When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 103: The finale (above)


"You... a big liar!" He muttered vaguely while his lips and teeth overlapped.

"Xiao Yi," Huo Li was still reluctant to let go of the boy's lips, "Again who do you love... eh?"

Xiao Qi slammed Huo Li's stomach with a ruthless punch, trying to push him away. Huo Li groaned in pain and took the punch, but instead hugged the boy even tighter.

"Little Yi, don't move, let me hold you for a while." Huo Li buried his head in the neck of the boy, his voice was a little dazed, "You don't know when I saw the barren star being blown to pieces, I... "

Huo Li gave up the words and just hugged the boy tightly. Xiaoyi lowered his head and rubbed against Huo Li's face, successfully comforting this poor, traumatized boss.

After a long time, Huo Li let go of the boy, he took advantage of the situation to sit on the chair and hugged the boy to his lap. Huo Li looked at the dark-haired boy with watery eyes with a doting face, and then stretched out a finger to gently touch the boy's red and swollen lips.

With a slap in the face, the black-haired boy angrily opened the upper hand and asked, "How did you discover the difference between me and that black-silk alien? I pretended to be so similar!"

Huo Li looked at the young man affectionately: "Xiao Yi, you are the most precious gift in my life, even if you turn into ashes, I will..."

Black-haired boy: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Huo Li smiled, stretched out his arms around the young man and made him lean on him, and then confessed: "When I went downstairs, I felt a momentary fluctuation of mental power, at that time I didn't think that you really came back. But, when I showed killing intent to the 'replica' I thought, I actually saw the 'replica' take a timid step back!"

Huo Li: "Xiaoyi, you don't know. At that time, I was almost so excited that I rushed directly to you. But I was afraid, and even this solid evidence was just an illusion caused by my expectation. So it was like treating The real replica said a lot of stern words. When I heard your answer 'Okay, sir', I was sure that it was really you!"

Xiaoyi tilted his head in confusion and said, "Why? Why didn't I see the flaw?"

Huo Li rubbed the boy's head and explained carefully: "Although the replica has no memory, its genes and nature are the same as yours. Xiaoyi, if you suddenly lose your memory and wake up in an unfamiliar place, and then there is a What would you do if someone showed a strong killing intent to you, and then spoke contemptuously?"

Xiaoyi also reacted and patted his head angrily.

Huo Li lightly kissed the boy's cheek, then said with a smile: "So if it's really a clone, even if my ability is suppressed by me, it will rise up and resist. That kind of timid expression will never appear on your face. face, unless you're acting."

The black-haired boy glared at Huo Li angrily: "You mean I'm too cowardly, and the substitute will be more arrogant than me? Are you complimenting that black silk alien?"

Huo Li looked at the blown-up boy and clarified: "The second time I went downstairs, I was going to get rid of the substitute. If I hadn't found out that it was you, I would have killed you long ago! But I can really control it. The alienation of black silk, but I dare not tell you…”

The black-haired boy: "I can also use mental power. In the mechanical apocalypse, I simply wanted to heal you. I didn't expect that after copying you again, I would inexplicably steal your mental power. coming."

Huo Li: "I originally wanted to never use this ability."

Xiaoyi: "Me too."

The two looked at each other innocently.

After a few seconds of staring at each other, they burst into laughter at the same time!

"Hahaha!" The black-haired boy was out of breath with laughter, and said intermittently, "If we had confessed to each other long ago, would the Covenant and the Parasitic Beast be considered enemies? It can be destroyed with a wave of your hand!"

"Xiaoyi, I'm just afraid of losing you." Huo Li flipped his legs, hugged the boy who was about to slide down, turned his head to the boy and said, "If you know that I can remotely control everything including you Alien limbs, but you can't even perceive them yourself, you must be afraid. Not afraid of me, but the feeling that this alien gene is out of control."

"This should be called double distrust." The teenager said with a smile: "Before our precarious relationship was maintained by lies on both sides. I said why do you always emphasize that you can't alienate black silk! Of course, I always pretend Let you remote control the Patronus, and also said that they are afraid that the black wires will get tangled together... Hahahaha!"

Huo Li looked at the boy who was smiling happily, and couldn't help but pecked his face again, and then said, "Maybe this kind of distrust has to be added to the third level."

The black-haired boy tilted his head in confusion: "What?"

"Main system." Huo Li prompted.

The black-haired boy: "The main system's ability is big enough, what else can she do? Did she really establish her own power in the dark?"

Huo Li smiled and said, "No, I mean ability, not behavior."

The black-haired boy disagreed: "If you said that it can bind anyone without the consent of the host, I would have known that! Before it was bound to a tasker, it took great pains to talk to them about conditions. , and then earn their consent to bind, which is completely polite disguise! When 2d14 bound me, I didn't agree."

Huo Li patted the boy soothingly, and then said, "Maybe it's more than that, maybe I'm thinking too much!"

"We're fine anyway, let's go take a look!" The black-haired boy said eagerly: "Xu Yuncheng is infiltrating Alliance Town now, and he should be trying to pick up the kitten. But he killed more than 600 missionaries, the main system will not Let him go, let's go to Union Town to see if he can succeed!"

Huo Li said obediently: "Okay! I'm still bound to 099, but it's always in a shielded state. I'll let it out now and build a teleportation array."

Black-haired boy: "Wait! I don't want others to know that I'm still alive. I finally designed the Covenant to kill the alien, and let the alien die forever!"

Huo Li: "Then I'll prepare the starship..."

"It doesn't take that much trouble." The young man said proudly and grabbed Huo Li's arm, disappearing into the air in an instant.

At this time, Alliance Town was empty, and there were only a few low-level ability users who had just started on the translucent starry sky stone street. All the missionaries went to the game with the human government and army in the gap when the main system was disconnected.

Xu Yuncheng struggled to maintain his space ability. Since the end of the earth and the Starship Prison later, his ability has been in a state of continuous consumption. Until Xiaoyi rescued him from Alliance Town, Xu Yuncheng has always kept the boy's words in mind and shielded System 123 with his time and space abilities.

It took him a week to finally find a habitable planet that is easy to hide and has a beautiful environment on the edge of the universe.

Now that he has already played a good hand to a pulp, and has reached an endless situation with the main system and the ability user, and the chance to occupy the top of the world is hopeless. Then in the second half of his life, living in seclusion with the kitten, the ordinary life is not so unacceptable.

This silly girl, Kitten, doesn't even know that she likes her. In the past 300 years, she has done it clearly enough. Every mission world patiently accompanies her, helps her score points, and even wears her lovers necklace close to her...

Even the All Salvation Alliance knew that Xu Yuncheng liked cats, but she ridiculously thought that these were all my gratitude and guilt to her! Every time we meet, I don't look sideways, and I haven't looked into the depths of the neckline where my necklace is hanging for 300 years.

If I don't like you, why would I do this uncharacteristically for a girl? Ridiculously grateful! I don't know how many people you have entrusted to me to kill in the end.

Xu Yuncheng struggled to maintain his space ability and walked to Kitten's apartment. He shielded the kitten's system vv9988 with the last remaining strength, took out the three roses he had prepared from behind with a hint of embarrassment, and then rang the doorbell.

After dozens of seconds, the door opened with a click, and the kitten was stunned when it saw Xu Yuncheng, and then anxiously shouted: "Xu Yuncheng? Why are you back! Now the entire Salvation Alliance is looking for you! Run away!"

Then the moment the kitten saw the rose in Xu Yuncheng's hand, the whole person was completely stunned like being struck by lightning...

Xiaoyi, who was hiding and watching the warm scene, couldn't help but whispered: "It's true that a misunderstanding can last for 300 years... But after all, Xu Yuncheng killed hundreds of power users, the main system can't let him go, I hope he and the others escape quickly ."

But Huo Li, who had already had a guess in his heart, shook his head slightly: "To be honest, I can't bear to watch it any longer."

Xu Yuncheng held the kitten's hand, overdrawn the last bit of supernatural power and teleported to the door of the planet at the edge of the universe.

"This is our future home." Xu Yuncheng said to the kitten somewhat flatly, but Xiao Yi knew that this was his shyness.

The kitten has been stunned by this sudden and huge happiness, but she is still a little worried, for fear that it is like a dream that may be broken at any time.

"Will the main system come after me?" Kitten asked nervously.

In fact, Xu Yuncheng was also a little uncertain in his heart, but he still comforted him: "This is the edge of the galaxy, and it is very, very far away from Alliance Town. My powers are about to fail, so I stop and rest for 10 minutes before continuing to block the system. The programmers have placed signal blocking systems all over the planet, and the main system cannot be located in such a short period of time, don't worry."

The kitten nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go home!" Xu Yuncheng took the kitten's hand and walked into the house. At this time, his time and space abilities were completely exhausted. Xu Yuncheng still barely maintained the shielding of the kitten system vv9988, and had to let himself The system 0123 broke through the weak space-time barrier and went online again.

Xiao Yi was so nervous that he grabbed Huo Li's hand and waited with bated breath.