When A Mage Revolts

Chapter 67: The truth behind it


yes! box!

Is he showing off his brain? Why did you hide in the box so obediently

Benjamin found that he seemed to be offline.

Just kidding, he can't actually perform on stage. And since they are all ready to escape, why is he so cooperative here

He had just been in the shock of discovering the gathering place of mages. He was so distracted that he forgot about it.

He has already discovered the mage in the theater, and it makes no sense to him to stay here any longer. He had no intention of suddenly jumping out of the box, hugging Henry and shouting: "Fellow, I am also a mage." Then more than 30 mages in the background hugged each other and cried.

The motivation of curiosity that supported him in seeking death in the first place gradually disappeared.

Then why is he still here

Run away quickly!

Benjamin begins planning how he will escape from the theater.

He first sensed the situation outside the box using the water element sensing method. Henry was still standing by the box, face to face with another man who looked like a magician but was actually a mage, and they were having a heated discussion.

Well, there is no way to get out of the box for the time being, so let's wait until Henry is farther away.

Although it is unclear when the performance will start, judging from the atmosphere backstage, it should be dozens of minutes away. Previously, the man in the suit and Dick shouted, "The show is about to start." The "right away" should have the same meaning as the "right away" in "I'll be there soon."

There is no need to be anxious, just be patient and wait for the opportunity.

By the way, Dick...

How could he be forgotten.

Benjamin suddenly realized that something was wrong with the whole thing.

Would Dick be unaware of all this

This is the new theater run by the Foer family, and these mages were most likely gathered by the Foer family. All the mages were suddenly gathered together, and the premiere was held in a theater that attracted much attention. Benjamin did not believe that the Foer family did not want to cause trouble.

What are they going to do

If it was really just for a performance, would such a luxurious lineup be necessary

Suddenly, Benjamin had a feeling that "the storm is about to come, and the wind will fill the building."

He simply broke into a completely new and unknown territory unintentionally. No matter what happens tonight, he knows that what the Foer family has been preparing for for so long must be a shocking "premiere".

Reminiscent of the ecology of the aristocratic circle in the royal capital: the Riese family relies on the church and has the highest status; the Foer family relies on business development and economic power, and is not inferior to the Riese family, but is always suppressed by the church...

Could it be that the Foer family cannot bear the current situation and is preparing to join forces with the mage

Just when Benjamin was thinking a lot, suddenly, three clear sounds came, calling him back to reality - someone was knocking three times in a row outside the box.

Benjamin, whose thoughts were interrupted, suddenly showed a puzzled expression.

Hasn’t the show started yet

However, thinking of what Henry said, he still pushed open the lid of the box and stood up with a confused look on his face.

"Yes! This is the feeling I want." Henry stood by the box, looking at Benjamin with surprise on his face, and said, "You did a good job. When you get on stage and stand up from the box, you With this expression on your face, exit through the door on the right side of the stage, and your mission will be accomplished.”

Benjamin looked at Henry a little speechlessly.

It turned out that I was just rehearsing.

This rehearsal is really casual. When I feel good, I will dance and line up backstage. Is this the so-called unbridled passion of an artist

"Very good, let's rehearse again." Henry didn't care what Benjamin was feeling, but he spoke cheerfully, as if he was very excited by Benjamin's performance.

Is this person really a mage...

Seeing this, Benjamin couldn't help but start thinking like this.

Maybe he couldn't understand the wonderful feeling of sympathy between the magician and Tou.

In this way, under Henry's command, Benjamin reluctantly began to rehearse. Most of the entire rehearsal process consisted of Benjamin hiding in the box, waiting for Henry to knock on the box, and then he stood up stupidly.

How can I put it... What a boring magic trick.

However, Henry's serious look made Benjamin quite "admired". It seemed as if this "magician" was not causing any trouble on stage today, but was really just preparing to perform magic tricks.

Benjamin almost believed it.

Soon, the rehearsal process was over. Henry asked Benjamin to hide in the box, not to move, and to wait patiently until the performance started. After giving these instructions, Henry also walked away, making final preparations for the performance.

Now, there was finally no one near the box.

The time has come for Benjamin to escape.

Using the water element sensing method to observe the outside world, after no one around him was paying attention, he pushed open the lid of the box and quietly climbed out of the box.

No matter what the Foer family is going to do tonight, the city gate is on fire, affecting Chiyu. Benjamin felt that it was best not to get involved.

It would also be good for Benjamin if they did something to attract the church's attention.

Benjamin walked out of the box and looked around. The backstage was much quieter than when he first arrived. Everyone was no longer so fussy, and instead became a little nervous.

These people all looked serious, as if they were really nervous for the evening's performance.

Just like the real thing…


But a sense of disobedience suddenly appeared in Benjamin's heart.

He suddenly realized that the strange feeling he had felt when he found the fragments of the robe in the toilet had not disappeared. It was only temporarily covered up because of what happened one after another.

Something is wrong.

These people...the way these people communicate, even the communication between mages, does not have that sense of mutual understanding. It's like... it's like they don't know that each other is a mage.

It's not that they treat ordinary people and mages equally, but if they know that they are both mages, their tone of voice, body movements, and expressions will change no matter how much they hide it. But in the current situation, it seems that all the mages think that they are the only mages here and are trying hard to hide their identities.

how so

Could it be that the Foer family really just wanted to put on a show, so they didn't let these mages know each other's identities? Or maybe even the Foer family didn't know these people were mages, and just found a group of performers, and these people happened to be mages

If you think about it carefully, a group of mages who didn't know each other were gathered together by chance...

Benjamin suddenly remembered that when he eavesdropped on Dick's conversation before, he said "he actually called his father and most of the nobles in the royal capital over." He also thought, Dick said, that the church had gathered the paladins and were waiting in an unknown place.

Put all this information together...


Benjamin couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Tonight, I'm afraid there's really going to be big news.