When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 71: Doomsday Earth (4)


Huo Li defended: "Xiaoyi is the one that is most beneficial to the current situation from the 16 behavior patterns I designed for your patron saint through all-round consideration."

The black-haired boy: "Oh? All-round consideration? I think my personal reputation and the sacred image of the patron saint should not be in your consideration?"

The mask Huo Li silently flapped his wings in the corridor...

The black-haired boy looked at Huo Li who was pretending to be dead, and his teeth were itchy, but because people passed by in the corridor from time to time, the boy could only pull Huo Li down little by little like a kite, until he had no choice but to touch the ground with both feet. Looking at the questioning eyes of the young man.

Huo Li was struggling: "Xiao Yi, you changed the Patronus's clothes into dark blue construction clothes in the space, didn't you just want to make the Black Silk Legion simpler..."

The black-haired boy looked at Huo Li's eyes and said with consciousness: "Don't wear work clothes, do you want 3,000 gods to wear holy angelic robes? It's even more stupid, isn't it! 'Plain' and 'mentally retarded' ' There's a difference. Anyway, this stupid trick won't fool the guy."

Although Huo Li was very happy to finally be able to change the subject, the voice in his consciousness became even lower: "But, he has no motive."

The black-haired boy: "You know who I'm talking about. Although I still haven't figured out what his motives are, it doesn't prevent me from doubting him from the beginning."

Huo Li: "From the time you said the words 'friends and relatives' to me, you never suspected that I had a blood relative or a lover, an event with an almost zero probability. The only suspect, Xu Yuncheng?"

The black-haired boy: "I began to doubt him from the first time I was drawn into the special world. Isn't that so-called special world a combination of time and space abilities? With such a powerful ability, I have to be the first Thinking of Xu Yuncheng, after all, I don't know that there is a second time-space power user in the world with the same combat power as me. Although he has never used it like this in front of you and me, hasn't Zang Zhuo become your practice

And since I used the pig to get out of danger, I have basically locked him in, knowing that I can guess my body based on my approximate ability; I can also get the secret about the parasitic beast from his girlfriend, the kitten. To be honest, let alone having these two conditions at the same time, even if only one of the human beings in the world meets one, Xu Yuncheng is the only one. "

Huo Li was silent for a long time before replying with consciousness: "I should have thought from the beginning that there are two characteristics of that special space: the time in the real world is still, and the space in the realm world is distorted. Since Xu Yuncheng's ability is time and space, then his Space ability is not only reflected in teleportation, but on the contrary, teleportation is just a manifestation of his ability to distort space. I have known him for more than 2,000 years, and he has never taken off his disguise."

Black-haired boy: "When I was in the zombie world, I once thought that he gave up the lives of individual human beings because of his more philanthropic feelings and higher ideological standards that put the interests of all mankind first. Now it seems that he That kind of disregard for human life comes from the heart, and saving the world just follows the trend. He doesn't care whether the world perishes or not, but more about whether his work of 'saving the world' is completed."

Huo Li pondered for a moment: "Maybe I can guess why he rebelled..."

Black-haired boy: "Why?"

Huo Li didn't answer, but instead said: "Xiao Yi, maybe your heart is purer than any human being as an alien. I don't want you to be infected with this kind of thinking... Sometimes a thought will grow like a cancer, It doesn't help to hide it in the bottom of my heart."

Huo Li's words were cloudy and foggy, and the teenager curled his lips and responded with consciousness: "If you don't say it, don't say it! Anyway, with my 120,000-ton brain, I will figure it out sooner or later. But you are the second in this year. The one who despises the human heart, the first one is that kind of meat sea cucumber."

At this time, the human assistant trotted into the corridor sweating profusely. When he saw the black-haired boy, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly, "Comrade 2d14, the remains of your patron saint have now been transported. It is placed in the foyer by the side entrance. As for your body... ah no! What are you going to do with the body of your patron saint? Our criminal investigators did not dare to investigate without authorization. If you want it to be buried as soon as possible, the leaders are unanimous It was decided that this body should be buried in the cemetery of the martyrs for future generations to study and pay their respects..."

During this period, Huo Li said in the young man's mind: "Xiao Yi, I manipulated the Patronus to completely divide him at the moment when he was attacked, that is, it is now an ordinary corpse that does not contain alien genes, no matter who it is. It won't be revealed if it comes to test. Of course, after it loses the alien gene, it is completely finalized and cannot be alienated again."

After hearing the words, the black-haired boy was slightly relieved, and turned his head to the temporary secretary and said succinctly: "Don't show it to me, you should notify the criminal investigation department to freeze it."

"Huh?" The assistant secretary thought he had heard it wrong.

Black-haired boy: "What? Is there no room in the morgue?"

"Ah, alright, alright, I'll notify the criminal investigation team." After saying that, the young man hurried out again.

At this time, the Patronus army and the architect had moved to the south of the city, and Xiao Yi, the titular master, couldn't get too far away from them. So now, as a tasker with "almost all abilities involved in the construction and he is alone", he told Xiao Liu to arrange a convoy without any blush, and went all the way to the construction site in the south of the city. The uncovered sky sheds sunlight, giving the group an illusion of traveling from night to day.

Xiaoyi stood there pretending to be working seriously, admiring this rare construction scene in the world. Since the buildings in the south of the city are different from those in the old city, almost all of them are high-rise buildings. But obviously the architects can't demolish the buildings at this time, because there are still hundreds of thousands of residents living in those buildings.

People who don't know the truth are still there pointing and taking pictures. Obviously, in order to avoid the chaos before the end of the world, the governments of all countries have not released the news of the end-time to the public. At least not until the country's reflectors are roughly built before mass panic and despair arise.

"At such a high temperature, the building will also become a heat conductor, at least it is not acceptable to let them stick out from the isolation screen like this!" said the beach pants, "it should be removed immediately! It is the best choice."

"Forcibly evacuate the crowd now or tell them 50 hours, um, if the sun is going to break out in 150 hours, maybe half of them will die by themselves before the end of the world." The architect, as the chief executive, obviously knows better People's hearts, "The news of the apocalypse will always inspire extreme fear, despair, paranoia, and even ecstasy for the disordered world. If the news is published now, people who died of robbery, suicide, cults and various human crimes will be killed. Definitely more people than being roasted to death by the heat…”

Those automatically constructed frames naturally emptied each building and used to be tightly connected with the building. The teenager listened to the quarrel between the two with gusto, and then heard Huo Li's question in his mind: "Xiaoyi, you didn't know the specific information that the patron saint felt during his lifetime, relying solely on the forged surveillance surveillance. How did the video find out that Uncle Liu was not the real murderer?"

Black-haired teenager: "It's really not obvious from the video, but after you told me that a Patronus was killed, when I saw it was 'slapped to death' by a brick, I was sure it was absolutely I can't get rid of Xu Yuncheng!"

Huo Li: "But Xiaoyi, the murderer this time is not Xu Yuncheng."

The black-haired boy: "Of course I know that he has already seen the power of my alienated 'organism' in the zombie world. There is no need to do such a stupid test."

Huo Li: "Then how did you..."

Black-haired teenager: "Death time! If you are shot to death by a brick, it will take a few minutes at the earliest to cause death due to cerebral hemorrhage. Generally, the entire death process will last for ten minutes or even longer. It is impossible for the murderer to do it. A second later you just tell me a Patronus was killed. Such an attack would have to blow that Patronus to pieces or mush its brains in a second, unless it's involved here time power."

Huo Li: "So what you said is not that Xu Yuncheng's goal has finally been confirmed, but it proves that he has other accomplices in the Salvation Alliance. According to this ability user who has caused so much trouble by casual murder and temptation, he The requirements for his companions are not high. It also means that there are more than one or two traitors in the Salvation Alliance. Xu Yuncheng should have items or talismans that can preserve his abilities. After distributing them to his followers, someone arbitrarily To verify the combat power of the Patronus, he accidentally killed it."

The black-haired boy: "Yes, so the series of bricks and uncle Liu's flawed remedies at the back are extremely hasty. Xu Yuncheng thought that he would leave one to the whole league for the purpose of monitoring: I am always suspicious and arrogant. The negative image of 's is nothing more than that when I really find evidence and put forward an investigation again, in everyone's eyes, I become a 'child crying wolf' and no one believes it. And I just took the opportunity to paralyze the group of traitors , after all, we still have to borrow their hands to save the earth, and after their residual value is used up, it is not too late to calculate the general ledger."

At this time, the two people in the distance finally finished arguing, and decided to first empty all the isolation panels of the building body, and then tell the public the truth after the domes all over the world have been erected, and organize the evacuation and demolition of the building to build the remainder. part. After all, with these huge shelters, people's hearts will be much more stable.

"Humans are really strange things." Huo Li couldn't help sneering.

The black-haired boy: "All of you pure-bred humans don't seem to think much of your own race! I have heard these self-deprecating words from human beings more than once, and even some superhumans actually stand on the side of the parasitic beasts, hoping with all their hearts. Humans are extinct. But from my alien perspective, humans are the most fascinating species I have ever seen. It is true that because of the abundance of emotion, beauty is born and a lot of ugliness is born. However, there is no fear, greed, selfishness, Jealous races also have no beauty, they can neither draw Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" nor play Beethoven's "Moonlight". Parasitic beasts, zerg, aliens... some are just the only kind of racial reproduction. Desire. Of course, aliens add killing."

Huo Li quickly said with consciousness: "Xiaoyi, don't be like this..." Said to himself.

The black-haired boy interrupted very simply: "I am human."

Huo Li: "..." I thought you were starting to hate yourself! I didn't expect to be praising myself all the time.

The sun rose only three times over the next 140-plus hours. It is not that Xu Yuncheng's space-time ability can delay the rotation of the earth, but in this 3 to 1 time flow rate. Everything on the surface of the earth has become relatively fast. Under the condition that people on earth feel the same, if someone observes the earth from the moon, they will find that the second hand of the clock moves three times a second, and the speed of human action is also three times faster. times…

With the sun just hours away now, most of Earth's domes are complete. Under the control of Huo Li, this 14% area was actually allocated to a large number of natural areas, but not only the reflectors, but also the controllable filter plates shrouded the woods and grasslands. At the right time, part of the light can be passed through to prevent the plants and trees from dying, but whether the animals and plants can survive or not depends on luck.

In the past six days, all the missionaries and the officials, soldiers, and volunteers of the earth have truly realized what it means to be overworked. In particular, C2001, which was responsible for 30% of the construction work of the reflector, was already on the verge of collapse. Due to the special nature of the end of the world, the main system canceled the purchase limit of the system mall, and promulgated the necessary goods for this salvation mission. After the reimbursement of this provision, C2001 was drinking the energy potion and glucose solution as water.

But this still can't avoid the sequelae that he has not slept for 6 days and has been in a state of continuous power output, and has used thousands of efficient teleportation charms. At this time, he was still controlling the ability to dismantle high-rise buildings and build the remaining reflectors in a race against time.

I saw that he was still wearing the suit from 6 days ago, but he had completely lost the meticulous and well-dressed look at that time. But because of 6 days of not washing and changing clothes and sweating a lot, the whole person exudes a foul smell. The architect's face is sallow, with heavy dark circles under his eyes, holding a bottle of energy potion in one hand and taking a sip from time to time, Then when the dizziness hits, grab a few glucose chews and chew them dry. Because at this time he has found that drinking glucose solution is too easy to go to the toilet. But his eyes were still fixed on the glass plate flying in the sky...

And Huo Li is not much better. In order to avoid riots, he had to control the construction of 2999 patron saints, and at the same time, he was distracted to control the troubled crowd and some officials who were not very smart, which ensured smooth preparations before the end of the world. conduct. But he was out of respect for the mother planet and did not take control of all the human beings on earth. After all, a planet full of puppets has no meaning to save.

At this time, Huo Li finally stopped flapping his wings foolishly, but squatted on the roof of the car with his wings drooping. If he took off his silver mask, the earthlings would definitely think that Xiao Heterobred a vampire.

The pair of slippers in the beach pants had long since worn out in thousands of teleportation and running around. Now he is temporarily wearing a pair of leather shoes that he took out from the space, and the whole outfit is very incongruous. There are conductive sheets attached to his temples to link his brain, and he calculates the construction plan according to changes in conditions. However, after the programmers have calculated the overall plan of the larger city, they can still take a break for a while.

The other 2,000-odd superpowers have also been assigned jobs internally, and they have worked almost non-stop for 6 days before coordinating the human beings to complete the disposal of dangerous goods, the evacuation of humans on most of the uncovered continents, etc. a series of jobs. In short, no matter who is a traitor among them, they are almost exhausted in the work of saving the earth under disguise.

And just when all the members of the alliance were dying from overwork, Xiao Yi was obviously the most leisurely one. Because all his work is in name, the black-haired boy is now leaning on the door of the car, standing there entertaining himself, looking at something with his brain, grinning from time to time, and swiping his fingers left and right on the brain screen .

Seeing this scene, other busy people on earth and supernatural powers couldn't help but admire the composure of the young man. If they didn't watch 2d14, the thousands of patron saints were already so busy that their hands were shaking when they lifted the glass? And with the mask behind him, this one can't even fly. This shows that the 2d14 ability is on the verge of exhaustion! He could actually pretend to be reading a novel as if nothing had happened!

But in fact, what the teenager read was not a novel, but the power data of more than 2,000 power users. 6 days ago, in order to better distribute work and improve efficiency, everyone reported the details of their abilities, because no one dared to conceal the report because of the monitoring of the main system. So the secrets that everyone usually keeps have now become public information.

Xiaoyi pointed to the one he was looking at, and said to Huo Li with his mental power: "B456 is very suspicious! An SSS-level tasker actually has a copy ability! Although it can only be used by other ability users next to him. It can be stored once at a time, and each use can only exert 10% of the original power, but this kind of ability that can use hundreds of thousands of abilities is also very unbelievable! Can't he use Xu Yuncheng's space-time ability? "

"And this programmer," the young man jumped to change the target immediately, and ignored Huo Li, who was crazy busy, "maybe he changed the surveillance video!"

"And of course the old man who turned against me when he was in the square..."

Huo Li, who was already going crazy, was now automatically immune to the words of the boy. He couldn't take any experience to chat with the boy. After a while, he found that Xiaoyi had made a list in his mind, suspicious of him. Just draw x, draw √ for those who rule out suspicion, draw o for those with mild suspicion. And Xiaoyi has happily summed up the top 200 taskers.

Huo Li curiously probed with his consciousness, and then saw with black lines on the paper in the boy's mind that except for himself and himself, all of them were ooxx without exception!