When A Snail Loves

Chapter 4: (1)


In Beijing in spring, the sky is often pale gray, and the smog covers the sky like a dry gauze.

Ji Bai was sitting very leisurely on the white reclining chair in his home yard, with a pot of tea in his hand, and a quiet pool in front of him. The peach tree by the water is full of flowers. Scattered petals fell on the grass, and there was a light fragrance.

He took a sip of tea and closed his eyes, only Xu Xu's voice could be heard in his ears. The voice was as quiet as water, which made the night in front of him seem even quieter.

On Xu Xu's side, Ji Bai's words, "I'll give you two minutes", aroused a little bit of competitiveness. Answering "yes" lightly, secretly brewing, and entering a state of full concentration in the battle.

"First of all, according to statistics, in the past ten years, 98.9% of the criminals who endangered public safety in my country were male, and 96.6% had high school education or below, so it can be basically determined that the criminals are male and have a low educational level."

"En." Ji Bai tilted his head and lit a cigarette, "Continue."

"Secondly, the criminals' goals are clear.

If he wants to take revenge on ordinary people, there are three more parks in Lin City with a larger area and higher traffic flow. Crimes committed in these parks will be more difficult for us to track down. But instead of choosing those parks, offenders took a bigger risk by choosing a few parks closer to the CBD.

These parks are planned by the government and donated by some financial groups in the CBD. Usually there will be some ordinary citizens, but most of the tourists are residents near the CBD, either rich or expensive. In the minds of citizens, these parks are symbols of the CBD.

This can reflect two points: First, the criminal is very familiar with this area, and is likely to work and live in this area; second, he is within a specific range, hurting random objects, and his feelings to vent are also obvious. Revenge of the income crowd, even say, revenge on CBD. "

Ji Bai smiled silently, but his tone was indifferent: "Then why aren't they homeless? A white-collar worker from a company who was fired? Must be a security guard?"

Xu Xu replied: "There may be some people who hate the whole society among the homeless, but they don't hate CBD alone. They don't have the opportunity to understand deeply. You don't hate things that you barely understand or even out of reach. Moreover, the joblessness of CBD There are very few homeless people;

A white-collar worker in a company who is fired is more likely to take revenge on the company or someone he works for, but he will not hate this class—because he is this class, how can he hate himself

Those who most fit the description of criminals are those who are out of reach for the prosperity and wealth of the CBD, that is, low-income workers who work in the CBD.

It must be a big setback at work recently, which enhanced his frustration and hatred for CBD wealth, so he started committing crimes.

And, for a reluctant young boy, among all the low-paying jobs, security is relatively decent.

In addition, the criminal's crime time is very scattered, indicating that his working hours are also irregular. The working hours of CBD security guards are three shifts. "

Ji Bai asked, "So you infer that he doesn't go to work on Saturday morning, and it's also based on the time of the crime?"

Xu Xu replied: "Yes. There was a case of wounding on Saturday afternoon. Because there was a lot of traffic on weekends, the blade could not have been buried on Friday. It could only have been buried on Saturday morning or noon."

Ji Bai didn't say she was right or wrong, instead he frowned and read another line in the report: "I am more irritable, I should have violated the law when I was young, at least I was severely punished by the school; Big changes, such as family failure, divorce of parents; no, or only a superficial love relationship... What is all this mess?"

"It is the basic characteristic of 'anti-social personality' criminals." She looked up at the photos of several blades on the white plate, and said slowly: "As for the criminals who are not in a relationship... Because I have a feeling that although he has a good observation Strength and judgment, a little clever, but immature mentality... Paper cutters form a five-pointed star, doused with river water or even spicy soup, more like the revenge of a depressed teenager, not clever, but also more impulsive ."

The two were silent for a while, and Ji Bai said first, "Are you finished?"

"It's over." Xu Xu glanced at his watch and added, "1 minute and 58 seconds."

Although her tone was calm and slightly arrogant, her breathing was obviously heavier.

Nervous? Ji Bai closed his eyes slightly and took a breath.

In the past few days, the two had several phone calls, and Xu Xu gave him the impression that she was an excellent female nerd, a disciple and subordinate worthy of sculpting. that is it.

But at this moment, with the clear line-like breathing in her ears, her image suddenly became alive: short hair, small face, pale complexion, and serious expression. She is undoubtedly smart, arrogant and stubborn, but there is also the immaturity of young girls.

Yes, this girl is too talented, but also too immature for the criminal police profession that often faces corrupt humanity and dripping blood.

So Ji Bai started to attack her without hesitation: "Xu Xu, are you used to doing things like this, relying on so-called 'feeling' to guess and handle cases?"

Xu Xu immediately frowned, and replied firmly, "If you understand behavior analysis as 'guessing', then I have nothing to say."

Ji Bai sneered: "Are you still not convinced?"

"Sorry, I'm not convinced."

"Then why didn't we catch the suspect?" Ji Bai asked coldly.

Xu Xu couldn't answer.

The two did not speak, only the faint sound of breathing from the other on the phone. After a while, Xu Xu asked indifferently, "Is there anything else? I'll hang up without me."

Ji Bai: "What are you in a hurry?"

In Xu Xu's heart, a rare sense of anxiety suddenly rose.

But I heard him say: "Why can't you find the suspect? Simple. Assuming your conclusion is correct, it is natural that something went wrong with the investigation process - some unpredictable deviation occurred that allowed the criminal to escape our search."

Xu Xu was startled, and he continued: "Listen: let Zhao Han take you to check it again tomorrow. You can see, check, and see everyone by yourself, and you must do it yourself, not hide in the office to analyze.

The culprits must be among the people you've already met. Since you know him so well, even if there is no evidence, when he stands in front of you, you have to recognize him to me.

I will go back to Lin City tomorrow afternoon. I want to hear your new report in the morning the day after tomorrow. "

Xu Xu was extremely stunned.

It was only now that she confirmed that Ji Bai actually supported her.

He said, "Even if there is no evidence, you can recognize him when he stands in front of you", which surprised her.

Because of similar words, Cui Yihua, Xu Xu's mentor and a nationally renowned professor of criminal psychology, also said to her in private: "A truly excellent criminal psychological portrait person can see through the suspect even if he has not yet found direct evidence." But Professors would never say such words openly, because it would appear too absolute, too subjective, and close to an ideal state, and even professors cannot guarantee that they can do it.

And Ji Bai, as a policeman who graduated with a major in non-criminal psychology, can say the same thing after listening to her report, which can only show that his insight and understanding are amazing - he really understands, what exactly is she in? doing what.

For a person like Xu Xu who likes to analyze and think, the ideological resonance is something that can more intense her than actual awards. So even though Ji Bai was aggressive before, she has always been rough and doesn't care too much. On the contrary, it was his deep understanding of criminal psychology and his extremely bold trust that made her faintly excited and touched.

"Thank you." She paused, "I..."

Ji Bai could hear the moving expression in her voice, thinking that she was going to say something to thank him for his appreciation, but she was silent for a moment, and only repeated two words solemnly and monotonously: "Thank you."

Really not good at words... Ji Bai laughed silently: "Okay. Hang up, go to bed earlier."


Early the next morning, Xu Xu arrived at the police station and called Zhao Han to prepare to start work. At this time, the two received a text message from Ji Bai, asking them to start the investigation from the staff of the CBD park, because the nature of the work of the park is similar to that of security, and it is also three shifts.

Xu Xu disagreed with this order: the working environment of park security guards and CBD office security guards is very different. They are not frequently stimulated by the immediate wealth gap.

Zhao Han also said that the security guards in the park where the crime was committed were checked at the beginning, and no suspects were found.

But Ji Bai insisted. He only said one thing: "The criminal committed the crime four times, and was not photographed once by the probe."

The implication is that criminals should be familiar with the park's security system. The four parks are all planned and built in a unified manner.

So Xu Xu's behavior analysis contradicted Ji Bai's logical reasoning. The result naturally had to come first according to Captain Ji's opinion.

Although Xu Xu disagreed with Ji Bai's idea, he was meticulous in carrying out the order. By the end of the day, Xu Xu and Zhao Han had already met all the security guards in the three parks where the crime happened, but they still hadn't found the suspect.

Finally, they arrived at the "Ruiying Park" where the first incident occurred. This is the farthest from the CBD, so it is also the last check.

At sunset, Xu Xu and Zhao Han were sitting in the security captain's office. The office is in a row of bungalows, and more than forty surveillance TVs are installed on one wall.

The security captain, surnamed Ding, is of medium height, over forty years old, with a friendly face and mature and sophisticated conversation. Very cooperative with the resumes of all employees.

The result is still no.

Of the 30 security guards at the park, 18 were off duty on Saturday morning, and eight of them met age and education requirements. But none of these people have been severely punished recently.

Xu Xu asked to see everyone, but Captain Ding was embarrassed: "At the moment, only the person on duty is here, and the others may not decide where to play. Do you think it's possible to see everyone in the morning? I'll tell everyone to come over."

Xu Xu and Zhao Han walked out of the captain's office. At this time, it was already dark, and the starlight was like broken jade, quietly adorning the night sky. The two sat on a park bench, rather tired.

"Let's check the CBD security tomorrow." Zhao Han said, "The season team is this afternoon, and they should come to work tomorrow."

Xu Xu did not speak. She kept thinking about Ji Bai's words last night in her mind.

He said: "Some unpredictable deviation has taken place that allows the criminal to escape our search.

If the criminals really concealed the real information in some way, wouldn't the screening criteria she originally set become unreliable

Ji Bai also said: Even if there is no evidence, when he stands in front of you, you must recognize him to me.

There is no evidence, there is no standard. Just like that person...

Xu Xuhuo stood up and rushed to the captain's office again. Zhao Han followed behind: "Xu Xu, what are you doing?"

Xu Xu didn't answer, just opened the door and walked to the captain. Captain Ding was very surprised to see them leaving and returning: "Is there anything else, officer?"

Xu Xu nodded, pondered for a moment, and then said, "The person we are looking for is not tall, thin, and has an upper-middle appearance.

He pays great attention to the appearance of clothes and spends a lot of money on clothes. But his dress always makes people feel inexplicably uncomfortable;

He likes performance very much, but what he says always makes people feel unrealistic;

He is not very gregarious, and none of his colleagues are close to him;

He has a bad temper, gets angry suddenly, can't accept criticism, he can't understand other people's words very well, and he always has the feeling of 'he can't listen to him' when talking to him;

He would show off to his colleagues that he had a good family environment…”

Captain Ding was stunned at first, but his expression slowly changed after hearing it.

Xu Xu looked at his expression, his heart filled with joy, but his face became more serious: "Who is it?"

Although Zhao Han didn't quite understand, but when he saw the expressions of the two, he also reacted and picked up the resumes on the table to read.

"Yang Yu?" The captain was very surprised, "Do you know Yang Yu?"

Zhao Han immediately turned to his resume and frowned: "But his resume says that he was rewarded for his outstanding work last month and was given a bonus of 500 yuan. And he was on duty last Saturday morning."

Xu Xu took Yang Yu's resume, glanced at it, and raised his head: "What is the reason for him to be awarded?"

Captain Ding was also nervous: "The award... It's the blade case you're investigating. He was the first to discover that a tourist was scratched by a blade on the bench and helped rescue... In fact, his usual work performance was mediocre, but because of this incident, The principal praised him…”

Xu Xu and Zhao Han's expressions changed, Xu Xu interrupted him: "Did he change shifts with someone last Saturday?"

Captain Ding: "Wait... I'll ask." After making a call, he asked a few questions, his face hesitant: "He changed his shift with someone, and changed it to a night shift."

"Xu Xu." Zhao Han couldn't contain his excitement, pointing to the line on his resume, "Four months ago, he worked as a security guard in an investment bank in CBD."

The two looked at each other and saw the determination and excitement in each other's eyes.

CBD investment bank security, the salary is naturally higher than the park security. What was the reason for him to change jobs? Making mistakes is more likely to be fired.

As for not recorded on the resume? It is normal. Now, when a company encounters a problem employee, as long as it does not cause too serious loss and impact, most of them hope that the other party can leave. They will not be recorded in their resume and will be killed.

Is this the "unpredictable factor" that Ji Bai said? The suspect changed jobs within half a year, so he concealed his fault; and the "blade case" got him a reward instead. He changed shifts again, so in the last round of investigation, he was missed!

"Where is he now?" Zhao Han asked in a deep voice.

Captain Ding's expression became strange: "He asked me to resign this morning, and I asked him to come to me at night to talk to him." He looked up at the clock: "It's about eight o'clock."

Xu Xu and Zhao Han both looked at it, it was half past seven.

Zhao Han took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call to the bureau, but the phone rang first. After saying a few words, Zhao Han's face changed: "We are in Ruiying Park, the target will appear soon, and I ask for immediate reinforcements..."

After hanging up the phone, he glanced at the captain, lowered his voice and said to Xu Xu, "Just now, Lao Wu called, and the team identified a criminal suspect from the surveillance video. He appeared at the gates of many parks, and the time period also matched the time of the crime. It's Yang Yu!" In the past few days, the team has been sending special personnel to investigate the huge number of surveillance videos in several parks over the past week. I didn't expect to get a harvest today, and it coincides with Xu Xu's inference!

Just then, footsteps suddenly sounded at the door.

"Brother Ding, have you eaten yet?"

The door was already half-closed, and a fair-faced, slender-eyed young man pushed the door and entered. He was medium in height, wearing a black leather jacket and the security guard's dark blue trousers. The cheap fancy shirt is neatly tucked into the waistband, which is very eye-catching.

☆, the detective hot hand

It was dark, and the breeze came in through the open window. This location is in the corner of the park, very quiet, only the sound of the TV in the house.

For a split second, no one spoke.

The young man looked startled.

With just one glance, he saw the blue and white face of the security captain, as well as the gun holster exposed on Zhao Han's waist. His complexion suddenly became very complicated: anger, panic, smugness... mixed together, making the originally delicate face become full of viciousness.

Now even Zhao Han can be sure - it's him! Must be him!

However, Yang Yu's reaction was also quick, he turned around abruptly, and rushed out the door.

"Stop!" Zhao Han shouted angrily and chased out.

The hurried footsteps in the corridor disappeared instantly, and Captain Ding was stunned and at a loss. Xu Xu didn't move, just glanced at the direction they were leaving, then turned to Captain Ding and said, "Let your people guard all the exits of the park immediately. If you find him, don't get close, just report the location. Be careful, he has a knife ."

When Captain Ding heard her remarks, the words were clear and calm, and he immediately calmed down. He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted to his subordinates.

Xu Xu dialed the phone again: "Officer Wu, I'm Xu Xu, where have you been?" Knowing that a nearby police officer had been dispatched and they would be able to outflank the park within three minutes, Xu Xu was relieved—he couldn't run away .

After hanging up the phone, Captain Ding stared at her with wide eyes. The enthusiastic security captain's face was indignant and resolute: "Police officer, what should I do now?"

Xu Xu took out the baton from his bag and said in a deep voice, "Go out and have a look."


Although the night was still dark, the big park of Kenuo was obviously no longer peaceful. All the lights were turned on, the woods became more and more dense, and the road was dark and white. The sound of rapid footsteps came and went, and the beam of the flashlight swayed. The security guards who heard the news shouted and shouted: "Brother Li, there seems to be someone there!" "This way! Where are you two balls?"

In the chaotic movement, the two stood in the open space outside the house, and Captain Ding's heart was pounding. He turned his head and saw that Xu Xu was holding a baton, staring at the dark woods not far away, not in a hurry.

Although Xu Xu looks very thin, in Captain Ding's heart, she is a "god man". He couldn't help but ask with curiosity and admiration, "Officer, how do you know what Yang Yu is like?"

Xu Xu didn't answer and asked, "Where does Yang Yu live? How many people live?"

Captain Ding pointed forward: "The dormitory is over there. We are a two-person room, and he is the only one in his room now, and the other person is going back to his hometown to visit relatives."

"Call a few people to guard the dormitory." Xu Xu said immediately.

Yang Yu is not stupid. If he can't escape, the first thing that comes to his mind must be to destroy the evidence. His tools for committing crimes are likely to be hidden in the dormitory.

Captain Ding immediately gave an order through the walkie-talkie, but at this moment there was a crackling sound, and an anxious voice shouted: "Brother Ding! We found him!" Captain Ding suddenly became tense: "Where?"

"He ran towards the dormitory! There are only two of us, Brother Ding, come quickly!"

Captain Ding carried a thick wooden stick and ran forward. Xu Xu quickly followed. But her physical performance has always been barely passing, and just after a few steps, the tall Captain Ding has already thrown her out. Maybe because she was too excited, Captain Ding didn't notice her at all, he turned a corner in an instant, and ran out of sight. Only his voice still came from the wind: "Where is it? I'm here..."

When Xu Xu chased him to the corner, he saw a narrow and long road between two rows of low vegetation. There are no lights here, the light is very dark, and the shadows of the trees in the distance make it impossible to see the location of the dormitory. And Captain Ding had already run away, and the trail was quiet for a while, and there was no one there.

Xu Xu simply stopped running, carrying a baton, along the path, vigilantly searching forward.

At this moment, she heard the sound of small footsteps, as if someone accidentally stepped on a dead branch of a leaf, making a light click.

Just behind, very close. Then immediately fell silent.

Rao is that Xu Xu has always been calm, but at this moment, it is inevitable that his heart is pounding. She clenched the baton in her hand and looked down slowly. On the pavement with sparse moonlight, his shadow was blurred and thin. And another tall projection is slowly covering her shadow from behind...

Just when Xu Xu was tense, a messy footstep sounded from far to near, and at the same time, Zhao Han shouted loudly, "Stop!"

Xu Xu picked up the baton and swung it backwards! When he turned around, he saw Yang Yu's tense face, a flash of sword light in his hand, and he stabbed at her!

In an instant, her baton was solid and hit Yang Yu's chest. Although she is not very strong, ordinary people can't bear this full blow. That Yang Yu grunted, the dagger in his hand had already landed.

However, Yang Yu's reaction was also very fast. He grabbed the baton with his backhand and yanked it violently, with astonishing strength. Xu Xu felt pain in his palm, let go of the baton, turned around and ran away without hesitation.

Yang Yu grabbed Xu Xu's collar and stopped her with a strong arm, which had already restrained her. At the same time, he took out another knife from his pocket and pressed it against Xu Xu's neck tremblingly.

When Zhao Han arrived panting, he saw Yang Yuzheng restraining Xu Xu and dragging her to the dark woods behind him step by step. Zhao Han was furious: "Let go of her!"

At this time, Captain Ding also ran behind Zhao Han with three or four security guards. Seeing the scene in front of him, he looked at each other.

"I... I want a car!" Yang Yu stopped and replied with a stubborn neck. "The police are all gone! Go now! I'll let her go after I leave Lin City safely! Don't follow! Otherwise, I'll stab her!"

Zhao Han's face was ashen, and the light of the flashlights around him allowed him to see clearly: Yang Yu's eyes were red and his face was ashen, and the hand holding the knife was shaking constantly, as if he would make a cut on Xu Xu's slender neck at any time. .

As for Xu Xu, who was originally small, he was randomly cradling him in his arms at this time, and his entire face was mostly blocked by his arms, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Zhao Han took a deep breath and said to Yang Yu, "Don't be impulsive. Put down the knife first. If you accidentally hurt her, your crime will be serious."

The security guards gathered more and more behind him, and Captain Ding looked anxious and shouted, "Yang Yu! Don't be impulsive, one mistake will lead to eternal hatred! Let the police officer go!"

Other security guards also said, "Yeah, Yang Yu, don't be impulsive!"

But Yang Yu couldn't listen at all, his language was a little confusing: "Where is the car! I want a car! I want to go!" Looking at the tip of his dagger, Zhao Han's heart rose to his throat. It is impossible to let Yang Yu go, but now Xu Xu is in his hands, what should I do

At this moment, a cold voice sounded: "Impossible."

Everyone was shocked, and Yang Yu was also stunned, because the voice came from his arms. He looked sideways subconsciously, and saw the woman's beautiful face, pale and thin. But her eyes were extraordinarily black, so black that they were penetrating, and those extremely cold eyes shocked his heart.

"What did you say?" he growled, the tip of the knife touching her neck.

Xu Xu stared at him: "If you don't have a car, it's even more impossible to let you go. There is no room for discussion, don't even think about it."

Yang Yu didn't expect the hostage to be so arrogant, he was stunned, and the others around him were stunned.

Xu Xu: "Put down the knife immediately, or my colleagues will kill you. Yang Yu, you just want to teach those people a lesson, do you want to die for this?"

Her words surprised Yang Yu: Is he going to die for this? He really just wanted to take revenge!

I just heard Xu Xu continue: "You made a mistake before, and you will be imprisoned for a few years. The circumstances are not serious. But if you have held me hostage, it will be different. Even if you escape, you will be a wanted criminal all your life. When the wanted order is issued nationwide, your parents and neighbors will also see it. At that time, they will say that Yang Yu is really useless, just like his father... "

Yang Yu's whole body froze: "You...you..." Without saying a complete sentence, Xu Xu glanced at him and said, "Let me go now, everything can be salvaged, and not many people know about you. You can still make a comeback. Comparing the two, you are a smart person, what is there to hesitate? Put down the knife."

Yang Yu's face changed and changed, panting heavily, not speaking or moving. Xu Xu's voice was very steady: "Put down the knife. What are you still thinking about?"

Yang Yu shook his hands, his face was ashen, and the hand holding the knife slowly lowered. Zhao Han breathed a sigh of relief, and the surrounding security guards were even more frightened.

Although Xu Xu was stern, his palms were also soaked with layers of sweat. She knew that Yang Yu was still in a fierce struggle at the moment, and he had to wait for him to let go of himself completely before he could escape.

However, at this moment, a rapid, dense and vague alarm bell suddenly came from the night.

It's a police car.

Xu Xu secretly screamed bad, Yang Yu shuddered all over, hesitant and painful expression flashed on his face, raised the dagger again, pointed it at her: "Who are you? Does what you say count? It's really only a few years? You How do I know my dad... No, I can't go to jail, I can't go to jail! Car! I want a car! Or I'll die with her, with her!"

The man beside him was breathing as heavily as a dying cow; there were faces of horror in front of him. Not far away, flashing lights could already be seen.

The blade of the blade rubbed the icy neck inaudibly, Xu Xu calmed down, and was about to speak again, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a strange light flashing in Zhao Han's eyes.

There is someone behind.

As soon as this thought rushed into his mind, Xu Xu heard Yang Yu's "Ah" scream in pain.

A hand quietly stretched out from behind and firmly clamped Yang Yu's wrist. With a crisp "click", his palm was broken into a twisted shape, and the dagger fell to the ground. Although it was only for a moment, Xu Xu could see the hand clearly. The black sleeves were very slender, clean and powerful.

Yang Yu released Xu Xu almost immediately, held his wrist with a painful expression, and fell to his knees on the ground.

In the next second, Xu Xu felt a tightness in her chest, she was pulled back by force and fell into a hug.

The embrace was wide and warm, and she suddenly smelled the faint scent of green grass. And this person's strength is very strong, and the hoop makes her heart hurt.

Zhao Han shouted in surprise: "Boss!" He rushed up with a stride, grabbed Yang Yu's arm, and neatly turned his hands around and locked him. The security guards also swarmed up, Yang Yu wailed again and again, and his face was ashen.

As soon as Xu Xu raised his head, he crashed into a pair of extremely dark and deep eyes. Those eyes were clear and sharp, which made her heart shudder, and she felt a certain calming power keenly.

Season White.

He was wearing a black coat and was very tall and straight. The facial features are deep and soft, and they can even be considered beautiful, but on that angular face, there is a gentle toughness. But he looks younger than in the photo again, with short black hair and eyebrows, a kind of vivid heroism.

Rao is Xu Xu, and when he suddenly sees such a striking face, he will be stunned for a moment. What's more, at this moment, for the first time in her life, she was tightly held in her arms by a strange man. Under the soft street light, Xu Xu looked at his face that was close at hand, and suddenly thought without logic that the painting immersed in the morning light was handsome and hazy.

However, Ji Bai only stared at Xu Xu condescendingly for a moment, then released her.

Xu Xu regained his composure: "The season team is good."

Ji Bai didn't answer, his eyes moved down to her slender neck, and he reached out and touched it.

His movements were fast, and before Xu Xu could react, he felt his slightly calloused fingers quickly rubbing against the skin, causing a slight tingling.

Xu Xu frowned in conditioned reflex and turned his head away.

This hedgehog-like reaction made Ji Bai glance at her, coldness faded from his eyes, and a smile appeared. Because the smile is very light, it reveals laxity and alienation.

"The wound is not deep, you can take care of it yourself." His voice sounded more mellow than on the phone, not as aggressive as before, but rather gentle.

Xu Xu touched his neck, there was blood, but it was scratched by the blade: "Oh..."

Thinking that he had saved him just now, his skill and judgment were astonishing, Xu Xu said respectfully and sincerely, "Thank you."

Ji Bai: "No need. I'll talk to you about today's affairs later. Instead, the police were held hostage by criminals. You've made me look good."

Xu Xu: "..."

At this time, there were rapid footsteps around, and other colleagues in the team arrived.


"Boss, you're back!"

Several people shouted. Yao Meng also came. Seeing Ji Bai, she was stunned for a moment, then she shouted, "Hello, boss!"

Ji Bai's eyes glazed over the crowd, and he ignored Xu Xu and led Yang Yu forward with Zhao Han. Seeing his usual partners and subordinates, his dark eyes finally turned into a deep smile, and his handsome silhouette became softer.

The others laughed too, with that kind of warm and tacit smile. It's just that when everyone sees the captured Yang Yu, their eyes are filled with resentment and contempt.

Without any greetings, Ji Bai said in a deep voice without a pause: "Old Wu, bring two people to search Yang Yu's residence; Xiao Chen, get in the car with the suspect Da Hu; Xiao Zheng, bring the others to record Confession; Yao Meng, take Xu Xu to treat the wound."

Everyone looked at Xu Xu. Yao Meng lost her voice, "Xu Xu, are you alright?" Quickly stepped forward.

"It's fine. The skin is injured." Xu Xu smiled.


Xu Xu didn't ask Yao Meng to help, Yao Meng didn't insist, and followed the others.

Xu Xu walked back to the police car, pulled out the first aid kit, put two Band-Aids on his neck in front of the mirror, and couldn't help frowning - the most painful place was not the neck, but the chest.

Ji Bai dragged her out of Yang Yu's arms just now, with his hands tightly bound, he didn't pay attention at the time, but now he realizes that he happened to be holding his right chest with great strength, and now it still hurts. Her skin is sensitive and fragile, and at this level of pain, it should be bruised.

It felt unfamiliar and weird, as if he was not only causing pain, but also making her a little uncomfortable. But Xu Xu didn't think much about it. There was no one around, so she rubbed her chest indiscriminately and felt relieved, so she got out of the car and went to Yang Yu's dormitory.

It went very well that night. From under the bed in Yang Yu's dormitory, a pile of paper-cutting knives was found, as well as an "action plan" written by him, which recorded the time, place and his feelings of each crime. He himself also confessed to the crime.

He originally lived in a small county around Lin City. He had a good family environment and was pampered since he was a child. However, at the age of sixteen, his father's business failed, his family was poor, and his mother divorced his father. His grades were not good at all. After this change, he failed the college entrance examination and went to work in the city. It's just that he always felt that he should not be like this, and his work performance was very impetuous, so he did not work for a long time in Lin City for three or four years. The last job was introduced by a fellow, but he was dismissed after leaving his post many times without permission to play games while on duty. Everything was basically in line with Xu Xu's expectations, which surprised everyone in the criminal police team.

When the team was closing, Ji Bai asked everyone who had been busy for several days to go to the police station to hand in the gun and went straight to sleep. He and the experienced old Wu interrogated Yang Yu overnight.

When he got in the car, Old Wu mentioned Xu Xu: "I heard about Xu Xu being held hostage, and almost convinced Yang Yu to confess and surrender. You are not an easy apprentice. By the way, it's a bit like you just joined the police. When I was in the team, it was awesome."

like him? This statement is interesting.

Ji Bai smiled.

He got off the plane today, and when he learned that Xu Xu and the two were in the park, he rushed over immediately. Then as soon as I entered the door, I realized that something was wrong—the park on a quiet night on weekdays, noisy and tense.

When he was at the edge of the grove, he saw Yang Yu holding Xu Xu hostage. He was about to copy from the back, but heard Xu Xu's cold threat.

She behaved unexpectedly well, and as a hostage, she was in complete control of the situation.

When he rescued her from Yang Yu, the first thing he saw was a pair of very quiet and dark eyes. Even though she was just kidnapped, the moment she saw him, what flashed in her eyes was not panic and panic, but quick understanding and relaxation.

She recognized him, and then greeted him unhurriedly: "Hello, Team Season." She didn't even notice that there were three or two scary bloodstains hanging on the thin and tender neck.

Her psychological quality is indeed strong, and she is stupid enough. Her calm little face seems to exude a nerdy air all the time.

In addition, what surprised him was that she was so slender that she seemed to have no weight in her arms. The eyebrows and eyes are quite delicate and delicate, but the skin is too pale and too thin, and there is almost no blood. Whole person... like a fragile little zombie.

Such a little girl, like a small animal, how can she follow him to life and death in the future

Moreover, he also felt that something was wrong.

I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but in retrospect, it felt wrong and too soft. When he pulled her into his arms, he just held her chest.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't touched a woman for a long time, and the soft and elastic touch became very clear, as if it remained in his fingers, lingering.

Looking small, but not thin...

Ignoring the strange feeling on his fingertips, Ji Bai said to Old Wu, "It's not simple, have you ever seen a hostage who is more vicious than a robber?"

Old Wu: "The key is still a little bit, the explosive force is so strong."

two people