When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 82: Doomsday Earth (15)


Seeing this familiar scene, Xu Yuncheng couldn't help but shouted: "This is impossible! Your black silk must be spread all over the world and connected at any time! You can't extend the black silk to every corner of the earth in this state of the earth. , I never found out for so long..."

Xiaoyi shook off the mud on his hand and said slowly: "This black silk is not under my control, although as an alien without powers, if you want to control your limbs, you must have a wired connection. However, control The black one is Huo Li!"

At this moment, Xu Yuncheng felt that this alien must have been squeezed by the door!

"You actually let a human with psychic abilities control your limbs!" Since he met the teenager, Xu Yuncheng's image of not being angry and scheming with power is gone forever, "You actually let yourself be at ease! Losing control of your own limbs? After you can't connect to your own body, Huo Li can even let those black silks absorb organic matter to grow and grow, and then alienate hundreds of aliens!"

For a moment, the expression of the black-haired boy became unpredictable, but it only lasted for half a second before returning to its previous state of lightness. Quickly, even Xu Yuncheng, who was facing him, failed to capture the meaning of this change in expression.

Before the boy could speak, Huo Li, the patron saint flying behind the boy, couldn't help but preemptively said: "Xu Yuncheng, please save yourself! Stop sowing discord. How could I do such a thing to Xiaoyi's body? Besides, I I can only control the black silk that has been alienated: let the patron saint of bricks let black silk monitor you and so on. My mental power can only do this... "

Hearing Huo Li's explanation about Heisi again, the black-haired boy was inexplicably agitated, and he interrupted directly: "Even the main system, which suffers from persecution paranoia, has full confidence in Huo Li, why should I be suspicious? What? Just use the existing free WiFi! It turns out that the effect is good, and you have been deceived again.”

Xu Yuncheng, who capsized on a black thread for the second time:…

C2001 in the distance was calling Xu Yuncheng to dig the soil again. As Xu Yuncheng, who was even more efficient than an earth-type power user, he could only wipe the rain off his face, steaming hot steam all over his body, and continued to work.

Over Union Town, the starship group continues to bombard

After waiting for another 10 hours, Haili Yinxi, who had not yet been smashed by the light curtain, was like an ant on a hot pan, turning around in a hurry. But as the commander in chief, he had nothing to do except wait, so he was so anxious that he had to interrogate David Philip again to pass the time, giving the whole body the illusion of being busy.

Heinrich: "Is there really no financial relationship between the Philip family and the main system? Then how did your family become a big chaebol that is famous all over the galaxy? Just relying on this kind of home robot with no specialties?"

And David Philip bowed slightly and continued to answer without being humble or arrogant: "Sir, our Philip family has lasted for thousands of years, and has grown by leaps and bounds in the entertainment industry, service industry and medical industry. And our Philip's newly opened chain of hospitals has spread all over the country. There are thousands of planets in the galaxy, and our newly developed nano-repair technology has achieved good results in many diseases..."

The dizzy Haili Inci had to make a statement to interrupt David Philip, who had started family propaganda, but no matter how Hai Li Inci made side-by-side attacks, this David could always detour the topic and start gushing endlessly. advertised for Philip. Just when Haili was about to hit someone with hope, the protective net of that damn main system finally showed signs of loosening again!

This time, Haili Yinxi didn't care about the troublesome David. He excitedly looked at the flickering light curtain, and even his hands trembled slightly! As a general who takes pride in fighting, he can finally lead his fleet to confront this cunning anti-human artificial intelligence!

The small orange light curtain finally shattered under the simultaneous attack of tens of thousands of beams!

Then, another small orange net within 5 meters continued to light up tenaciously...

The main control room of the starship was silent for a moment, and then came a series of scolding and smashing...

On Earth, the trenching team where Xiao Yi was working finally ushered in a short break after 18 hours of continuous work. At this time, it was 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the team was temporarily disbanded. The taskers could go to the city to rest on their own for the next 4 hours. At 6 o'clock in the morning, they gathered again to start a new day's work.

Xu Yuncheng, who had been tiring for more than a month and caught up with the failed rebellion, only felt physically and mentally exhausted. He returned to his residence in the dome, took a good hot shower, and was about to go to bed for a short rest. At this moment, the last thing he wanted The figure I saw appeared at the door of the apartment.

Xu Yuncheng: "Why are you haunted! Isn't it enough to mock you during the day?"

The black-haired boy standing at the door smiled and walked in slowly. This time, there was no Huo Li Patronus behind him who was always inseparable.

"I'm not here to find fault this time." The black-haired boy said, and then looked serious, "I just want to remind you that parasitic beasts are not as harmless as you see them. The condition they promised you: stay 1 % of the human planet or something, it's simply impossible to deliver."

Xu Yuncheng showed a rare sarcastic smile: "As an alien, do you also want to be a lobbyist on behalf of humans? Parasitic beasts are different from humans. They do not have the inexplicable complex emotions of human beings such as jealousy, jealousy, etc. They have It's pure reason. If you want to learn from the rhetoric of human beings to convince us, I advise you to save it!"

The black-haired boy frowned slightly: "Parasitic beasts do not have superfluous emotions, but they have a strong survival instinct and an intelligence quotient that is better than that of humans. These two points determine that when they take power, they will never tolerate it. The next group of psychics of human blood are living in the universe."

Xu Yuncheng: "You also know that parasitic beasts are purely rational, they cannot replicate the abilities of psychics, and even after the demise of human beings, the existence of our psychics is essential to them. They have no reason to oppose us. .And the contradiction between us supernatural beings and ordinary humans has existed for thousands of years, and the character of human beings determines that this contradiction can never be resolved.

Ordinary human beings only have suspicion, fear and use of power users. As one ten thousandth of human beings, we can never get the status and freedom that we deserve. "

The black-haired boy still frowned: "You believe in parasitic beasts so much?"

Xu Yuncheng: "I believe in rational judgment."

The black-haired boy was obviously in a state of huge self-struggle, but he finally opened his mouth and didn't say what was in his heart.

"I'm not here to persuade you today on behalf of humans, but as a cousin of parasitic beasts to warn you: don't believe anything they say." The boy turned around and disappeared into the air.

And Xu Yuncheng felt that the young man's words seemed to have a deeper meaning, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't find a reason for the parasitic beast to lie. The existence of hundreds of power users cannot pose a threat to the parasitic beast family at all, and they can also benefit each other. In the end, Xu Yuncheng just dismissed this sentence as another instigation of this alien who is more human than human.

The next day, the Star Alliance fleet smashed another protective net, and successfully pushed the overall progress to the town of Salvation Alliance by another 5 meters...

And thousands of isolated missionaries on Earth are still digging gutters around the world in small teams. And the three-minute passionate Xiao Yi had long been bored with this job. While pretending to be digging hard, he quietly slipped to the side of Alena, who was red-haired and covered in mud.

The black-haired boy whispered, "Alena, why don't you use your true power a little bit?"

Alena, who was still looking for the most beautiful angle in the reflection in the water, immediately became vigilant: "What real power? I have always used my water power?"

The black-haired boy turned his head and glanced at Huo Li, who was still waving his wings like a wiper in the rain. Huo Li immediately flapped his wings and flew over, and said to Alena with his consciousness:

"This is a good time to reveal your powers. Now you only need to attribute all your power to 'rain control', and everyone will only sigh about the powerful control of 'rain' after your powers happened to be upgraded. No one will think about turning people into mummy powder." Actually, I just saw that Xiaoyi was too tired to dig mud, and I just wanted to relieve him...

Xiaoyi also whispered to Alena: "Anyway, the entire universe will be occupied by parasitic beasts, who would care about these little things? It is just right to create a weak and beautiful girl who has super water control but needs the protection of other powers. Image. In the future, even if you turn someone into a mummified corpse, no one will doubt you."

Alena felt a touch of emotion in her heart when she heard the words, and only the boss and sister-in-law wouldn't mind her terrifying powers, but listening to the sister-in-law's tone, how could it make people feel that the sister-in-law thought it was no big deal to turn people into mummified corpses? Alena shook her head, how could I think about my sister-in-law so much, this must be my delusion!

So 20 minutes later, Miss Alena, who ranked 10th in the total points of the Salvation Alliance, successfully upgraded by chance in the rainstorm!

Under the control of Alena, the long hair like a waterfall was braided into a twist, and the rainstorm suddenly tightened in mid-air into a stream of water obediently pouring into the center of the drain. On the river in the distance, the heavy rain was controlled by Alena to automatically flow into the river, and standing on the bank could not feel a drop of rain falling.

The dangerous stagnant water within a radius of hundreds of kilometers and the currents in the lake have formed a waterspout, rising from the ground and rushing to the direction of the lake.

Even C2001 forgot to work. He opened his mouth wide and stared at Alena, who had red hair fluttering in the wind in the rainstorm, commanding the rain between heaven and earth as if she were in charge of everything.

All the power users who have worked hard for more than a month all looked at the water queen with admiration. Even Langtai, who had been wither for a long time, came to the spirit at this time, and began to secretly move the image to Alena's side. Gather a little power.

Just when Alena slaughtered all over the earth, saving the earth's human beings who were about to be submerged by floods and a group of supernatural beings who were about to die from overtime work. The Star Alliance finally blasted the sixth protective net of the main system with artillery fire.

Heli Inch is going crazy at the moment! He looked at the small orange light curtain on the big screen and rubbed his eyes fiercely, but the little orange net was still flashing on the big screen, like a grimace mocking him.

Heinrich: "All starships obey orders, stop now..."

"Can't stop, my lord!" Old Lucas hurriedly shouted, "Even if this cunning main system has multiple protective nets, we still have the advantage! Because the energy required for protection is generally more than twice the energy of attack. , although our starship army is currently consuming 700,000 tons of starry sky stones per day, it just means that the main system consumes at least 1.5 million tons per day!"

Heiliinxi also calmed down at the moment: "The main system of the Salvation Alliance also applied to the Star Alliance a few days ago, and allocated almost all the 20 million tons of starry sky stones it could use for the rescue of the earth. It must not be there now. What's in stock?"

The deputy commander on the side also began to help: "Yes General, as an organization controlled by artificial intelligence, the Salvation Alliance can purchase a constant number of energy stones each year. According to previous records, the current remaining amount of energy stones in the main system should be It is less than 5 million tons, which means that it will run out of ammunition and food after 3-4 days at most!"

Haili Yinxi made up his mind: "All starships, continue to attack! Even in the battle of energy consumption, we will completely eliminate the main system within a week!"

The days were spent 7 days in the ditching and drainage of the power users with the assistance of the Great Demon King Alena, and the non-stop bombing of the Star Alliance fleet.

The cumulonimbus clouds on Earth are slowly thinning, and the rainstorms are getting smaller. Seeing that the journey to save the earth has finally come to an end, the power users who were locked by the main system on this closed ancient planet finally learned the explosive news of the siege of the Salvation Alliance from the scattered news in the star network. !

This part of the power users who have not rebelled at this time can't sit still. Most of them are the old people of the alliance, and they know the grievances and grievances between the Star Alliance and the main system for thousands of years. No one would be foolish enough to believe the Star Alliance's claim that the main system hoards the pretext of harbouring extremely dangerous biological aliens, even though it is true.

Everyone thought that this was the greed and sin of the stupid Interstellar Alliance in order to suppress the main system, so it was provoked by Xu Yuncheng and a group of betrayer who knew it. The high-level taskers finally couldn't sit still! They don't want to sit still on this apocalyptic planet that has completed the mission, and watch the Alliance Town be attacked.

So two groups of power users with different thoughts decided to leave the earth through the interstellar spaceship! Just when the missionaries were looking for the design route of the spaceship, the parasitic beasts and humans who attacked the town of Union also fell into the brink of madness!

During this period of time, Haili Yinxi was roaring all the time: "Why does the Salvation Alliance still have energy stones! It should have run out of energy!"

"Maybe the main system found other inferior energy stones to replace the starry sky stone?" Old Lucas looked for an excuse with a sullen face to continue to coax this human being to keep attacking. But now even old Lucas himself has become less sure.

The parasitic beasts of the Interstellar Alliance can only bite the bullet and pass another bill, urgently borrowing 20 million tons of star stone from the energy dealers of the whole galaxy, and insisting that even if they want to bomb for half a month, they will knock down the Salvation Alliance!

At this time, the black-haired boy still had a shred of hope for his painted Iron Man version of the Patronus Fleet: "Huo Li, how much is the starry sky stone reserve in the main system?"

Huo Li flapped his wings and approached, "Xiaoyi, actually I don't know."

"Hey!" The black-haired boy was disgusted, "How could you even..."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard the iconic gentle female voice of the main system in his mind: "Xiaoyi, this is a secret, I have never disclosed it before. But this time I can tell you to satisfy your little one. curiosity."

"How many tons?" the black-haired boy asked expectantly in his mind.

There is a smile in the voice of the main system: "The whole piece of translucent stone that builds the town of Salvation Alliance is the starry sky stone~