When A Snail Loves

Chapter 19: (14)


Quick, several criminal policemen gathered to meet.

Ji Bai regained his cold and determined expression, and his voice was low and powerful: "Contact Sun Ting: Now that the grass has been beaten, the criminals are likely to flee, and the arrest must be launched in advance!"

After Sun Pu received Ji Bai's call, he immediately lodged representations with the Myanmar side: immediately notify the local garrison and police to blockade the entire city, and at the same time ask the Kachin commander-in-chief to send an army as quickly as possible to enter the city of Maiza to enforce the law.

In one day, the situation in Maizha changed, and people panicked.

When it was dark, the detectives returned to the hotel, met briefly and divided the work. Before the law enforcement troops arrive tomorrow morning, they must keep watch with Tissa's soldiers at the periphery of the main stronghold of the Luge Group all night.

Criminals are cornered and are likely to fight to the death. The task tonight is very dangerous.

After the meeting, Xu Xu stayed alone in the temporary command room. Her task is logistics liaison scheduling. Not dangerous, but equally tense and burdensome.

She was communicating with local police about the road closure when the knock sounded.

(Sorry, this paragraph is too heavy, the number of words cannot be deleted after the v chapter is posted. Tomorrow I will make up the free 200 words when the author has something to say: When it was dark, the criminal policemen returned to the hotel, met briefly and divided the work. Law enforcement tomorrow morning Before the army arrived, they had to keep watch with Tissa's soldiers at the periphery of the main stronghold of the Luge Group all night.

This mission is very dangerous - criminals are cornered, and they are likely to fight to the death.

After the meeting, Xu Xu stayed alone in the temporary command room. Her task tonight is logistics scheduling. Not dangerous, but equally tense and burdensome.

She was communicating with local police about the road closure when the knock sounded. )

After Ji Bai took her out of the casino today, the two were too busy to say a word. In ten minutes, he will set off with the team.

He has faced this kind of crisis-ridden task many times, and he has never cared about it. But today, subconsciously, I want to come and see her.

As soon as Xu Xu opened the door, he saw him standing tall and silent. The light in the corridor was weak, and his face was dark and handsome. His full forehead, deep eyes, and broad nose all seemed stronger and stronger. Those black eyes stared at her even more.

Xu Xu said to him with his mouth: "Wait a minute." He walked back to the table and sat down and continued talking on the phone.

The lights in the house were bright, and the fan was blowing loudly. She tucked the phone between her shoulders and cheeks, typing quickly on the keyboard with both hands. Her short hair fell behind her small, fair ears, and her hair fluttered gently in the wind. Although such a slender little person, he sits and moves like a man, stable, neat and powerful.

Ji Bai suddenly remembered the scene in the casino: the corridor was deep and silent, with several thugs behind him. And she had a cold little face, her eyes were flustered and firm, and she stepped into his field of vision. While he was standing in the darkness, there seemed to be a flame in his heart, which burned silently and scorchingly.

She always blooms unscrupulously in front of him, she is his unique treasure, does she know that

But looking at her back now, his chest seemed to be gently rubbed by her soft little hands. It was an indescribable passion and enthusiasm, which made people's heart indulge and want more and more.

When Ji Bai's big hand was tightly wrapped from behind, Xu Xu was inexplicably shocked. The breath around him instantly wrapped her, and his warm lips and tongue lingered silently on the back of her neck. Xu Xu's thoughts stagnated for a moment, and the voice of the Burmese official on the phone seemed to become distant and vague... Once she regained her senses, she reacted and continued to communicate with the official clearly and quickly. When she hung up the phone, Ji Bai had already left.

Xu Xu didn't think too much, picked up the documents and continued to read. Inexplicably, he was a little restless, and he didn't turn a page for a while. After a while, he simply pushed aside the documents and stood up, looking at the door that was no longer empty.

In love, Xu Xu is indeed slow. In the casino, Ji Bai fell from the sky like an iron-blooded hero, which really made her feel deeply moved. But the matter has passed, and she will no longer think about it. Another fact is that even if it was other colleagues who were kidnapped, she would go to the rescue alone. Even when she just summed up her performance, she still thought: If it wasn't Ji Bai who was kidnapped, she should be able to act more calm and thoughtful - Ji Bai made her a little concerned and then messed up.

But Ji Bai's hug just now had a particularly lingering aftertaste. The deep and expansive throbbing emotions that had been bred because of him before drowned in my heart again. And this throbbing seems to be pulled by Ji Bai, and it becomes more and more surging as he leaves, and only he can appease it.

When Xu Xu walked to the door of Ji Bai's room, the other two detectives just came out, already wearing bulletproof vests and equipped with guns. The bullets were specially approved for use in this operation by both China and Myanmar.

The light in the room was soft, Ji Bai had already put on his bulletproof vest, and there were dark shou~~~qiang and clips around his waist. He was lowering his head and buttoning his shirt, his handsome face was solemn and calm. When he looked up, he saw Xu Xu, who was concentrating on his work, suddenly came. His first reaction was official business, and he immediately asked, "Is there anything?"

Xu Xu's face was a little hot, he walked over quickly, pulled the collar of his shirt out of his hand, and fastened the buttons one by one for him.

Ji Bai silently looked at the little woman's flushed cheeks and thoughtful movements. At this time, Xu Xu buttoned it up and said nothing, grabbed his collar, stood on tiptoe, raised his head and kissed him. Ji Bai was faster than her, put his arms around her waist, rubbed her into his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her fiercely and forcefully.

The kiss ended quickly, Ji Bai went downstairs and got into the car with his colleagues and left. Xu Xu walked back to the room briskly, and then faced the work again, only to feel that his mind was clear and invincible.

Sure enough, feelings need to be expressed and satisfied. The feeling of mutual satisfaction with Ji Bai is perfect.

On this day, in the city of Mina, not only Brother Lu was disturbed, but also the supreme commander of Kachin State - Commander-in-Chief Jue Wen.

The night was getting darker, and the lights were lit one by one by the Royal Lake on the outskirts of the city.

A large villa built on the water, quiet and elegant. There is a spacious and green bamboo raft platform in front of the door, Jue Wen is leaning on the rattan chair, closing his eyes and resting.

The adjutant stood respectfully a few steps away: "Commander, send that unit to Maizha City to enforce the law? The Chinese are rushing."

Jue Wen opened his eyes. This half-life commander has deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but his body is as sturdy as a young man, and his appearance is also handsome. He was silent for a moment and asked, "Who is the closest to Maiza City now?"

The adjutant replied, "General Po's second brigade just moved to the vicinity of Maiza City this month."

Jue Wenfu closed his eyes again, and said lightly, "Then let Po go."

In the city of Maiza, there was a stalemate all night, and finally dawned without any danger.

The road into the city was dusty, and large trucks full of soldiers were coming in a mighty gallop. In order to meet with the army commander for the first time and start the operation, everyone in the task force went to the side of the road to meet and wait. After a month of hard work, we finally have to harvest the results today, and everyone's mood is equally dignified and inevitable.

Ji Bai and Xu Xu's thoughts were already on the case. It is only occasionally that the eyes cross, and there are faint smiles in their eyes that can only be understood by each other.

Finally, an off-road vehicle stopped in front of Ji Bai and the others. A tall and sturdy officer, surrounded by soldiers, came over. He wore a gray-green camouflage uniform, bronze complexion, and a dark red tangled scar on his angular face, which made him look very fierce.

Slightly hostile eyes glanced at everyone quietly, he smiled suddenly, and said in jerky Chinese: "Hello, I am the commander of the second brigade of the Kachin Independence Army, General Po. Hope to cooperate happily."

When Po arrived in Maiza City, Commander Jue Wen, who was far away in Mina City, just got up and stood in front of the villa with lakes and mountains, looking into the distance.

The adjutant on the side looked at his calm face and asked in a low voice: "Yesterday, I was a little confused about your arrangement - since you suspect that Po is the force behind the Chinese gangster, disrupting the border order and embezzling a lot of money, why did you let him go? China? There is an idiom called 'to guard and steal from oneself'."

Juewen smiled and replied: "I don't care if I can get rid of the Chinese gangsters. Po has given me a lot of credit, and his military prestige is also very high, but these years, he is too arrogant, and I don't like it very much.

There is also an idiom in China called 'borrowing a knife to kill'. If he corrects this time and enforces the law strictly, I will tolerate him temporarily. If he is arrogant and causes trouble, I will kill him reasonably and express my sincerity to China. "


This summer, the situation in northern Myanmar is hot and anxious, but Lin City is calm, warm and pleasant.

In the police station, the air conditioner is turned on very much, and there is a refreshing coolness everywhere. There have been no major cases recently, the office is quiet and orderly, and everyone is quite relaxed.

Zhao Han took out a copy of the document from the fax machine, and said with a smile on his face: "Great! News from Myanmar - the boss has broken through more than a dozen strongholds of the Brother Group these days and arrested more than forty people. The rest are at large. Brother Lu! It's being hunted across Myanmar."

Old Wu smiled and said, "It's time to prepare the celebration banquet." Everyone laughed when they heard it. Amidst the heated discussion, Old Wu's eyes fell on Yao Meng, who was sitting diagonally opposite. She didn't join the discussion, she didn't raise her head, she smiled faintly on her fair and beautiful face.

After get off work, Da Hu said to Yao Meng, "Xiao Yao, can you give me the report you have tomorrow?"

Yao Meng had already turned off the computer, picked up her handbag, and smiled at him, "I'll try my best." After speaking, she left.

Soon the office staff were almost gone. Zhao Han said with a straight heart, "Why do I feel that Yao Meng has been out of work recently?"

Da Hu stood by the window, looking downstairs. On the road outside the police station, Yao Meng was walking to a Rolls-Royce. The driver got out of the car and opened the back door for her. She smiled very sweetly at the people inside, and Pingtingting sat in.

"It's a sugar daddy." Big Hu muttered, "No wonder I have the confidence to be passive and sabotage."

Old Wu sighed lightly and said, "I talked to her, but I'm not very willing to communicate. I can't keep a good child."

Zhao Han was a little surprised: "What do you mean—Yao Meng is planning to resign?"

Old Wu didn't answer, and Da Hu sneered: "It's so obvious that you can't see it? The heart is not here anymore."

At sunset, the city of Maiza in the sunset looks a little more peaceful and solemn than before.

The prosperous casino street in the past is now closed and deserted in many places. The local residents felt that everything had finally returned to peace after experiencing the thrilling and continuous gunfire in the past few days.

After Xu Xu sorted out the last document of the crime, he felt that his eyes were a little tired. She walked to the window to stretch her sore body, and when she lowered her head, she saw Ji Bai and several other detectives get out of the car and walked back to the hotel.

The arrest work has been successfully completed. Sun Pu took four criminal police officers to leave yesterday and continued to hunt down Brother Lu. Ji Bai, Xu Xu and the other five stayed in Maiza City to finish.

Xu Xu smiled slightly, walked slowly to the sink to wash his hands, took out the first aid kit and waited. After a while, he received a text message from Ji Bai: "Come here when you are free."

When Ji Bai rescued Zhou Chengbo last time, his whole body was covered in color, and the rest of the body was wounded, but the cut on his left upper arm was a little deep. The weather here is hot and easy to get infected, so Xu Xu and he are very careful.

Xu Xu walked into Ji Bai's room and saw him sitting shirtless under the electric fan. He should have just taken a shower, but his hair was still not completely dry, and his eyes seemed to be stained with water vapor, making them extra wet and shiny.

Xu Xu walked over, lowered his head, leaned in and kissed his cheek. He immediately turned his head and pursed her lips and kissed her a few times before doing his own thing.

Ji Bai looked at the documents for a while, then looked sideways at Xu Xu's face.

A few days ago, she was too busy. Every time she changed her medicine, she was in a hurry. Ji Bai didn't care about her at all. Another time, when she was in a meeting with Chen Yalin and the others, she was called over to change her dressing when she saw a needle in it, and she didn't even know when she went out. But today's work finally came to an end, and his mood relaxed a lot, and he was finally able to take a good look at her.

In order to facilitate the dressing change, she stood on the ground with one foot, kneeled on the sofa with one leg, stood quietly beside him, lowered her head and concentrated on cleaning the wound. She wore a simple light blue knee-length cotton skirt today, which made her skin white and pure, and he looked so cool. Now he has discovered that she is actually very particular about her clothes. There are many patterns in her clothes, and they are very practical.

As her man, he enjoyed the delicate little femininity she inadvertently revealed.

After watching for a while, Ji Bai reached out and held her arm again. Her skin was smooth and cool, as if she had never sweated, and her flesh was soft, completely different from his hard and hot muscles. Ji Bai never knew before that a woman's skin could be so comfortable, making men addicted.

The corners of Xu Xu's mouth curled up, letting him gently squeeze the flesh on his arm, focusing on the wound.

"Don't move." Xu Xu leaned over to get the medicine on the coffee table. Ji Bai's eyes moved subconsciously along the curves of her stretched body.

Xu Xu took the medicine and continued to apply it to him. Suddenly his waist sank, and Ji Bai's hand was silently raised. Xu Xu didn't care either. Who knew that his thumb, through the cloth, began to gently rub the thin flesh on his waist.

"It's a little itchy." Xu Xu laughed.

His hands stopped motionless. After a while, it slipped onto her buttocks, paused for a moment, and started rubbing gently.

Xu Xu's whole body trembled slightly, and looked up at him in confusion.

He looked straight at her almost calmly, his deep black eyes a little forced, as if he wanted to look into her heart. And the movements of his hands have never stopped...

The electric fan rattled, and the setting sun cast a long, narrow strip of golden light in the room, and there was a trace of heat in the silence. Ji Bai looked down at her blushing face, feeling like a sultry breeze was blowing through the undulating heart lake. That day, the little guy inadvertently leaked the spring light, and it has been deeply reflected in his mind like a brand. And at this moment, the beautiful touch in the hand, and the feeling of holding her pure and sexy curve in the palm of your hand, it is really good...

When Ji Bai was attacking the city and conquering the land, Xu Xu was rarely caught in a contradiction: the two were lovers, and this kind of intimacy was normal; but she was embarrassed, her whole body seemed to be on fire, and her heartbeat was unprecedented. A strange feeling of excitement flooded into her heart, but this fiery feeling seemed to exceed her tolerance limit - should she want more? Or let him stop

At this time, Ji Bai stopped and just wanted to lift his skirt and put it back on, but Xu Xu thought it was over. She thought that her work was the most important thing at this stage, and she should not indulge in sex, so she pushed him away and stood up straight.

"I'm going back." Xu Xu whispered.

Ji Bai smiled slightly, but did not force her.

She took a few steps, turned her head and said, "I won't be here at night until I return to Lin City."

Ji Bai understood what she meant. After all, he was still on a mission. Just now, he was in a hurry. Just looking at her rare embarrassment, she felt at ease, and answered calmly, "Okay. Listen to you - I'll talk about it after returning to Lin City."

The burning feeling in Xu Xu's heart came up again, and he left silently.

Xu Xu went back to the room to sort out the documents for a while, and then received a call from Sun Pu, asking her to send a fax document to General Po for signing. At this time, the sky was still bright, and the whole city was basically safe. Xu Xu didn't even think about disturbing Ji Bai, so he just called Tissa, brought two soldiers, and went to find Po with himself.

The car was driving along the sparsely traveled road. The Kachin soldiers on the roadside had three steps, one post, five steps and one post. The whole city was already under Po's control. The army liaison officer said that Po went to the city prison where criminals were temporarily held. When Xu Xu arrived, it was already dark.

Xu Xu and Tissa walked into the prison gate and saw a group of soldiers standing next to the playground in front of them. A man was kneeling on the ground, and a man was still lying on the ground. This surprised Xu Xu and strode over.

When I got closer, I could see clearly that there was a soldier lying on the ground, bleeding gurgling from his neck, and he was already dead. And kneeling is a Chinese gang criminal whose information Xu Xu has registered. Po stood at the front of the crowd. He was wearing a light gray military shirt and dark military trousers today. He looked a little less hostile and more stern.

Seeing Xu Xu, he glanced at the information in her hand, knowing that he was looking for him, and hooked his thick lips to her: "Wait." Then he drew his gun and aimed it at the head of the Chinese criminal.

Xu Xu rushed forward: "What are you doing!?"

The surrounding soldiers stared blankly at the Chinese girl who suddenly shouted. Po turned his face, glanced at her, and smiled a little coldly: "This person, who wants to escape from prison, killed one of my soldiers."

Xu Xu glanced at the messy corpse on the ground and replied, "We will verify this guilt, and if it is true, we will definitely join his sentence. But you can't abuse lynching."

The people around were all quiet, and the trembling prisoner's face also lit up with hope: "Yes, yes, you can't abuse lynching..."

Po looked at Xu Xu and put down the gun. Xu Xu stared at him without evasion. Unexpectedly, he reached out and took the document from her hand: "Need my signature?"

Xu Xu: "...Yes."

He took the pen, quickly signed his name, and returned it to Xu Xu. Just as Xu Xu took it, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that he raised the gun again with lightning-quick hands!


However, it was too late. Po even forced the muzzle of the gun into the criminal's mouth. With a "bang", a big blood hole spattered from the back of the man's head. Fall down.

Xu Xu only felt his temples jump suddenly, and his face became ugly. But Po threw the gun to the adjutant, ignored her at all, and left.

Xu Xu glanced at his back and turned to leave. Tissa followed after a while, comforted her through an interpreter and said, "I just asked the soldier, this is true, and that person should be damned, you don't have to be angry."

Xu Xu didn't say a word, and called as soon as he got in the car: "Sun Ting, I have something to report to you..."

When he returned to the hotel, Xu Xu's mood still couldn't calm down.

In fact, in the past few days, the members of the task force had almost no contact with Po. He has been staying in a villa in the city, the arrest work is all under the command of the adjutant, and only Sun Ting meets him occasionally. And his soldiers have always been very cooperative with the task force, and the combat effectiveness of individual soldiers is also very sturdy. Therefore, everyone's impression of him is that of a rough, tough, and pragmatic soldier.

However, today's scene shocked Xu Xu—although she had come into contact with some corpses, it was the first time someone killed someone in front of her. And in a positive, brutal way that would break down the victim. At the moment when the victim died, the terrified eyes, the trembling muscles on her face, and the scum-like flesh and blood seemed to be deeply imprinted in her mind and lingered.

After going back to the room and lying down for a while, she was still a little uneasy, she rolled over and got out of bed, and went to knock on Ji Bai's door.

Ji Bai had already fallen asleep, and when he heard a knock on the door, he casually put on a shirt and pants. When he opened the door and saw Xu Xu, he smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that you won't be here at night before returning to Lin City?"

Xu Xu didn't smile, and walked into the room silently.

Ji Bai looked at her face and followed. The two sat down on the sofa, Ji Bai stretched out his hand to support the back of her head, and gently rubbed the short hair behind her head: "Tell me."

Xu Xu briefly explained what had just happened, Ji Bai's face sank, and he let go of her and stood up: "This matter must be reported to Sun Ting immediately and negotiated with the Myanmar side, which cannot be tolerated."

Xu Xu: "I have already reported it, and Sun Ting is also very angry and will deal with it immediately."

Ji Bai just sat down.

The two were silent for a while. Ji Bai saw that her face was still wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, looked up at him, and said softly, "Third brother, I feel very uncomfortable."

Ji Bai understood - this was the first time she had seen murder with her own eyes. Although she has a calm and dull personality, she is kind and her mood naturally fluctuates.

In fact, compared to normal people, her reaction is already very good.

However, this was the first time that she showed a little vulnerability in front of him, and called out "third brother" aggrievedly. Her words and expressions are always straightforward, without any disguise. Therefore, the reliance revealed frankly at this moment made Ji Bai feel more distressed. But in addition to distress, there is also a touch of joy. He took her into his arms and looked down at her close at hand: "In Myanmar, there are wars and chaos all the year round, and soldiers behave cruelly, so don't take it to heart."

Xu Xu was silent for a while and replied, "I understand that they have no concept of legality at all, and in General Po's mind, this may be the only way to establish prestige with the soldiers."

Ji Bai stopped giving advice, and after a while, he lowered his head and kissed her.

The sky was getting darker, Xu Xu had calmed down, but his heart was still a little blocked, and he subconsciously wanted to stay with him for a while, so he didn't mention it back to the room. Of course Ji Bai didn't even mention it.

After a while, the two of them were on the bed. Ji Bai raised his hand and turned off the headlights, leaving only one lamp. He embraced her and kissed her down her neck little by little. The big hand also reached into the skirt and started to wander.

The night was so quiet, outside the window only the silent insects chirping in the rice fields. Xu Xu's whole body became hot, and his brain felt a little dizzy. But this is different from the feeling in the afternoon. She is not nervous at all, nor does she feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. Her originally stagnant mood seems to be comforted by his touch and kiss.

Seeing his slender and sturdy curves in the night, and smelling the warm breath emanating from his muscles, Xu Xu's heart seemed to slowly sink into his embrace. She reached out her hand almost naturally, and also stroked his back, his shoulders, his waist...

Ji Bai felt her caress, as if there was a hot tide in his heart. The kiss is more gentle. Thinking of her fragile skin, which will be covered with shallow hickeys tomorrow, I feel more pity in my heart. In the midst of confusion, his whole body suddenly froze slightly, and he felt her little hand hold... He looked up at her sharply.

In fact, Xu Xu completely followed his inner desire. Seeing Ji Bai's surging eyes, Xu Xu held it still.

Ji Bai rolled over and pressed her face on the bed.

The intimacy this time was more intense and deeper than every previous one. Xu Xu's skirt was finally removed by him, but after he was almost lingering, he pulled the thin blanket to cover her body, took a deep breath, and sat up.

He said softly, "I don't want you to recall the first time you were in such a bad place."

"Yeah." Xu Xu's face flushed, and he answered quickly, "I also need to prepare."

Ji Bai burst into laughter, kissed her on the forehead with no end in sight, and got up to take a cold shower.

When Ji Bai went to bed again, Xu Xu huddled under the quilt and looked at him with a smile. Ji Bai's heart swayed, he lay down on the bed, and took her into his arms. After a while, he took out the keychain from the bedside, removed the house key, and handed it to her: "Waiting for me in Huilin City."

He said this because according to the arrangement of the division of labor, he would go to Yangon tomorrow and continue to track down Brother Lu with Sun Pu and others; while Xu Xu would join three other criminal policemen on General Po's special train to escort all the prisoners back to China . The two will be separated for at least ten days.

Xu Xu took the key and put it away. Thinking that he would still have to run around in Myanmar day and night to work on the case, he felt a little distressed, so he softly encouraged: "Okay, we will join forces in victory in Lin City."

Lady Ji Bai can't eat while pregnant, and it's still a little hot. Listening to her words is bound to be heartbreaking - Huilin City joins teachers...

He smiled deeply. Xu Xu wondered, "What are you laughing at?"

Ji Bai didn't answer, and hugged her tightly: "Go to sleep."

Early the next morning, Xu Xu and other colleagues set foot on Po's special train. Under the intensive guard of Po's army, they escorted all the prisoners to the Chinese border. Ji Bai turned around and headed in the other direction.


In the blazing silence of the sun, the train roared and galloped. In the distance, the green hills are vaguely ups and downs, and the dense forest cannot see the edge.

Xu Xu was leaning in the carriage and was calling Xu Jun: "... I will be in Lin City tomorrow morning. I don't need to pick it up. I'll report back to the bureau first. I'll hang up if it's all right."

"Wait, how are you? You're not injured, are you? Is the climate there suitable?"

Xu Xu: "Let's talk later." He lowered his head and glanced at his watch: "There is still 10 minutes without signal in the mountain area. I'm going to call Ji Bai now." After speaking, he hung up.

On the other end, Xu Jun took the phone and thought: Come on, after 10 minutes there was no signal, so I called me for 2 minutes!

When the call was connected, Ji Bai and a few detectives were sitting in a police car eating a lunch box. It was in the afternoon, and the crowded city was as hot as a stove. After a busy morning, everyone was sweating profusely, burying their heads and gulps of rice.

Holding the lunch box, Ji Bai didn't look at the caller ID: "Hello, Ji Bai. Say it."

Xu Xu listened to his deep and mellow voice, his whole heart immediately felt at ease, and replied, "It's me."

The corners of Ji Bai's lips twitched involuntarily: "Is something wrong?"

Xu Xu paused slightly.

The two only separated this morning, so there was no need to call. But she had no time to work today, and she thought of him many times without realizing it—this was the first time she felt this way about someone.

So she answered honestly: "It's okay. I just miss you."

Her words were like a refreshing spring in summer, pouring into Ji Bai's heart. He suddenly remembered the scene in the hotel last night, with her fair and petite body, skin-to-skin, intimate and lingering. For a while, he was a little lost and silent.

At this time, the other criminal policemen had already put down their lunch boxes and started wearing body armor: "Let's go, Ji Bai." The Kachin soldiers sitting on the ground outside the car also picked up their guns and got up, ready to go.

Ji Bai replied in a low voice, "I miss you too." After a pause, he leaned his head closer to the phone screen and kissed gently.

Some detectives laughed when they saw his actions. It was the first time for Ji Bai to do such a thing, and he was not embarrassed. He put away his phone, smiled indifferently, and got out of the car with them.

Here, Xu Xu was sitting on the white bed mottled by the sun, looking at his phone.

Her face was actually a little numb, her heart was pounding, it felt like she was really kissed...

After a while, Xu Xu went to the next carriage to have dinner with the other three detectives. Criminals are concentrated in the back compartment, and Kachin soldiers will not come here. Everyone ate and ate, and naturally chatted about the case.

A criminal policeman said, "It's been so long, and Brother Lu hasn't been caught yet. It's such a shit."

Everyone was silent for a while, and an old criminal policeman took a breath and said, "It seems that Brother Lu has a big backer in the military."

Everyone was stunned for a moment. The old detective continued: "Intuitively. In Myanmar, the military has the final say. We have set up a net, and Brother Lu can still escape. It must be someone in the military who secretly helped."

Another detective said: "I agree with you. I specifically checked all of Brother Lu's bank accounts, guess what? Not a penny, and no records of transactions. Where did the money go? Naturally, it went to this man. If you find this person, you can catch Brother Lu."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Xu Xu was slightly startled: "Brother Lu trusts this person so much?"

When a criminal policeman saw her questioning, he laughed and joked: "Aren't you doing criminal mental portraits? I heard that last time you caught a blade criminal in Lin City? Not bad! If we can draw a picture of this behind-the-scenes man, we can directly Just go get someone."

Everyone laughed, Xu Xu shook his head: "There are too few clues to complete the preliminary portrait."

Having said that, after Xu Xu returned to his private box, he lay on the bed and began to be dazed.

These days, she has been busy with work in Maiza City. Her mind is full of information about the dozens of criminals, and she has no time to think about Brother Lu and his backers. But today, when she was free, the words of the detectives aroused her thoughts.

She took out a pen and paper, and wrote down some scattered clues in her mind. But after thinking about it for a while, I still have no idea.

When I looked up, I saw the phone on the table. Thinking of Ji Bai, she couldn't help but smile. Her pen followed her brain, and she wrote "Ji Bai" and "Third Brother" on the paper in a blink of an eye.

He calmed down again, and was about to continue thinking about the case, when he saw the entire line of "Ji Bai" on the paper, suddenly a light flashed in his mind and he was stunned.

Thanks to Ji Bai, she suddenly thought—although she didn’t know the mysterious man, but Brother Lu had a close relationship with him—you could analyze that person through Brother Lu.

Brother Lu is a very cautious, strict, and even tenacious person. He completely puts his interests first, and he also has his own independent criminal gang in China.

What kind of person can make a female lord like Brother Lu bow his head as a minister, and trust him absolutely

Everything works. Many clues almost exploded in Xu Xu's mind. She picked up the pen and paper and wrote the word "couple" first.

Yes, for Brother Lu, only close relatives can make her trust her so much, and she doesn't even have a penny in her account. Their nationalities are different, and Brother Lu's family information does not show any foreign relatives, so it is most likely a couple.

After a while she wrote again, "Age 30-40 years old, single, unmarried, no children."

This is because too young cannot gain an influential position in the military, and too old cannot. Because Burmese men get married very early, and attach great importance to inheriting the lineage. If it is an older man who already has a wife or children, it is impossible for Brother Lu to completely trust him.

The third is a positive word: "charm". In the eyes of ordinary people, especially in the eyes of a strong woman like Brother Lu, he is likely to have a unique personality charm, which will make her give up.

Thinking of this, Xu Xu excitedly walked back and forth in the narrow carriage. After a while, he wrote two words side by side: "violence, sadism."

There are other gangs in northern Myanmar, but only the Luge gang, which commits crimes with the most cruel methods and has many unnecessary violent acts.

Xu Xu has seen in previous case materials: in kidnapping cases, they often abused the victims brutally to increase deterrence; when abducting and selling babies from China, they used sleeping pills, causing many babies to become critically ill. Zhou Chengbo's case was also a revenge by planting a bomb after a miss. If Zhou Chengbo escaped the explosion, he would also be beaten to death by the thugs.

The behavioral characteristics of a criminal group necessarily reflect the style of the leader. However, Brother Lu's criminal history in China did not show this tendency, so in the management of the criminal group, she is likely to pass on that person's intention.

Finally, Xu Xu wrote down an adjective: "conceited".

The Brother Lu group has a lot of criminal methods and a wide network. They will intervene in anything to make money, and their arrogance is very arrogant. The ability to spread out such a large plate reflects both the man's greedy and cunning character and his conceit.

Xu Xu picked up the piece of paper, leaned on the bed and frowned in thought: These conclusions are still too vague and abbreviated, and there may be large deviations, so it is impossible to form a complete portrait. But she faintly felt that there was a very serious problem that was about to be caught by her...

At this moment, I suddenly felt that someone was watching me. Looking up, he saw that at the door of the box, General Po was standing in the corridor with his hands behind his back. The bronze-colored angular face and dark eyes stared straight at her.

Xu Xu was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the picture of Po shoving the pistol into the prisoner's mouth last night appeared in his mind.

Between the ages of 30 and 40, single, unmarried and no children, with unique personality charm and prestige, conceited and a certain violent and sadistic tendency...

She folded the paper in her hand, stuffed it into her pocket, got out of bed, and looked at him calmly: "General Po, is something wrong?"

Po Da stabbed in and stood in front of her. The guards immediately guarded the door of the box.

"The commander-in-chief asked me to apologize to you." He stared at her and said slowly, his tone sarcastic.

Xu Xu: "Yes. Continue."

This reaction made Po quiet for a moment, but an unintelligible smile appeared on his face: "I'm sorry."

Xu Xu nodded: "I hope this kind of thing won't happen again in the future."

Poe glanced at her, then stopped at the door. There is no warmth in the eyes on the cold and hard face: "The soldier's life belongs to me. If the same thing happens again, I will kill it."

Xu Xu looked at his back as he walked away: "Wait a minute."

Pere turned to look at her.

Xu Xu: "I accept your apology."
