When A Snail Loves

Chapter 9: (4)


For a while, Xu Xu thought it was strange that Ji Bai, who had always run without a trace, stopped or slowed down to wait for her after running a short distance today, and then ran side by side with her for a while.

The third time he stopped to wait for her, Xu Xu said, "Why did you slow down and wait for me today?"

Ji Bai looked natural: "The environment here is unfamiliar, and it's easy to get lost."

Xu Xu understood, looked at his handsome and deep face in the morning light, and replied gratefully, "Thank you. But don't worry about me. I've seen the map, so it's impossible to get lost."

Ji Bai turned his head and smiled lightly at her: "That's good. I didn't look at the map, let's run together."

Xu Xu: "Oh."

After running for a walk together, having breakfast together, returning to the room to take a shower, and watching the morning news together for a while, Shu Hang came to ring the doorbell on time.

Before arriving in Beijing, Ji Bai had already contacted the local police and obtained the student directory of H University. After cross comparison, it was found that more than 100 people worked in Lin City, but the suspicion was basically ruled out. However, this is only the first step.

The focus of this morning's work was to visit Ye Zixi's teachers and close classmates. And whether this mysterious lover was related to Ye Zixi's death, they were not sure. But don't want to miss any clues.

Because Shu Hang greeted a few friends in advance, and Ji Bai came to investigate the case again, the college was very cooperative. I just checked all morning, but found nothing. Although the teachers and students studying at the school were impressed by the beautiful and outstanding Ye Zixi back then, they had never heard of her having a boyfriend.

During lunch time, Xu Xu told Ji Bai that I ordered takeout? Ji Bai was about to say yes, when Shu Hang called in at the right time, saying that they had reserved a couple's seat in a hotel next to the school for them. Ji Bai replied "yes" to him lightly, then turned around and told Xu Xu that he didn't need to order takeout, just go out for a light meal.

In the afternoon, there was finally progress.

They learned about a woman named Tian Tian, who was Ye Zixi's good friend back then and is now in Beijing. After the phone call, she burst into tears. After recovering, she choked and said, "Officer, let's meet and talk."

Her attitude made Ji Bai and Xu Xu believe that they were about to find out the answer.

An hour later, Tian Tian arrived at H University and told them about the past.

It turned out that when Ye Zixi was a graduate student, she fell in love with a man from another place. But she is relatively low-key emotionally, and she knows very few people except her close friends.

"That was six or seven years ago." Tian Tian recalled, "Zi Xi loved that man very much at that time. He was younger than Zi Xi, he should have not graduated from the undergraduate degree at that time, and he ran Beijing very hard, and often came by train all night. As soon as they came, Zi Xi didn't come back for a few days. During the winter and summer vacations, the two rented a house off campus and stuck together for several months..."

She spoke emotionally, and Ji Bai and Xu Xu also listened silently.

"Later..." Tian Tian whispered, "Zi Xi was pregnant, and of course she ended up doing it. Although she was sad at the time, she happily said that the man proposed to her and said she would marry her as soon as she graduated. I don't know. What's going on? After a few months, the two suddenly broke up. During that time, Zi Xi was very depressed. Two people who love each other... "

"Where is he from? What's his name?" Ji Bai asked in a deep voice.

"People from Lin City, it's called..." Tian Tian thought for a while, "I seem to have their photos at home. I don't live far away, so I can go and get them now."

Xu Xu was stunned for a moment, and the uneasy feeling that he had felt last night appeared again. There seemed to be some important clues that she had missed.

Ji Bai nodded and turned to see that Xu Xu's face seemed paler than usual. Naturally, he put his hand on her shoulder and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Xu Xu didn't notice his extra actions and replied in a low voice, "It's okay, I was thinking about something just now."

This appearance reminded Ji Bai of how she obediently cut fruit for him last night, and how she called Master with a blushing face, and said with a faint smile, "I'll take her photos, you can rest for a while." Xu Xu refused and left with Tian Tian.

When he got the photo, Ji Bai was lost for a moment.

In the photo, the handsome and fair-skinned man bowed his head and kissed the woman's neck, his expression focused and obsessed; the woman's long fluttering hair and splendid smile were like blooming flowers, happy and wanton.

He had seen this man and knew who he was.

While Ji Bai was away, Xu Xu stood in front of the window of the temporary office of H University, looking at the green and beautiful campus, thinking: What was she doing six years ago? college entrance examination. I don't hear what's going on outside the window, and I only read the books of sages and sages.

The sound of calm and familiar footsteps sounded behind him, Xu Xu turned his head, and looked at last Ji Bai's thoughtful eyes.

Her unease and suspicions are finally confirmed when Ji-bai hands her the photo.

"It's Xu Jun."

☆, rolling red dust

Father Xu's way of raising his children has always been very open-minded and peaceful, and the semi-stocking state allows their characters to develop freely. So Xu Jun started chasing very early. He believes that the symbols of success in this society are money and status. And Xu Xu chose to use her outstanding professional skills to pursue what she thinks is the simplest and most necessary to be a human being - truth and conscience.

Both siblings are busy and sometimes don't see each other all month, but that doesn't alienate them. Because they each have their own strengths and understand and respect each other, their feelings become more profound as they grow older.

But if there is anyone around Xu Xu who can hide such a big thing so tightly, it is only Xu Jun. Because she would never analyze him - in front of her brother who unconditionally spoiled her and protected her since childhood, she would not even activate her brain nerves.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the waiting hall was sparsely populated and the sun was mottled. Xu Xu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass, stared at the high, clear blue sky for a while, then turned and walked towards Ji Bai not far away.

After getting the photo last night, Ji Bai said to her, "Before Xu Jun clears his suspicions, you suspend all work related to this case."

Ji Bai was watching the news with his mobile phone, his tall body was leaning on the light blue row chair at the airport, looking very plain. It seems that yesterday's accidental discovery did not make his heart as calm as the sea, setting off even the slightest waves.

Noticing that Xu Xu was standing in front of him without saying a word, he didn't lift his head: "Speak if you have something to say."

Xu Xu stared at his angular face, thought for a while, and said, "Master, as the suspect's sister, you can ask me about the situation."

The corners of Ji Bai's lips slowly raised, and he looked up at her.

Yesterday her expression was solemn and slightly gloomy. And now, it has returned to its usual cool look.

very good.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xu Xu continued: "First of all, I believe that Ye Zixi used to be the woman he loved the most. Although he had many girlfriends, he was influenced and educated by his father. We brothers and sisters are the same when it comes to marriage. Discreet and traditional. He never proposed to any other woman…”

Ji Bai interrupted her: "What do you mean by being cautious and traditional about marriage?"

Xu Xu thought for a while: "Success as soon as possible. Avoid the elders and children from being affected by our unstable family relationship."

Ji Bai: "From the beginning to the end?"

Xu Xu: "...It can also be described in the same way. This is an ideal state."

Ji Bai smiled lightly: "Very good. Go on."

The tone of his "very good" made Xu Xu feel a little strange, but this feeling passed by in a flash, and she didn't care, and continued to state her own analysis:

"However, Xu Jun's motive for killing is not sufficient.

First, if they are a couple now, there is no need to hide their relationship. The mysterious lover was someone else;

Second, even if Xu Jun and Ye Zixi still have emotional entanglements that we don't know about. However, Xu Jun in the past was a young and frivolous student who had nothing and might be crazy about love.

But now, after years of tempering in the business environment, he has made great changes. He is a very good businessman, skilled in calculation, tactful and tactful, rarely sentimental, and 'interest' and 'achievement' are his lifeblood. Even if he couldn't love Ye Zixi, he would only use any means to get someone, or take revenge on the other party in business. But killing people to vent their anger would not only get people, but also could ruin everything he had. The possibility of him being so stupid and impulsive is really small.

Third, I think Xu Jun's greatest value to this case is why he concealed his past relationship with Ye Zixi. Even if you want to hide it from others, but even me, it really doesn't make sense. This only shows that he must still know something about Ye Zixi, and he can't let my sister who is a police officer know, it should be illegal. Asking about these things might have something to do with the reason why Ye Zixi was killed. "

After she finished speaking, she stared at Ji Bai's face, trying to catch the change in his expression. However, Ji Bai was as quiet as before, making her unable to see through.

"I only trust the evidence. Whether he is innocent or not, I will find out." He said lightly.

Xu Xu nodded, and just as he was about to sit down, he said, "However, from a personal point of view, I also hope that your brother is innocent."

Xu Xu was startled.

Approaching takeoff, the vast waiting hall has gradually become crowded, with light and shade, and noise.

Ji Bai sat calmly and leisurely in this slightly chaotic background, his voice was mellow, low, neither rushed nor slow, his deep eyes revealed a rare gentleness, and his handsome face also showed a faint smile.

Xu Xu stood in front of him and looked at him quietly. The surrounding noise seemed to be far away, and the warm and stable feeling in her heart came silently.

She thought a little gratefully: he said 'private emotion', naturally taking into account the relationship between master and apprentice. He is indeed a cold-hearted and warm-hearted teacher.

Ji Bai looked at her eyes, which were clearly showing ruthlessness, and thought: Sure enough, she can't receive this kind of signal at all... Well, don't worry, dripping water can move through the stone, and the quantity will change to the quality.

The good news came sooner than expected.

When the plane landed, Ji Bai just turned on his phone when he received a call. After a brief call, he turned to look at Xu Xu who was a few steps behind him: "It looks like you can't take a vacation."

There were people coming and going in the passage, Xu Xu paused.

Ji Bai's eyes were warm: "Xu Jun has a definite alibi. He worked overtime in the company until 23:00 that day, and then went to have supper with two colleagues until the early hours of the morning. He is not suspected, he is still at the police station, and he proposed to you talk."

Xu Xu breathed a sigh of relief, a smile appeared on his face.

It was the first time that Ji Bai saw such a bright smile on her face, and the corners of her brows and eyes were full of smiles. But even so, she is not like other women, she doesn't have any extra words or actions, she just stands quietly and looks at him with a silent smile.

Quiet and comfortable.

At this time, deep gratitude appeared in Xu Xu's eyes - Ji Bai must have ordered someone to check the alibi at the first time, so Xu Jun could be cleared of suspicion so quickly.

Thinking of this, she took a step forward and reached out to Ji Bai.

Ji Bai's heart swayed slightly, is this a hug? Although it was just a hug of thanks, he naturally refused to come.


Xu Xu grabbed his hands with both hands, bowed deeply, and said solemnly, "Thank you, Master. Thank you!"

The police station's hearing room has only a small window, and the orange light illuminates the simple tables and chairs, and the gray and white walls are cold and serious. However, Xu Jun stood in the narrow window in a black suit, but he also looked tall and handsome.

Hearing the footsteps, he turned his head and smiled lightly: "Xu Xu, your coffee is hard to drink."

Xu Xu didn't answer, he sat down and said straight to the point, "Why haven't you told me about Ye Zixi?"

Xu Jun restrained his smile and stared at the night outside the window for a while before replying softly, "Sorry, I just don't want to mention her."

Xu Xu was startled.

The brothers and sisters were silent for a moment, and Xu Xu spoke again: "Okay, I understand. What else are you hiding? No matter what law she violated during her lifetime, the deceased is dead. Now we can only find the murderer if you say everything you know."

Xu Jun gave her a deep look, and Xu Xu looked straight at him calmly. After a while, Xu Jun turned back to the table and sat down, tilted his head, lit a cigarette, and remained silent.

In Xu Jun's twenty-seven years of life, there has never been a person like Ye Zixi who made him feel the fervent burning of life, and then burned to ashes.

Of the two, he is the one who loves money more and is more mercenary. He also promised her that in the future, he would use his money empire to create a dream for her.

But she couldn't wait. The swallowed shares, the swallowed Ye Shi, have been stuck in her heart like a thorn. And the straw that broke the camel was when she was about to graduate. An old subordinate of her father told her that her father was seriously ill back then. If Ye Lan was willing to sell the factory to get money for treatment, her father might not die.

"Ajun, Longxi Company was called Longxi at the beginning, and my father used my name." She said. Later, he left alone, determined to win the shares that belonged to him.

Later, Xu Jun himself was immersed in the business sea, and he also wanted to understand, how can there be so many bloody coincidences in reality? It might be someone from the Ye family who revealed to her the news that Ye Lanyuan had given up on treating her father. But it's too late.

"So...she came back to the Ye family in order to get her shares back?" Xu Xu asked, "What did she do? This may be related to the reason why she was killed."

Xu Jun shook his head: "I don't know. I only know that she has been doing it all these years, but she has never revealed it to me."

Xu Xu asked again, "What is your relationship recently?"

Xu Jun: "After she returned to Lin City, we spent a few nights together. That's all."

"Does she have a relationship in Lin City?"

Xu Jun was silent for a moment: "Once, I drove after her all the way after get off work."

and then? Then, when the black car drove past, the man's face was blocked by the window, his body was tall and straight, and he was wearing a suit and leather shoes. The big hands were tightly clasped around her waist, and she even walked under the clothes vaguely wanton. And Ye Zixi's whole body was attached like a pilgrimage, he had never seen her so humble and submissive.

"Who is that person?" Xu Xu asked.

"I don't know. But Zi Xi's goal is firm. I don't think she will do anything in vain."

During the question and answer between the brothers and sisters, Ji Bai and a few colleagues stood outside through a dark glass. Hearing this, Zhao Han hesitated: "What does he mean..."

Ji Bai said lightly, "What he means is—that man is probably Ye Zixi's accomplice in the Ye family."

After completing the official transcript for Xu Jun, Xu Xu sent him home first. After arriving home, she was just about to return to the police station when Xu Jun suddenly said, "I want to see the photos of Zi Xi when she died."

Xu Xu was silent for a moment, then nodded: "I'll give it to you, be mentally prepared."

Xu Jun stared at the photo in his hand for a long time. Finally, he put his face in his hands and buried his head deeply.

Xu Xu walked in, stretched out his hand and hugged him into his arms. Feeling the moisture dripping on the back of his hand, Xu Xu felt a sudden pain in his heart, and asked in a low voice, "I didn't ask you when I was at the police station. Why did you say that you didn't want to mention her? To me and dad, don't you want to say anything?"

Xu Jun still didn't answer.

What was he going to tell her little girl

Said that she has never been a scheming brother, but after breaking up with that woman, she actually couldn't sleep all night for a few years, and she kept her eyes open until dawn

Or was it that when he heard the news of her death, he was standing in the meeting room with the warm heating and the sound of people, but it was as if he was standing in an empty wasteland

He raised his head, looked at his sister's worried expression, smiled, and rubbed her hair: "You don't understand when I say it."

Xu Xu was startled. She thought, no, there is nothing to understand. Any choice in life will bring gains and losses, but Ye Zixi made the wrong choice.

Today was the third day that Ye Zixi died. Later, based on the previous investigation and the information provided by Xu Jun, the Interpol team held a meeting again.

Old Wu first reported the overall investigation situation:

1. The large-scale search for suspicious persons in the periphery still found nothing, and preliminary investigations were carried out to investigate the possibility of fleeing persons and criminals entering the house to commit crimes;

2. Lin Anshan has been completely searched, but no valuable traces or evidence have been found;

3. From the day of the incident, the criminal police have been arranged to monitor and follow several people in the Ye family 24 hours a day, and no abnormality has been found so far. There are no loopholes in their confessions for the time being.

Da Hu said: "At present, other motives for the killing are not established. Xu Jun's words are basically credible. I think the biggest possibility is that Ye Zixi secretly retaliated against the Ye family. The Ye family knew about it, and there was a conflict, so he was arrested. kill."

"The one who can form an alliance with Ye Zixi and deal with the Ye family is unlikely to be the children of the Ye family." Yao Meng said, "The two sons-in-law are most likely."

Ji Bai said in a deep voice, "I agree with everyone's point of view. The focus of detection in the next stage will be on the Ye family. Old Wu, their alibi?"

Lao Hu looked at the information and said, "At first glance, there is evidence of alibi. But after two days of in-depth investigation, we found the problem."

"How to say?"

Old Wu replied: "Ye Lanyuan and the boss Ye Ziqiang are the ones who have the exact evidence of alibi. Ye Lanyuan has always had servants in his room, and he didn't go out that night. Moreover, his body is not suitable for driving; Ye Ziqiang has been in the company since 22:00, dealing with a certain overseas. Dealer affairs, surveillance and security can attest to that.”

Xu Xu nodded: "According to Xu Jun's description, that man should be a young and middle-aged man."

Old Wu continued: "The second couple and the third couple returned to the Ye family's old house before ten o'clock that night, and did not go out. But we did an on-the-spot investigation, because Ye Lanyuan didn't like cameras, and the Ye family didn't install a camera. The Ye family is very big, Several villas are also far apart. If they leave Ye's house in the middle of the night, they may not be found. So now the only suspects are the second and third couples. "

Ji Bai said lightly, "I will visit the Ye family again tomorrow."

the next day.

They were informed by their respective secretaries that when the criminal police came to visit again, the boss, Ye Ziqiang, was sitting in the office listening to his deputy's report. Hearing this, he was slightly startled.

The second child, Ye Jin, was holding a regular department meeting. After thinking for a while, he nodded: "I see."

Wu Xie, the second son-in-law, just arrived at the office, looked up at the secretary with a cup of coffee, and was silent.

Old San Ye Qiao stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the busy traffic downstairs, frowned and said to the secretary, "Is it finished yet?"

Zhang Shiyong, the third son-in-law, was meeting another senior executive of the group in the office. Hearing this, he only had a small meal and smiled politely at the guest: "Sorry, I can only come here first, and I will invite you to dinner to make amends. Please come in, the police officer. ."

☆, want to cover up

Ye's headquarters is located in the hinterland of the CBD. In a splendid office building, the dark gray Ye's skyscraper looks magnificent and eye-catching.

In order to avoid scaring the snakes, Ji Bai did not bring many people today. He, Xu Xu and Lao Wu waited for a while in the elegant and comfortable reception room. The door was pushed open, and Yao Meng and the receptionist walked in with a smile.

"Boss, everything has been arranged. It's time to start." Yao Meng's voice was crisp and clear.

In the work of external liaison, Yao Meng is always very efficient. Ji Bai smiled and nodded: "It's hard work."

Yao Meng smiled and stood beside Old Wu. Ji Bai took Xu Xu and the four of them acted separately.

The marble floor is dimly lit, and the spacious open-plan office area is quiet and busy. Only the sound of keyboards, pages, and footsteps can be heard... Ji Bai and Xu Xu, led by the administrative staff, walked through the long, brightly lit aisle. From time to time, employees looked up and looked up. There are doubts, vigilance, and playfulness in those eyes.

The office of the boss, Ye Ziqiang, is at the end of the aisle.

Yip's main industries include real estate, auto parts production and trade, IT, and catering. He is responsible for production and purchasing management.

As soon as you enter the door, the whole room is spacious enough to accommodate fifty people. However, although it is large, the decoration style is consistent with the office area of ordinary staff outside, and there is no luxury of personality.

Ji Bai smiled as soon as he was seated: "Excuse me, thank you Mr. Ye for cooperating with the police."

Ye Ziqiang's originally expressionless face revealed a smile: "Yes, I also hope to catch the murderer sooner." He is forty this year, tall, slightly chubby, and a little bit fierce in appearance, but this smile seems a lot kinder.

While they were talking, Xu Xu quickly surveyed the surroundings. The bookshelves next to it are full, most of which are economic management, as well as some military books and several Swiss Army Knife appreciation books. It can be seen that the hobby of the Ye family's son is just like his appearance, and his masculine style is very heavy. Other books are more complicated, fashion, famous cars, movies, best-selling novels... scattered in the bookshelf.

In addition to office supplies on the desktop, there are also his cigarette case, lighter, and keys. Naturally, there is nothing unusual.

Ji Bai seriously asked a few non-painful questions, then cut to the chase: "According to the procedure, I need to ask about your itinerary on the day of the crime."

Ye Ziqiang stared at him, looking a bit fierce because he didn't smile: "I already asked last time."

Ji Bai smiled lightly: "This time I will ask more detailed questions."

Ye Ziqiang looked at him and said, "...Okay. I have a meeting at ten o'clock, so try to save time."


Ye Ziqiang's confession was the same as what he gave to Lao Wu last time: around 6:30 that night, after having dinner with his third son-in-law Zhang Shiyong, he drove around the city, bought his wife some old-fashioned cakes, and drove again. go home. On the way, I received a call from my second sister about a certain batch of materials and planned to drive back to the warehouse. As a result, I received a call from an overseas marketer halfway through, and I turned around and returned to the company.

Xu Xu looked up at him from time to time. Although his face was cold and serious, he was obviously a little nervous, his face was a little red, and he frequently drank tea.

After questioning Ye Ziqiang, Ji Bai didn't go to see Ye Jin immediately, but took Xu Xu downstairs and walked to the green belt in front of the building, where they exchanged opinions immediately.

He whispered, "What do you think?"

Xu Xu pondered for a while and replied, "According to our description of the murderers, one of them is an impulsive and hesitant criminal. This Ye Ziqiang's psychological quality is not very good, and it obviously contradicts our tendency. However, based on this alone, it cannot be meaningful. Inference. Many people may be nervous when confronted by police questioning.

Moreover, according to what Old Wu knew before, Ye Ziqiang's personality was recognized as being rough and straightforward. He ran business with his father since he was a child. When he was young, he also entered the police station several times because of reselling and fighting. It may also be the reason why he cannot relax and resist when confronting the police. What's more, he also has an alibi. "

Ji Bai was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Go up."

As soon as he walked downstairs, Ji Bai's cell phone rang. It was the director's call to inquire about the progress of the case.

Ji Bai waved at Xu Xu, signaling her to go up first.

After talking on the phone, Ji Bai smoked for a while before walking back. As soon as he walked a few steps, he saw Xu Xu with his back to him next to the musical fountain downstairs in the building, a small figure standing upright, while Ye Zixiao, dressed in a suit, was standing in front of her and was talking, the tall figure was almost cover her.

Ji Bai pinched the cigarette and walked straight over.

In the past few days, Ye Zixiao's work and life had returned to normal, but he was still thinking about the murder scene that day. This morning, when he heard that the criminal police team came to investigate the case again, an incredible thought flashed in his mind: Do the police think that Ye Zixi's lover and murderer belonged to the Ye family

This thought made him unable to sit still in the morning. He heard that Ji Bai Xu Xu had finished interviewing Ye Ziqiang and went downstairs, so he followed him and bumped into Xu Xu head on.

However, Xu Xu kept his mouth shut and answered indifferently, "It's inconvenient to disclose." However, this was outside of Ye Zixiao's accident, and it was reasonable. No more questions.

After just chatting for a few words, looking at her plain and calm face, the turmoil in his heart disappeared inexplicably. On the contrary, the familiar and complex feeling rose again in my heart: a little bit of astringency, a little bit of sweetness, and the unpleasantness was mixed with longing.

"Have you been very busy lately?" He almost subconsciously softened his tone, "It's hard work. Thank you for everything you've done for Zi Xi."

Xu Xu: "You're welcome."

Her alienation made Ye Zixiao uncomfortable and blurted out, "Xu Xu, I will change!"

Xu Xu was stunned, and before he could answer, he heard a faint voice interject from behind him: "Change what?"

Ye Zixiao's impression of Ji Bai was still a man "who was also rejected by Xu Xu" and "has no relationship with Xu Xu outside of work". And because of the current case, his impression of Ji Bai was not bad.

So he smiled and nodded to him: "A little private matter." Then he looked at Xu Xu: "Don't bother, you guys are busy first."

Xu Xu nodded lightly. Ye Zixiao was about to walk away when he saw Ji Bai stretch out his hand and pat Xu Xu's head lightly. With a natural look, he smiled and said to her, "Go upstairs."

Xu Xu: "Oh."

Ye Zixiao glanced at Ji Bai, and Ji Bai also glanced at Ye Zixiao.

The elevator rose vertically, only Ji Bai and Xu Xu. After a while of silence, Ji Bai suddenly asked, "I've been busy with the case lately, it's been hard work."

Xu Xu immediately replied, "It's fine."

"You don't have time to go on a blind date anymore." Ji Bai smiled lightly.

Xu Xu was slightly embarrassed and explained, "I'm not in a hurry, it's my family who are in a hurry. Don't delay if it's okay. They said the case is over, and they will arrange for someone else."

Ji Bai: "Well. You have to be careful about this kind of thing."

Xu Xu: "Okay. Thank you, Master."

The second object of inquiry is the second child Ye Jin.

Ye Jin is in charge of the finance, administration, human resources and other back-office departments of the headquarters. Her office has a distinctly personal style: it's clean and bright, with papers and books in good order. Although there are no extravagant furnishings, it feels clean and comfortable.

Ye Jin is 35 years old this year and graduated from the Department of Computer Science. She started a business with her father, uncle, and brother more than ten years ago. Because of her introverted personality, she was in charge of the company's administrative affairs at that time. She has short hair, thin hair, and wears glasses. She is the least attractive of the four children, and her demeanor is somewhat restrained.

According to her description: On the day of the incident, she left the company at 7:30, went to a street shop for dinner alone, and then received a work call about the purchase of a real estate project. So I called Ye Ziqiang. After the discussion was clear, she returned to the Ye family's old house and did not leave again. It was about nine or ten o'clock.

Ji Bai listened intently, nodded frequently, and then said, "According to the procedure, I need to ask all the personnel related to this case - after ten o'clock, can anyone prove that you have been staying at home without going out?"

Ye Jin was stunned and silent for a moment, then replied, "Does my husband count?"

Ji Bai: "Is there anyone else?"

Ye Jin lowered his head and thought for a while, then shook his head: "I went downstairs to the garden to sit for a while at eleven o'clock that night, but the servants were all asleep at the time, and no one was seen."

After Ji Bai's inquiry, Xu Xu suggested: "I need to see the work log and materials of your department in charge. If there are confidential materials, you can delete them first."

Because Xu Xu recorded the whole process silently, when he spoke, Ye Jin inevitably gave her a look.

At this time, Ji Bai added with a smile: "It's not just your department. If it's convenient, it's best to let us check the basic information of all departments at one time. This is also part of the program and won't take up too much of your time."

Leaving Ye Jin's office, just after walking for a while, Ji Bai glanced at Xu Xu, and said in a low voice with a smile, "Do you want to see her work data and analyze her?"

Xu Xu nodded.

Ji Bai smiled lightly: "Then ask around, don't be stunned."

Xu Xu: "...Oh."

Ji Bai looked at her slightly drooping profile, and said slowly, "Of course, talk to me, don't have to go around."

Xu Xu looked up at him and smiled: "I understand. You said that you don't like that kind of thing."

Ji Bai: "... um."

Ye Jin's secretary gave the computer to Ji Bai and introduced: "The company has five major systems: administrative office, business approval, financial management, etc. Administrative office is the main system, and the other four systems can be logged in through this system."

Ji Bai browsed through it roughly, and asked with a smile, "Yes, the speed is very fast."

The secretary also smiled: "Yes, only the administrative system is old, and it was there as soon as the company was established. The other four systems were designed by a well-known foreign IT company at a cost of tens of millions a few years ago. Now Mr. Zixiao After returning to China, he manages this part of the system."

When Ji Bai checked the basic information of the company, Xu Xu opened the work system, process and log of each department of the company on another computer, browsed for a moment, and was slightly startled.

At noon, the four of the criminal police team had lunch. There were dozens of minutes before Ye's work time, and they walked to the nearby Ruiying Park to exchange information about the morning interview.

Old Wu had already chatted with the Ye family last time, so this time I brought Yao Meng to interview some of the company's employees, but there was no valuable discovery yet.

Ji Bai glanced at Xu Xu: "Tell me what you think."

Xu Xu nodded: "At present, Ye Ziqiang doesn't seem suspicious. Ye Jin..."

She paused: "Only from the perspective of department management, the system and process of the department she is in charge of is the most concise and rigorous among all departments and subsidiaries. In addition, I have transferred basic statistical data from the OA system, and the average file transfer time is , in other departments it is 1-2 days, in her department, it is 4 hours. So, I think her work ability should be very good. However, there are no other findings, and no judgment can be formed. "

Both Old Wu and Yao Meng were a little surprised—because the last time they met Ye Jin, they only felt that they were dull and gentle. Their reputation and performance in the company were very mediocre, and they were the most inconspicuous one among the senior executives of the Ye family.

However, Ji Bai's words shocked them even more: "Not only that, she most likely fits the characteristics of the second high-IQ murderer, and she has no alibi. I think she should be one of the suspects and focus on observation."

Now both Old Wu and Yao Meng were stunned, and Xu Xu also stared at him.

Ji Bai stared at the Ye's high-rise building standing quietly not far away, and his tone was indifferent: "The company's five IT systems, one old and four new. The old system is still the main system. This is not in line with the habits of ordinary companies.

The company spends tens of millions to design the IT system. If the level of the old and new systems is very different, the compatibility cost will be higher. With Ye's financial resources, it is very simple to redesign the old system. But they kept it.

This can only show that the system from fifteen years ago has a high level of design and is very forward-looking, and is fully compatible with foreign investment.

More than ten years ago, there were only a few dozen old employees in the Ye family. Among them, only Ye Jin came from a computer background, and the company was small back then, and there was no record of hiring an external IT company to design the system.

If a girl who just graduated from college can design such a system, her IQ and insight must be amazing. "

The three of Lao Wu were silent. After a while, Lao Wu said, "In the afternoon, I asked an old employee in the IT department who designed this system."

Yao Meng asked again, "If Ye Jin is the high-IQ criminal, is it their husband and wife who committed the crime together?"

Ji Bai replied lightly, "Not necessarily. Ye Jin may not be the only one with high IQ among the Ye family's children."

☆、Definition of happiness

The first person Ji Bai and Xu Xu saw in the afternoon was their second son-in-law, Wu Xie. He is in charge of the company's catering business.

In the elegantly decorated office, Wu Xie sat opposite them calmly. A thirty-seven-year-old man, fair-skinned and handsome in his early thirties.

"What can I do for you?" He smiled, polite and distant.

Ji Bai looked directly at him: "According to the procedure, we need to know your itinerary on the day of the crime."

Wu Xie nodded lightly.

His confession was very simple and clear: there was a dinner party that night, and he ate until after nine o'clock, and got home less than ten o'clock. Then slept until dawn.

As for Ye Zixi, he replied, "I don't know very well. Except for work, I basically have no contact."

After chatting with Wu Xie, Ji Bai and Xu Xu felt the same way: he was not nervous, although his attitude was a little indifferent, but he answered all questions fluently, without thinking, and there was no doubt on the surface.

However, considering Ye Jin's characteristics, the couple still have the possibility of conspiring to commit crimes. You need to see everyone before doing further analysis.

The second person I saw was the old San Ye Qiao.

Among the Ye family's children, she is the most beautiful one. From the first day of marriage, Ye Qiao and Zhang