When A Snail Loves

Chapter 21: (16)


square. "

Xu Xu laughed.

In the evening, the two siblings went straight home. Xu's father cooked by himself and cooked a table of good dishes.

Professor Xu was gentle and restrained by nature, and most of the dinners were attended by Xu Jun asking about all kinds of things during the Burmese period. Xu Xu had the same temperament as his father, and answered in a succinct and concise manner, the content was rather boring. After a while, Xu Jun simply stopped asking, and only asked her to take care of her skin and restore her weight to the original passing line.

After eating, Xu Jun took the initiative to wash the dishes, and his father routinely went to the study to practice calligraphy. Xu Xu sat in the living room for a while, then followed up, not talking much, just grinding quietly.

The acquaintance of the daughter, Mo Rufa, saw that the little daughter rarely did anything, just sticking beside him obediently, and the father smiled slightly. After writing for a while, he changed his words: "Is there no danger this time?"

Xu Xu replied, "There is no danger."

The father nodded and didn't ask any further questions. Looking at her, a gentle smile appeared in his eyes: "Xu Jun said you have a boyfriend?"

Xu Xu's face flushed slightly: "Well, it's just been handed over not long ago."

"Don't worry, Dad, it must be a steady and steady boy." Dad said, "When you think it's appropriate, take it home and let Dad see it."

After his father fell asleep, Xu Xu walked to Xu Jun's room again. He was leaning on the bed, holding a cigarette, holding a laptop, and working overtime to read the work documents sent by his subordinates.

Xu Xu sat down beside him and said after a while, "I almost died this time."

Xu Jun originally stared at the screen, but turned to look at her.

Xu Xu smiled: "I was afraid of death at that time. I really thought I would never see you and Dad again."

Xu Jun didn't say anything, stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly.

This is how Xu Xu treats his family.

Maybe it's because she was raised by two men. She is usually silent and reserved, and rarely has the delicate dependence of ordinary girls. But at critical moments, she will also express her emotions in her own way, even like a girl, seeking comfort from her eldest brother. However, facing her elderly father, she would have reservations and keep silent about all grievances.

After coming out of Xu Jun's room, Xu Xu was in a good mood. He took a bath and lay comfortably on the bed. He took out his mobile phone and texted Ji Bai, "I'm sleeping, good night."

Ji Bai's phone number came over immediately.

At dinner like this, most of the time is chatting, and there is not much to eat. Ji Bai had just returned to the community and was shopping for supper at the supermarket downstairs. At this time, the night was dark, and apart from a few staff members in the brightly lit supermarket, he was the only one standing in front of the cashier with a box of quick-frozen dumplings.

"I thought you went to bed early." He smiled softly.

"No, I was chatting with Xu Jun just now." Xu Xu also smiled, "What are you doing?"

Ji Bai was making the payment, and caught a glimpse of the colorful and delicate boxes on the shelf next to him. Wei Wei took a meal, picked up the most expensive Durex box, and threw it into the shopping basket, and replied, "I bought dumplings, but I didn't have enough to eat at night."

As soon as they went to work the next day, the two were so busy that they didn't say a word.

Ji Bai had finished dealing with the backlog of work on the table, and it was almost noon. At the bottom of the file box, there was Yao Meng's resignation letter.

Old Wu also mentioned this matter this morning. He pondered for a while, and called the director first.

The director's attitude is very clear: "I talked to her. The little girl has other ideas, and she can't force it. You sign, and her resignation procedures will be complete."

Ji Bai did not sign immediately, but called Yao Meng in and closed the door.

A month later, when she saw Ji Bai again, Yao Meng was still a little uncomfortable, but she could look at him very calmly: "Boss, do you have anything to do with me?"

Ji Bai said straight to the point: "My opinion is that I don't want you to resign. Your talents are very comprehensive, and you are a rare talent in the police force."

This made Yao Meng's heart tremble slightly, and she smiled lightly: "Thank you. But I..."

"If you don't want to stay in the criminal police team..." Ji Bai looked straight at her with a calm tone, "I can recommend you to any department in the bureau. With your qualifications, you shouldn't have any difficulties. I can also help you get in touch.”

Yao Meng looked at him quietly, silent for a moment, a very bright light appeared in her eyes.

"Thank you boss, I really appreciate you." She said softly, "I have learned a lot from you during this time; it was you who spoke to me about Brother Lu last time. I can meet a leader like you after graduation. , is my luck. But I don't want to leave the police station for any other reason."

She showed a bright smile: "I have a job that I want to do more: a friend asked me to help him in the past to help him manage a magazine. I think this job is very challenging and I am more interested, so I quit."

Ji Bai nodded and smiled: "I understand, then I wish you all the best. Besides, if you want to go back to the police station in the future, as long as you haven't lost your major, we are always welcome."

Yao Meng's eyes were a little wet, but she silently restrained her and nodded vigorously towards Ji Bai.

Ji Bai got up and shook hands with her: "The team has dinner together in the evening, if you have time to join us.

Yao Meng smiled and shook her head, "I have an appointment tonight, so I won't go. I will attend the celebration party at the bureau next week, and I will officially say goodbye to everyone.

The evening reception banquet will be held in a restaurant next to the police station. In addition to the criminal police team, there were also a few people from other departments who had a strong relationship with Ji Bai, all of them big men, and surrounded Ji Bai and Xu Xu. Everyone chatted about the Myanmar case, and the atmosphere was warm.

Zhao Han sat outside and ordered a bunch of drinks. He suddenly remembered Xu Xu, opened his mouth and asked, "What does my sister-in-law drink?"

Xu Xu didn't realize that he was talking about himself, so he didn't answer, but heard Ji Bai answer next to him, "She drinks juice."

Xu Xu was stunned for a moment, his eyes narrowed slightly, and everyone present looked as usual, as if the title had been officially given to her.

Xu Xu's cheeks were slightly hot, and his face was as indifferent as the others, and he continued to listen to their chat.

After drinking, the atmosphere really heated up. Most of the detectives drank violently, clamoring for Jing Ji Bai and Xu Xu. Ji Bai stopped them with a big hand, took the wine glasses they had placed in front of Xu Xu, and put them in front of him: "She doesn't drink."

So everyone went to Ji Bai naturally.

As the saying goes, the quality of wine tells a person's quality. Ji Bai does not drink too much, nor is he willing to be drunk for nothing, but the wine he should drink is also frank, and he will not drop a glass. After a while, Jun's face turned slightly red after drinking, and his arms were placed on the back of Xu Xu's chair, looking relaxed and comfortable, but his black eyes became brighter and sharper.

Xu Xu had been eating with peace of mind, when someone asked: "Sister-in-law, you don't care about the season team? How many drinks are you drinking! It's ridiculous!"

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked over narrowly, Ji Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Xu Xu with a sideways smile.

Xu Xu glanced at him and shook his head: "He doesn't need to worry about it."

Her idea was that Ji Bai was someone who knew how to advance and retreat, and was also very self-controlling, and this kind of person would not usually drink too much.

But when everyone heard it, they were stunned at first, and then they all laughed. Someone pretended to be envious and sighed: "Sister-in-law, this is a naked~naked~naked stocking! You are so lucky, Team Ji!"

Ji Bai looked at her with a smile amid the banter of the crowd.

He knew what she was thinking, and there was no need for such redundant mutual restraint between the two. But she answered frankly and directly, but she had no intention of interfering, in front of outsiders, to give her man enough face.

There's both face and leeway - they're right, it's a blessing to be her man.

Although there was wine at this table, Ji Bai blocked it for Xu Xu. But just that night, the bureau leader was also entertaining colleagues from the task force in the restaurant. After a while, Sun Ting brought two detectives over for a drink.

Sun Ting looked at Ji Bai and Xu Xu, and was very happy: "I can't believe that our trip to Myanmar not only caught criminals, but also created a marriage between a pair of criminal police officers. Come, I respect you!"

Ji Bai was about to drink Xu Xu's wine, but Sun Ting stopped him: "Ah! As a criminal policeman, even a lesbian, can't drink this wine? Ji Bai, go while you."

Ji Bai glanced at Xu Xu, and whispered, "Drink as much as you can." This caused a lot of booing from the others.

Xu Xu nodded and drank as much as he could.

After just two drinks, the task was completed, and she felt a little dizzy. She got up and went outside to get some air. Ji Bai chatted with people for a while, and when she saw that she hadn't come back, she looked at the door. At this time, Da Hu had just returned from a toast in the next room, and Da Thorn sat down beside Ji Bai and said, "Boss, Xu Xu is in the corridor."

Ji Bai glanced at him, and Da Hu continued: "I just saw her retching a few times - boss, is it there? Tsk tsk... Time flies."

Ji Bai laughed: "Get out." He got up and left the box.

Xu Xu retched a few times, but after asking the waiter for a cup of hot water, he calmed down. It was dark outside the window, and the city lights were shining brightly. She stood at the window blowing the breeze, but she didn't want to enter the noisy box for a while.

"Are you okay?" Ji Bai's deep voice sounded beside him.

Xu Xu shook his head.

There were people coming and going in the corridor, and Ji Bai watched the night side by side with her from a step away.

"Anything else after dinner?" he asked.

"It's okay." Xu Xu replied.

Ji Bai turned to look at her: "Go to my house? Tomorrow is Saturday, watch a movie at night, chat and relax."

His face was very quiet, his handsome face reflected the faint light outside the window, his black eyes were bright, and he looked particularly magnanimous.

Xu Xu: "...Okay."

Ji Bai looked at her blushing cheeks because of alcoholism or shyness, his heart swayed, he took a step beside her, put his arms around her shoulders, stared at her, and whispered, "Your last time The pajamas are still at my house, they've been washed and you can wear them directly. Let's go straight after the dinner."

The two went back to the box to sit down and exchanged cups. The lights and shadows were bright and the excitement was still alive.

After a while, Ji Bai looked at his watch: "It's half past eight, I'm almost done drinking, let's go."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Da Hu immediately picked up the wine: "How about that? Drink again." Ji Bai glanced at him, but he looked calm.

After a while, a group of people shouted and went to the private room next door to toast, and there were only a few people from the criminal police team left in the room. Ji Bai held Xu Xu's hand under the table and slowly drank the hot tea.

Suddenly, I heard Da Hu clearing his throat and asking a police officer beside him, "Is there anything else after dinner?"

The young criminal policeman was also an old fritter, and replied with a smile, "It's okay."

Da Hu: "Go to my house? Watch a movie to relax?"

Xu Xu froze slightly, Ji Bai raised his eyes to look at the two of them.

Da Hu said with a serious face: "Your pajamas are still at my house. I washed them, but I still wash them by hand..."

Xu Xu's face was on fire, extremely embarrassed, and squeezed Ji Bai's hand under the table. Ji Bai clenched her back with a backhand, and stopped with a smile: "Shut up!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

When Ganqing Ji Bai and Ji Bai were speaking, these police detectives with excellent tracking and eavesdropping abilities were all lying on their backs and listening to the corner.

As a result, when the banquet was over, Ji Bai still couldn't go with Xu Xu. As soon as the bill was settled, the bureau leader and the task force sent someone from the room to let him chat, and he would be responsible for accompanying the task force leader back to the hotel later.

The other colleagues left first. The two stood at the door of the hotel, looked at each other for a while, and both laughed.

Ji Bai sent Xu Xu to the rental: "It might end very late, I'll call you tomorrow."

Xu Xu didn't care too much, and nodded, "Well, I happened to go to my dad's place to take my luggage home."

The car drove up the elevated, gradually losing sight of the restaurant behind him. Xu Xu leaned against the window and blew the wind for a while. Because of Ji Bai's words tonight, he remembered the night when the two of them were in Myanmar, quietly lingering in the dark, and almost lost their way. And he sat naked by the bed with his wide back, his voice extremely quiet and gentle: "I don't want you to be in such a broken place for the first time..."

Xu Xu thought silently for a while, then raised his head and said to the driver, "Master, I'll go to another address."

A key to Ji Bai's house was still in her hand. His home was as clean and cold as ever, and her pajamas were really neatly folded on the bedside cabinet, with a faint fragrance. Xu Xu's originally agitated heart seemed to calm down as well, he turned on the TV, and played the DVD by himself.

Who would have thought that after watching a movie, Ji Bai hasn't come back yet. Xu Xu saw that it was already eleven o'clock. He drank again so late, and he might have stayed at the guest house directly with the task force. Xu Xu got up and went home.

It was half past eleven when we entered the community, the street lights were sparse and the shadows of the trees faded. Xu Xu woke up early because of his drinking, but he was also leisurely, and walked up the stairs slowly.

When I got to the floor, I opened the door of the stairwell, but I saw that the door of my house was dark, and there was a faint person standing against the wall, with a little red light between his fingers.

Xu Xu coughed lightly, and the sensor light came on.

Ji Bai was standing under the lamp, his tall figure was like a sculpture, his eyes were quiet: "I thought you weren't coming back. I've been waiting for you for over an hour."

Xu Xu's heartbeat, which had calmed down, suddenly accelerated silently.

It turned out that he was also waiting for her.

As soon as he walked over, he was hugged by him, and he kissed her warmly and silently with his slightly drunk mouth.

When Ji Bai was at the bureau leader's banquet, he kept thinking of her. When the leader of the task force was sent back to the guest house, he refused to stay and took a taxi to the downstairs of her house. Thinking that she said that she was going to her father's house to pick up her luggage, it would be better to call in the middle of the night, so she waited and waited. Maybe it's because of my mood, I don't feel bored at all.

Kissing her now makes this quiet night even more sweet and pleasant.

After kissing for a while, Ji Bai just stared at her without speaking. Xu Xu blushed and took out the key to open the door, not knowing what to say, suddenly remembered that he was smoking just now, and asked casually, "Why did you smoke again?"

In fact, Ji Bai has seldom smoked now, and has no addiction. It's just that the city bureau leader had a cigarette just now. He was a little sleepy while waiting for Xu Xu, so he smoked a cigarette to refresh himself.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Xu Xu didn't care too much. He just opened the door and walked in, but he heard him answer slowly behind him, "I'll smoke a cigarette to strengthen my courage."


"I'll smoke a cigarette to strengthen my courage." After Ji Bai said this, he looked at Xu Xu in his spare time.

Xu Xu didn't react at first—what kind of courage does he want to be? Suddenly, his heart trembled slightly, and he looked up at him.

He had already sat down on the sofa, his long legs stretched out, his arms resting on the back of the sofa at will, and he almost took up half of the sofa by himself. And those dark eyes were looking at her quietly, a little forced.

Mingming had expected what might happen tonight, but when the event came to an end, Xu Xu was still a little nervous, and his face quickly flushed, and he turned his head: "I'll pour you a glass of water."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ji Bai stretched out his long arms, pulled her into his arms, and sat on his lap.

"Pour some water..." He clasped her chin with his slightly calloused fingers and lowered his head to kiss her.

The night was so quiet, most of the people in the community had extinguished the lights, and there were only a few soft lights left in the buildings outside the windows. Ji Bai's dizziness made Ji Bai feel lazy. He leaned on the sofa and let Xu Xu lie on his chest. His lips and tongues were eagerly plundering, and his big hands moved along her body through the fabric. The silent heat caused both of them to be in a trance. Ji Bai grabbed a small hand she placed on his chest and slowly moved it down. Xu Xu's face turned even redder, and his body froze slightly.

Pressing the hard part through his pants, Ji Bai stared at her face: "Didn't you touch it directly?"

Xu Xu: "...I was more impulsive that day."

Ji Bai laughed.

Her hand stopped there, which made him feel comfortable, and kissed her more and more passionately.

After a while, both of them were sweating a little. As soon as Xu Xu took his hand away, Ji Bai caught him and pressed him back.

"I'm turning on the air conditioner!"

Only then did Ji Bai let go of her.

The cool air slowly filled the hot room, Xu Xu lowered his face slightly: "I'll go take a shower first."

Ji Bai's shirt was already a little messy, and Jun's face was a little red. He leaned on the sofa and stared at her: "Okay."

As soon as Xu Xu came out of the room to find a change of clothes, he saw Ji Bai stand up and asked her, "Is there anything to eat? I'm a little hungry."

Xu Xu knew that he was definitely not full at night, and nodded, "Sit down for a while, I'll go get you a bowl of noodles."

Xu Xu's noodle-cooking skills have become unrivaled for many years as a late-night snack for Xu Jun, who has been entertaining every night and has no full stomach. White slippery somersault noodles, fry some lean shredded pork, fry a golden egg, sprinkle some spring onions, the action is quick and the content is rich.

When the noodles came to Ji Bai, the delicate appearance alone made his heart happy - he had never eaten a big fish and a big meat, and drank a belly of wine. This kind of fragrant and refreshing home-style noodles is what men love.

"You don't eat?" Ji Bai asked.

Xu Xu didn't need to stop drinking at night, he had eaten early, pulled up a chair and sat down opposite him: "I'm not hungry, let's eat quickly."

Ji Bai nodded his head and dine bluntly.

The dining room is connected to the living room, and a simple crystal lamp is attached to the heads of the two of them. Ji Bai's face looked more heroic under the lamp, and his jet-black eyebrows were like two thick lines of ink. Xu Xu's mood became extremely soft as he watched him eat noodles quietly. It was only the first time that Mingming got along like this—he was hungry in the middle of the night, and she cooked noodles for him and ate with him. But this feeling is so peaceful, and the long night has become so peaceful.

After eating quickly, Xu Xu picked up the dishes and chopsticks: "I'm going to wash the dishes."

However, Ji Bai took it from her: "You've worked hard to cook noodles, I'll clean it up. Go take a shower." When he spoke, his tall body was lightly pressed against her, his voice was right above her head, and there was a hint of no in a low voice. Bewitched. Xu Xu's cheeks warmed slightly and nodded.

As soon as Xu Xu entered the bathroom, Ji Bai quickly cleaned the bowl, looked down at his watch, picked up the key Xu Xu had placed on the table, opened the door and went downstairs.

Xu Xu was in the private room of the restaurant tonight, and he was already soaked in the smell of tobacco and alcohol. In addition, he was a little nervous now, so he took an extraordinarily long bath in this bath. By the time she came out, almost an hour had passed.

As soon as I walked into the living room, I saw that the lights had been dimmed at some point, leaving only a floor lamp, which reflected the whole room hazy, and the stars outside the window were bright and bright.

Ji Bai was sitting on the sofa, watching him quietly. On the coffee table in front of him, there were also an open bottle of red wine, two crystal glasses, and two chocolate mousse cakes. The faint fragrance lingered in the dim light. Not only that, he also had a large bunch of blue roses by his hand, wrapped in plain paper, blooming quietly and enchantingly.

Xu Xu laughed: "Where did you find so many things?"

Ji Bai smiled but didn't answer, got up: "I'm going to take a bath."

Xu Xu nodded: "I took a set of my brother's clothes. They were clean and put them in the bathroom. You put the changed clothes in the basket by the bathroom door."

"Okay. Thank you." Ji Bai closed the bathroom door.

Xu Xu picked up the flowers and looked at them, each one was plump and tender, and it seemed that they had been prepared in advance. She put the flowers in a vase, walked outside the bathroom, and picked up his clothes in the basket: "I threw the clothes in the washing machine?"

There was the sound of water splashing in the bathroom, and he answered loudly, "Okay."

Xu Xu opened the washing machine, took out all the things in his trouser pockets, and put them on the shelf next to the bathroom. After a while, he suddenly looked up again.

There were two small receipts under her wallet. She took a look at it. One was a receipt from a flower shop. The scheduled time was yesterday, and the receipt time was half an hour ago. It seemed that he called someone in the middle of the night to send the flowers. But for such an expensive flower, it is no wonder that people are willing to serve 24 hours a day.

Xu Xu smiled slightly and picked up another small ticket.

This is the CBD, next to a high-end supermarket that is open all night. Ji Bai actually went there just now. The shopping receipt included red wine, cake, and a box...

She raised her eyes and picked up a box on the shelf - Okamoto Platinum Supreme Ultra Thin Condom, large.

Xu Xu put everything back silently, and returned to the living room with his cheeks on fire.

In fact, if the matter between men and women is too straightforward and too well-informed, it will be somewhat embarrassing and less interesting.

Ji Bai also felt this, so he carefully created a warm environment. Although flowers and red wine are a bit vulgar, it is better than two people sitting under the bright lights and starting dry. And this is the first time for the two of them. If it wasn't for being delayed by a bunch of people at night, what he wanted to give her was far more romantic and delicate than the moment, but everything was ready to be at his house.

Seeing Xu Xu'an sitting quietly on the sofa, his face was still red. Ji Bai walked over to sit down and put his arms around her shoulders. Feeling that her back was a little stiff, Ji Bai thought about it and asked softly, "Are you watching a movie?"

Xu Xu was a little surprised, but his conditioned reflex relaxed a bit: "Well, okay."

Ji Bai looked for the discs at her house, and of course he picked a love movie.

The music is soft, the light and shadow are bright and dark, and the picture is a bright summer. The young girl proudly refuses the boy's pursuit. The boy smiles and follows behind the girl a little bit. The sky on the street, with birds and clouds passing by...

Ji Bai kept his arms around her shoulders and didn't move, his eyes fixed on the screen, as if watching intently. Xu Xu relaxed, and slowly became fascinated.

The surrounding night was sparse, except for the majestic and moving sound of heavy rain in the picture.

Suddenly, Xu Xu felt a warm feeling on his neck, and when he glanced sideways, Ji Bai lowered his head and began to kiss her. He also lifted his pajamas with his big hand, reached in and stroked gently.

No one watched the movie again, and in Nuoda's living room, there were only two people's slightly hot breathing. Ji Bai held her whole body in his arms, picking and ravaging her wantonly.

After a while, he stood up, picked her up and walked into the bedroom.

The lights in the room were even darker, and the night outside the window was as deep as the sea. Ji Bai put Xu Xu on the bed and couldn't help looking down at her with a smile.

Xu Xu raised his hand to cover his face—the arrow was on the string, really embarrassed.

Ji Bai didn't allow her to evade, so he pulled her hand down, grabbed her lips and kissed him, took off her pajamas for her, and buried her head down to kiss her inch by inch.

When he reached his waist, he stopped and pressed the edge of the small piece of fabric with his big hands. Xu Xu waited for a while with his heart beating like thunder, but he felt a soft touch. Looking down, he carefully held her buttocks with both hands, and kissed her handsome face gently along the edge of the fabric.

Xu Xu didn't know that this was something Ji Baixiao had wanted for a long time.

And his tenderness made her feel like a puddle of water. She reached out and touched his black hair lightly, trembling slightly with his lips and tongue.

Ji Bai kissed for a while, then took off the only cover left on her body, and knelt down between her legs: "Help me take it off."

Xu Xu sat up and took off his shirt with a blushing face. His naked body is tall and strong in the night, with strong lines, there is only a dim light on Jun's face, and his black eyes are bright as stars and blazing like fire.

Xu Xu stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his waist and slowly leaned his head on it.

Ji Bai felt her little face, lightly pressing against his hot chest, only to feel that the blood in his whole body was boiling for it. He lowered his head and kissed her forehead, picked her up and laid her flat on the bed again, pressing his body heavily.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the whole world seems to be quiet. Xu Xu lay under Ji Bai's arms, letting him lead him, gently and passionately entangled in a world he had never seen before. Under the dim light, the shadows of the trees outside the window swayed gently. Xu Xu's ears only had those sweet, sultry, and teasing voices, as well as the fragmented voices from her throat. And at this time, Ji Bai would lower his head to kiss her, or gently stroke her cheek with his big hands, as if fascinated, but at the same time as comforting.

Xu Xu was shy and nervous, but also addicted.

She has long been familiar with a wealth of knowledge about "sex", but today she experienced it personally, and only now did she realize that the most primitive and revealing way of communication between men and women can be beautiful and exciting to the point of being lost.

Every touch of Ji Bai seemed to ignite the long-buried fire deep in her body. And when he hugged her tightly and went to the clouds with her, she would deeply feel that when the love was too strong, only this way can vent, only this way can comfort, a heart in the chest is urgent for him Heart beating.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when he finished, Xu Xu was less embarrassed at first, leaning in Ji Bai's arms, lazily not wanting to move. Ji Bai was also completely comfortable and content like never before, sitting on the bed with one arm around her, reaching for the cigarette by the head of the bed.

Xu Xu looked up at him.

This time Ji Bai wouldn't listen to her, so he tilted his head and lit a cigarette - tonight was so wonderful, I couldn't help myself if I didn't smoke one.

After taking a deep breath, he looked at her with wide-eyed eyes: "Listen to Da Hu: 'A cigarette after the event is better than a living fairy.'

Xu Xu ignored him and lay down in his arms again. After a while, he couldn't help but twist.

Ji Bai noticed it and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xu replied gloomily, "It hurts a bit."

This is of course thanks to Ji Bai. Although pity her weakness, he especially warned himself to be gentle. But in the end, there are times when the feelings are difficult, and the movements become heavy without realizing it, which made her panting at the time, and now she is still a little uncomfortable.

"It's hard work, it'll be fine in the future." Ji Bai patted her head, "Next time... I'll take it lightly."

Xu Xu's cheeks heated up, and he lowered his head and did not speak. Ji Bai put down the cigarette and took her into his arms. Looking at her naked skin under the light, my heart was filled with tenderness, and there was a little bit of dryness in my heart.

She knew that her skin was fragile and delicate, and she had accidentally left red marks before. But after tonight, how to survive. There are traces left by him everywhere, especially the two buttocks, which were left with several deep finger marks by him...

This skin as white as snow is really tangled - I can't bear to rage again, but the traces of joy~love all over it are really touching, and it's lustful~burning in the fire at a glance.

But after all, I didn't want her to be tired, struggling for a while, just drinking poison to quench her thirst and kissing along the traces of her body.

Just seeing Xu Xu's cheeks blushing again and her slender body curled up slightly, Ji Bai was also agitated, leaned his head and whispered in her ear, "Little baby..."

So sexy, my little baby.

When I woke up the next day, it was already three poles in the sun. The two were intimate for a while, lying on the bed and talking.

Xu Xu said: "According to scientific statistics, the healthiest frequency is 2-3 times a week. We can refer to it."

Ji Bai smiled and replied: "You also said it was a reference. This kind of thing varies from person to person, but I have been dry for almost 30 years."

Xu Xu: "Four times is fine."

Ji Bai hugged her: "What's a good plan for this kind of thing? Let's go with the flow, okay?"

"… Oh."

Just then, the doorbell of the living room rang. Xu Xu thought about it for a while: "It should be a courier service, I ordered a book." Just as he was about to get out of bed after putting on his T-shirt, Ji Bai caught a glimpse of the hickey on her neck and pulled her back to the bed: "You rest, I'll go." Put on your T-shirt and shorts and go out.

As soon as the door opened, he saw Xu Jun and a handsome old man standing at the door. Xu Jun was still dragging Xu Xu's suitcase in his hand. Both of them were stunned when they saw Ji Bai.

Ji Bai was also startled, and then smiled politely: "Xu Jun, uncle, how are you. I'm Ji Bai, please come in."

The two of them didn't move when they watched him. At this time, Xu Xu also came out from the inside with a hickey on his neck, and when he saw them, he was stunned.

"...Dad, brother, come in."


When the three men sat down, Xu Xu had already put on a sturdy dress under the hint of Ji Bai's eyes. However, this could not stop Xu Jun's critical gaze, he glanced at her, then glanced at Ji Bai's own clothes, but did not speak.

Xu Xu calmed down and formally introduced to his father: "Dad, this is my boyfriend, Ji Bai."

Ji Bai immediately reached out and said, "Hello, uncle."

The three young people all looked at Father Xu.

Father Xu smiled slightly, as if he didn't see the messy bed in the room facing him, and nodded to Ji Bai: "Hello. Are you Xu Xu's colleague in the police force?"

The originally awkward atmosphere immediately became harmonious - Ji Bai began to talk freely, Xu Xu put down the big stone in his heart and went to make tea, Xu Jun looked at his sister's happy expression... Endure it.

When Xu Xu came back with the hot tea, he happened to hear his father ask Ji Bai in a friendly manner: "Oh, you are from Beijing. What kind of work do your parents do?"

It's not that Father Xu wants to get to the bottom of people, it's just that he is a traditional scholar and a gentle father who wants to know more about his daughter's object, so he asks directly and generously.

Xu Xu and Xu Jun both looked at Ji Bai.

Ji Bai replied, "Both my parents have retired. My father used to run the company by himself, and my mother worked in the Organization Department of the Central Committee. I have two older brothers, the eldest is now working in the Ministry of Finance, and the second manages the family's company."

Father Xu was slightly startled, nodded, and stopped asking.

Xu Xu had never asked him about his family background, and now he is neither humble nor arrogant, nor does he shy away from covering up, but he likes his attitude very much.

This is Xu Jun standing up: "Xu Xu, I still have something left with you, go get it." Xu Xu walked into the room with him, and Xu Jun closed the door with his backhand.

Of course, this is just an excuse, both brothers and sisters know it well. As soon as he entered the room, Xu Xu sat down on the edge of the bed. She knew her father's character and could not embarrass Ji Bai, but she was still a little curious about what they would say, and her heart warmed.

Xu Jun was not in such a good mood. He walked to the table first, picked up the bouquet of roses and smelled it, then picked up half a glass of the remaining red wine, shook it, and turned to look at Xu Xu: "At least a whole room of roses, the world's top red wine, is worthy of it. Fuck my sister. What the heck is this—you let him in?"

Xu Xu used to discuss "making love" with his brother without any shyness, but when it happened, he felt a little embarrassed and replied, "Don't worry about it."

Xu Jun: "I'm not afraid that you will suffer."

Xu Xu: "I am willing."

Xu Jun was stagnant for a while, he knew that Xu Xu's mouth was open, and it would be embarrassing to talk any more, so he had to give up. Although he still has a strong sense of "taking a fortune" as an older brother, but then he thinks that his younger sister is free, easy, independent and smart by nature. If Ji Bai is really sorry for her, I am afraid that her younger sister will kick him severely. It shouldn't be a big loss either. So relieved a little.

So both brothers and sisters looked at the closed door, Xu Xu asked, "What do you think Dad was talking about with him?"

Xu Jun replied: "I don't know. But Dad is measured. It's only good for you, not bad."

Xu Xu nodded.

This is the way the Xu family gets along. Although the two sons and daughters have very distinct personalities, their father has been very strict with them since childhood. So when he opened the door and saw the embarrassing scene, his father pretended that nothing had happened, so Xu Jun didn't dare to join in, so he could only sit quietly by the side. In fact, although Xu Jun has always been holding it to his future brother-in-law, he really wants him to give something to him, and he is afraid that his sister will be distressed. So in this family, the most powerful father is actually the most kind-hearted father, followed by Xu Xu, and the last is Xu Jun.

Of course Ji Bai also noticed this, and after having a cordial and polite conversation with Father Xu, he said respectfully and calmly, "Uncle, it's really rude that something happened suddenly today. I'll ask Xu Xu to take me some other day. Come visit again. If you agree, I also want to take her back to Beijing to meet my family when there is a holiday."

The author has something to say: first replace this extra episode with the main text, so as not to be in a hurry at night.

There is also a small episode of Chapter 75 coming up later, the content is different from the original episode, you can buy it or not, it is 300 words.

The rest of the text is still being written, and it will be updated at 10 pm. The following is the original episode of this chapter


The original version

(1) Both children and children

One day after getting married, Ji Bai and Xu Xu took their son to the playground. The roller coaster was going fast, and when it came down, my son jumped up and down excitedly. and

Xu Xu's long hair after marriage was also in a mess, covering his face with only his small chin showing, holding hands with his son and walking towards Ji Bai.

Ji Bai was about to meet her when an uncle beside her nodded approvingly, "Both children, good! It's hard work!"

Ji Bai: "… "

(2) Practice guns

Although he had been promoted to director, every weekend, Ji Bai would still take Xu Xu to the gun room, pick on her rookie shooting skills, and teach him hand by hand.

Of course, this process is very rigorous and meticulous, and it will never be wiped out in full view of the public. When other people saw this scene, they just thought of admiring the bureau.