When an Alien Is Bound to a World-Saving System

Chapter 93: Fugitives and prison robbers


"It's more serious than we expected." Huo Li said to the boy, "Parasitic beasts can not only infect people with abilities!"

The black-haired boy: "Then what else can they do? After infection, they can become parasitic beasts with supernatural powers. 11,003 parasitic beasts with supernatural powers are scary enough!"

"Xiaoyi, things are not that simple." Huo Li breathed a sigh of relief, "Let me tell you from the beginning: According to the memory of that parasitic beast, since 17 years ago, parasitic beasts have kidnapped power users one after another. Research, they spent nearly 8 years, decomposed and copied thousands of power users, and finally defined the back of the human neck and part of the spine as the source of the power user's special ability, and named it 'power core'. "

"You must have been unable to find the exact location of this experimental planet from the memory of this invisible parasitic beast?" the boy asked.

"No, they should know my abilities. The parasitic beasts sent out don't know the coordinates of the current experimental planet. I guess they have changed more than one planet as their base." Huo Li replied, and then continued to explain his Find:

"In the beginning, the parasitic beasts could not replicate the human's ability core. Even if the entire body of an ability user, including the ability core, was infected and copied, the new parasitic beasts born could not have the ability. So they used the part of the human ability core. Dig it out, add the flesh and blood copied by the parasitic beast around it, and the formed creature is the supernatural parasitic beast.

But 7 years ago, their technology had a qualitative breakthrough, as long as they took a long enough time, such as 6 months, to copy a supernatural core, the new supernormal core possessed by this parasitic beast. Works too! "

Black-haired boy: "So they can slowly mass-produce parasitic beasts with supernatural abilities? How many are there now?"

Huo Li's face was heavy: "260,000."

Black-haired boy: "260,000 low-level ability users, how many abilities can each parasitic beast perform?"

Huo Li was surprised: "One kind of ability! How many more can you use?"

The teenager nodded: "Oh, it's alright."

"Xiaoyi... Did you have something to say just now?" Huo Li asked hesitantly, feeling that the boy's reaction these days was really strange.

The teenager smiled and said: "I thought they put 3 or 4 copies of the power nucleus on each parasitic beast, and then the new parasitic beast can become a multi-line power user! It seems that their research has not yet arrived. This step... just treat me as nonsense."

Huo Li imagined the image of the parasitic beast's shoulders and abdomen wrapped in a pile of supernatural power cores, he couldn't help shivering, and then smiled and said: "How is this possible, the supernatural power core also includes a paragraph With a certain spine, three segments can't be combined into one creature at all!"

Huo Li smiled and slapped the boy's head, the child just loves whimsy.

Xiao Yi also smiled and said, "Hehe, yes!" The parasitic beasts are really a bunch of weak chickens...

The main system, which immediately knew the news from the conversation between the boy and Huo Li, immediately notified all the members. After some discussions, he had to admit that Xiao Yi's wild plan was indeed feasible.

These are 260,000 parasitic beasts. If they are allowed to wreak havoc in the last days of their lives, they will definitely cause a devastating blow to the entire human galaxy! So at this moment, the main system has been strictly blocked, even the supernatural beings will be infected with the virus, and the fact that all parasitic beasts will not survive for 40 days.

At the same time, the main system and the Interstellar Alliance spread together: Alien has already betrayed the Salvation Alliance, and it began to build a black silk army on a certain planet. When the alien alienates all the organics on this planet into itself, there will be no other in the universe. One race can stop this alien's dominance!

The parasitic family that bears the brunt of them is the parasitic family that is related to the aliens. Because of the eccentricity of the aliens who will kill every relative, the parasitic beasts scattered on thousands of planets will be its first target.

Just when the main system led the power users to find an unmanned planet called G star for disguise, and at the same time began to arrange traps to kill parasitic beasts.

Huo Li was holding a cup of coffee and knocked on Xiao Yi's door.

After a while, the door opened, and the black-haired boy looked at Huo Li in surprise.

Huo Li: "Cough, we haven't had a good conversation recently, I remember you like drinking coffee..."

The black-haired boy let Huo Li in sideways, and took the steaming coffee cup: "Didn't we discuss it for so long in the morning? And... Do you remember that I like coffee? Or did you learn from me at the time? I read in memory: When I was used as a test product, I longed to drink coffee because of the envy of human beings?"

Huo Li, who was exposed, coughed awkwardly, and then said warmly: "Xiaoyi, I'm talking about private conversations. I always feel that you are recently..." There are many things that are lying.

But Huo Li opened his mouth several times, but he didn't dare to say it.

The black-haired teenager took a sip of coffee with sugar and milk: "What happened to me recently?"

Huo Li pondered for a long time before saying, "Xiaoyi, are you too tired recently? The plan you proposed... Well, there are many loopholes in your plan. The parasitic beasts may not all attack, And according to your fearsome reputation among them, the parasitic beasts know that Planet F is your base camp, so they dare not go there, right?"

The black-haired boy did not admit it: "This is what the parasitic beasts think of me, but the supernatural parasitic beasts will not be so timid."

Huo Li sighed indistinctly, always feeling that today's conversation with Xiao Yi seems to be separated by a layer of glass.

For a while, there was silence between the two.

Huo Li simply gave up the idea of getting to the bottom of things, he believed in Xiao Yi, no matter if he had his own little secrets or not.

"Xiaoyi, I didn't mean to question you." Huo Li looked into the black-haired boy's eyes and said softly, "I want to tell you that no matter what troubles you have, you don't have to carry it alone, you can tell me."

"Even if you want to destroy the Star Alliance, I can fight for you." Huo Li added, smiling and enlivening the atmosphere.

The boy turned to Huo Li at this time. After hearing this joke, his hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, but then he hid all his thoughts and turned to Huo Li and said:

"Didn't you read my memory? I should be completely transparent in your eyes? It's you, maybe you have countless evil secrets in your heart that you haven't told me!"

Huo Li's first reaction was: Xiaoyi still doesn't know that I like him! But then he remembered other kinds of concealment... Huo Li felt guilty for a while. If Xiaoyi is a transparent person made of crystals to him, then he is simply a black obsidian to Xiaoyi, and he has concealed too much.

Huo Li had to change the topic a little embarrassedly: "Xiaoyi, the main system said that tomorrow morning we will go to Planet G to arrange the black silk and the army of black silk aliens spread around the world."

The teenager had no objection to the blunt change of the topic, but continued down the steps: "I have to go too? I can't control those black silk aliens that are not connected to me with black silk, even if they are connected with black silk. Together, they'll all be paralyzed as soon as I leave Planet G. You're enough to go!"

Huo Li explained seriously: "We not only need to arrange an army of black silk aliens on planet G, but also create a scene where black silk is absorbing organic matter frantically and spreading around the world. What I have is only spiritual power, I can control a human being, a patron saint, a sheep or a horse that is alienated from the black silk. But I can’t control the alienation of the black silk, and my spiritual power cannot touch those things at the cellular and genetic level.”

The black-haired boy smiled and said: "Of course you can't control it, that is the core ability of the alien, if you can control the black mitotic combination, then your control over the black silk is stronger than my alien! Then How is that possible? If so, wouldn't you be able to directly control the black silk and black spores to occupy the entire universe, haha!"

"Yeah! Then I've already been king in the universe, so why am I still working for the main system?" Huo Li also joked, "Even the decomposing of the patron saint who controls you on Earth is because you gave it to you. All limbs are set with disintegration genes, as long as an instruction from the patron saint's brain, its limbs will spontaneously disintegrate..."

The black-haired boy was a little impatient to listen to these detailed technical explanations, but continued to fantasize: "If you can control the activities at the genetic level of the black silk, you can use the black silk to alienate a lot of me! And each one Just like me, and still have self-awareness, each one is a perfect alien."

The teenager shuddered, and then said jokingly: "Can't you change the memory of the intelligent body? And you have read my memory, you can create a me with my memory... It's terrible. It's gone!"

Huo Li also smiled and said: "It's not just you, I can also use black silk to copy everyone in the world and infuse them with human memory. Then build the first empire in the universe! There are billions of people... It's copied."

"My God! Think about that picture." The black-haired boy smiled and waved his hand to tell Huo to say goodbye, "I will definitely have nightmares tonight!"

So a serious long-term conversation was fooled by the two's gags. Huo Li walked out of the boy's room with an empty coffee cup, and when he came to the corridor, he suddenly realized that he had not asked anything this time. Huo Li had a headache thinking about the little secret of this child's rebellious period, and reached out to screw on his door.

Suddenly, Huo Li felt a slight dizziness, and his mental power seemed to be blocked by something. For the first time in 3000 years, the feeling of losing control of mental power shocked Huo Li, and he hurriedly checked every field of mental power.

After a second, he finally realized that something was wrong: Xu Yuncheng was missing!

This night, the entire Salvation Alliance fell into a sleepless night, anxiously looking for the trace of this extremely powerful betrayer who mastered the power of time and space. But this is basically in vain. In addition to letting him throw himself into the net, who can catch a person who has time and space

Regarding Xu Yuncheng's escape, even the main system and Huo Li were puzzled. Through 099's feedback, one second Xu Yuncheng was still sleeping in the confinement room honestly, and the next second 099 was kicked out of Xu Yuncheng's space. Li also lost his mental control over Xu Yuncheng.

Just when people in Union Town turned their backs on their horses.

A remote, uninhabited planet in the universe.

Xu Yuncheng, who had just used his spatial ability to bring himself and the prison escape helper who suddenly appeared, looked at the familiar figure in front of him in amazement: "It's you! How can you have this ability... Why do you want to save me?" I?"

"Help me spread a message: all parasitic beasts will die after 40 days, and the 12 therapeutic agents corresponding to the 12 viruses are stored in the experimental base of the I star established by the alien."

The black-haired boy ordered.