When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 1: Pollution of the world (1)


12036 AD

"Ding! The host is bound to the 'Salvation Alliance System', the system number is zz2d14, and the host can call me system 2d14."

"Ding! Novice task recommendation: C-level task: Save the polluted world, the task time limit is 20 years, the difficulty factor is 0.3, do you accept it?"

"Ding! The host does not respond, it is regarded as a default acceptance, and the host is about to be transferred to the mission world."

As a result, a certain alien who was maintaining a human mimicry was stunned, and was pulled into the void with a swoosh.

After dozens of seconds, a certain alien appeared in the sky tens of thousands of meters with a 'poof' sound! Then the 'brush' fell off.

"Ding! Teleport position deviation! The host is huge! Don't panic! The system has detected that the host has the recovery ability, and is choosing the best landing point for the host. After the landing point has been selected, the countdown to landing is 10, 9, 8... 3, 2, 1 "

"bump! ! ! !"

"Crash! Crash!"

A certain alien smashed into the garbage mountain of a giant garbage dump, smashed directly from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and then was submerged by the rolling garbage. A certain alien was smashed into seven or eight pieces and scattered in the garbage mountain.

"Ding, the damage of the host is 50%, the host is repairing 5%, 10%..."

At the same time, the corpses quickly turned into a few viscous black organic matter, as if they had grown tentacles, they rushed out through the gaps of various garbage, and they merged into a lump outside, and then gradually deformed and grew limbs. And the head, a few seconds later, an eighteen or nineteen-year-old boy with black hair and black eyes appeared beside the garbage mountain.

"100%, Ding, the host has recovered."

A certain alien was wearing a pure cotton T-shirt and black trousers that he had just synthesized from organic matter in the garbage. Looking at the garbage that did not reach his knees, he said the first sentence in his life:

"Why choose a junkyard?"

"Because the junkyard is the only place this system can find within the executable range: there is enough buffer, there is enough organic matter for the restorative powers to repair themselves, and the human beings who hit the planet are least likely to !" System 2d14 said proudly.


"Ding! The mission to save the polluted world has officially started. The world will be destroyed in 20 years. Therefore, in the next 20 years, we will work together to save the world!" System 2d14 said smugly in a cold electronic voice.

"Will this world perish?" an alien asked suspiciously. He looked up at the gray sky full of smog, and at the town-sized garbage dump with a pungent smell all around him. What a wonderful world!

"Ding! The host is very big, will the system 2d14 query the mission introduction for you for free to answer the question?"


"According to the mission introduction, Planet B has only one continent, and the rest is the ocean. This world is extremely polluted, resulting in reduced crop yields and a population that seriously exceeds its environmental carrying capacity..."

"So I should help them reduce the population?"

"Do not!!!"

"So what should I do?" an alien asked.

"Govern the pollution! The host is great! Our ultimate goal is to help the world completely control air pollution, ocean pollution, soil pollution, and garbage pollution within 20 years. The specific methods are: garbage classification..." The system read as it was written.

"Oh." A certain alien understood.

In an instant, countless black filaments like hair quickly spread out around the ground, centered on the black-haired boy.

A few seconds later, a certain alien suddenly remembered something, and with a thought, all the black filaments changed color like a chameleon, and completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

System 2d14 knew nothing about this, and was still gushing over the introduction:

"According to the beginner's guide, the host should first contact the government. Do you need the system to help the host find the nearest administrative agency for free?"

"Okay, help me locate the nearest cafe, I want to drink coffee." The black-haired boy said happily.

"Uh... It's the host! Ding! Positioning completed! Walk 2,322 meters straight ahead and turn left for 405 meters."

So a certain alien walked forward like a real ordinary teenager.

At the same time, some of the filaments that had spread out suddenly changed direction, turning around and rushing towards the cafe. After more than ten seconds, a filament arrived at the destination first, ahead of his companions. He couldn't wait to climb up to the counter, raised his body and looked at the menu.

"Vanilla latte, cappuccino..." While stepping on the garbage to go out, a certain alien fell into difficulty in choosing.

After passing through the four-to-five-meter-high fence that blocked the mountains of garbage, there was a dense pile of prefab houses. Some were even built with discarded shipping containers. Each building had at least five or six floors, and the buildings were crowded together, leaving only a gap for one person to pass through.

Through his black filamentous body, the teenager could see that each floor of those buildings was divided into small cubicles several meters square by curtains or wooden boards, which were almost filled with sundries and people. Some prefab houses have signs that say 'stay 140 stars a night' or 'stay 180 stars a night'.

"Ding, the host! The novice guide prompts: If the savior does not want to contact the government department of the planet in the short term, it is recommended that the savior find a job within one day, integrate into the society, and earn living expenses. Does the host need this? System positioning…”

"No, I'm going to have coffee first." A certain alien interrupted the system.

At this moment, the black-haired boy has walked out of the large slum and came to the street lined with high-rise buildings. It was the evening, the road was congested, and the narrow sidewalk was also full of office workers hurrying. The air here is also more polluted, and the upper half of most high-rise buildings are hidden in the thick smog.

A certain alien finally reached its destination after being hit four times. As long as there are food supply shops on the roadside, there are long queues outside. For example, the adjacent fast food window, only provides a burger with two slices of bread and a synthetic beef patty without lettuce and sauce. The price is 45 star coins each.

Fortunately, coffee is considered a luxury on this planet, so this coffee shop is much more upscale than the surrounding shops, and there are two tables where customers can sit and drink coffee. There were only four or five people queuing up to buy coffee, and a certain alien was also ranked sixth.

System 2d14: "The host is great! Do you need the point exchange service provided by the system mall? 1 point can be exchanged for 50 star coins? There are 10 points in the big newcomer gift package?"

"No." An Alien calmly took out a dozen 100-star bills from his trouser pocket.

System 2d14 was frightened: "The host is great! Where did you get the counterfeit money?"

A certain alien: "This is real money. The molecular structure of each one is exactly the same as the one in the shopkeeper's pocket, and I didn't forget to change the serial number." The black silks wrapped around the shopkeeper's pocket waved their bodies proudly.

System 2d14: "Isn't the host a recovery power?"

A certain alien: "That's what you said."

Finally, it was the black-haired boy's turn. He stepped forward and looked at the drink list, but he still hadn't shaken off the difficulty of choosing: he'd never had one! I want to try it all over again! But according to human habits, what if you only drink one cup at a time!

In the end, a certain alien chose to be a real human and said to the boss, "A cup of vanilla latte."

"299 star coins."

The black-haired boy counted out three and handed them over, then sat at the table and sipped like a human.

Half an hour later, the boy finally finished his coffee.

System 2d14: "Now greatly locate the nearest government for the host..."

Black-haired boy: "I'm going to that five-star hotel 4,503 meters away." My body has covered the city, I don't need you anymore.

An hour later, a certain system stared at its host, half lying on a luxurious big bed, watching TV while eating potato chips and drinking the cappuccino provided by the hotel.

System 2d14 is a system with ideals and beliefs, a system that is not afraid of hardships and dares to fight. As a new system that has just taken office, he once imagined that he would complete the task perfectly with the host, become a blockbuster in the Alliance of Salvation, and go to the top of life together!

So System 2d14 decided that it must persuade the host! Let the host understand the importance of working hard to complete the task of saving the world, and get rid of the state of eating and waiting to die!

"The host is great! Do you need this system to play the quest points rules of the Salvation Alliance for you?"

A certain alien was chewing potato chips: "Mmmm."

System 2d14: "Single mission points = mission period ÷ mission operator execution time × total planet population (100 million) × planet life extension years × difficulty factor × mission operator contribution percentage"

A certain alien: "Oh."

System 2d14: "So assuming that the host has completed this mission very well: to complete the mission of saving the world in 10 years, the life of the planet will be extended by 50 years, and the contribution factor will be 10%. Then the host will get: 20÷10×120×50×0.3×10% = 360 points!"

A certain alien: "Is that the kind of points you just said that you exchange 1 point for 50 stars?"

System 2d14: "Yes, the host is great!"

"Then what's the use of it!" The black-haired boy said with disgust, "You can only get 18,000 star coins after working for 10 years." He took out a thick dozen 500-dollar bills from his arms, "It's less than these."

"Host Dada! Points are a symbol of honor for all missionaries and systems in the Salvation Alliance! Over 100 points means that Host Dada and this system have broken away from the title of pure newcomers and entered the ranks of C-level saviors and C-level systems! Only Very few rookies can achieve this achievement in one mission!"

"How many points does an A-level savior need?" A certain alien was eager to try.

System 2d14: "The host is great, the newcomer→C→B→A will increase the point standard by 10 times for each level; A→S→SS→SSS will increase the point level by 100 times for each level. I have never seen tens of thousands of points. The A-level boss!" zz2d14 said shyly,

"And the points can also buy a house in the town of Salvation Alliance! But the smallest single apartment requires 50,000 points. Those saviors at the level of great gods can even have their own small gardens!"

Hearing the small garden, a certain alien became interested: "The faster you complete it, the higher the points?"

"Yes! The host is great!"

So around the city, countless black silks suddenly accelerated, and the 'swipe' spread farther.

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