When A Snail Loves

Chapter 26: (twenty one)


Fill. You think slowly. "

"Um… "

Ji Bai looked at her flushed face and wanted to make fun of him, but when he heard hurried footsteps, Zhao Han almost strode to the door.

"Boss, the news just came, the third body was found in the forest area. The preliminary determination of the time of death was last night."

Ji Bai and Xu Xu were both shocked and looked at the interrogation room across the aisle at the same time.

Lin Qingyan was inside all night, but the third body appeared at this time.

☆, Chapter 60v

The vast mountains and greenery are boundless. On the mountain road, it was not as quiet as usual at this time.

Cars with "XX TV stations" and "XX newspaper offices" hanging on them keep passing by. There are also a group of college students, riding or hiking up the mountain, the atmosphere is noisy and tense.

Ji Bai frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhao Han hung up the phone and replied, "I've made it clear: it was a group of students who discovered the body first, and the deceased was a college student. Now it's spread throughout Lin City. These are volunteers from several universities, and they are going up the mountain to participate in the search. Hu and the others are already persuading them."

Although the police stopped most of the people at the foot of the mountain, many people went up the mountain before the police set up roadblocks. Several media cars were blocked on the narrow mountain road, and college students in twos and threes were everywhere.

It was already afternoon when Ji Bai and the others "break through the siege" and rushed to the scene of the crime. Journalists and students were stopped outside the blockade, making a lot of noise. Seeing Ji Bai and others, the flash light kept on. Another student asked loudly, "When will the police catch the serial killer?"

Ji Bai did not answer with a sullen face, and led a few senior detectives and Xu Xu to the corpse site.

This is a secluded cave, and the police searchlights illuminate the inside of the cave, and the body is lying deep in the cave, the same posture, the same quiet face.

Da Hu has been running in the forest area for the past few days. When he saw everyone, he immediately stepped forward: "The deceased's name is Shen Hongmiao, a fourth-year student of Lin University."

Da Hu briefly explained the reason: it turned out that Shen Hongmiao was a member of Linda's outdoor sports club, and went into the mountains alone ten days ago for an outdoor trip. The forest area is so big that the patrol police don't even know where she entered the mountain. Two days ago, the scheduled return date passed. The classmates found that she could not be contacted. They spontaneously organized a search and rescue team to enter the mountain, and also contacted the local police. Unexpectedly, her body was found soon. I don't know which villager I heard from saying that more than one person has died, and that's why things got bigger.

Ji Bai walked to the body with Lao Wu and Xu Xu. The forensic doctor has completed the preliminary identification and said to them: "The preliminary determination of the time of death was from 8:00 to 10:00 last night. Like the first two bodies, they died of potassium cyanide poisoning, and other injuries are basically the same."

Xu Xu asked, "Is it possible for the murderer to delay his death?"

The forensic doctor shook his head: "Impossible. Potassium cyanide is a special toxin. It will die instantly 5-8 seconds after taking it, and there will be specific reactions on the skin and eyelids. These reactions are not due to environmental reasons such as temperature and humidity. change, so the inference of the time of death is more accurate."

Everyone was silent. Looking at the corpse again, I saw a lot of messy footprints scattered in the surrounding soil. Hu frowned and said, "It was left by the students."

Old Wu is an expert in tracking footsteps and footprints. He squatted down and looked carefully along the edge of the corpse. After a while, he raised his flashlight and pointed at the ground on the waist of the corpse: "Look, doesn't it look familiar? "

I saw a shallow footprint in the semi-hard and semi-loose mud. Xu Xu immediately dug out the information bag and found the photo of the footprints next to the second corpse. Old Wu explored for a while and nodded: "The length and pattern of the footprints are exactly the same. They were left by the same person."

Da Hu looked at Ji Bai: "Boss, it doesn't look like it's Lin Qingyan?"

Ji Bai didn't answer, and Old Wu stood up and said, "That's not necessarily true. There are two possibilities: first, Lin Qingyan is indeed innocent; second, Lin Qingyan has an accomplice."

Xu Xu frowned, stared at the corpse and said, "This possibility is too small... How could this happen?"

Everyone looked at the past, only to hear her say very solemnly: "From the perspective of the murderer's modus operandi, he attaches great importance to establishing an intimate relationship with the deceased. This relationship is personal, private and exclusive. And from the history of crime, Such psychopaths are pretty much going it alone, and sharing means nothing to them.

But if Lin Qingyan has no accomplices, that means there is a second person who completely fits the criminal's portrait. That is, at the same time, in the same place, and in the same case, two people who fit a particular profile appear? The probability is really…”

Before she could finish speaking, Ji Bai interrupted her in a deep voice: "Xu Xu, come back to the physical evidence."

Xu Xu's heart froze, only to see him look around calmly and say, "This case is relatively complicated, we should not make any pre-established assumptions for the time being, which will mislead our thinking, and we will only look at the evidence.

What I know now is: 1. Judging from the time of committing the crime, it must have been another person who killed Shen Hongmiao. 2. Shen Hongmiao entered the mountain ten days ago, and her body was found today. During this period, our police force located around the mountains did not find any suspicious vehicles entering or leaving. This means - the house where the murderer imprisoned her is in the mountains.

I will apply for the police immediately and search the whole mountain area. Find the murderer's lair, and everything will come to light. "

Everyone was shocked, and Xu Xu was also suddenly enlightened. At this moment, Ji Bai's cell phone rang, and he picked it up: "Director... Yes, I understand, I'll come right away." He hung up and said, "I'm going to the province and report this directly to the provincial governor and the provincial public security department. The case. Old Wu, you are in command for me temporarily. In addition, the criminal investigation team of the provincial department should take over this case."

Everyone nodded, and Zhao Han asked: "The bureau said that Lin Qingyan's detention time is full, and they can only release him first."

Ji Bai nodded lightly, turned around and walked a few steps, then turned back and glanced at Xu Xu. Xu Xu nodded at him, indicating that he would take good care of himself, and then he strode away.

Shortly after Ji Bai left, the criminal police had just finished surveying the scene, and sure enough, news came that the captain of the provincial criminal police team would personally take charge of the case, and Ji Bai would be his deputy.

When the provincial team captain brought people to the scene, it was already dark. Carloads of police were also dispatched from other cities and counties. The captain conveyed the order of the director: all people are dispatched, even if the mountain area is rummaged, the murderer must be found.

In the evening, Xu Xu, Lao Wu and the others hurriedly finished their meal, and then began to equip bulletproof vests and batons. Xu Xu looked at the thick body armor - it takes a long time to run vigorously to track the mountains. After a moment of silence, she did not wear it, but went to the command car of the provincial team captain in front to find him.

As soon as I walked to the front of the car, I saw the captain calling on his mobile phone: "Why didn't you tell your wife that she was pregnant? I thought it was something, and called me in a hurry. Okay, I understand. I let her stay in the back and take care of the logistics... "

Xu Xu was stunned for a moment, his heart filled with warmth, he turned around and walked back.

It was the second night when Xu Xu saw Ji Bai again.

On this day, the mountains and fields seemed to be much quieter, and the students were persuaded to leave; the media was also restricted, and only dozens of newspapers and magazines were allowed to enter the mountains and operate in specific areas. The provincial department also hopes that they can make some objective and positive reports to appease the emotions of the public.

Hundreds of police officers are scattered in the mountains, tracking them sleeplessly. It's just that the mountains stretch for thousands of kilometers, without ten days and a half months, and it is impossible to conduct a thorough investigation. There was no progress for a while.

It was late at night, and Lao Wu and the others went out. Xu Xu lived in a row of farmhouses temporarily requisitioned at the foot of the mountain, where police logisticians and media personnel stayed overnight. She fell asleep when she heard Ji Bai calling from outside the house: "...Yes, I just arrived at the foot of the mountain. Well, then I'll wait for your car to pick you up."

Xu Xu immediately sat up and saw Ji Bai pushed open the door and walked in. The moonlight reflected on his face dimly, he looked tired, but his eyes were bright and sharp.

"I'll take a break and I'll go right away." His voice was a little hoarse.

Xu Xu got out of bed and poured him a glass of water, Ji Bai took her into his arms, drank the water in one gulp, and asked softly, "Are you alright these two days?"

"nothing and you?"

"What can I do?" He smiled slightly.

The two were silent for a while, Xu Xu said, "I've been thinking about this murderer for the past two days, but I still can't figure it out."

Ji Bai has been on the road for the past two days. He is also reporting work at the provincial office. He has no time to think deeply about the case. Hearing what she said, he simply nodded: "There is still some time. Let's analyze it carefully. Where's the pen and paper?"

Xu Xu immediately took out the pen and paper from under the pillow, and also took out a few murder photos. Ji Bai thought about the child in her belly, and could only smile bitterly in his heart, and patted her head.

Xu Xu listed all the previous murderer screening criteria, Ji Bai watched intently, pondered for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at her: "What did you say? Exclude all the impossible, the remaining one, even if No matter how incredible it is, it is the truth.”

Xu Xu nodded.

Ji Bai: "So, even though you said, the probability of two people who fit the description appearing at the same time is very small. But that's the truth. The second person must exist. When we catch him, Lin Qingyan's problem and the truth of the case will all be met. Resolved."

He took the pen from her and sketched one by one: "The screening conditions you mentioned last time, I always thought were correct. You see, some conditions are side by side, but some cannot be screened. For example, we can count The list of 'people who have recently suffered from serious illnesses', but cannot count 'people who have recently suffered great setbacks in their careers'. So this person must be missed here."

Xu Xu's heart was shocked, his mind was spinning fast, and before he could finish writing on the paper, he blurted out: "So, this person is a forum expert who has suffered a huge setback in his career recently, and the 'Angel Case' was probably a college student back then; We don't have a record of him frequently entering and leaving the forest area in the past few months, because he lives in the forest area, so he is very familiar with the forest area! And you said yesterday, he still has a house in the forest area! "

When she finished speaking, Ji Bai just finished scribbling on the paper, and the two of them looked down at the paper, exactly as she said!

The two looked at each other and saw the excitement in each other's eyes. Ji Bai got up and called: "I'm Ji Bai, I'll check immediately: I work and live in the mountains, between the ages of 22 and 26, graduated from college, recently demoted, or The man who was punished, with a foot size of 42, has a work car and a separate house, may be a ranger, a mountain teacher, a firefighter, a patrol officer and other public officials…”

On the other end of the phone, the police officer in charge of information technology in the bureau was a little puzzled: "Team Ji, who are you looking for? You know so well..."

Ji Bai: "Give me the answer as quickly as possible."

After hanging up the phone, he said solemnly for a moment, "I'm leaving."

Xu Xu: "You pay attention to safety."

He glanced at the environment outside the door. It was a small farmyard. It was quiet and dark at midnight. He turned to look at Xu Xu: "The identity of the murderer is unknown now. It's safer to have a police patrol nearby. Try to stay in the house and don't walk around."

Xu Xu nodded.

☆, Chapter 61v

Noon two days later.

The autumn sun is warm and bright. The mountains are more and more emerald green and deep, and the vastness is boundless.

Xu Xu spent all morning in the farmhouse at the foot of the mountain, sorting out the case information with a few colleagues. When she saw noon, she went back to her room to rest, only to see an additional text message on her phone.

It was Yao Meng: "Are you in the farmhouse under the mountain? My colleagues and I are also in the mountains. I want to come and talk to you later. Are you free?"

Xu Xu understood - Yao Meng's magazine was also allowed to enter the mountain area for interviews. She called immediately, but the line was always busy.

Yao Meng was on the phone with Lin Qingyan.

She entered the mountain this morning. Her magazine focuses on women's health, and this serial killer case will be a hot topic. And she is a criminal psychology major, and she leads the team to interview, of course, can get more profound and accurate conclusions than ordinary reporters.

She is also selfish. If the existence of the mountain killer is true, Lin Qingyan can be cleared of suspicion. So subconsciously, she also held her breath and wanted to do this for him.

It's just that she came to the mountain, but Lin Qingyan didn't know it beforehand and thought she was working overtime in the company. At this moment, when the call came, he realized that something was wrong, and there was displeasure in his voice: "How did you get there? I heard that the murderer hasn't been caught yet, it's too dangerous."

Yao Meng was sitting in the interview car with two colleagues. This was an open space at the foot of the mountain, which was temporarily used as a parking lot. There were cars and people all around, making noise. She smiled and replied: "It's okay, my colleagues and I are in a safe place. The police won't let you go in an unsafe place." The conversation changed, and her voice softened a bit: "Did you take your medicine on time?"

Lin Qingyan was silent for a moment, and his tone was calm: "Eat. Wife, come back early. It's not safe on the mountain, I'm not worried."

Yao Meng's interview assignment had not yet been completed, but when she heard his whispers at the moment, she felt pity and pain in her heart, and an urge to see him was born. She glanced at the sky and replied, "Well, then I'll be back now."

"Take the road, keep the phone on."

"it is good."

After hanging up, Yao Meng said to her two colleagues, "I'll go back to the city first, and you can continue with the rest. Call me anytime if you have any questions."

She drove away from the foot of the mountain and walked on the mountain road for a while. She saw the police barricade in front of her and was about to drive into the road. She wanted to report Lin Qingyan's safety, and took out her mobile phone, only to see Xu Xu's missed call.

"Xu Xu, I was on the phone just now."

Xu Xu was worried that he couldn't get through to her before, so he was about to call the patrol police in the area to find her, and only now did he feel relieved.

After Xu Xu finished chatting with Yao Meng last time, he saw Lin Qingyan's confession and admitted that he had ulterior motives to approach Yao Meng. Although she is not sure whether Lin Qingyan is related to this case, but thinking of this person always makes her feel uncomfortable. She felt the need to remind Yao Meng again, but she has been busy with cases in the mountains since then. Now that Yao Meng found her, she replied, "It's fine. When are you coming over? I have something to tell you."

Yao Meng originally wanted to say that she was going back to the city, but when she heard her tone was different, she pressed it down and asked, "What do you want to say to me? It doesn't matter, just say it."

Xu Xu paused, then talked about Lin Qingyan's relationship with Feng Ye, and then said, "I think you need to know this."

Yao Meng was silent for a while, then replied, "Thank you Xu Xu. But Qingyan told me about this matter when he came back from the police station that day. He... told me everything. Now I just want to spend the last time with him. time."

Xu Xu: "But I still think you should be careful about him."

Yao Meng felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but she held back and said, "Well, let's talk face-to-face. Where are you?"

Xu Xu thought she was not far from the mountain area, so she gave her address and Yao Meng said, "Okay, I'll call you when I arrive."

Xu Xu: "Okay. I'll pick you up at the gate of the farmhouse."

At this time, Ji Bai was sitting with a dozen police officers in the woods halfway up the mountain, mixed with clean water, munching on the dry food he brought with him. Everyone's face was gray and dusty, but the cold, solemn and determined eyes were exactly the same.

"Have you eaten yet? Let's go." Ji Bai stood up and said in a deep voice, when his phone rang.

It was a colleague from the Information Technology Department of Lin City, and his voice could not contain his excitement: "Team Ji, we really found a person who meets the conditions!"


"Tan Liang, 25 years old, graduated from Forestry University. Earlier this year, he was sent to the forest area as a forest ranger from the county forestry department. This must be a mistake in his work. He has a work car, lives alone on the mountain, and has registered labor protection supplies. The shoe size on the watch is 42, by the way, the deceased person in the second case was in the area he was in charge of, and he is still on the mountain..."

Tan Liang's photo and residence address were quickly uploaded to Ji Bai's mobile phone. I saw the man in the photo was wearing a dark green ranger uniform and a pair of glasses. He was handsome and young, pure and white, his eyes were very calm, and he couldn't see anything abnormal.

Ji Bai: "Send the photo to the captains of the search teams and ask them to pay attention to this person. There is no evidence for now. If you encounter someone, they will be detained first."

Tan Liang's single-living house is on a high mountain. The huge courtyard was silent, and several cyan cement houses were sunny and transparent.

Ji Bai led the crowd, carefully outflanking from all directions. He gave an order, everyone started together, and rushed in with guns - but the room was empty, where is Tan Liang's figure

Ji Bai looked around carefully. The furnishings in the house are very simple, clean and tidy, and there is nothing out of the ordinary. A criminal policeman hung up the phone and said, "The Forestry Department said that Tan Liang could not be contacted since yesterday."

If everyone didn't quite understand the reason why Ji Bai locked up Tan Liang as a suspect at first, seeing this man disappeared for no reason at this moment, they all began to suspect him.

At this time, another criminal police inspected the traces in the hospital and ran over to report: "Team Ji, judging from the wheel marks, he drove a forest work truck down the mountain."

Ji Bai shouted in a low voice, "Chase!"

Ji Bai took his team all the way down the mountain, and met a team of patrol officers on the mountainside. After communication, they said that they did see a ranger's work truck passing by three hours ago.

Ji Bai looked at the direction of the car they were pointing, and his heart tightened. The farmhouse where Xu Xu was located was in this direction.

He got into the patrol car and took out his mobile phone to call Xu Xu, but the line was always busy. The signal in the mountains was intermittent, and then it couldn't get through.

At this moment, the foot of the mountain is not calm, and several police cars are running back and forth to track down Tan Liang's trail. As soon as the patrolman's car arrived at the gate of the farmhouse, before it could stop, Ji Bai pushed open the door and jumped down, rushing into the courtyard in three or two steps.

There should have been two police officers on duty in the hospital, but they were nowhere to be seen. Xu Xu's room door was slightly closed, and it was quiet inside. Ji Bai's breathing stopped for a moment, he strode forward, and opened the door with a bang.

The sun was quiet and no one was there.

Ji Bai felt that his heart was going downhill. He turned to look at the police officers who followed: "Where's her? Where's her?"

Everyone couldn't answer, Ji Bai rushed out with a face, took out his mobile phone, and continued to call her. Unexpectedly, this time it was connected, Ji Bai stopped abruptly, only to hear her voice: "Ji Bai..." The voice trembled a little.

"Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm on the mountain road, I'm fine." Xu Xu's breathing seemed to be a little sluggish, "But Yao Meng probably had an accident."

Ji Bai rushed to the location Xu Xu said. This is a remote mountain road, and now more than a dozen policemen have gathered. Xu Xu was standing in the crowd, her face turning pale—when she received the photo of Tan Liang sent by the team, she could no longer contact Yao Meng.

A ranger's work truck was parked beside the mountain road. The license plate number was Tan Liang's, and there was no one in it at the moment. On the ground next to it, there are two traces of sudden braking. A criminal policeman came over and said to Ji Bai, "Boss, look at the wheel marks, they match the BMW that Yao Meng is driving."

It had been a few hours since Tan Liang came down the mountain, which meant that Yao Meng had probably been kidnapped for some time.

Ji Bai looked at the wheel marks on the ground: "Notify everyone, track this car!"

After an unknown amount of time, Yao Meng's consciousness gradually recovered a little. But his mind was still very heavy, and he couldn't open his eyes. She knew it was an after-effect of the anesthetic.

Some sporadic memory fragments also appeared in her mind: she turned the car and walked back... A green work truck rushed out of the road... She got out of the car to check the condition of the car, and there was a handsome and white strange young man across from him, dressed in protective clothing. The forest staff uniformed, smiled politely and apologized to her...

Then her chest and mouth numb - it's a tranquilizer gun! The rangers have sedative guns!

This is where? In a trance, she saw a dark rock wall, is it a cave

She tried her best to open her eyes, but felt someone squeeze her chin, and then a sweet liquid poured into her.

no, do not want…

She has seen the information on the Angel Killer case, it is the taste of Japanese-made aphrodisiac ~ love medicine...

Consciousness gradually became more slack, and she felt her body getting hotter and hotter. She heard a familiar voice moaning. After a while, she realized that it was herself. Then she felt a pair of strong hands hug her. An unfamiliar, warm body covered her, and the man entered her fiercely.

This process was extremely long for Yao Meng. Most of the time, she was in a coma, and when she woke up occasionally, it was pitch black around her. In addition to the effect of the drug, she couldn't see anything clearly. She seemed to have said a lot, but couldn't remember a single word. The only impression was that the man turned her over and over again, as if he was never satisfied.

Then everything finally stopped. There was no light in the cave. She felt that the man was standing in the darkness, looking down at her. And she could only say in a trance: "Don't kill me... I can't die... Qingyan save me... Qingyan save me..."

☆, Chapter 62v

The mountain in front of you is majestic and silent. It is said to be the most dangerous and highest mountain in the vicinity, and even the locals rarely go up.

Several teams of people surrounded the mountains from all directions. The forward had already rushed to the halfway up the mountain, and several bright white flashlights flickered in the night.

The detectives tracked Yao Meng's car and found it all the way, but about six hours had passed since she was taken hostage.

Ji Bai also took a group of people and climbed up the dark path. His face was tense and silent—the news of Yao Meng's accident came, and the entire criminal police team was in deep pain.

After climbing a steep rock wall, a deep forest appeared in front of me. Several special police officers who arrived first were searching in the forest, and suddenly someone shouted: "Here!"

The flashlight shone through the forest, and in the low-lying mud in front of me, a figure lay low and motionless. She was wearing only a shirt all over her body, barely covering her thighs, and she could still see a lot of red and purple marks; while her long hair was scattered like a waterfall, revealing half of her beautiful face—not who is Yao Meng

The SWAT police surrounded her, but none of them said a word. Ji Bai crouched down beside Yao Meng, picked up her wrist, and suddenly raised her head, "Alive!"

Xu Xu and the others stayed at the foot of the mountain and waited.

She was very worried. According to her judgment, the suspect's mentality had already been a sign of frenzy before. At this moment, he was at the end of the road, Yao Meng would only be regarded as the last feast by him.

After waiting for a while, I suddenly saw a group of people running down the mountain road ahead. One of them was holding a person in his arms. Xu Xu raised his whole heart, and hurriedly followed the crowd to meet him.

"Doctor!" "Doctor!" many people were shouting.

Yao Meng was put into the ambulance and wrapped in a blanket. The accompanying doctor did a quick check and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, I passed out."

At this moment, Yao Meng woke up faintly, opened her eyes and looked at everyone, her eyes were hesitant for a moment, her complexion suddenly darkened, and the pain in her eyes was hard to hide.

"It's alright, you're alright." Xu Xu held her hand.

Yao Meng stared at the gray roof of the car, tears streaming down her face. The policemen beside the car were silent when they saw this and walked to the side.

Xu Xu's tears also fell silently. After a moment of silence, she said softly, "Don't think about anything, have a good rest, I'm here with you."

Yao Meng met her gaze and was silent for a moment.

She didn't escape by herself.

The residual effect of the medicine has not yet passed, her head has always been very heavy, and the memory of escaping from the cave is also vague and fragmented.

She remembered that when she woke up, there was a candle in the cave. At a glance, she saw the former ranger, naked and hideous, lying on a small bed next to her. And her hands and feet were bound by chains, lying on the blanket on the ground beside the bed, her whole body was utterly embarrassed.

She was terrified to death, but the chain couldn't break free; she wanted to kill him, but she had no strength in her body.

Just then, she saw a tall figure walking in from the entrance of the cave. She looked at him in a trance as he approached. He was wearing half-worn forestry worker's clothes and a peaked cap with a low brim, and his beard could not be seen clearly. He picked up a bunch of keys from the table, walked up to her, tried it for a while, and opened the chain.

She fell into his arms all of a sudden, and his strong arms hugged her tightly, which made her breathless, and helped her to walk out of the cave.

When he got out of the hole, he led her and walked until he saw the light of the flashlight in front of him. He suddenly let go of her and walked into the woods nearby. The back was very unfamiliar, but it seemed familiar. Where has she seen it? So impressive

"Are you..." she asked in a hoarse voice, "you're not dead... why..."

The man paused, but walked faster, and soon disappeared. And she was exhausted, and after walking a few steps, she fell to the ground again.

Yao Meng struggled to get up, Xu Xu quickly supported her. She pointed to the silent mountain in front and said softly, "He's in the cave. I don't remember the position very well... It should be in a forest in the west, near the top of the mountain."

Xu Xu wanted to take Yao Meng to the nearest hospital with the doctor, but Yao Meng firmly refused.

"No need." There was no expression on her face, and her eyes were a little blank, "I want to wait here. Xu Xu, I want to stay by myself."

Without waiting for Xu Xu to say anything, she closed her eyes and stopped looking at her.

In the middle of the night, the mountains and forests became colder and colder, and the shadows of the trees swayed like ghosts in the moonlight.

Ji Bai led a group and slowly approached the cave under the cliff ahead.

The cave was quiet and deep, looking like a black hole. There was a faint light of fire at the entrance of the cave, and there was someone inside.

The police outside the cave gathered more and more. After receiving news from the rear, Da Hu walked to Ji Bai's side and said in a low voice, "Yao Meng is awake. The direction she said is also this side. It should be this cave."

Ji Bai waved his hand with a sullen face, and a man behind him held a searchlight and slammed into the cave. Sure enough, he saw a figure standing in the cave, Xu was startled by the light, he quickly turned his body sideways and pressed against the rock wall. Behind him, a small bed, a table and chairs, a low cabinet, and several chains hanging on the ground could be vaguely seen.

"Tan Liang, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and come out immediately!" someone shouted.

A figure flashed in the cave, and Ji Bai shouted in a low voice, "Be careful!" As soon as he finished speaking, there were two banging sounds, and the man inside seemed to let out a low laugh.

"It's an anesthesia gun!" Da Hu also broke out in a cold sweat, but fortunately no one was injured.

With a "bang" sound, Tan Liang threw something on the ground, and then the figure slowly walked out of the cave.

Everyone held their guns and waited solemnly. Ji Bai focused his gun and aimed it at his forehead. If there was any change, he would immediately kill him.

He gradually stepped into the light. The ranger uniform was a little messy, but his expression was calm. The bright light hit his face, revealing a strange and infiltrating white. And those delicate eyes are black and bright.

"Get down with your hands on your head!" Da Hu shouted.

A smile suddenly appeared on Tan Liang's face.

Ji Bai's heart was shocked, but it was too late, a strand of blood had already escaped from the corner of Tan Liang's mouth, which was a sign of potassium cyanide poisoning, and the smile in his eyes was even stronger.

"The world is unfair." His voice was gentle, "I have never lived in vain."

Everyone watched him fall to the ground on his back.

The light illuminates the entire forest where the cave is located, as bright as day. Police kept coming out of the hole, holding evidence bags and reporting to Ji Bai:

"Residual potassium cyanide and aphrodisiacs were found."

"There is some woman's hair in the cave, which has been collected."

"City rental ticket was found in the clutter - he was renting under a pseudonym and false ID."

"There are some women's clothes in the cabinet, as well as Johnson & Johnson body wash, razors, etc."

Ji Bai stood at the entrance of the cave with his hands behind his back, Shen Su said nothing. There were people coming and going, the atmosphere was tense and solemn, only Tan Liang's body was covered with white cloth, lying quietly on the mud floor.

The news quickly reached the foot of the mountain, and the entire foot of the mountain was boiling. The police from other areas gathered here more and more, and the media who stayed in the farmhouse also flocked to the outside. They were stopped by the police, but their flashing lights almost illuminated the night.

Xu Xu had been waiting in a police car. After receiving the exact news, she got out of the car, walked through the noisy crowd, and walked straight to Yao Meng not far away.

Yao Meng had already got up and sat in the back of the ambulance, covered with a blanket and holding a cup of hot tea. Her emotions have calmed down, but her eyes are still red, and her eyes are still empty.

Xu Xu walked up to her and said softly, "Tan Liang is dead."

Yao Meng's shoulders shook slightly, she nodded, and a mocking and indifferent smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Xu Xu wanted to say something, but nothing could lessen the hurt she suffered. Looking at her shrunken shoulders, Xu Xu's eyes became wet again, but in the end he could only remain silent.

At this moment, someone walked by the car. It was Yao Meng's colleague. He handed her the phone and said in a soft voice, "Mr. Lin's call."

Yao Meng was silent for a moment, then took it and put it to her ear. Tears that had already dried up poured out again: "Well... I'm here. Okay, I'll wait for you." After hanging up the phone, she raised her eyes and looked at Xu Xu.

"Qingyan will be here soon." She took a deep breath and her eyes became somewhat cold, "Now that the murderer is dead, so am I. Xu Xu, do you still insist on doubting Qingyan? Do you believe it is you now? Wrong? I shouldn't have turned around and come back..."

Before she finished speaking, Xu Xu only felt a stagnant pain in his chest, and his whole body was a little stiff. The two were silent for a moment, Xu Xu whispered, "I'm sorry."

Yao Meng didn't speak any more, she turned her head to look aside. Xu Xu said "I'm sorry" again, turned silently and walked away.

When Ji Bai descended the mountain, the sky was already bright. The crowd is surging in front of them, and the group is excited. They all want to see the death of the perverted serial killer.

A trace of exhaustion appeared in his heart, he avoided the crowd, and after searching the parking lot for a while, he saw a familiar little figure standing beside a police car with his head bowed.

Only seeing her made his cold heart soften. Ji Bai walked over quickly and stopped in front of her.

Looking at her red and wet eyes, Ji Bai did not ask any further questions, but gently hugged her into his arms.

Xu Xu's heart was always blocked, and he remained silent.

After a while, Ji Bai saw that she kept looking behind him, so he turned to look too.

It was an ambulance with bright lights inside. Lin Qingyan's suit and hair were a little messy, and he was sitting inside with Yao Meng in his arms.

Ji Bai took his eyes back lightly, and stared at her with clear black eyes: "Don't think about it, go home and rest first. I know what to do."

Xu Xu was silent, his eyes crossed his body and still stopped on Lin Qingyan. At this time, as if aware of her gaze, he slowly turned his face sideways, and his eyes just met her.

Those eyes were cold and painful, like every man who is angry and sad for his lover's misfortune.

Xu Xu stubbornly looked at him.

After a while, the grief in his eyes slowly calmed down, and his slender eyebrows became calm. And the corners of the thin lips suddenly evoked a smile.

No one looked here at the moment, and no one noticed the change in his expression. Only Xu Xu's heart trembled violently, and blood surged in his chest.

She had been exhausted for the past few days, but now she was so angry that she couldn't utter a word, her eyes darkened, and she fainted in Ji Bai's arms.

☆, Chapter 63v

When Xu Xu woke up, he saw a light yellow light above his head, and the gray-white ceiling was unfamiliar.

Ji Bai sat in the chair beside the bed and slept in his clothes. It was a dark and shaking night outside the window, and his face looked particularly handsome and quiet under the lamp.

The air in the early morning was very cold, Xu Xu's throat was a little dry, and he couldn't help coughing softly under the quilt. Ji Bai immediately opened his eyes and stood up, rubbing her cold face with his big hands: "Awake?" While pouring water for her, he said, "It's okay, the blood sugar is a little low, and the infusion has already been given. This is the township health center, rest for a while. It's late, we'll go back to Lin City tomorrow."

"En." Xu Xu sat up and took the water glass. The warm water flowed into the body from the mouth, and the whole person felt a lot more comfortable.

Ji Bai pulled the chair closer, staring at her with dark eyebrows, a faint helpless smile: "I'm so angry..."

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, then replied, "Aren't you angry?"

Ji Bai grabbed her hand and sent