When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 34: Mechanical Rebellion (6)


Huo Li's smug smile stiffened for a moment, but he smiled again and said, "Look at how smart this kid is. If you know I'm not handsome, you'll scold people, hahaha!"

The other survivors in the cave didn't know that Huo Li's heart was like a knife, but they were amazed at the high IQ of this smart cabbage! A swearing cabbage, how clever is this!

At this time, the female leader Claire also completely believed in the words of the wise cabbage, and said to Huo Li and Xiaoyi: "I support your plan, I will notify the entire valley base and vote on this matter collectively!"

Half an hour later, more than 400 people gathered in the open space of the valley, waiting for the speech of the female leader, Claire. These more than 400 people are decision-making representatives selected by the valley base in a ratio of 10:1. Among them, 150 belong to the guards of the valley, and more than 60 belong to the anti-mechanical resistance team led by the male leader Mr. Claire. The remaining 200 People are the representatives of the old, young, women and children who work hard in the caves to grow purple algae and make other necessities of life.

I saw the female leader Claire climbed a boulder in a valley, and said loudly to everyone: "These two people by my side are the new saviors sent to Planet D by the Salvation Alliance."

Amidst the boos of the 'Savior' from the audience. Claire raised her voice to suppress her dissatisfaction and explained to the two: "They are different from those robbers and rice buckets sent over the past 50 years, this Mr. Yi and Mr. Huo used the food-transforming ability of intelligent cabbage at the mine base to survive there. They brought a wealth of food. And the wisdom cabbage not only has this ability, it can even control the surrounding mechanical warriors under a certain amount! And now the mine base has used all the purple algae they have stored, alienated into this I planted smart cabbage, and all the staff started the planting and protection of cabbage. As the leader of the valley base, I put forward this proposal to everyone, I think we should follow the mine base and use our stored grain... "


"Don't believe those two liars!"

"Wisdom cabbage, I also have wisdom purple algae!"

"This excuse is too clumsy to defraud us of our food!"

"Is this old woman Claire crazy!"

"I said long ago that the position of chief should be taken by Alexander..."

There were boos from the audience, and the most scolding was the guards in the valley. They even said the words to let Claire step down. It can be seen that they have a long-standing grievance with the Claire brothers and sisters. The second is the old and young women and children who are engaged in the cultivation of purple algae who are reluctant to bear food.

The black-haired boy looked at the female leader standing on the boulder and could no longer suppress the angry people in the valley, so he stretched out his hand and took out the 'black root system' of a 20kg smart cabbage from the space, and threw it with a snap. In the open space below the boulder, the 'black root system' quickly spread into the soil, and then green cabbage grew upward one by one. In front of all the representatives of the valley, a smart cabbage field was formed in a few seconds.

The green belt that suddenly appeared in front of me suddenly stunned the representatives of the valley who had never seen green! The noisy scene just now suddenly quieted down, and everyone looked at this green plant that they had never seen before with curiosity.

Then, a small cabbage growing in the front shook its body, climbed out of the ground with the support of its roots, stood proudly at the front of the cabbage field, opened its mouth and said to the people in front of it:

"Hello everyone! I am the wise cabbage that Chief Claire said just now!"

The representatives of the survivors in the audience were silent, their eyes widened at the fantastic scene in front of them!

The female leader, Claire, took this opportunity to regain her right to speak and control the audience. She asked the little cabbage with a straight face:

"4 plus 4 equals how much?"

"Equal to 8." Xiao cabbage answered without hesitation.

Everyone in the audience gasped in shock.

Then, with the secret cooperation of the black-haired boy, the intelligent cabbage performed for 400 people with talents such as speaking, difficult arithmetic and forward roll. The people who were scolding in the audience just now are basically convinced, but when all this is developing for the better:

"Wait a minute! Chief Claire, don't steal the concept here!" A representative of the escort team objected loudly: "This so-called 'smart cabbage' does have self-awareness and can count, so what? What! Are we going to give all of our food for this, changing our decades-old way of life so that the algae growers and the soldiers of the escort all guard the cabbage?"

After the guard shouted, the people below began to shake.

"This is the only opportunity to change our destiny, don't you..." Before Claire could finish her speech, she was interrupted by a male voice from the audience.

"Claire, do you think this is an 'opportunity to change our destiny', aren't you too naive! Indeed, this cabbage is intelligent, can count, huh! He can dance!" This is obviously a sarcastic escort from the guards. He said, looking at the people around him, the representatives of the escort team cooperated with exaggerated laughter.

"Mr. Alexander is well said!"

"We support Alexander!"

Someone below shouted loudly.

And this Mr. Alexander paused for a second or two, then made a quiet gesture around him, and said, "Count us who can't? Who can't dance? And we'll shoot, we'll make weapons. We are not much wiser than that cabbage? Before the end of the world, we had hundreds of billions of human beings with higher IQs than wise cabbage living on Planet D, but they were still slaughtered by the D system and mechanical warriors to almost extinction!"

The words of Alexander, the leader of the escort, were extremely provocative, and everyone present became pessimistic when they thought of the tragic situation of hundreds of billions of people being slaughtered by machines. Yes, we humans can't defeat the D system and mechanical warriors, so what's the use of cultivating these cabbage with all the power of the base

Looking at this one-sided situation, the black-haired boy was preparing to manipulate the black silk in the cabbage field to produce some delicious food to prove the strength of the cabbage. But Huo Li's voice sounded in his mind, "Wait a minute, you don't have to act now. In 5 minutes, there will be a better chance."

So the black-haired boy put away the root system of the cabbage, and silently watched the guard leader Alexander's performance of seizing power.

"So, our leader Claire just let this cabbage do math problems and turn somersaults to convince us that this cabbage can help us defeat the D system with the assistance of hundreds of millions of mechanical warriors, hehe! In order for us to surrender All the grains in the stockpile even brazenly lied about this little cabbage," Alexander pointed to the solitary little cabbage standing in the front of the vegetable field, "Is this little thing that can control machinery? How can it be controlled? Waving the leaves Just let those evil unmanned gunships come down? And then the mech warriors inside lined up to come down and luggage to it?"

"Ahahahahahaha!" The surrounding guards burst into laughter, making the female leader Claire on the stage look like a crazy woman with a broken brain.

And Huo Li's voice resounded in the black-haired boy's mind: "Alexander has made a good suggestion."

The black-haired boy quietly stood aside watching this scene of the infighting farce at the valley base, and asked with consciousness in his mind, "How many kilograms of brain do you want?"

Huo Li: "1,500 kilograms of brains, or 3,000 kilograms of filaments, is more than enough."

Black-haired boy: "Okay."

At this time, the female leader Claire, who was standing on the boulder, was already in a state of turmoil by the "Claire step down" one after another. She was trying to say something to stabilize everyone's emotions, but her voice was completely drowned out by the escorts led by the guards. yelling.

At this moment: "The death squad led by Mr. Claire has returned from the oil field!" A guard stumbled in and yelled at everyone, "A dozen brothers died, and there are many wounded!"

"All the guards and the anti-mechanical resistance team members immediately go to meet them!" When the female leader Claire heard the news of her brother, she didn't care about the fight for power and profit on the scene, and shouted to everyone in the audience.

"No! They just fled back like this, and they must be pursued by mechanical soldiers!" Captain Alexander shouted and retorted. The survivors who were about to follow orders to rush out of the valley suddenly hesitated and stopped, "This is There are still more than 4,000 people in the valley, and they can't implicate everyone for their 300 death squad's hot-headed adventure! Attacking the oil field controlled by the D system is their own wrong decision, and they should lead it for everyone's life. Start the pursuit of the mechanical warriors! They should be responsible for their mistakes!"

"Yeah! Don't let them in!"

"You can't let them bring back the mechanical warriors!"

Even the artisan growers outside the escort in the audience were filled with righteous indignation by Alexander's words.

Claire, the female leader on the stage, was shaken by the confounding voice of the guard captain: "Isn't the fuel and guns used in the valley base not bought by my brother with the death squads! Having killed and wounded nearly 700 of our brothers and sisters, will my brother make a desperate decision to attack the oil field? You! You…”

But her voice was drowned out by the crowd.

"Close the gates of the caves in the valley, and don't let them come back!" Alexander shouted loudly, and the crowd below moved in response! Each of them ran quickly towards the cave where they were usually stationed.

At this time, more than 300 people led by Mr. Claire supported each other and ran to the valley base. Some of the seriously injured people were even carried on their backs by their teammates. Everyone's physical strength had been overdrawn to the limit!

"Are there planes to follow?" Mr. Claire shouted to the scout who followed closely behind.

"No! Mr. Claire, we deliberately took cover in the Tara Mountains for three days, and we have already avoided the following reconnaissance planes. I just observed the surroundings carefully with the telescope, and there was no sign of the enemy planes."

Mr. Claire finally breathed a sigh of relief and continued to lead the wounded soldiers back. After 2 minutes, the vanguard finally arrived at the entrance halfway up the mountain, but the gate that was waiting for them was indeed blocked with rocks!

"Open the door!" Mr. Claire shouted. "Our death squads will be here in five minutes, and there are no enemy planes following!"

However, the hot-headed guards inside the door, who had been bewitched by Alexander, pressed against the rock tightly, just as the death squad wounded and the mechanical warriors who were chasing were about to swarm in as soon as the door was opened.

And more than 300 exhausted wounded soldiers have already reached the entrance halfway up the mountain, where they are silted up, no matter what, they can't open the gate that was blocked from there!

"Open the door!" The wounded soldiers shouted anxiously outside, "No mechanical warriors have found us now, but we must enter the valley before the daily patrol drones arrive!"

The members of the anti-mechanical resistance team and the female leader Claire in the valley were so anxious that they drew guns to confront the guards, but because they were outnumbered, they were all controlled.

Misfortunes do not come singly, two patrol drones appeared in the northern sky at this time!

"The drone is here! Let us in!"

"The drone is still far away and can't see us, move faster!"

Alexander, the captain of the guard who originally wanted to create panic and seize power, shuddered when he heard that there was a drone passing by outside the cave: his original intention was that after the coup d'etat at the valley base, all forces would be firmly in his hands Inside, let the crippled gang of Claire's men come in. But, now, they can only blame their bad luck! And you can just take the opportunity to never have trouble!

Thinking of this, Alexander turned his heart away, and shouted to his opponent: "They really attracted chasing troops! The valley base must not be exposed. In order to ensure the lives of more people, the door cannot be opened!"

As the two drones flying from the north got closer, the death squads led by Mr. Claire had given up smashing the door. At this time, they must not expose the entrance of their homes, but scattered in all directions, pretending to be panicked and fleeing, in order to attract the attention of the drone!

Just when this group of people is about to die under the drone fire in a few minutes!

A loud bang! The gravel splashed at the entrance of the cave! Two slender figures walked out side by side slowly...