When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 75: Doomsday Earth (8)


All the water-type and ice-type ability users controlled various water columns and ice cones for a while and smashed them towards the dozens of bright white fiery ruins filled with dust! Those attacks vaporized into pieces of water mist in the strong light before they landed. Although they did not completely suppress the dust, they created a white mist barrier between the sun and the ruins.

However, as long as the power users slowed down a little, the large white fog disappeared without a trace within half a second.

At this critical moment, a 2d14 scream suddenly echoed in the teenager's mind: "Ah! The host is great!"

This sudden sound made the young man shiver: "What's the matter!"

2d14 shouted excitedly: "All products in the system mall are now 50% off!!!"

Xiaoyi's face was full of black lines, listening to the stupid system's chatter about this super-value special center item, while watching the group of power users fighting with dust.

Fortunately, after dozens of seconds, when everyone's abilities were about to be exhausted, the sunlight finally recovered from a dazzling bright white light group to a white gold bright spot that could be seen directly. A few minutes later, with the concerted efforts of a kind of taskers, dozens of ruins were finally watered and wet, and a devastating and huge potential danger was eliminated.

Those who had just fought their lives for the water and ice powers collapsed on the spot, or put their hands on their knees and bowed their waists, panting heavily. The only one who was out of tune with them was Langtai, who was looking around among them. Obviously, he took advantage of the 'help' time to store other people's water and ice abilities.

And the teenager was finally assimilated by the stupidity of 2d14, and he bought a gift package of all-system abilities with 5 billion points! Then he pulled his mind out of the system mall and returned to the scene of this horrific disaster.

The white light that lasted for a total of 40 seconds actually burned more than a dozen power users and nearly a hundred earthlings, and even two died of serious injuries. After finally being able to find time to treat the injured, the scene was once again in a hurry. The ambulance team that was ordered had arrived quickly, but they had to stop at the periphery of the construction site. After all, after the fright just now, no one dared to let the vehicle pass through the patches of light that could be fatal at any time.

So the Patronus who temporarily stopped work 'spontaneously' took on the job of transporting the wounded on Earth. The two Patronus carried the stretcher end to end, and within a minute, they could fly thousands of meters to deliver the patient directly to the ambulance. What made Xiaoyi stunned was that the earthlings who were still screaming because of the burns just now started to take out their mobile phones with excitement after seeing the Patronus who was carrying the stretcher, and got close to the flying Patronus. Take a selfie!

Xiaoyi: "He, what kind of custom are they? Do they worship God?"

Huo Li's words extinguished the small flame in the boy's heart: "No, if people on earth see a mouse chasing a cat, a sow climbing a tree, etc., they will take pictures even better! After all, there are hundreds of people taking pictures with the patron saint. , if it will be posted on the Internet tomorrow, God will be worthless."

Xiaoyi: "..." I always feel that today's Huo Li's brain was squeezed by the door!

After 3 minutes, all the wounded were treated, and the beach pants, which had been connected to the crazy calculations of the brain, finally came to a conclusion: "I named the phenomenon just now 'sun flashing', the duration of the sun flashing just now was 43 seconds, causing There are at least thousands of large fires outside the dome, and there are countless medium and small fires. After my analysis, the frequency of the sun flashing is about 5-40 times a day, and the interval is irregular, and the possibility of continuous flashing is not ruled out.”

Everyone's face sank after hearing this useless conclusion from their own minds. If such a large-scale fire is not controlled, it will take a few days to make the outside of the dome become a piece of scorched earth.

Only Langtai became elated when he heard the flickering time, and saw him slap his thigh and exclaimed excitedly to Zhinao: "That means we don't have to go out to save the life! Anyway, if you go out of the dome, you will die. , Dozens of flashes a day, no matter what, we have to collide once. As long as we finish this one, the mission is complete, right?"

Xiaoyi looked at Langtai, who was spitting out with joy while leaning on the front of his car, and the evil fire that Huo Li had choked on just now rushed towards the air bag. Xiaoyi also turned on Zhinao's full call and scolded:

"Are you stupid? Of course we can't get out on the sunny side of the earth right now. But don't forget that there is another half of the earth! It's dark in that hemisphere, and we have to organize people before the sun rises. Clear out the isolation zone around the domes that are wrapped in the forest. When the first batch of fires here enter the night, come back and put out the fire in the dark... "

In fact, Langtai was stunned when he heard the first half, and when he heard that he was going to come back to put out the fire, Teng turned to look at the black-haired boy in the car, with the same expression as if he had eaten a fly. Obviously, he didn't realize that the twinkling of the sun not only did not provide him with a chance to be lazy, but brought him several times the workload!

"2d14 is right," came the voice of C2001 in Zhimin's brain. "Everyone stepped up to work and strive to complete the construction of this dome within 10 minutes. Then immediately rush to the other side of the earth through the long-term transmission symbol."

After finishing speaking, the architect took the lead in displaying his abilities and continued to demolition. The patron saints followed closely, not afraid of death, and continued to carry the building materials and flew up to the dome, and began to install reflectors after being exposed to the sun. Seeing this, the other missionaries also followed half-deadly, especially the water-based and ice-based power users hurriedly sprinkled water after the new ruins appeared, in order to prevent potential explosion factors from continuing to appear.

And Langtai let out a wailing, and honestly went to help sprinkle water.

While everyone was still busy, the programmer just took this opportunity to let everyone know about the arrangements of the countries of the earth while they were working: "Although the sun shines this time, there are many fires on one-third of the continents of the earth. , but because most of the earth is now in early summer, all the forests are in a time when the branches and leaves are lush and watery. Therefore, most of the fires are the abandoned cities outside the domes and the drier grasslands and wastelands."

Before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the beach pants continued: "According to my calculations, the high temperature will continue for 3-5 days, and some forests in hot and water-deficient areas will be completely ignited when the sun flashes. My arrangement It is everyone who needs to cooperate with the people of the earth to develop a wide isolation zone around the domes in all dangerous areas before that. And reduce the combustibles in the areas that are bound to catch fire by more than 80%."

Langtai rejects this kind of hard work without oil or water (ability): "It's just an arrangement anyway! What if everyone is exhausted and can't finish it? Architects have the ability to mobilize inorganic substances, so the dome was built. So fast. But those grasses, trees, etc. are all organic matter, right? How do we clean them up, do we pull them out one by one?"

Hearing this, other power users could not help but despise Langtai. Although he relied on his iron rooster character to accumulate himself into the ranks of SSS-level taskers through years of accumulation, but depending on everyone's convincing degree, he is afraid It's not as prestigious as an A-level or S-level tasker who is in charge of some...

Just listen to the programmer's extremely objective answer: "According to my calculation: if the first task is not completed, 90% of the residents in the cities without isolation belts will die of high temperature within a week. If the second task is not completed, 90% of the residents will die of high temperature. If it is not done, 40% of the residents in the 5-10 domes around the uncleaned area will die of heat stroke and its associated diseases within the next month.”

Now even the missionaries who have just despised Langtai have a clear understanding of their tragic fate in the next month or two, and can't help crying in their hearts: ah! This kind of high-intensity work that challenges the limits of human beings actually takes 7 days to 2 months! If I had known, I would have been upgraded to the SS level a few years (decades) later!

Xiaoyi didn't know whether the inhuman work intensity and overtime method of the main system brought another batch of betrayers to it. Anyway, 15 minutes later, the group had been divided into different groups, and they appeared in different groups through the teleportation talisman. In the darkness of the back of the earth.

Regarding the issue of how to clean up the isolation belt and combustibles, the methods proposed by several high-level abilities, such as burning with fire, transporting with vehicles, etc., have been rejected one by one. In the end, it was the main system with deep pockets that sent an order from the air, giving all the power users who performed the task 100,000 cubic meters of temporary use of the system space. In this way, each tasker only uses the same thing to put in the combustible material, and then dump it into the sea through the long-distance transmission symbol that can be reimbursed, and then go back and forth, and the task is completed.

Because Xiaoyi is a capable tasker with the top 3000, he is the only one in the tasker group he is in. When the boy appeared on the outside of the city's dome, tens of thousands of Earth volunteers at the scene had just finished their emergency assembly, whispering to each other, waiting for his arrival. In the bright and unusually bright moonlight, the team of tens of thousands of people could be clearly illuminated by the silver-white moonlight even without a flashlight.

A tall middle-aged man with gray hair, after seeing the boy and the Huo Li version of the Patronus appear out of thin air, he took a few steps forward and said, "Hello, I'm the mayor of Wright City, these people are from our citizens. Volunteers urgently recruited from young and middle-aged people. Is the situation really as terrible as the savior who just spoke to me said? After all, every citizen in the last days has a heavy workload, and their tasks are assigned through such a process. A lot of people who come to work in the city are…”

Obviously, the collective refugee-like appearance of the missionaries of the Salvation Alliance 7 days ago has greatly reduced the credibility of the Salvation Alliance. This gray-haired politician is obviously suspicious of everything about the Salvation Alliance.

However, the mayor, who seemed very calm, was interrupted by the lightning-like light in the night sky before he finished speaking. Tens of thousands of people looked at the sky in horror, and then found that it was not lightning, but the moon suddenly became bright, almost changed from a disk to a small white sun, and the surrounding tens of thousands The people and the wasteland farmland are clearly seen. Like a gorgeous white fireworks, it lasted for nearly 20 seconds before returning to the shape of a disc and dimmed.

There was a violent exclamation and clamor from the crowd.

Xiaoyi had to temporarily buy a 'super loudspeaker' from the system store, and used it to say to the panicked crowd: "Don't be afraid, it's just the reflection of the moon. This mission is absolutely safe, because in the Half an hour before sunrise we will fully withdraw the dome."

The teenager turned his head away from the loudspeaker and lowered his voice to the gray-haired mayor and said, "What everyone should worry about most is whether the flickering sun will ignite a sea of fire around the dome after sunrise tomorrow, isn't it?"

The gray-haired mayor was speechless.

The teenager had no intention of entanglement with him, but ordered all the volunteers to clean up the farmland wasteland within 10 kilometers, and then pile up the combustibles and tie them along the line. And he waved his hand and took out 4,000 brand-new Patronus from the space. Under the control of Huo Li, he swept across the silent night sky, flying like giant black eagles to the distant forest.

At the moment when the Patronus Army appeared, the gray-haired mayor and the staff behind him were shocked by this spectacular scene and took a few steps back. Several people opened their eyes and seemed to understand now that the blue-clothed builder who built the entire earth was only the ability of the young man in front of him!

As if to cover up the unreasonableness just now, the hook-nosed secretary next to the gray-haired mayor took on the topic when his boss was embarrassed and speechless: "We will send a convoy to escort you to the forest..."

"No need, let the forestry experts follow." The young man said, and then he rose into the air and disappeared into the distant night sky following the footsteps of the patron saint.

The citizens who were lowering their heads to clear the weeds, looking at the gods who spread their wings across the sky, couldn't recover from this sacred shock for a long time.

3 hours later, the black-haired boy was gliding slowly over the forest, and when he saw the rare tree that had been tied with a red ribbon by a forestry expert, he reached out and took the whole tree back to the system space, because the original system space of Xiaoyi was almost destroyed. The black silk is full, and this time he bought another 100,000 cubic meters of space for the preservation of rare plants.

The other 4,000 Patronus is a reimbursable chainsaw, repeating the work of logging. The boy teleported to the sea for the sixth time and dumped the felled trees into the sea. Under the silver-white moonlight, the entire sea was covered with floating brown trunks and dark green tree crowns. There is a bleak and tragic beauty in the silence.

The boy looked strangely at Huo Li, who had been silent since the plateau construction site, and didn't understand why he didn't speak when he teleported back and forth with him. After a few seconds, the boy didn't bother to teleport back to the forest again. And half a second later, Huo Li with a silver mask appeared behind Xiao Yi, flapping his wings foolishly in mid-air.

The boy continued to fly to the next big tree tied with red silk, and Huo Li moved with it, like a big hydrogen balloon held by a rope.

In fact, Huo Li has been feeling uneasy all the time: Ever since he learned that Xiaoyi never believed in him, he became angry and laughed at Xiaoyi's patron saint as not as attractive as mice chasing cats. sorry. Now he can't believe that the 3,000-year-old uncle who was angry with the 3-year-old was actually himself! Anyway, it's all the fault of his own abilities, Huo Li thought gloomily, he hasn't gained the trust of any human being for thousands of years...

And Xiaoyi is only a 3-year-old child, it is too hard for him to trust him immediately, at least let him make judgments when he is an adult.

Huo Li had to silently follow behind the boy, trying to raise a topic to show his apology and goodwill. But what to say

'Xiaoyi, there are no obvious enemies around us now, so your patron saint doesn't have to play stupid anymore. ' That sounds ironic, pass!

'Xiaoyi, you see that the moon is very round today. 'Where is this and where!

A few hours passed and Huo Li still couldn't find a suitable topic. Just as he silently followed the boy behind him as a hydrogen balloon, Huo Li suddenly realized something. Finally, his eyes lit up, and he finally found the topic and said:

"Xiao Yi, your three patron saints have just been put away in sacks!" Huo Li's voice was full of uncontrollable joy.