When A Snail Loves

Chapter 3: Works related (3)


Check urban homeless and high-risk groups with criminal records.

Xu Xu also decided to go to the crime scene to take a look.


On a weekday afternoon, there are very few people in the park, and only a few old people are playing chess. Xu Xu walked to the lakeside lawn where Ye Zixi was injured that day, but saw a man sitting in the sun, smiling at her.

It was the man who accompanied Ye Zixi that day, Ye Zixiao.

Compared with the casual suit last time, he wore a gray and white sports suit today, which made his complexion whiter and younger. The short black hair is scattered on the forehead, and the slender eyes are shiny and flowing, very beautiful, like a magazine star.

"After waiting for five days, it's finally time for you." He patted the grass on his body, stood up and walked in front of Xu Xu, his tall figure instantly enveloped her, "I want to eat with you tonight."

Xu Xu frowned and gave him a very strange look: "Don't eat. Please get out of the way." Then he walked around him and stared at the grass under his feet.

Ye Zixiao was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that he was ignored.

He has always been very clear that his appearance is very attractive to women.

Considering that he might meet this woman who interested him, he deliberately tidied up before going out today.

Although considering that she might be rejected, what was her expression just now? No shyness, no trance, no nervousness, no hesitation.

There is absolutely no woman who should have the normal response to the pursuit of a handsome man.

Ye Zixiao calmly looked her up and down: Today, she was wearing a black trench coat with a white shirt underneath, showing some delicate curves. It's just that he is really small, squatting at his feet, a small ball.

Such a small group actually rejected him.

Ye Zixiao decided to take a different approach: "What are you doing? Are you researching the case?"

Xu Xu didn't even glance at him: "The police are handling the case, please go away and don't get in the way." Then he stood up and stared at the surrounding environment.

Actually, that day, Xu Xu still had some impression of Ye Zixiao. Because he was a little grumpy, he chirped a few times beside her when she implemented the first aid measures.

So in her eyes, the current situation is that a wordy, narcissistic, and somewhat arrogant passerby suddenly appeared and "wanted" to have dinner with her.

Of course ignore him.

Ye Zixiao was silent for a moment, then turned and left. Xu Xu heard the sound of his footsteps leaving, and suddenly felt that the surroundings were clean.

After circling the grass, she felt almost there and planned to leave for the next park. Before leaving, he remembered Ye Zixiao and glanced at the lawn again, and it was really good that he was gone.

Unexpectedly, just after taking a few steps to the park gate, he heard suspicious footsteps behind him. Looking back, Ye Zixiao put his hands in his trouser pockets and followed him not far or near, with a calm expression on his face.

"Is something wrong?" Xu Xu patiently stopped.

"I want to eat with you."

"I reject."


Xu Xu stopped looking at him, turned around and took a few steps forward, but the slow footsteps followed. Looking back, he stared at her and smiled, his eyes were playful and smug.

Xu Xu had never met such a stalker and couldn't understand his thinking pattern. It was useless to refuse directly. She didn't like nonsense, so she continued to ignore it, and quickly walked out of the park and onto the subway.

There were not many people in the carriage, Xu Xu had just found a corner and stood up when he saw Ye Zixiao appearing across from him. With a distance of one meter, he leaned against the wall of the carriage, staring at her with his spare time. Xu Xu looked out the window indifferently.

But the others around were not as calm as Xu Xu.

Ye Zixiao was born tall, and he stood there with long hands and feet, occupying a large area. In addition, he was so striking, that kind of arrogant beauty, as if in the light-colored carriage, only he was alive and fragrant. Everyone around him unconsciously kept a little distance from him, and several young girls also glanced at him from time to time.

Then, naturally, someone soon noticed that this beautiful young man had been staring at Xu Xu. So many curious eyes turned to Xu Xu. Xu Xu's face became a little hot, and he glanced at Ye Zixiao coldly, and got off the bus as soon as he arrived at the station. Ye Zixiao of course followed closely, looking at her indifferent but blushing profile in the rush of people, her mood suddenly became very good.

After that day, Ye Zixiao followed her. Xu Xu was wandering around the park, so he found a bench and sat down, watching her figure without leaving his sight; Xu Xu was taking the subway, he must be looking at her affectionately in the public; Xu Xu took a taxi, he directly Throwing 100 yuan to the driver, sitting in the co-pilot, watching her from the rearview mirror.

At the beginning, Xu Xu was disturbed and anxious, looking at him like he was about to kill someone; he also said a word for N times, making him disappear immediately. But Ye Zixiao said over and over again, "I want to eat with you."

Xu Xu simply ignored him and concentrated on watching the crime scene.

When we arrived at the fourth park, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening, and the park was closed. Xu Xu took out his work permit and asked the staff to open the door for him. Just as Ye Zixiao was about to follow up, Xu Xu said to the staff indifferently, "I don't know this person, so don't let the casual staff come in."

The staff saw that Ye Zixiao was dressed in a splendid manner and did not stop him, and politely asked him to leave. Ye Zixiao watched Xu Xu walk into the dark alley with a small figure, and his tone became a little colder: "Do you have any eyesight? She's my girlfriend."

Just as the staff hesitated, Xu Xu's icy voice came: "If you let him in, both of you will be obstructing official business."

In the end, Ye Zixiao was still stopped outside.

The park is very big, he stood at the door for a while, Xu Xu's figure was long gone. The staff looked at him curiously: "Is this police officer really your girlfriend?"

Ye Zixiao replied lightly, "Sooner or later."

The staff laughed, Ye Zixiao threw him a pack of cigarettes, and the two chatted for a while before Ye Zixiao found a bench at the door and sat down.

When Xu Xu came out of the park gate, he saw the staff winking at him. Following his gaze, Ye Zixiao was sitting on a bench a few steps away, with his head resting on the back of the chair, his eyes closed, motionless, only his chest heaved steadily.

Washed moonlight, sprinkled with brown benches. This made Ye Zixiao look like a sleeping statue, with soft lines and handsome outlines. Xu Xu was in a good mood because he had some new ideas about the case. Looking at his quiet sleeping face, he was not as annoying as he was during the day.

"Officer, it's cold now. If you sleep like this, you'll catch a cold, so why don't you wake him up?" the staff member said.

Xu Xu glanced at him: "Goodbye." Then he walked to the subway station without looking back.

As soon as her figure was gone, Ye Zixiao opened his eyes and stood up, staring in the direction she left, without saying a word. This woman is really not at all soft-hearted. Isn't she a policeman? Even if she sees a stranger sleeping on the street, she should be a little sympathetic, right

Ignoring the playful eyes of the staff, Ye Zixiao closed his jacket and shrank slightly. It was really... so cold!

☆, heat outside and cold inside

The next day, Ye Zixiao really caught a cold. He sneezed in the morning and felt dizzy. After arriving at the company, his face was naturally not very good.

The people below saw that the little prince's face was hesitant today, and they didn't come forward because they knew it. Ye Zixiao fell into a peaceful state. He slept with his head covered in the office all morning, but at noon he was refreshed.

Speaking of which, the entire company was a little unsure of Ye Zixiao's temperament.

The Ye family founded Longxi Group, which has subsidiaries such as Longxi Construction, Longxi Transportation, and Longxi Electronics. The current chairman and president of the group is Ye Lanyuan. Ye Zixiao is his youngest son. He just returned from studying abroad last year and was parachuted into the CEO of Longxi Electronics.

Ye Zixiao is very casual with everyone and has no pretense. When he saw the cleaning lady in the corridor, he smiled and said hello; but he was quite strong at work. What if someone didn't perform up to his requirements? dismiss!

The secretary said no, Mr. Ye, this person is your eldest brother's high school classmate, and that person was the chairman's secretary back then. Ye Zixiao said, "Okay, I understand.

Then what to do. No one can call to beg for mercy, because of this, his father Ye Lanyuan lost his temper once. Saying we're a family business, entwined, and you're shaking the foundations. Ye Zixiao said, Dad, do you know how most family businesses in China died? Dead old. Longxi Electronics, since you gave it to me, I can do whatever I want.

In the company's business, he is also adventurous. Huge sums of money to introduce some foreign technology projects, some make big profits, and some lose life and death. However, after a year, it still earns more and loses less.

Because the age difference is quite big, and he went abroad when he was young, his brothers and sisters said that their relationship with him was not far away, or not close, but his cousin Ye Zixi had studied abroad with him for a few years, and they got along very well.

At noon that day, Ye Zixiao lazily ate the sick meal prepared by the secretary, and Ye Zixi called.

"I went to block someone yesterday, what were the consequences?" Ye Zixi seemed to be smiling at every word.

Ye Zixiao raised his eyebrows: "You said 'consequences', not 'results'. You expected me to be devastated by her? Congratulations, you guessed right, she didn't even bother to look at me."

Zi Xi laughed for a while and said seriously, "She is completely different from your previous girlfriends."

Ye Zixiao: "It's different."

Zi Xi didn't mention it anymore. Just as he was about to ask him about his finances, Ye Zixiao said, "Give me a tip, doesn't she eat the food you gave you every day?"

Zi Xi laughed: "That's different, you have plans for her."

"Do you have the heart to let your savior miss a good man like me?"

Zi Xi laughed, and thought for a while before answering, "Let me show you a clear path. Xu Xu has a brother who owns an accounting firm. You've seen it before, the last time you came to the group to bid."

Ye Zixiao thought for a while: "Xu Jun?"


Ye Zixiao: "Is the group sure to hire him?"

"Not far from ten." Ye Zixi replied, "His office is the best in the entire Southwest."

Ye Zixiao suddenly laughed: "Xu Jun, I have the impression that she is a good person, and she actually has such a weird little sister."

Ye Zixi just smiled.

After hanging up the phone, he thought about it and called his secretary: "I heard that there is an accounting firm that is discussing cooperation with the group, which is very good. You invite the person in charge and I will invite him to dinner. Our company's The account should be dealt with as well.”


For the next few days, Ye Zixiao didn't stop Xu Xu. However, Xu Xu did not remember his existence.

Early Monday morning, the Interpol team held a meeting to once again discuss the direction of the Park case. The backbone of the following regional bureaus also attended.

The sunlight is very good, and the solid wood table is shiny and soft. But everyone's expressions were serious. The chief has ordered that within five days, the criminal must be caught. It's just that everyone discussed it for half an hour, but there is still no conclusion.

It was thought that the offender was familiar with the park environment and was likely a park staff member. However, according to the preliminary screening results, no suspects were found;

It was also suggested that this person committed the crime in a park near the CBD, with obvious hatred for the rich, and should focus on the investigation of urban homeless and low-income people. But this proposal is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack;

Others say that the five-pointed star at the scene is representative. The criminals are most likely imitating foreign ways of committing crimes, or they may be pranks by troubled teenagers who are obsessed with crime novels;

Some people even say that CBD is a gathering place for people with high IQs, perhaps a white-collar worker who can't bear the pressure to retaliate against the society.

There are different opinions, and it seems that it is not.

As usual, Xu Xu and Yao Meng attended such important work meetings as non-voting delegates. The two of them sat in the two most inconspicuous places on the round table, Xu Xu buried himself in the minutes of the meeting, and Yao Meng listened very carefully.

However, Liu Zhixun, the deputy director and captain of the criminal police, was very open-minded, and said to the two girls kindly, "If you have any opinions, Xiao Yao and Xiao Xu can also express them."

Yao Meng's face was a little red, and she said, "Liu Bureau, colleagues, everyone's words are very reasonable, I benefited a lot, and also touched some of my thoughts. I want to add three points, I'm wrong, please Everyone criticized and corrected:

1. The criminal should be young, no more than 25 years old;

Second, have certain anti-social personality characteristics. Such people tend to be relatively unsuccessful in life and are less likely to be CBD elites. You can focus on hunting down unemployed vagabonds or low-income workers;

3. The criminal has not committed a crime for three days, I think he will start soon. But he is likely to move the crime scene. Because his target is obviously the CBD elite, he can predict the location of his crime: the subway has good monitoring facilities, he is unlikely to start, and office buildings are naturally not. More suitable for him are the shuttle buses and buses running through the CBD area. These lines are not many, it is recommended to send more police, perhaps to catch turtles in the urn. "

Everyone nodded their heads frequently, especially on the third point, Bureau Liu and her master, Officer Wu, both laughed. Officer Wu said: "When I spoke with Liu Bureau on the phone this morning, I also considered this possibility and was preparing to send additional personnel today."

Liu Ju: "It's good that Xiao Yao can think of this."

Yao Meng sat down with a serious face, but her cheeks turned even redder. Xu Xu hadn't been like her these few days, squatting outside all day. Hearing her opinion, although it was not in the same direction as she thought, it also made sense.

"Xiao Xu has an opinion?" Liu Ju said.

Everyone looked over.

Originally, when the two girls reported, everyone paid more attention to Yao Meng, and the impression of Xu Xu was that of a small, silent, and introverted girl. Of course, it's a little weird.

However, Xu Xu has been in the limelight these days. Not only did she save celebrity Ye Zixi, but the entire criminal police team ate her imported fruit for a week.

Xu Xu nodded, "I have an opinion." He stood up and opened the notebook in his hand.

Xu Xu wrote a detailed report overnight last night. The analysis of the case was sent to Ji Bai early this morning. But Ji Bai only replied with two words: "I have read it."

Later, Xu Xu showed it to Zhao Han, Zhao Han praised it very much, and persuaded her: "When you have a meeting tomorrow, you should not only talk about the conclusion, but also the reasoning process. And you must talk slowly, otherwise your psychological analysis , It sounds mysterious and hard to understand."

Xu Xu followed his good manners and prepared a detailed analysis process today.

"I analyzed the crime scene, the victim's behavior, and the criminal behavior. At the same time, I took into account the time of committing the crime, the tools of committing the crime, the motive for committing the crime, and referring to the data of crimes endangering public safety in recent years..." According to Zhao Han's suggestion, she said speaks slower.

Bureau Liu glanced at the clock on the wall and smiled: "Xiao Xu, let's just come to the conclusion."

Xu Xu replied, "Yes." He closed the notebook, pondered for a while, and said:

"1. The offender is a male, between the ages of 18 and 25, and has a high school education;

2. He works in the CBD and is a security guard;

3. His work performance is not good. In the past six months, he has been severely punished at work; he was not on duty last Saturday morning.

4. Personality is more irritable. He should have violated laws and regulations when he was young, or at least he was severely punished by the school; he had suffered major changes when he was young, such as family downfall, parents divorced; no, or only had a very superficial love relationship. "

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone was quiet, and no one spoke for a long time. In the end, Yao Meng's master, Officer Wu, asked, "So what we're looking for is a single security guard in the CBD who is 18-25 years old, has a high school education, has been punished within half a year, and was not on duty last Saturday?"

Xu Xu: "Yes." She blushed again, her pale skin was as thin as it was soaked with rouge. But those eyes were still so silent, making people shudder for no reason.

Bureau Liu smiled, gentle and serious: "Xiao Xu, tell me about the analysis process."


Lin City was in full swing, but Ji Bai lived a very leisurely life. That evening, he was fishing with Shu Hang in the suburbs. As soon as I sat down on the bow deck, the phone rang and a text message came.

It's Xiao Zheng, a young detective from the Eastern District Bureau below: "Team Ji, I have benefited a lot from a meeting with the Municipal Bureau today. You are really a famous teacher and a master student."

Ji Bai usually goes to the grassroots, and is very familiar with the criminal police below. Just as I was about to reply, the fishing rod in my hand sank and bit the bait.

After he finished picking up a big fish, he picked up his phone and looked at it. After a while, there were four or five more text messages.

Old Zhao of the West District: "Team Ji, I didn't know you had an apprentice. It's very good. Congratulations."

Xiao Xu from the East District: "Brother Bai, your apprentice showed a hand today, but it shocked us all! It's amazing!"

"Team Season, when will you accept me as an apprentice?"

"Old Ji, you made me jealous. You have another strong general in your hands! The key is women!"

"Third brother, why are you so fascinated?" Someone next to him asked.

Ji Bai did not answer, nor did he call Xu Xu to ask what happened. Instead, to the person who sent the text message, reply one by one:

"Xu Xu has little experience. For my sake, take more care."


When it got dark the next day, Xu Xu stared at the computer in a daze.

The people in the office are almost gone. After several days of searches, Bureau Liu authorized everyone to go home and sleep for the night, and report on time the next morning. Zhao Han packed up his things, walked over and whispered, "Xu Xu, go home and rest first."

Xu Xu slowly raised his head, glanced at him, and then slowly returned his gaze to the computer screen. He didn't speak, just waved his right hand slowly, signaling goodbye.

Zhao Han looked at her pale face covered by the light of the computer, sighed secretly, and left. After a while, Yao Meng, who was on the opposite side, also stood up with her bag on her back. Her eyes were filled with pity: "Xu Xu, go home, you've spent all day and night here. The analysis was wrong, and the suspect couldn't be caught. Your fault. Anyone can be wrong."

The answer to her was Xu Xu's inaudible "um".

Yao Meng came over and patted her on the shoulder, she didn't move. Yao Meng had no choice but to leave. After leaving the police station, Yao Meng thought about it, took out her mobile phone, and called Ji Bai.

"Team Ji, it's me, Xiao Yao. Nothing else... just... Xu Xu's business. She's in a low mood, I don't know if I should tell you... I think she needs encouragement now... Yes, it's about the case, you Don't you know that during the vacation? She made some bold inferences, Liu Bureau decided to investigate according to her ideas, and dispatched a large number of police forces, but no suspects were found, the inference was wrong, and it took a day for nothing...


Xu Xu was confident in her conclusion, she couldn't understand what went wrong.

Over the past 30 hours, the police conducted a large-scale investigation of the security guards in the CBD according to her description. In the end, 24 suspicious people were identified.

Then she followed the experienced old detective and met these people in person.

The answer is no. No one is a suspect.

First, they did not find any suspicious evidence at their residence, such as razor blades, on-site photos, etc.; second, most of them could provide alibi; third, even if there were a few people who could not provide time witnesses, Xu Xu and the old criminal police After the interrogation, they all believed that the other party was peaceful and had no criminal motive.

The criminal police team was so exhausted that they turned their backs on their horses and found nothing. Bureau Liu said that this time it was he who decided the direction of the investigation, and he came to report to the director for an explanation. No one complained, and no one pursued Xu Xu's fault.

But Xu Xu remained silent. After returning to the office, he just bury his head in checking his own data and analysis process over and over again.

The night was getting dark, and the whole building seemed to fall into a dark silence.

Xu Xu's eyes were a little dizzy, and his brain seemed to be dizzy and began to protest. But today's failure is like a piece of stiff expired bread stuck in the throat, unable to get up or down.

Leaning on the table, she decided to sleep for a while before fighting again.

It's just that he was obviously very tired, but he slept very lightly. The faces of the suspects, as well as several scenes of the crime scene, automatically flashed in his mind. In a daze, I heard the phone ringing, like it came from a dream, it kept ringing, and it kept ringing.

Xu Xu was jolted and woke up. Open blurry eyes.

It's the landline on the desk. The caller ID number is Ji Bai.

Xu Xu glanced at the clock on the wall, it was twelve o'clock.

It seems to be for the case.

scolding? That is also a normal reaction.

Xu Xu picked it up, "Team Season."

Ji Bai's voice was cold: "Have you thought about it while facing the wall?"

Xu Xu was silent, really thinking about it while facing the wall.

"Yes. I want to know what went wrong."

He said lightly: "Who judged that you were wrong? Did I say it? You can't wait to admit your mistake?"

Xu Xu was slightly startled, and then he heard him say, "Now report to me about your analysis process."

"It's in the mail."

Ji Bai paused for a moment, and then came the sound of the mouse. Then Xu Xu heard him say unhurriedly, "You mean this report of 30,000 words, 12 charts, and 17 annexes? I want you to listen to your dictation."

Xu Xu frowned: "Why?" Digital things are more precise than language.

"Anything can be explained clearly in a minute. If you can't explain it clearly, it just means you haven't thought through it thoroughly. Since you're too good at complicating simple things, I'll give you two minutes."

☆, meet by narrow road