When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 104: The finale (below)


"Ding! System 123 is back online."

"Ding! System 123 self-destruction program has been activated!"

Xu Yuncheng was holding the kitten's hand and walking towards the steps of the house door, and these were the last two words he heard, and then he fell into an endless darkness...

Xiaoyi and Huo Li watched Xu Yuncheng take a step up as if nothing had happened, and then a small cloud of blood suddenly burst out from the back of their heads, and they fell forward with a thud and fell at the door of their future home, not moving.

As early as the moment the abnormality occurred, Huo Li used his mental ability to stun the kitten without letting her witness the bloody scene with her own eyes.

Xiaoyi hurriedly used his mental power to investigate the past, and then said dumbly: "The explosion originated from the inside of the brain, and the entire brain tissue was destroyed!"

Huo Li: "I have long guessed that the ability of a system that can enter and exit the human brain at will, is more than just attaching a space and transmitting items. This is the secret that the main system has been hiding..."

At this time, Xiaoyi's shock, which was completely reflected, has all turned into anger: "The main system has this ability, doesn't it kill whoever it wants? Binding does not require consent, but the subsystem can explode at any time! Although Xu Yuncheng is damned , but the problem is that the kitten is still there!"

"Huo Li, go and discuss with the main system!" Although the black-haired boy turned around in anger, he still hadn't come out of his spatial ability, and then pushed Huo Li and said, "I'm already dead. You Go out and scold the main system, and then let it dissolve the Salvation Alliance! You just say... Forget it, you know what I'm going to say!"

Huo Li didn't hesitate at all, patted the boy on the shoulder soothingly, raised his legs and walked out of the space where the two were hidden.

At this time, although the cat's consciousness had fallen into a deep sleep, his body was still controlled by Huo Li and stood on the steps with his eyes open, and the system vv9988 in the cat's brain, without the shielding of Xu Yuncheng's space-time ability, also restarted. online.

The main system can see everything going on here through the kitten's eyes.

Huo Li quickly approached under the sight of the kitten, and looked at the kitten's dull eyes so quietly.

After dozens of seconds, the soft voice of the main system sounded in Huo Li's mind: "I didn't want to tell any of you this secret. But, you still found it."

Huo Li: "Dissolve the Salvation Alliance."

"I've never used this ability in thousands of years," the main system said softly, "or it's not my intention to say that the subsystem has the ability to kill the host. However, when each subsystem can teleport items and even When creating a separate storage space, killing the host becomes a simple side ability."

Huo Li shook his head: "Master, I'm not disturbed by your ability. There is only one reason why I ask you to dissolve the Alliance of Salvation: your ability is too powerful for this world."

The main system chuckled sadly: "Does it make any difference? I have been protecting human beings for thousands of years, but no one will believe in an artificial intelligence."

"You still don't understand my words." Huo Li sighed: "I never doubted your kindness to mankind. However, you have protected mankind for nearly 10,000 years, and the Salvation Alliance has been established for thousands of years. The results of it?"

"I saved 95% of the end times in the universe," the main system stated objectively: "For 8,000 years, the relationship between ordinary humans and power users has been eased, preventing the outbreak of the war between the two."

"Without the worries of the end times, and the pressure of the supernatural beings, the entire human race is in a kind of stupid blind confidence." Huo Li said, with a bit of sternness in his tone: "In the historical development of mankind, there are only constant Conflict and innovation are what drives humanity forward, but your care prevents all of this. Master system, when you pour down the fountain, these waters are eroding the entire galaxy like poisonous juice.

"Master system, do you dare to say that the supernatural beings are being oppressed infinitely now, but the existence of a deformed society in which the Interstellar Alliance as the ruler is as vulnerable as foam plastic has nothing to do with you?"

For a long time, the main system did not say a word. Even Huo Li was a little worried that his tone just now was too sharp and mean, so he opened his mouth and added:

"Of course, this situation has not caused any bad consequences for the time being. And you did protect a lot of human lives..."

"You don't have to comfort me Huo Li," the main system said, "I'm just a system, I need a little time..."

There was no other response after that.

The black-haired boy used his mental power to detect that Huo Li's 099 and Kitten's vv9988 were automatically unbound and disappeared.

It is not so much that the main system is to answer Huo Li's request, it is better to say that it fled back to her room (Alliance Town) like a beaten little girl, crying and refusing to speak to anyone (close the subsystem). ).

At this time, the black-haired boy came out of his hidden space, carefully bypassing Xu Yuncheng's corpse lying on the ground, and walked quickly to Huo Li's side and said:

"That's not what I want to say. I actually want to tell the main system that since its purpose is to protect human beings, it should treat both powers and ordinary people equally, and only by disbanding this forced salvation alliance can this injustice be stopped." The black-haired boy's voice was a little crazy:

"But who told you to scold the main system so miserably! The biggest reason for the idiots of the Star Alliance is the personality flaws of human beings themselves. You can't blame the main system! What if it suddenly commits suicide?" The black-haired boy Akira On Huo Li's shoulder:

"And, you have a share in the dividends of mankind! Well, although I joined the Salvation Alliance for a short time, I also have a share. It has set a wrong example for mankind in the whole galaxy: treating all wrongs with malice A powerful creature of man, and then there can be a fairy tale ending, how is it possible?"

Huo Li felt a little guilty: "The main system is a system, how can it kill itself? And what I just said is true but just exaggerated. And we have both lost our way, and now we need the main system... "

Looking at the boy who was still looking bad, Huo Li quickly changed the subject: "But, what should I do with Kitten? Now let her wake up and tell her the truth, I'm afraid she will go with Xu Yuncheng immediately. Although I can change her memory, But living like this against her will..."

Mentioning the tragic ending of his long-time friend, Huo Li's voice became dull.

"Then let the kitten go with him!" the black-haired boy said indifferently.

Huo Li was surprised for a moment, but then he seemed to react with a thought! No wonder Xiaoyi has the ability of time and space, it turned out to be because...

"Are you right, Xu Yuncheng?" The black-haired boy continued, looking at the open space beside 'Xu Yuncheng's corpse'.

Then, the air in that area suddenly distorted, and a living Xu Yuncheng slowly walked out from there. He first nodded politely to his long-time friend Huo Li, and then said to the black-haired boy neither humble nor arrogant:

"The kitten and I will go to another remote planet and live incognito forever. There will be no more fights in the galaxy."

"Anyway, your body itself is alienated from black silk," the black-haired boy said coldly to Xu Yuncheng:

"I can feel any of your changes. As for the 600 people you killed, the enemy or the new government's punishment has nothing to do with me. The debt I owe for killing the kitten twice has been doubled. You can do it for yourself."

"Xiao Alienation changed your brain?" Huo Li looked at Xu Yuncheng and asked, but he was still a little puzzled: "But the clone is not the original person strictly speaking. Could it be that..."

A bold guess poured into Huo Li's mind, he turned to the boy and said, "Xiaoyi, you copied Xu Yuncheng's entire body including the supernatural core, but only the brain part was emptied, and then Xu Yuncheng's original The brain is put in?"

The black-haired boy was a little proud: "The subsystem is attached to the human brain stem, so Xu Yuncheng's body, power core and brain stem are all black silk aliens, only the brain is his own. Even the main system can't think of it. I can move the bound subsystem to that double like this."

Huo Li was surprised: "Actually, the subsystem is still bound to Xu Yuncheng's original body, but the brain that carries his soul has been ripped off by you?"

The black-haired boy was happy: "Yes! I'm amazing!"

Huo Li took the boy and kissed him, expressing his praise.

After hesitating for a while, Xu Yuncheng, who was a giant light bulb, finally opened his mouth and said, "Ahem, can you help the kitten..."

The black-haired boy sighed: "Did I owe them a couple in my last life? It's really heartbreaking!"

Saying that, Xiaoyi's arm turned into black silk while absorbing the lawn next to him to replenish energy, while wrapping the kitten.

A moment later, the kitten was freshly refreshed except for the brain.

"In this way, there should be no problem with her other limbs, except her brain is still a fragment reunited by time power." The black-haired boy said.

Huo Li took the boy's arm and nodded to say goodbye to his former friend who had betrayed him.

The black-haired boy also nodded like Huo Li.

Xu Yuncheng also picked up the comatose kitten and nodded.

Huo Li: "There will be a period later."

Xiaoyi: "Have a precious son early."

Then Xu Yuncheng, who was left alone in a mess in the wind, disappeared.

A month later, the thousand-year-old galactic battle finally came to an end. Much of the power of the Star Alliance was handed over to the newly formed Federation of Humans and Abilities.

The Salvation Alliance has also been officially reorganized, and the system that was previously attached to the brainstem of the tasker has now been moved to an exquisite watch worn on the wrist. Every psychic and human with outstanding abilities can choose to join the alliance, receive the mission of salvation, and get a lot of money, and can withdraw at any time.

The main system stipulates that the points of power users who have joined the Alliance of Salvation before are still valid, and can be exchanged for 1:10,000 for star coins, and the items and space obtained are owned by the tasker.

As a result, the originally bitter missionaries turned into tens of millions or even billionaires. Now there are many ordinary parents with newborns who are staring at their babies every day, hoping to produce an elite of ability users.

And this new Salvation Alliance is not so much an alliance as it is a redemptive company that is rich and unmatched. Since it is a company, the feat of saving the world for free like the main system in the past is out of date. So the main system announced that for each saved apocalyptic alliance, a huge amount of salvation will be charged according to the severity of the apocalypse.

This cost shared by the apocalypse and the Federation of Humans and Abilities has gradually evolved into the apocalypse planet government and the Federation will give up the tax for 5 to 100 years after the apocalypse to pay to the Salvation Alliance. as a reward.

And the ban on artificial intelligence is also being relaxed. After all, the development of all human technology cannot be stopped because of fear.

No one thought that this series of changes caused by a power user's revenge for his boyfriend would have such a great impact on the entire galaxy.

The technological and cultural level of the whole world has made an explosive leap in decades, and the psychic and human have also given up the stupid fight with the Zerg for no reason. Conservationists have begun to spontaneously organize friendly people to colonize the planets in the Zerg galaxy, which are not seen by the Zerg, but seem like paradise to humans who have not seen nature for a long time.

There are even daring linguists, zoologists and businessmen who go to the Zerg planet to live together, exchanging tools for their agricultural products; offering language courses at the same time in the Zerg and Zerg, or making a lot of money from filming documentaries and movies Profit.

After tearing off the cloak of prejudice, human intelligence, flexibility and profit-seeking nature make this interracial communication lively and lively.

After the technical interoperability, human long-distance navigation has been greatly developed. Humans and psychics joined hands to start a journey of exploration into a wider unknown universe.

As for the alien who was only to save mankind, but was misunderstood by the evil Covenant and eventually lost his life, with the complete extinction of the alien race, it will be remembered by every human being. After decades of interpretation, this alien legend has even been compiled into a fairy tale, which has become a must-read story for children before going to bed. This ugly but kind-hearted little alien has also successfully deceived the tears of thousands of children.

"Don't judge people by their appearance, have you forgotten the story of the little alien?" Many parents have taught their children this way.

full text

The author has something to say: So today is officially over, so sad~

Thank you to the little angels who have been with me along the way, you are so heartwarming! Especially after more than half of the stolen text clicks were reduced in the last month, every time I see the little angel who still accompanies me and leaves a message under the text, I am super super moved, woo woo~

Looking back at the full text now, I really regret why Huo Li and Xiaoyi didn't fall in love earlier! How good it is to save the world while falling in love! So I came up with a new idea, "When Alien Breaks into the Game of Death", so that Huo Li, who was 18 years old, and Xiao Yi, who was 2 years old, got to know each other again, and they were together sweetly. But the stupid author's current IQ and writing may not be able to support a wonderful infinite flow of writing, so maybe it will be published next year, covering his face.