When A Snail Loves

Chapter 30: (25)


As soon as he left, the assistant's slightly displeased voice came from behind immediately: "You are..." But he didn't finish, maybe it was stopped by Qin Shuhua. Lin Qingyan walked faster and faster, and regardless of whether the people behind him kept looking at him, he quickly escaped from the villa.

Early the next morning, Lin Qingyan submitted a letter of resignation to the company, and at the same time asked for sick leave and stopped going to work. Three days later, the assistant called, but he didn't answer it and hung up. After a while, Qin Shuhua called in person, but he still didn't answer and hung up.

A few days later, the resignation procedure was completed, and neither Qin Shuhua nor his assistant showed up again.

Years later, Lin Qingyan recalled this incident again, and realized that it was probably his overreaction that made Qin Shuhua angry and took the iron fist to deal with him later. If he had handled it better then, maybe Qin Shuhua would have let him go.

Of course, maybe not.

It's just that he was too humiliated at the time and didn't want to face Qin Shuhua at all. Not only because she used her power to covet him; most importantly, he kissed her greedily.

At this time, Lin Qingyan thought that this matter was over.

It wasn't until he went to several investment companies to apply for a job in succession that he did very well in the written test and interview, but he was all rejected, and then he felt that something was wrong. Later, someone leaked the news to him: "Why did you offend the Qin family? They have already spoken, and they want to block you."

block? For a boy who graduated less than half a year ago, the word is so grand. But the fact is, Mr. Qin, who wants to block a rookie in this industry, is really an effort.

Lin Qingyan was forced to the point that he could only go to some little-known small companies to apply for a job. But he studied mathematics, what can he do? clerk? Take an extremely meager salary and work with a bunch of extremely mediocre colleagues. And the boss of the company has to calculate with the employees even a copy of the paper.

But even this kind of work doesn't last long. He was obviously the best at his job, but he was fired for no reason. Others were very secretive about this, and he could only be silent.

After a few months, he was finally cornered. Four years of student loan repayments and nothing in your pocket. He was hungry for three whole days and wandered the streets. And Mr. Qin's people probably felt that the heat was coming, and they became more and more blatant. They drove the car and followed a few steps away.

He held his breath, looking for each restaurant and serving as a waiter, and they were guarding outside. The restaurant owner didn't dare to use it because of the situation.

In the evening, finally a restaurant was willing to use him. He ran back and forth all night in the hot and crowded small restaurant, and he didn't even know when he fainted on the ground.

When he woke up, he found himself lying on a very soft big bed, and he had changed into clean and comfortable clothes. This is a very luxurious room overlooking the lights of the whole city.

There was a plate of food by the bed, and he got up and devoured it.

The night wind blew the white gauze curtain, and Qin Shuhua sat behind the curtain, looking at him quietly and gently.

She didn't speak, and neither did he.

After a long time, Qin Shuhua sighed softly: "Why do you do this? Qingyan, I can help you realize your dream, and I can change your life. Not everyone in this world has such an opportunity."

☆, 69 Lin Qingyan Fanxia - When the peach is ripe

Ten years are like waking up from a dream. Looking back, Lin Qingyan was thirty-two years old, and Qin Shuhua was fifty-four years old.

The sky in Hong Kong is very blue. When I wake up every morning, Lin Qingyan will wear a black nightgown and stand on the viewing balcony, watching the sunrise silently. At this time, Qin Shuhua either leaned on his arms, or looked at his tall and slender body from behind, smiling without saying a word.

In recent years, from outsiders, Lin Qingyan has lived very well. Even he himself once thought so.

The adopted son of the chairman of Qin's group, from managing a small investment company to running half of the Qin's country. Others complimented him: "President Lin is just like Mr. Qin's biological son, and he is equally shrewd and courageous even in business." Like, of course. He was taught by Qin Shuhua, whether it is human, business or love.

He also has a lot of money. The pocket money Qin Shuhua gave, the annual salary as an executive, and the money he earned from his investment... Although compared with Qin Shuhua's assets, it was only a drop in the bucket, but it was enough for him to spend a few lifetimes. He also gave the former female head teacher a sum of money, but she resolutely didn't want it when she was pleasantly surprised, but Lin Qingyan insisted on giving it.

He works out every day, attends cocktail parties, dances, golf clubs, and lives like a real high-class person.

Even Qin Shuhua may really like him - she has never had another man, and many times, the two stay together like a real couple.

It's just that whenever I dream back at midnight, I look at the new silver threads in Qin Shuhua's hair next to me; I look at her smooth and white face like a dummy that she spends a lot of money to maintain every year; The skin strewn with age spots... The suffocating decay of the room is oncoming, and he sinks in it, no matter how good the future is, he will die.

Once back home, he got a lot of potassium cyanide from gold mines. It is said to be a completely painless poison. He thought that one day, either Qin Shuhua died or he died. Whoever it is, should die peacefully and happily.

However, the first time he killed a completely unrelated girl.

During that time, Qin Shuhua went to Malaysia to cultivate, and he stayed in Hong Kong. After working overtime until late at night, when I returned to the villa, I saw a cold room. Qin Shuhua's pajamas were still left on the bed. The room was filled with her faint scent of perfume. There were also the condoms they used yesterday in the trash can. Lin Qingyan suddenly felt unbearable, drove out of the villa and drove into the night alone.

He met Linda at a bar in Lan Kwai Fong. She was a very clean and beautiful girl. She was in her early twenties. She smiled with crooked eyes and two pear eddies on her face, which attracted the attention of the men in the audience.

Perhaps Lin Qingyan was born with the potential for crime. At this time, he didn't think of killing Linda at all, but he left the bar subconsciously and waited in the empty alley until Linda came out to pick up the car.

Everything happened after that. A handsome, gloomy guy driving a luxury car is attractive to any girl. Linda got into his car, and the two kissed passionately all the way. As soon as the car drove halfway up the mountain, they couldn't help but come once.

He took her to his villa—when Qin Shuhua was not in Hong Kong, he liked to be alone. What he did with Linda that night was very free, very intense, very happy. The young girl's body is so fresh and clean, the white and tender skin is like dripping water. Lin Qingyan licked her body inch by inch, not even letting go of her private parts and toes, Linda laughed and scolded: "What a pervert."

Change ~ change? Maybe. Lin Qingyan only knew that he was like a fish that had been dying for too long, and finally got the oxygen in the water, no matter how much she wanted her, it was not enough. In the end, Linda couldn't take it anymore, giggled, stretched out her hand and pushed him: "You're too fierce, enough can't come. I want to go home, drive me."

Lin Qingyan's eyes were as dark as a beast, and the gentle and fair beast pushed her back to the bed.

How could he be willing to let go of the redemption he finally got? If there is one more left of him, he will die, he will really die.

For more than ten days, he tied Linda to the bed with chains, fed her sleeping pills during the day, and only went to work when she fell asleep. Come back at night and do it whenever you have time. He also fed her Japanese sex element, which is a kind of aphrodisiac for women. Qin Shuhua sometimes uses a little bit, but he doubles the dose and uses it on small pets. Those nights were simply ecstatic, the little darling lay on his chest, submissive under him, for his scorn and favor.

The matter ended on the eve of Qin Shuhua's return to Hong Kong.

At this time, Linda was already like a walking corpse, confused, and when she was conscious, she only cried repeatedly and begged Lin Qingyan not to kill her.

But he can't help but kill, he is not a fool, he knows he has committed a serious crime.

And he didn't want to die now, he felt like he was alive again. The fresh and clean vitality of LInda seemed to be injected into his body.

He is so happy.

Linda died peacefully, the potassium cyanide making her face a faint blush. Lin Qingyan kept her refrigerated in the villa for three days, and finally reluctantly drove to the deserted suburbs and hid in the deep forest.

Qin Shuhua was the first to notice Lin Qingyan's change.

In the past, although Lin Qingyan was as close to her as a husband and wife, he always had an indescribable stubbornness and loneliness, which made her love and hate; recently, he has become more gentle and active, kissing warmer than before, watching her. His eyes were full of admiration. Every gesture is a mature man's sexy and bewitching temperament;

He became more and more comfortable in his career. The Qin family expanded rapidly under his control. Everyone said that Lin Qingyan led the Qin family into the second high-speed growth period...

He is like a pearl that has been dusty for a long time, and finally washes away the dust and begins to shine.

"Why?" Qin Shuhua asked out of breath when he was pressed by Lin Qingyan and asked eagerly.

Lin Qingyan lowered her head and kissed her deeply. After a long time, she stared at her and said, "Because I love you. In fact, I have always known, and you have known it, right? In the past, I just refused to face my heart."

This is the most beautiful love story Qin Shuhua has ever heard in her life. Even a shrewd and powerful business woman can't help but indulge in it.

After the cancer was detected, Qin Shuhua made a will and left all his property to Lin Qingyan without any hesitation. She has no husband and no children. Lin Qingyan has followed her for so many years, so who should he give it to

Lin Qingyan didn't react much to this, just smiled and said to her, "What do you do when you are happy."

Qin Shuhua was a little emotional and a little relieved. She knew why Lin Qingyan didn't care - now he can conquer boundless rivers and mountains by himself. He was the one she brought out, and now he is better than blue. Continue to stay by her side, mostly for that affection.

At the end of the day, the two have rarely been intimate. Qin Shuhua lived in a private sanatorium far away from the city, and Lin Qingyan put down all her work and waited on the front and back. Some doctors and nurses did not know the clue, and said with a smile, "Lin Shao is more filial to President Qin than his own son." Even Qin Shuhua lost his head, and sometimes touched his head and sighed: "If my biological son Still alive, and twenty-two years old. Wouldn't it be great if you were really my son?"

Whenever she hears such jerk words, the smile on Lin Qingyan's face can be described brightly: "We are like this, there is no difference. You can be my lover or my son. I always regard you as my most important woman. ."

Although he spends most of his time in the nursing home, Lin Qingyan still needs to return to the company frequently to handle affairs.

It was at this time that Feng Ye appeared.

Some people are born excellent, no matter where they stand, they can attract everyone's attention.

For example, Feng Ye.

The young project manager of the cooperative company is amazingly talented. In addition to his handsome appearance, steady and humorous personality, he has no background, but he quickly became famous in the shopping mall.

Lin Qingyan soon became friends with Feng Ye. Equally smart and sophisticated, equally enterprising, have the same taste, the same ambition... Lin Qingyan likes to stay with this young man, and even spares no effort to support him.

He let him see himself back then.

If it weren't for the later mistakes, he might not have made it to the top. But he will live like Feng Ye, so young and gorgeous.

That was the life he wanted, but life could never be turned back. He is Lin Qingyan, not Feng Ye, even if he is about to own the entire business empire, even if he has killed five people, he cannot really save himself.

The secret of Feng Ye's life experience was discovered by him three months later.

He clearly remembered that it was a gloomy rainy day. He drove out of the nursing home because of stomach pains, stopped the car, and rested at a nearby cafe. At this moment, he saw Qin Shuhua's assistant driving to the top of the mountain in the rain.

Time flies so fast, the assistant who used to be like a fox in the past is now a middle-aged man with white hair. It's just that since Lin Qingyan was in charge of the Qin family, he found an excuse to send him far away and let him be a wealthy idler.

What did Qin Shuhua find him for today

Lin Qingyan immediately drove and returned to his villa in the middle of the mountain. When I got to the study, I turned on the device, and there was a clear conversation.

Qin Shuhua is now in his control, and the sanatorium is arranged by him, and the room is naturally equipped with bugs.

"I have already experienced DNA." The assistant's voice was a little emotional, "President Qin, Feng Ye is indeed your son."

Qin Shuhua was silent for a long time. This is the first time Lin Qingyan heard her voice choked: "I see. Let me think about it and bring him to see me again."

Here, Lin Qingyan turned off the bug and smiled at the misty rain curtain.

What is she thinking about

Early the next morning, Lin Qingyan went to the sanatorium to see Qin Shuhua. She didn't look any different, smiled and asked him to help him take a walk in the courtyard. The grass was green after the rain, and her face looked more radiant than usual.

Is it because the real son was found

She didn't mention anything about Feng Ye, and Lin Qingyan just looked at her with a faint smile.

Two days later, Lin Qingyan watched the assistant again to see her.

This time, her attitude was very straightforward, as if she had regained her former demeanor of a decisive female emperor.

"This matter is a little troublesome. You can bring a lawyer and revise your will. I'll leave everything to Feng Ye." She said lightly, "I've given Qingyan enough, this matter is for the time being. There's no need to tell him. When I'm dead, I'll declare my will."

Lin Qingyan listened quietly, and when there was no sound from the other end, he realized that his eyes were a little wet.

He was really, very envious of Feng Ye, having such a good mother.

He went to the assistant that night and cut to the chase: "I'll give you 30%."

The loyal assistant instantly widened his eyes.

It is true that Qin Shuhua promised him very favorable conditions. But 30% of Qin's shares? Only a lunatic would make such crazy conditions.

Qin Shuhua had taught him that everything should be spared and spared. So before the overall plan was launched, Lin Qingyan gave her one last chance.

Or, he gave him a reason to betray her.

There is a girl in the company who has been pursuing him for a long time, and he has been rejected by him, which also makes him a little annoying. Right now, he took the ring to look for the girl: "this request is very abrupt... President Qin's illness has reached a terminal stage. She said that before she died, she wanted to see me get married, which was the last wish of the elders. Could you help me with this? , fake engagement with me? I can't find anyone else willing to help for a while."

Of course girls do. Fake drama is real, contract marriage, romantic and ambiguous. Moreover, Lin Qingyan has been single for many years, and everyone says that he is a good man who cleans himself.

The sound of the wind soon "passed" to Qin Shuhua's ears as Lin Qingyan wished.

The last time Lin Qingyan went to visit, she was lying on the cold bed. Chemo had made her so old and weak that it was disgusting to look at. But he still bowed his head and kissed her.

She doesn't mention his fiancee and betrayal at all, and neither does he. The two were like an old husband and wife, he fed her and massaged her stiff limbs. Finally, hold her and watch the sunset.

"Recently, I want to stay alone. You don't have to come here because you are busy with the company." She said softly, "After I die, you can also start a new life, which is also my wish."

Looking at her hypocritical face, Lin Qingyan almost burst out laughing.

her wish? Did his "betrayal" finally make her feel relieved? Let go of the last bit of guilt in your heart for him? Then keep him in the dark like a fool, just waiting for everything to be handed over to her biological son

He had been with her for ten years, but when Feng Ye appeared, would he be considered a fart? Instantly knocked back to its original shape.

Lin Qingyan didn't leave immediately, but walked over to draw the curtains and closed the door again. The house fell into darkness, and Qin Shuhua wondered, "What are you doing?"

Lin Qingyan's voice was gentle: "I have something to tell you."

"… What's up?"

"No fiancée. I only have you in my heart, how can I have a fiancée? It's just to anger you."

Qin Shuhua broke out in a cold sweat, and she felt that Lin Qingyan seemed to have changed: "...why do you want to provoke me?"

Lin Qingyan seemed to not hear her question at all, and continued to speak on her own:

"How could I make you sad? I killed the fiancee who made you unhappy."

"Look, this is the second will you asked your assistants and lawyers to prepare. I tear it up now and pretend it never happened."

"By the way, I also killed a lot of people."

"Do you know what I'm going to do next? Bring in your excellent son and accompany us, okay?"

Qin Shuhua, there is a saying, you are really right.

What if I were your son? I want to be your biological son, and you are my kind and majestic mother, teach me to grow up, teach me to be a person, protect me, take care of me, and don't let anyone hurt me. There will be no such filth in my life, and I will not need blood and life to survive the redemption.

If I were not Lin Qingyan, but Feng Ye, that would be great.

Yes, why can't I be Feng Ye? sure.

From now on, I will be Feng Ye, I will inherit my mother's property, I will live a carefree life, and my life can finally be restarted.

It had been three years since he met Yao Meng.

For the past three years, he has lived peacefully. There is no Qin Shuhua, and no murder is committed. The business in his hands is left to others to take care of. He only looks at the general accounts every year and determines the strategic direction of the group. Sometimes he would think, life is still so long, if it is Feng Ye, what wish is left unfulfilled

That wish was called Yao Meng.

The photo of Feng Ye in his wallet made Feng Ye keep away from all women.

It was a very bright morning. He sat in the car and waited for a while at the gate of the old community, when he saw a young girl in a light pink sportswear running towards him facing the sun. Clear black eyes, full white face like an apple.

Lin Qingyan felt that his breathing was stagnant.

If the girls obtained before were all a pleasant conquest, Yao Meng was undoubtedly the jewel in the crown that the knights most wanted.

What's more, she is Feng Ye's sweetheart. Just thinking about this identity made him feel uncomfortable.

In the blink of an eye, she had already run to the corner of the street, and Lin Qingyan started the car and followed slowly. Unexpectedly, he turned around, but found that there was no one in front of him. He was staring around when he heard someone slapping the car window.

The goddess is near.

"What are you doing?" she asked with a frown. "Take out the documents. I'm a policeman."

He looked at her and smiled slowly.

Thousands of mountains and rivers, the world is reincarnated, I am only here for you.

In fact, the two have known each other for only a year, and they have not been together for more than half a year.

But this was the fastest time in Lin Qingyan's life.

With her, he is a successful businessman whom everyone looks up to, a lucky man whom she admires - he replaces Feng Ye, and finally finds his former love; when she is not by his side, he hunts recklessly in the city, as happy as a wandering soul. Ghost, degenerate like a demon in the world.

But he never thought to kill her because she was his lover.

He has only been loved by Qin Shuhua, so he will only love people in her way. Therefore, he kept Yao Meng by his side, treating him like a lover and a daughter. When he dies, leave everything to her and let her be alone and happy forever.

The balance was finally broken one day.

She was raped by Tan Liangqiang.

Lin Qingyan instigated Tan Liang to determine all the guilt, but he never expected that he would go into the last madness before dying, and it was his woman who hit the gun.

It doesn't matter, dear. Tan Liang was already dead, and if he killed Xu Xu again, it seemed like it never happened.

But when did she become suspicious of him

From the moment before Lin Qingyan died, he clearly remembered that night and Yao Meng's tears.

It was the tenth day of the second month after she was insulted by Tan Liang. He went to the hospital for chemotherapy and arrived home very late. The lights in her room had been turned off, and Lin Qingyan was afraid of waking her up, so he slept in the guest room by himself.

As usual, he turned on the monitor and just wanted to see her sleeping face. But she saw her sitting alone in a dark room, tightly covering her mouth with her hands, and sobbing extremely depressed.

There are a few pictures scattered around her. They were all the previous victims. He took pictures and stored them in the basement. She didn't know the existence of the basement before, but at this moment, she had obviously found it.

The long night was bleak and cold, and the two were sitting in different rooms across a wall. Lin Qingyan watched her cry and took out her cell phone, dialed two numbers and then dropped it; cried and picked it up, then dropped it; picked it up, then dropped it... She looked so miserable and desperate, her whole body trembled violently, as if she had been abandoned by everyone .

Lin Qingyan's tears also fell unconsciously.

Angel, my last angel, love my angel so much.

Why didn't I meet you sooner

In the best years, in the most beautiful seasons, the whole world will not bother you, only I am as clean as ever, and I approach you with a smile.

☆、70 Feng Ye Fanwai - You and I are both mortals

I knew from a young age that I was different from others.

I'm not afraid of pain, I don't cry, and I rarely feel sad. The world looks so beautiful to me.

My parents are deaf and mute, and they are not bad for me. The family has so little money. They raised me to be tall and tall, and I am skinny. What a pair of poor bastards.

So I never killed them, and kept a lot of things from them. Let them continue to live in their own happy and poor little world and live in ignorance for the rest of their lives. I can be considered filial.

When I was ten, I was in fourth grade. One afternoon when I went to school, I found that many of my classmates were crying. It was only after I asked that I found out that the elderly math teacher had died of a sudden illness in the morning. The classroom was full of weeping, and the young female head teacher said to everyone with tears in her eyes, "Let's mourn together."

I wanted to laugh at the time. When someone else died, why should we mourn in silence? The old mathematician is very wordy, and always thinks that my workbook is not clean enough - all, my solution ideas are so good. So it looks good that he died.

Who knew that the head teacher looked very surprised when he saw me: "Feng Ye, why are you... laughing?"

All the children looked over with tears in their eyes, so silly.

Immediately, I flattened my mouth and cried out on the table with a "wow"—I am a good student, and of course I know how a good student should behave, but I just forgot.

After a while, I felt the head teacher come over, touched my hair, and said to another teacher next to me: "It seems that he is frightened. The math teacher usually likes him the most."

I buried my face in my arms and smiled.

Although there is such a thing as compassion, I really can't find it, but I still love life very much.

I love the admiration of my teachers, the admiration of my classmates, and this hypocritical and beautiful world. I'm so happy every day, so happy that I'm a little bored.

When I was twelve years old, I hurt someone for the first time. That one time was like enlightenment and made me kind of understand why I was bored.

It was after school in the afternoon, and I was walking fine when a big boy rushed out, grabbed me by the collar and beat me. When I felt a sharp pain in my cheek, I obviously felt refreshed, and I was actually a little excited.

Soon I was beaten to the ground, my stomach hurts, my head hurts, and I see my nosebleeds on the dirty mud floor.

The boy hummed and said, "Don't be with Zhao Tingting in the future, she is my girlfriend."

Oh I see. It was a fifth-grade girl who wrote me a love letter, with fair skin and big eyes.

I nodded.

The boy turned around and left, very proud, his footsteps seemed to float. I got up like a cat without a sound, picked up a brick from the ground, and smashed it hard at the back of his head...

I have to say that the boy is one or two years older than me, and his vision is very good. The spot he picked for the sneak attack was a secluded path with trees blocking it. I squatted beside him for a while, but I didn't see anyone passing by. I watched the blood seep like red ink, slowly seeping out of the hole in his head, onto the ground, and seeped into the soil. So slow, so quiet.

I got a little blood on my finger and put it in my mouth to taste it. The faint fishy smell, but I seem to feel a sense of pleasure in the depths of my body.


Leaving the path, I went home as usual, made a meal, ate some by myself, and left the rest to my parents. They get off work late. Then I went to my neighbor's house to help my third-grade little sister review her homework before doing my own homework. The neighbors were a little annoyed when they saw the wound on my face: "Who bullied you?" They brought some medicinal wine and smeared them on me.

"It's a classmate from the senior year." I replied in a low voice, "It seems to be for girls, I don't understand. I was knocked out and came back when I woke up."

The neighbors were so angry that they called the head teacher at that time.

The next day, the boy's parents came to the school aggressively looking for me. Their home is in good condition, and they drove over there. The head teacher and several other young teachers were so angry that they pulled me in front of the parents: "See for yourself, what does your son think of Feng Ye? He has never conflicted with his classmates. He is a good student. How could it be possible? Hit your son with a brick?"

"Yes, not to bully people like this. Feng Ye's parents are deaf and mute, and the family conditions are not good, but they are so diligent and hardworking. Your sons fight all day long... "

"Could it have been someone else? Did your son see the attacker at that time?"

In the end, this matter was over, and my life opened a new window.

The first murder was in high school.

At that time, I suddenly had a lot of spiritual food - Hong Kong movies spread to the mainland: The True Colors of Heroes, Shanghai Beach, Young and Dangerous... Looking at the flesh and blood flying in front of the camera, I could feel the hot sweat on my palms. There was an old VCR at home, and my parents had gone to work. I closed the curtain and sat alone in the dark room. It's a summer storm outside, and I freeze and replay those shots; freeze and replay.

Suddenly there is an urge to hold on to his lifeblood and quickly set up ~ get it.

I have never felt like today when I felt like I was in a rush, and the peak-like feeling just made me feel as if my whole body was immersed in a sea of happiness.

It felt like a poison, a cure, something I desperately longed for deep in my veins, and I couldn't stop it. I don't want to stop at all.

Life is short, you and I are both mortals. Why block

But killing is a technical job, I don't want to do it in a shoddy way, and I have to avoid the police, so I can't leave any clues.

After the final exam, I got my grade 1 report card and finally had time to start my own business. I carefully researched for more than ten days, and finally chose to do it on a sunny afternoon.

It was a small park in the city, because it was a weekday, the sun was shining, and there were few people. I sat for a while in a corner with no surveillance cameras and no one, when a young man walked up the path and smiled at me.

bingo! It is said on the Internet that this park is a holy place for Gay gatherings, and it is true.

The man was twenty-seven or eight-year-old, he was tall, and he looked oily and powdery. He sat down beside me: "Anyone?"

I nodded and smiled at him.

He put his hand on my shoulder - it's fucking disgusting.

"My house is nearby, do you want to go and sit?" he asked softly.

I thought about it and answered: "I don't like being outside. Go to my place. The place is big." I looked at him with a little wariness, and he smiled: "Little brother is very wary, okay, uncle will follow you. go."

"Then... I'll be waiting for you at the bus stop." I held my breath and blushed. He touched my back again and nodded.

We left the park in tandem.

I took him to an abandoned factory in the suburbs. I built a shed here, with old sofas and old beds, and my school uniform draped over the armrests.

He was taken aback: "Are you a high school student?"

"Well." I poured a glass of water and handed it to him, "so I dare not be in the city..."

His smile deepened, he took a sip of water, and started to take off my clothes, and then fell unconscious on the bed.

Um... what a stupid man. He deserved it.

I played until the next evening before I left the factory and went home.

I first covered him with plastic wrap so it wouldn't smell too much, then divided it into two woven bags and left it in the corner of the shed to cover it with debris. Tonight, I put a small portion in a black plastic bag and took it home. After walking out of the factory for a long time, I met my father and his co-workers on the side of the road. He smiled and said to me: "Xiao Ye is picking up bottles again?" He said to the people around him, "This child is too sensible. He has excellent grades, and he will definitely Tsinghua University in the future. North University."

I nodded embarrassedly: "Hello, uncle. Do what you can, you should."

When they were far away, I looked at the bulging bags in my hands - how could they be bottles? Really a god.

In the end, I found a barren mountain and buried the bones of this man. Once saw the police go to the park to investigate, but no one would suspect a high school student in a school uniform.

Yao Meng, this girl, I noticed it from the beginning of high school. Not only because she is beautiful and good at learning, but also because everyone always likes to call me and her a couple, what kind of "golden boy and girl".

To be honest, I like her a lot too. I am also a normal man, and every time I see her breasts and her legs, I feel very comfortable. I also get upset when I see her talking to other boys. And she looked at me with a stern look, and she didn't know what to think. But every time I kill someone, I look at the terrified look in the other person's eyes and always think of Yao Meng—I immediately became hard.

It is clear that the relationship is in the third semester of high school. One day at noon, I was sitting on the school lawn eating a bento. She came and brought a bento box.

"Feng Ye, you hide here to eat every day!" Her voice was clear and soft, and her beautiful face looked like a flower in the sun.

"Yeah." I smiled at her, "Are you looking for me?"

She seemed a little embarrassed and replied, "I didn't find you!"

So hypocritical, so contrived, so cute.

We ate in silence. After a while, she blinked and looked at the meat in my lunch box: "What meat is that?"

"Braised pork."

"I know it's braised pork!" she laughed. "Is it pork? It doesn't look like it."

I also laughed: "Yes, Miss, it's not pork, it's actually human flesh. Do you dare to try it? Don't ask if you don't." I took a piece and handed it to her.

She glared at me: "What's wrong? I want to be a policeman in the future."

I watched her actually eat that piece of meat.

She frowned: "It's a bit hard to chew, what kind of meat is it?"

I put down the lunch box: "Idiot, it's camel meat. One of my dad's co-workers brought it to him when he came back from another place."

"You're an idiot." She glanced at me and got up to leave.

I grabbed her hand, her body froze slightly, and her face immediately turned red.

I hold her soft face with my other hand, her big eyes are like two puddles of water, Yingying looks at me: "What are you... doing?"

I bowed my head and kissed. She struggled a bit, put her hand on my chest, and didn't move.

I haven't kissed, I can only guess based on the pictures on TV. So I kissed hard, sucking her tongue hard. There was a faint meaty aroma in her mouth, and another clean and fresh taste, mixed together... I was almost immediately hard, bang hard bang hard. Fortunately, the school uniform pants were wide, she didn't notice it.

Look at her slightly trembling eyelashes, crimson cheeks. As I bit her mouth, I thought: She's more charming than I thought.

After a good semester with her, I didn't kill anyone.

This is a very strange feeling, as if another part of the body has been satisfied, and the desire to kill is not as strong. Whenever I hug her, touch her, kiss her, strip her naked