When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 46: Weird World (5)


"Don't move! Put your head in your hands, and stand by the wall!" the policeman headed shouted.

Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka, a dozen swarthy muzzles aimed at the black-haired boy who was squatting next to the 'brown-haired girl' with his back to the crowd.

"Don't shoot, this is a misunderstanding!" said the black-haired boy, holding the blood-stained dagger in one hand and slowly standing up, revealing the remains of 'Lucy' that he had been covering.

"Ah! God!"

"This is so cruel!"

A group of media people who followed into the room exclaimed in unbearable amazement, while they chose the angle and took a swipe. And 'Lucy''s 'parents' rushed into the house despite the police's dissuasion because they were too worried about their precious daughter. After seeing the mess behind the black-haired boy, they immediately cried hysterically:

"Oh, my Lucy! How dare you, you beast..."

"You killed my daughter, I'm going to fight with you!"

And the other police officers in the room hurriedly hugged the old couple who recklessly rushed towards the black-haired perverted murderer. After filming the tragic corpse, the media now found a more powerful entry point. They turned their cameras to the heartbroken and almost crazy Lucy's parents, and the middle-aged couple and their white shirts who were trying to get rid of the police. Switching back and forth between the perverted murderers, all stained with blood.

The live broadcast of this scene was also transmitted to the Star Alliance through the official communication of Happy Planet, and it was broadcast to the whole galaxy as a focus news under their deliberate push.

"Put down the weapon in your hand, and don't make senseless resistance!" A group of police officers aimed at the black-haired boy with guns in both hands and surrounded him.

The black-haired boy still dropped the dagger in his hand and said, "I am the senior savior 0193 of the Salvation Alliance. According to some information obtained by the Salvation Alliance, we suspect that your planet is about to become the end of the world! So I was sent to secretly investigate Joy. The reason for the end of the planet, you can't arrest me! Now the reason for the end of the world has not yet been found out, at this time it is a matter of life and death for each of you... "

The police didn't wait for 0193, who claimed to be a senior tasker, to finish speaking, and they swarmed him, pressed him against the wall, twisted his hands to his back, and put handcuffs on him. However, they did not stop the perverted murderer's nonsense. Instead, they seemed to unintentionally pulled his arm and escorted him out of the house from the cameras of the large group of reporters.

And the black-haired boy was also eager to clarify himself, turned his head and shouted to the reporters: "I am really the mission person of the Salvation Alliance! Your world is at stake, and I suspect that your world has been invaded by some kind of creature, that called There's something wrong with Lucy's girl! I dissected her and tried to find the mutants because I suspected that there were alien creatures such as mutant insects in her body! Although she didn't have them in her body, there must still be in your world. with other risk factors…”

During the process of the black-haired boy being pushed into the hotel by a group of police and stuffed into the police car, he played a very good role as a fool who did not know the truth, but did his due diligence in the mission of saving the world, and did not hesitate to kill an innocent girl to verify his wrong guess. . And his performance along the way was captured by seven or eight cameras.

So according to the No. 13 plan of the parasitic beasts of Happy Planet, the process of using public opinion to smear the missionaries of the Salvation Alliance officially began!

Originally, Happy Planet had distributed hundreds of news headlines to the whole galaxy through official channels to attract attention with girls and perverts. After a few hours of fermentation, it has become a hot topic for the billions of residents in the central area of the galaxy. :

"The Flower Girl was lost on the Central Street of Happy Planet, becoming the first major case in the past 10 years on this model planet of public security! 》

"17-year-old girl Lucy may be abducted, Happy Planet police are searching the whole city"

"Interstellar perverted serial killer is suspected of appearing on Happy Planet!" 》

"The girl Lucy may have been unpredictable, is it related to the black-haired pervert"

Before the black-haired teenager was arrested, similar news headlines had been fueled by the Star Alliance and appeared at the top of the major news outlets. And now with the live broadcast of the arrest process, a new battle of public opinion begins immediately!

"Happy Planet Flower Season Girl was brutally murdered and dismembered"

"Girl Lucy's body photo exposed! The brutality of the murderer is shocking! 》

This bloody group of pictures and short videos, accompanied by photos of the brown-haired girl with a sweet smile before her death, quickly spread across the major social media of the galaxy and became a hot topic among residents of billions of different planets. Countless people shed tears and sighs for this girl, and gritted their teeth in hatred for this perverted murderer!

Then the parasitic beasts working in the journalism of Happy Planet once again presented the video of Lucy's parents questioning in tears. The middle-aged couple who madly rushed towards their daughter's corpse earned countless tears and attention.

Finally, seeing that the time is ripe, the parasitic beasts of Happy Planet concentrated their efforts to release the most explosive news:

"The perverted murderer is actually a senior member of the Salvation Alliance! ! ! 》

"The pervert who brutally killed the girl in the flower season claimed to be the tasker of the Salvation Alliance 0193! ! ! 》

The public opinion of the whole galaxy exploded again! The Salvation Alliance, which was founded by the main system for a time, was accused by thousands of people. The angry netizens and the navy together demanded that the murderer be severely punished. He must not be allowed to return to the Salvation Alliance Town without incident! At the same time, the parasitic beasts lurking in the Interstellar Alliance worked together with the partners of Happy Planet to bring public opinion to another direction.

Such remarks suddenly appeared in various forums, news comment areas and even video barrages:

[Every move of all the missionaries of the Alliance of Salvation is under the real-time monitoring of the main system. Could the main system not know when the perverted 0193 murdered and shredded the corpse?]

[Could it be that this is all a conspiracy of the Salvation Alliance System? Seriously terrified.]

[do you know? The Salvation Alliance only stipulates that saviours cannot intentionally harm other missionaries, but it does not stipulate that they cannot kill people!]

[Oh! It's good to join the Salvation Alliance! You can enter and exit freely on all planets in the entire galaxy without any visa or entry review, and you can kill people at will. In the past, the main system always used the banner of saviour first, but who knows whether they are saving the world?]

As a result, the attitudes of the major mainstream media have also changed:

"The main system is suspected to be the mastermind behind the corpse case"

"Has the full force of this alliance formed by the system for thousands of years is too much? 》

"Star Friends Appeal: Artificial Intelligence Restriction Orders Should Treat All Procedures Equally"

Should Salvation Alliance Be Strictly Regulated? 》

The main system issued a disclaimer stating that System 0193 had just crashed, and the Salvation Alliance had no idea what form of "salvation behavior" Tasker 0193 had taken, but it believed that Tasker 0193 had good intentions. And at the end of the statement, he asked Happy Planet to immediately stop blocking global private communications, and immediately open the authority to get in touch with the tasker, so as to prevent the process of saving the world from being delayed.

This dazzling act of protecting shortcoming of the main system has attracted people (parasitic beast navy) to scold and be filled with righteous indignation! The seemingly seamless Plan 13 of the Parasite Organization brought the entire Alliance of Salvation into the very center of this galaxy-wide storm in just a few hours!

Happy Planet, in a single room in the prison

As the fuse of all this and the black-haired boy involved, he did not feel the turbulence and intrigue of the outside world at all. As soon as the big scene from the police car inside the hotel ended, 0193, who had already finished the scene, was parasitized. The animal police were locked in a single-person dark room with extremely tight defense, but no one came to organize the interrogation.

In addition to the camera, Lucy's wreckage has been sent to the laboratory for thorough testing, and it has been shown that the fact that Lucy himself is a parasitic beast has not been exposed at all under this rash analysis. The parasitic beasts were relieved, and felt that there was no need to pretend that the black-haired boy was the murderer now.

Instead, he didn't even pretend, and directly put him in prison, because in the eyes of the parasitic beast executives, the black-haired boy was completely a fool who wanted to save the world but was completely kept in the dark.

So the black-haired boy who didn't take care of him had the time to direct the disguised transparent silk, watching the development of the situation in front of the TVs and mobile terminals all over the happy planet. There were no parasitic beasts within 15 meters nearby, so the bored black-haired boy simply broadcasted the progress of the matter in real time to 2d14 to pass the time.

"Hahahaha!" The black-haired boy covered his mouth and laughed softly, "The main system is so funny, it says you are dead! This reason is really refreshing and refined."

However, 2d14 is very worried at the moment: "The host is very big, the main system is still under pressure to help us apply for unblocking! Woohoo, the main system is really good, as long as the blocking has been lifted, I can create a teleportation array and run away with the host. La!"

The black-haired boy: "Do you think the main system is really trying to get a chance for me to escape? It's just anxious to make a pair that doesn't know the reason for the destruction of Happy Planet. 0193' The only one who knows saves the Salvation Alliance, so that '0193' can see what the problem of Happy Planet looks like. And, why should I run away?"

System 2d14: "The host is big, so you mean that the main system now knows that the planet of joy has been completely destroyed?"

Black-haired boy: "Nonsense! It told me the destruction of time first, can it not know?"

2d14, who was disliked, felt aggrieved, but was still deeply disturbed by what was happening now: "But does the main system know that it is a parasitic beast..."

Black-haired boy: "Yes, I'll tell them as soon as I check."

System 2d14: "Ah? How come I don't know about the host!"

The black-haired boy held his forehead: If the main system has the same brain as yours, then this Alliance of Salvation doesn't need to be opened. Have you forgotten my call with Huo Li? It's just that I asked him to block you during the call.

The black-haired boy ignored the stupid question of the system, and just thoughtfully said to himself: "Who knows what the kitten saw in the prophecy! But I'm sure that the main system noticed it a long time ago. The anomaly of the Star Alliance, and started playing this big game before I joined."

System 2d14 saw that the host ignored him, and after a while, he couldn't help but ask weakly: "The host is big, now all the inhabitants of the planets and the Interstellar Alliance are attacking the main system because of this matter, saying that they need to restrict The power of the Alliance of Salvation. But the main system has already put itself under house arrest in a place as small as the alliance town, what can they do! This time, it will not be us doing something wrong and hurting the main system, right?"

The black-haired boy: "How do you see that the inhabitants of the planet and the Interstellar Alliance are targeting the main system? It is obviously the parasitic beasts lurking in the two that are directing and acting themselves. If the parasitic beasts want to dominate the entire galaxy, the Salvation Alliance belongs to it. The second biggest enemy, of course they will spare no effort to attack."

System 2d14: "The second biggest enemy? Who is the parasitic beast's number one enemy?"

The black-haired boy: "..." Me.

The black-haired boy thought silently in his heart: It turns out that the Star Alliance took a lot of trouble to hunt me down because the parasitic beasts knew that my ability was a huge threat to their entire race.

The black-haired boy couldn't say it clearly, but he still couldn't help sighing: "These parasitic beasts used my corpse dismemberment incident to oppress the Salvation Alliance, just to search me from the Salvation Alliance, this circle is full of... parasitic beasts' IQ, It hurts!"

2d14 decided to be silent, because it couldn't understand what its host was saying, but it clearly remembered that the host said that the parasite's IQ is 140. In the eyes of his host, this is still a serious IQ injury. 2d14 deeply feels that his IQ is stuck at the average human level and should go back to the main system to upgrade.

2d14 just wanted to ask something more, when he heard the black-haired boy whisper: "The parasitic beasts are here, don't forget our number is 0193."

Three minutes later, there was a sound of keys being unlocked from outside the closed door, and then four policemen walked in, surrounded by parasitic beasts dressed as two officials.

The black-haired boy made a look as if he was finally waiting for someone to come and hurried forward, then stopped abruptly under the aiming of a row of guns, and stood there and said to the two officials:

"Listen to me! I'm really a senior tasker of the Salvation Alliance, and the number is 0193." The black-haired boy raised his left arm, remembering that the host instructed the 2d14 to show 0193 on the boy's arm at the right time. lettering in blue light.

The black-haired boy put down his arms and continued anxiously: "You should know that the higher the number, the longer the mission person joins the Alliance of Salvation. As an SS-level mission person, I have participated in saving thousands of worlds. Trust my judgment! The Salvation Alliance got the news that the planet of joy is likely to be destroyed within a year, now we can't waste time! We should unite and work together to find the root cause of the end of the world. About Miss Lucy I I'm sorry, I suspected the wrong direction, and I will make corresponding financial compensation to her parents and publicly apologize to them... "

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, Mr. 0193," an official said. "On Happy Planet, we must obey the laws of our planet and kill for life! Tomorrow at 10:00 a.m., you will be tried in public at the First Court of the Planet to decide you. crime!"

After speaking, the group of people filed out, ignoring the black-haired boy who was still babbling about the importance of finding the cause of the extinction, and locked the door with a click.

However, the black-haired boy rushed to the closed door and continued to shout to them from the crack of the door. After 2 minutes, the black-haired boy suddenly stopped his movements, the anxious look on his face disappeared instantly, he straightened up and stretched He sighed and said in a low voice:

"There is not a single human in the world. Cousin to cousin, embarrassing acting!"