When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 58: Great Sword of Holy Light


"Damn, I knew he would come after me."

Faced with the purge's actions, Benjamin couldn't help but curse.

However, this is the best result. The cleaning team lost four people, and its combat effectiveness dropped by more than one level. This was the most perfect cooperation that he and Michelle could achieve after more than ten seconds of hard work.

In fact, the more than ten seconds of this sneak attack were also more than ten seconds of considerable information for Benjamin.

From the moment he recognized Michelle, he had been in a state of WTF. However, when he saw Michelle take out the two daggers, he immediately understood what to do next.

Perhaps he and Michelle have been fighting for too long, and he has worked hard to figure out Michelle's thoughts for a long time. Therefore, he must have an extremely good understanding of Michelle's intentions.

The person who knows you best is always your enemy.

With only eye contact, the plan for this surprise attack was brewing in the minds of the two.

Benjamin knew very well that this was the only way out now. If the captain of the purges is allowed to contact the bishop, Michelle's lie will soon be exposed, and in the end, not only Benjamin, but also Michelle will suffer.

Although Benjamin still has many questions in his mind: Why did Michelle risk her life to save him? Why did these purges know Michelle, call her "Christine" and not question her paladin attire? But he had no time to hesitate.

There is nothing to hesitate about. If you don’t fight, you will die. If you fight, you may still live.

They want to destroy this team of Cleaners here and seal all the secrets in this dirty sewer.

Because of this, after Benjamin killed the Cleaner Captain with an ice needle, he was reminded by Michelle's eyes and took the Eye of God from his hand and destroyed it.

He wanted to cut off the connection between these purges and the church - even a shred of news would be sent back to the church, which would cause a devastating blow to Benjamin.

So, the next action was a matter of course. The Cleaners whose hands and feet were disrupted were no stronger than ordinary people, and the two of them easily eliminated these four people.

When Michelle forcibly killed the fourth Cleaner, the surprise attack was basically declared a success, and the remaining Cleaners would definitely react quickly. Therefore, Benjamin also began to prepare.

The Cleaners who have recovered from the chaos are not so easy to deal with.

He first summoned a defensive bubble around him, and then began to compress water bombs one after another - he was not surprised that the remaining ten Cleaners would focus their fire, and he should have taken precautions early.

Obviously, the mission of the Cleaners is to clean up the mages. Although Michelle "betrayed" them, she did not use magic. Therefore, they did not know that their "Christine" was a mage, so they chose Benjamin as the first choice. Target.

Just like that, the advantageous period of sneak attacks passed, and it was time for head-on confrontation.

"God bless us."

The ten Cleaners raised their swords at the same time, and the dazzling holy light condensed on their swords.

Their movements were uniform and they were mumbling words. In the blink of an eye, the holy light on the ten long swords gathered above their heads and turned into a huge sword composed purely of holy light.

Then, they all pointed their swords at Benjamin.

The giant sword of holy light struck hard at Benjamin!

At the same time, Benjamin had already condensed more than a dozen water bombs in his hands.

Maintaining more than a dozen water bombs already made him feel a little strenuous, but his life was at stake, and he didn't dare to be rude, so he had no choice but to fight for his life. Facing this majestic giant sword of holy light, he suddenly hit all the water bombs at once!

Not only that, after smashing the water bomb, he resisted the headache that was beginning to attack, and used the ice breaking technique again, and condensed a smooth and thick ice mirror in front of him.

He was afraid that more than a dozen water bombs would not be able to block this blow, and that the giant sword of holy light would be so powerful that it would split him in half with the water bubbles attached. Therefore, he also summoned an ice mirror, hoping to use the principle of mirror reflection to defend against the attack of the holy light.

This trick was not something he came up with on the spur of the moment. When he first learned the Ice Breaking Technique, he had thought about many ways to deal with divine magic - after all, he would one day face the pursuit of the church. According to his research, the so-called divine magic is actually the magic of light attribute. Since it is light, it will be reflected.

Therefore, Benjamin developed this trick very early to restrain divine magic. He didn't know how effective this method would be. This was his first time trying it.

He was still uneasy in his heart.

In the blink of an eye, the water bomb collided with the giant sword of holy light, and more than a dozen loud noises were heard, which was so loud that people were almost deafened, as if the entire sewer began to vibrate slightly.

A large number of water bombs exploded together, and the water splashing all over the sky was like a huge wave, suddenly submerging the Holy Light Giant Sword in it!

"Succeeded?" Seeing this, Benjamin couldn't help but feel happy.

Sure enough, the Purges are most famous for their coordinated attacks. Without the guidance of the captain and the loss of three companions, the power of their joint attack was also much less powerful.

However, before Benjamin could be happy for a second, the water splashing all over the sky began to collapse. A golden ray of light broke through the heavy water curtain, leaping out as if cutting off a waterfall!

It's the Great Sword of Holy Light.

Under the impact of the water bomb, its shape became somewhat unstable and its size more than doubled. But it still carried the aura of purifying all things in the world and slashed hard at Benjamin!

Benjamin quickly controlled the ice mirror and rushed forward.

The big sword collided with the ice mirror, and the holy light splashed out for a moment. The scene was like flying welding sparks, so flashing that people could not open their eyes.

But Benjamin had to open his eyes and look directly at this scene.

With a bang, the ice mirror cracked and turned into countless tiny ice shards that dissipated in the air. The Great Sword of Holy Light was unable to maintain its form and collapsed, turning into ten fragments of Holy Light.

However, these ten holy light fragments did not disperse, and they still rushed towards Benjamin tenaciously!

"Damn it, you're so haunted!"

Benjamin had no time to do anything. He was afraid that the defensive blisters would not be able to block these fragments, but there was nothing he could do at this moment. The burden of using magic continuously was quite heavy. He could only summon a huge water ball to block it in front of him, and could not use any more magic.

Water polo, water polo, what can you do if you only have one water polo

The fragments of holy light plunged into the water ball, like a school of fish entering the sea, and their flying speed did not even slow down. It seems that a large water ball alone cannot stop the remaining power of the Holy Light Giant Sword.


Seeing this scene, Benjamin suddenly had an idea in his heart!

Before the fragments of holy light penetrated the water ball, he used the triangular characters to start controlling the huge water ball - just like "playing" with the water ball in the consciousness space.

Under his control, the water inside the water ball began to flow rapidly. Circle... circle... In the blink of an eye, a vortex formed inside the water ball, and the impact of the water flow became stronger and stronger with continuous acceleration.

The moment the vortex formed, everything became different.

The ten holy light fragments that were about to rush out of the water ball were sucked into the sudden vortex. They were almost able to penetrate the water ball, but they couldn't move any further.

"This... what kind of magic is this?"

Even the Cleaners who launched the attack showed expressions of disbelief when faced with this scene. They mobilized their thoughts and tried to control the fragments of Holy Light to rush out of the vortex.

However, all they did was in vain. Soon, these holy light fragments completely lost control, floating and swimming involuntarily along the current in the water ball like a real school of fish, without any aggression at all.

Seeing this, Benjamin breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally blocked this move.

This move launched by the Cleaners is definitely their strongest attack. There is no temptation in this kind of battle. The first move will kill you. If not, then GG. Benjamin estimated that it would be difficult for these purges to launch such an offensive again.

Fortunately, if he hadn't had an idea and used a water ball to block the blow, the result would have been unknown.

It is indeed a water polo! At this moment, he realized more deeply the infinite possibilities of water polo magic from another angle.

Water polo is a good practice and water polo keeps you safe.

However, before Benjamin had time to comprehend the water polo spirit he had just experienced, the next wave of offensive came quickly in front of him.

These purifiers saw that the Great Sword of Holy Light had been completely neutralized. Without any hesitation, they immediately made the next decision - they raised their swords and rushed towards Benjamin, as if they were going to chop Benjamin into pieces through a group fight. .

Benjamin was also startled by this posture.

"Damn it! I couldn't hit it with long-range attacks, so I switched to melee mode!"