When A Snail Loves

Chapter 6: (1)


"Love at first sight" was a bit exaggerated, but Ye Zixiao knew very well that he was indeed attracted by Xu Xu.

On the sunset grass that day, it was such a petite pale girl, with blood on her hands and face, impatiently giving orders to him—this scene was so visually striking that he thought she was cool, energetic, and cute. .

Follow if you like. For him, it was a simple truth.

After pestering her for a day, she didn't even look at him. It was a bit frustrating at first and also felt boring. But later, standing behind her, she watched her squatting on the grass with a frown, facing the murder scene for more than an hour. When I stood up, my legs were obviously numb. I stumbled before I stood up, and I jumped on the spot in a daze, and my legs moved freely.

At that time, he thought a little angrily: If she became her little girlfriend, how could she make her work so hard? Have to spoil her in heaven and earth, do whatever she wants. No blood on your hands, no need to face murder, sweet and sweet all day.

The night is blurred, and the light is gentle.

Ye Zixiao pretended to be okay and stretched out his hand towards Xu Xu: "Hello, Miss Xu, we've met before. My name is Ye Zixiao."

Xu Xu frowned, just about to say that you were boring, but when he looked up, he saw his brother's gentle and encouraging gaze.

She suddenly remembered Ji Bai's words: Xu Xu, it is necessary to understand some worldly customs.

I also remembered what my brother just said: Since you are here today, you must give me this face and finish the meal.

After a moment of silence, he reached out his hand lightly: "Hello."

In Ye Zixiao's beautiful eyes, a vaguely successful smile flashed, and he took her small hand into the palm of his hand, but was slightly startled - unexpectedly cold and smooth. The next second, she had already pulled back hard.

The three sat down, Xu Jun was looking at the menu, Xu Xu stared at the table.

Ye Zixiao: "What hobbies does Miss Xu usually have?"

Xu Xu didn't intend to really pay attention to him, and replied, "Apart from work, I have no hobbies."

Ye Zixiao raised his eyebrows and smiled, "It's a coincidence, so do I."

Xu Xu was silent.

Xu Jun glanced sideways at the two of them and smiled.

Ye Zixiao asked again, "I heard that you studied criminal psychology. What did you study? Is it the same as an American drama?"

Xu Xu: "When I was in school, I mainly studied three aspects: first, to establish a database and behavior patterns of various criminals in China; second, to study the influence of Chinese family environment on adult criminal behavior patterns; third,..." She said a Lots of very professional and very obscure explanations.

Ye Zixiao nodded frequently, the corners of his lips smiled lightly, and his eyes sparkled.

Xu Jun: "Why is it so complicated, I don't understand."

Ye Zixiao: "I don't understand either. But I feel Xu Xu said it really well."

So what he asked again, Xu Xu always answered "um", "yes", "don't know".

Halfway through, Xu Jun finally went to the bathroom.

With only the two of them left, Ye Zixiao looked at her and smiled, but Xu Xu got straight to the point: "This blind date is meaningless, I won't accept you."

However, to her surprise, Ye Zixiao was not surprised or angry at all, but looked very gentle and nodded.

Then he said, "Xu Xu, I know that my previous behavior was a bit abrupt, which left a bad impression on you and interfered with your criminal police work. I apologize to you."

He admitted his mistake so sincerely, Xu Xu was not a mean person, nodded: "I accept. I didn't take it to heart, you don't need to care."

Ye Zixiao smiled deeper, revealing snow-white teeth: "Since everyone doesn't care about the past, then I'm just your blind date tonight. I hope you can give me a chance to get to know me first, and then decide whether to veto it or not. I:

I am twenty-five this year, in good health, with no bad habits and no criminal record. The economic conditions are good, and in the future you will be able to live a life of worry-free clothing and food. There should be no problem; my graduation score abroad is TOP10%, and the IQ test level is excellent, which is good for the next generation;

The other most important point is that I have a very good impression of you. If I start dating, I will take this relationship seriously.

So, can you think about it? "

Xu Xu was stunned.

This was the first time someone had spoken to her in a long and outspoken way, and he had a point.

In fact, Ye Zixiao did come prepared and made a special trip to ask Xu Jun about Xu Xu's preferences. Although Xu Jun wasn't going to help outsiders, he could still give some advice. He just told him that my sister likes to analyze everything, don't treat her like an ordinary vain girl, and impress her with sincerity.

Ye Zixiao thought over and over again, and prepared these remarks. It really conformed to Xu Xu's logical habits, and she listened to it.

Seeing her dazed look, Ye Zixiao's heart filled with joy, and he asked again, "Can I be your default?"

Xu Xu rubbed his brows and said, "Sorry, I'm a little tired, and my thinking is not very clear, which affects my judgment. You let me concentrate on thinking for a few minutes and give you an answer." Then he looked at the time on his watch, and his face was blank. The expression was thoughtful.

Ye Zixiao was a little bit unbelievable, and a little bit funny—she was really thinking about it

If someone else did this, Ye Zixiao would leave with a sneer. Even if he was chasing her, when did Ye Si become the fish on the chopping board, waiting for the woman to pronounce the final result? Or in person

But the object was Xu Xu, he knew that she didn't mean to be humiliated or arrogant, she was just thinking seriously...

And love is not a professional issue, she actually said, "I don't know how to think, so I need to concentrate on thinking." In his opinion, he was obviously moved by him and hesitated, okay? Then why hesitate, what's wrong with him Ye Zixiao

Even though she thought so, Ye Zixiao couldn't help but feel a little nervous looking at her frowning brows.

After about a minute, Xu Xu raised his head and his eyes were very calm: "I've thought about it, sorry, I can't accept it."

Ye Zixiao's expression changed slightly, and he asked almost immediately, "Why?"

Xu Xu hesitated for a moment, then he slowed down his tone and replied, "Thank you very much for your good impression. Your conditions are very good, but I really don't like your type. Conditions can be improved, but it's hard to control your preferences. I'm sorry."

When Xu Jun came back, he saw Ye Zixiao leaning on the back of the chair, his eyes looking out the window, his face was a little ugly; Xu Xu was holding the phone, his fingers were sliding, but his face was a little red.

Xu Jun didn't ask, he sat down and started talking about business.

That night, Ye Zixiao didn't talk to Xu Xu again, and Xu Jun didn't make any connections. Xu Xu, on the other hand, put away the phone and listened to them quietly.

After dinner, he went to pick up the car, Xu Jun said, "Xu Xu, wait for me in the car, I will have a cigarette with Young Master Ye."

Xu Xu said "oh" and left. The two men lit cigarettes. Xu Jun smiled lightly and said, "My sister is a straight character and is not good at interpersonal relationships. I am used to it, so I won't call her next time."

Ye Zixiao heard clearly that Xu Jun was going down the stairs for today's failed blind date.

He raised his eyes and glanced at Xu Xu in the distance, smiled, and replied, "If you don't call her, I'll make an appointment myself. Sincerity is the best thing to do - my brother won't interfere with my sister's freedom to make friends, right?"

Xu Jun was a little surprised and smiled: "Okay, don't interfere, it's up to her."

In fact, Ye Zixiao was very angry at the time, he felt that this woman was too stubborn and too disrespectful.

But secretly made a fire for a while, but he was not reconciled, and he couldn't believe that he couldn't catch up with this little girl!

This thought may be the desire to conquer, and he also knows that it is precisely because of her refusal that he is more interested. What does it matter? It is only natural that men conquer women.


From Xu Xu's point of view, Ye Zixiao's matter has been resolved, but he doesn't know that he is planning to make a comeback. Although she had to get up early this weekend, she was able to rest at home for two days, and she recovered a lot.

On Sunday afternoon, she made a special trip to cook a small pot of porridge for herself. It's just that I live alone, I've eaten enough, and I still have a small half pot left. She doesn't like wasting food, and plans to take it to the police station for breakfast tomorrow. But I still couldn't finish it, so I naturally thought of Ji Bai and sent him a text message: "I have cooked porridge, how much, do you want it tomorrow morning?"

Ji Bai replied quickly: "What's the content?"

"Red bean porridge."

Ji Bai replied, "Okay."

After a week of calm and calm, Xu Xu also slowly adapted to the devil training. Although the two exercise together every day, they don't talk much, and they basically run their own way. Occasionally, Xu Xu brought breakfast, and he learned to be good, so he prepared a serving for Ji Bai.

The two usually only communicate with each other at work. The Yang Yu case has been completely closed, and there are no recent cases.

To avoid panic, the police department did not disclose the case to the public. So most people in Lin City don't know. Very few people who heard about Park Blade thought it was a prank by teenagers. The case itself had no social impact in Lin City.


However, everyone in the team knew about Xu Xu's physical training. During lunch that day, in front of Ji Bai, everyone comforted Xu Xu, saying that although the process was cruel, the result would be beautiful. The last time the season team personally checked the physical fitness of their subordinates was three years ago, a relatively thin boy who started 30 laps a day. Now he is the backbone of the Eastern Division, a tough guy with eight-pack abs who can run and play.

Xu Xu nodded to show that he was taught.

It was at this time that Yao Meng realized that Ji Bai was training Xu Xu every day.

She didn't come up to laugh as usual, but looked at Ji Bai, who smiled lightly, and Xu Xu, who blushed slightly, and was silent for a while.

She doesn't feel well. That feeling was mixed with a bit of goodwill towards Ji Bai, a bit of unwillingness, and a bit of powerlessness. A feeling of loneliness that is left behind but cannot be changed.

In fact, from the day Ji Bai came back, this feeling in her heart began to sprout.

She clearly remembered that he was wearing a black trench coat that day, tall and straight, and the real man was more handsome than any man she had ever seen. At that time, she thought, he is really excellent, regardless of appearance and talent.

If there is one goal to strive for, Yao Meng is now sure that she wants to become a person like Ji Bai. Because they are the same kind of people, with the same outstanding appearance, the same strength to speak, and the same maturity and sophistication.

But it was such a person that she looked up to, a high-ranking person in the police force, who accepted Xu Xu as an apprentice. But she was following police officer Wu who was about to retire. Her background in the police station was a bit shorter than Xu Xu.

And now, Ji Bai still takes Xu Xu to practice every day, and gets along day and night. She even had an intuition as to what else would happen between the two.

That's what she didn't want to see, what she was afraid to see.


Since his home is not in Lin City, Ji Bai is almost always the last to leave after get off work every day.

Xu Xu also stayed late that day, because he had to finish the work arranged by Ji Bai. Yao Meng also stayed there and didn't leave, she couldn't tell what her state of mind was. She knew it was a bit blind and irrational, but during the day she heard about Ji Bai taking Xu Xu in person, and now looking at the lights in Ji Bai's office, she didn't want to leave.

Finally, after nine o'clock, Ji Bai turned off the lights and walked out. Yao Meng heard the footsteps and didn't look in his direction. Instead, she turned off the computer and stood up, bowing her head to organize her bag.

Ji Bai first glanced at Xu Xu, who was still typing, and then looked at Yao Meng, "Why haven't you left yet?"

Yao Meng smiled at him, "Let's go. I didn't finish my work just now."

Ji Bai walked to Xu Xu's side and stopped, "You're not leaving yet? Can you get up tomorrow?"

Xu Xu was startled, looked up at the clock, said "oh", and started to pack up.

The three walked downstairs together. Xu Xu and Ji Bai were going to the basement to pick up the car. Yao Meng gathered up her scarf and rubbed her hands together: "Then I'll go first." Self-deprecating. I feel like I'm doing a lame show. As lame, he couldn't see it.

"Wait." At this moment, Ji Bai's deep voice sounded, Yao Meng's heart suddenly lifted, and she turned to look at him. She clearly felt her heart beat faster.

"There is no bus anymore. How do you get back?" Ji Bai said.

Yao Meng rubbed her head embarrassedly, "I forgot the time... I'll see if I can take the night bus." She looked at Ji Bai, but met his deep eyes, and lowered her gaze, fearing that he would see too much in her own eyes. Obvious wings.

Ji Bai looked at her cramped look with her head down, smiled, and looked away lightly: "Let Xu Xu take you home. You two drop by."

Xu Xu was taken aback, Yao Meng was taken aback.

Xu Xu looked at Yao Meng, "Let's drop by?"

Yao Meng paused for a moment, then reported her address.

Xu Xu thought about it for a while, and he really hit the road: "Then let's go. We can go together after working overtime in the future."


Ji Bai drove the car into the night and headed north. Xu Xu carried Yao Meng all the way to the southeast. Yao Meng rubbed her face and said with a smile, "So the season team even knows where we live."

Xu Xu: "Yes."

"Is the season team very strict?"


Yao Meng smiled, "But he's usually very gentle. Is it fun to train with him?"

Xu Xu was a little strange about this question: "Interesting?" Shaking his head: "I don't know. We don't talk much."

Yao Meng was startled, smiled and said, "Actually, I also plan to exercise, so I'll come back with you."

Xu Xu turned his head and stared at her expressionlessly.

Yao Meng's heart tightened, but she heard her say, "Are you sure you want to get up at 4:30 every day, run ten laps, every Saturday and Sunday? Be careful."

Yao Meng suddenly burst out laughing, reached out to squeeze her face, and then said, "Xu Xu, sometimes you are so cute that people want to pinch you." After a while, she said, "Forget it, my family lives too far. If you can get up on the weekend, get up, if you can't get up, continue to suffer alone."

☆, each with their own minds

As soon as he went to work the next day, Xu Xu felt like he was hit by lightning.

Because she only had to go to the bathroom, there was a large bouquet of red and white roses on her desk. Wrapped in light yellow plaid paper, it is very beautiful and eye-catching.

There is also a small card tied to it, the font of the dragon flying and phoenix dance:

"You're right, preferences can't be controlled.

Good day, Xu Xu. "

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, and with a bit of effort he picked up the large bunch of flowers, trying to find a place to throw them. On the opposite side, Yao Meng had already stretched her head out, resting her chin in her hand, "Be honest, have you made a boyfriend?"

When she asked, everyone else looked over and smiled.

Xu Xu: "No."

How could everyone believe it, they all shouted that they wanted to examine the son-in-law of the criminal police force. Xu Xu had to tell the truth: "I went on a blind date last week, but it didn't work out. But the other party was a little stubborn."

Everyone was a little stunned. Because Xu Xu usually feels very introverted and aloof, it turns out that she also wants to have a boyfriend.

The police station, with more men than women, naturally paid more attention to a decent-looking single girl like Xu Xu. By noon, word spread throughout the police station that there was a certain rich second generation who was chasing that Xu Xu fiercely. Even at the end of the morning meeting of the director, he asked Ji Bai, "I heard that Xu Xu in your team is going to marry the rich second generation? You should examine it for me. We are the maiden's family of the little girl."

Ji Bai smiled and replied, "I know."

Xu Xu was busy all morning and couldn't even eat lunch. He took his mobile phone, found a dark and uninhabited corner, and called Ye Zixiao. No one answered the fifth call, and there was a fire. Put away the mobile phone and ran to the police station's communication room, and told the uncle in the communication room that she must refuse to accept her flowers in the future.

However, the uncle also benefited. This kind of thing is not a bad thing. He pretended to be stupid: "Ah? I don't know. I have no right to refuse..."

At this time, Ye Zixiao was holding the phone, looking at the missed call, just imagining Xu Xu's livid face depressed. He knew she would be angry, and he knew that doing so would not necessarily win her favor. But he was a little unhappy in his heart, sending flowers in a high-profile way, just to provoke her. Take care of her, provoke it first.

Xu Xu didn't go to lunch, but the topic of the police team returned to her. Some people say it's unexpected, the little girl is very attractive; others say that there are so many older unmarried young men in our police force, and the fat water does not flow to outsiders, isn't it, season team

Ji Bai lit a cigarette, leaned back on the chair, and smiled when he heard the words: "They can't make it."

Her brain circuit is different from that of normal people, and ordinary men may not be able to receive signals.

Ji Bai has always been predictable, and is the "Prophecy Emperor" of the police station. When everyone heard him say this, they all asked curiously, but Ji Bai didn't answer, got up and went to checkout.


After get off work, Ye Zixi called and asked Xu Xu to have dinner on Saturday.

After the blade case, Ye Zixi kept in touch with her, talked on the phone from time to time, and had afternoon tea once. In all fairness, Xu Xu had a good impression of Ye Zixi. She was generous and wise, gentle and assertive, which made people very comfortable.

Xu Xu agreed. Just as Zi Xi was about to hang up, Xu Xu responded and asked, "Ye Zixiao won't come?"

Zi Xi laughed: "What did he do to make you avoid it like a snake?"

Xu Xu: "He pretended to be an IT engineer on a blind date with me, and then caused some trouble."

Zi Xi laughed, and finally replied, "Okay, don't worry, he won't let him get involved in a woman's date."

After hanging up the phone, Zi Xi immediately called Ye Zixiao: "No way, are you in Waterloo here at Xu Xu?"

Ye Zixiao replied, "It's early. I've only been chasing for a few days."

Zi Xi laughed: "You can do something as frustrating as pretending to be an IT engineer, what else do you do?"

Ye Zixiao smiled, "I've found out. She runs in the police station stadium every week. I also go on weekends."

"Yo, are you going to show off your muscles?"

"Of course. Do you think I work out every day, and my muscles are in vain? Appear in front of her in a different image."

Zi Xi smiled and spoke slowly: "Actually, the more I get in touch with Xu Xu, the more interesting she becomes. Maybe you two are really suitable and complement each other."

Ye Zixiao sighed, "Sister, what are you saying to her? It's useless to tell me? Of course I know that I'm the right man for her."


This week, Xu Xu received flowers softly. But Ye Zixiao never showed up and didn't answer her phone. Then she ignored him.

The weather this weekend was fine, it was almost late spring, and it was dawning earlier than before. When Xu Xu arrived at the stadium, there was already a hint of fish belly white on the horizon.

She trotted in and saw Ji Bai sitting on the fitness equipment, drinking from a bottle of water. Yao Meng was wearing a light blue tracksuit with her long hair falling on her shoulders, standing in front of him. I don't know what to say, Ji Bai's eyes are light, and there is a smile on the corner of his lips.

Xu Xu ran over: "Morning."

Yao Meng smiled sweetly, "Morning."

Ji Bai glanced at his watch: "It's really early, three minutes late."

Xu Xu was silent. He forgot to bring his wallet when he went out in the morning, and went back to get it.

One more lap to go.

She turned onto the runway.

Even with the lively Yao Meng, the entire running process was silent. Yao Meng's physical performance at the police academy was excellent, so the three of them were lined up on the track in a staircase pattern: Ji Bai was far ahead, followed by Yao Meng, and finally Xu Xu.

Xu Xu discovered that when Yao Meng was running, she liked to compete with Ji Bai. Because Ji Bai surpassed the two by a few laps, he often passed by them. At this time, Yao Meng would speed up, as if she wanted to run alongside Ji Bai. But after barely holding on for a while, the speed slowed down. At this time, she would smile at Xu Xu who was behind her both frustrated and excited, her face flushed.

At this time, Ji Bai just smiled faintly and continued to maintain his frequency.

Although Xu Xu was nervous, he finally felt a little lonely when he looked at the two figures from a distance from behind.

Because Yao Meng looked full of vigor, Ji Bai was full of power.

And she is really just like a snail, crawling and crawling...

When Ji Bai overtook her next time, she subconsciously followed Yao Meng's example and tried to speed up. Who knew that as soon as the pace was fast, Ji Bai turned to look at her with a look of contempt: "How strong are you?"

Xu Xu's footsteps stagnated and slowed down.

After running, Yao Meng suggested going to a Cantonese restaurant facing the street for breakfast: "Don't you like Cantonese dim sum? Well, crystal shrimp dumplings, red bean porridge, and carrot cake? I heard that that restaurant is good. Let me have it today. Flattering ass."

Ji Bai nodded: "Yes, I go there often."

Xu Xu thought to himself, I like to eat these too.

The shop is really nice, clean and warm, and there is a faint aroma of food in the air. Because it was early and there was no one in the store, the three found a table and sat down.

While waiting for the dishes, the three of them chatted. Mostly Yao Meng and Ji Bai were chatting, Xu Xu was silent.

Facing Yao Meng, Ji Bai was that laid-back look, and there was always a faint smile in his eyes. His tone was usually not too severe, and he would say a joke or two, which made Yao Meng cover her mouth and smile.

Occasionally speaking to Xu Xu, the tone is cold or commanding.

"What are you dazed for?"

"Give me the menu."

Xu Xu observed this and was a little depressed, but he got used to it.

As everyone knows, from the first day of contact, Ji Bai has spoken harshly to her in order to hone her arrogance. But in the end, I got used to it, and I felt pretty good looking at her dumb and honest appearance.

After eating for a while, Yao Meng stood up and said, "I'm going to buy milk tea next door. Her house is very mellow."

Only the two of them were left, habitually picking up the newspapers in the store, relatively silent.

After watching for a while, Xu Xu suddenly felt that something was wrong. When he looked up, Ji Bai had put down the newspaper and looked up behind her with a light expression.

Xu Xu turned his head and saw that Ye Zixiao was wearing a white sports suit with his hands in his trouser pockets, his face ashen.

Ye Zixiao made a special trip to get up early today and arrived at the stadium before eight o'clock. However, in the vast morning training army, there was no Xu Xu at all. After fluttering, it was a bit boring, and he was driving around in the car. Who knew it was such a coincidence that he saw Xu Xu having breakfast with a man.

Taking a closer look, the breakfasts of the two are exactly the same, and even the newspapers in their hands are the same. After the man's food was finished, Xu Xu took the initiative to get up and bring it for him. But the man opened his mouth and ate without looking at her.

But at this moment, when Xu Xu turned his head to see him, he immediately frowned, the displeasure in his eyes was too obvious.

Ye Zixiao smiled, walked over and pulled the chair to sit down. He didn't look at Ji Bai, but only at Xu Xu, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "If you have a boyfriend, just say it, even though I'm a stalker, Not to be a third party.”

Xu Xu was stunned: "Boyfriend?"

Ye Zixiao glanced at Ji Bai, and the latter also looked at him with pale eyes. But from Ye Zixiao's point of view, Ji Bai was obviously full of arrogance, which meant he was a bit provocative.

In fact, if Xu Xu was sitting with a short and ugly man at this moment, Ye Zixiao would not necessarily be so angry, nor would he necessarily think about the relationship between men and women.

He had always been certain that among Xu Xu's suitors, there would be no one better than himself. So even if Xu Xu refused, he was still very confident in spite of his anger.

But facing Ji Bai, he was a little unsure. The man in front of him was tall and handsome, dressed in extraordinary clothes, and seemed calm and sophisticated. Judging from the relationship between Xu Xu and him, it was obvious that they had a tacit understanding. And if they weren't very close, Xu Xu would personally pour tea and water for people

This thought burned him a bit, and he was dismissive of him, but he was so docile in front of other men.

And Xu Xu looked at his eyes and understood: "He is my superior."

Ye Zixiao: "So he's the police chief?" He didn't believe it at all. Is such a handsome young policeman her superior

Xu Xu frowned.

Ye Zixiao leaned back and stared at Xu Xu without speaking. Ji Bai shook the newspaper in his hand, but he read it calmly again.

The combination and aura of the three of them are too strange. The two new customers in the store, as well as the clerk, all look at them from time to time.

What Xu Xu disliked the most was the feeling of being watched and guessed. She also didn't want to argue with Ye Zixiao in public. She felt anxious and said, "You have indeed misunderstood, he is not my boyfriend. I am not suitable for you, nor is it suitable for him. Your current emotions are completely meaningless. ."

Ye Zixiao was stunned as soon as he said these words, Ji Bai also raised his eyes to look at her, his eyes darkened.

☆, flowers bloom and fade

Friends who grew up together say that Ji Bai is still single because he is too picky and poisonous.

Ji Bai was noncommittal. But he was sure that his Ji Bai's woman should be unique, like a rare treasure.

But today, he was actually rejected by his little apprentice without hesitation.

This feeling is really subtle.

Taking her personally for a few weeks, basically, he is very satisfied with this apprentice. Smart, diligent, quiet, pleasing to the eye, nothing needs to be explained a second time - sometimes she understands what he means before he finishes speaking. He even occasionally expresses his astonishing views.

She is a piece of rough jade, but fortunately it is in his hands. It must be carefully polished so that she will not be dusted.

When Fa Xiao Shuhang heard that he had taken a female apprentice, he sighed: "Hey, if this is put on others, there may be some exciting teacher-disciple incest. But you are probably training other people's girls as men, right? Hua Liushui is ruthless."

Ji Bai just laughed.

Strictness was inevitable, but he didn't treat her like a man.

In the eyes of twenty-eight-year-old Ji Bai, twenty-four-year-old Xu Xu, after all, is still a little girl who has not been deeply involved in the world.

The spring sun was just right, the brown table tops shone thinly, and the air was dry and warm. The little guy is sitting upright, with a serious expression, but his face is red and white, and he looks like a chicken ready to fight...

Well, you don't have to get into her "disgust".

Because this is the typical "Xu Xu style" - the most complex brain, the simplest heart.

But this passerby who suddenly appeared... Ji Bai glanced at Ye Zixiao lightly, lowered his head and continued to read the newspaper - Xu Xu should be able to handle it by himself.


Xu Xu originally just wanted to quickly end this farce, but after speaking, the two men fell silent.

The atmosphere seemed a little weirder than before.

At this moment, the door of the shop dinged, and Yao Meng came back with three cups of milk tea. Seeing the sudden appearance of Ye Zixiao, he was a little surprised, obediently did not make a sound, but gave Xu Xu a questioning wink.

Ye Zixiao was slightly startled when he reached Yao Meng, then looked at Ji Bai.

Xu Xu said that, his anger naturally disappeared, his face changed faster than turning a book, and he smiled: "I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I'm Ye Zixiao." Chao Ji Bai stretched out his hand.

Ji Bai glanced at him and shook hands as usual: "Ji Bai."

Ye Zixiao was startled, not angry, glanced at the dishes on the table, and smiled, "I'm being rude today, I'm the host." Just as he was about to take out his wallet, Ji Bai smiled, "No need. Take my account." He often comes here to eat, and he is familiar with the boss.

Ye Zixiao smiled and looked at Xu Xu, acting a little silly and a little flattering. Xu Xu sighed in his heart and stood up: "Let's go out and talk."

Ye Zixiao couldn't ask for it, so he stood up and pulled out the chair for Xu Xu.

The two of them abducted out of the store, and Yao Meng, who had been silent for a while, was startled: "Her bag is still here."

Ji Bai: "She will come back."

"Oh." Yao Meng scratched the thin spoon in the milk tea cup.

The two were silent for a while, then Yao Meng asked with a smile, "By the way, boss. I also want to exercise recently. If it was me, how many laps would I run every day?"

"It will be all right."

Yao Meng: "Well, Xu Xu has run ten, can't I be less than her?"

Only then did Ji Bai raise his eyes to look at her.

The girl was undoubtedly beautiful, with a rouge-like blush on her fair face. A pair of Yingying big eyes looked at him without any cowardice. Those eyes were bright, with some expectation and flickering.

Ji Bai smiled and said, "A good criminal policeman should be able to plan his time reasonably. Xu Xu is weak, so he needs to spend more time on this. You are physically strong, and you should spend more time on your major and cases. This kind of basic common sense, don't ask me in the future."


Xu Xu and Ye Zixiao walked back to the sports field and found a piece of grass that was deserted. Xu Xu said, "My decision will not change, you don't have to waste your energy. Now you have caused me trouble. I hope this Once, you can listen to me."

Ye Zixiao didn't speak right away, instead he tilted his head and lit a cigarette, looked at the people running in the sunshine not far away, was silent for a while, and said, "You said you don't like my type, why?"

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, then replied, "There is no need for a reason."

Ye Zixiao turned around and approached her with a tall body: "Then what type am I?"

Xu Xu had to take a step back. Before she could answer, Ye Zixiao said again, "Xu Xu, do you think you are very smart and have good eyesight? After your so-called psychological analysis, you decided that I am not worthy of you

Xu Xu, how can reality be so idealistic? If you are so introverted, how many men will appreciate you? How many people, like me, can appreciate you and give you a life that other women can't get in a few lifetimes? I, Ye Zixiao, are really not bad, why don't you grasp it or even try? "

Seeing Xu Xu's cold face and being silent, he continued: "Is it because of your willful and arrogant behavior that you haven't had a boyfriend yet? Don't you think that you are actually quite a failure?"

In fact, he thought about these words for a long time in his mind, and with a bit of spirit, he also wanted to scold Xu Xu's elm head.

Xu Xu felt a little tingling, and turned around expressionlessly: "I don't want to say any more."

Ye Zixiao looked at her indifferent expression, anger rose up in her heart again, and without thinking about it, she grabbed her arm. The tentacles felt so slender and soft, Ye Zixiao's heart trembled, and he suddenly remembered the feeling of shaking hands with her last time, like melting jade, soft, clear, and piercing to the bone.

When he lowered his head, he saw her thin almost transparent skin, those pure black eyes, looking at him at the moment, so calm and cold.

Ye Zixiao's mind suddenly became a little dazed, and he lowered his head and kissed him.

Xu Xu froze all over and turned his head to avoid it, but the heat from his lips still sprayed onto her cheeks. The unfamiliar feeling made Xu Xu's face blushed quickly, and he looked a little embarrassed.

But from Ye Zixiao's point of view, Xu Xu was basically thinking about herself because she didn't want to understand that she was too nerdy, and they still had a chance. As long as she works harder, she can soften.

He also knew that he was impulsive and lost his demeanor just now. She let go of her hand and was about to apologize, but Ke Xu was really angry this time, her voice was extremely cold: "You ask me, what type are you? Well, I'll tell you."

Ye Zixiao was stunned, looking into her quiet eyes, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"First: You are conceited and pursue risk and excitement. I have seen the information of Longxi Electronics, and most of your investments are high-risk and high-yield projects. I also noticed that often when a project starts to make a profit, you will focus on on the development of the next new project.

So you have taken over the company for so long, and despite the overall profitability, none of the projects has become a model in the industry, nor has it formed a project with core competitiveness, most of which are not good or bad. Your nature prefers a risky process to getting things done. In my opinion, with you, the financial risk is greater than the average person…”

Ye Zixiao was stunned for a moment, his face became ugly, he stared at her without saying a word.

Xu Xu continued: "Second: the day Ye Zixi was injured, you stood by her side, but you didn't give her first aid at that time, so you hesitated. Middle school biology taught you to hold down the proximal end of arterial bleeding, why do you Don't do it

Did you think at the time that Ye Zixi would die if you did something wrong? Do you think that you think so for Ye Zixi's sake? In the face of life and death, you lack the courage to take responsibility..."

Ye Zixiao's face changed greatly, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Xu Xu kept saying, "Third: You misunderstood me and Ji Bai just now. In fact, we didn't have any substantive intimacy, and your reaction was more extreme than that of ordinary people. Why? Two possibilities: one is that Ji Bai looks It's too good. If you're an ordinary person, you won't necessarily be angry. This only shows that you lack tolerance and true self-confidence. The second possibility is that you are inherently possessive. Whether you have a girlfriend in the past, Did you break up with you because of your paranoid possessiveness

Fourth: You have always been very concerned about appearance. Every time we meet, you look every time