When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 19: Zombie World (11)


System 099: "Ding! Planet C has arrived, and it has been detected that 126 aliens are moving at high speed!"

099's icy electronic sound instantly quenched Huo Li's cautious thoughts, which contained a vague expectation. He said with a grim expression, "Teleport to the location of the alien now!"

System 099: "Ding! The teleportation symbol is being used, and the points will be deducted by 100,000 points."

In the hotel, 10 meters behind a certain alien, Huo Li appeared out of nowhere, and a powerful mental force instantly attacked the black-haired boy! Within a few seconds, the black-haired boy lost control of all the aliens and fell into the deepest part of his consciousness. In a trance, every scene of memory and every moment of thinking that he had since his birth three years ago swept through his brain involuntarily and quickly. Pass…

At the same time, the more than two million aliens who were at the moment of life and death lost control in an instant! The alien, who was opening his mouth to bite the neck of the fourth-level zombie, fell to the ground weakly, and was then torn to pieces by dozens of high-level zombies swarming up. An alien that was flying over between two tall buildings directly slammed into the wall of the opposite building, fell down, and smashed into the zombies...

After just a few minutes, Huo Li withdrew his consciousness, the vigilance in his eyes disappeared, but instead showed a trace of regret, standing there dumbfounded.

The black-haired boy regained consciousness and hurriedly went to find out the situation of those aliens!

After a second, the boy who had completed the detection suddenly stood up, turned around and walked out of the house, bang! He kicked the door open and punched Huo Li in the face who was standing behind the door!

"Are you fucking sick!"

However, Huo Li received the punch, and one of the punches stumbled into the back wall of the corridor. After barely standing still, he just stared blankly at the boy without any resistance.

"If you want to know what I have experienced in the past, you can ask directly! There is no need to go through my memory page by page after controlling me completely!" The black-haired boy held Huo Li's collar against the On the wall of the corridor, the anger that was about to burst out was suppressed in the voice.

"If you want to know if I killed all the aliens including my blood relatives, I can tell you: yes! I killed all my kinsmen, not one!

Wondering if I played pitiful to fool the female researcher in charge of holding me and slaughtered the entire crew of the ship. Yes! I killed them. There was a trembling in the dark-haired boy's voice, "What else do you have a problem with? "

Huo Li looked at the anger that flashed in the boy's eyes, and the deep-rooted grief that was covered by the anger. Huo Li felt a huge sense of guilt in his heart, and his eyes became a little wet because of the empathy with those memories just now. He said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, I didn't think of..."

Then Huo Li stretched out his arm, as if he wanted to take the boy into his arms and give him a comforting hug.

But at this time, the black-haired boy suddenly loosened Huo Li's collar, threw him against the wall to avoid Huo Li's arm, turned around and walked into the room, shouting angrily. said:

"It took me almost half a month to cover the entire planet with black silk! Do you know how difficult it is to spread black silk in a place that lacks organic matter and is extremely cold! It took enough energy to alienate 2.6 million aliens to fight the zombies to the death! You are good, it only took three minutes to make 95% of my limbs die! What can I do with the remaining tens of thousands! It's winter, and I'm going to be completely exhausted in this mission world!"

The black-haired boy turned around abruptly and glared at Huo Li angrily: "Tell me! Are you avenging private revenge? I'm just polluting the world and sucking you into... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

When Huo Li heard this, he didn't know what to think, and his face turned red.

The teenager paused, still looking at Huo Li with a serious expression, then ignored his slip of the tongue and continued as if nothing had happened:

"Cough, I'm just polluting the world with a higher score than you! You must be jealous of me! First, Pengci'er deducted all my points, and then when my points were negative, I destroyed all the arrangements for my salvation. Then I'll be stuck in this mission world forever and can't surpass you, it's too insidious!"

Huo Li couldn't get rid of the shock and sadness of empathizing with the teenager at this moment, and he was a little overwhelmed and whispered: "I'm sorry! I'll help you..." After speaking, his mental power spread out and controlled it. Zombies around. Those zombies who were extremely vicious just a second ago immediately grabbed their necks with their claws, trying to strangle themselves to death...

The black-haired boy used black silk to see the grand occasion of the collective suicide of the surrounding zombies! He hurriedly stopped: "Stop! Don't rob me of my contribution!"

Huo Li quickly withdrew his consciousness, "Then I..."

The black-haired boy looked at Huo Li vigilantly: "Go away! An SSS boss, don't grab points in A-level missions! Don't do anything, this is my mission world!"

Huo Li hesitated for a long time, but he still asked the question he was most concerned about: "You... why did you post that, ahem... about the two of us on the alliance forum?"

The black-haired boy pretended to be unaware of the situation on the Salvation Alliance forum, and said confidently:

"I didn't post that post. My stupid system made it to show off the 930,000 points we got. What's wrong, what's the problem? You've slapped me with your points, but you still don't allow us to post. Remember it!"

Huo Li suddenly felt an arrow in his heart!

It turned out that it was just because of the score, I thought that...

Huo Li stood awkwardly in the room and didn't know how to appease the black-haired boy who started to fry again. He could only obey a certain alien's wish and directly activated the teleportation array to flee back to Star Z.

After Huo Li disappeared from the room, the trembling boy who was still angry immediately put away all his expressions, and then showed a mischievous smile, "Damn, he is too deceived! The red eyes just now, it is Are you going to cry? Hahahaha!" A certain alien fell onto the bed with a smile.

The poor host who was about to say something to comfort himself 2d14: "Master, don't hurt... eh? Master, those millions of little black cubs have just been killed, aren't you angry?"

"Originally, the 2.6 million little aliens couldn't beat the tens of billions of zombies on Planet C, but for... But now they have completed their mission. I said I was just doing an experiment." A certain alien in a very good mood was cheerful. Explained to System 2d14, "Even if there is no interruption from Huo Li, they will be wiped out in 24 minutes. Just a little earlier, and it will not affect the experimental results."

2d14 was completely confused: "The host is great! Didn't we come to Planet C to kill all the zombies to save the world? If the little black cubs are dead, how can we kill the zombies?"

"Even if we had hundreds of millions of small aliens just now and killed all the zombies, it would not prolong the lifespan of the world. In this zombie world, first ordinary people are alienated into zombies, and then the abilities of individual bases are collectively alienated into zombies. Until the last power user on Planet C is also alienated, the world will end. What we need to solve is not a zombie, but another more powerful enemy!" The black-haired boy calmly analyzed.

System 2d14: "Ah! Oh. But didn't the big boss Huo Li invade your mind just now and forcefully read through your previous painful memories? Are you not sad now, Master?"

The black-haired boy's smile didn't change: "He just read my memories, and he has experienced every minute, every second, every moment of thoughts and emotions in the three years since I was born. The experience really made me sad, but today I actually met a person who was even sadder than me, and who was about to cry, and suddenly I was much happier!"

System 2d14: "Then you also punched the big boss Huo Li!"

"I just don't like him, and I want to find an excuse to beat him up! Can't I? I'm actually a very vengeful person." The boy said angrily: "Last time I was in the town of Salvation Alliance, Huo Li caused me to deduct 93 Absolutely! I also suspected that I was doing tricks on the body that I had worked so hard to repair. It was not enough to send the body to the medical department to scan it from head to toe to check whether there was any DNA residue. I put it on the first-level security guard The lab is quarantined!"

System 2d14 asked weakly: "Master, since you don't have left hands and feet on that body, how do you know so clearly..."

"I didn't leave DNA in his body, but I left black silk on the emergency stretcher to monitor, and it didn't surprise me! But I let them degrade automatically when I left Union Town, I can't stand it The existence of any alien gene that is not under my control." The black-haired boy said coldly.

"But I really never thought that Huo Li's soul power was so powerful that he could completely control me!"

System 2d14 hurriedly comforted: "Host, don't be discouraged! Boss Huo Li's mental power is indeed the most powerful one in the world! Once he was in a particularly critical mission to save the world, and he exhausted his soul. Under the circumstance of strength, he actually controlled nearly a thousand spiritual bodies in a radius of 10 kilometers at the same time! Then he turned the tide and saved the world! So it's not ashamed that the host is greatly controlled by him."

The black-haired boy: "You mean that his previous record was to control 1,000 mental bodies at the same time? He also showed a look of dying from exhaustion?"

System 2d14: "Yes, there are 1000!"

The black-haired boy showed a smile that penetrated everything: "Yes, he just controlled 2.6 million at the same time."

System 2d14: "Huh?"

The black-haired boy: "Hehe, no wonder Huo Li no longer uses his divine sense to inquire about my thoughts after he found out that I was wrong. In the room just now, his mental power was walking around me tremblingly. Does he have any childhood too? Shadows? Self-loathing? Seeking self-identity by maintaining a 'ordinary' pretense at all times?"

Meanwhile, Planet Z

After getting down to earth again, Huo Xin sent a 4,000-word short message to the main system with a heavy heart. After discussing the kindness and harmlessness of a certain alien, he asked the leaders of Planet Z for a day off. Then, all afternoon, Huo Li touched the bridge of his nose that seemed to be in severe pain. He sat slumped in his bedroom and looked at the small balcony with flowers that the black-haired boy most looked forward to. His heart was full of regret and regret. Self-blame, over and over again in my mind relive every bit of the boy and his first meeting.

Then Huo Li carefully read every word about H and zz on the alliance forum during this period of time with his own spiritual knowledge, and then laughed sarcastically.

in the hotel

System 2d14 thought for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Master, do you mean that you have childhood shadows yourself?"

The black-haired boy: "I'm only three years old now. Haven't I been living my childhood all the time? All the unsatisfactory things I encountered are all the shadows of my childhood!"

System 2d14: "Wow! The host is still a three-year-old baby!"

Black-haired boy: "Cut! You are not full moon yet!"

At this time, the black-haired boy suddenly put away his smile, stopped bickering with 2d14, and transformed himself into a black alien within a few seconds, put the clothes still on his body into the space, and then lightning He jumped out of the window like he was flying towards the direction of the Changfeng members.