When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 50: Escape moment


The black-haired boy asked suspiciously, "Huo Li, you don't have Zerg blood, do you?"

Huo Li: "I mean, I'm definitely on the side of humans, the Zerg has always been our enemy! I'm a pure human, my parents, grandparents, in short, all the people who are related to me are not Zerg. Cough, and human beings There is reproductive isolation with the Zerg..."

The black-haired boy breathed a sigh of relief but was still puzzled: "Then why do we have to go to the Zerg domain? Although you have spiritual abilities, the Zerg has millions of planets, how much can you control? Your ability only It can spread from one brain to another when they get together, but once the distance is too far, for example, when you cross planets, your control amount is very limited, right? You can only control hundreds of them in space?"

Huo Li: "About one hundred."

The black-haired boy: "So, why don't we just find a human planet to hide?"

Huo Li: "The Star Alliance has lost contact with Happy Planet for a few hours now. They should guess that the situation has changed. Maybe I have controlled some high-level officials of Happy Planet, rescued 0193 and mastered the secret of their parasitic family. So Now the entire Star Alliance is doing its best to search for me and 0193, and maybe in the next few months, all human planets will be strictly investigated."

The black-haired boy: "So what? It's not like we can't escape."

Huo Li: "We are not only going to take refuge in the future. More than a thousand planets in the entire universe have been infiltrated by parasitic beasts. It is not enough to destroy this one, so the Alliance of Salvation signaled us..."

Black-haired boy: "The Alliance of Salvation is going to change its career to become the Alliance of Destruction!"

Huo Li: "Once our search warrant was issued, the main system removed me and 0193 from the Alliance of Salvation, so in principle, what we do next has nothing to do with the Alliance of Salvation."

The black-haired boy: "So we still have to find ways to deal with the more than 1,000 planets where humans and parasitic beasts are mixed. In addition, you are 099 who was removed from the list and wanted by the whole universe. I am still the obedient and law-abiding cute new zz2d14. ."

Huo Li: "Yes, so we can no longer waste time hiding in Tibet. It is a very good choice to directly use a planet of the Zerg as our foothold."

The black-haired boy was finally persuaded. He nodded and agreed to the bizarre plan: "Then let's run! 2d14, what function do you have left after being removed as 0193? Can you still build a teleportation array?"

This time, 2d14, who was not blocked in the whole process, dared to speak weakly: "Master host, I, my current functions only have system space left, I have completely stand-alone..."

The black-haired boy: "Master host? What is this name? 2d14 Why is your tone weird, have you been infected with the virus?"

System 2d14 was about to cry: "No, no, Lord Host, uh... big." Ahhh! It turns out that the host is so terrifying! The host is an alien! It turns out that I still think of the host as a cute newcomer with tentacles, and the big boss Huo Li is so scary...

The black-haired boy decided to wait until he had free time to pay attention to the mental health of his system. Instead of continuing to ask the stuttering 2d14, he turned to Huo Li and said, "Then we only have..."

Huo Li was the first to answer: "I will drive!"

Two hours later, Huo Li and Xiaoyi flew to the Zerg star field on a small starship with a certain stealth function.

There is nothing novel about the black-haired boy sitting in a high-speed starship. After all, the first three years of his life were spent in space stations and spaceships. Because both of them had just blown themselves up on Happy Planet. Dark history, so the cabin was silent for a while, and no one wanted to continue the previous topic.

Huo Li saw the boredom of his 'little boyfriend', so he proposed: "Because we are still in the dense area of the human planet, the signal coverage is better. The terminal on this starship can log in to the star network, do you want it? Go online and browse forums to watch TV shows or something?"

The black-haired boy raised a little interest: "Okay."

So Huo Li clicked on the mobile terminal on the starship, and the big screen changed from a large sailing route to a beautiful love movie. On the blue water and white beach, the male and female protagonists were hugging each other sweetly. Finally, he mustered up the courage to look at the heroine with affection and said:

"I love… "

Before this sentence was finished, the screen suddenly switched automatically and turned into a news channel. The tense and serious voice of the male anchor came out of the terminal: "Now insert a breaking news! The famous entertainment planet of the whole galaxy, Happy Planet, suffered a devastating nuclear strike 20 minutes ago! According to the estimation of experts, there is no possibility of any survivors on Happy Planet…”

Huo Li consciously changed the channel to another TV station that was broadcasting a food show. The big screen was displaying a large piece of roasted golden lamb unique to a certain planet. Then suddenly, the screen switched again:

The satellite real-time video of Happy Planet is displayed in the terminal. The entire planet is shrouded in a thick layer of bombarded dust. The gray mist covers the entire planet, making it seem silent and terrifying. And another male host next to the screen said in a sad voice:

"Everyone can see that this is the tragedy of the happy planet now, and why the planet suffered such a devastating blow without warning in one day, we still don't know. However, a day ago, the planet just reported There was a vicious incident in which a 17-year-old girl was murdered by 0193, a 17-year-old girl from the Salvation Alliance! A few hours ago, another SSS-level spiritual senior operative 099 of the Salvation Alliance forcibly broke through the blockade of Happy Planet and broke into the The planet! So we have to wonder about the connection between the two missionaries and this nuclear strike…”

Huo Li changed the channel again, this time directly to the news channel by accident:

"Now the inhabitants of the entire universe and the Star Alliance strongly demand that the Salvation Alliance provide the real-time monitoring video and location information of the two missioners, otherwise joint sanctions will be imposed on the Salvation Alliance, restricting its transmission activities between planets and demanding salvation. The main system of the alliance is open to all tasker data and logs…”

The black-haired boy looked at it with interest: "The Star Alliance is jumping off the wall! If the main system's salvation alliance is really forced into a world-annihilation alliance, what will they rely on to save themselves, public opinion? The main system can destroy them all in minutes. what!"

Huo Li: "Aren't the two of us already a World Destruction Alliance? If it wasn't for the fact that the main system didn't want to hurt the 1,200 uninfected survivors on the invaded planet, the Salvation Alliance's entire army could destroy the parasitic beasts within a week. ."

While the two world destroyers were commenting on the news content, the male anchor on the screen was still reading the news release with a serious face:

"However, according to the latest news from our station, the main system of the Alliance of Salvation claims that the two missionaries 099 and 0193 have been removed from the Alliance of Salvation for acting without authorization, and their respective mission systems have been completely separated from the Alliance of Salvation. Therefore, the main system cannot provide their mission data and location information! This apparently perfunctory attitude made the Star Alliance very angry, and some Covenant officials announced that they would implement the Salvation Alliance prohibition order in the whole galaxy. However, some Covenant officials were worried about the What should those apocalyptic planets do without the help of the Salvation Alliance missionaries..."

Huo Li changed the channel again.

Another female anchor: "What's the history of these two notorious Salvation Alliance missionaries 099 and 0193? After a detailed understanding of this station, this 0193 has very little public information, only that he is a black man. The young male who made him is SS in the Alliance of Salvation, and according to his number, it is inferred that the tasker should have joined the Alliance of Salvation before 1000. What kind of cruel and distorted inner state caused him to make We still don't know what is so utterly unconscionable.

But we are more familiar with 099, another suspected culprit of the demise of Happy Planet. This tasker named Huo Li is the top three SSS-level tasker in the Salvation Alliance. In the early years, he used spiritual abilities to save thousands of people This apocalypse, especially the heroic performance of turning the tide against the combined invasion of the 28 branches of the Zerg, has been talked about by the inhabitants of the whole universe for hundreds of years. But in recent years, the controversy about his power form has never stopped, because he can silently control spiritual bodies and flip through their memories, which of course includes humans. Whether Huo Li abused his powers to achieve the purpose of controlling others when performing tasks, this station deeply doubts this! And is the existence of an overly powerful psychic good or bad for the human beings in the universe

This long-controversial question seems to have finally been answered today with the destruction of Happy Planet... And this Huo Li's previous behavior in the Salvation Alliance has shown many stains: for example, in recent months, he has publicly supported the Salvation Alliance. The behavior of zz2d14 and scoring for it has been well known in the town of Salvation Alliance...

For a morally depraved super psychic, his act of saving the world may be just a matter of convenience. But when his evil side is finally exposed, the harm it brings to mankind is extremely huge! "

The black-haired boy stood up and closed the monitor with a snap, and said to Huo Li, "You've really become scolded by thousands of people now, and everyone has come to take a bite. This is not just the handwriting of parasitic beasts, right?"

Huo Li was silent for a moment, and then replied in a deep voice: "Since my ability was known to everyone, their hostility has never been interrupted for thousands of years. It's just hidden in my mind and on the bright side. difference."

"Heh!" The black-haired boy laughed, "This is the reaction they only know that you can control hundreds of people at the same time. If they know your true abilities, even if there is no parasitic beast, you will become the public enemy of the whole people."

Huo Li didn't speak, just looked at the black-haired boy seriously, after a long silence, he asked softly, as if he had made up his mind: "Xiao Yi, if one day... I mean if I leave the Alliance of Salvation or even leave the human race. Gather galaxies. Will you come with me?"

The black-haired boy was asked somewhat inexplicably: "Huo Li, what do you mean: If you live a life of permanent escape, do you still want to bring someone to chat with you?"

Huo Li: "No... It's alright, no need." How could I say this to a three-year-old baby!

So after two full days of sailing and dozens of impulse crossings, the small starship finally came to the edge of the Zerg territory. Zerg galaxies and human clusters look no different. From a distance, they are a vast sea of stars, and the stars in each base galaxy are sparkling.

Huo Li: "I'm now turning on the stealth mode of the starship, trying to avoid the Zerg guards as much as possible."

The black-haired boy nodded and was also a little nervous. After all, there are hundreds of millions of Zerg living on the planets around each of these blue-emitting stars. It is better to be careful here. So this small starship maintained its camouflage and carefully shuttled in the Zerg field, occasionally passing by the Zerg patrol in a thrilling way, and the very few Zerg who found something wrong were also modified by Huo Li.

This was a near and safe journey, and it continued peacefully until the distance from the edge of the Zerg starry sky to the 'Wangcheng' galaxy in Huo Li's mouth was more than halfway.

"Not good," Huo Li looked at the right wing of the spacecraft through the probe, "A team of patrolling Zerg found us 30 kilometers away! They are sending people to report back to the planet, but my control range without transit is only about 10 kilometers."

Speaking of which, Huo Li was manipulating the small starship to bombard three shots, and each shot landed precisely in the center of the swarm. But still half of the Zerg were not killed, and spread out smartly.

Black-haired boy: "Can you survive in a vacuum now?"

Huo Li: "I... After I was expelled from the Salvation Alliance, those interstellar suits and power gift packages were taken back by the system."

The black-haired young man sighed, took out a thick dozen teleportation talismans and disappeared in place in an instant, like an afterimage, after several teleportation, he came to the swarm in the vacuum within a few seconds. The 120,000 tons of black silk in the system space was taken out... Three minutes later, the battle was over.

The black-haired boy teleported back to the starship to continue the journey.

After a long time, the solitary little starship finally flew to the sky above one of the planets in the Wangcheng galaxy under the control of Huo Li after experiencing difficulties and obstacles.

Huo Li: "For some reasons, we can't land directly in the spaceship, we can only go down alone."

The black-haired boy didn't understand the whims of Huo Li, who became hesitant when it came to the Zerg, and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "You're going to jump! Can you survive?"

Huo Li: "We must not let the Zerg see the spaceship. We are less than 20 kilometers away from the surface of the planet. I can use the teleportation charm twice to pass through. At the moment before the teleportation, I retract the spaceship into space. A fraction of a second in a vacuum shouldn't kill you."

The black-haired boy: "It doesn't matter, if you die, I will alienate myself into a Zerg so that I can perfectly integrate into their collective."

Huo Li: "..."

The black-haired boy: "I mean, I will use black silk to make you a new body later. If you are not satisfied with a certain part of your body, I can tailor it according to the wishes of your soul. For example, the skin Whiter?"

Huo Li: "...Thank you."

After Huo Li finished speaking, he took out the teleportation talisman and dragged the teenager into the vacuum at the same time as the spaceship. Two seconds later, the two of them emerged out of thin air from a large plain covered with purple-red ferns on the surface of the planet. Hundreds of Zerg who were busy collecting food looked at each other silently...

The black-haired boy's conditioned reflex will sacrifice 10 tons of black silk! "Don't do it!" Huo Li's words came from the boy's mind, "Don't talk!"

The surrounding area of several square kilometers was collecting fern fruits, each with a height of more than 3 meters, and the Zerg suddenly saw the two appearing out of thin air. , slowly surrounded the two, but for some reason they hesitated and did not attack.

Huo Li took the boy's right hand, stepped forward, and said to them, "¥#¥&"

Zerg, look at me, I see you are even more puzzled. After a stalemate for 5 minutes, a bigger and older Zerg flew over under the leadership of other Zerg. When it saw Huo Li's face clearly, a shocked expression appeared on the big mantis-like cyan face.

Huo Li: "¥#¥&, %¥@#&!"

The praying mantis bowed to Huo Li: "¥#¥&"

Then, in the eyes of the black-haired boy who didn't know why, the mantis worm straightened up and said in a hoarse and stiff human language:

"Welcome back, Lord Insect King!"

Black-haired boy: "… "WTF!