When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 47: Water element crystallizes


When he first saw the name "Tree of Time and Space", Benjamin actually rejected it.

What the hell

This is just a fucking ginkgo tree, and it has something to do with time and space. Just because you give it a name that seems to be very powerful and middle-class, it doesn't mean that it is not a ginkgo.

In the "Kingdom Plant Encyclopedia", there is not much introduction about the "Tree of Time and Space" Ginkgo. As mentioned above, this tree has become extinct in the kingdom and is rare on the entire continent. Only some of its leaves have been preserved. Legend has it that someone can use it to make a space-time beacon. Use it to travel through time and space and travel to different worlds.

When he saw the "different world", Benjamin's eyelids jumped involuntarily.

Could it be...

He carefully recalled the last night before time travel: he was sitting at the table, with a computer on the table, a mobile phone on his right, and a pile of books on his left. The ginkgo leaf he picked up as a bookmark should be tucked inside. On a certain book.

If he accidentally fell asleep, he might have knocked the book over and accidentally let the leaves fall out...


So, let Ginkgo bear the blame

Benjamin felt it was very unscientific. Can ginkgo leaves take people through time? This is too ridiculous. But, again, if you wear it, how can you care about science

It's a done deal, and it doesn't make sense to him whether the ginkgo leaves can take people across time. The most urgent task is to solve the curse on himself. Therefore, he should pay more attention to where the leaves of the so-called "Tree of Time and Space" can be found.

It's not written in the book.

It seems that in the Horli Kingdom, ginkgo leaves have become a legendary thing. It is not a popular legend, but an unpopular legend. I accidentally saw it in some remote books or stories, but no one has actually seen it.

Therefore, its description in the "Encyclopedia of Kingdom Plants" is also very brief.

Damn... this is going to kill people too.

How can he get a legendary thing

Benjamin's curse break reaches a dead end.

Michelle is also powerful enough to find such a rare thing as the medium for her curse. Is it necessary? It would be enough to just pick up a leaf, but this time it stumped him.

… etc.

Since ginkgo leaves are so rare, how did Michelle get them

Suddenly, Benjamin seemed to have thought of something and said to the system: "Quickly, bring out the picture of the ginkgo leaf you just made. It's the leaf that Michelle is holding. I want to see it again."

The system seemed a little reluctant: "Why, that consumes a lot of memory."

Benjamin immediately urged: "Stop dawdling, hurry up! The memory cannot sprout if it is piled up there."

"Okay, okay, just wait." Under Benjamin's urging, the system finally started. Accompanied by a mechanical sound of system operation, half a minute later, the picture was finally displayed in front of Benjamin.

Benjamin looked intently.

"Zoom in, zoom in again..."


When the picture was enlarged and the details of the ginkgo leaf became clearer to Benjamin's eyes, Benjamin finally realized where the ginkgo leaf in Michelle's hand came from.

That was the bookmark he picked up before traveling through time.

So, the whole story is probably like this: He picked up this leaf first and used it as a bookmark. As a result, the bookmark took him through time and became Benjamin. The leaf that brought him through time probably fell nearby, and was picked up by Michelle. So Michelle used the leaf to put a curse on him.

Therefore, Michelle really picked up a random leaf and used it as a medium.

Who could he blame

Blame that leaf, it's all the fault. If he were to write a memoir or something in the future, he would definitely title it "A Murder Caused by a Ginkgo Leaf."

After studying the curse for a long time, and then studying the ginkgo for a long time, and finally got only this result, Benjamin felt like crying.

It was obviously difficult for him to lift the curse on his own. All the ginkgo trees in this world are extinct, and he can't find a ginkgo leaf as a medium. The only ginkgo leaf he knows is still in Michelle's hand. What's the difference between this and not knowing

After much deliberation, in the end, Benjamin temporarily gave up the idea of lifting the curse. If he doesn't have the ability to do it right now, don't waste time on it. It is said that planting a willow without intention will create a shade. Maybe he forgot this and accidentally got a new ginkgo leaf one day

Let’s get busy with other things first.

Throwing the "Encyclopedia of Kingdom Plants" aside, he took out the hidden "Introduction to Magic".

In addition to the curse part, enchantment also involves the production of magic props, and Benjamin is also very interested in it.

After thinking for a while, he turned the book to the part about making magic props.

Regarding enchantment, his bullets have already been blessed, so there is no need to enchant them, so they won't be used in a short time. As for magic props, he knew the least about them and was quite curious about them.

The cross given to him by the bishop must also be a magic item. Of course, the church would definitely not be called "magic props", it would be more like calling it "magic props".

If he could learn how to make magic props, his strength would definitely improve dramatically.

He looked expectantly.

However, after reading this part, he was once again disappointed.

The book says that making magic props is quite difficult and requires some very rare materials, but these are not the point. The point is, most of the methods for making magic props were lost due to the massacre by the church, and this book only records one method of making magic props - the magic props worn by Michelle and the mages of the Silent Academy. The robe is said to slightly increase the power of magic.

In this regard, Benjamin just wanted to say, what is the use of that robe? Putting on that robe, isn't it just telling the world "I am a mage, come and arrest me", it is too late for the church to be happy!

Benjamin shook his head helplessly.

There was no gain in terms of magic props, and I was disappointed twice in a row. I felt that my mentality was a bit less optimistic.

He couldn't muster the energy to watch the enchantment part.

Forget it, stop reading now and do something else to change your mood.

Benjamin closed "Introduction to Magic" and put it away. After thinking about it, he took out the stone called "Water Element Crystal" - fortunately, he asked for this when he was collecting medical bills from the two people.

I hope this thing will not live up to my expectations.

As the name suggests, this is the crystallization of pure water element. According to them, this thing has a wide range of uses. It can be used to exercise element affinity, assist in releasing water-based magic, and can also be used as a material for making magic props... They said that if Benjamin hadn't saved their teacher, they would definitely I was reluctant to give this to Benjamin.

They all said so, so Benjamin couldn’t let this thing go.

The crystallization of water element...

If possible, Benjamin would of course want to use such a precious thing to improve his own strength. Ordinary mages usually use it this way, but the problem is, Benjamin is not an ordinary mage, and the method everyone is using may not work for him.

The way for Benjamin to improve his strength is very simple, just strengthen the triangle characters.

But, can this thing be brought into the conscious space

Not being able to put things in the conscious space has always been a big regret in Benjamin's heart. Looking at the time-traveling protagonists, they just have a portable space where they can put whatever they want, and they can also farm in it and create a whole world. But he can't put anything in this space of consciousness.

He had tried it before, and the only things that could enter the conscious space were himself, the water element, and the system's voice that couldn't be turned off no matter how hard it was turned off.

Although the water element crystal is said to be water element, it has formed an entity after all. It is not known whether it can be brought in.

Without thinking, Benjamin decided to give it a try.

He held the water element crystal in his hand, closed his eyes, and entered the consciousness space. But when he opened his eyes and looked again, in his conscious space, his hands were empty, without any trace of water element crystals.

Damn it, I can’t bring it in.

Benjamin returned to reality, looked at the blue stone in his hand, and couldn't help but worry.

Doesn’t it mean that this stone is the element of water? Since it is the element of water, it can enter the consciousness space. Why can't it enter

Water element...

Suddenly, Benjamin slapped his forehead and realized the problem.

Since it is the water element, it should be put into the conscious space in the form of water element! Using his own method to enter the conscious space will definitely not work.

Yes, that’s what it is!

So, Benjamin immediately adjusted his state, allowing himself to once again enter that wonderful state of having half a foot in the conscious space and half a foot in the real world.

Then, he focused his energy on the water element crystal.

With a whoosh, the water element crystal disappeared!

Benjamin suppressed the joy in his heart and entered the conscious space again. I saw that blue stone floating in mid-air at the moment, exuding a faint moist breath, and many water elements were swimming happily around it like a school of fish.

Seeing this scene, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be regarded as getting the water element crystal in.

If this thing doesn't work, then he can only attack the door of Silence Academy and complain that they paid for the medical expenses with counterfeit money.