When A Snail Loves

Chapter 14: (9)


, his tense Guozi face revealed a sinister aura.

Suddenly, as if he noticed something, he stopped and looked up.

"Go!" Ji Bai shouted in a low voice, Su Mu gave an order, and several athletic figures appeared from all corners and rushed towards Chen Yong. Chen Yong's reaction was also very fast. As soon as he heard the rapid and dense footsteps around him, he ran without looking back! But where would the detectives give him a chance? A young detective slammed into Chen Yong's body head-on, and other detectives swarmed up, instantly pressing Chen Yong to the ground.

This thunderous scene stunned the proprietress at the door, and also shocked the passers-by.

"Catch the culprit!"

"Catch the thief!"

"Wanted criminal! Must be a wanted criminal! This posture!"

People stepped back one after another, surrounded the hotel entrance again, and stopped to watch.

"Be honest!" Su Mu Tieqing shouted with a face, and several criminal policemen surrounded Chen Yong and escorted him into the car. Ji Bai stepped forward and whispered to Su Mu.

Yao Meng also got out of the car and looked at Chen Yong coldly.

"This is also a policeman! It's so beautiful." Someone next to him said loudly, and many people came over. Yao Meng's face was slightly hot, and she subconsciously glanced at the people around her. At this moment, she was stunned.

In the outermost crowd on the left, a tall and thin man was staring at Chen Yong, who was being escorted into the car, with a rather ugly expression on his face. He also had a black bag on his shoulders, while Chen Yong had no bag on him.

After only standing for a few seconds, he quickly turned around and walked quickly towards an alley in front of him.

"Stop!" Yao Meng shouted. As soon as the man stiffened, he ran away.

The moment Ji Bai and Su Mu heard Yao Meng's voice, they turned their heads at the same time. The next second, Ji Bai had already turned around and chased after him, and Su Mu followed closely.

Once you enter the alley, you are completely different from the noisy street outside. The street lights were dim, the ground was undulating and narrow, and there were only twos and threes of passers-by. Seeing the man and Yao Meng running at full speed one after the other, they were so frightened that they leaned against the wall and fled.

Yao Meng heard the strong footsteps behind her, her fast beating heart seemed to be injected with new energy, and she had a strong desire to capture this gangster in front of him. She was a sprint champion at the police academy. As soon as she gritted her teeth, she almost went beyond the limit to speed up again, approaching the man behind her.

The man panicked a little when he heard the wind blowing behind him, and turned back suddenly, but saw that it was a very beautiful girl. He was angry, scared, and incredulous, he took out the dagger in his pocket and stabbed Yao Meng!

"Ah!" The two middle school students next to her screamed in fright. Yao Meng was blocked by them.

Is Ji Bai right behind her

During this distraction, there was a sharp stabbing pain in the left shoulder, and the dagger had been inserted.

At the same moment, she felt the breath of the man behind her suddenly approaching. "Let go!" Ji Bai shouted sternly, already twisting the man's wrist and clasping him against the wall.

Ji Bai turned around, glanced at her quickly, and said with a frown, "Su Mu, call a doctor!"

Yao Meng pressed the wound on her shoulder with one hand: "No, it's fine!"

The police lights flickered, and almost half of the street was blocked by onlookers, creating darkness. The detectives all got into their cars and evacuated one by one.

Yao Meng was sitting in a van with the door ajar. The doctor was treating her wound.

Half of the shoulder was exposed, it was cold and painful. But in that pain, there seemed to be bursts of indescribable throbbing.

Su Mu was the first to walk to the car and glanced at her shoulder: "Are you alright? Thanks to the season team subduing in time, otherwise the knife would have gone into the bone."

The doctor also said it was dangerous.

A few more young criminal policemen came over, looked at her wound, and whispered concern, some even blushing. This made Yao Meng a little embarrassed, but also a little complacent. Because their eyes always drifted to her fair shoulders from time to time, but she was dealing with the wound and she couldn't cover it.

"How is the wound?" A deep voice rang out, and Ji Bai's tall figure appeared beside the car. As soon as his eyes touched her shoulder, he quickly moved away, and at the same time turned his body slightly, his face was blocked by the car door.

"It's fine." Yao Meng replied softly.

"Yao Meng is very strong." The doctor praised.

"That's good." Ji Bai said mildly, "You performed very well today."

The sound of his footsteps faded away, Yao Meng thought, he is so different, so different.

Ji Bai and others interrogated the two prisoners overnight, and Chen Yong confessed to his crimes. At the same time, they also obtained more valuable clues-their online "Brother Lu" will soon ship a batch of "goods" to the province for transit.

Ji Bai immediately reported the situation to the provincial and municipal bureaus, and at the same time planned a larger-scale arrest operation with Su Mu and others.

The local police took Chen Yong to the crime scene for identification. The villagers watched curiously, just like the other day.

But when they saw the indifferent and disdainful expression on Chen Yong's face, and watched Ma Rongrong's deaf and mute parents make hoarse and vague voices and tug at Chen Yong, they all fell silent. A young man who saw the body that day was the first to rush up and kick Chen Yong hard. Later, the young and strong men surrounded him and beat Chen Yong to death. Even Zhang Zhuangzhi rushed up and kicked, but the police couldn't stop him. Chen Yong was later sentenced to death.

While Ji Bai was fighting day and night on the front line, Xu Xu's work and life were peaceful.

She didn't feel "worried", and she didn't call or text again so as not to interfere with his work. However, she noticed that the number of times she thought of Ji Bai every day was gradually increasing.

2 on the first day, 5 on the second day, and 8 on the third day. Of course, compared to 24 hours, 1,440 minutes and 86,400 seconds in a day, a brief absence of only a few seconds at a time is nothing at all. But this is the first time in Xu Xu's life that he thinks of a person so frequently (except for the suspect, who can think 24 hours a day)

This afternoon, instead of Ji Bai, Lao Wu held a regular team meeting. Old Wu said: "The season team has already solved the case..."

So Xu Xu thought of Ji Bai again, and thought of his stern expression and cold eyes when he often interrogated prisoners with a cold face.

So handsome.

Then she was named.

"Da Hu, Xu Xu, the provincial department in this case requested additional personnel, and the director named the two of you to support the season team."

At midnight that day, Da Hu and Xu Xu arrived at Xiangchuan County. Da Hu was one of the best catchers in the team, and Xu Xu was a psychologist. The psychological comfort of victims of trafficking cases is very important, so the two were named.

A young man came to pick them up: "Team Season is still having a meeting with Team Su. Yao Meng is injured and is resting in the dormitory."

When Xu Xu was in the car to the county public security bureau, Ji Bai had just finished the meeting.

Everyone sighed that they could finally go home and have a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be another round of fierce battles.

Su Mu said, "The season team hasn't slept well in the past few days. Go upstairs and rest early."

The office building of the Public Security Bureau was built in the 1990s. At that time, it was fashionable to reserve a few guest rooms on the top floor to receive superior leaders. Ji Bai and Yao Meng each lived in a double room.

Ji Bai smiled and nodded: "I'll leave in a while."

The crowd quickly disappeared, and Ji Bai sat alone in the empty office, waiting with his eyes closed.

The little guy will be here tonight.

Does she know that he is waiting for her

The young man did not take Xu Xu and the two to the office, but went directly to the door of the guest room and said, "The meeting has ended, everyone is going home. You should rest first."

Da Hu looked inside and said, "Hey, Team Ji hasn't come back yet. Xu Xu, when you see Yao Meng, express everyone's concern to her. It's too late today, I'll see her tomorrow."

Xu Xu nodded.

She tiptoed into the guest room for the two of them to rest, and it was dark in the room. She turned on the lights in the hallway, but found Yao Meng's bed empty.

Xu Xu put away her luggage and made the bed, but Yao Meng never showed up. There was no movement in the corridor outside the door, and Ji Bai didn't come back.

Xu Xu wanted to sleep, but his brain was inexplicably sober, and he felt a little miss him, unable to hold back his thoughts. So he dressed neatly, took out a stack of documents from his bag, circled a few points of information that might be valuable to the case as disguise, got up and went downstairs.

The night was already deep, and the sky in the small county town was extraordinarily bright, and the stars were bright and clear. On the entire floor, only one room was lit, reflected in the dark corridor, and there was no sound at all. Xu Xu's heart beat a little faster, he subconsciously slowed down his steps, just walked to the window, looked sideways, and stopped.

The lighting in Nuoda's office was soft, and Ji Bai sat at a table against the wall, across many messy desks. He closed his eyes, leaned his handsome face back in the leather chair, his chest heaved slightly and fell asleep. Yao Meng squatted on one knee in front of him with a step away, staring at him intently.

She was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, her long hair fell like satin on her shoulders, her beautiful profile face, and her eyes were shining brightly.

Just as Xu Xu was about to greet her, she saw her slowly lowering her face and approaching Ji Baichui's slender hand beside the chair. It seemed that he put his face on the back of his hand, and it seemed that he was still a little distance away.

The pose is so humble and pious, full of love.

After maintaining this posture for a few seconds, Yao Meng got up and walked out of the office lightly. She was full of worries, but she didn't see Xu Xu standing by the window, going upstairs from the other end of the corridor.

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, then pushed open the door and walked in. When he turned around, he didn't know what was driving him, so he locked the door behind him.

His eye sockets were a little deep, and there was a black beard on his chin. Is it too tired to fall asleep

Xu Xu dragged a chair, sat down opposite him, put his hands on the armrests, and stared at him with a serious face.

After staring for a while, the fingers of his right hand habitually tapped on the back of the chair.

When it hit one hundred and forty-two, it stopped.

She walked back to the window, looked around, made sure that no one was there, and then walked back to Ji Bai. Her heart was beating as fast as a drum, and her face was hot as if it were about to catch fire. She also knew very well that what she was going to do next was wrong, which amounted to sexual harassment, but...

With the lightest movement, she picked up the back of Ji Bai's other hand, brought it to her mouth, and touched it lightly.

Well, it feels better.


Ji Bai was too tired to fall into a deep dream.

In the dream, the sun was very dazzling. He sat lazily in front of the pond of Willow Yiyi, with a fishing rod stuck at his feet. A slender girl squatted on the ground with her back to him, burying her head and not knowing what she was doing, the sound of ding ding dong dong hua hua la la kept making a lot of noise.

After a while, the girl suddenly turned her head and threw a big silver fish at him: "Master, it's hard work investigating the case! I'll give you a fish."

It turned out that Xu Xu was catching fish.

The slippery fish scales brushed against his hand, wet and soft, and a little itchy.

He looked down at the half-dead fish on the back of his hand, then looked up at her: "Don't eat it."

Xu Xu was surprised: "Why?"

He looked into her wet, dark and clear eyes: "Men only want to eat women, what kind of fish!"

"Oh… "

Xu Xu, Master wants to eat you. Eat early and eat late, anyway, you have to eat.

"The season team hasn't left yet? Hey, why is the door locked?"

A muffled sound entered his ears. Ji Bai woke up suddenly, Xu Xu and the fish in the sunshine pond in front of him all disappeared.

Su Mu left the key in the office and turned back halfway to get it. Seeing that the office lights were still on, he raised his voice to say hello. Who knew that when the door lock was twisted, it didn't move.

While he was suspicious, the door opened from the inside, and a strange girl looked at him with a blushing face: "Hello... Please come in." Looking around again, Ji Bai was standing up from the chair, his eyes still fixed on the girl, her face A smile emerges.

Su Mu heard from his subordinates today that Ji Bai has a partner in Lin City, and it seems that he is also from the City Bureau. Now seeing this scene: midnight, locked office, lonely man and woman, what else doesn't understand... Come on, he's here at the wrong time.

When Ji Bai saw his expression, of course he knew he had misunderstood. He glanced at the extra chair in front of him and the clock on the wall - it was obvious that Xu Xu had been there for a while.

She has been sitting quietly by the side with him? No wonder Su Mu misunderstood.

The corners of her mouth deepened into a smile... He could pursue patiently and low-key, but he was not responsible for the misunderstandings she caused herself.

Walking to her side, his tone was a little softer: "Xu Xu, this is Team Su, call someone."

Hearing these words into Su Mu's ears, it was clearly the tone of the man who ordered his woman. Where is he still uncertain - he is also a detective in Xiangchuan County with excellent investigative ability, so he smiled cheerfully: "You're welcome! Is this the sister-in-law? Hello! I'll take the key and leave."

Xu Xu broke out in a cold sweat when Su Mu suddenly appeared, and immediately let go of Ji Bai's hand and trotted all the way to open the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ji Bai's expression as usual, and then he felt relieved. Hearing Su Mu's words at this time, he replied politely: "Hello Team Su! I'm Xu Xu from the Municipal Bureau, you're wrong..." Before she could finish her sentence, Ji Bai's low voice interrupted her: "When will you arrive? of?"

"Ten minutes ago." Xu Xu replied indifferently, "You fell asleep, so I didn't wake you up, look at the information."

While the two were talking, Su Mu had already taken the key from the table: "Goodbye."

The night is darker and quieter. The two walked back along the aisle step by step.

Xu Xu was extremely silent.

Ji Bai put his hands in his trouser pockets and followed her slow pace.

In fact, when I was busy with the case, I didn't think about her at all. But the moment I saw her, some kind of "Xu Xu" emotion came out of my heart. It was very soft, and it was a little hot, even hotter than before, and the comfort was soothing—

The little guy didn't go to bed in the middle of the night, and ran to the office to find him at the first time. The teacher-disciple relationship does not include not seeing each other for one day, such as every three autumns. Even if she was still ignorant, how could she not have him in her heart

Of course, the case has not been solved, and it is not the time to consider personal feelings. But as a man, his heart for her was more certain and stronger than before. Even if she didn't pierce this layer of paper immediately, it was time for her to realize the existence of this layer of paper.

So he glanced at her thin shoulders, and said indifferently, "Isn't it cold to wear so little?" Without waiting for her answer, she raised her arms from behind to put it on...

"Boss!" A hearty voice sounded from the end of the corridor, Da Hu strode out of the darkness, "You haven't come back for a long time, and Xu Xu is there?"

Ji Bai... He lowered his arms in midair as usual.

After Ji Bai took a bath, it was already past two o'clock in the night. As soon as I lay in bed, I heard Da Hu on the opposite bed ask, "Boss, are you in love with Xu Xu?"

Ji Bai put his arms behind his head, with a smile on his lips in the dark, said indifferently: "Concentrate on investigating the case! How can you think of these things?"

Da Hu: "Oh. Then I read it wrong just now. I thought you were going to hug Xu Xu, but I was disturbed."

Ji Bai smiled lightly and said nothing.

After a while, Da Hu said faintly: "It's fine if it's not. Xiao Xie from the Bureau of Cultural Affairs and Security, asked me about Xu Xu two days ago. He said that if he didn't have a boyfriend, he would chase after him. Then I You can give him a word."

Ji Bai was silent for a moment, then answered calmly: "Then you have to give him the right words - Ji Bai will also chase after him and let him think about it clearly."

Da Hu was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud. Ji Bai also laughed, and after a while he said, "Xu Xu is thin-skinned, don't make a fool of yourself in front of her."


In the next room, when Xu Xu walked in, a dim light was left for her in the corridor. Yao Meng's face was buried deep in the pillow, curled up as if she had fallen asleep.

Xu Xu also went to bed silently.

Early the next morning, news came that "Brother Lu" was about to appear in Shangshui Township, Ziyuan County, hundreds of kilometers away. As the commander-in-chief of the action team, Ji Bai led all the police officers to Ziyuan.

In the hearts of him and Xu Xu, the case is unsolved and the love is suspended, which is only natural. So when we get along again, it is natural to return to the efficient and concise partner mode without distraction.

The provincial department attaches great importance to this case, and specially dispatched deputy director Liu Ying to supervise and guide the operation. She is a woman in her 40s. Although she is no longer on the front line, she was once a well-known iron lady of criminal investigation in the province, especially with rich experience in trafficking cases. On the night when everyone arrived at Seeyuan, they immediately held a meeting to deploy the next day's arrest.

There are many rumors about "Brother Lu". It is said that he mastered dozens of downlines and traversed dozens of provinces across the country. He not only carried out human trafficking, but also got involved in drugs. Moreover, this man was extremely vicious and ruthless, and many of his subordinates or victims who were "undisciplined" were shot and killed by him and their bodies were abandoned in the wilderness. So this time he probably also carried a gun on him. Liu Ting especially urged everyone to act cautiously and never let "Brother Lu" slip through the net.

On this day of action, the weather is hazy, and the four fields are silent.

The foothold of "Brother Lu" is a farm on the east side of the township. Looking through the woods with binoculars, among the rolling rice fields, an inconspicuous three-story white building is quiet.

"Action!" Ji Bai gave an order, and under his leadership, several police officers quickly approached the small building from all directions, and they were instantly surrounded. Da Hu was the first to knock open the building door and rushed in. At this time, the second and third floors were obviously no longer quiet, and the windows were faintly moving. After a while, a man on the second floor pushed open the window and jumped down, and was caught by the criminal police downstairs as soon as he landed.

Ji Bai and the others were attacked like tigers, and Liu Ting, Xu Xu, Yao Meng and the others took the police car and came downstairs. For a time, the alarm bell rang loudly and loudly. Not long after, the criminal police escorted the suspect out of the building, and a dozen or so trapped young women and children were escorted out. The oldest is twenty-five or six years old, and the youngest is two or three years old.

Ji Bai and a group of people searched the third floor room by room.

"Safety!" "Safety!" Everyone reported in a deep voice.

"Boss, a total of eight suspects were arrested, and they were all loaded into the car." Da Hu said, "We rescued thirteen victims, eight women, and five children. But..." He paused and said, "The initial verification of the suspect's identity, Without 'Lu Ge', they said 'Lu Ge' temporarily changed the plan and did not come to Shangshui Township."

"Damn! Let him run away!" Su Mu sighed heavily.

Da Hu also said helplessly: "Now Liu Ting should get angry."

Ji Bai didn't say a word, he stared at the room in front of him in deep thought. Seeing that his expression was different, Da Hu and Su Mu were also alert.

There are two rooms on the third floor. All the victims were rescued from here. At that time, several criminals stayed on the second floor to drink and eat. But the room in front of me was obviously much neater and cleaner than the other one, and the sheets still looked new. There is also a small square table in the house, with several dishes and a fallen wine glass on the table, with residual wine splashed on the table.

Ji Bai lowered his head and leaned closer to the table to smell it: "Maotai. The drink downstairs is rice wine."

Da Husumu was startled.

"Damn, it's the reception of the leader!" Da Hu said excitedly.

Ji Bai walked to the bed again, looked down for a while, and twisted a long hair with his gloved hands. He squatted down and looked at the ground again. There was a narrow footprint with a little dirt.

After a while, he stood up and looked at the two big Hus with serious eyes: "Long hair, high heels, 165-175cm tall, and a thin body—'Brother Lu' is a woman. Immediately notify Liu Ting and Xu Xu that she was in the mix. the victim."

Shangshui Township is not big at all, and the movement of the police car alarmed the surrounding villagers, and the crowd of onlookers also increased.

The arrest operation has been completed. In order to protect the victim to the greatest extent, according to the plan, Xu Xu, Yao Meng and others, together with a few criminal police officers, will escort the victim back to the police station first.

A total of two vans were used to transport the victims. Yao Meng was in one car with the two detectives, and Xu Xu was in the other car. Xu Xu helped a few girls and children into the car, and when he looked up, he saw two adult women followed Yao Meng into the car in front of another car.

Xu Xu looked at them and felt that something was wrong. But exactly what it is, I can't say.

At this time, Liu Ting walked over with a criminal policeman, and said as they walked: "Leave the rest to Xiaoji, and I will take care of the back and comfort the victim." He looked up at Xu Xu: "You are Xu Xu? Let's go, let's go. Let's talk on the way."

The van drove over a short stretch of the national road and entered the town. Cars, agricultural vehicles, pedestrians and even livestock gradually increased, making it noisy and chaotic, the speed of the vehicles had to be slowed down, and the distance between the two vans gradually widened.

Liu Ting is calling the provincial department leader: "It's a pity that 'Lu Ge' was not caught... Yes! Continue to be wanted throughout the province and the country, and we must not let him go unpunished!"

After hanging up, Liu Ting turned to look at Xu Xu: "Are you Yang Qinglin's junior sister?"

Xu Xu was slightly startled and nodded.

Yang Qinglin is her senior brother in the Criminal Minds Department. That is, the person who seemed to have confessed to her back then.

A smile appeared in Liu Ting's eyes: "Qinglin is now a key talent introduced by the provincial department. In several major cases, his criminal psychological analysis has played a very critical role. However, he said that your level is higher than his. Gao. He is a person who can't speak or tell lies. He only admires you. I am also very interested in the application of criminal minds in China. If we have the opportunity, we can call Shang Qinglin and have a good chat."

Liu Ting's words were already considered favored by the leaders, but to her surprise, Xu Xu did not answer. She lowered her head, not knowing what she was thinking. Suddenly looked up at Liu Ting: "Liu Ting, I suspect that 'Lu Ge' is a woman. She pretended to be a victim and mixed in the car in front."

Liu Ting was stunned for a moment, and his face became solemn: "Why?"

Xu Xu mentioned one of the young women he had just seen, and then said, "She wears two-inch high heels, her hair is a little wet, her nails have just been trimmed and the nail polish is bright and clean. Also, her coat doesn't fit well."

When she said this, Liu Ting looked at the other women in the back compartment: they all turned their heads back, their clothes seemed to have not changed for a few days, and they were all wearing sneakers or flat shoes, and some were not wearing shoes at all—this Victims have been sold thousands of miles to Shangshui Township, and they have been tortured for a long time.

At this moment, Liu Ting's cell phone rang, and it was Ji Bai: "Liu Ting, we suspect that Brother Lu is among the victims. He may be carrying a gun. Be careful, hold your ground first, and don't startle the snake. We will come right away."

Liu Ting and Xu Xu looked up at the same time, and the road in the township in front of them was bustling, and the van in front turned a corner and pulled into a fork in the road.

"Call immediately! Don't alert the suspect!" Liu Ting ordered in a deep voice.

The criminal policeman in the other car received a call and was quite surprised: "Broken! We just stopped and a child was crying and clamoring to go to the toilet. Now Yao Meng is going to the toilet with the child and another woman. Yes. That woman has long hair and seems to be wearing high heels!"

Xu Xu immediately took out her phone, and the first thing she saw was a text message from Ji Bai: "Be careful." She didn't reply, but immediately called Yao Meng. Yao Meng was still very calm when she picked it up, "Xu Xu, what's the matter?"

Three minutes later, everyone rushed to the outside of the public toilet. Yao Meng was holding a child standing in place with a pale face. In the public toilet behind her, one side of the window was smashed open, and "Brother Lu" had long since disappeared.

Liu Ting stared at Yao Meng with a livid face: "What the hell!"


In the early morning, heavy rain slammed on the window lattice, and the whole town was shrouded in a gloomy mist.

In the conference room of the County Public Security Bureau, the backbone of the criminal police sat around the long black table and sat solemnly.

This operation has been fruitful. Over the past few days, more than 30 suspects have been arrested and more than 40 victims have been rescued. It's just that "Brother Lu" is still like looking for a needle in a haystack and disappears.

The Public Security Department issued an instruction to issue a wanted order across the province and implement a large-scale search. The task of the action team led by Ji Bai has come to an end for the time being, and will be disbanded today, returning to their respective posts and waiting for instructions.

After Ji Bai finished his brief summary report, he invited Liu Ting to speak to everyone.

Liu Ting has always been known for his vigorous and resolute actions and is well-known to the Provincial Public Security Bureau, and this time was no exception.

After affirming the results and value of this operation, she changed her words: "But this operation cannot be said to be a success, and it can even be said that it fell short at the last minute. 'Brother Lu', the gangster named by the Ministry of Public Security, because The negligence of some comrades has escaped our eyes."

The sound of the rain was dense like drums, and the whole office seemed even quieter.

Yao Meng sat up straight, her face turning red and white.

Liu Ting's eyes stopped on her, and he said unceremoniously, "Yao Meng, I made an exception for you and a trainee police officer like Xu Xu to participate in the operation. I hope you can play a professional role. However, Brother Lu is in your car. You didn't notice it at all, and you let her go into the toilet alone and escape easily. I can't stand this kind of mistake. After I go back, I will make a request to your director, and the responsible person must be punished for this matter. I also hope that you Think carefully, improve your professionalism in the future, and never allow similar mistakes to happen again.”

Tears welled up in Yao Meng's eyes as she buried her head low, "...Yes, Liu Ting."

Liu Ting, who has always been right to things and not people, has finished criticizing, and seeing the aggrieved appearance of the little girl, most of his anger has subsided, and he said to Ji Bai, "I have no opinion, let's end the meeting."

Ji Bai raised his eyes to look at her, and said in a deep voice, "I don't agree with Yao Meng's punishment."

Everyone was quiet, except for the sound of rain outside the window.

Yao Meng raised her head in a daze, and looked at Ji Bai with tears in her eyes. He was sitting not far from her, with the dim sky outside the window behind him, and his face was so calm and firm.

Liu Ting kept his face calm and did not speak. As if he hadn't seen it, Ji Bai continued to say calmly, "Yao Meng is indeed negligent in this matter. But she is a trainee police officer and lacks actual combat experience. Considering all her performance in this operation, I am I think her performance is basically excellent.”

The house became even quieter, and many young detectives did not dare to come out. The old criminal policemen did not change their expressions, as if they could not feel the tense atmosphere of the scene.

At this moment, Da Hu coughed lightly and muttered, "I agree with Team Ji's opinion." Xu Xu nodded, "I agree too." Her voice was clearer than Da Hu's.

Yao Meng sat between the two of them and buried her head low.

Liu Ting glanced at them, then stared at Ji Bai again: "As you say, the responsibility of letting 'Brother Lu' escape, just forget it?"

Ji Bai: "I am the commander-in-chief of the operation. If you want to be held accountable, I will take it."

Liu Ting slammed the book in his hand: "Ji Bai! Do you really think I can't punish you?"

Ji Bai looked indifferently silent. No one else said a word, and the atmosphere in the office instantly froze to the extreme.

Suddenly, Yao Meng choked up and raised her head: "It's my responsibility. If you want to punish me, punish me. It has nothing to do with him... it has nothing to do with the boss."

The room became more and more silent, except for Yao Meng's very low sobbing.

At this time, another cadre from the provincial department smiled: "You're scaring the little girl, don't cry... Ji Bai, Liu Ting is also strict in order to improve the quality of your Lin City team. In the provincial department, you usually praise Liu Ting is the one who you praised the most, how can you really punish the younger brother?" Ji Bai and Liu Ting both graduated from the Criminal Investigation Department of Public Security University, and they are considered to be close friends.

He looked at Liu Ting again: "I think what Ji Bai said makes sense, why don't we go back and discuss it again?"

Ji Bai nodded: "You're right, I was speaking too aggressively and didn't pay attention to the way. Liu Ting, you put out the fire."

Liu Ting was also angry just now, but now that Ji Bai's frank eyes are met, the fire can't come out.

Liu Ting returned to the province by car that afternoon, and Ji Bai personally delivered it. Liu Ting didn't give him a good face all the way, but he still smiled at the end: "Okay, I accept your opinion and don't mention punishment. But this matter, you go to the provincial office to report it yourself."

"No problem, I'll listen to you. As soon as I return to Lin City, I'll go to the provincial office to plead guilty."

"You kid... Tell Yao Meng, that's how I am. Today's tone is a little more serious, so she doesn't have to be burdened."

As soon as the provincial leaders left, the atmosphere of the rest of the people immediately relaxed a lot. Su Mu proposed that they would be the hosts at noon and invite Ji Bai and others to eat a local speciality dish. After a night of rest, we will send a car to take them back to Lin City tomorrow morning.

The location is set at a restaurant by the river, very close to the police station.

The rain still didn't stop. When Yao Meng arrived, only Su Mu, Ji Bai, Da Hu and two other detectives were sitting by the window. The others hadn't arrived yet.

After Yao Meng was criticized today, everyone who knew her better came to comfort her. Most of the unfamiliar detectives also showed mild consolation in their eyes. But it doesn't matter to her, what matters is Ji Bai. Although he is sad, when he thinks of his attitude today, his sadness becomes sweet.

The Xiangchuan police were the host, and everyone from Lin City was present. The chair on Ji Bai's right was still empty, Yao Meng's heart beat faster, and she walked around Da Hu. Who knew that as soon as he walked behind Da Hu, he stretched out his hand and pulled him beside him: "Hey, there is someone sitting there, you sit here."

Before Yao Meng could react, the other men laughed, tacitly. Ji Bai smiled lightly, but did not deny anything.

Yao Meng's mind was a little dazed, her temples twitched and she couldn't help but feel pain.

After a while, Xu Xu came, with a calm face, he naturally sat beside Ji Bai. Because of Da Hu's injunction "not to coax", everyone stopped laughing at this time and pretended not to see it.

This meal was enjoyed by the guests and the host. During the period, a young criminal policeman drank too much and said to Xu Xu with a big tongue: "Sister-in-law, respect, respect you!"

Xu Xu wanted to explain, but Ji Bai lightly tugged at her sleeve: "I've drank too much, let them go, anyway, I'll go back tomorrow."

Yao Meng couldn't hear their conversation. She didn't eat or talk much during the meal, but she kept smiling.

In the afternoon, the rain got heavier and it was as dark as night.

This time they stayed in a hotel in the county, each with a room. A group of detectives found a room to play cards and kept making noise. Xu Xu drank a glass of white wine with seven, seven, eight, eight, and fell asleep as soon as he returned to his room.

Yao Meng sat by the window of her room, watching the heavy rain, listening to Ji Bai's room next door, it was quiet. After a while, she got up and went out.

Ji Bai opened the door and was slightly startled when he saw Yao Meng.

She was wearing a thin white shirt and simple trousers. It seemed that it had been drenched in rain, her wet long hair fell on her shoulders, and her face was pale. Looking at him, his eyes were full of silence and surging emotions.

"Ji Bai." She called softly.

The rain was pattering, and the police compound in the small county town seemed more empty and silent in the heavy rain.

Ji Bai stared into her eyes and said, "Yao Meng, you are an excellent talent with very comprehensive abilities. As a superior and a colleague, I will spare no effort to help you in the future and achieve greater success in your work. Besides, I have no other thoughts about you."

Yao Meng looked at him in a daze, feeling a little ashamed. But she asked knowingly and asked a question that made her even more humiliating: "Do you have someone in your heart?"


After closing the door, Ji Bai walked into the room.

Da Hu has been watching the ball game together in his room, listening to the movement at the door all the time without saying a word. After a while, she said, "This girl Yao Meng is very good, but she has too many thoughts and twists and turns. Actually, it's unnecessary."

Ji Bai nodded and said, "Don't tell anyone what happened just now."

"I know." Da Hu understood that Ji Bai wanted to take care of the girl's face.

The two watched the game for a while, and Da Hu suddenly hummed a song in a rough voice: "I only have you in my heart without her, you have to believe that my sincerity is not false..."

Ji Bai burst into laughter.

Twilight ~ When it comes, everyone gathers in the courtyard to visit Xiangchuan City at night. Da Hu went to knock on Yao Meng's door, she was tired and didn't want to go.

The air is fresh after the rain, although the ground is still wet, there are more and more people on the street. A group of energetic, tall and sturdy men surrounded Xu Xu and Ji Bai, attracting the attention of many passers-by. Ji Bai looked indifferent. Xu Xu was slightly embarrassed, and walked quietly with his head down, gradually losing his sense of existence.

It's been ten minutes, everyone is hot