When A Snail Loves

Chapter 28: (twenty three)



The night was freezing cold, and the wilderness was silent. Xu Xu felt chills all over his body, and the child in his stomach seemed to feel her silent fear, and was kicking her gently. Xu Xu forced himself to breathe calmly, and instead of looking at Yao Meng, he stared at Lin Qingyan: "Wait. Lin Qingyan, even if I die, it will make me die willingly."

The gun in Yao Meng's hand dropped immediately, and her breathing became more and more rapid. Lin Qingyan looked at Xu Xu with a smile in his eyes: "What do you want to know?"

Xu Xu's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, but his tone was light: "You did the first two cases; Tan Liang did the third. But I don't understand, when did you get in touch?"

Lin Qingyan smiled slightly: "It's a bad thing to ask for a reason and to delay time. But it doesn't matter, I'll still answer you—the second body was discovered by Tan Liang, and we all know what he did to the body. But at that time he I didn't know me. Later, as soon as the third case came out, I knew it was him. It would be impossible to justify not blaming him."

Xu Xu's heart froze - Lin Qingyan was released after the third case occurred. During that time, the whole case was taken over by the provincial department, and all the people who Ji Bai had arranged to follow Lin Qingyan were transferred back, and everyone went to the mountains to search. It turned out that Lin Qingyan took advantage of this time to find Tan Liang.

"The price you paid for persuading him was to use public opinion to bring down his original leader afterwards?" Xu Xu continued to ask, "Are there any other conditions?" At that time, there was news on the Internet that Tan Liang's original leader was double-gauged, and Xu Xu guessed it. .

Lin Qingyan nodded: "You are very keen. I also gave his old mother a sum of money anonymously. He is a dutiful son, but his methods are too rough. He also knows that he will die, and he has done the crime for me, so he deserves to die."

As the two asked and answered, Yao Meng did not move with her back to Lin Qingyan, but tears kept falling down her pale face.

At this time, Xu Xu changed his words: "You also did the Hong Kong case, right? Feng Ye is another scapegoat?"

Yao Meng's body froze, Lin Qingyan glanced at her with a smile in her eyes, and replied, "Yes."

Xu Xu wanted to ask again, but Lin Qingyan reached out and hooked Yao Meng's shoulder and said, "So far, you've scared her."

Xu Xu's heart sank suddenly.

He said this and that.

The deadlock came again. Lin Qingyan pointed the gun at Yao Meng, Yao Meng slowly raised the gun at Xu Xu like a corpse.

All the thoughts in Xu Xu's mind flashed like lightning. She forced herself to suppress the flood of fear and panic, her hands clenched into fists, and met Yao Meng's desperate eyes.

"Shoot Yao Meng," she said softly, "He's right, this is your only choice. I won't blame you."

Yao Meng's pretty face was tense and almost stiff, and her voice was choked up, "Don't you blame me?"

Xu Xu took a deep breath: "I don't blame you. Shoot."

In the dead of night, the cold wind blew through the snow, making a rustling sound. Xu Xu shivered in the cold wind, Yao Meng's tears had dried up, and her face was disheveled like a mad woman; Lin Qingyan held the gun in one hand, and was blown away by the cold wind and coughed repeatedly.

Xu Xu and Yao Meng looked at each other silently.

Xu Xu looked at Yao Meng's painful eyes, and Lin Qingyan, who was behind her, was coughing and bowing her head and didn't look at him.

Xu Xu shook his head at her indifferently.

No, Yao Meng, don't act rashly. You have to shoot.

It's okay, just shoot.

A look of determination flashed in Yao Meng's eyes, she turned sharply, and shot at Lin Qingyan, "You bastard!"

"Da da da" There were a few empty trigger sounds, and there was no bullet in the gun.

Xu Xu's heart sank fiercely, Yao Meng's whole body froze, Lin Qingyan slowly raised her head, and looked at Yao Meng with a gloomy expression.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment.

Yao Meng's hands were bound, she raised the butt of her gun and hit Lin Qingyan in the head! But she was already drugged, and her movements were limp. Lin Qingyan laughed, very sadly, grabbed her wrist, twisted her backhand, and snatched her gun. Xu Xu was a few steps away from them, and was tied up again, so he couldn't help.

Lin Qingyan panted lowly and pulled Yao Meng into her arms, pointing a gun at her head: "This is your love? This is what you gave me—dead-dead~? So you've been coaxing me these days, hehe. ... You really think I'm reluctant to kill you? Reluctant?!"

Yao Meng cried bitterly, the man was soft in his arms, her voice was hysterical: "Love? I'm blind to fall in love with you! Kill me, kill me! Why don't you die? Something better!"

Xu Xu could only see the pain in his heart, and stared at the two of them, tears falling down in large drops.

She expected that Lin Qingyan would not kill her with a gun when Lin Qingyan brought her to this place. After listening to the previous conversation between him and Yao Meng, she had already guessed that this was a test in his heart for Yao Meng—a test of whether Yao Meng really accepted him as a criminal, and it was also forcing Yao Meng to stand in his camp.

That's why she asked Yao Meng to shoot.

Yao Meng was already in a trance and was extremely weak. Xu Xu didn't expect that at this moment, she would sink to the bottom of the boat, and her blood was aroused. But this undoubtedly pushed her to death— Yao Meng couldn't live anymore!

At this time, Lin Qingyan's face gradually returned to calm, but there was no smile in his eyes, but a cold look. He put the gun aside, put his arms around Yao Meng's waist like no one else was around, and lowered his head to kiss her. Yao Meng turned her head to avoid it, but was caught by him, unable to move.

"Okay, since that's the case, we have no other choice." Lin Qingyan's voice was extremely gentle, but tears were hidden in her eyes, "I'll kill her first, and then I'll take you with me." After speaking, she let go of Yao Meng and stood up from the side. From the bag on the ground, he took out a small black bottle and walked towards Xu Xu.

"Don't kill her!" Yao Meng shouted, a smile appeared on Lin Qingyan's face.

Xu Xu watched him get closer and closer, but his heart remained heavy, sinking to the bottom of the deadly despair.

Ji Bai drove the car at a galloping speed, only they were roaring and galloping in the night.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to his destination, Da Hu couldn't help but say, "Are they really here?"

Ji Bai was expressionless and silent.

It was almost at the foot of the mountain. The forest was dense and the shadows of the trees were deep. There seemed to be a faint light on the mountain, and there seemed to be nothing.

Ji Bai braked the car steadily, and jumped out of the car with Da Hu with a gun.

"Here." He seemed to be talking to the big nonsense, but also to himself.

It must be here, the morgue point of the third case.

☆, Chapter 66v

The temperature on the mountainside was getting lower and lower, the sky was overcast and heavy, and snowflakes began to fall.

Lin Qingyan squatted down in front of Xu Xu, with thin pale cheeks and a gentle smile. He reached out and brushed off the fine snow on Xu Xu's head, then squeezed her chin lightly.

"Little girl, open your mouth."

Xu Xu gritted his teeth, his stubborn eyes filled with tears. When I think of Ji Bai and the child, my heart aches, and the pain is boundless.

Her silent and futile resistance made Lin Qingyan smile, and just as she was about to raise the medicine bottle to force it, she heard Yao Meng laugh out from behind: "Ha...don't you say you want children, like children? ~The state is the pervert, even pregnant women are killed. I'm really glad I didn't get pregnant, if I were pregnant, the child would be poisoned by you..." At the end, his tone became sad.

Lin Qingyan put down the medicine bottle, turned to look at her, and his voice was quiet and cold: "How could it be the same? If we had children, how could it be like this?"

Yao Meng's heart ached, she took a deep breath, stared at him and said, "Then you let her go, I beg you to let her go! We don't have any children, so just let me and yours go."

Lin Qingyan lowered his head and remained silent, looking like he was very depressed and sad.

Yao Meng and Xu Xu both looked at him, both of them were heartbroken, their tears were silent, and they didn't dare to let out the air.

After a while, Lin Qingyan raised his head, there were tears in his eyes, but his expression was calm.

"Since you like this child... If you kill her, the child can go with us."

Ji Bai and Da Hu climbed along the mountain at high speed.

The thorny jungle was trampled indiscriminately, and the vast snow took the road and ran wildly. However, the four fields were quiet, and the snow was flying, covering up all traces. The two could not confirm for a while whether there was really hope ahead.

With all his strength, he turned over a bare rock. Hu's cell phone rang. He quickly picked it up and reported to Ji Bai, "Boss, reinforcements are approaching here, and the helicopter has taken off from the city!"

Ji Bai nodded.

Da Hu took a breath and couldn't help but ask, "Boss, why is the third corpse dumping site?"

Ji Bai raised his head, and saw the heavy snow falling head-on, and the mountains, forests and rock walls stood like ghosts.

"Perfect." He replied softly.

Xu Xu said that Lin Qingyan had a lot of affection for the first two deceased. The third case was done by Tan Liang, who was rough and impatient, and the deceased was ordinary. How could Lin Qingyan endure the comparison of three cases

Psychopaths have their own paranoia, and when others are dying, they will surely mend this shortcoming.

The night sky was gloomy, and the snow fell silently. Xu Xu's body was covered with snow, and he sat quietly like a white sculpture, watching Lin Qingyan approach again.

Behind him, Yao Meng burst into tears: "Xu Xu... I'm sorry! I'm sorry..."

Lin Qingyan's expression was gentle and calm, and he handed the poison to Xu Xu.

Xu Xu showed the same pale and gentle smile: "Wait a minute, Lin Qingyan. If I drink potassium cyanide, I will die without pain, but the child will be very painful and painful. Do you know what symptoms the fetus will have if the mother is poisoned? You can ask Yao Meng, we studied at the police academy and encountered similar cases, and we are very clear. Are you sure that is what you want?"

Lin Qingyan glanced at her, turned her head quietly, and looked at Yao Meng: "You say it."

In fact, the police academy has never learned about such a special situation, and the two have never encountered such a case. But Yao Meng didn't understand Xu Xu's intention, but her expression didn't change, she only showed a sarcastic smile: "Do you care? Do you care about the pain of the child? Then let me tell you, unlike adults, the toxin will slowly soak into the amniotic fluid, He would have a tightness in his throat and difficulty breathing. He would have convulsions, convulsions, vomiting, circulatory failure, organ failure, and finally suffocation to death…”

Lin Qingyan looked at Yao Meng and said nothing. After a few seconds, he turned to look at Xu Xu, with a smile in his eyes: "What was your idea when you asked Yao Meng to tell me this? Delaying time? Xu Xu, you are embarrassing me, this is very difficult. not good.

You should know that even if I don't kill you now, I can't let you go. This forest is very big. We are deep in the mountains, and the weather is freezing cold. When the police find you, you will have frozen to death and starved to death, becoming a corpse. And this process will be very long and painful.

But what now? It seems we have no other way. Why did you find such a way to die for yourself? "

Xu Xu shook his head absentmindedly: "No, this is what I want. I know that I will die, and there is no point in procrastinating. But potassium cyanide will make me feel relieved, and the child will suffer. As a mother, I am willing to choose one that will make me suffer. Torment, let the child die easily. In this way, the child will only fall into a deep sleep because of my exhaustion, and then never wake up again, he will not feel any pain, it is enough for me. You are not the same Hope?"

Lin Qingyan was silent for a moment, put down the medicine bottle, and replied softly, "Okay. I'll take Yao Meng away first, and then come over to accompany the child. The three of us will be together forever."

When Ji Bai and Da Hu walked into the woods quietly, they saw a snow-white blanket in the open space in front of them. Ji Bai's heart clenched fiercely, and he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

The two approached with guns, only to see that the edge of the blanket was slightly wrinkled, and there were many footprints on the snow next to it. Although the light was dim, Ji Bai could still make out the smallest footprint, which was left by Xu Xu.

The snow was completely silent, Ji Bai and Da Hu exchanged glances, followed the footprints, flanked left and right, and rushed towards the forest. Just after running a few steps, the two stopped abruptly at the same time—because there was a very low breathing sound from behind the big tree in front, and the sound of heels rubbing against snow.

Da Hu was still on guard and hesitant, but Ji Bai's expression changed instantly, he strode forward and rushed behind the tree!

The scene in front of him only made him feel as if a huge boulder fell violently in his heart, and he was shocked, painful and happy - Xu Xu was tied tightly to the sturdy tree trunk, and his mouth was covered with tape. Seeing him, those black eyes instantly brightened like stars, and tears filled their eyes.

Ji Bai tore off the tape, and Da Hu took out his dagger and neatly cut the rope clean. Xu Xu's body softened and fell into Ji Bai's arms: "Third brother..."

As soon as she fell into her arms, Ji Bai's heart throbbed unspeakably—she was only wearing a thin maternity dress, and her body was as cold as ice. Ji Bai immediately tore off the down jacket and wrapped her in his arms: "It's alright... It's alright... My wife is alright..."

Da Hu's eyes became moist when he saw it: "It's okay to be okay."

Xu Xu's whole body was indeed stiff and weak, but with a pale face, she grabbed Ji Bai's collar and said, "Go and save Yao Meng! Hurry up!"

Ji Bai and Da Hu both looked shocked and looked in the direction she pointed.

Da Hu: "Boss, take care of Xu Xu, I'll go!"

Ji Bai was silent for a moment, then tightened his arms holding Xu Xu. The warm cheeks, still dripping with sweat, gently pressed against her cold, snow-like little face, and immediately put her down.

"I'll go." He took off his down jacket and put it on Xu Xu. "You protect her." He took a deep look at Xu Xu and rushed into the forest without looking back.

The snow gradually stopped, and the footprints on the ground became clearly visible. Ji Bai walked through the mountains and forests for more than ten minutes along the deep and shallow footprints. Da Hu and Xu Xu were left behind and invisible.

Finally, after reaching a low mound, there were a few people sitting on the ground in the forest ahead, and there were faint voices.

Ji Bai immediately slumped behind the hill and looked around silently.

I saw a tall and thin man, facing his direction, sitting against a tree, blood dripping from his head, staining most of his cheeks. And he restrained a woman in his arms, and the gun in his hand pressed against the woman's temple—isn't it Lin Qingyan and Yao Meng

Opposite them, behind a thick tree trunk, was sitting alone. The man was covered in a pool of blood on the snow. He was wearing the clothes of a forestry worker. He was tall and straight.

Ji Bai had a panoramic view of the three people's situation, silently raised his gun and aimed at Lin Qingyan, but Yao Meng was close to him, blocking almost all the vital points, and he was unable to start.

At this moment, Lin Qingyan said weakly, "Feng Ye, you are really haunted."

Ji Bai was slightly startled, and glanced at the man again, and there was a faint blood hole in his right shoulder, which must have been shot. He panted slightly and replied, "It's my life that shouldn't die. Otherwise, how could there be a day to expose the crimes of your beast? Now I'm willing to die."

Yao Meng's long hair was messy, and her face was stained with blood. She didn't know who it belonged to. Her voice was very hoarse: "Why? Lin Qingyan, why is all this?"

half an hour ago.

Xu Xu's remarks successfully persuaded Lin Qingyan. He was conceited, and he didn't believe that the police would find this place so quickly.

After he tied Xu Xu to the tree, he dragged Yao Meng and staggered forward in the snow. He didn't even think about where to go, he just wanted to find the most beautiful place. It's a pity that there is no moonlight tonight, and I have to leave regrets after all.

Yao Meng was already like a walking corpse, following him in a trance. This appearance made him like it very much, and he simply took her tied hands and walked quietly in the snow.

Feng Ye suddenly rushed out of the bushes, holding a wooden stick and smashing it hard on the back of his head. Lin Qingyan only felt a burst of pain, dizziness, and damp heat, and fell into the snow.

Yao Meng stared blankly at the drastic changes in front of her. She watched Feng Ye, a bearded man standing in front of her, staring at her with dark eyes.

His appearance that night was like a dream, planting the seeds of doubt in Yao Meng's heart. Not revealing his existence to the police was a completely subconscious reaction.

And when she realized that this suspicion was aimed at Lin Qingyan, it was too late. Lin Qingyan seemed to be keenly aware of her slightest emotional change, and quickly controlled her personal freedom.

She didn't expect that Feng Ye would suddenly appear today, making her survive in a desperate situation.

Feng Ye's eyes were a little anxious, and his voice was low and powerful: "Don't be afraid, I'll save you..." After speaking, he took out a dagger and cut the rope for her wrist. The ice-cold blade touched her wrist, Yao Meng's chaotic brain from taking the medicine suddenly jolted, remembering that Lin Qingyan was still behind her: "He has a gun! First put him..."

"Bang." Too late.

Yao Meng only saw that Feng Ye's expression froze for a moment, and looked down at her shoulders. There's a blood hole there. In the next instant, Yao Meng's waist tightened, and Lin Qingyan pulled her into her arms. The two of them sat on the ground at the same time. Feng Ye struggled to climb behind the tree, and temporarily avoided it.

Feng Ye's blow to the back of Lin Qingyan's head only caused him to fall to the ground with a black face in front of him, his face against the cold snow, and he regained consciousness. In addition, he still had things in his heart, and his strong thoughts drove him to endure the chaos and pain, and got up and shot Feng Ye.

When Ji Bai arrived, what he saw was the scene of the three stalemate.

Perhaps it was because the three of them were all determined to die. When Yao Meng asked the most painful and tangled question in their hearts, the two men were silent and looked at each other quietly. One with sarcasm, one full of deep hatred.

Lin Qingyan looked at her sideways and said softly, "Wife, it doesn't matter. Our affairs have nothing to do with him."

Feng Ye gasped and said coldly, "Really? Isn't it because you took away everything that belonged to me, and now you want to take away the woman I love

Yao Meng was shocked, and Lin Qingyan's face suddenly turned cold. The blood on his head was still flowing, and it had covered his entire face. But those eyes suddenly became loose and indifferent. When Ji Bai heard that the two were about to reveal the inside story of the Hong Kong Angels case, he focused on Lin Qingyan and listened carefully. Once he has a change, he will be shot and killed immediately.

Lin Qingyan smiled gently: "Yours? Why is it yours? It's obviously mine."

Feng Ye looked at his bloody face, and remembered the past, and he was a little lost for a moment.

He was also an excellent young man and a son of heaven, and he was very different from his deaf and mute parents since he was a child. When he turned eighteen, his parents told him that he was an abandoned baby and that they were his adoptive parents. His parents may be from Hong Kong, because the quilt wrapped in his back then had the logo of the Hong Kong hospital.

After graduation, Yao Meng proposed to break up, which finally made him decide to go to a foreign country and went to Hong Kong alone to work and search.

At that time, Lin Qingyan was an executive of the cooperative company and his personal friend. His life was peaceful, but there was no clue about the search for relatives.

Until one day, President Qin's assistant took a DNA test report and found him: "You are our own son of President Qin."

Qin is always the semi-retired chairman of the group behind Lin Qingyan. For Feng Ye's company, President Qin's group is like a business giant. Feng Ye had already heard the story of this legendary female billionaire in the business world, but he didn't expect that after going around, it would be his biological mother.

The assistant revealed that it turned out that the work materials sent by the subordinates to President Qin's mailbox contained Feng Ye's profile and photos. Mr. Qin, who was over half a hundred years old and terminally ill, recognized the young boy just by looking at him, exactly like his biological father. There is a secret DNA identification, and there are also commissioned assistants to come forward and make a petition on their behalf.

Everything that happened afterward was like a fog that suddenly descended to Feng Ye, turning the world upside down overnight. At that time, all kinds of evidence of the angel case, which was rumored to be murderous, miraculously appeared in his apartment, and even Lin Qingyan's fiancee became the victim.

After three years of escape, I heard that my mother passed away, and I also heard that Lin Qingyan's only beneficiary of his will received all of his mother's property...

Yao Meng looked up at Lin Qingyan in a daze: "Is what he said true?"

Lin Qingyan smiled suddenly: "Well, it's true."

Yao Meng's voice was almost dry: "You still didn't say—why did you find me? You hate Feng Ye so much? Ruin him, but also me?"

Lin Qingyan was silent for a moment, then asked softly: "It has nothing to do with him. You are so unique, I love you, I really love you."

Yao Meng's heart was numb with pain, and she stared blankly at him. Feng Ye said coldly, "Really? What's your relationship with my biological mother, haven't you told her?"

Both Lin Qingyan and Yao Meng's expressions changed. Feng Ye's face was ashen. It seemed that telling this fact also made him feel hard and ashamed: "I learned later that he was her nominal adopted son back then, and also her..."

"Shut up!" Lin Qingyan let out a low growl, his eyes were full of ruthlessness, he suddenly let go of Yao Meng and shot Feng Ye with his gun! Yao Meng's conditioned reflex hit back, Lin Qingyan's hand shook, and the gun shot into the sky. The situation was critical, Ji Bai no longer hesitated, and shot Lin Qingyan's forehead with a precise shot!

The four fields were silent, and the dark sky had snowed again at some point in time. Ji Bai rushed out from behind the rock, pointed the gun at Lin Qingyan's body on the ground, and protected Yao Meng in his arms. Yao Meng covered her face with her hands, stiff like a puppet, choked up silently. And Feng Ye let out a long sigh, finally exhausted, fell on his back on the snow, looked at the distant night sky, and remained silent.

The strong airflow from the helicopter made the trees rustled. Several searchlights shot from all directions, illuminating the mountains as bright as day. The detectives ran back and forth, checked and collected every piece of evidence, and moved Lin Qingyan's body out of the snow.

Feng Ye was still a wanted criminal and was taken to an ambulance in handcuffs. Before closing, Ji Bai walked over and said to him, "I will truthfully tell my superiors and the Hong Kong police what I have heard today."

Feng Ye nodded, with a bitter smile on his lips, he stretched out his hand to Ji Bai, and Ji Bai hugged him tightly.

Although Xu Xu and Yao Meng were weak, they both suffered from skin injuries. They were placed side by side on a stretcher and taken to the same ambulance. Ji Bai and Da Hu stood beside them. Ji Bai held Xu Xu's hand and did not speak, Xu Xu took his hand to his stomach.

"It'll be fine." Ji Bai said in a deep voice.

Xu Xu nodded: "It will be fine."

Yao Meng kept staring at the ceiling, Xu Xu turned her head and gently held her hand: "Thank you Yao Meng, you saved my life and my child's life."

Da Hu also said, "Yao Meng is all right, it's all over." Ji Bai also looked at her gently.

Yao Meng was silent for a moment, tears falling down. After crying for a long time, she clenched Xu Xu's hand and nodded lightly towards Ji Bai and Da Hu.

☆, Chapter 67v

half year later.

In Lin City in May, there was already a hint of heat in the warmth. But it just rained a little this morning, and in the thin sunshine, the air was fresh and sweet, making people feel comfortable.

Ji Bai Chaoshou stood at the exit of the airport. Today, he rarely wore a pure black suit, standing in the crowd, tall and handsome like a male model. But the expression and temperament are quite calm and tough, which only attracts the attention of passers-by.

Ji Bai didn't wait long when he saw Shu Hang and Monkeys, each carrying a small suitcase, walking out leisurely. Seeing each other, everyone's eyes showed joy.

Shu Hang was the first to speak: "Hey, his father is different when he became a child. Look at this complacent appearance, showing the demeanor of a winner in life everywhere!"

Everyone laughed, and the monkey said, "That's natural, buy big and get small, Ji San is good at everything."

Ji Bai smiled lightly: "There's no way, if luck comes, it can't be stopped."

Everyone suddenly laughed and scolded - it was too arrogant!

There were three cars in total, pulling the boys from the airport back to the city. Ji Bai drove one by himself, Shu Hang sat in the co-pilot, and Monkey sat behind the other. They have all been to Lin City, but at this time it is a cool summer, and the city is extraordinarily lush, fresh and pleasant. "This is much better than Beijing's dry, hot weather," said the monkey.

Before Ji Bai could answer, Shu Hang said, "What place is this? This is Ji San's blessed land!"

Another said with a small smile: "But to be honest, Brother Ji went back to Beijing last year and said he didn't have a girlfriend. It's only been less than two years, the license has been obtained, and the child is a full month. huh? Quickly, be ruthless."

Ji Bai was in a good mood and replied, "Will it be fast? Meeting the right person, I think it's too slow for two years."

These words were a bit sour and romantic, and they were suspected of showing off. The remaining three exchanged glances, and "tsk tsk" together expressed envy, jealousy, hatred, contempt... and other complex emotions. After tsk, I felt a little sigh in my heart, they didn't have a family yet, so I really envied Ji Bai.

the right person. Not everyone can meet the right person in their entire life. No matter if you are a genius, or an ordinary grassroots. It really takes a little more luck to be lucky enough to be a good couple.

The full moon banquet will be held at a hotel in the city. There was still some time left before Ji Bai took Shu Hang to the upstairs room and went back home to pick up his wife and children.

Shu Hang can't sit still. What can I do in the hotel room? After taking a shower and changing clothes, a group of well-dressed people went downstairs to stroll around.

The hotel is very big and new. The garden is full of green plants and mottled sunlight. It is quiet and beautiful, and it makes people think. Shu Hang called the waiter and opened a lounge, where he drank tea, chatted and played cards. The lounge is covered with red velvet carpet and several fabric sofas. A whole side of floor-to-ceiling glass faces the garden, offering a panoramic view.

Shu Hang was in good luck today. He won three games in a row as soon as he sat down. He looked around happily in a victorious manner, but found that the monkey who had lost the most was looking out of the window with a look of absent-mindedness. He also followed the monkey's line of sight and was stunned.

Not only was he stunned, but a man beside him raised his hand and bumped against the other's arm, all of them looked up, and for a while no one cared to play cards.

The sky outside the window is clear and blue. The sun shines all over the grass and the lake, and a little bit of bright soft light falls. A very young woman was stepping out from behind the green trees and slowly walked towards the lake. She was wearing a long tawny dress and stiletto sandals of the same color, and her long black hair fell like satin. Shu Hang had never seen such beautiful hair. It wasn't straightened or dyed deliberately. It was dark and smooth, with every inch of luster. It was lightly pressed against the woman's fair and jade-like shoulders. And when the woman turned her face slightly, her eyebrows were like ink, and her eyes were full, it made everyone's heart shudder.

The hotel glass is one-way transparent, so everyone can see the women clearly, but the women don't notice their existence. I saw her walking to the edge of the pool, looking at the silent water, frowning lightly. She was originally extremely beautiful and beautiful, but this frown revealed a bit of alienation and indifference. Just like the mutton fat jade that originally glowed throughout the body, it dimmed for a moment, but it was even more beautiful.

She sat down on the bench by the lake, dazed. At this end, after a brief silence, the atmosphere became obviously warmer. The monkey stared at her intently: "It's definitely not from Ji San's side. How can he have a female friend that we don't know about? Let me go, little sister-in-law Arale, who even has such powerful relatives and friends!"

As soon as Ji Bai entered the lounge, he saw these old boys, eagerly looking at Yao Meng outside the window, discussing enthusiastically.

When they saw Ji Bai, someone immediately asked, "Ji San, who is she? Your sister-in-law?"

In fact, it's not that they are rare and strange. Which one of the eyes is poisonous, and what beautiful woman has not seen? But precisely because of this, Yao Meng's beauty was unique in their eyes: there was heroism in the bright, but there was a hint of decadence in the soft beauty, which was even more mysterious. What men are afraid of is that women are mysterious. In addition to this situation, Yao Meng's appearance was a sudden surprise, and everyone felt a little bit of a coquettish inside.

Ji Bai glanced at Yao Meng. Half a year has passed since the Lin Qingyan case, and she has been reclusive and low-key. So he replied, "She is Xu Xu's friend, so please don't provoke her."

Everyone laughed, and someone said, "It's too late! The monkeys have gone!"

Ji Bai frowned, looked around, and sure enough he didn't see any monkeys. He was the master of a thousand flowers, and he was an unequivocal master, so he would never be allowed to harass Yao Meng. It's just that the guests have already entered the venue one after another, and Ji Bai has to say hello, so he waved his hand: "No kidding - go and stop him!"

He is serious about explaining things, and he is still very effective in this gang of hairpins. Immediately, a few people stood up. At this time, Shu Hang, who had been drinking tea in silence, also got up: "I'll go."

Shu Hang was reliable, Ji Bai was relieved, nodded, and went out with him. When they reached the fork in the corridor, the two went in different directions. Shu Hang took two steps and turned his head to ask, "By the way, what's that girl's name?"

Ji Bai was greeting several police colleagues, glanced sideways at him, and replied, "Yao Meng."

Shu Hang was familiar with the monkey's temperament, and soon found him on the avenue a few meters away from Yao Meng, who had just taken two glasses of wine from the waiter.

"Ji San is looking for you, it's urgent, hurry up." Shu Hang said sternly.

The monkey was dubious, returned the wine to the waiter, and followed him back. When they reached the door of the lounge, Shu Hang paused, and the monkey went straight in first.

"Catch it! Don't let it out before the table starts!" Shu Hang gave an order, and a few men inside laughed and pushed the monkey back to the card table, and Shu Hang turned around and left. Someone asked, "Where are you going, Brother Shu?"

Shu Hang replied, "Ji San asked me to help."

He walked briskly, returned to the pool, ordered two drinks from the waiter, and walked towards Yao Meng. Everyone in the lounge was stunned. After a while, she saw Yao Meng smiling politely and estranged from Chao Shu Hang, then turned and left. Shu Hang stretched out his long legs and followed slowly, with a little ruffian smile on his face: "Hey, don't go..."

The full moon banquet that day went very smoothly. Whether it was the police colleagues, Ji Bai's Fa Xiao, or the serious and arrogant junior brothers and sisters from the Xu Xu Police Academy, everyone was in high spirits. Although the chubby and pink baby only showed up for a short time, he smiled unconsciously at everyone especially to save face, causing everyone to burst into cheers.

Ji Bai's father, eldest brother, and second brother all came and arranged to sit in a separate private room. Although Ji's mother didn't come, she asked Ji's father to bring a big red envelope and also gave Xu Xu a set of jewelry.

Xu Xu was now also assimilated by Ji Bai, and he understood that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law should not be hasty in getting along with each other. Ji Bai accompanied her and called her mother-in-law. Their conversation was still polite and peaceful.

Time flies so fast, in the blink of an eye, it's been two months.

Xu Jun has also recovered from his injuries and was discharged from the hospital. Although he has lost some weight, he is still in good spirits. Just a dark red scar on the back of the head. Every time Xu Xu pushed back his hair and saw it, his heart ached in silence, and he touched and touched again. And Xu Jun would smile to comfort her: "If you don't die, you will have good luck in the future. Brother, I will be very lucky in the future."

It was Saturday, and Ji Bai still went to work overtime. Xu Xu was still on maternity leave and took care of the child at home with Xu Jun.

It was said that it was brought by two people, but in fact, as long as Xu Jun had time to come here on weekends, he would do everything. Seeing that he liked his nephew so much, Xu Xu naturally let them get closer.

When Ji Bai came home from get off work, he saw Xu Xu with one hand in his trousers pocket and the other hand holding a diaper, smiling and standing aside, Xu Jun was bending over and bowing his head, his handsome profile was very focused, changing diapers for the child.

Ji Bai greeted Xu Jun, pulled Xu Xu by the hand, and brought him into the room. After giving birth, Xu Xu gained a little weight, but her skin was whiter. In Ji Bai's eyes, she was even more shapely and cute than before. Whenever he saw her smiling face, Ji Bai had the urge to... kiss her.

Pushing her behind the door and kissing her, Xu Xu's face turned crimson: "Brother is still busy outside!"

Ji Bai buried his head on her shoulder: "Let him be busy."

Although Xu Jun likes his nephew very much, he also has the self-consciousness of not being a light bulb. Seeing Ji Bai coming back, he quickly left. The little baby was also coaxed to sleep by him. He really is a good brother and uncle of twenty-four filial piety.

The night was cool and quiet. Ji Bai finished his work in the study and returned to the bedroom to find Xu Xu sitting upright at the table, holding a pile of files and watching with interest.

The file was brought back from the police station by his promise. Since the Lin Qingyan case, Xu Xu has not been involved in any case for more than half a year. In her own words: "It's almost suffocating."

She watched so intently that she didn't even hear Ji Bai come in. Ji Bai glanced at her and began to undress.

It will soon take off only a short