When A Snail Loves

Chapter 18: (13)


He didn't move much, but the things on his plate were not easy to share with others.

She doesn't like to waste food, and the locals and soldiers cherish the food very much. It's not good to be seen by others. But the hotel doesn't have a refrigerator, and it can't be put.

Ji Bai sat down next to her, watched her frown slightly, smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to take it: "I'll eat it. It's not good to pour it out."

Xu Xu was startled and looked at him sideways: "You... can you eat?"

Ji Bai glanced at the weight on the plate: "It's okay." After receiving her text message just now, he decided not to add any more food.

Xu Xu knew that the criminal police sometimes had difficult conditions for handling cases, but most of the time, Ji Bai was a person who was very particular about food, clothing, housing, and transportation, and was even as picky as she was. Although the things on the plate should be quite clean, she didn't expect that he would be willing to eat it, so he just took it and ate it naturally.

The sun was slowly setting, and the sunlight between the trees faded little by little. The surroundings of the hotel were quiet, with occasional laughter from soldiers.

Xu Xu looked at Ji Bai next to him. He eats quietly, but fast, with big mouthfuls. The food intake is really much larger than hers. The food on the plate is decreasing at a constant speed, so many things can be stuffed into his iron stomach. The sun shone on the place where the two of them were sitting, and his angular side face was coated with a yellow sheen, making his eyes darker and darker, and his chin was bulging along with the chewing action, revealing a tinge that he did not usually have. , Honest and straightforward.

Xu Xu thought silently: Very masculine, really masculine.

Soon Ji Bai finished eating and handed her the empty plate. Xu Xu picked it up and walked a few steps, then stopped and turned back, lowered his head and leaned in, kissing his warm cheek lightly.

Ji Bai laughed, pulled her into his arms, and said, "I have a cigarette given by a Burmese official in my room. I will take it later and distribute it to the soldiers."

"Do you think it is necessary?"

Ji Bai looked at her fair and small profile and replied, "It is necessary."

Treat each other with courtesy and sincerity. In this way, they will usually take care of... Ji Bai's little rabbit.

In the next few days, Ji Bai and others followed, monitored, and squatted outside almost 24/7, while Xu Xu stayed in the hotel as the logistics. Everyone's efforts are very valuable, and the five main strongholds of the Brother Lu Group have been initially determined.

In Maiza City, a border city of an underdeveloped country, the government leaves nothing to chance, relying entirely on illegal activities such as prostitution, prostitution, smuggling, etc., to obtain abnormal economic prosperity. The local Chinese gangsters also have a variety of criminal methods. In a word, as long as they make money, they can do anything. As long as the task force collects enough evidence, it can justifiably push the Myanmar side to launch an action to catch them all.

However, when the evidence collection began, it did not go well.

The task force first secretly visited several Chinese businesses that were rumored to have been extorted and robbed by gangsters. What is frustrating is that despite mentioning gangsters, their expressions will become panicked and unnatural, but no matter how persuaded they are, they will not open their mouths, let alone testify.

The investigation and forensics work is in trouble and needs other breakthroughs.

At noon that day, Ji Bai and another police officer disguised as tourists and squatted near a Chinese-run supermarket.

The sun was very hot, and the white concrete road was steaming hot. The short sleeves Ji Bai and the others wore, but thick bulletproof vests were hidden inside, which made them sweat like rain. Two hours passed, and the clothes felt like they had been soaked in water, *sticking to the body.

Finally, a van came abruptly from the street corner, braked violently at the entrance of the supermarket, the door slammed open, and seven or eight men with iron rods jumped out of the car and rushed in fiercely. Soon, smashing, screaming, and crying came, and some people ran out of the supermarket, including tourists and local residents.

Ji Bai picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered, "Tissa, your people go in."

As soon as the words fell, a few Kachin soldiers with guns walked out from the opposite alley. The young men walked into the supermarket with a look of idleness.

After a while, the gangsters rushed out, got into the car, and drove away.

Ji Bai and the two walked into the supermarket, and the inside was a mess. All the shelves were smashed to pieces, and the customers had all run away. A few salesmen timidly stood behind the checkout counter. A strong man in his thirties wearing a silk shirt The man sat on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. His face was very ugly. All the operating income of the supermarket that day was taken away. In addition, cameras, mobile phones, Cordyceps and other high-value goods were also swept away.

The victim's owner, Zhou Chengbo, was quickly taken to a temporarily arranged hotel room by Ji Bai and others.

It was dark outside the window, Zhou Chengbo was sitting in a chair, his wounds had been bandaged and his face was ashen. He is a bold and tough character. After the gangsters broke in today, in order to prevent them from looting valuables, he also fought with one of them.

Ji Bai pondered for a moment, then said, "Mr. Zhou, according to the usual practice of these gangsters, you will not only lose money, but you will also be kidnapped by them and demand ransom from your family. You are lucky to escape today. "

Zhou Chengbo's face changed suddenly. He had actually heard similar rumors that a Chinese businessman had been abused and released after paying a huge ransom.

But the rumors were rumors after all, and the local policy of attracting investment was too favorable. He thought to himself that he wanted to seek wealth and risk, so he still came to Maiza City to do business. And the past few months have indeed been safe and sound, making a lot of money. I didn't expect to be caught today.

In fact, today is an embarrassing situation for the task force - the Chinese police do not have the power to enforce the law, and the local police do nothing. Only at critical moments, let the Kachin soldiers in and stop them. The military and the gangs have always kept the water from the river, but they were a little bit afraid, so they didn't kidnap anyone.

Ji Bai looked at his face and continued: "They didn't succeed today, and they will definitely come again in the future. Only by cooperating with us and eradicating this scourge completely can you continue to make money safely in the future."

Zhou Chengbo pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and looked up at Ji Bai suddenly: "I'm willing to testify! I have never suffered such a big loss in my life! Officer, we must catch them all!"

Zhou Chengbo was not only willing to testify, but also expressed that he would persuade his fellow businessmen to expose the crimes of Chinese gangsters together. This surprised the task force. Sun Ting instructed: continue to carry out investigation and evidence collection secretly, and at the same time protect Zhou Chengbo's life and property, and never allow him to be harmed by gangsters.

Ji Bai sent Zhou Chengbo back to his residence, and then returned to the hotel. It was already past eight o'clock at night. The night wind was gentle, and the ground was still steaming hot. He looked up at the soft light of Xu Xu's window, smiled slightly, and went back to his room.

Running outside in the past few days, the clothes can get wet and dry several times, and there is a white layer of salt stains when they are taken off. Ji Bai threw the smelly clothes into the basin and went to take a bath.

Compared to others, Xu Xu, who stayed in the hotel, had a relatively easy job. At night there is nothing to do, just sit on the bed and read the information. Hearing the familiar footsteps in the corridor, he knew that Ji Bai had returned.

Because the weather was so hot, everyone kept their windows and doors open for ventilation before going to bed. When Xu Xu knocked on the door and walked into Ji Bai's room with a plate of fruit, he happened to see him in a T-shirt and shorts, sitting in front of a large basin washing clothes, like an ordinary family man.

The conditions of the hotel were poor. There was only an old-fashioned washing machine, which could not be used at all. Xu Xu thought it was unsanitary and never used it. Ji Bai did the same.

Xu Xu walked up to him and squatted down, Ji Bai raised his head and kissed her before continuing to work. Xu Xu squatted still and fed the fruit piece by piece into his mouth. After he finished eating, he fed him with saliva, wiped his mouth, patted his hands, and went to read a book by himself in bed.

The night was very quiet, and outside the window came the chirping of frogs in the farmland, the low humming of insects in the forest, and the sound of Ji Bai washing clothes. After reading the book for a while, Xu Xu couldn't help but put it down, looking at the clothes in the basin: "You just wash it like this?"

Ji Bai glanced at her: "Have any opinions?"

In fact, Ji Bai's laundry is quite clean among men. But in the end, it is a man, and his actions are inevitably open and closed. In the eyes of people like Xu Xu, who strive for perfection, it is not good.

"Get out of the way, I'll come." Xu Xu jumped out of bed and walked over.

Ji Bai stopped her, "No, just stay there."

Xu Xu wondered, "Why?"

Ji Bai looked at her and didn't answer.

yeah why? When I was in the police academy before, I was a little envious when I saw other boys have girlfriends to help with laundry. Thinking that one day there will be such a girl, so that he will be willing to wear clothes that she has washed with her own hands

But she really has this, but she is reluctant to use it.

A smile appeared in Ji Bai's eyes: "Is it okay to be idle? Go get me some mosquito repellant and apply it to me."


Xu Xu's room had run out of anti-mosquito cream, so he went downstairs to the innkeeper and asked for another bottle. When he returned to Ji Bai's room, his clothes were already hanging on the balcony against the wind. Ji Bai just took a shower and came out of the bathroom wearing only beach shorts.

It was the first time Xu Xu saw his naked upper body, he was slightly startled, and his eyes moved down immediately.

With a smile in Ji Bai's eyes, he walked over, pulled her to sit down on the bed, and turned his back to her: "Wipe it off."


In the past few days, he has tanned a bit, and the color of his neck is obviously darker than that of his back. His back is broad and strong, his waist is narrow and strong, and there is a thin dark red scar on his right shoulder, which looks a few years old. Because of the proximity, she even smelled a little warm breath from the man's muscles, which made her face silently hot, and immediately dug out a small piece of ointment and spread it evenly.

Ji Bai was facing the balcony, staring at the dark night outside the window. Xu Xu's movements were very light, his cold and soft fingers brushed against his skin, making the pores all over his body seem to open...

The night was getting darker and the building was quiet inside and outside. Ji Bai pressed Xu Xu on the bed, his lips were deeply kissed and entangled, and he put a big hand on her chest and mouth, rubbing gently. There was only the sound of two slightly hot breathing in the air.

Xu Xu was wearing a knee-length home skirt, which was very cool, but the style was conservative, so she wore it out of the room. Ji Bai freed up a hand and slid it onto the hem of her skirt—whether to go in or go in or go in...

As soon as the big hand touched one of her knees, she was kicked. Ji Bai laughed and was about to speak when he heard footsteps outside the door.

Ji Bai raised his head and stopped, Xu Xu also looked at the door.

There was a knock on the door, and it was the voice of the team leader Sun Pu: "Xiao Ji, open the door, let me communicate with you about the situation."

Sun Pu had just received a domestic call and got some new clues. On a whim, he wanted to communicate with the most capable team members first. After standing at the door for a few seconds, Ji Bai came to open the door.

The two sat down on the sofa. The mosquito net on Ji Bai's bed was down, the thin quilt was gathered into a ball, and a bunch of clothes were left in a mess.

Sun Pu understood - Ji Bai must have fallen asleep and was woken up by himself. But he didn't care about his work, so he chatted with Ji Bai.

Sun Pu stayed for about ten minutes and left. Ji Bai had just closed the door and turned around when he saw Xu Xu's small head emerge from the quilt, and let out a long sigh. Although the two have a sense of proportion and will not delay work because of their love, others may not think so. They have not told the task force people, it is not necessary.

Ji Bai's smile deepened, he sat on the bed, and hugged her with the quilt into his arms: "Continue?"

Xu Xu pushed him away: "It's almost ten o'clock, I'm going back." After speaking, he pushed him away, pulled the quilt back, and crawled under the bed.

Ji Bai didn't plan to keep her, after all, there is still work tomorrow. Unexpectedly, when he looked up, he saw her waist and buttocks facing him. Probably curled up under the quilt, the hem of the beige skirt somehow lifted a corner and reached to the waist. Exposing the entire fair and slender thighs, the lines are unbelievably soft and smooth, just like jade fat. Further up is a pair of burgundy underpants, which just outlines the snow-white buttocks, the buttocks are small and upturned, and both of his palms can...

His throat was a little dry in an instant, and he subconsciously reached out and grabbed her ankle.

Xu Xu was blocked from getting out of bed and was a little surprised. Just as he was about to open his mouth to let him go, he suddenly felt... his butt and thighs were a little cold... After reacting, he immediately pulled back his skirt, covered it, and patted it to make sure it was safe.

Turning back again, Ji Bai had let go of her, his expression was calm and calm, he looked at her with a deep look, and said nothing.

Xu Xu's face slowly became hot, and he jumped out of bed immediately, saying goodbye: "I'm leaving. Goodbye." The voice was muffled.

Xu Xu returned to the room, lay down for a while, and took out his mobile phone Baidu: "First time~~~~~~ hand in the precautions".

After watching for a while, he finally calmed down.

It's too early for grass and trees - sleep!

Xu Xu decided to try not to go to Ji Bai's room at night in the future. Now both of them are on a business trip. If she does something out of the ordinary, she thinks it is inappropriate, and Ji Bai should think the same.

However, in the next few days, the two basically didn't have time to be alone - as the evidence gradually became abundant, the task force finally began to prepare for the final arrest work. Everyone was so busy that they didn't have enough time to sleep every day, and the two of them didn't think about anything other than work at all.

After more than ten consecutive days of hard work, Sun Pu took two criminal police officers to another nearby city to meet with Myanmar officials to determine the final arrest date and action plan. Ji Bai, Xu Xu and other seven people were temporarily left in Maiza City. Their main job is to closely monitor multiple criminal suspects while protecting key witnesses such as Zhou Chengbo.

As soon as it was dawn, Ji Bai went to Zhou Chengbo's supermarket to keep up with a detective who was on duty at night.

Zhou Chengbo lived in the office behind the supermarket and just got up. After this period of time, he and Ji Bai were already very familiar with him, so he threw a pack of cigarettes and said, "Taiwan cigarettes are not bad, they are good enough."

Ji Bai took it, took a deep sniff, and returned it to him: "It's not bad. Thank you, quit."

Zhou Chengbo laughed: "I think they all smoke, but there are still policemen who don't smoke? Why, my wife won't let me?"

Xu Xu's quiet profile appeared in Ji Bai's mind, his heart softened, and he smiled lightly.

Seeing him acquiesce, Zhou Chengbo nodded: "I guess it is - my wife loves to care."

While the two were talking, someone knocked on the door outside: "Boss, package."

It was a dark-skinned young man in a postal uniform, holding a boxy package in both hands, which he carefully placed on the counter.

Zhou Chengbo took out his pen to sign and muttered, "You are still early! Yangon? Ah yes, it's my uncle..."

The delivery man was silent, took the receipt, turned and strode away. Ji Bai stood up and stared at his back without saying a word. At this time, Zhou Chengbo asked, "Officer Ji, what is your wife's job?"

The rest of the task force went out today, only Xu Xu stayed in the hotel, busy sorting out the evidence.

When the explosion sounded, she was looking at the window and thinking about the case. When she heard the roaring sound, she looked up and saw a cluster of dark fires burning in the far city.

The location is very familiar, it is near Zhou Chengbo's supermarket.

Xu Xu took out his mobile phone and dialed Ji Bai's number, once, twice, three times... but it didn't work.

She took off her legs and ran downstairs. As soon as he reached the door of the building, he stopped again, turned and ran to Tiza's room.

Tissa stayed at the hotel to rest today. When Xu Xu entered the door, he just hung up the landline receiver in the room. He had already got the news, so his face was extremely ugly, and he said to Xu Xu in jerky Chinese: "Zhou... Ji... Explosion!"


The situation was urgent, Tissa drove a military truck, brought Xu Xu and more than 20 soldiers, and hurried over there.

The sky was already full, and the morning light shone brightly on the whole street. In the distance, you can see the smoke and light, and there are many shadows. Many windows along the street were wide open, and residents looked out.

By the time we got to the supermarket, the fire was almost out. The white and spacious shops in the past are now gray-black and damaged, filled with smoke and dust, and the floor is full of dumped goods and glass fragments.

The mobile phone still has no signal - there have been explosions with remote control of mobile phone signals, so as soon as the explosion occurred, the military cut off the communication network to prevent the explosion from happening again. I don't know when the signal will be restored.

The other cops didn't show up either—they all have surveillance missions today and can't get away at any time, and maybe they won't act rashly either. Coupled with the lack of communication, it will take time to get in touch.

Xu Xu and Tissa could only rely on themselves for the time being.

Tissa ordered a team of soldiers, whispered a few words to them, and patted everyone on the shoulder. The soldiers nodded, turned around and rushed into the supermarket one by one. The onlookers qun saw this posture, and the discussion became more lively.

Xu Xu stood alone in the middle of the road, with a messy supermarket a dozen meters in front of her, noisy people behind her, and cars coming and going at a crossroad not far from the side... All the mixed images and sounds seemed to flood into her at the same time. in the mind.

The first thing she noticed was Ji Bai's car parked on the road opposite the supermarket. This made her heart skip a beat, and she immediately took a deep breath and continued to search.

There was no blood around the supermarket and no other suspicious marks. She went around to the back alley again and was slightly startled—the back door of the supermarket was half-closed, and there were mottled blood on the ground and walls—there had been a fight here.

When Xu Xu returned to the road, the soldiers had thoroughly inspected the entire supermarket - there was no one inside, and there were no wounded or dead bodies. This made Xu Xu and Tiza a little relieved, but their hearts were still hanging tightly.

Soldiers began questioning passersby to see if they could find witnesses.

The supermarket is located in the downtown area and is densely populated, and clues were soon found.

A cleaning worker happened to be cleaning near the back alley of the supermarket when the explosion occurred. He said: "I saw people fighting in the alley. Seven or eight people, holding iron bars, beat two men."

This confirmed Xu Xu's speculation. She took out her mobile phone, dug out Ji Bai's photo, and showed him Zhou Chengbo's photo from her data bag.

"Yes, they were the ones who were beaten, and they were all painted. I was afraid of causing trouble, so I went to the opposite street first. After a while, I heard the sound of explosions, and I looked this way—the guys with iron bars. , dragged two people covered in blood into a van."

The cleaners memorized the license plate number. Soon, soldiers found the van in the back alley of a casino two streets away.

Tissa and Xu Xu were sitting in a car on the street. Looking through the binoculars, they saw two burly men guarding the back door of the casino, while blood was faintly left on the van door and on the ground.

This casino is also one of the main strongholds of the Luge Group.

Tissa looked at Xu Xu: "My people can't go in, they can only wait for your people to come."

Gaming is legal in the city of Meza. In order to attract investment to the greatest extent and eliminate the doubts of investors, the commander-in-chief promised to the Chamber of Commerce that Kachin soldiers would never step into the casino unless they were ordered to enforce the law. And now, the official arrest order has not been issued, so Tissa cannot go in.

The sun is already very strong, and the gray-white concrete floor seems to be ventilated by the slightest heat. Xu Xu looked at the gate of the casino, where many people came in and out, the loud music, flashing neon lights, and the daytime exuded a kind of impetuous prosperity.

"Can't wait. I'll go in and find him."

Really can't wait.

The cleaners didn't see the faces of the two people who were dragged away. It might not be Ji Bai, but it might also be him.

Xu Xu was almost certain that Ji Bai had avoided the bullet, and seven or eight thugs should not be his opponents either.

However, today he has Zhou Chengbo beside him to protect. And he doesn't have a gun - this is not the mainland, the core members of the gang here, almost everyone has a gun.

If it was a big boss like Brother Lu who showed up today, Xu Xu would not go in. Because Brother Lu will never move a policeman easily.

But it happened to be those scumbags. They are arrogant and arrogant, their minds are immature, and they are more likely to commit stupid and murderous crimes.

It may only take ten minutes to wait for reinforcements, but the price may be Ji Bai's torture, or even his life - how could she let this happen

Under the shocked gazes of Tissa and the soldiers, Xu Xu took out a hat and sunglasses from his bag, put them on, took another sip of water, opened the car door, and walked into the casino gate guarded by several thugs without looking back.

Xu Xu guessed correctly, Ji Bai did avoid the bullet.

At that time, just as Zhou Chengbo wanted to unpack the package, he was stopped by Ji Bai: "Don't touch it."

Zhou Chengbo looked at his solemn expression and understood. But zha~~ For him, this kind of thing only happens in TV dramas, and he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat: "No way... Then what should I do? Throw it out?"

Ji Bai shook his head: "You can't touch it." He glanced at the postman who was walking out of the supermarket's gate, and said in a low voice, "Go through the back door."

As he slowly pushed open the quiet iron-gray door, Ji Bai asked Zhou Chengbo to stand behind him, while he stood sideways beside the door. Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, a black iron rod slammed down. Ji Bai's eyes and hands were quick, he grabbed the man's arm and twisted it with a "click" with his backhand. The man exclaimed in pain, Ji Bai grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall, his head was bleeding and he passed out.

At the juncture of life and death, Ji Bai's actions were all cruel. Another person behind him slashed with a knife, and he was knocked down in an instant.

Zhou Chengbo shouted, "Go to my car!"

"No!" How can I know that the package is not a pretense, it's really zha~~ Maybe the bomb is waiting in the two of them's car? Ji Bai looked around and drank lowly, "Follow me! Run!"

As soon as the two ran a few steps, they saw seven or eight big men, holding iron rods and machetes, standing at the entrance of the alley. Probably did not expect the two to run out so quickly, and those people were all stunned. The leader immediately stretched out his hand and drew a gun from his waist... Ji Baijun's face was tense, his eyes were fierce, and he shouted, "Police!"

The man was also startled, and with this distraction, Ji Bai had already bullied him, grabbed his wrist, grabbed the gun with his bare hands, and kicked him on the kneecap.

When the others saw this, all the guys in their hands greeted Ji Bai, and Ji Bai was immediately covered in color. Zhou Chengbo, who was behind him, was bloodied by this scene and twisted a big man into a fight.

What Xu Xu didn't expect, and what the cleaners didn't see, was that Ji Bai and Zhou Chengbo finally repelled the gang of gangsters and escaped from the alley. The two gangsters who were wounded by the zha~~ bomb and dragged away by their companions were the two gangsters who were knocked down by Ji Bai at the back door.

Ji Bai and Zhou Chengbo ran for two streets before taking a taxi and heading straight to the hotel where the task force was staying. Only then did Ji Bai know that Xu Xu and Tissa had gone out to find him.

When he found the street where the casino was located, the other two policemen had just arrived, and Tissa looked at him with an ugly face: "Ji, Xu insisted on going in to find you, it's been ten minutes..."

Xu Xu walked into the casino and went to the counter to exchange a bunch of chips. When the counter manager saw her a little girl, he couldn't help but take a few more glances. Xu Xu smiled and waved his phone: "No signal. My mother will come in a while. Can you bring her in to find me? She wears a white top, a red skirt, and a LV bag, so it's easy to recognize."

The manager suddenly smiled: "No problem."

Xu Xu first went to play two dice, and then his eyes fell on a young security guard around the table. The other security guards have fierce faces, with lazy eyes that are indifferent or expressionless. He was the only one with a smile on his face from time to time, very energetic, and his security uniform was brand new.

"Brother, can you buy me a bottle of black tea?" Xu Xu handed him a bargaining chip. The chips were 100 yuan, and the security guard would be willing to treat her as a rich girl with a lot of money.

He quickly bought the water, Xu Xu stopped gambling, sat on the edge to rest, and asked him again, "Are you from Shandong? We are fellow villagers."

The man was surprised when he heard her accent.

After a while, Xu Xu said, "Brother Azhi, where is the bathroom?"

Azhi said, "I'll take you there."

Xu Xu thought about it and said, "No. My mother will be here in a while. You ask her to wait for me here. Your manager knows her." The girl waved.

Azhi thought that you knew the manager, nodded and gave her the direction. After a while, he said to the security guard next to him, "This is my hometown, the manager's friend."

Xu Xu stayed in the bathroom for a while, then pushed open the door and went out. Instead of going back to the business hall, he turned into the office area at the back.

She dared to come in alone, not aimlessly.

One is that she looks young and is not easy to attract people's attention; the other is that she is in charge of logistics these days, and she has already memorized the floor plan of each casino. There is usually a "reception room" at the back of the casino, which is used to deal with customers who are not in debt. If Ji Bai was captured, he would most likely be locked there.

As long as she finds him, she can save him.

In the corridor leading to the "reception room", there was a thug who was guarding and saw her frowning to stop her: "You can't pass this way."

Xu Xu paused for a moment, lowered his head, and his voice trembled a little: "I'm here to pay off the gambling debt. I just asked a gentleman named Azhi at the door. He said he didn't know, and asked me to come in and find the boss."

The thug was taken aback: "Whose gambling debt?"

Xu Xu replied, "My brother's name is Chen Yang. A few days ago, I received a call saying that I owe 'Da Fuhua' 200,000 yuan. I'll come to send the money..." After speaking, he took out a bank card from his pocket.

The thug was stunned again. 'Da Fu Hua' is the name of another casino, a few blocks away, this one is called 'Da Fu Hua'. The name of the casino is all looking for good luck, and there are rich and rich rich and rich in Maizayang. He thought that the little girl must have misheard the name of the casino, 200,000...

The thug took her to a small office and poured her a cup of tea: "You wait here, I'll go to the boss."

As soon as his figure disappeared on the stairs at the end of the corridor, Xu Xu gently pushed the door and followed. It was quiet in the corridor, and she found two drops of blood on the wall with her sharp eyes, and her heart trembled.

Finally reached the door of the "reception room", the door opened a crack, and there was a faint sound of cursing and moaning from the man.

Xu Xu took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The door opened wide, and Xu Xu looked at each other with the men standing in the room.

She quickly glanced at the two bloody strange men on the bed.

"Uh... Uncle, where is the toilet? Azhi said it's here."

Several men stared at her silently, and one of them pointed to the other end of the corridor.

"Thank you!" Xu Xu closed the door for them with a look of embarrassment, turned around, and walked out quickly.

Great, not Ji Bai. Not Ji Bai.

A big stone that was pressing in her heart was put down suddenly, and there seemed to be a warmth flowing through her whole body.

Seeing that the end of the corridor is about to be reached, as long as you turn a corner, you can reach the business hall, and suddenly there are hurried footsteps and shouts behind him: "Hey! Don't go!"

Xu Xu froze in his footsteps and turned around.

It was the thug who went to inform the boss before. He looked at Xu Xu suspiciously: "Where are you going? The boss told you to go up."

Xu Xu glanced at him and said timidly, "I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I saw in your office just now that you are 'big rich', and the mobile phone has no signal. I used your landline and called Da Fuhua. Phone. They said they'd send a car to pick me up right away. Sorry to bother you, thank you."

The thug was stunned again - the boss meant to collect the money first, who would know who? But this little girl actually called Dafuhua. Dafuhua was run by another group of forces, and now they have to come to pick up people. Everyone doesn't make water in the river, how can they swallow the money...

When he was in a daze, Xu Xu bowed to him thankfully, and just as he was about to turn around, he saw the door of the reception room pushed open and several men came out.

Hearing the low voices of the men and the thugs chatting, Xu Xu stepped faster.

"Wait! What's the matter with you?" someone shouted.

Xu Xu had a cold sweat on his back, and his legs were a little stiff.

She has come to the corner, there are no lights, the light is dim, the door leading to the business hall is closed, and there is a faint noise from the other side. Just a short distance away, but like the mountains and seas separated by clouds.

Run or continue to lie

At this moment, Slanting Thorn suddenly stretched out a hand and firmly grasped her wrist. A tall figure flashed from the shadows. Ji Bai's handsome face was livid and tense, and his dark eyes were like thick ink that could not be melted. He took a deep look at her, led her around and left.

Xu Xu was dumbfounded and let him lead him forward. The hand that was a little cold at first seemed to become hot in his warm and powerful palm. The vicious people behind him instantly became less than fearful, not worth mentioning. She actually relaxed.

In the bright and dark light and shadow, his profile was resolute and silent, his figure was as tall and straight as a mountain, and every step he took was like stepping on her heart. An indescribable throbbing slowly spread in her heart and into the blood vessels of her torso and limbs. And her heart was beating wildly.

Several men in the corridor had fought with Ji Bai, and they were all shocked to see him. Someone scolded "Fuck" and wanted to rush over,

Ji Bai turned his head coldly and gave them a very contemptuous look.

As if they were forced by his momentum, or they were beaten too badly during the day, those few people froze for a while, and no one stepped forward.

Ji Bai held Xu Xu and kept walking, neither of them said a word. Walking through the corridor and out of the back door of the casino, the clasped hands were already full of sweat.


The city of "Mina" is located to the east of Maizha City and is the capital of Kachin State. Different from the prosperity of the nouveau riche in small cities, Mina is a real metropolis, with many high-rise buildings and enterprises, and it is also a gathering place for the rich and powerful.

When the news of the explosion came, Brother Lu was doing a SPA in a spa.

Seeing her sudden change in expression, the subordinates who were standing beside him waved to let Sister Beauty Xiao go out first. Lu Geguang~ sat up with a naked and white body full of old wounds, holding the phone and said coldly: "It exploded, why haven't people been killed yet?"

The man on the other end hesitated and replied: "There is a Chinese policeman with Zhou Chengbo, who is particularly good at fighting, and just went to the casino to make trouble..."

Brother Lu was slightly startled. She suddenly remembered a piece of news she heard a few days ago—a group of Chinese police officials had been to Yangon to meet with the Myanmar side. But since the beginning of the year, China and Myanmar have been holding frequent meetings and implementing some cooperation measures on cross-border crimes, so she didn't care too much.

In order to avoid the limelight for a while, this female boss, who is entrenched in the two countries, has been behind closed doors recently, and her business has been handed over to her subordinates, so she will not be as meticulous as before. She has suffered how powerful and covert the Chinese police's detection methods are. Her subordinates may not realize it yet, but she connected the two things, and a cold sweat broke out in her heart.

After pondering for a moment, she said: "The field continues to open, and the backbone will be withdrawn immediately! When can I return to Maiza, wait for my notice."

Maiza City.

When Ji Bai and Xu Xu stepped out of the back door of the casino, seven or eight thugs with weapons followed a few steps behind them.

Everyone has a herd mentality. When a person is nervous and unsure of what the other party is going to do, they will be more inclined to wait for an opportunity before attacking. It's a very delicate, touch-and-go state of confrontation.

However, when they followed out the back door, they were dumbfounded—the thug who was originally in charge of the goal was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and a bruised face. In their place were two men who looked just as fierce as Ji Bai. Behind them, several heavily armed Kachin soldiers stood.

Kachin soldiers never step into the casino, but if someone leaves the casino door and clashes with the stragglers, it doesn't matter if they live or die.

Ji Bai held Xu Xu's hand and didn't let it go. Crossed the Kachin soldiers, walked out of the alley, and finally reached the busy street.

Xu Xu's mood had completely calmed down, and he looked up at Ji Bai with a relieved smile. He wanted to pull his hand back, but was clenched with even greater strength.

His face was still tense, looking a little scary, and his black eyes were as heavy as iron...

The gaze was so intimidating that she couldn't look away.

"Are you all right?" Chen Yalin ran over from a distance.

Ji Bai stared at Xu Xu: "It's fine." He held her hand tightly, then released it.

He and Chen Yalin whispered and walked forward, ignoring Xu Xu. Xu Xu looked at his tall and straight back. When he saw him for the first time in the casino, the throbbing feeling in his heart came up silently, and he felt a little pain in his heart.
