When A Snail Loves

Chapter 5: (2)


both laugh.

Old Wu added: "Take it well, you may be a goddess detective in the future. It's just that your physical fitness doesn't seem to be good enough. This is a problem."

"It won't be a problem." Ji Bai smiled lightly, "Let her take off a few layers of skin, and her physical fitness will naturally improve."

☆、Running snail

When Xu Xu woke up the next day, the five bright red fingerprints on his chest had not faded away. Her skin was originally white, and she felt quite hideous in front of the mirror.

So I smeared some safflower oil, and it smelled. At work, Yao Meng came over to smell it and said, "Where else did you get hurt yesterday?"

Xu Xu replied, "A little injury."

After a while, he saw Ji Bai put his hands in his pockets, walked into the office leisurely, nodded hello to everyone, and entered his room.

If it was changed to another girl, seeing Ji Bai would definitely be embarrassing and shy. But Xu Xu's nerves were too rough in this regard, he didn't feel anything at all, he just said hello politely.

Ji Bai's nerves are not rough, but he is very understanding and good at controlling himself. He knows that he is obsessed with the soft touch, but it is just a normal reaction after his physical desire has been suppressed for too long. So after returning home last night, he took a cold shower and all his thoughts disappeared. Seeing Xu Xu today, he would not have any other ideas.

"Hey, do you think that the atmosphere in the office has changed since the boss came back?" Yao Meng glanced at Ji Bai's office and whispered.

Xu Xu nodded. It's different, more nervous. Everyone's voice is lower and faster than usual.

She's quite used to it.


Because there was a lot of follow-up work in the Yang Yu case, Xu Xu and Yao Meng were both trying to help everyone on this day, and they were too busy. By the afternoon, the case materials were basically sorted out. Before Xu Xu could catch his breath, the phone on the desk seemed to ring at the right moment. It was Ji Bai: "Come in."

Xu Xu walked in and saw Ji Bai leaning back in the chair, holding a few pages of documents in one hand, without raising his head: "Close the door."

Xu Xu took it to the door and stood there honestly. He looked up at her and said, "Sit."

Xu Xu sat down as he said.

Feeling his sharp eyes staring at him, Xu Xu also looked up at him. His face was handsome and clean, and his dark eyes were slightly squinted, a kind of scrutiny.

Xu Xu likes to observe other people's eyes because more or less emotions are revealed. But Ji Bai's eyes seemed to have something lazy and indifferent at all times, making people unpredictable.

"In ten years, you are the first police officer in Lin City to be held hostage by criminals." Ji Bai said, "How do you plan to explain?" His voice was low and stern, and his eyes showed no warmth. In the past, he had trained several other female policemen in the bureau to cry like this.

But Xu Xu was not at all embarrassed, and replied, "There is nothing to explain."

It's not that Xu Xu has no concept of honor and disgrace, but that she has a peaceful mind. She knows that physical fitness has always been her weakness, but she believes that everyone has something they are not good at. Since they have tried their best, why should people be ashamed of their shortcomings

Ji Bai stopped talking, his dark eyes only stared at her. Xu Xu looked at him calmly. After a while, an indifferent smile suddenly appeared in his eyes.

This smile made Xu Xu feel some invisible pressure, as if something bad would happen.

Sure enough, Ji Bai threw the document he had been holding on the table, and Xu Xu glanced at it and found that it was his resume, and Ji Bai drew a circle with a red pen in the physical fitness column.

"I passed." Xu Xu emphasized.

"You are the only one in the entire criminal police team with a 'pass' physical fitness." Ji Bai said indifferently, "Everyone else is excellent. And I checked just now. Although you passed, you are the last in the department."

At this time, Xu Xu's face became a little hot. After all, "the last one" is too extreme to be called. For a top student, it is still a bit tingling.

Ji Bai stared at her: "In three months, your physical fitness must be improved from passing to good. In these three months, you are not allowed to go to the police, only do clerical work. I don't need a subordinate who will be kidnapped at any time, dragging down the whole team. "


When he came out of Ji Bai's office, Xu Xu was still quite depressed. Because she was not sure whether she could accomplish the goal set by Ji Bai.

So from this moment, Xu Xu was under the pressure of "may not be able to complete the goal". When I got home from get off work, I immediately turned on the computer, searched for information, and formulated a physical fitness improvement plan. The program was undoubtedly demanding, she had to do a lot of training and eat more.

At night, Xu Jun called and asked her if she was done with the case, and wanted to introduce her to an IT technical man. Xu Xu said yes.

Xu Jun heard that his sister was in a low mood. After asking what was going on, he smiled and said, "Your boss is right. With your small physique, I'm also worried about going to arrest the prisoner."


Since "exercise" is a very difficult task for Xu Xu, she feels the need to reward herself. She went out at 6 o'clock the next morning, bought some exquisite breakfast, and drove to the police station.

There is a sports field next to the police station, which belongs to the police academy. At this moment, the sky was just getting bright, and a faint mist shrouded the runway like a gauze. Xu Xu put on earplugs as usual and started running slowly.

There are strong young people and middle-aged people passing by. Most of them wore sports vests issued by the police department. Xu Xu had just run two laps when suddenly he heard a cold voice from the side: "Are you a snail?" Turning to look, Ji Bai was wearing a grey and white T-shirt and dark black sports trousers, standing beside him.

He had obviously been running for a long time. His back and front chest were soaked with sweat, and his hair was wet. His face was a little red, and his eyebrows were more black and clean in the morning light, and he looked like a handsome young man. But his expression was stern, and he stared at her with a frown.

Because of standing close, the man's sweat and heat wafted through his nostrils. Before Xu Xu replied, the conditioned reflex took a small step back. This move fell into Ji Bai's eyes, but the girl shrank back like a frightened little animal. There are differences between men and women, so he couldn't force it any more, he just said coldly, "Hurry up!"

Xu Xu ran with all his strength. It's not that he's afraid of him, but he's heard that Ji Bai has driven dissatisfied people away from the criminal police team several times, and he's never been soft-hearted. Xu Xu wanted to be a criminal police officer, but she would never let herself be expelled. And she also understood that Ji Bai's physical requirements were actually for her good.

Because he was afraid that he would follow behind, Xu Xu did not dare to relax, and after running for more than half a lap, he noticed that there were no footsteps behind him.

Xu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, slowed down a little, and his physical fitness had to be improved gradually.

Unexpectedly, after running for another half lap, he saw a familiar figure standing in the equipment training area in front of him.

At this time, the fog has dissipated a lot, and the morning light is transmitted on the lawn. With his back to her, Ji Bai was holding up some rather heavy equipment. His back looks very tall, and every inch of muscle under the T-shirt slowly reveals a firm line. And when he put down the equipment, the stretched muscles retracted, and the back line became slender and well-proportioned again, casting a soft and smooth silhouette in the sunlight.

Xu Xu always felt that although he was tall, he didn't look strong. He didn't expect him to be so muscular. Although Xu Xu had never been in love, he knew how to appreciate the beauty of people's appearance. She has always disliked Kong Wu and powerful men, but admired handsome and thin men. Judging from her aesthetics, Ji Bai looks good, but even though the muscles in this body are not swollen or swollen, even well-proportioned, it still detracts from his appearance.

While he was in a trance, Ji Bai suddenly turned around as if he had noticed the sight on his back. Under the sun, a drop of sweat slid down her angular face, her dark eyes stared at her, as if she was asking silently: What speed are you

Xu Xu accelerated almost like an electric shock, and silently ran away from him.


It was exactly 7:30 after the run, and there was no one in the office. Xu Xu didn't like the smell of oil smoke in the canteen on the top floor, so he put breakfast in the small conference room, took a newspaper and left it.

There is a place for bathing in the police station compound. It was already 20 minutes after Xu Xu returned to the office after taking a bath. As soon as she pushed open the door of the small conference room, she was stunned.

Ji Bai sat in the position she had chosen, holding a newspaper in his left hand, and putting a crystal shrimp dumpling into his mouth in his right hand. And the lunch box in front of him was empty.

Xu Xu was stunned, he just raised his eyes and glanced at her: "Sit down."

Why did he eat her breakfast

Ji Bai's eyes were still on the newspaper, and his low voice was unhurried: "I eat your breakfast, I want to tell you that as a criminal policeman, it is necessary to understand some worldly manners. Criminal investigation work needs to rely on the masses to provide clues. How can a police officer who only understands professionalism and does not understand the sophistication gain the support of the masses?"

Xu Xu continued to be stunned.

Ji Bai: "You know that preparing me breakfast is not worth it. But I don't need to prepare it in the future. I don't need this in my team."

Only then did Xu Xu understand: Ji Bai had misunderstood.

In fact, this can't blame Ji Bai for being affectionate. He didn't like the smell of oil smoke in the cafeteria. After exercising every morning, he would go to the small conference room to eat something and read the newspaper. Over the years, everyone on the team has known about it. And he will definitely be sitting in this position, the sun just shines in, but not too dazzling.

Today, as soon as he entered the small conference room, he saw that breakfast and newspapers were neatly placed in his seat, and only Xu Xu came to the office, so she must have prepared it.

Once or twice before, the policewoman knocked on the door of the office and asked Ji Bai if he wanted breakfast, but of course he refused. But now that the object is Xu Xu, he will not think that she has other thoughts. He just wanted this nerd to think of pleasing his boss, which was quite commendable. Can't beat the change she tried to make, simply accept it, and teach her the world by the way.

What's more, she bought his favorite crystal shrimp dumplings.

However, after he finished speaking, he saw Xu Xu's dark and clean eyes staring at him, and his delicate eyebrows were already furrowed: "You made a mistake, this is my breakfast, not for you."

The house fell silent for a moment.

Ji Bai put down the newspaper, stared at her, and said nothing.

Only then did Xu Xu faintly feel that he might have said it too directly and swept his face. After deliberating for a moment, he decided to compromise: "If you like, I can bring you a copy tomorrow."

"No need!" Ji Bai stood up, his tall figure enveloped her like a tree, and smiled faintly, "In this case, I can't eat this breakfast for nothing. You arrive an hour early tomorrow, and I will supervise it myself."

An hour earlier, it was time to go out at 5 o'clock... Xu Xu was still a little stunned, Ji Bai had already walked past her and walked out of the small conference room.

When Xu Xu ran to the cafeteria again, the breakfast was already sold out. Had to go back to the office hungry.

After a while, colleagues came in twos and threes. Yao Meng walked in with two bags of xiao long bao, and said with a smile, "The buns that just came out of the cage are very famous in my family. I bought an extra bag, who wants it?"

Everyone said they had eaten it, so Yao Meng walked to Ji Bai's door with a bag: "Boss, have you eaten yet?"

Ji Bai was still reading the newspaper, his face was behind his back, and his voice was indifferent: "I have eaten."

Yao Meng stuck out her tongue and returned to her seat with her breakfast, only to see Xu Xu's always clear and cold eyes staring at the bun in her hand, her voice muffled, "Can you share with me?"

☆, in his eyes

Xu Xu has her own stubbornness and arrogance in her profession, but as a police officer, she always strictly enforces the rules and orders. Although Ji Bai's request was a bit inhumane, she would not think of rebelling against her superiors, and it could even be said that she was a little "submissive".

So the next morning, she still went out on time. When we arrived at the stadium, it was dark and the street lights were still on. The track was gloomy and empty, and three or two people could be seen running in the dark.

She stood there for a while, and saw a figure running in front of her from the thick haze.

It was Ji Bai, it should have just arrived, and there was no sweat.

The light is very dim, his outline is a little blurry, but his voice is clear and powerful: "How many laps did you run yesterday?"

Xu Xu: "Five."

"Ten today, the speed can't be slower than yesterday, I'll count the time." Leaving these words, he continued to run forward.

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, then took a sip from the water bottle and followed.

Of course, if it is said to follow, in fact, Ji Bai will soon be gone. After Xu Xu ran a short half-circle, steady and fast footsteps approached from behind.

Just listening to the very rhythmic breathing sound, you can feel the power released by the male body in the movement. In contrast, Xu Xu's running had no sense of existence at all, with small steps and light breathing. As soon as she lowered her head, she saw Ji Bai crossed her two and a half steps in one step, surpassing the past...

"This circle isn't counted, it's too slow." A faint voice floated far from the darkness, Xu Xu froze, and followed up depressed.

When Xu Xu finished ten laps, the sky was already bright, and his breath was weak. As for how many laps Ji Bai ran, she couldn't count. Anyway, in the last two laps, he had stopped, and he didn't see anyone, so he didn't know where he went. She even wondered if he was really clocking.

After resting for a while, Xu Xu dragged his lead-like legs and walked outside the sports field. When he walked to the equipment area, he saw Ji Bai sitting there with a man. Hearing her footsteps, they both turned their heads. Ji Bai waved to her with a smile on his face: "Xu Xu, come here."

That smile was extraordinarily soft, making her already outstanding face shine brightly in the sun.

Xu Xu glanced at him and turned to the man.

The man looked in his fifties, of medium height, with gray hair and a kind face. He said to her, "Hello, Xu Xu. I heard that there is a promising newcomer in the team, but I didn't expect it to be such a petite girl."

Xu Xu: "Hello, Captain Yan. I have long admired your name."

The man's smile deepened: "It's really clever. But since you are Xiaoji's apprentice, you should call me Master."

This person is the retired former criminal police captain, surnamed Yan, also Ji Bai's master back then, a famous detective in Lin City. Xu Xu had heard of him before, and based on his age and tone of voice, he inferred his identity.

Of course, Ji Bai's gentle smile that was about to drip, also explained everything.

"Hello, Master." Xu Xu shouted honestly.

Seeing that her eyes were clear, neither humble nor arrogant, Yan Dui had a good impression of her, and said to Ji Bai with a smile, "You apprentice is well-behaved and smart, take good care of her. She is a girl, so don't be too strict."

Ji Bai smiled: "Of course I know this."

Xu Xu was silent.

Team Yan heard that Xu Xu was studying criminal psychology, and was very interested. He asked a few questions, and Xu Xu answered them one by one. Team Yan really praised her a few words. After all, facing a legendary figure in the police world, Xu Xu blushed a little when he said it.

Team Yan observed her words and expressions, and gave Ji Bai a look, meaning that this girl was too innocent.

Ji Bai originally listened to their conversation quietly, but after receiving Master's look, he turned to Xu Xu. Seeing this, he was slightly startled.

The sun has risen, and the morning light is yellowish and bright. Xu Xu stood in front of them, his pale skin was almost transparent in the sunlight. But there was an even patch of crimson on his small cheeks. The red was not deep, but her skin looked so thin and fragile that the red was about to drip like blood. Even the snow-white little ears are red, and the color is moist, as if it will stick to the hands when touched.

And she lowered her face slightly, her expression a little cramped, but her eyes were as black and calm as always, like two shallow creeks, quietly reflecting the sunlight.

It turned out to be pretty good looking.

Seeing that Ji Bai was staring at him indifferently, Xu Xu seemed to have no other instructions, so he politely bowed to Team Yan: "Master, then I'll go first. Chat next time."

Team Yan kept smiling and watching her go away, then turned to Ji Bai and said, "It's no wonder that you are not too troublesome, and you are willing to take a female apprentice. It seems that you are very good."

Ji Bai raised his eyes and glanced, just when he saw Xu Xu turning out of the gate of the sports field, he replied with a smile, "She didn't cause any trouble."


During the lunch break, Xu Xu slept in the dark, which was only natural. She didn't hear the bell for work, but Yao Meng pushed her to wake her up and asked cutely, "Are you alright? It looks like you were beaten up."

Xu Xu sullenly replied, "Almost."

As soon as the computer was turned on, a message popped up in the UC (internal communication system) of the police station. The interlocutor was Zhao Han.

Xu Xu asked him about the condition of the sports field, so he knew about Ji Bai's training. In addition, Xu Xu was held hostage last time, and he has always felt guilty. Therefore, it is specially encouraged.

Zhao Han: "How do you feel about the devil's special training?"

Xu Xu replied, "It is indeed a devil."

Zhao Han: "Haha! Heaven will give you a big responsibility and so are people! The season team is for your own good."

Xu Xu: "I know."

Zhao Han: "No other policewoman can envy you."

Xu Xu: "Why?"

Zhao Han's sentence was also very casual, he was stunned for a moment, and replied, "Because the boss is handsome."

Xu Xu: "Because he is handsome, they want to be tortured by him? They like being abused?"

On the seat opposite, Zhao Han spat out a mouthful of water.

In fact, Xu Xu's thinking and language are very straightforward, and his words are limited to literal meaning. "torture" refers to running that makes her feel tortured; "tortured" refers to psychologically serious masochistic physique concept. But in the eyes of an ordinary man like Zhao Han, her words were too explosive.

Similar things have happened before.

In high school, everyone was very shy about matters between men and women. One day after school, several girls stayed in the classroom to gossip privately, saying that they suspected a certain girl and had an "inappropriate relationship" with a certain boy. Because Xu Xu was there at the time, one of them had a good relationship with Xu Xu, and was very excited to ask her what she thought of this.

Xu Xu didn't know the two people they were talking about, so he could only express his opinion on the nature of the incident. He replied, "Sex is an animal instinct."

The girls who were embarrassed to mention "do" publicly were immediately shocked.

Here, Zhao Han replied tremblingly: "You..."

Xu Xu replied, "?"

Just after typing the question mark, I heard an unhurried voice behind me: "Xu Xu, come to my office."

Xu Xu turned his head and saw Ji Bai holding a cup, still steaming, probably just came back from the tea room. He glanced at her condescendingly, turned and walked into the office.

Xu Xu didn't feel that he said anything excessive, but when Ji Bai saw that she was commenting on him, he still felt a little wrong, and immediately got up and followed up.

As soon as he sat down, Ji Bai glanced at her and said calmly, "According to my standards, the morning exercise is just a warm-up, and the formal torture has not yet begun."

Xu Xu: "..."

Ji Bai opened a document and threw it to her: "This is a report requested by the superior. Please submit it before get off work tomorrow."

Xu Xu took it, flipped through it, and asked a few questions that were unclear. Just as Ji Bai was about to answer, the phone rang.

It was an important call. He picked up the phone and got up, motioned Xu Xu to wait for a while, and walked into the small conference room next door.

He didn't say let her go, Xu Xu naturally sat and waited. She finished flipping through the documents in a short while, and before Ji Bai came back, she looked up boredly and looked around.

It was mid-afternoon, and sunlight poured in through the large windows, painting the floor a warm golden color. Even the water-milled marble tabletop seems to be stained with the smell of drying in the sun.

The chair in Ji Bai's office was also more comfortable than the outside, large and firm. Xu Xu sat in the sun for a while, then got a little sleepy, leaned back on the chair, closed his eyes relaxedly and meditated.

Ji Bai finished the phone call, and as soon as he walked into the office, he saw that Xu Xu was already asleep.

The small body is curled up in the wide chair, the head is slightly raised, the arms are placed on the armrests, and the movements and postures are like those of middle-aged people. The complexion looked a little bad, and the black eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, as if with deep tiredness.

It seems that the little one is really tired.

Ji Bai looked at her for a few seconds, then walked lightly, went back to his seat and sat down, lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly.

Give her ten minutes.


However, Xu Xu woke up in less than a minute.

He was awakened by the slight rustling sound of flipping the pages. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Ji Bai had already sat across from him at some point, with his handsome face slightly downcast, a cigarette in one hand, and a document in the other, without any expression. .

She didn't know how long she had slept, but falling asleep in front of her superiors during work hours was too much for her. Especially the stern Ji Bai. A cold sweat broke out on her back, and her face turned white.

Without raising his head, Ji Bai asked slowly, "Are you satisfied with the sleeping conditions in my office?"

So Xu Xu's face became even more ugly: "I'm sorry."

He thought that Ji Bai would receive more severe criticism and ridicule, but who knew he would change the subject: "What did you not know just now?"

Xu Xu was stunned and asked questions about work. Ji Bai answered one by one, but didn't mention the embarrassing thing about her falling asleep.


Overall, in the first week of Ji Bai's return, Xu Xu's life was worse than death. Every day, I am exhausted both mentally and physically, and I fall asleep when I get home from get off work, and my food intake has also increased significantly.

Seeing her depressed appearance, Xu Jun naturally felt distressed. But he himself is a tough and hard-working person. He thinks that training is good for his sister, so he doesn't say much. I just said that since the career is frustrated, we must strive for love. This Friday, I made a blind date for her. A high-quality IT man must be there on time.

On Friday morning, Xu Xu managed to complete the great task of ten laps. While sitting in the small conference room eating breakfast, he asked Ji Bai, do you still need to train on Saturday and Sunday

Ji Bai replied, don't you eat on Saturdays and Sundays

So Xu Xu was speechless.

When it was time to get off work, Xu Xu was already wilted. But because the blind date at night had already been arranged, she could only think, see you sooner, complete the task, and go home to sleep.

She went directly to the parking lot of the bureau, and Xu Jun made a special trip to pick her up. As soon as he got down from the basement, he saw Ji Bai walking out of another passage.

"Xu Xu!" The clear voice was Xu Jun, wearing a fine black suit, sitting in his Mercedes-Benz with a smile in his eyes. Just seeing the simple shirt and slacks on her body, she frowned, "You just wear this to go on a blind date?"

Xu Xu looked down at himself: "So?"

Xu Jun remained silent. Xu Xu turned his head: "Team Season, goodbye."

Ji Bai actually glanced at her, nodded, and walked to the car next to him.

Xu Xu walked over, Xu Jun opened the door for her, a little surprised: "Your superior?"

She nodded, just in time to see Ji Bai passing by in a black Buick. Very ordinary cars, he didn't even look at them.


When the lights first came on, the black Mercedes-Benz passed through the traffic. When Xu Jun parked the car at the gate of the "courtyard", Xu Xu still keenly sensed something was wrong.

Courtyard, a low-key but famous private club in the city. A few years ago, when Xu Jun earned his first million in life, he brought Xu Xu to have a meal with great pride. Later, Xu Jun came here diligently, and Xu Xu naturally did not accompany him.

But is it a bit of a fanfare to have a blind date with an IT engineer and come to the "courtyard"

Seeing Xu Jun leisurely walking in with his long legs, Xu Xu said, "Stop."

Xu Jun of course understood what she was questioning, and he justified himself without changing his face: "The president of an IT company, of course, is also an IT person - you can't discriminate against others because of their high positions."

Xu Xu frowned: "First of all, the president is a manager, not a technical person, not the type I designated; secondly, this type of person is generally more complex in character and mind than ordinary people, and his work is more busy. Do you want me to face A turbulent marriage with few and many separations?"

Xu Jun also restrained his smile and replied: "First of all, I have been in contact with this person for a while, and he is not a responsible man like the ordinary rich man Hu Tian Hu. , the prediction will be successful; secondly, since you are here today, you must give me this face, at least finish the meal."

Xu Xu stopped talking.

Xu Jun thought she was angry, and wondered if she was taking it too seriously. Just as he was about to soften his tone, Xu Xu nodded, "I accept what you said, let's go in."

Xu Jun was stunned for a moment, smiled, and touched her hair: "Contact, if it doesn't suit you, then you kick him. It doesn't matter if he is the president or a soldier, my sister likes it the most."

Xu Xu nodded, "Nonsense."

The two walked towards the reserved private room, and in the distance, they saw the old-fashioned yellow window lattice, and the window paper was as white as snow. In the elegant and quiet room, a young man sat behind the table with a pot of sake and a burner of sandalwood in his hand. The white porcelain wind bells jingled on the door, the man raised his head, looked at Xu Xu, smiled slightly, showing his snow-white teeth, his handsome face was soft and clear in the light of the night.

Ye Zixiao.

☆、whose story