When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 2: Pollution of the world (2)


"The host is great! As long as you pay 20 points each time you perform a task, you can get the qualification to log in to the Salvation Alliance Forum!" The system continued to popularize:

"There is the best place for pure newcomers and fake newcomers like us to hug each other for warmth, exchange experiences of salvation, and learn from the big guys!

"Unfortunately we only have 10 points." System 2d14 regretfully added.

A certain alien lacked interest in this, and found a new focus:

"Why do you assume that my contribution factor is only 10%?" A certain alien was dissatisfied.

System 2d14: "Because of tasks like this with a difficulty factor of less than 1, even those with little achievements are reluctant to come...

Therefore, the alliance will randomly assign 10 to 20 new players to practice. But in order to avoid a vicious event that would lead to the destruction of the entire world if no new person successfully completes the mission. Every time, the system will randomly select a boss with A level and above to complete the task part-time! "

"For example: Huo Li?" the black-haired boy asked.

System 2d14: "How does the host know the name of Huo Li's big boss? He is the holder of the single mission points record of the Salvation Alliance! The total points have always remained in the top three ultimate big boss!

His system 099 is also a legend in our system industry! But... it's impossible for an SSS-level god like Huo Li to bring new people. ' 2d14 is downcast.

"He has been here for four days, then left, and it is said that he will come back in a year." In this city alone, I used black silk to see TV 58821 broadcasting news about him.

"How did you know, Master?"

The black-haired boy directly took out the remote control and switched to News Channel 1.

"According to the spokesperson of the National Federation: Mr. Huo Li, the executive of the Interstellar Salvation Alliance, has completed his four-day investigation on this planet and left at 5:40 pm today. According to reliable sources, Mr. Huo Li will be working in one year. After returning, continue to assist countries to deal with the increasingly serious pollution problem...”

Rewind time to four days ago

In the town of Salvation Alliance, Huo Li was sitting by the floor-to-ceiling window in his super luxurious manor, drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

"Ding, Master Host, the points you submitted yesterday for completing the task have been settled, the total: 10÷1×200×80×233×80% is equal to 29.824 million points. Ding! Your total points have risen by one place, and you are now ranked The first one."

"What if I take a year off?"

System 099: "Ding, the host needs to pay 5% of the total points for one year's vacation, which is 2,276,967,000, and your ranking will drop to fourth. Lord host, are you... going on vacation again?"

Huo Li pondered for a while, then elegantly picked up the teacup and took a sip, and said to System 099:

"Help me take the Zerg invasion mission with a difficulty factor of 755 in the mission hall."

System 099: "Yes, the host, the application is being submitted... Ding, the quest application failed! The alliance has selected you as the supervisor of the novice quest, please go to the Pollution World Report within 24 hours, and the quest will last for 20 years. .Master host... "

"What is the difficulty factor?"

System 099: "… 0.3"

Huo Li put down the teacup and tapped the table lightly with his fingers, his expression darkened:

"Oh! What conspiracy and tricks does the Salvation Alliance want to play this time? I was randomly selected? The ghosts believe it!

099, apply for the Zerg invasion as a part-time task. I'm going to see what's so special about this newbie quest! "

"Ding! The application is successful! Please report to the Zerg apocalypse within 5 days."

So the big boss Huo Li came to the polluted world full of suspicion, and as always, he was warmly, imaginatively and arrogantly welcomed by the officials of the National Federation and the heads of state.

At the pollution control summit, Huo Li was sitting at the table, looking coldly at the leaders of various countries while strongly agreeing that environmental governance is imminent, while keeping silent about the amount of pollution treatment that their country will undertake, and fighting each other with Tai Chi. . And faintly hinted at Huo Li, hoping that as the savior of SSS, he could use his mysterious ability to instantly eliminate pollution.

At the same time, Huo Li's mental power also penetrated everyone present.

Thoughts swept through the hopes and joys, sorrows and fears of those deep souls like gods.

Flip through the unknown secrets hidden in the dark corners of this world.

On the fourth day of the summit, Huo Li patiently continued to explore, but he still hadn't found the shocking secret he expected.

However, Huo Li still dedicated himself to writing a 4 million word salvation plan in his mind for this C-level mission.

According to this, he controlled the senior officials of 3 national federations and the souls of 7 heads of state. After ensuring that 100% of the salvation plan within a year could be implemented, Huo Li set off for the end of the Zerg.

Passing by a falling alien...

time back to the present

At 10:30 in the evening, when it was time for human beings to go to bed, a certain alien washed up step by step, changed his pajamas, covered the quilt, closed his eyes and started to sleep for the first time in his life.

An hour later, a certain alien opened his eyes sadly: It turns out that the human body will suffer from insomnia after drinking too much coffee! So he turned over and started playing games with the tablet he just bought...

5:06 am

On the other side of the planet, deep under the sea, two black threads came towards each other, slammed into each other, and merged into one.

The black-haired boy who was playing the game suddenly threw the tablet, sat up, and sighed with relief:

"At this moment, I embrace the world!"

On the other side of the planet, more and more filaments came from both sides, merged into two long black ropes as thick as pythons, and then wriggled into two huge black hands, which were solemnly held together, shaking. For a moment, to celebrate.

System 2d14 asked confusedly: "Master, what did you say?"


A certain alien lay back on the bed and continued to play the game as if nothing had happened, with a silent smile on the corner of his mouth, and said softly:

"let's start!"

In an instant, countless black filaments all over the world removed their camouflage at the same time. Began to recklessly entangle all kinds of garbage around. As organic pollutants are absorbed, the filaments thicken and grow like giant black leaf veins. At the same time, it stretched out its branches to take root in the soil, and the black silk with remaining strength even emitted dust-like black powder and floated into the sky.

In a certain city, a girl who has been in a bar all night walks home drunk. She was wearing high heels, and the asphalt road felt weird to the touch, like walking on rubber. Suddenly, her heels seemed to be caught by something, and she suddenly lost her balance, pop! fell to the ground.

The girl lay on the ground and grabbed a wisp of dirt sticking to her face with her hands, and subconsciously took a look at the street lamp: I saw dozens of extremely fine black bugs twisting in her hands!

Each of those bugs is incredibly long, and the other end of the body extends to the ground among the countless accomplices, seemingly endless!

“啊啊啊! ! ! ! !”女孩惊恐的狂叫,连滚带爬的从地上爬起来,狠狠地用高跟鞋朝地面跺了好几下,然后一边跑一边歇斯底里的狂叫起来:“救命Ah! Help!"

40 minutes later, the first ray of golden sunlight in the morning passed through the layers of haze and turned into a hazy white and sprinkled on the ground. The buildings of the whole city seem to be covered with a black veil, but it is actually an illusion caused by the sparse black filaments on the outer walls of the buildings.

On the ground, it was as if a layer of black paint had been painted overnight, and the black silk as fine as a knitted black cloth covered all the ground.

And more than a dozen garbage dumps around the city have been completely occupied by black silk. Black vines wrap around mountains of garbage large and small, quickly absorbing nutrients. The several main branches that meander through the garbage dump have grown vigorously as thick as a bucket, extending into the city like a black aorta, providing energy for the malnourished friends in the city.

The office workers who got up early began to walk out of their homes one after another, looking at the dark city... The whole continent was instantly fried! Countless people started screaming, crying, and running to announce the end of the world!

Some people ran home screaming, locked the door, and even started rummaging through boxes to find tape to seal the gap between the door and the window.

Some people took out their mobile phones tremblingly for the first time and called the police: "Hey! The police! I'm on xxx street, surrounded by alien cannibals!"

Some elementary school students shouted after seeing the scene in front of them: "Dad! Mom! Come and see! The end of the world is coming!"

Some workaholics found that the black silk did not seem to be harmful to human beings and did not affect the driving of the car, so they calmly drove the car to work.

Others threw themselves to their knees and shouted reverently, "O merciful Lord! Why did you impose such a terrible divine punishment!"

The other nineteen pure newcomers on this planet were also stunned by the sight in front of them! But because no one has enough points to log in to the forum... They can only hug themselves, who are already stand-alone, and tremble with their own system.

As time goes by, more and more people discover the terrible changes in the world, and they bravely believe that they should fight this black bug to the death for their home and life! People started slashing with knives, smashing with hammers, crushing with cars, burning with fire, and even splashing with strong acid...

The black-haired boy who had already woken up and started watching a movie suddenly couldn't bear it any longer, he threw the remote control on the bed and stood up.

System 2d14 was taken aback: "The host is great! What's the matter with you?"

At the same time, somewhere in the world, a strand of black silk swept away the axe in the hand of the big man, and instantly wrapped him into a black silkworm chrysalis. The big man with a beard on his face instantly screamed for help:

"Mom! Help!"

"As a person, I want to be humble, I want to be patient, and I should have self-restraint." The black-haired boy took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, returned to bed, and continued watching the movie.

The black silk on the bearded man also dissipated, and turned to wrap up the surrounding garbage, and began to do their own work.

The big man fell to his knees in fright, looked at the black silk in disbelief, then turned around and stumbled away.

At this time, the governments of various countries have already made a mess, and they have nothing to do with the black bugs that have spread all over the world. So countries frantically sent a request to the federation: hurry up and contact the savior Huo Li! Get him back!

However, the aborigines in the mission world do not have the right to contact the mission person directly, so the federation of countries hurriedly turned to the Salvation Alliance to send a distress signal: We were attacked by alien species!

By the time the message was confirmed by the Salvation Alliance and sent to the system at 099, it was already 10 am.

At this time, in a certain area of outer space, the interstellar battleship group of Star Z was fighting fiercely with the overwhelming Zerg. In front of the Zerg that stretches for hundreds of kilometers, the dozens of interstellar battleships are like chariots, but they still miraculously hold their positions!

Close the distance, you can see a man floating in the air at the front of the mothership! In front of him is a vacuum area about two kilometers wide, glowing with a faint blue light, as if the real spiritual power has built the most important line of defense! All the Zerg who broke into this light turned their bodies like madness and bit their kin behind them! Right now...

"Ding! Master host! Your other mission planet has been invaded by creatures!"