When A Snail Loves

Chapter 10: (5)


Shi Yong, the entire Ye clan, and even Lin City, were famously talented, beautiful, and model couples.

Ji Bai asked, "Where are you from 7:00 that night to 5:00 the next day?"

"Dine with friends until 9 o'clock, go home." Ye Qiao replied lightly, "Get up at 7 o'clock the next day for work."

"Did you hear anything unusual at home that night?"

"No." Ye Qiao looked at him unceremoniously, "I don't quite understand what you mean, what will happen?"

Ji Bai smiled and changed the topic: "How do you usually get along with Ye Zixi?"

Ye Qiao took out a cigarette case on the table, lit it, took a breath, and replied, "The relationship is normal."

At this time, Xu Xu asked, "Do you know that Ye Zixi usually has conflicts with others? Does Ye Zixi have a lover?"

Ye Qiao took another breath and replied lightly, "I don't know if Ye Zixi has any conflicts with others. I don't know much about her private life."

The evening sun was bright and warm, Ji Bai and Xu Xu stood in front of the uninhabited green belt downstairs of the building. Ji Bai lit a cigarette and asked, "Any doubts?"

Xu Xu: "Yes. When answering other questions, she was relatively calm. But when we mentioned Ye Zixi, she consciously answered more slowly and clearly, which made me think that she was deliberately controlling her emotions. Maybe she hiding something."

Ji Bai nodded: "There is another doubt. Looking at her hand, it shouldn't take long for her to smoke."

Xu Xu thought: Generally speaking, when adults suddenly become addicted to tobacco and alcohol, most of them need to relieve stress.

Ji Bai smiled: "Young, beautiful, and wealthy. The data shows that she is in good health. The performance of the subsidiary she manages is also very good. What other reasons make a woman like her suddenly addicted to smoking?"

Xu Xu pondered: "Family pressure. You mean her husband might be cheating?"

"Can't say for sure, but it's possible."

The two were silent for a moment, Xu Xu looked at Ji Bai's fingers, and asked casually, "What about you? Why do you smoke?"

Ji Bai's eyes also stopped on the quietly burning cigarette between his fingers.

It wasn't until the Criminal Police Team that they started to draw fiercely. When I was in my early twenties, when faced with corpses, when I was devastated by the case and couldn't sleep at night, how precious is a cigarette? Later, it became a habit. If something happened, I would take one, but I couldn’t quit, and I didn’t even think about quitting.

The misty thoughts disappeared in a flash, Ji Bai raised his eyes to look at Xu Xu, and asked, "Why, you don't like me smoking?"

Xu Xu looked at him in surprise.

In her heart, Ji Bai has always been a boss, a master, a colleague, and a respectable senior. But she never thought: "Ji Bai is a 28-year-old handsome and single man who gets along with him day and night". But even so, she still felt something was wrong with Ji Bai's words. Like... a man teasing a woman

A strange possibility flashed in his mind, Xu Xu subconsciously looked into Ji Bai's eyes and observed his expression. However, Ji Bai is such a sophisticated and steady person, she has never seen through his eyes, and now she can only see the magnanimity and calmness in his eyes.

Xu Xu felt relieved of course - obviously Ji Bai's words meant literally: do you dislike his smoking behavior? So she nodded: "I don't like it. It's better not to smoke, it's harmful to health."

Ji Bai was about to speak when Xu Xu's cell phone rang - it was the secretary's notification that he could go to see Zhang Shiyong.

According to the information, before Zhang Shiyong and Ye Qiao got married, they were the second sons of another well-known company in the city, studying in Europe with a master's degree. At present, he is in charge of the real estate subsidiary of the joint venture between the two companies, and has a strong ability to expand scale. Now he is equivalent to controlling half of the Ye family.

The cool-toned office is full of toughness, weight and luxury. Zhang Shiyong, dressed in a pure black suit, slowly turned around under the light with a smile on his face: "Two police officers, it's been a long wait."

Rao is Xu Xu, who is not easy to feel the charm of men, and was slightly startled when he saw him for the first time. Because of his outstanding appearance and bearing, he just stood there quietly, exuding the refined temperament of a mature man all over his body.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry." Ji Bai smiled and shook hands with Zhang Shiyong. Zhang Shiyong glanced at him and smiled even deeper: "Detective Ji, I have been looking forward to you for a long time."

Xu Xu looked at Ji Bai's handsome and deep profile. Unlike Zhang Shiyong's powerful aura, Ji Bai was very calm and natural, and he would not give people extra pressure. Instead, he showed a kind of restrained calm.

From this point of view, Ji Bai felt just right.

Regarding the schedule that night, Zhang Shiyong's attitude was calm: "I had a meeting in the company that night until eight o'clock, and I got home less than nine o'clock. I really can't give any evidence of alibi after that."

For other questions, he also mentioned Ye Zixi, he only frowned: "I admire her very much, it's a pity."

For Zhang Shiyong, Ji Bai has only one comment: "No water leaks."

Xu Xu frowned, "If I were Ye Zixi, I would definitely choose Zhang Shiyong."

Ji Bai paused while lighting a cigarette, looked up at her, and said calmly, "The assumption is not true, the inference is reasonable. Go back to the police station first, and then summarize and discuss."

When dusk fell, Ji Bai and Xu Xu first returned to the police station, found a small restaurant nearby, and waited for Old Wu and Yao Meng.

Ji Bai threw the menu to Xu Xu and went to the outside world by himself. After contemplating the night for a long time, he felt that his thoughts had been sorted out, and his mood was slightly relaxed.

As soon as he returned to the private room, Xu Xu stared at him, waiting to summarize today's conclusion.

Ji Bai sat down and said, "At present, the second couple and the third couple may be the murderers. However, Zhang Shiyong is the most likely to be Ye Zixi's lover and ally."

Xu Xu nodded: "Regardless of his personality, ability and strength in the Ye Group, he is Ye Zixi's best choice. Plus Ye Qiao's performance is proof."

At this time, the waiter served cold dishes, and Ji Bai took the menu and asked for a pot of tea. Xu Xu couldn't be as relaxed as he was, and frowned: "But we are only discussing relative possibilities, and there is no evidence."

Ji Bai picked up the teacup and said lightly, "There is evidence. The evidence is on him."

Xu Xu raised his eyebrows. After all, she had little experience, and she didn't even have a clue about the evidence Ji Bai said. But she knew that Ji Bai said so, so she must be sure. In addition to his doubts, his eyes also revealed surprised admiration.

The night outside the window was dark blue, and the lights inside were orange. Ji Bai looked at her clear black and white eyes, where admiration was evident. This made Ji Bai's heart shake slightly. Others say that she is dull, but in fact her eyes are really "talking eyes", but... she only speaks very little.

Ji Bai smiled even more, and continued to deepen her admiration: "Tomorrow at the latest, the evidence will be in our hands. Within three days, the case should be solved. The director asked for a week to solve the case, so there should be no delay."

Xu Xu was stunned, looking at him without blinking.

Ji Bai laughed and patted the chair beside him: "Sit down and explain to you."

Xu Xu wanted to know the answer wholeheartedly, but did not think about the inevitable connection between "sit over" and "explain", got up and sat beside him, looked up at him, and waited.

Ji Bai naturally put one arm on the back of her chair, habitually pulled out the lighter with one hand, lit a cigarette, took a puff, and exhaled the smoke ring. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Xu Xu staring at the smoke ring, slightly. Frowning: "Didn't you say you don't smoke today?"

Ji Bai looked at the little woman who was only half a foot away from his arms, thought about it, and answered slowly, "Xu Xu, only my girlfriend can take care of me, not my apprentice."

Xu Xu turned his head to the side when he heard the words, and looked at him intently.

In the same quiet night, in this city, someone is making a detour on the road to happiness. And for some people, every second is suffering.

In Ye's high-rise building, the old San Ye Qiao is standing in the office and thinking.

Looking down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, the surface of the building slopes like an abyss. She lit a cigarette against the glass, but just as she was about to hold it, it was snatched away.

She turned her head sharply and looked at the man in front of her who was half-smiling. He was tall and handsome as always, and his deep facial features with great masculinity were vaguely reflected in the window, making people irresistible and frightening.

Zhang Shiyong looked at his wife's frightened but pretended calm expression, smiled lightly, and threw her cigarette into the trash can.

Ye Qiao's face changed again and again, and finally her face was ashen, and two words escaped from her teeth: "Beast!"

Zhang Shiyong lost his smile, and clasped her waist with a gloomy expression. Ye Qiao pushed hard, but was constrained even tighter. Looking at the trembling body in his arms, Zhang Shiyong suddenly burst out laughing, and lowered his head and bit her neck: "Zi Xi is not as beautiful as you, not as rich as you, and even without you on the bed. Now she is dead too. , what are you dissatisfied with?"

☆、Chapter 23

"Xu Xu, only my girlfriend can take care of me. The apprentice can't." After saying this, Ji Bai stared at her calmly.

Xu Xu also looked at him, she answered very simply: "I don't want to worry about you."

Ji Bai looked at her magnanimous and bright eyes, only to feel a sullen breath coming out of his chest, which was silently blocked. She has always been outspoken, saying that, she doesn't mean the slightest bit to him.

The irritability in his heart gradually increased, Ji Bai lightly picked up the cigarette and put it into his mouth.

Unexpectedly, she continued to say, "Master, I am concerned about you."

She looked serious and sincere. Maybe it was because he was not used to expressing kindness to others actively, and his fair little face also showed a blush.

Ji Bai was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled deeply.

He put out the cigarette in the ashtray and looked at her sideways: "Okay, listen to you."

Xu Xu smiled slightly and continued: "Actually, there are many ways to reduce stress. Smoking is the most unhealthy way. I believe you know it. It's not difficult to quit smoking..."

She said it with a straight face, Ji Bai listened to the low and soft voice in his ear, and his heart seemed to become lazy and very comfortable. I thought to myself: Ji Bai, ah Ji Bai, how simple and dull her mind is! Why are you feeling up and down by her few words today, like a hairy boy. You have to let her follow you unknowingly, but don't be stunned by her first.

Thinking of this, he said flatly, "You're right, but I'm a heavy smoker, so it's difficult to quit smoking by myself. You're an expert and you want to care about me, so you will cooperate with me to quit smoking in the future."

Xu Xu: "Okay. Then I'll go back to check the information, study it, and then we'll make a plan."

While the two were talking, the private room door was pushed open.

Old Wu was talking on the phone, nodded at the two of them, pulled out a chair and sat down to continue talking.

When other subordinates came, Ji Bai naturally wanted to restrain himself. Just as he was about to put down the arm resting on the back of the chair behind Xu Xu, Yao Meng walked in.

She saw Ji Bai's actions and Xu Xu who was sitting beside him, and she was obviously startled.

Ji Bai's expression didn't change, his arms didn't move either, his gaze slid lightly across Yao Meng's face. Yao Meng pulled a smile from the corner of her mouth, put down her bag and sat down.

Ji Bai lowered his arms naturally, Yao Meng just looked up, her eyes collided with his again. Seeing his calm expression, Yao Meng felt suspicious and disappointed, but she couldn't see through him, so she lowered her eyes.

At this time, Old Wu hung up the phone, looking a little excited: "Boss, there are two important new discoveries."

The news brought by Lao Wu is very crucial.

First, the second child, Ye Jin, has alibi. She mentioned in her statement that she sat alone in the garden downstairs for a while after 23:00 that night. There is an old driver in the Ye family who is in his 50s. He just took a leave of absence in the past few days. When he was questioned by the police at work today, he said that he had seen Ye Jin on the night of the crime. Every night I slept late, I heard a noise and saw Ye Jin walking in the garden.

Ji Bai and Xu Xu were both startled when they heard this sudden alibi.

The second news that Lao Wu brought was about Lao Sanye Qiao.

Police have been checking road surveillance cameras near Ye's home and the murder scene. Today, we finally found out that a camera caught Ye Qiao driving by at 21:47 on the night of the incident. In other words, she went out that night.

After listening to Ji Bai and Xu Xu's inference on the identity of Zhang Shiyong's lover, Lao Wu agreed: "Now it seems that the most suspects are the third couple. But boss, what is the evidence you mentioned?"

Ji Bai smiled slightly: "Clothing."

Xu Xu suddenly said, "Personal clothes that Zhang Shiyong took away from the scene of the murder?"

Ji Bai nodded.

Old Wu pondered, Yao Meng hesitated.

Ji Bai explained lightly: "From the messy wardrobe at the murder scene, it can be judged that Zhang Shiyong temporarily took his personal belongings away after Ye Zixi's death. It was early in the morning, what would he do with these things

Throw it on the road? Won't. His clothes are all hand-made by famous brands, and the goal is too eye-catching. The police will soon search the entire vicinity of Lin Anshan, and throwing away clothes is tantamount to exposing yourself;

Take it back to the company? Neither will it. Every elevator in the building has cameras, and the police will also thoroughly check the surveillance records. He carried such a large box of clothes upstairs the next morning, which was too eye-catching;

put it at home? There have been police coming and going in and out of Ye Zhai these days.

And from the early morning of the day after the incident, our people have been monitoring the Ye family's people 24 hours a day, and he has no other chance to let go. "

Lao Wu said: "So his clothes are still in his hands—most likely in the car. As long as these clothes are found, it is very likely to find traces of the murder scene."

The four were silent for a while before Xu Xu asked, "Then can we apply for a search warrant?"

Before Ji Bai could answer, Old Wu shook his head: "There is no other evidence at present, but we rely on our inferences. The other party is a well-known person in the city, and it is difficult to apply for a search warrant."

I thought there was a breakthrough, but who knew it was deadlocked again. Old Wu and the three frowned in thought, but Ji Bai smiled.

He subconsciously took out a cigarette and was about to put it in his mouth when he heard Xu Xu shout very quickly and very softly: "Master." Looking up, the little guy stared straight at the cigarette in his hand, Give him a serious wink.

Ji Bai couldn't help but feel a hint of sweetness in his heart—comfortable!

Then he held the cigarette, showing a slightly embarrassed look, and finally nodded to her with the same seriousness, and put down the cigarette.

Old Wu on the side smiled: "Xu Xu, do you even care about Master's smoking?"

Xu Xu replied: "It's not about it. Master is determined to quit smoking. I will supervise him. Old Wu, do you want to quit too?"

Yao Meng looked at this scene and felt that her smile was a little stiff. She heard her brisk voice change the subject: "Boss, there is no search warrant, what should we do?"

Ji Bai then looked at her and replied with a light smile, "It's alright, I'll find a way."

Just after eating for a while, Ji Bai's phone rang. Glancing at the number, a smile appeared on his lips, and he got up and went outside.

Ye Zixiao on the other end of the phone was politely alienated: "Officer Ji, I was in a meeting just now and didn't get a call, what's the matter?"

Ji Bai said in a low voice, "About Ye Zixi's case, there is something I want to ask for your help."

Ye Zixiao's voice became solemn: "Go ahead."

Ji Bai leaned against the wall of the small shop, looking at the jet-black sky, the stars were sparse as water. He said lightly: "I believe you have noticed that Ye Zixi's villa lacks her lover's clothes. We speculate that there may be traces of the murder scene on the clothes, and the lover probably hasn't found a chance to throw them away. The key evidence in this case. If possible, I hope you can help the police to pay attention to whether anyone in the Ye group has abnormal behavior. Of course, this also hopes that your family can be cleared of suspicion as soon as possible. "

After Ye Zixiao listened, he was silent for a moment and replied, "Okay, I will pay attention."

As a result, before the meal was finished, less than half an hour later, Ji Bai received a call from Ye Zixiao again, with a hint of anger in his voice: "The clothes and lover have been found! Come here."

Ye Zixiao is not a fool. Although Ji Bai didn't say he doubted the Ye family on the phone, he only talked about the Ye family, but the first thing he thought of was his family.

He was eating at home when he got the call. Today, the police came to the company to investigate the case, and Ye Lanyuan asked everyone to come back for dinner. When everyone arrived, Ye Lanyuan said, "In the future, every day before meals, we will observe a moment of silence for Zi Xi."

No one objected, no one spoke up.

It's just that he was sitting at the dining table, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He simply put down the chopsticks with a cold face, and regardless of his father's sinking face, the third sister stopped him and walked out.

Because everyone eats in the big house, everyone's cars are parked outside by the flower garden. Ye Zixiao stood in the dark night, watching the fleet of good cars, he didn't need to think about it at all, he turned around and called the captain of the driver and the captain of security at Ye Zhai.

"Open the trunks of all cars."

"Let your people stop you, and no one is allowed to come over."

Both the driver and the security guard were stunned. Seeing that they were still moving, he smiled, "Come on! If you don't get out of here tomorrow, listen to me today, and one person will be awarded 50,000 yuan." But Ye Zixiao has always been the overlord of the family. , The old man's dear son, who dares to disobey? The two usually had a good relationship with him, so they simply gritted their teeth.

The trunks were opened one by one, and Ye Zixiao checked them one by one with a cold face. This movement disturbed the people in the room, all of them ran out, Ye Ziqiang was the first to change his face: "What are you doing, fourth?"

Ye Zixiao didn't even look at him, and yelled at a team of security guards beside him, "Stop!" The security guards dared to stop him. Ye Jin stood under the porch, silent, Ye Qiao folded her arms and hugged her chest, the smile on her face was cold and mocking. Zhang Shiyong's face changed slightly, and he rushed forward: "Zixiao, what are you doing?"

In fact, Ye Zixiao thought that he would find something in Wu Xie's car, but it was empty. At this time, he was facing a BMW X5, but the captain of the driver said that he did not have the car key.

"Brother-in-law, don't worry about it, it's none of your business." Ye Zixiao said to Zhang Shiyong, then looked up at everyone in front of the porch, "Whose car belongs to?"

Zhang Shiyong's face sank: "This is my car."

Ye Zixiao's heart trembled slightly as he looked at this brother-in-law whom he had always respected as his elder brother: "Your car? Open it."

Zhang Shiyong's face was also a little cold: "I don't like people touching my things."

Ye Zixiao glanced at him, a lot of vague thoughts flashed in his mind, and suddenly shouted at the security captain next to him, "Break it for me!"

The trunk was forcibly pried open, the large suitcase inside was cut open by a knife, and the men's suits, pajamas, underwear, leather shoes, teacups, and toiletries were scattered. All the people around were silent, Zhang Shiyong's face was light: "What are you looking for?"

Ye Zixiao ignored his indifference, grabbed his tie, and punched him in the face: "He~ it's really you!"

When Ji Bai and the others arrived at Ye's house, Ye Zixiao sat on the back cover of the car with a bruised nose and a swollen face. Zhang Shiyong's clothes were messy and his hair was messy. He stood a few steps away with a gloomy face.

While the rest of the Ye family were silent with different expressions, Ye Lanyuan did not show up.

Seeing Ji Bai, Ye Zixiao jumped out of the car: "Officer, I have evidence to submit."

Seeing his embarrassed and fierce look, Xu Xu didn't say anything. Seeing Ji Bai's indifferent face again, he immediately understood - what Ji Bai said before that he would try to find these clothes again.

He had expected Ye Zixiao to do this.

He was officially invited to the police station and sat in the brightly lit hearing room. Zhang Shiyong, who was in a suit and leather shoes, was not nervous, but his bruised cheeks seemed out of place.

"I don't understand why I was taken to the police station in the middle of the night." He looked calm, "I will wait for a lawyer."

Ji Bai and Lao Wu personally interrogated him. Old Wu threw away the appraisal report in his hand: "Stop pretending. Italian handmade custom suits? It's consistent with Ye Zixi's consumption record, she gave you it? There are traces of dirt from the murder scene in the leather shoes - you probably don't know, the world The composition of soil is different in every place. What's more, there is Ye Zixi's DNA in the toiletries. Mr. Zhang, how do you explain it?"

Xu Xu, Yao Meng, and the others were quietly listening and observing through a dark glass.

However, in the face of the overwhelming evidence, Zhang Shiyong pondered for a while, leaned back in the chair, and seemed to be completely relaxed: "That's right. Ye Zixi is my mistress. But I didn't kill the person, and there is no accomplice. .Women, it's just for fun. I have many women, and she can only be regarded as the one who has been with me for a long time. Can't you?"

At the glass end, Yao Meng cursed, "Beasts." Xu Xu also frowned.

At this time, Ji Bai asked indifferently, "You went to the scene that night."

Zhang Shiyong raised his eyes and looked at Ji Bai: "I have been there. But when I arrived, she was already dead."

☆, Chapter 24

"I went there because I received a text message from Zi Xi." Zhang Shiyong took out his cell phone indifferently and handed it to Ji Bai.

Everyone outside the hearing room was startled: Another text message

"Husband, I have something important to tell you, can I come to the villa right away?" The sending time was 22:40 that night, and the sender was not Ye Zixi, but an unfamiliar number.

"That's my personal card for daily contact with Zi Xi." Zhang Shiyong explained without hesitation.

Zhao Han, who was beside Xu Xu, muttered, "Sure enough, there is still a number. No wonder Ye Zixi's communication records can't find him."

In the hearing room, Zhang Shiyong raised his eyes as deep as water: "It was very late, and I was a little surprised. But our private card was encrypted, and only Zi Xi knew the password. So I went anyway."

"I packed my things and left - I don't want my relationship with her to be exposed." He said lightly, "I covered that dress for her. After all, it's my woman."

-- Zhang Shiyong was temporarily released, but is still under police surveillance.

One is that according to the driving route he provided, the police found surveillance videos of several road sections, which proved that he arrived at the villa at 24:00 that night and left at 1:00 a.m. According to the results of the forensic doctor's further examination of the body in the past few days, Ye Zixi should have been killed during this time period; secondly, the police did not have any other direct evidence to prove that he was related to the murder.

The members of the criminal police team immediately held a brief meeting, and Ji Bai got straight to the point: "The person who sent this text message could only be Ye Qiao."

Yao Meng said, "Yes, at that time, Ye Zixi was killed. But she didn't have any reason to send such a text message." Old Wu nodded: "At that time, both the eldest Ye Ziqiang and the second eldest Ye Jin were not present. Proof. Only Ye Qiao went out."

Xu Xu said, "No one else knows the password of the private card. But Ye Qiao is Zhang Shiyong's wife, and only she may know it."

Zhao Han hesitated: "There is both the time and the motive for committing the crime. It seems that Ye Qiao is the most suspect. But why did she send such a text message to call Zhang Shiyong to the scene? Ye Zixiao also received a message at 22:17. SMS, what happened that night?"

When he asked such a question, the case was like looking at a mountain through a cloud, misty. Ji Bai said lightly, "Just ask her to come back and ask."

--The incandescent light shone on the woman's gorgeous, pale face, her hands clasped tightly, her body stiff. Compared with her husband's calmness, Ye Qiao seemed too nervous.

"Give me a cigarette." Her voice was a little hoarse.

Ji Bai: "No."

Ye Qiao lowered her head in silence, Ji Bai stared at her: "Zhang Shiyong has already explained the text message."

Ye Qiao: "What... SMS? I don't understand."

"Ms. Ye, we have found the surveillance video of the highway that night. You arrived at Lin Anshan around 22:00 and left until 23:00. You provided a false statement before." Old Wu on the side said softly, "regardless of whether you killed the person or not, It's only good for you to take the initiative to confess."

However, Ye Qiao's stubbornness exceeded everyone's expectations. Although Ji Bai and Lao Wu had a black face and a white face, she was only silent after half an hour.

--It was already 3:00 in the morning, Yao Meng called for takeout. Everyone gathered in the large conference room and ate casually. Ji Bai instructed to let Ye Qiao hang out for a few hours, and everyone went out alone after a short rest.

The dark police station compound was silent. Ji Bai leaned against the corridor with his long body and took out a cigarette from his pocket. Just as he clicked, he heard familiar and light footsteps behind him.

He raised his eyes and looked at Xu Xu, who came quietly, and laughed, "Just one."

Xu Xu nodded, walked beside him, leaned against the railing, thought about the case, and remained silent.

Seeing the little guy follow him and stay by his side so naturally, Ji Bai's dignified mood was relieved because of the case. With a thought, he threw the lighter to her: "I'll tell you what I'm talking about, you'll keep it."


Ji Bai said logically, "Help me light a fire first."

Xu Xu had only lit a cigarette for Xu Jun before, and his movements were fairly skilled. "Cha!" A flame ignited, and before she could bring it forward, Ji Bai, already holding a cigarette, lowered his head and leaned over.

The corridor was quiet and dark, Ji Bai's body was as tall as a tree, standing in front of Xu Xu. The orange-yellow firelight illuminated the profile of his face, and the outline was hazy and deep. Xu Xu suddenly froze.

She has always rated Ji Bai's appearance as above average (too tall and strong), and usually in her eyes, this face is no different from Lao Wu's middle-aged man's face.

However, at this moment, it may be that the light and darkness are intertwined, and it may be that at midnight, her spirit is also a little dazed. He lowered his head, approached and stared at him, his eyebrows were heroic and tough, which made her feel like she had never been handsome and moving.

At this time, Ji Bai had already straightened up, took a deep breath, and glanced at her: "Go to sleep too."

Xu Xu didn't look at him, bowed his head and said no. She is taking a deep breath and calming the heartbeat that is obviously accelerating in her chest, and meditates on: food color is also, food color is also.

The two stood for a while, Ji Bai pinched the butt of the cigarette: "Let's go and talk to Ye Qiao again."

--The hearing room was bright and quiet, Ye Qiao could no longer maintain her rigid posture, lying on the table with her head buried in her arms, her sleeves wet with tears. When she heard the door slam, her heart tightened again, and she looked up at Ji Bai and Xu Xu.

Ji Bai's face was sullen, his expression extremely stern. Because his eyes were too cold, Jun Rong showed a forcing look. Ye Qiao glanced at him, her heart trembled, and she lowered her head.

Although Xu Xu did not have much experience in interrogating suspects, he could roughly guess that Ye Qiao's psychological quality was obviously weak, and now she was just trying her best. Ji Bai wanted to use pressure interrogation to break through her psychological defense.

Then, Ji Bai's interrogation technique was more powerful than Xu Xu expected.

Ji Bai threw the evidence bag containing Zhang Shiyong's mobile phone on the table, and said coldly, "The phone card Ye Zixi communicated with Zhang Shiyong has a password, you know the password."

Ye Qiao was expressionless.

Ji Bai didn't wait for her to speak, and continued: "Zhang Shiyong has a strong personality. What kind of password will his mistress set? The last digit of his mobile phone number? His birthday? A set of numbers that he likes?" Ye Qiao His face changed slightly, and Ji Bai nodded: "It seems to be a set of numbers he likes."

Ye Qiao's face turned pale, but how could Ji Bai let her go: "What is the purpose of sending Zhang Shiyong to the scene of the murder by texting? To let him see the death of his mistress? Or to let him not get rid of the murder. Suspect?" Taking a look at Ye Qiao's expression, he concluded, "Maybe both."

Ye Qiao's face became more and more ugly, her fingers kept twisting and tightening, Ji Bai stared at her: "I sent a text message on the spur of the moment, only to realize that the phone is a hot potato? What should I do? Throw it away? I'm afraid the police will trace you to the scene. Take it home? I don't dare. In the end, it's just a fluke and throw it away--Lin Anshan is so big and thrown in a dark corner, the police may not be able to find it."

Ye Qiao's eyes were a little red, and she looked up at Ji Bai abruptly: "What are you talking about, I don't understand at all."

Ji Bai's voice was even colder: "I don't understand? Of course, you also know to wipe the fingerprints off your phone. Even if we find it, it won't prove anything."

Ye Qiao didn't say a word, but Ji Bai turned around and said, "Did you get any blood on the phone when you took the phone from the corpse?"

Ye Qiao's whole body was shocked, and her heart was terrified. Ji Bai stared at her pale face and continued, "Ye Zixi was fatally wounded on her chest, and she won't die immediately. She had to cover her chest with her hands to stop the bleeding. Later, she took out her mobile phone and called for help, and there must be blood on the phone. When you drove back and forth, you were flustered at the time. Was there any blood on the steering wheel? Of course, you must have found it later and wiped it off. But with the police's identification technology, the remaining blood can be found within an hour. Ye Qiao, are you waiting for the identification report to come out? Be more frank, or speak now?"

Ye Qiao's whole body froze, her face was ashen. The beautiful face was as pale as a doll at this time. After being silent, she covered her face with her hands, and tears fell in large drops.

Ji Bai didn't force her any more, but opened the door and walked out, giving her some time to think about it.

Xu Xu recovered from his destructive offensive, got up and followed out. I saw Zhao Han and others on the head. It turned out that everyone went outside to listen.

Ji Bai had already walked aside with Lao Wu to talk, and Ye Qiao in the room was sobbing silently. Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressed. After a while, Zhao Han said: "The boss is really quick and accurate."

Ten minutes later, Ye Qiao proposed to see Ji Bai.

Facing the police again, Ye Qiao's face was still red and white, but the whole person seemed to have calmed down, and there was a certain kind of resolute silence in her stagnant eyes.

"I killed people, and I plead guilty."

"I hired a private detective and found out her extramarital affair with Shi Yong. If it was another woman, I would have put up with it, but it turned out to be my cousin. I went to her villa that day to find her. Killed her. At the time, I panicked, remembering that the blade committed the crime, so I cut her with the blade, and then cleaned the scene."

"She wasn't dead at the time, and while I wasn't paying attention, she sent a text message to Zixiao. I... I sent a text message to Shi Yong later, and I wanted Shi Yong to get involved."

--At dawn, the criminal police team went to Ye Qiao's home, office, and car to investigate and collect evidence. Sure enough, as Ji Bai said, using ultraviolet light and other identification methods, Ye Zixi's blood was found on the steering wheel of the car.

Ye Qiao's confession overturned Ji Bai's inference that there were two murderers. Someone asked Ji Bai if he wanted to interrogate Zhang Shiyong again, because he was probably an accomplice. Ji Bai said no.

As soon as he went to work in the afternoon, the director called Ji Bai to the office and threw him a good cigarette: "Yes, the speed of solving the case is getting faster and faster."

Ji Bai put the cigarette in his coat pocket and replied, "Thank you, Director, but the case has not been solved yet."

--Although Ji Bai hasn't announced the closure of the case, everyone in the criminal police team seems to be in high spirits compared to the last few days. When Ji Bai walked into the office, many people stared at him. He glanced at the crowd and entered the office with a light expression.

As soon as he sat down, Xu Xu walked in with a blank face, pulled the chair, sat down, and said, "I want to express my opinion - this case has not been solved yet."

Ji Bai was contemplating, raised his eyes to look at her, his heart warmed, and he smiled.

With such a heart and soul, it is really unreasonable not to catch up with you.

☆, Chapter 25

Seeing Ji Bai and Xu Xu again, Ye Qiao's face was less nervous and more alert.

Ji Bai handed her the cigarette, and she whispered, "Thank you." The hand that lit the cigarette was still a little trembling.

"The previous confession was too brief. I hope you will cooperate and tell me the details of that night again." Ji Bai said in a deep voice.

Ye Qiao raised her red and swollen eyes: "I have nothing to say, I have said everything I remember.

Ji Bai didn't seem to hear her refusal, and asked, "Did you see other cars or people leaving when you arrived at the scene?" Ye Qiao lowered her eyes quietly, "No."

"How did you enter the villa?" Xu Xu asked.

Ye Qiao paused and replied, "The door Ye Zixi opened."

Ji Bai looked at her and said slowly, "It was already ten o'clock at night, and it was in the villa in the middle of the mountain, and there was no one around. If you came to the door with a woman, wouldn't you be afraid that Ye Zixi would hurt you in turn?"

Ye Qiao felt a pain in her heart. Ji Bai's words made the scene of that night appear in her mind - the silent mountains and the woods like ghosts. She parked the car beside the road and looked at the brightly lit villa not far away, only to feel a heartache as if falling into a frying pan. imagine the husband