When A Snail Loves

Chapter 31: (26)


Putting it on the small sofa in my living room and making out; or coaxing her to hold my lifeblood with her hand and letting me cum on her white and smooth body... It's so exciting, so cool, it's not worse than killing someone.

It's a pity that she always sticks to the last line of defense and doesn't let me in. Even if I licked it clean and slippery, she wouldn't.

"Feng Ye, this is my bottom line." She said solemnly, "Don't even think about it, and don't coax me. If you dare to force me, I'll sue you for rape. So you died here. Heart!"

Rely on, ruthless, really ruthless. I still have to go to college, and I believe she can really do it.

However, this regret, after many years, I still filled it. What's mine is mine after all, she can't escape.

After a long time, and Yao Meng still refuses to do it, I feel a little bit anxious.

The weather was not very good that day, and it was as gloomy as the face of a dead man. I went around the street a few times and couldn't find a suitable target. When I got home in the evening, I was quite disappointed. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Yao Meng rubbed her eyes and sat up from the sofa, "Why did you come back? I've been waiting for you for a long time."

This scene is so beautiful.

There was a soft yellow light in the room, Yao Meng was wearing a red dress, and her skin was as white as snow. The long black hair glowed like satin under the lamp.

As I watched her approach, I felt the desire in my body, like crazy weeds, growing uncontrollably.

What kind of desire ~ desire, I can't tell.

Either is good, it is possession.

I picked her up and walked to the room: "Xiao Meng, I will give you a night you will never forget."

Who knew that she pushed me with an embarrassed face: "Don't say more!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a dull laughter from the bedroom, the door was opened with a creak, and several classmates burst into laughter, one of whom was holding a cream birthday cake full of candles.

Yao Meng was even more embarrassed, and buried her face in my chest~mouth: "I asked them to celebrate your birthday...why are you talking nonsense!"

Oh, so it was.

I was pulled by Yao Meng and sat in the middle of a group of classmates, in front of the cake candle.

"Make a wish!" She looked at me with bright eyes.

No one ever celebrates my birthday. Deaf and mute parents would not have such leisure and thought, but Yao Meng, who knows where she saw my birthday. Such a carefree girl, she also cares about me.

I put my arms around her waist: "I hope to be with Yao Meng forever."

Everyone was booing, Yao Meng's eyes were a little wet: "Idiot! Saying your wishes won't work."

I bowed my head and kissed her: "No, it will work."

I don't kill you, we can be together forever.

The breakup came faster than expected, but it seemed reasonable.

Maybe other girls' boyfriends are richer than me, they can watch movies, eat chocolates and buy dresses, but I can only hold her hand and lead her around the park; maybe it is often in my house Going in and out, seeing my stupid deaf and mute parents, and the desolation of the room, made her feel a little bit of disgust. shake…

In fact, I didn't care, I said to the head teacher, "I'm serious about dating her, and it doesn't affect my grades. I won't break up."

However, the head teacher said, "Yao Meng has already agreed to break up with you. Her grades have dropped a lot this semester. You don't think about yourself, but also for her."

When I went back to the classroom, I saw Yao Meng lying on the table, crying a lot. Several girls next to her were comforting her.

I walked over and sat down at the table across from her, and everyone in the classroom was looking at us.

"Don't cry." I rubbed her hair, "Xiaomeng, my love for you will not change. I will come back to you in a few years when I have a career foundation."

She cried more fiercely, but did not do anything to save her.

I think it's normal, this is my Yao Meng. But she probably didn't understand, I said this very seriously. I don't have the patience to spend a few more years finding a girl with such an appetite.

After that my life changed completely.

My parents confessed to me that they were not my biological parents. I was too bored to stay in Lin City and couldn’t kill more people. I simply went to a university in Hong Kong and searched for my relatives by the way—to see what kind of parents they lost me.

And the biggest mistake in my life was being calculated by Lin Qingyan's pervert.

It was a ridiculous accident. I became a serial killer out of nowhere. I thought that some of the previous bodies were accidentally salvaged by the marine police - I obviously lost it in the high seas far away. I had to keep running and running, and then I figured out that the other murderer was the fuck on my head.

Later, it was already hard evidence. I called my best friend, who is a lawyer, and only persuaded me politely: "I don't believe you did it either. But... it must be the death penalty."

I had to keep running away. Then I slowly figured it out, it turned out to be the case, and I wanted to laugh.

Fucking Hong Kong is a treasure of feng shui, I met Lin Qingyan on a narrow road. It is estimated that even he does not know, I am his kind.

I hid in the mountains of Lin City for three years.

Do I hate Lin Qingyan? No, of course I don't hate it. If I were him, I would do the same. Winning the king and defeating the bandit, what's there to hate. But I am very patient, sooner or later he will commit crimes, and sooner or later I will be able to turn things around.

But he is really sick. He dresses up dead people like lovers. It seems that he has been tortured by my mother for years, and his brain has been tortured.

At the beginning of the third year, I met Tan Liang.

It was a spring morning, and I was sitting in a cave, roasting freshly fetched rabbit meat. Suddenly there were footsteps approaching, and then there was a white young man in the uniform of a ranger, looking at me quietly: "What are you doing here?"

"Barbecue." I cut off a piece with a dagger and handed it to him, "Do you want it?"

He smiled: "Why not?"

Over time, we became brothers. He was alone in the mountains, guarding the forest. He had no friends and only called me eldest brother.

He didn't speak much, but whenever I asked him why a college student came to guard the forest, or asked about his leaders and colleagues, he was extremely silent, and there was a particularly gloomy light in his eyes.

Oh, another one of its kind.

The world is really twisted.

I live in a cave, he lives in the ranger's quarters. Sometimes they also visit each other for the night. One night, I shot two turtledoves and took them to him. In the distance, the door was closed. I went to the window to take a look, and I was very happy: he was pressing a woman and doing it on the bed.

I know he's always been a virgin. It's rare to have sex today. I don't know what kind of girl is willing to follow him. At first I watched it with relish. After all, after three years of drought, it made me feel hard and uncomfortable. After a while, I sensed something was wrong—the woman's face was pale, motionless, and her hands were hanging by the side of the bed, like she was dead.

When he shot on the ground, I saw the corpse spot on the woman's thigh - I clap, this kid is really fucking hard. Where did you find a corpse that looked like a flower and jade to do it? Are you so hungry

When I took a closer look, this woman's appearance, temperament, and clothes seemed familiar.

I pushed open the door and walked in. Tan Liang's face was red and white at first. Seeing that I was looking at the body calmly, he crouched down behind me and smiled, "I picked it up in the woods. Brother, do you want to come?"

I laughed and scolded: "Fuck you, I don't kill people."

In three or two sentences, I asked clearly, Tan Liang's condition when he found the body. I stayed in the deep mountains, isolated from the world, and at this moment I was almost certain - Lin Qingyan was here.

You see, fate has turned back again, isn't it

As a courtesy, I decided to give Lin Qingyan a greeting.

First convince Tan Liang to send the body back intact. Tan Liang understands this - he doesn't want to go to jail. Then show him the information about the Angel case - of course, all the reports about the murderer, that is, me, are withheld. So Tan Liang just regarded me as a revenant and didn't know my origins in this matter.

"Here comes the murderer," I said to Tan Liang. "He is a man. In order to study him, I even got some potassium cyanide and Japanese sex elements. I am familiar with his modus operandi."

There was light in Tan Liang's eyes: "Brother, you don't want to imitate him and commit crimes, do you?"

"It's hard to say." I smiled, "If you really imitate it, it's counted on his head anyway. I'll try it when I get a chance."

But Tan Liang's madness exceeded my expectations. I thought he was going to struggle for at least a month, but on the third day he brought a comatose woman to my cave, dressed as a donkey, and asked me for medicine. Of course I gave it, and I also gave him all the information about the Angel case.

Yes, once the door of desire is opened, who can resist it. It's just that Tan Liang is too stupid, so he arrested someone in the mountains, didn't he lead the blame on himself? I'm really afraid of teammates like pigs. The police are bound to search the mountains, so I immediately started to pack my bags and hide in the more hidden mountains.

A few days later, it was really turbulent. I hid in the cave and overlooked the mountains from a distance, and I could see police cars constantly shuttling between the mountain roads. Tan Liang was desperate, and he must come to the cave where I originally lived to find me. The location where I am hiding right now is just where I can see the passage up the mountain, which is convenient for me to observe the police evacuating before running out of the deep mountain.

Who would have guessed that that night, he saw Tan Liang driving a BMW galloping over. The co-pilot is still relying on the person. He parked the car at the foot of the mountain and took the man down.

The moon was bright and I could see the woman's face clearly.

Yao Meng

How could it be Yao Meng

I followed them up the mountain.

Tan Liang was holding a person, I was naturally faster than him, and went back to the cave first, pretending to be sleeping.

"Brother, hurry up and leave." He threw Yao Meng on my bed, "The police are chasing me."

I frowned, "How could this be?"

He was still a little proud, and told me about his plan with Lin Qingyan. It turned out that when he moved the second corpse, Lin Qingyan stared at him. When he discarded the third body, Lin Qingyan appeared and negotiated with him. Tan Liang is so stupid, how can he be Lin Qingyan's opponent. Lin Qingyan told him that the clues to the third person he killed were too obvious. The police had already started searching the mountain, and he would definitely die. Anyway, it is death, it is better to take the blame for him. And Lin Qingyan helped him bring down the original leader, and at the same time gave his parents a lot of money.

The two settled on that.

As soon as Tan Liang finished speaking, he looked at me: "Brother, why are you laughing? Do you think my deal is worth it?"

I laughed: "It's worth it, of course it's worth it."

I just didn't expect that Lin Qingyan would retaliate with his own way. This round, he actually won again. It's really annoying.

I looked at Yao Meng on the bed again, "What is this woman?"

Tan Liang replied: "I bumped into it on the road." There was excitement in his delicate eyes, "Anyway, I'm going to die, let's have fun again before I die, it's so cool."

"Hurry up, I'm leaving." I patted his shoulder and left the cave. After walking for a while, I quietly turned back and saw from a distance that he had already taken off himself and was taking off Yao Meng's pants.

I took out the anesthesia gun and fired.

I dragged the unconscious Tan Liang to the side, I sat down beside the bed, looked at Yao Meng, and still sighed in my heart.

She is prettier and sexier than ever. I caressed her face, her neck, her chest... the sense of touch in memory. And Tan Liang had already fed her sex elements, she frowned slightly, her cheeks became more and more red, and her body was twisting under my hands.

Yao Meng, I think you are more willing to do it with me than Tan Liang.

I took off her top, saw the purse in her pocket, took it out and laughed.

It's a group photo of her and Lin Qingyan. Lin Qingyan looked so gentle, and her smile was even brighter than when I was with me.

Lin Qingyan, this lunatic, even takes my wife

I put my wallet back in her pocket, turned off the light in the cave, and looked down at her.

Lin Qingyan, what does it mean to be clever but be mistaken by wisdom? Who will win and who will lose in this game

Her breathing became heavier and louder, and in the darkness, the blood in my whole body seemed to boil over it.

Once plugged in, it's cool.

Yao Meng, Lin Qingyan and I, who makes you more comfortable

Of course it is me. How does that old pervert compare to me

Dear Xiaomeng, since God sent you to me again, I will never let you go in this life.

☆, 71 Season Bai Xu Xu Fanwai - Spring Flowers Will Bloom

1. Marriage proposal

One month after the Lin Qingyan case, everything was settled. Xu Xu has been pregnant for more than six months.

Ji Bai begins to propose his fourth marriage.

Originally, Ji Bai did not believe in gods and Buddhas, but when he was having dinner with Zhao Han that day, he mentioned that he proposed marriage three times. , but Ji Bai will not tell the truth to Zhao Han). Zhao Han looked quite shocked: "Boss, you have to turn around!"

Ji Bai raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "How to transfer?"

Zhao Han thought for a while, his eyes lit up: "Well, Manman and I are going to Luohan Temple for vegetarian meals this weekend. The Luohan Temple is very spiritual, you can take Xu Xu there." He looked solemn: "Boss! Believe it or not!"

Ji Bai thought for a while, smiled and nodded.

It was the weekend, Zhao Han and Manman led Ji Bai Xu Xu into the Luohan Temple. Looking up, I saw the fragrance of trees and flowers, the green brick courtyard, and the light smoke.

In the open space on the right side of the Buddhist house, there is a Zhang Incense Table, a monk is sitting behind, and a sachet is neatly placed on the table.

"This is a wishing charm," Manman said, "must ask for one!"

The sachet is quite delicate, with fish pattern on brocade cloth and gold thread winding. Opening the bag, there was also a piece of paper soaked in sandalwood to write a wish.

Xu Xu stretched out his stomach and couldn't bend down, patted Ji Bai, motioned him to turn around, pressed the paper on his back, and wrote carefully, stroke by stroke.

"Growing old together".

Ji Bai turned his back to her, his handsome face stretched out, and a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When she finished writing, Ji Bai looked over and asked, "What did you write?" Xu Xu quickly folded the note and answered seriously, "Didn't you listen to Manman? It doesn't work when you say it? Have you written it?"

Ji Bai grinned, took the pen, wrote his own on the incense case, and put it in the bag.

The Luohan Temple worshiped several big Buddhas, Zhao Han and the two shook for a while, and then went to pay homage to Guanyin. Ji Bai and Xu Xu strolled to the main hall. Because it was still early, there was no one in the hall. A tall golden lacquer Buddha stood in the hall, solemn and silent, with boundless dharma.

Xu Xu: "Help me to say goodbye."

Ji Bai supported him and knelt down slowly on the futon in the middle. Xu Xu folded his hands together, closed his eyes and said silently: First, I wish my father, brother, and third brother to be healthy; Second, I wish the children were born safely and grow up healthily; Well, there seems to be no other wishes.

Ji Bai stood by the side, looking down at her fair and delicate little face.

The hall was so quiet and deep, the sun seemed to be spilling on the ground outside the hall from a careful distance. Buddha incense floated in the air, and there was the sound of dripping water from somewhere behind the hall. Time seems to be stagnant at this moment, only the two of them are left, asking for a good wish in front of the Buddha.

So his wish, of course, is...

After Xu Xu stood up, Ji Bai knelt down, bowed three times in a standard posture, closed his eyes, and was silent for a while.

When he opened his eyes, Xu Xu thought he was going out, but he didn't get up and looked up at her: "Xu Xu, I just made a wish with Buddha."

Xu Xu didn't react yet: "Huh?"

Ji Bai continued slowly, "It is said that the Buddha in Luohan Temple is the most effective. Why don't we verify it and see if my wish can come true right away?"

Xu Xu looked down at his tall and straight body, handsome and clean face, his heart seemed to have been slightly bumped, but his smile seemed to be uncontrollable, slowly rising to the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Ji Bai had turned his body sideways and knelt down on one knee, facing her, then took one of her hands and kissed her gently. Dark eyes stared at her silently.

"Marry me, Xu Xu. I will love you forever."

The Buddha is on top, let her marry me for a lifetime.

Xu Xu's nose was slightly sour and his eyes were a little wet. The hand wearing the diamond ring shook in front of him: "Why are you begging the Buddha for sure? The ring... I've never taken it off."

The smile on Ji Bai's face suddenly deepened, and his dark and handsome brows seemed to be dyed with a thin layer of luster, dazzling and moving.

"Oh." He got up and looked at him, the smile in his black eyes as thick as ink.

Xu Xu also smiled, and her cheeks were flushed. Ji Bai's heart swayed, he took her hand to his lips, stared at her, and kissed her repeatedly. Xu Xu was so tickled by his kiss that he wanted to pull his hand back, but he held him tighter.

At this time, Ji Bai knelt down again and bowed to the Buddha once, and then he hugged her and walked out of the hall.

There were already more people in the courtyard, and the sun was so gentle and bright that it made one's hair go soft. Xu Xu leaned in his arms and asked with a smile, "What did you ask the Buddha for just now?"

Ji Bai originally wished that the child would be born safely, but after hearing her question, he smiled slightly: "Didn't you say that you don't need to ask for sure things? I changed my wish."

Xu Xu Baba looked at him, he lowered his head, leaned close to her ear, and said softly, "You promised to marry me, you must celebrate tonight - we haven't made out for a long time, although pregnancy can't be XXOO, but you can XX, also Can OO…”

Xu Xu's face suddenly became hot, and he pushed his chest away, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "You actually think such a thing in front of Buddha?"

Ji Bai glanced at her with a smile, and replied slowly, "It's also food and sex. The Buddha won't blame me. I caught so many bad people, and he will only bless me and fulfill my little wish."

When he got home in the evening, Ji Bai went to take a shower, Xu Xu was alone in the study, and he found the household registration book, which he had already prepared, and placed them neatly side by side.

With a sweet heart, I walked to the living room, only to see a bag dropped on the ground below the coat rack.

Both of them had their coats hanging on the rack, and they didn't know who it was. Xu Xu thought about it, picked it up and opened it up:

"Growing old together".

Oh, it's hers.

Just as he was about to put it back in his pocket, he was stunned for a moment, then reacted, opened it and glanced again.

The handwriting on the yellowish note was strong and powerful, and it was clearly Ji Bai's.

Xu Xu took out her kit from her pocket and put the two notes together, she couldn't help laughing.

With such a heart and soul, there is no reason not to marry you.

When Xu Xu was in a daze, Ji Bai had already finished taking a shower, wrapped in a bath towel, and returned to the master bedroom full of energy.

He leaned against the head of the bed, rested his arms behind his head, stretched his slender body wantonly, and shouted in a cheerful voice, "Wife, come and repay your vows."

Xu Xu laughed, put the two kits away, put his hands behind his back, and walked towards the bedroom leisurely: "Come on."

2. Receipt of certificate

The next morning, the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

One person came out with a bright red notebook in his hand, and they all just laughed and didn't speak.

Getting back into the car, Ji Bai said, "I'll call my parents."

Xu Xu: "Yes."

Ji Bai had already told his family that he would get the certificate in a few days. Today finally got his wish, with a faint smile in his tone.

"Mom, I got the certificate with Xu Xu. Well, I'm not busy recently, and I'm in good health. Xu Xu is also very well. Where's Dad? I'll tell him too."

After a while, he handed the phone to Xu Xu: "Dad wants to talk to you."

Xu Xu took it with a smile: "Uncle."

Before Ji's father answered, Ji Bai had already reached out and pinched her nose: "It's time to change your tune."

Xu Xu's face became hot. But it's a bit cramped to change my name to Dad for a while.

Ji's father also heard Ji Bai's words and smiled: "Take your time, Xiao Xu's appetite recently? Let Ji Bai run for anything, take care of your health."

Xu Xu replied softly, "Okay... Dad, you also take care of your health."

Father Ji: "Good! Good!"

Xu Xu was talking to Ji's father, but her cell phone rang. She took it out and saw that it was Xu Jun. She threw it to Ji Bai and motioned him to answer it first.

Ji Bai picked up the phone, and his voice was as clear as a spring breeze: "Brother, it's me Ji Bai. Xu Xu is answering the phone."

On the other end of the phone, Xu Jun was stunned for a moment.

Knowing that the two men were of the same age, Ji Bai always called him "Xu Jun", what kind of wind was blowing today? Change your name to brother

How quickly Xu Jun reacted, he immediately blurted out and asked, "Have you received the certificate?"

"I got it, just now."

At this time, Xu Xu had hung up the phone, and Ji Bai smiled and returned the phone to her.

After Xu Xu and Xu Jun reported on the process of obtaining the certificate today, Ji Bai put an arm around her shoulder: "Give my dad another call."

Xu Xu was startled - didn't he just call his father

Immediately reacted - it was her father. He called so well.

Xu Xu put the phone aside, grabbed his face with both hands, gently pulled it to both sides, looked at it for a moment, and nodded, "It's a lot thicker than me."

Ji Bai grabbed her restless hand and held it firmly in his palm, with a light smile between his brows: "Madam has won the prize."

He couldn't help closing the car window, and after grinding for a while, he let go of her.

Xu Xu looked at him with a smile: "Third brother, let's go to the Harbour Restaurant to eat..."

Ji Bai interrupted her: "What did you call me?"

"… husband."

"Hey." He replied softly, his black eyes shining like stars in the sun, but his voice was low and gentle with a hint of bewitching, "One more call."

Xu Xu's heart trembled slightly, looking at his handsome face, he couldn't take his eyes off: "Husband."

"Hey." He answered succinctly, started the car, and glanced at her sideways, "Scream a few more times, don't stop."

Xu Xu couldn't help laughing: "Husband, husband, husband... Infinite loop N times, are you satisfied?"

The car slowly drove up the elevated and entered the endless highway. Looking around, Lin City is sunny, high-rise buildings, flowers, and the scenery is fresh and prosperous. He grinned and concentrated on driving. And she leaned on his shoulder, looked at the clear blue sky and white clouds, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The spring day is just right, you and I are full of joy, and we are close to each other. Don't be afraid of the blood and rain in the future, and live up to the deep affection of the sea in this life.


1. Childbirth

It was getting hot in early summer, Xu Xu was about to give birth and was admitted to a private maternity hospital ahead of schedule. Father Xu accompanied her almost 24/7. Xu Jun and Ji Bai also turned on the phone 24 hours a day.

Xu Xu's pelvis is small, but the fetus is not big, so the doctor said that there are conditions for a natural birth, but the mother will have to work harder.

Of course Xu Xu is not afraid of hard work, living!

In the middle of the night on the second day of admission to the hospital, the ward was quiet, as if everyone fell into a deep sleep.

Xu Xu was woken up by the severe contractions.

At that time, Ji Bai was leaning on the sofa beside the bed, looking tired and sleeping soundly. She was not in a hurry to wake him, but looked at the clock on the wall, endured the pain, and started to count the number of contractions—only when the contractions reached a certain frequency, it meant that the birth was not far away.

After memorizing for a while, she felt that it was almost the same, and then she reached out and patted Ji Bai's head: "Husband, wake up, I'm about to give birth."

Ji Bai was still a little stunned when he opened his eyes, but in the next second, he bounced quickly.

The doctors and nurses came quickly, and after the examination, they pushed Xu Xu into the delivery room.

During the production process, only one family member could accompany him. Father Xu and Xu Jun, who arrived after hearing the news, could only stay outside. When Xu Xu was pushed into the delivery room, he saw the anxious expressions of the two of them, so he smiled at them: "Don't worry, the time to give birth can be long or short, you don't need to wait here, go to the ward to rest first. As soon as I wake up, I should be finished."

As soon as she finished speaking, the doctors and nurses next to her laughed, and her father and brother were both distressed and funny. The head nurse said, "Mrs. Ji's mentality is so good, there must be no problem."

Ji Bai held her hand and said softly, "Why are you worrying so much? Dad and brother will take care of themselves. Let's concentrate on having children."

Xu Xu glanced at him, Junrong was slightly tense, and his palms were slightly sweaty.

He was also a little nervous.

Xu Xu patted the back of his hand: "I will have a good life, you can rest assured."

Ji Bai: "...you don't have to worry about me."

There was another mother giving birth in the hospital that night. She was lying in the delivery room next door, and across a wall, she could hear her screaming in pain: "Husband... It hurts! It hurts to death! Hey, ask, hello. …”

But Xu Xu's side was different, and there was no scream from beginning to end. When the labor pains hit, she just gritted her teeth and even trembled, but she didn't make a sound.

Ji Bai looked distressed, and said softly, "Should you call out if it hurts?"

Xu Xu panted and replied, "What am I shouting for? It won't feel any better, and it's a waste of energy."

Ji Bai: "... oh, then let me kiss you?"

Xu Xu: "Don't make me laugh! I'm holding my breath!"

When the crisp baby cry came, Xu Xu relaxed and let out a long sigh.

The nurse cleaned the child, wrapped it up and carried it over. Ji Bai took it carefully, his eyes were a little wet.

He brought the child to Xu Xu. Her short hair was soaked with sweat. Looking at the child, her calm and calm face finally showed a tired and gentle smile.

Ji Bai wrapped her and the child in his arms, and said softly, "My wife did have a good child."

Not only is it good, it is simply too good. Just let him feel that he has a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for

Xu Xu was pushed back to the ward with the child, and she fell asleep after a while.

When I woke up, the sky was bright outside the window, and when I turned my head, I saw that the child was still lying on the side of the cot, sound asleep. The three big men didn't seem to be sleepy either, all surrounding the bed and talking in low voices.

Xu Jun: "This child looks more and more like me."

Father Xu carefully scrutinized the child's eyebrows, pondered for a moment, and commented: "Not like you, more heroic than you, but still like Ji Bai."

Xu Jun: "You can see your heroism at such a young age?"

Ji Bai smiled without saying a word.

The winner in life should laugh without saying a word.

Xu Xu also laughed. Ji Bai raised his eyes and saw that she was awake. He walked over quickly and held her hand: "Are you hungry, is there any discomfort?"

"No." She looked at Xu Jun and Ji Bai, one was handsome and the other was heroic. Looking back at the child. I don't know if it's because of his father's words, but looking at the child's small, dark eyebrows, he is really heroic and has the taste of Ji Bai.

In the future, they will have another little Ji Bai in their lives!

It feels so...


All three men insisted that Xu Xu stay in the hospital for a few more days before going home to confinement. Of course Xu Xu didn't care.

In addition to taking personal care of Xiao Liu at night, Ji Bai and Xu Jun would also take turns to guard the hospital. On the third night, Xu Jun was there. Xu Xu slept until the middle of the night and was awakened by the cry of the child. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Xu Jun was already holding the child and coaxing him.

After the child fell asleep again, more than half an hour had passed. The brothers and sisters lost sleep for a while, and chatted in a low voice for a while, Xu Xu yawned, and Xu Jun rubbed her hair: "Okay, hurry to sleep. "

Xu Xu lowered his head, squinted for a while and opened his eyes again, seeing Xu Jun still sitting in the same place, looking at the child on the cot, the smile between Qing Jun's brows did not fade for a long time.

"If you like a child, have one yourself." Xu Xu said slowly, "You should also get a girlfriend seriously."

Xu Jun just fell down on the sofa, wrapped himself in the quilt, and replied casually, "I'm looking for it. Go to bed now. Good night!"

2. Epilogue

A year has passed in a flash.

Today is the anniversary reception of Xu Jun's company, which is scheduled to be held in the best hotel in the city. When the lanterns first came on, the grand banquet hall was already brightly lit, with shadows on the temples and constant laughter.

Ji Bai and Xu Xu also came to support their brother. Father Xu will take the child with him for the time being tonight, and Father Xu is of course willing to accept the order.

Xu Jun, with his beautiful female secretary, walked around the arena, laughing at Yan Yan. Ji Bai and his wife found a sofa in a secluded corner to sit, whispering intimacy and enjoying themselves. Just when the mood was down, I saw a tall figure walking from the hall. Before anyone could laugh, he said, "Ji San, sister-in-law, why are you hiding here?"

It was Shu Hang.

Ji Bai let go of Xu Xu in his arms, raised his glass and touched him: "When did you come to Lin City again?"

Shu Hang replied with a smile, "Come and play. Sister-in-law, I'll borrow the third brother for a while, and I'll meet some friends in the past."

The two men shuttled through the crowd for a while before reaching the terrace outside. At this time, the sky was dark blue, and the stars were bright. Ji Bai smiled lightly, "How's your progress with Yao Meng recently?"

Shu Hang sighed.

He said that, and Ji Bai didn't ask any more questions. Shu Hang's pursuit this year was fruitless, and it was normal to give up. The two men drank quietly for a while, Shu Hang looked at the garden downstairs, and suddenly put down the wine glass: "I'm going to the bathroom, you go to accompany my sister-in-law." After speaking, he walked away like a gust of wind.

Ji Bai's eyesight is very good. From a distance, he can clearly see the license plate of the car that just stopped on the sidewalk - isn't it Yao Meng's car

This kid, he said he was not chasing anymore, he was obviously still like a follower.

Ji Bai grinned, turned around and went back to the hall to look for his wife.

Xu Jun's company is already well-known in China, and many reporters are guarding the door. Yao Meng, who was wearing a long skirt, got out of the car, and the flashing lights continued.

"Mr. Yao, I heard that your group intends to invest in Xu Jun's company?"

"Mr. Yao, are you here today to discuss cooperation with President Xu Jun?"

Yao Meng only smiled lightly. The bodyguard next to her separated the crowd, and she walked in quietly with her head down.

At this time, another reporter rushed up and asked:

"Miss Yao, serial killer Feng Ye was arrested three months ago. I heard that you provided a lot of clues to the police. Is this rumor true?"

Yao Meng paused, didn't answer, and continued forward. The enthusiasm of the reporters behind them seemed to be ignited by the first daring person, and they kept asking questions.

"Miss Yao, I heard that Feng Ye was in prison and asked to see you many times, but you refused. Why didn't you see him?"

"Feng Ye will be executed next month. Before he dies, will you go see him?"

Yao Meng then stopped, turned around slowly, and said lightly, "No, I won't see him."

The flash flashed instantly, Yao Meng turned around and entered the banquet hall, isolating the noise and rumors behind her.

But Shu Hang was a few steps away, looking at her slightly glamorous face, and remained silent.

In the past few months, the Beijing company has something to do, and he has been unable to come to Lin City. Who would have thought that when he had some spare time, he heard such explosive news—Yao Meng’s ex-boyfriend was also a serial killer. After committing two crimes in Lin City, it attracted the attention of the police and was identified as a key suspect.

Among the details, Shu Hang is not clear. But they probably knew that it was Yao Meng who cooperated with Ji Bai, Xu Xu and the others to capture Feng Ye.

In fact, he had been chasing Yao Meng for more than half a year, just as he told Ji Bai, his heart was indeed a little weak. But as soon as he heard the news, he rushed to Lin City again.

Not for anything else. It's just Yao Meng, why do you make him feel bad? How dare you cooperate with the police after being tricked by a perverted killer once? Don't you know how to be alone

Seeing her walking towards the entrance of the banquet hall alone, a beautiful and flawless smile appeared on her face. Shu Hang drank the wine in his hand and quickly followed, "Yao Meng? What a coincidence."

Coincidentally, of course, unfortunately, he flew thousands of kilometers to attend a banquet that she might attend and had nothing to do with him. If he didn't meet him, he could vomit blood.

When Yao Meng turned around and saw it was him, her face was a bit complicated and she nodded, "Hello." She turned around and wanted to leave, where could Shu Hang let go? Who knew that one foot stepped on her skirt. The ground was smooth marble, she walked in a hurry, she didn't stand still, and she fell to the ground: "Hey!"

This made Shu Hang feel distressed, and immediately squatted down to support her arm: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Yao Meng wanted to stand up, but her ankle felt a sharp pain, followed by another cry of pain. Shu Hang didn't care, he lifted a small corner of her skirt, reached out and pinched her ankle lightly: "It should be twisted."

As soon as Yao Meng lowered her head, she saw his slender and fair hands clasped on her feet, warm and powerful. And his slightly drooping face is handsome and calm, even if his face is clearly calm at the moment, the corners of his mouth are naturally upturned, as if there will always be a happy smile.

While he was lost, Shu Hang looked up at her and picked her up horizontally: "I'll take you to the hotel infirmary to deal with it."

"No... you let go