When A Snail Loves

Chapter 32: (27)


I come down. ' she resisted softly.

At this time, Yao Meng's bodyguards and assistants also followed. They also recognized Shu Hang and wanted to take Yao Meng over: "President Shu, let's take care of President Yao."

Shu Hang turned away, Yao Meng in his arms avoided their touch, and he answered lightly, "No, bruises and sprains are delicate work, I'm very good at it, you all follow along."

The assistant and the bodyguard looked at each other - are they professionally trained

Before Yao Meng could speak again, Shu Hang was already holding the beauty, asked the lobby manager for directions, and strode towards the medical room.

This kind of small injury, although it was very painful at the time, did not need to go to the hospital. Shu Hang put Yao Meng on the white hospital bed, and the doctor on duty checked it carefully: "It's alright, put on some medicinal wine." He took out a bottle from the cabinet, and Shu Hang took it as soon as he raised his hand: "I'm here, you can do your work."

The doctor, of course, has the power to look, nodded and left.

The bodyguards and assistants were naturally thrown out of the door by Shu Hang in the name of being too crowded. The doctor left, and there were only the two of them left in the small infirmary. The light was a little dim, Shu Hang smiled at Yao Meng, and took her time as a matter of course, squeezed her white and jade-like ankles, and rubbed her with medicinal wine.

"I'm acting bravely, don't think too much and don't take precautions. When I was a child, I often fell and injured my skin, and my grandfather always gave me medicine. After a long illness, I'm not bragging. , I'm the team doctor of the football team..."

He muttered in his mouth, and the movements of his hands were really skillful and gentle. Just rubbing and rubbing, I am a little distracted - this calf, this skin, the feel is really...

In the middle of his mind, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Looking up, Yao Meng looked at him, her clear eyes were full of tears, and her face was covered with tears. She cried silently for a long time.

Shu Hang's heart ached fiercely, and the conditioned reflex wanted to hug her, but his hands were full of hot medicinal wine. As the two stared at each other, Yao Meng cried even more fiercely. Shu Hang couldn't take it anymore, he hugged her into his arms and hugged her tightly so that she wouldn't break free: "Don't cry, don't cry, you've spent all your makeup... Stop crying, everything will be fine. Yes, trust me, you trust me."

When Ji Bai was called away by Shu Hang, Xu Xu got up and went to the restaurant to get food, and bumped into Xu Jun on the way.

On such occasions, Xu Jun had to drink, and Jun's face was flushed from drinking, so he told the secretary beside him to go first. The secretary replied softly: "then Mr. Xu, I will wait for you in the lobby. I have to say hello to Mr. Cao of Binya Group later."

Xu Jun smiled and nodded.

When she was far away, the brother and sister looked at the silent night outside the window and were quiet for a while. Xu Xu said, "When I gave birth, you said that you wanted to find a girlfriend seriously. It's been a year now, brother, you're not too young."

Xu Jun was slightly drunk and squinted at her: "Do you think it's so easy to find a suitable one? Look at this banquet hall, almost all the ladies in Lin City are here. Is there a suitable one for me? No, I can't find it."

When he said this, Xu Xu naturally took him seriously, turned to face the banquet hall, glanced around quickly, thought about it, and said, "There are some good ones, and some are suitable for you. How did you tell me back then? Positive, do you want Dad to worry about you for the rest of his life?"

Xu Jun was startled, then smiled again: "Okay, which one do you think is suitable? Let me take a look?"

Xu Xu pointed to a girl in a sky blue dress in the crowd: "That's not bad. You can see that she has a friendly face, clear eyes, decent manners, and no male companion, and her eyes noticed you a few times just now."

Xu Jun was about to answer when Ji Bai walked over from the corner of the corridor with a smile on Jun's face: "Wife, it's getting late, it's time to go home."

Xu Xu nodded, and he had to go home to take care of the children. He turned to look at Xu Jun: "Brother, we're leaving. You have to seriously consider what I said."

Xu Jun replied lazily, "I express my determination with my actions—get to know people now, don't worry."

Xu Xu was really looking forward to Xu Jun being able to come out of the past and have a good relationship. Seeing that he really picked up a glass of wine and walked straight towards the girl, his heart softened, and he didn't interfere much. He smiled and looked at Ji Bai: "Let's go."

Xu Jun walked to the center of the banquet hall, and in front of him was the girl Xu Xu pointed to. And as she said, although the girl was still talking to another person, she had already sensed his approach, her face flushed with blush, her eyes flashed, and she was shy and timid.

Xu Jun turned his head to one side and saw that Ji Bai and Xu Xu had already gone away. He picked up the wine glasses and drank them, and passed the girl without stopping.

The night is getting darker, the songs are gone, and the lights of the hotel are still brilliant.

Xu Jun stood alone on the terrace of the banquet hall, looking at the starlight in the sky, drinking by himself.

When I was half drunk, I thought in a trance: Yes, my sister is right, life is so good and so long, it is time to start a new life.

☆、73 Yao Meng and Shu Hang show


What kind of person is Shu Hang

In terms of family background, everyone in Beijing knows that there is such a family. However, no one has held important positions in the government for several generations. As for Shu Hang, he also chased after a lot of girls when he was young, and he had a lot of fun with it. But after the age of twenty-five, the interest in the love of men and women also faded.

Sometimes, he always felt like he was waiting for something. If you are not reconciled, you can find a girl with the right family and interests and get married. Joke, no matter how old he is, he is not in a hurry to sell himself.

When he saw Ji Bai and Xu Xu, he was actually quite envious, envied from the bottom of his heart. Ji Bai was so arrogant, he looked at Xu Xu, and Shu Hang wanted to marry him.

When will he have such a girl, and he must love her so much

Later, someone asked Shu Hang why he liked Yao Meng. Shu Hang thought the question was quite simple: first of all, she was the type he liked—beautiful, independent, and somewhat sophisticated, arrogant and arrogant, and there seemed to be a hint of fragility under her appearance... But the first time she saw her, she was a little different from other girls. , She had a mysterious, faint sadness all over her body, which made Shu Hang's heart tickled and wanted to find out.

And she used to be a policeman. Shu Hang has never had a good time with the policeman, which is very interesting.

But when he first started chasing Yao Meng, he didn't know that her story would be so explosive.

Shu Hang had grown up with a group of young men, and met Yao Meng for the first time at Ji Bai's son's full moon banquet. After his initial failed conversation that day, he followed her almost all night. The boys all hid behind and laughed, and he didn't care, he was holding a wine glass and dangling behind Yao Meng, his whole body looked like a typical Beijing hooligan.

He wasn't worried that Yao Meng would get mad—a man like him, rich, rich, and handsome, took the initiative, even if he was rude, and even if a woman didn't accept it, he wouldn't be really irritable and disgusted. Facts have proven to be the case. Although Yao Meng frowned slightly and her face turned red, she did not say anything further.

After a while, Shu Hang saw Yao Meng talking to the president of the Lin City Chamber of Commerce. This made Shu Hang happy: It turns out that the little girl is still a business person. Of course, when he found out about Yao Meng's net worth soon after, he was a little unhappy—this meant that his money could no longer be an advantage in pursuing her—because she was much richer than him.

Seeing that Yao Meng was surrounded by several entrepreneurs—the appointment was invited by Xu Jun, Shu Hang smiled lightly and joined him.

"Master Shu."

"Shu Shao."

"Mr. Shu."

When everyone saw him, they naturally greeted each other attentively in unison. Yao Meng's expression did not change, but her expression was light.

However, Shu Hang soon discovered that although Yao Meng looked exquisite, she was obviously too tender to deal with these male entrepreneurs. When the men chatted about the general economic situation, she couldn't get in. Shu Hang is very happy - there is a chance to perform! So he stood beside her considerately, bowed his head and explained softly, a gesture of familiarity and intimacy. Others naturally misunderstood, seeing how different their eyes are.

After everyone had dispersed, Yao Meng quickly walked to the terrace. Shu Hang followed him unhurriedly. He thought that his performance just now was a gentleman and thoughtful enough, and he would definitely add points. He also said with a smile to himself, "No thanks. I can teach you anything you don't understand in the future."

The stars are shining brightly outside the window, and there is the fragrance of grass and flowers in the air. Yao Meng wore a long dress and remained silent.

This was a beautiful scene, he thought it was the beginning of an affair in Lin City. Unexpectedly, she turned her head and looked at him quietly.

What kind of look is that. Compassion, indifference, loneliness, such a beautiful pair of eyes, full of refusal to be thousands of miles away.

Shu Hang was stunned, Yao Meng had already turned and left.

This was the first time Yao Meng had rejected him. Without any words, a glance kills.

Of course Shu Hang was not reconciled, and he had a little desire to conquer. So I asked someone to check Yao Meng's details. Who knew this investigation, but vaguely knew that she was involved in the recent case of a perverted killer in Lin City, and the relevant information was kept secret. The person Shu Hang knew best in the police system was Ji Bai, but Ji Bai refused without hesitation: "I have no right to reveal other people's privacy." Shu Hang had to go to another person to investigate.

At that time, he thought, what does Yao Meng have to do with the perverted killer? Most likely a victim who got away with it. Shu Hang didn't think it had anything to do with him chasing her.

Shu Hangren didn't stay idle until he got the exact news. It just so happened that the cherries started to appear on the market, and someone sent a box to Shu Hang. Looking at the red, tender and plump cherries, his conditioned reflex reminded him of Yao Meng. Immediately called someone, ordered a lot of cherries, and delivered a pound to Yao Meng's house every day.

People ask: "Who wrote the signature?"

Shu Hang thought for a while: "Write Xu Xu." First lie to her to eat it, and then tell her that he gave it to her—it's done, after eating my cherries, you can't say you don't know me, right? Hahaha.

After a few days of delivery, Shu Hang found a beautiful night with a clear moon and a clear moon, and called Yao Meng.

After more than ten times of perseverance, Yao Meng picked it up, "Hello."

Shu Hang leaned on the hotel reclining chair, holding a cherry in his hand, looked at the moon and smiled: "Are cherries delicious?"

Yao Meng's voice was cold, "I didn't eat it, I don't know."

Shu Hang immediately sat up straight, and threw the cherries in the air, making the most of his thick skin: "Why don't you eat what Xu Xu gave? I didn't give it."

In fact, Yao Meng knew it wasn't from Xu Xu on the first day she received the cherries—how could Xu Xu do such a thing? Only Shu Hang claimed to be "chasing" her, so it was not difficult to guess.

She was silent for a moment and said, "Shu Hang, I can't start a new relationship now, don't send cherries anymore, don't contact me anymore, thank you, goodbye."

She hung up the phone abruptly.

Shu Hang felt uncomfortable. It's not because of rejection - how could chasing a girl ever succeed? And they don't know much about each other. The key is her tone, which is so sad that the man's heart trembles when she hears it.

How could a girl in her twenties be so desperate? What has she been through

While wondering, the phone rang. It was the person he entrusted to check Yao Meng's information.

He suddenly had a bad premonition, and quickly answered the phone: "You said."

The next day, Shu Hang went to the cafe that Yao Meng frequented. Watching her board Feng Ye's car in the afterglow of the setting sun, she walked away. And Feng Ye showed a provocative look to him.

After they left, Shu Hang lit a cigarette in the car and kept smoking.

He decided to give up.

A few days later, it happened to be the anniversary of the Lin City Chamber of Commerce, and his future career focus would shift to the southwest, so he also went to participate.

Unsurprisingly, I saw Yao Meng again. Among the middle-aged business men, she was exceptionally beautiful and eye-catching, but her expression remained calm.

This time, Shu Hang did not step forward, but looked at her from a distance from time to time across the crowd.

And as if she didn't see him, she smiled beautifully with the others. He thought that she must be talking with these bigwigs using her still-green business social skills.

Soon, dance music started, and many well-dressed men and women slid onto the dance floor. Someone's daughter invited Shu Hang to dance together. Shu Hang happily hugged each other's waist and swayed slowly on the dance floor.

The lights flickered and the figures were colorful. When he turned around, he saw Yao Meng sitting alone on the sofa in the corner, drinking a drink. The most beautiful pearl in this field, but no one dances.

At this time, the dance music ended, and the dance partner saw Shu Hang looking at Yao Meng and smiled, "She's called Yao Meng, and she's a very special person."

There was a girl in her early twenties next to her, who interjected arrogantly: "If I were her, I would have no face to go out."

"Someone said she was that person's accomplice..."

Seeing Shu Hang's stunned face, the dance partner seemed to explain softly, "Young Master Shu, you are not from Lin City, so you may not know it. Her former boyfriend was a pervert, a rapist and a murderer... She is not ours either. The person in the circle turned out to be a policeman, and her boyfriend left a large inheritance... I don't know her well, and I always listened to others, saying that everyone left her room for face, and I knew in my heart that we should stay away from her. You see , no one asked her to dance."

"You're wrong." Shu Hang turned to look at the girl with a smile and interrupted her, "Someone invites her to dance the next dance."

In front of everyone's eyes, Shu Hang walked up to Yao Meng, met her somewhat complicated and surprised eyes, and bent down slightly, with a smile on his face: "MayI?" Then he whispered, "If you don't chase, you won't chase, I'll be there tomorrow night. Back in Beijing, you have to give face for dancing, right?"

After Lin Qingyan died, Yao Meng would still dream of him from time to time. Sometimes I would wake up in a nightmare, looking at the dark and empty room, too scared to sleep.

When she sees reports about rape and murder on TV, she will feel physically disgusting. She knew it was post-traumatic stress disorder, and she just let it go and healed slowly.

After dancing with Shu Hang that night, Yao Meng felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. The life that seemed to be as silent as stagnant water finally began to make waves. And seeing the famous Shu Shao from the capital dancing with her, the eyes and expressions of others made her, who had been somewhat rejected before, feel a little relieved.

But she will not be with Shu Hang. It's very simple, if she starts over in the future, she will find someone who doesn't know her details, maybe she will stay away from Lin City and go to another country.

She doesn't want the past to affect her future life at all. She still has a long life.

This night, she thought she was in a good mood today, but she dreamed of Lin Qingyan again.

In the dream, Lin Qingyan hugged a woman and had sex. And she stood on the side, crying all the time, crying and grabbing his arm: "Qingyan, why are you like this? Why are we like this? Qingyan, come back to me, Qingyan..."

She woke up crying, tears soaked the small half of the pillow, and in a cold room, I saw the moonlight slantingly spilling out of the window.

She choked up and got up, huddled in the corner against the wall, sobbing alone. There is only great pain, great shame, and bottomless longing and fragility in my heart, like a frenzy under the night, to engulf her.

In a daze, I suddenly remembered the situation of dancing with Shu Hang tonight.

He wore a neat black suit, a frivolous white shirt with fine lines of pink, and a royal blue tie, looking at her with a smile. He is completely different from Lin Qingyan, Lin Qingyan is a kind of aggressive and handsome, and his handsome face is full of debauchery and ridicule.

He always seems to be very happy, happy to play the world. But in those seemingly indifferent eyes, there was always a deep meaning that she could not understand.

And tonight, when he danced around her, he suddenly said solemnly: "Don't worry, I won't chase you for the time being, and I won't harass you anymore."

She nodded and gave him her first smile. And his slender eyes stared at her, but suddenly the conversation changed: "Don't be too happy! I can't guarantee that it will change in the future."



Men and women, even women who have only met once, are easy to forget once they have thoughts.

Shu Hang's feelings towards Yao Meng were a bit complicated.

At first, it was a glimpse, and I had a good impression. But after learning about her, she knew that she was honored because of that man, that she was imprisoned by that man for several months, and that in the end the man was shot and killed in her arms... How should I put it, no one has ever encountered Shu Hang's side. such a thing.

Inexplicably, I felt aggrieved and distressed for her.

Two months later, Shu Hang came to Lin City again and met Shu Hang. This time, as a collaborator.

He had originally planned to focus his career to the southwest. Yao Meng was now the most powerful group owner in Lin City, and the intersection between the two was inevitable.

On the day of the reunion, Yao Meng was in the top office of the company, reading various reports. The secretary came to report: "Mr. Yao, President Shu from Beijing is here."

Yao Meng nodded, feeling slightly happy.

Nothing to do with love. But in the most difficult time of life, there was such a man who pursued you, cared about you, and ridiculed you, which was always touching. Although he rejects him, goodbye is also a friend.

After a while, I saw a tall and handsome man walking in slowly with a smile on his face. The secretary at the door once collected flowers for Yao Meng and received a soft hand, and a narrow smile appeared on his face. Yao Meng smiled politely at him: "President Shu, sit down."

Polite and distant, with a clear distinction.

Shu Hang, who was "coming to negotiate a major project", stared at her for a moment, then suddenly smiled. As soon as he raised his eyebrows, his mouth was full of stubbornness: "What do you call me? President Shu? It's only been two months since I didn't see you, and you've only been born like this? Yao Meng, you can just call me Ah Hang."

Yao Meng had completely thought that the two of them had already turned the page, she raised her eyes when she heard the words, and looked at his half-smiling eyes, she didn't know how to answer for a while. However, Shu Hang took out the plan in the bag and handed it to her casually: "Come on, let's talk about business, don't worry about personal matters."

Yao Meng: "..."

Some people are born to make others happy.

For example, Shuhang.

Yao Meng had never seen a company boss or a son of a high-ranking cadre like him, hanging around all day long, with an incomparably poor mouth and a complete lack of integrity. A work meeting or a work meal can make everyone laugh.

But when it comes to work, it's a no-brainer. Yao Meng had only learned business from Lin Lin Qingyan, and she stopped abruptly as soon as she got a glimpse of the way. The style of Shu Hang's business is different from that of Lin Qingyan. He is not as ruthless as Lin Qingyan, but more cunning. Sometimes when he came up with some new ideas, Yao Meng was dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. Sometimes, she doesn't understand his arbitrage tactics.

Of course, whenever this time, Shu Hang looked at her slightly hazy eyes, always in a good mood, sat down beside her with a smile, and explained carefully. Finally, he said, "Ask me anytime if you don't understand anything. I'm always on call 24 hours a day."

Yao Meng actually called him at three in the middle of the night. On the eve of a certain project, she looked at the data on the investment materials, but couldn't figure out the connotation. She was embarrassed to ask her subordinates, so she called him. The two chatted until five o'clock in the morning, Yao Meng sincerely thanked her, and just about to hang up, Shu Hang said, "Hey, hey, don't hang up, I'll go downstairs to your office and come down for breakfast."

Dare to love, he was pointing at her while driving. Yao Meng once again saw the difference in strength between the two.

As for Yao Meng's efforts, Shu Hang also saw it all.

From the point of view of knowing people, he and Ji Bai are the same kind of people, thieves and poisons. In fact, after dealing with Yao Meng a few times, he knew very well that this girl's business aptitude was average, and the industry that Lin Qingyan left behind would be hard enough for her to carry forward. If she worked harder, she might be able to maintain the status quo. The best choice is actually to sell the shares, which is suitable for her and the company.

But of course you can't tell her that. She is so diligent, how can he strike. Moreover, she obviously did not need to intervene in those projects, but in order to understand the business, she would work overtime every day.

It doesn't matter, with him helping her, it is still possible to create a star female entrepreneur in the future.

Even if he doesn't like her, he wants to help her when he thinks of what happened to her.

What's more, he still likes her.

Before I knew it, half a year passed.

The cooperation between the two companies is getting closer and closer. Shu Hang's explicit hints are becoming more and more obvious.

In front of the backbone of the two companies, after signing the cooperation agreement, he would say to everyone seriously, "I still have a few confidentiality clauses that I need to discuss with President Yao." Everyone went out in a hurry, Yao Meng was very devoted to her work: " Any other confidentiality clauses? Please tell me."

Shu Hang: "Oh, I haven't thought of that - what I'm more concerned about is, where are we going to have dinner tonight to celebrate the signing?"

She was also used to his presence. Once the two of them went to dinner at night, Yao Meng also drank some wine. Shu Hang said something funny, which made her laugh so hard she couldn't help but reach out and tap him on the shoulder. His movements were like lightning, and he held her hand all of a sudden. Those eyes that were always smiling were also quite meaningful.

Yao Meng suddenly pulled her hand back.

Do you want to accept him

Yao Meng has thought about this question more than once.

Although he didn't say anything about chasing her, the relationship between the two was ambiguous. She is also somewhat dependent on him. As if the drowning person was holding a straw that suddenly floated, she couldn't even tell whether she was in love with him or not.

It's a little numb to think about love.

It was revealed that it was at the annual meeting at Yao Meng's company headquarters, and the cooperation between the two had come to an end. Shu Hang had to return to Beijing the next day.

It was a winter night, the snow was falling, and the atmosphere was happy. Everyone drank some wine more or less, and many people came to the main table where Yao Meng and Shu Hang were sitting to toast.

The Minister of International Trade is a female doctor who has returned from overseas. She is beautiful and resolute. People with discerning eyes said that she had a lot of affection for Shu Hang, but although Shu Hang looked friendly, she always refused to be thousands of miles away.

The female doctor took the wine and toasted Yao Meng to Shu Hang, "Mr. Shu, it's been almost a year since you came to Lin City, why are you still single?"

Everyone laughed, Yao Meng also laughed. He thought that Shu Hang would pass it off with a joke as usual. Who would have thought that Shu Hang glanced at Yao Meng with a light smile, and answered slowly, "Didn't I keep chasing you, President Yao? I can't."

Everyone was stunned.

Although there have been rumors between the two bosses, but in the end, they were far apart and there was no development. After a long time, everyone thought it was all right. Who knew that Shu Hanggui, the chairman of Yifang, actually stabbed the matter in front of everyone.

For a time, everyone laughed, but they didn't know what to say. The female doctor chasing Shu Hang put down her glass with an embarrassed expression, and walked away vaguely.

Yao Meng was also embarrassed, extremely embarrassed. For a while, my heart sank... In this way, I can't pretend to be nothing and get along with him from now on.

Yao Meng also excused herself to go to the bathroom, got up and walked out, but her face was already red.

Shu Hang put down the wine glass and chased it out of course. He was not embarrassed at all. Beijing gangsters chase girls like this.

The two walked to the terrace one after the other. Shu Hang closed the door behind him tightly, and comforted her with a special understanding: "Don't care what they say. It's alright."

Yao Meng turned her head and looked at him quietly: "I'm sorry Shu Hang. I can't do it right now."

I'm sorry Shu Hang.

It's been more than half a year, and she gave him such a sentence.

The next day, Shu Hang was sitting on the plane returning to Beijing, and was really panicked. He thought it was almost certain, and he thought that she also had secret feelings for him with a smile and a frown. Who would have thought that once it was revealed, she would stop acting stupid and simply refuse.

She is just relying on him, not about love.

Just thinking about it makes me sad.

Shu Hang had been away for a long time this time.

Maybe any man would have a bottom line and patience, Yao Meng thought. She did think of him these days, the sullen smile on his face, and the handsome appearance when he slowly told her about those troublesome economic problems.

But she still can't start. Don't know when it will start.

A lot happened after that. There was another serial murder case in Lin City. Somehow, the first thing Yao Meng thought of was Feng Ye. Xu Shiyi was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of the rope, and a little bit of strangeness was enough to make her tremble. And when she told Xu Xu her inner intuition, Xu Xu was also startled.

Then came the temptation, which was to lead the snake out of the hole. Yao Meng didn't know where the courage came from. She went on a date with Feng Ye, endured his kiss with trembling, and then stole a doll from his house.

Maybe for the dead Lin Qingyan.

The night the police arrested Feng Ye, Yao Meng was sitting in the room of her villa, surrounded by layers of bodyguards and staff arranged by the police. But she looked at the silent night, and suddenly became afraid. Knowing that Feng Ye couldn't break through the siege to get revenge on her, she was still afraid, as if in the next second, Feng Ye would emerge from the darkness.

As time passed, the fear in her heart seemed to grow as the night became more and more intense. While she was in a trance and tense, the phone rang. When she saw that it was Feng Ye, she was so frightened that she threw the phone and threw it directly into the toilet.

The bell rang for a long time, and finally stopped. She let out a long breath and huddled in the corner of the bed.

Who knows at this moment, the landline in the room suddenly rang. Yao Meng almost screamed, looking at the landline on the sofa, scared and angry. The bell kept ringing, and her inner anger was also aroused. In addition to being extremely frightened, she jumped off the bed and rushed over to grab the phone: "Beast! I have nothing to say to you!"

The person on the other end was silent for a moment: "Beast? Why are you scolding me like that?"

It was Shu Hang.

Yao Meng's heart suddenly calmed down: "Why is it you? I thought it was..."

"Who do you think it is?"


Shu Hang was silent for a while, and then asked, "What are you busy with? I called your phone to turn off. I'm afraid that something will happen to you. I heard that there is another perverted killer in Lin City."

"I'm fine, I'm at home. My phone fell off the toilet." Yao Meng paused and asked, "How are you... how are you doing?"

That night, the two of them chatted unknowingly until after two o'clock in the middle of the night, until the police outside the door knocked on the door and gave her an excited look. A big rock fell in Yao Meng's heart, and she felt a little disappointed.

This means that Feng Ye has been arrested.

This was the longest phone call between the two in history, Shu Hang didn't know, it was entirely thanks to his rival, a perverted killer.

Later, it was Shu Hang who heard that the perverted killer was called Feng Ye, and also rounded the corners to find out that Yao Meng was involved again, and cooperated with the police to arrest people.

Immediately booked a flight to Lin City.

On the night of Xu Jun's company banquet, the two finally settled their relationship. At that time, Yao Meng sprained her foot, and Shu Hang took advantage of it to enter. In the hotel infirmary, she applied medicine, kneaded and hugged, and finally kissed Yao Meng who was tearful.

Yao Meng remained silent.

She doesn't know if this is love. But now, she didn't want to be without Shu Hang by her side.

After getting the medicine, Shu Hang said that he would drive her home, leaving the two assistants and secretaries behind. Unexpectedly, the car drove along the ring road, but did not return to her house, but went to the riverside.

Yao Meng was suspicious: "What are you doing?"

Shu Hang kissed her red eyes: "The 100,000-mile Long March has achieved first results. Allow me to play romance and show my sincerity."

It's not really that romantic. Night, starlight, grass, his car parked on the river embankment, he sat on the grass with her in his arms, watching the lights of thousands of homes and the gurgling water flow on the river bank.

But this was the first time in several years that Yao Meng had been so quiet and looked at the night so steadfastly. There was no weird dream, no sweat or heartache, just another man, laughing and sitting beside him, rubbing her swollen feet, pointing to the sky to teach her the constellations.

Just like ordinary men and women, like ordinary people's love and life.

At dawn, Yao Meng realized that the two had fallen asleep on the grass by the river. He was lying on the ground with Thorn, she was sleeping in his arms, and his suit was covering her.

Yao Meng drilled deeper into his arms.

"Thank you, Shu Hang."

Two years later, the two began to talk about marriage.

Yao Meng's parents were originally workers. Although they were a little uneasy about their prominent prospective son-in-law, after a long time, they saw his stable and reliable character, and they were satisfied after all.

On the other hand, Yao Meng had never met his family.

As the Spring Festival was approaching, Shu Hang made plans for the return flight for the two, and prepared gifts for Yao Meng for her parents.

Yao Meng was a little worried: "Will your parents..."

Before she could finish speaking, Shu Hang replied simply, "No. You, man, I am at home and have the absolute right to speak. Don't worry, my mother is confused and doesn't know your previous experience at all—not anyone, all of them. Ji Bai's strong and shrewd mother. As for my dad, he is such a pure man, how can he care about these things? Our Shu family is just bluffing, the poor red nobles, and now rely on my business to support. Don't worry, Don't be under any pressure."


The criminal police were busy with their work, so every weekend was Ji Bai's most comfortable time, because at night, he didn't have to be so hasty.

It was Friday, the two went to bed at 9 o'clock, and Xu Xu announced that it was "finished" just after 12 o'clock. Ji Bai held her in his arms, still a little unfulfilled. It's just that he has the will and strength, but she has no will and has no choice but to give up.

At this time, he found that the little guy was lying on his chest, a little dazed.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xu smiled slightly: "Our ability can do it for two days in a row."

Did he hear it right? She invited him to do it for two days in a row

Although it was a bit unexpected, he didn't mind at all, and immediately turned over to hold her down: "Good suggestion, it's fine tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, we can order takeout..."

Xu Xu was stunned and pushed him away at once: "Where do you want to go. You don't have any sense of humor." Pointing to the clock on the wall: "Look, we have done it from last night to this morning, not for two days. ?"

Ji Bai: "… "

The author has something to say: Hello everyone, I'm very sorry, the extravaganza was delayed until today. Because the publishing house does not allow the release of the "Snail" episode on the Internet, after repeated communication with Lao Mo, they agreed that I should put one episode first, so I put Yao Meng and Shuhang's episode up (Chapters 73-74). Everyone buys as needed.

Xu Jun's extra, I will post the book 3 months after it goes on sale (probably in September, the publisher may change). I will put this extra story in this chapter, in 75 chapters, about 12,000 words is an independent story, and it will be given to everyone for free as a benefit.

Xu Jun's story

The author has something to say:


After a few months, I didn't expect that the last time I was in Jinjiang, the author would have something to say, and I would meet you in this form.

I have already left Jinjiang, so the address of the new article on the inference romance that opened on August 1 will not be posted here. You can follow my Weibo: . Or directly search for "Ding Mo" on Sina Weibo. Follow my post bar: , or go directly to Baidu post bar and search for "Ding Mo". All my news: Fanwai, new articles, small theaters, physical book listing news, etc., will be announced here. In addition, QQ groups 1, 2, and 3 are full, and 4 new groups are recruiting new ones. Group number: Desolate Times ④ Group 217237795 Welcome.

There are 5 episodes in this episode, including the snail episode, the closed-eyed unpublished episode (there is no ^_^ in the physical book, I wrote it a few days ago), and the exclusive possession episode. It will be updated at 12 noon every day from today until the end of July 31st. Hope you all have a good time. In the future, there will be new episodes after the physical book is listed, which will also be updated in Jinjiang at the same time, so that everyone can read it, please rest assured.

In addition, the physical book of "He's Here, Please Close Your Eyes" has been released, and Dangdang also has a signed copy that will be sent randomly. The cover is drawn by a well-known Taiwanese illustrator, and the book comes with exquisite cards and Bo Jinyan's words for readers. Interested students can take a look, Dangdang link: Sisters who bought the book remember to leave a comment, thank you old Mo!

OK, see you tomorrow at 12 noon. I wish you all a happy reading and a happy day.

love you forever old ink

July 27, 2014

☆、Xu Jun's Extra Story - The Color of the World (Part 1)

In December, the first snow fell in Lin City. One after another, like thin down feathers flying in the night sky.

This is the third year after Xu Xu's marriage, the child is four years old, and Xu Jun is thirty-two years old.

At the golden age of a man, he is still single. Business is booming.

This night was very ordinary. He went to the nightclub with a few friends to be happy, and when everyone was dancing with their arms around the woman, he looked at the young men beside him.