When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 37


"Let's see the second game! DG lost the first game, will they make adjustments to the lineup in the second game? Now we can see the two sides put Luo, Iron Man, Prince, Akali, Crocodile and Spider Ban-"

"Prince DG and Luo have done a good job of banning. At the same time, BLX also pressed the crocodile, which the wolf cub is good at, to the ban position. It can be seen from the previous one that the wolf cub was used as a breakthrough by BLX. This one BLX should not miss this opportunity, it depends on DG how to deal with it."

The host's voice sounded in the venue, and the audience was full of deafening voices cheering for DG.

Even if they are temporarily at a disadvantage, fans still have full confidence in them. After all, DG is a team that has experienced the tempering of the World Championship. The mentality of the players is all strong. The disadvantage can only make them play more fiercely, not shrinking. forward.

"DG! Come on! DG! Come on!"

The voice spread far away, but the expressions of the players sitting on the field were very relaxed. When the camera swept in front of them, it was almost impossible to see a single bit of solemnity on their faces.

a few minutes ago.

Lao Wo was touching his thermos cup as usual. Qian Bao complained on the voice channel that the air conditioner in the stadium was too low. Hurrying to finish the game, she waited to go back to take a bath.

Shen Qiao and Lu Zhe at the far side were both leaning back in their chairs, the smile on Lu Zhe's lips was a little thicker than before, as if he was in a good mood, and he asked the previous question as usual: "Think about it for a while. Have you eaten anything?"

Shen Qiao leaned back lazily on the back of the chair, his posture seemed relaxed, but his eyes focused on the screen in front of him. When the screen of the B&P session appeared, his voice answered slowly:

"If you win, let's talk about it. If we lose, we will only go back to the base to eat in the cafeteria - you take the hero first?"

There was a smile in Lu Zhe's eyes, and he was not in a hurry to continue. Coach Fang was wearing a headset in the back and holding a record book in his hand. Hearing them chatting, he said smoothly; what?"

Only then did Lu Zhe speak: "The wine barrel."

Almost as soon as his voice fell, Shen Qiao found the hero, and after the coach had no objection, he locked it directly.

BLX saw that they released Xia, and they took it as the first choice. At the same time, they equipped the auxiliary Titan.

The voice of the commentary sounded almost simultaneously: "Okay, Xia and Titan, the bot lane on DG's side will be... They chose Kai'Sa! Kai'Sa is a hero that works well with the female tank, and there are other supports and Kai'Sa. Can play a good synergy, BLX may want to consider the next ban to target support."

"Hey, DG didn't rush to take the support, but chose Qiyana. The last one Lu Zhe used Qiyana to play as a jungler, it seems that Qiyana will give Qianbao for the mid lane position, um... I almost forgot that Qiyana is also Qian Bao's signature hero."

"This side of BLX - LeBlanc! This choice is a bit unexpected, it's quite satisfactory."

In the voice of the commentator constantly analyzing the lineup configuration, DG and BLX banned two more heroes in succession, BLX locked another Olaf, and DG's second flower took the bull's head to assist.

Both sides have one last position left to be determined.

"Qiao Qiao?" Lu Zhe shouted in his earphones, wondering what hero Shen Qiao was going to take.

Coach Fang gave Shen Qiao a suggestion last time, and let his sword demon be rubbed under the tower by the sword girl who was selected by the opposite side. This one can see that Xu Xiao's top order position is still left. In the end, no matter what Shen Qiao chooses first, Xu Xiao should choose another hero that can be restrained.

So Coach Fang decided to let Shen Qiao choose his own strong heroes according to the lineup.

In a professional team, when both sides are equally powerful, there can be some restraint between heroes according to the version situation, such as the previous sword girl fighting the sword demon.

But there are exceptions.

When some players get their own strong heroes, the hero is the version in his hands, and even if the opposing hero has restraint on his own hero, he can play an extraordinary performance.

Hearing Coach Fang's words, Shen Qiao thought for a while, "Are vampires okay?"

Coach Fang was stunned for a moment. This is another hero who was basically useless before level 6. He had a match for Shen Qiao's angel in the previous training game. With BLX going crazy for military training, if the vampire was defeated before, it would be impossible in the later stage. Teamfights are basically a decoration.

But it has the same benefits as angels.

That is, as long as he gets a head, he can take off in place.

Coach Fang quickly decided to respect Shen Qiao's personal choice: "Okay, then vampire."

At the moment when the DG lineup was confirmed, the opponent had also selected the last hero - Sword Demon.

"The Sword Demon beats the vampire, um, there was indeed a top laner who took out the vampire before and was rubbed against the ground by the Sword Demon. It seems that this BLX is still not going to let the wolf cub go on the road—"

Commentator 1's tone was a bit pessimistic. After all, the performance of Shen Qiao and Xu Xiao's performance in the last game were obvious to all. They didn't think that under the condition of heroic restraint, what kind of power can this Shen Qiao's vampire crispy play? It's just that he didn't dare to say too much.

The tone of the other commentator was also hesitant: "The main reason is that the wolf cub has not seen this hero in the previous game, you think, today's BLX will definitely not let go, he might take a vampire, maybe Is it better to carry meat? Not dead in the early stage, wretched development, and in the later stage, it can play an advantage in team battles."

The two commentators looked at each other, causing the audience to be confused. The fans watching the game in the live broadcast room began to frantically knock question marks in the barrage. If he can't win the game, the blame for losing the game must be on Shen Qiao and the coaching staff.

The on-site commentary was quiet for two seconds, and gave a satisfactory evaluation: "But since DG dares to take out a vampire at this time, it proves that the wolf cub is still confident about it, not to mention this lineup is not bad, both sides can have Nakanosuke. Strong driving ability, I hope the two sides can still show us a wonderful game in this game!”

The game loads quickly on the big screen in the stadium—

"Be careful, they will come at the first level of Olaf." Lu Zhe was still the first to speak out on the DG channel.

After he finished his eyes, he really saw the jungler Olaf on the BLX side coming towards his grass with heroes from the middle and lower lanes.

Olaf took a scan, and when he approached the wild area with his teammates, he saw the eyes of DG in the grass. He also knew that his whereabouts were seen by the other side. This wave of invasion failed, and he and his teammates returned to the other side of the river.

At this time, Shen Qiao went to the line, and Xu Xiao, who was on the opposite side, rose to the second level, and immediately came over to chase after him, obviously wanting to eat him alone—

Shen Qiao kept dodging and retreating by walking, but was still knocked out by the sword demon for 40% of his blood. He immediately used a blood bottle and pulled it back to his tower.

No matter how arrogant Xu Xiao was, it was impossible for him to jump over the tower to kill him at the second level without the troops coming. He temporarily stopped the idea of killing him and retreated to continue his development. Shen Qiao didn't waste time, and his health returned to health. Immediately go out from the tower to develop.

off the field.

The commentator's attention followed the screen and focused on the top road: "We saw that BLX's jungler Olaf wanted to repeat the grab method in the previous round, and went to the top road, waiting for an opportunity to catch a wave of wolf cubs... Unfortunately, Lu Zhe played blue nearby. , and the blood volume of the wolf cub is very healthy, and the line of troops is not deep, this wave has lost the opportunity."

"Olav went to the middle lane, eh! Qian Bao avoided Olaf's Q, and also beat LeBlanc to half blood! Unfortunately, Qian Bao will not be Olaf's opportunity, so Olaf passed through the jungle. District, went to the river in the lower half of the wild area, controlled the river valley crab, and was ready to see if Lao Wo and Erhua had a chance—wait!”

One of the commentators was a little confused and muttered: "The camera shifted for a few seconds, who will tell me why Xu Xiao, the sword demon's supplementary knife, is so outrageous?"

The audience's attention was all focused on the data bar at the bottom of the screen, which displayed the heroes and outfits on both sides of the line, as well as the number of reinforcements.

Now the above situation is clear at a glance.

Shen Qiao's reinforcement is 28 knives, while Xu Xiao is... 18 knives.

This data is very unreasonable.

No. 2 commentator hesitantly continued: "Is it because the sword demon is busy cutting people? The vampire doesn't hide from his W, he avoids his central Q crit by moving, and then returns blood through Q, so the vampire is presented. The blood volume is healthy, but the sword demon is suppressed under the tower, and the reinforcements are still so far behind."

Seeing this, the DG fans in the audience suddenly had a little hope in their hearts.

This vampire of the wolf cub... looks like a play.

"First Blood!" With the display on the screen that Lan Fang won a blood, the camera turned to the middle road, which is exactly what Qian Bao looked like when he returned to the city. The backstage of the game entered the live broadcast, allowing the commentators to see a wonderful middle road. Solo kill!

Qian Bao took the head, happily went back to the city to make a costume, and asked in the channel, "Do you need my help on the road?"

Before Shen Qiao could say anything, Lu Zhe, who was helping arrest people in the bottom lane, had already answered for him, "Need."

Qian Bao replied hello. After Qiyana turned her element circle out of the city, she entered her own jungle and went all the way up. At that time, the sword demon brought the line under Shen Qiao's tower—

Xu Xiao saw Qian Bao's Qiyana, and after Qing Shen Qiao, he backed away. As a result, Shen Qiao immediately chased after him from under the tower, and he slowed down in E! Another red angry Q!

The blood volume of the sword demon in the decelerating state decreased, and Xu Xiao used a blood bottle without hesitation!

But Qian Bao was already chasing after him, and he caught up with a Q to kill the sword demon directly!

"In the first five minutes, DG and BLX had a two-to-zero lead, and the C position in the middle has already developed! The Olaf rhythm used by this BLX jungler seems to be no better than the previous one, and the heroes in the top lane have restrained routines. No effect, BLX is now behind 800 in economy, can we still accumulate advantages in the early stage?" The commentator stared at the game screen and said.

Can BLX Accumulate Advantage

DG answered them with the facts, no.

Because this Qian Bao developed and started to wander, frequently going to the other two lanes to support, and Lu Zhe didn't miss any opportunity to help in the top lane, BLX's jungler could never cooperate with the top laner Xu Xiao's Sword Demon solo kill Shen Qiao's vampire.

Ten minutes to start -

Olaf gradually gave up his plan to catch vampires. When Momo and Lele in the bottom lane gave a signal, he went from the wild area to the back of the DG bottom lane duo, and cooperated with the bottom lane to kill Erhua.

Momo and Lele pressed the line to the first tower of DG's bottom road, but Qian Bao had already moved over from the middle road, and Lu Zhe was also approaching from the surrounding area. , settled directly in the wild area, a general Olaf! Lu Zhe came to help with the output, and soon, the voice of the commentary sounded simultaneously on the field: "DG has another head!"

Just when DG fans were reminiscing about Qian Bao's operation, Lu Zhe, who had helped him, glanced at the map and went to the road without hesitation, because Shen Qiao had already pressed the sword demon under the red square tower.

Although Shen Qiao is now twenty knives ahead of the Sword Demon, it is still impossible to fight the Tower and kill the Sword Demon by himself. Lu Zhe decided to help him catch a wave.

Xu Xiao saw Lu Zhe from the wild area coming in his direction, almost hiding and blending with the tower. Unfortunately, Shen Qiao's determination to kill him was very strong, and he immediately gave him a slowdown!

Immediately afterwards, Lu Zhe's wine barrel stopped him with an E, carried the tower, and let Shen Qiao go up directly to collect the head.

From the beginning to the end, the two did not exchange a word in the channel, and they have cooperated to take down the sword demon's head.

BLX is like the last DG. After losing the rhythm at the beginning, the disadvantage has been continuously expanded.

Twelve minutes into the game, BLX and DG had a one-for-one fight. Although Qian Bao's Qiyana was killed, it was a pity that the head was on the Titan who supported Lele, so it didn't make much money.

Fifteen minutes later, Shen Qiao pushed the top tower of BLX, Lu Zhe exchanged with the other side, let a water dragon, and won the Canyon Pioneer.

In 16 minutes, Shen Qiao's vampire made 161 hits, becoming the highest-level hero in the game. At level 12, he led his teammates to start a team battle in the middle, and while pushing down the opposite tower in the middle, DG took four people. head!

The moment the second tower in the middle was broken, Colonel KI gave a winning rate curve, DG's current winning rate is 88%!

Shen Qiaochong took the lead in opening the group and released the blood pool. After the settlement was delayed by 2.5 seconds, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room could see at the same time that the BLX heroes lost most of their blood bars in an instant!

After Shen Qiao came out of the blood pool, the remaining skills of BLX hit him. As a result, he didn't turn in the flash, he retreated calmly when he was full of blood, and hid safely in the back row when his blood volume was unhealthy.

"Ah ah ah! The wolf cub is so strong!" There was a shout at the scene.

The barrage in the live room is also:

[! ! ! !]

[? ? ? I think this vampire is not the same as the one I use? ? ?]

[Secret Skill·Blood Bar Disappearance]

[Brother Wolf, brother, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said you water, I apologize, you are the ancestor of vampires]

[This is not a vampire, this is a vampire]

[Vampires of wolf cubs are just two words: outrageous]

Until the BLX crystal was pushed out—

The whole audience was still immersed in the highlight moment when Shen Qiao's vampire sucked up the BLX players.

"Congratulations to DG for winning a game! This one was developed first by Qian Bao, Lu Zhe always gave timely support in the third line, and the wolf cubs laid the foundation for victory in the vampires in the later stage! DG is still the DG we know! They went to the middle and wild. Still dad!"

After taking off the earphones, Xu Xiao heard the explanation to DG's rainbow fart.

His face changed, and it was Momo and the coach who glanced at him, which reminded him that he had to go to the rest area first, because the two sides still had the last fight to be played.

Thinking of being forced under the tower by Shen Qiao's vampires many times just now, he couldn't help but look at his jungler, lowered his eyes, and asked in a displeased tone, "Didn't we say we should catch the road first? Why did we take it? For an early hero like Olaf, won't you help me catch Shen Qiao?"

BLX's middle lane is a handsome Beta, and his jungler skills are also very strong. When he heard the voice from behind, he paused, and replied with a good temper: "Because the vampire's own skills can restore blood, when his health is healthy and the soldiers If the line is not deep, I don't think it is suitable for force kills."

"What's more, Lu Zhe's second support is very fast. He even let the first wind dragon and the second water dragon control only the canyon pioneer, because he spends most of the time in the wild area near the top road."

Although Xu Xiao knew that what he said was reasonable, he still couldn't swallow the breath pressed by Shen Qiao holding the vampire, and continued: "Like the last Lu Zhe came to support, didn't they all die on the road? Come on the road once, I won't lose, you should reflect on it."

Lele, who was near the rest area in front, was chatting with Momo about what drink to drink. Hearing the movement behind, they looked back subconsciously, but saw that Xu Xiao had a posture of pulling people to debate on the field, and immediately realized to wrong.

The coach gave the two a warning look, and Xu Xiao just remembered to go to the rest area, but when the talent arrived at the rest area, he heard the mid laner ask quietly beside him:

"Before I reflect, should some people think about why the sword demon and the vampire are 20 knives behind?"

Xu Xiao: "!"

He stared at the mid laner, almost laughing at the opponent's unreasonable remarks, and couldn't help but ask: "Why am I behind in filling up, isn't it because I want to help the team to determine the advantage as soon as possible, and cancel the top laner Shen Qiao in the early stage? Do you have a sense of collective honor?"

The mid laner looked at him and said blankly, "Is it for the collective sense of honor, or for the personal desire to win or lose, you know best in your own heart."

Lele coughed lightly beside him, glanced at Xu Xiao, who was taking the initiative to pick things up, and pulled the middle order away: "Hey, brother, I found that the instant coffee here tastes pretty good. Would you like a cup?"

The coach warned with a bad face: "Reviews are all things that need to be done after the game, and accountability is what fans have to do. Do you need me to tell you the basic qualities of a professional player?"

"Noisy, continue to be noisy, the third one will be sent directly to DG, and you will retire immediately after it is delivered."

The mid laner kept silent and drank the coffee handed by Lele in silence.

Momo and the jungler both glanced at Xu Xiao and frowned without a trace.

After the break -

The third, Shen Qiao's vampire and Lu Zhe's spider, plus Qian Bao's elemental queen, were banned together.

Shen Qiao chose the strong hero Crocodile first.

Lu Zhe took the wine barrel again, Qian Bao in the middle lane used Galio, and Lao Wo and Er Hua in the bottom lane used Kashaga Titan.

BLX played quite well in this one, and went back to the "four guarantees one" tactic. After Momona's EZ two-piece suit joined the team, he tried his best to accumulate advantages by playing more and less, and snowballed DG to defeat.


DG's reckless style of play is specialized in defeating this kind of operation, frantically disrupting the rhythm of BLX. At thirty-five minutes, he forced BLX to join the group by opening the dragon. Erhua started the group first in the team battle, and cooperated with Lu Zhe's wine. The barrel's ultimate move, as well as Galio's skills, let Kai'Sa output harvest in the back row-

BLX was taken down by four in one wave.

DG took down the big dragon, pushed it to the high ground and retreated, then went to get the ancient dragon, and during the buff period, he forced another wave at BLX's house and pushed the crystal away!

"Congratulations to DG for winning the game 2-1! Maintain the winning streak!"

The moment the commentary sounded, Shen Qiao took off her earphones, leaned back on the chair, and then slowly exhaled.

Lu Zhe looked at him quietly, even forgot to take off his earphones, his eyes were full of tenderness.

This scene was captured on camera-

Among the cheers under the stage, screams sounded from an unknown corner.

However, neither of them paid much attention. Under the organization of Coach Fang and the staff, they got up and took away their peripheral keyboards. Go back to take a shower! Don't come to me for interviews after the game!"

Lu Zhe raised his hand to help Shen Qiao pack up, but ignored Qian Bao's urging and stared at Shen Qiao instead.

It's not just Qian Bao who is hot.

Only now did he see that the back of Shen Qiao's short-sleeved top was soaking wet.

I don't know what kind of perseverance this person used to concentrate and sit there motionless when he was playing the game just now.

Lu Zhe took out a tissue and wiped it directly on Shen Qiao's forehead.

Shen Qiao subconsciously glanced in the direction of the camera, raised her hand and pressed it on the tissue, signaling him to come.

Standing behind the chair, Lu Zhe looked at the team uniform that was almost dyed transparent. Seeing the spine line on Shen Qiao's back and the thin waistline, the color of his eyes couldn't help but darken.

Immediately after—

When Shen Qiao squatted down to pull out the thread and got up again, a cedar-flavored coat caught her head on.

He raised his hand and pulled it down, his brows furrowed a little and he looked impatient. He looked at Lu Zhe and said, "I'm dying of heat, you still throw me a coat?"

Lu Zhe pointed to the rest area off the court: "The air conditioner is cold over there. You are sweating so much now that you will catch a cold if you blow the air conditioner directly. Be good, put it on."

Speaking of the second half of the sentence, his voice was obviously much softer.

Shen Qiao held her jacket and didn't move, silently protesting to him with her eyes.

Lu Zhe looked at him with a smile, but did not back down.

Coach Fang was talking to Lao Wo about the content of the interview later, and when he turned around, he saw that the two of them were at a stalemate, and he couldn't help but cast a questioning look.

Shen Qiao retracted her gaze, raised her hand and threw Lu Zhe's coat back to him, and carried the peripheral bag to the rest area. As soon as she walked down the stairs, she noticed a gust of cold wind coming from her, and her skin suddenly froze. Stimulated, the hairs on his arms stood up.

The back was completely cold.

At this moment, Lu Zhe put his coat on him from behind, even pressed his shoulder, and sighed:

"Why is it so hard for you to obey?"

Shen Qiao didn't say a word, but he didn't take off his coat again.

As a result, Lu Zhe saw the change in his attitude, but suddenly changed his actions: "I see - you just want to catch a cold on purpose, so that I can take care of you, okay, as you wish."

He gestured to take off the jacket again, but didn't pull it.

Looking at it again, Shen Qiaozheng lowered his head and pulled the zipper as if nothing had happened, the tips of his ears were blushing, and he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "Fart."

The small interaction between the two was captured by sharp-eyed fans in the audience. After someone took a picture with a mobile phone, they began to howl with the sisters on the Internet:

"Ah ah ah! Double A is so sweet! Wolf dog szd! Woohoo, they got married today! I took all the wedding photos! Look! [picture.jpg]"

The picture shows Shen Qiao wearing a coat, looking down and pulling the zipper seriously. On the silver-gray coat in the picture, in the center of the team's pattern background, there is a name belonging to Lu Zhe—