When A Snail Loves

Chapter 16: (11)


Ye Si Shao, who was arrogant and domineering, pulled his face down and ran around, seeking capital injection.

However, the scale of the Ye family was too large and the fall was too severe. Everyone said that they were powerless and would not easily put money into this sinking ship. Even banks that have always had a good relationship said that if Ye Zixiao could not stabilize the stock price and credit rating in the short term, they would have to take back the huge loan in the early stage.

The only person willing to inject funds is Zhang Shiyong. But what he wants to buy is the entire Ye family, and the conditions are extremely harsh.

Ye Zixiao replied to the negotiator he sent, "Go away."

Ye Zixiao was ready to go bankrupt.

At this time, Ye Jin in prison offered to see him.

She has always been the most sober person in the entire Ye family, always protecting the Ye family in her own way and with all her strength. This time is no exception.

"Zixiao, Ye's family is not as bad as you think. The thin and dead camel is bigger than the horse, the old foundation is still there, and there are still many high-quality assets and business networks. As long as you get through this level, it is easy to make a comeback. A little bit of investment vision Anyone who is willing to do so can figure it out clearly. No one is willing to vote now, they all want to take advantage of the fire and lower the price of your shares.”

"I have a college classmate whose husband is a wealthy businessman living in Hong Kong and has great influence in Southeast Asia. You can contact and try. I heard that this person is very wealthy and shrewd in business. Prepare, maybe his bid is even harsher than Zhang Shiyong. But since he is a professional investor, he won't want to swallow Ye's management rights. As long as he is willing to inject capital to save Ye's life, what we lost today, we can all make money in the future. return."

Ye Zixiao quickly got in touch with the wealthy Hong Kong businessman.

As Ye Jin had expected, the other party's asking price was even more ruthless than Zhang Shiyong. However, he only bought 40% of Ye's shares, and he also proposed future exit conditions. In other words, as long as Ye Zixiao can make enough money in the future, these shares can still be bought back.

On the day when the representatives of the two parties signed the agreement, Ye Zixiao personally called the other party.

The wealthy businessman's surname was Chen, and his tone was very easy-going, which made Ye Zixiao feel less pressured. After chatting for a while, Ye Zixiao couldn't help but ask, "Why do you want to believe me?"

Mr. Chen replied with a smile: "Not every young person has the experience of falling from the top to the bottom like you."

Ye Zixiao's heart was full of bitterness, and he was silent for a moment before answering, "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Cutting meat and feeding tigers is a life in desperation, but the road ahead is bumpy.

For many years after that, Ye Zixiao's life was nothing but trading and chasing money, power, and profit. The former youth and frivolity, the former love, confusion, frustration and wanton pursuit of self-worth, all became silent and insignificant in front of Ye Shi's heavy burden.

It's just that he didn't expect that at this time, a few days later, because of this Mr. Chen, he went to meet Xu Xu again - this girl who had become out of reach for him; this will still make him many years later. The girl whose heart hurts a little when she thinks of it.

On Saturday afternoon, the sun was just right, the weather in Lin City was calm, and the streets were full of relaxed men and women.

With a cup of tea and a box of takeaway in hand, Ji Bai sat alone in the empty office and roamed the Internet.

Old Wu had something to do, so he came to the office temporarily, saw him, and asked with a smile, "Didn't you go to accompany your girlfriend?"

Ji Bai wanted to accompany him. As a criminal policeman, when there is a case, he will be so busy that he has no personal time at all; these few days are rarely relaxing, so he naturally wants to take Xu Xu by his side, to spend time with each other and cultivate feelings. Ke Xu Xu was busier than him, and he was nowhere to be seen on the weekend.

After Old Wu left, Ji Bai sat for a while, picked up the car keys and drove to the police academy where Xu Xu was.

It was in the afternoon, in the neat and solemn campus, the sun was mottled and the tree shadows swayed. People come and go in the brown school building. Ji Bai walked around the building, and easily found Xu Xu who was working hard in a small office.

Xu Xu was here today at the request of the professor to attend a special report meeting in the hospital and was preparing materials. Seeing the sudden appearance of Ji Bai, I was a little surprised, but said with a frown, "The meeting will start in a while, and it will take at least three hours."

Ji Bai sat down opposite her with a calm expression: "It's okay, I'm also very interested in the content of your meeting, so I'll come and listen."

He said that, Xu Xu ignored him and continued to work with his head down.

Ji Bai picked up the information on the table and flipped through it: "On the Long-Term Planning and Computer Application of the Second-Level Criminal Psychology Database" - not interested. He simply put his hands on the back of the chair and looked at his girlfriend.

Because today was a professional meeting in the school, Xu Xu wore a small black suit, which made his skin as white as snow; maybe because he was bored in the office for too long, his face was still a little red, and his short smooth hair fell down his forehead, but he looked like a kind of cutesy...

Xu Xu suddenly looked up at him, his face seemed to turn even redder, and frowned: "Can you go back first? I will be distracted while you are here."

Ji Bai, who was driven downstairs, leaned beside the car and lit a cigarette. Thinking of her slightly embarrassed and impatient look just now, he smiled slightly, and didn't want to leave immediately.

It had only been two weeks since the two had been together, Xu Xu was very considerate and meticulous to him, and he was more feminine than he expected. He insisted on making breakfast for him every morning; changes in the weather would remind him to pay attention; Submissive and cooperative, even active - although it is still in the kissing and hugging stage.

She was neither squeamish nor delicate, her frankness and sincerity made him feel a little distressed. And many times, she still wants to do everything her boyfriend should do - thinking of this, Ji Bai's smile deepened.

But Ji Bai knew that he was still a long way from getting Xu Xu's heart.

Ji Bai looked restrained and calm, but he was actually a man with a strong desire to conquer. When he left Beijing and went to the police circle in Lin City, you can see how reckless and strong he is in his character.

The same is true for men in careers, and the same is true for women.

He wanted to conquer Xu Xu.

This kind of conquest does not mean to be above Xu Xu, nor to make her lose her independence - he likes her independence very much, and also appreciates her strength.

He just hopes that his own woman will one day be obsessed with him physically and mentally. Two people love each other deeply and irreplaceably - that's the ideal state of love. But for Xu Xu, his ** is becoming more intense.

Now Xu Xu also likes him, but she seems to be treating love as the same thing as work and study.

It seemed that in order to make Xu Xu love him deeply and passionately, there was still a tough battle to fight.

Ji Bai stood downstairs for a while. At this time, the time for the seminar was approaching, more and more students entered the teaching building, and some school leaders also came.

Ji Bai knew them as well, and they chatted for a while. One of them asked, "Is there anything the Ji team is here today?"

Ji Bai glanced at the conference notice posted on the wall, and replied with a smile, "Come here to do some errands, it's done. I'm very interested when I see this conference. I just don't know if it's inconvenient to attend?"

The report will start on time, and the multimedia classroom, which is enough to accommodate hundreds of people, is full.

Xu Xu thought that Ji Bai had already left, so he was sitting in the work area and preparing. She was the first to give a special report on stage. Before she came on stage, the host introduced the leaders on the scene, especially excited and honored to emphasize a leader who was invited temporarily: "Captain Ji Baiji of the Municipal Criminal Police Team, everyone. Applause and welcome the season team to come and guide!"

The lights were blazing, Xu Xu originally made up his mind not to take care of Ji Bai under the stage. However, his position was too conspicuous - right in the middle of the first row, facing her. Under the watchful eyes of the public, his two faint smiling eyes stared at her face the whole time and never left.

Xu Xu's performance was fairly stable, his speech was clear and expressionless throughout. Just when he stepped down, the junior brother next to him said, "Senior sister... drink some water, don't be nervous."

Xu Xu: "I'm not nervous."

Junior Brother glanced at her flushed face: "Oh."

The meeting was about to end, but Ji Bai refused, but was invited to the stage to answer the questions raised by the students.

Xu Xu lowered his head and didn't look at him at first, but after listening to his deep and powerful voice, he answered several professional questions concisely and comprehensively, which drew applause from the whole hall, and couldn't help but look up.

Under the light, he was still wearing a long-sleeved casual T-shirt, but he stood tall and straight on the stage, his face was solemn, his eyes were sharp, and his whole body was full of Shen Yi's stern aura, which attracted everyone's attention.

After staring at him for a while, Xu Xu decided to forgive him for the public flirtation he had just made.

Ten minutes after the meeting, Xu Xu got into Ji Bai's car.

Tonight, Zhao Han held an engagement ceremony with his girlfriend, settling in a hotel and inviting familiar police colleagues.

Because there were colleagues from other departments, in order to avoid suspicion, after parking the car, Xu Xu went upstairs first. Ji Bai saw that she was carrying a large bag and asked, "Don't throw it on the car?"

Xu Xu shook his head lightly, "I have to change my clothes."

Ji Bai didn't care when he saw that her black suit was really inappropriate. After sitting in the car for a while, I slowly paced up.

The ceremony was held in the hotel's open-air garden, with a quiet night and bright lights. There were a lot of people, all of them were men and women with shadows on the temples. Ji Bai stood at the entrance and watched for a while, but did not find Xu Xu. At this time, Da Hu, Lao Wu and others who were sitting on a row of beach chairs in the corner greeted him: "Boss, this way."

Just as Ji Bai walked over and sat down, Da Hu bumped his arm with his hand and said softly, "I'm wearing a skirt."


Xu Xu's first impression was that he didn't pay much attention to dressing up. Go to work is the same small suit shirt, off work is casual wear sportswear, never make-up. Coupled with a slightly indifferent expression, it is even more simple and indifferent.

But actually Xu Xu was very particular about dressing up. It's just that her attention is always carried out in "the style she thinks fit".

For example, she will buy herself exquisite mature women's pajamas, which are slightly sexy and feminine in their comfort;

Her sportswear is carefully selected. Most of the fabrics are light, breathable, waterproof, and quick-drying. They belong to sports products with high technology content, but there are not many styles of sportswear, so they will not look fancy. ;

Dressing up seriously and slightly old-fashioned at work is also her intention - the image of the people's police is mostly stalwart, mature, and reliable, and she is very aware that she looks relatively thin and young, and it is difficult for the public to trust her, so she can only look at her dressing temperament. Remedy a little.

Usually do not wear skirts, naturally for the convenience of movement. In fact, there are dozens of dresses that Xu Jun bought for her from time to time at home, enough to meet the functional and ornamental needs of various occasions.

For example, at this moment, she wore a black large V-neck hollowed-out backless long dress, stepped on black stiletto sandals, and stood in the beverage area to drink water with a light expression.

In fact, there were many tall, beautiful and youthful girls present, and Xu Xu's outfit was not eye-catching.

But there are already many people watching her.

Her skin was already extremely white and thin, and against the backdrop of the black long skirt that flowed in dark light, it looked even more snow-white and cold. The design of the skirt was also generous and bold. Although there were hollow patterns, the entire white and smooth back was still half hidden. Halfway through, she didn't show much, but she looked even hotter than those girls with long and slender legs.

And this skirt is a luxury brand that Xu Jun bought. In order to wear it for her, he even went to ask someone to make the waist smaller and the skirt shorter, so it fits very well. Although the whole is petite, the chest is the chest, the waist, the waist and the hips, and the buttocks, and the delicate and soft curves are completely outlined smoothly and carefully.

Da Hu said "tsk tsk tsk" a few times without saying anything, and then he toasted Ji Bai with the wine.

Ji Bai was a little distracted at first, then he smiled slightly and clinked glasses with Da Hu.

She drank the wine slowly, but her eyes always followed her curve, lingering quietly.

She really dares to wear it.

Attending the engagement banquet included both Zhao Han's friends and classmates, as well as the woman's relatives and friends. In the open-air garden, with clear water and dim lighting, people are everywhere.

Ji Bai Dahu and several old men were sitting in the corner, eating, drinking, and chatting. Occasionally someone came to greet each other, but it was quiet and comfortable.

Xu Xu only stood for a while before being pulled over by Zhao Han's fiancee, Manman, and sat with her group of best friends. After a while, Manman asked Xu Xu to go get food together.

Tonight is not a traditional table feast, but an open buffet. The restaurant is on the ground floor and opens its doors to the garden. The two picked up the plates and went to the iron plate barbecue area in the corner. Because it was summer, there were not many people eating barbecue. The barbecue cook in a white coat and a high hat casually put his hands behind his back and smiled at the two of them.

Manman said, "Zhao Han likes grilled squid the most." Then he started to choose.

Xu Xu stood by her side and watched for a while, then raised his head and said to the cook, "Can I use your tools and materials to bake it myself?"

Several cadres from the sub-bureau came over to make a toast, and Ji Bai finished with them one by one, and exchanged a few words. When they left, Ji Bai raised his head, but found that Xu Xu was not sitting.

Of course, the detective ability of the detective's eyes should not be underestimated. Ji Bai looked around for a while, and found the petite figure in the restaurant by the garden.

But... she's grilling food

Across the transparent glass wall, in the restaurant surrounded by tree shadows, the lights are bright orange and yellow, and the food is dazzling.

Xu Xu lowered his head and stood in front of a large black barbecue iron plate with a focused look, his hands busy in an orderly manner.

At some point, she was wearing a very large and ill-fitting white gown, and a hat was crooked on her head. The real cook and Zhao Han's girlfriend both smiled and stood by the side, watching her operate.

At this time, Da Hu said, "I'll go get some hard stuff to put on my stomach, do you want it?"

Ji Bai's smile deepened: "I'll wait a while."

After a while, she saw her take off her cook costume, followed behind Manman with food, and walked slowly towards the table.

There are a few acquaintances of old Wu Zhaohan sitting at this table now, and they all know about Ji Bai and Xu Xu, but they haven't figured it out yet. Da Hu also pretended to pull up a chair, put it between him and Ji Bai, and greeted, "Xu Xu, sit down."

Everyone had a smile in their eyes, and Ji Bai smiled too, leaning back in the large chair with a stretched figure, staring at his little woman.

Xu Xu also strictly adhered to the principle of "low-key and confidential", sat down beside Ji Bai with a calm expression, put down a plate full of food, and did not invite him to eat.

Manman smiled and said, "This is cooked by Xu Xu himself. I tasted a piece and it was even better than the cook's."

Only then did everyone look down, and it was really tender and attractive, the color was fresh and smooth, and the fragrance was fragrant.

Ji Bai looked at the plate of food, and then looked at the little woman beside him who lowered her eyebrows and bowed her head... She was really beautiful, and it made the man feel at ease.

But he hadn't moved his chopsticks yet, and Hu's hands were fast. He had already forked a small piece of steak and stuffed it into his mouth. His expression suddenly became a little intoxicated: "Xu Xu, you have learned how to cook! It's delicious!"

In fact, Xu Xu has no special talent for cooking. It's just that she works meticulously and patiently, and after reading the recipe, she makes it naturally and decently. In addition, Ji Bai likes the things she bakes, so she has studied them before.

Just watching Da Hu fork the largest piece of tenderloin and send it to his mouth, Xu Xu's brows trembled slightly, and Zhao Han also took a piece, and he was full of praise.

Ji Bai and Xu Xu looked at each other.

Just as Xu Xu was about to speak, Ji Bai had already pulled the plate to him, and said with a half-smile, "Is this baked for you?"

Everyone laughed, Xu Xu's face was silently hot. Ji Bai picked up the chopsticks and started to eat alone. He reached under the table and squeezed her hand quietly.

Later, a leader called Ji Bai to speak, but he didn't come back for a while. Manman pulled Xu Xu to chat at his table, Xu Xu sat for a while, the girls chatted about cosmetics and gossip, and was really bored, so he brought a glass of water and got up to hang out in the garden.

There was a shiny flowing pool in front, Xu Xu strolled over, and met a few young girls, standing by the pool and chatting under the lights. The one in the middle wearing a long red dress with a beautiful smile was Yao Meng.

Yao Meng had been in the rain for a long time the night she was rejected by Ji Bai. He caught a cold on the day of Huilin City, perhaps because he was physically and mentally exhausted, and he was not feeling well all the time, so he even took a few days of sick leave. I won't go to work until next Monday, so I made a special trip to attend Zhao Han's engagement wedding today.

Several girls also saw Xu Xu not far away. One of the girls from the scripture protection office asked Yao Meng in a low voice, "I heard that Xu Xu is in love with Ji Bai? Is it true? I can't tell."

Yao Meng glanced at Xu Xu's outfit, her heart twitched silently, she was a little confused, she smiled and replied, "I don't know very well."

After the girls greeted Xu Xu, they left. Because Yao Meng asked for leave because of a cold, everyone in the criminal police team didn't pay much attention. Now Xu Xu saw that Yao Meng's face was still a little pale, and naturally asked with concern, "Have you recovered from your cold?"

Yao Meng really didn't want to talk to her, she stared at the water next to her, smiled, and replied, "It's fine."

Xu Xu was startled. Yao Meng's smile was very shallow, almost fleeting, but she could clearly capture that there were too many emotions in that smile. A little sad, a little self-deprecating, and sarcastic and disgusting.

Neither of them spoke. Yao Meng didn't even look at her, she turned around and left.

Standing there for a while, the phone rang, and it was Ji Bai's text message: "Go back."

Xu Xu replied, "Okay."

The car was running in the quiet night, Ji Bai was in a good mood, he glanced at the woman beside him from time to time, and the corner of his mouth smiled lightly.

After a while, Xu Xu asked, "Have you rejected Yao Meng?"

Ji Bai put his hands on the steering wheel and answered lightly, "Yeah."

Xu Xu didn't ask any more questions.

When they arrived at the downstairs of Xu Xu's house, there was no one around. Xu Xu smiled and turned to look at Ji Bai, calmly waiting for the parting kiss.

Ji Bai laughed, put one arm on the back of her seat, squeezed her face with the other hand, leaned over and kissed.

The kiss was as quiet and sweet as ever. Just looking from one side of Ji Bai's eyes, he saw her slender and bare shoulders, as well as the vaguely soft and white lines on her back. After being swayed by this lively scene all night, my heart suddenly became more and more unbearable.

His kiss slowly slid along her cheek, down to her neck, and whispered, "Xu Xu, sit on top of me."

Xu Xu's neck shrank back, avoiding his hot lips.

If in other respects, Xu Xu can also be called "great wise but foolish", in terms of the relationship between men and women, she is really too pure to be pure.

Every time she kissed Ji Bai, her heart beat faster and her face became hot, but her attitude was relatively calm. Moreover, the level of intimacy these days may be completely unsatisfactory to Ji Bai, but to her, she is already very satisfied and happy.

And Ji Bai's request now was obviously a bit erotic, which meant that there would be more intimate physical contact, not to the same degree as kissing. This of course made her nervous and made her hesitate.

Ji Bai had a panoramic view of her embarrassed and embarrassed expression, and still circled her between his body and the seat, his black eyes staring at her with some playfulness, but he didn't say anything. After a while, her face flushed, but her eyes showed a resolute look: "Come."

In the narrow carriage, Xu Xu sat on his lap, put his arms around his neck, and lifted his face to accept the kiss. Ji Bai felt her soft body clinging to him, only to feel ecstatic and intoxicated. This made his kiss even more intense and fiery, and the big hand that was originally around her waist couldn't help but move towards her chest along the smooth curve.

As soon as he touched the soft and elastic dumplings, he felt Xu Xu's body stiffen, and reached out and patted his hand: "Don't try to make an inch."

Ji Bai laughed silently, and with a slight force, he held her in his arms and kissed her along her lips, all the way to her neck and shoulders. Xu Xu's face flushed, and he closed his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly. Ji Bai kissed for a while, then quietly put his hand on her chest~mouth.

When he opened the door and got out of the car, Xu Xu's long dress was messy and his face was crimson. Ji Bai's face was also a little red, he put his arms around her with a light smile, and walked towards the door of the building.

Just after a few steps, Ji Bai raised his eyes and looked at a black BMW parked about ten meters away.

Xu Xu also saw it and was silent.

Ji Bai asked in a low voice, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Xu Xu replied, "No, you go first."

Ji Bai nodded, let go of her and went back to the car, but he didn't start the car. He reached into his pocket to look for a cigarette, but took out a box of chewing gum stuffed by Xu Xu. He smiled slightly, took one, and quietly watched the outside of the car. Xu Xu.

The BMW rear door opened and Ye Zixiao walked out.

Seeing Ye Zixiao again, Xu Xu only smiled slightly and waited for him to speak.

Ye Zixiao looked down at her.

Seeing Xu Xu like this, her extremely feminine dress, her calm but visibly bright eyes, Ye Zixiao was a little happy for her, but also a little sad. But these feelings are only very mild, and when the words are spoken, they become gentle and calm.

"How is it going?"

Xu Xu nodded: "How about you?"

Ye Zixiao replied, "I'm fine too." It couldn't be better.

After another moment of silence, Ye Zixiao smiled and said, "Will there be a cross-border joint anti-crime operation between China and Myanmar recently?"

Xu Xu was silent. Recently, she also heard that the Ministry of Public Security has plans to contact Myanmar to hunt down the relevant personnel of the "Brother Lu" criminal group across the border. But of course this cannot be said to Ye Zixiao.

Ye Zixiao continued: "I recently cooperated with a friend in Southeast Asia. He is a patriotic businessman with some underworld background, and he also has some friends in Myanmar. He heard clues about your case, and it is not convenient for him to come forward. So ask me to bring a word to the police."

The author has something to say: hehe, Lao Mo is very careful with what he eats today, and he is no longer sick in the afternoon, thank you for your concern. Tomorrow's update may still be at night, wait for Lao Mo to slow down, love you!

The plot and romance will be accelerated later. In order to make up for everyone, I wrote two small theaters, please accept them with a smile. The first is the male and female lead, but it doesn't matter; the second is the brother of Bei Yao. Many readers asked to add drama to brother Bei Yao, but I don't want to add it to the text, otherwise readers who haven't seen "City of Mercy" will have difficulty reading. However, we can write some small theaters from time to time to show what the author has to say. If you are interested, you can watch it without affecting the main text~


Little Theater - Truth or Dare

At Zhao Han's engagement, Xu Xu was dragged by Manman to play Truth or Dare.

Xu Xu had never played this game, but he heard that he could choose to tell the truth, and he felt relaxed—speaking the truth was the easiest thing to do.

The way to play is to draw cards, and whoever draws the smallest cards is punished. With this kind of unskilled competitive method, Xu Xu had less than the slightest advantage, and soon lost a round.

A boy asked, "When was the first kiss?"

Ten days ago... As the oldest woman present, Xu Xu didn't want to say anything, silently picked up the wine and admitted punishment.

After a while, he lost again, and a kind-looking girl asked. Xu Xu thought that he could easily pass the test, but the question was quite fierce: "Do~ What posture do you like with love?"

Kekeke, although she has no experience, it does not mean that Xu Xu has no preference. She likes a positive communication style, spiritual exchanges, and candid meetings.

She didn't answer, and took the wine again and pleaded guilty

The third time: "Which part of a man's body do you like the most?"

Xu Xu glanced at Ji Bai, who was sitting not far away, and found that the answer was "waist"... She drank another drink. It turned out that telling the truth would one day be difficult for her.

After playing for a few more rounds, there was suddenly a warm aura around him. Ji Bai sat over and asked everyone with a light smile, "What are you playing?"

Manman complained: "Xu Xu is not funny at all, he doesn't answer any questions!" Then Balabala said all the questions she didn't answer.

Ji Bai smiled, glanced at Xu Xu, got up and left.

After a close relationship, Ji Bai asked Xu Xu several times about his posture and position... Xu Xu ignored him.

A few years later, the two got married. The honeymoon period was spent on an island abroad. Long night, sea breeze. Ji Bai sat on the beach chair with Xu Xu in his arms, suddenly remembered what happened back then, and whispered, "Newlywed Yan'er, shall we play Truth or Dare?"

Xu Xu smiled lightly: "Are you still thinking about it?"

Ji Bai replied, "Of course, but if you choose a big adventure, I'm very welcome."


Small Theater-Chen Beiyao 1

After hanging up the phone with Ye Zixiao, Chen Beiyao looked up and saw Mu Shan sitting on the sofa, looking up at him.

He sat down beside her, took her into his arms, and kissed gently along his long hair: "What do you want to ask me?"

Mu Shan said, "Why do you want to intervene in the affairs of the Lin City police this time?"

Chen Beiyao said lightly: "China and Myanmar jointly fight crime. Ji Bai is a well-known police detective in the country and has participated in this case. He is still relatively stubborn and will definitely go."


"That's why I asked Ye Zixiao to speak to the police in Lin City, which is also to speak to Ji Bai. The situation in Myanmar is very complicated, and there may be unpredictable risks. If I provide clues to Ji Bai, he will have a better chance of survival. ."

Mu Shan was startled: "Why do you want to help Ji Bai? Who is he?"

Chen Beiyao smiled lightly: "Ye Weinong and his wife are kind to us." After a pause, he said, "Xun Yu's father is an old subordinate of the Ji family, and his current career development depends on the support of the Ji family. I am a friend of Xun Yu. , I helped Ji Bai, and when the news spread to Beijing, it was like helping Xun Yu."


"If you enter Burma, watch out for the golden python." This was what Ye Zixiao brought to Xu Xu.

The golden python, a kind of Burmese python, is large in size, gorgeous in pattern, ferocious and highly poisonous.

Xu Xu believes that, judging from the sentence pattern and word usage, although this sentence mentions the object of "Golden Python", it is only a well-prepared reminder without a clearer orientation, so it is basically credible.

Golden python, of course, may also be the code name of a certain person or force. It's just that the information between China and Myanmar is blocked. Xu Xu searched the police database and found nothing.

Ji Bai reported this information to his superiors, and soon the China-Myanmar border police office sent back the news, and they didn't know either.

Monday afternoon was sunny and sunny. Xu Xu sat in his seat and read the documents.

Suddenly a call came, and the director summoned him.

With a solemn and serious expression, the director handed a document to Xu Xu. Xu Xu took a look and saw that it was an instruction from the Ministry of Public Security "on the establishment of a special task force to fight cross-border criminal groups in China and Myanmar".

"Brother Lu, formerly known as Zhao Xiaolu, is a native of Harbin in the northeast." Director Shen Su said, "According to the latest clues, she not only controlled many domestic human trafficking gangs, but also repeatedly trafficked Myanmar women to the coast of Guangdong and organized prostitution activities. In addition, her criminal group is also related to border drug trafficking and gun entry. We must resolutely take down this cancer."

Xu Xu had already guessed the intention of the director's summons, and was a little surprised: "I'm going?"

The director nodded, "It wasn't your turn. But last time, you and Yao Meng were in charge of taking care of the victim. Only you and Brother Lu have had close and direct contact with each other. The Ministry of Public Security has named one of you." He frowned slightly: " Yao Meng has been asking for sick leave. I also talked to her. She said that her physical condition could not support cross-border work. In addition, she also made a mistake last time. After thinking about it, it is only you. However, it is also good for you to go: Brother Lu is a woman , having a female police officer follow to handle the case will compare aspects; and when you arrest her, it is very likely that more victims will be rescued, you are a psychologist and can better appease the victims."

Xu Xu nodded in understanding.

Seeing her calm expression, the director smiled: "How is it? Do you dare to go abroad to arrest criminals?"

Xu Xu replied, "Dare."

The director smiled: "Okay! But don't worry, I have already spoken to the person in charge of the task force. You are a trainee police officer and a girl, and will not arrange front-line work for you. Just follow and be responsible for some documents and rear support work. That’s alright. However, you are the only one from our bureau. If you go, you will represent the entire Lin City Police Department. Do you have the confidence to successfully complete the mission?”

Xu Xu: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Xu Xu left the director's office, and as soon as he walked to the door of the criminal police team, he saw Ji Bai and the deputy director walking out. The two held a document and said something serious.

When passing by, Ji Bai didn't look sideways, but a smile that seemed to be absent quickly flashed in his eyes.

Seeing him, Xu Xu felt a touch of joy in his heart. Walking into the office and sitting down, I remembered going to Myanmar.

Tell him later tonight.

When it was about to get off work, the criminal police team held a weekly meeting.

Everyone reported on the work at hand, Ji Bai sat in the first place with a solemn expression, and occasionally asked questions in a low voice and gave his opinions.

At this moment, footsteps sounded outside the door, and the deputy director in charge of criminal investigation walked in with the director.

Everyone stood up to greet them. The director smiled and said, "Sit down. I think I have to announce the news in person." He looked at Xu Xu with admiration: "The bureau has decided to send Xu Xu to participate in the joint crime-fighting operation in Myanmar. The trust of the team is also the trust of the Public Security Bureau in our bureau.”

When he was talking, Zhao Han had already taken over the documents in the hands of the deputy director and distributed them to everyone. At the bottom of the page, Xu Xu's name was printed impressively.

Everyone was a little surprised at first, then they all laughed, applauded Xu Xu, and gave words of encouragement. When Old Wu and Da Hu smiled, they glanced at Ji Bai.

Xu Xu stood up immediately and said that he would do his best and would not disappoint everyone's expectations. In the warm atmosphere, she also glanced at Ji Bai subconsciously.

Ji Bai had a gentle smile on his face, but his dark eyes stared at her silently, unable to tell what he was thinking.

The director left the criminal investigation team, and as soon as he returned to the office and sat down, Ji Bai knocked on the door.

"Director, why am I not in the action team?"

The chief pondered slightly.

This action was instructed from above, so he did not seek Ji Bai's opinion, but issued orders directly to the Criminal Police Team and Xu Xu himself. Now that Ji Bai came to the door, he remembered that the two were in a relationship.

The Secretary has always been a person with a clear distinction between public and private matters. Of course, he will not take these irrelevant factors into consideration when making decisions. There are indeed other reasons for not letting Ji Bai go.

"You don't have to think about this matter. Your criminal investigation ability is really excellent. When the task force discusses candidates, you are also a candidate." The director changed the topic, "But when you joined the criminal police force, I promised you. At home, although the risk is unavoidable, you will not be sent to a place that is clearly dangerous. You agreed at the time. This trip to Myanmar, although there is assistance from Myanmar, will not be dangerous. But after all, it is a place of war. , I don't think your family will allow you to go."

Ji Bai didn't speak.

He came to see the director, not only for Xu Xu. As the director said, his own criminal investigation ability is top-notch in the country, and he is more suitable to participate in this operation. Moreover, Brother Lu escaped from the action he was in charge of. Like other tough detectives, Ji Bai really wanted to arrest her and bring her to justice.

But the director's attitude is obviously very firm. Moreover, it is estimated that this matter has already been passed back to Beijing, and it is difficult to turn around.

That night, Ji Bai sent Xu Xu downstairs. Xu Xu smiled: "Goodbye."

Just as he was about to turn around, Ji Bai pulled her hand, looked upstairs, and smiled lightly, "I haven't been to your house yet, so I'll take a look."

Of course Ji Bai didn't want to visit. Although my girlfriend's house was really clean and comfortable, after turning around a little, I pulled her to sit down on the sofa.

Then I picked it up and put it on my lap and started kissing.

Ji Bai didn't care too much about Myanmar. The criminal police often traveled for the case, and Xu Xu used to do a logistical clerical job this time, so the danger was not high. Both of them are people who put their work first, and their personalities are also open-minded and straightforward, and there will be no lingering, twisting, and goodbye actions.

It's just that Ji Bai kissed her, looked at the person's blushing face in his arms, smelled the soft fragrance on her body, and couldn't bear to let go. After a while, she whispered in her ear, "Would you like me to go to Myanmar too?"

Xu Xu answered frankly, "It doesn't matter."

Although this answer is in line with her character and the actual situation - if he really goes, I'm afraid he won't have time to take care of her at all. But her unrepentant attitude still made him feel a little lost. With a big hand, make her even more