door.

Benjamin hesitated and knocked again.

Still no one answered the door.

Benjamin raised his eyebrows. If that's the case, then don't blame him for entering without permission.

So, he held the doorknob and turned it gently. Feeling that the door was not locked, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy. So, he carefully twisted the doorknob and opened the door without making any noise.

Waves of snoring came from the room.

Benjamin walked in and saw Grant lying on the bed, covered with a thick quilt, sleeping like a dead pig. In this situation, Benjamin wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, it was just God helping me.

He tiptoed in, came to the bedside, and called softly: "Grant, Grant, are you asleep?"

He was answered by a snoring sound.

Benjamin immediately relaxed and no longer worried. He walked directly to Grant's desk and flipped through the stacks of books on the table.

"Encyclopedia of Plants of the Kingdom", forget it... "Chronicles of the Kingdom of Hori", this is too thick... "Selected Examination Questions for Priest Qualification Certificate", stay away from me... "Research on the Rheology and Marginal Culture of Continental Languages" , what the hell... "101 Short Stories That Will Benefit a Lifetime", what the hell...

Finally, "Introduction to Divine Magic" is it!

Just as Benjamin was filled with joy and put "Introduction to Divine Art" into his arms, a soft cough suddenly came from behind him.

Benjamin was so frightened that the back of his head went cold.

He turned around quickly, but there was no one behind him. Grant was still sleeping soundly on his bed, his face buried between the pillow and the quilt, snoring incessantly, with no intention of waking up.

Seeing this, Benjamin didn't feel at ease, but felt even more horrified.

Damn it, this is haunted, no one is here, so where did this cough come from

Obviously, this sound was not caused by Grant coughing in his sleep, because when the coughing sound appeared, the snoring did not stop - Grant could not be snoring and coughing at the same time.

Damn, there's someone else in this room!

Could it be Michelle, who is still hiding in this big house, using some means to hide her whereabouts

Or... someone from the church

The latter conjecture is even scarier than the former.

Just when Benjamin was hesitant and his hair stood on end, there was another cough - a very light cough that could be heard to be deliberately suppressed, coming from under Grant's quilt.


Benjamin understood instantly.

He suddenly felt relieved. What did you think it was! It scared him, it turns out... it turns out...

He actually underestimated his younger brother.

Benjamin tried hard to put away the slightly obscene smile on his face, walked to the bed again, and said softly to Grant: "Grant, I can't sleep at night, so I want to borrow a book from you and read it!"

Grant's snoring paused for a moment, then returned to normal immediately, as if he was really in a deep sleep.

Benjamin smiled, swaggered out of Grant's bedroom, and then thoughtfully closed the door for Grant.

"What exactly happened? Why did you do this? Why can't I understand it at all?" The system suddenly popped up and said indifferently.

"Stop pretending, I have almost a T in the action movies I have stored in your hard drive. Why are you pretending to be innocent here?" Benjamin retorted speechlessly.

After the system went silent, it let out several weird-sounding, obscene mechanical laughs.

In this way, although there were some "interruptions" in the middle, Benjamin successfully got what he wanted and returned to his room.

He crawled back to his bed, put away the "Bible" belonging to the mage, and then opened "Introduction to Divine Magic".

Different from the simple revolutionary propaganda manuals of the mages, "Introduction to Divine Magic" is compiled in more detail, more systematically, and richer. The beginning of the chapter directly addresses the essence of divine magic, which is to use spiritual power to communicate with the holy light floating in the surrounding environment, and to use the power of God to perform incredible magic.

This coincides with Benjamin's understanding of magic - replacing the holy light with the water element, and replacing the power of God with the power of nature.

This can be regarded as validating the system's conclusion that "divine magic is magic".

Benjamin continued to read down, and the book also explained what kind of people can practice divine arts and what kind of people cannot practice divine arts. This reminded him of what the system said: "Benjamin was found to have no talent for magic."

If divine arts and magic are the same, then why does he have the talent for magic

The book says that if you want to practice divine arts, you need to have two qualities: strong spiritual power and affinity with the Holy Light. If the spiritual power is poor, the magic will fail easily, and if the affinity is poor, it will be difficult to gather the Holy Light. Both are indispensable.

When it comes to magic, it probably requires spiritual power and affinity with the water element.

After inquiring about the system, Benjamin discovered that in the initial test, he had poor mental power and affinity with the Holy Light, so he was classified as having no talent for magic. But magic also requires mental strength. If he has poor mental strength, how did he learn magic

"Well... this is probably why you can't learn these magics." The system suddenly said.

Benjamin thought for a while and suddenly realized. No wonder the water barrier always failed, it was because of his weak mental strength. As for the affinity of the water element, judging from the description in the book, my own is probably not that good either.

This result would not make Benjamin happy.

This means that he will never be able to learn magic like those who are gifted.

After looking at his conscious space and the blue characters, he understood that there was no point even asking Michelle. He can only go his own way and use black technology to the end.

Fortunately, if you read on, "Introduction to Divine Arts" also introduces a special situation. Even people with poor mental power and affinity can learn divine arts and reach a very high level.

In the book, it is called: "Opening up a space for prayer and condensing the Seal of Holy Light."

When Benjamin saw this, he immediately became energetic.


He read a few more lines of introduction and was sure that the so-called "prayer space" was the space of consciousness, and the so-called "Seal of Holy Light" was the magic character.

There is not much introduction to this point in the book. It is said that this method is very dangerous. When opening a prayer space, it is easy to be invaded by demonic forces and become a vegetative state that loses consciousness. Moreover, no one actually knows how to open a prayer space. Those who actually do it do so by accident, and few people in history have truly succeeded.

Benjamin recalled the experience at that time and just wanted to complain that losing consciousness had nothing to do with demonic power. He was just lost in the deep space of consciousness and could never get out.

However, after introducing the disadvantages, the book also introduces the benefits of this method: using the prayer space, you can store free holy light, the guidance time for releasing divine spells is very short, and you can also cast spells with your mind; using the holy light The power and controllability of the magic released by the seal are unmatched by ordinary methods; with a prayer space, you don't have to work hard to exercise your mental power like others, and you won't encounter bottlenecks. You only need to continuously strengthen the holy spirit in it. Just the Seal of Light.

After introducing these, the book also said that the fourth generation of popes practiced in this way. And this pope is also the pope who completed the unification of the Kingdom of Hori, the "Son of God" who truly brought the church to its peak.

Seeing this, Benjamin would be lying if he said he wasn't excited. This paragraph is equivalent to telling him that this road is not only feasible, but also has a bright future. If he works hard, he will be a great man of our time.

This made him not only excited, but also happy.

After all, according to the book, there is only one person in ten thousand who has opened up the space of consciousness.

He really has to thank the system. If it weren't for the systematic spell cycle, he would not be able to enter the conscious space by accident, let alone get out of the conscious space.

Thinking of this, and full of expectations for the future, Benjamin held the book and continued reading.

However, when he saw the specific part about how to practice, Benjamin felt like a bucket of cold water was poured on him, and his excitement suddenly fell to the bottom.

The book says: Each person can condense up to three Seals of Holy Light. Each Seal of Holy Light represents a kind of divine magic. In other words, people who use this method to practice can only learn three magical arts at most in their lifetime. When other magical spells are used, the failure rate doubles.