When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 49


Lu Zhe: "..."

In the darkness, his expression couldn't help laughing, and just as he was about to say something, he heard the rustling of Shen Qiaola's quilt next to him.

How could Lu Zhe let him take advantage of such an advantage, he immediately raised his hand and gently nudged Shen Qiao's shoulder, and asked aloud, "Who is father?"

Shen Qiao calmly perfunctory him: "Whoever you ask, whoever is."

Lu Zhe laughed. In this room where only the central air conditioner was operating, the laughter was particularly obvious, and even the emotions inside could be clearly distinguished.

"Jojo, remember what you said tonight." He said meaningfully.

Shen Qiao heard the long-term meaning in his words, and snorted lightly with his back to him to show his disdain.

Lu Zhe raised his hand and touched the back of his neck gently, and his fingertips brushed past his glands like the wind. Before Shen Qiao could react, he retracted his movements and whispered, "Go to sleep, Good night."

He didn't come any closer, lest the blanket would cover the two people's body temperature like a stove in this summer, and something would happen.

Shen Qiao moved her shoulders and pulled the quilt again. She wrapped herself tightly like a silkworm chrysalis, and snorted, "Good night."

On a hot summer night, the cool breeze from the air conditioner came down from the air vents and swirled around the room, mixing the light mint leaf scent with the somber pine snow.

Lu Zhe listened to the sound of breathing beside him gradually softening, the corners of his lips curled up, he took out his mobile phone, turned the light to the darkest, plugged in his earphones, and clicked on XWG's previous game video to watch.

This was supposed to be a video to watch with Coach Fang and other teammates after the game tonight, but because of Shen Qiao's affairs, they were all absent from the replay of XWG tonight.

Lu Zhe has the habit of studying his opponents before the game. It seems that if he does not go through this process, he will be missing something. Anyway, it is still early, so he just makes up for it.

In order not to disturb Shen Qiao's rest, Lu Zhe put the mobile phone in the quilt, and used the thickness of the quilt to cover up its bright light.

He kept facing the direction of Shen Qiao, so that the light from the mobile phone would not shake Shen Qiao. It is always difficult for people to lie on the bed in the same position when they are awake, but Lu Zhe just didn't move much, just like that. Watched for over two hours.

During this period, Shen Qiao turned over twice, and the second time, the whole person was arched into Lu Zhe's arms.

Lu Zhe raised his mobile phone and pulled down his earphones, thinking that Shen Qiao was awakened by the light of his mobile phone, but he tried to put his hand around his waist, but found that he was not pushed back.

The sweetheart takes the initiative to throw his arms and hugs—

Who can resist this temptation

Anyway, Lu Zhe couldn't.

He turned off the video, pulled down his earphones, put his phone on the bedside table next to him, pulled Shen Qiao into his arms again, buried his head between his neck, and pulled his upper body leaning forward to the back. .

Shen Qiao's sleeping position was indescribable for Lu Zhe for a while.

Saying that he sleeps well, this person looks like he is about to curl up into a ball, roll up the quilt again, and leave his head off the pillow again.

However, the daughter-in-law you choose is of course the best.

Lu Zhe felt contented.

Apart from-

When Shen Qiao bowed up, her buttocks were still quite high.

Lu Zhe took a deep breath, kissed Shen Qiao's neck, and whispered, "I'll let you go tonight..."

Next time this person sleeps like this and hooks him, don't blame him for being rude.

Shen Qiao was awakened by the heat.

He had a dream that he was entangled by a roasted octopus with its claws open. No matter where he ran, the other party could stretch out his long bound feet and grab him back.

Perhaps it was because he was too unaccustomed to sleeping, and when he woke up, he was full of low-pressure irritability.

Then he stretched out his hand and felt around. He didn't touch the bedside table for a long time. He opened his eyelids to look, only to realize that the ceiling was different from what he saw when he woke up.

He looked left and right and realized that he was lying in the middle of the bed at the moment, the pillow was gone, Lu Zhe was very close to the right, his breath fell on his face, his eyelashes closed quietly, Shadows are cast at the eye sockets, as delicate and beautiful as a well-behaved doll.

But Shen Qiao didn't care to appreciate the beautiful scenery, he was a little breathless, thinking that the air conditioner was wrapped around his waist, but he lowered his head to dial it, only to find that it was Lu Zhe's arm when he encountered a soft heat.


The big grilled octopus in my dream solved the case last night.

He was angry and funny, patted Lu Zhe's arm, and ordered in a hoarse voice, "Let go."

Lu Zhe slept late yesterday, and it wasn't his usual wake-up time yet. He sensed movement in the vagueness. Not only did he not let go, but he hugged him a little tighter, frowned, but his tone was soothing. , as if bewitching, low and gentle: "Don't move."

While speaking, he unconsciously drilled into Shen Qiao's shoulder.

At this moment, Shen Qiao felt as if he was locked in his arms. He was sticking to Lu Zhe, feeling the heat coming from him. For a while, the air conditioner in the room seemed to be turned on for nothing, and it was so hot. His dryness rose again.

He endured for a few minutes, but still couldn't stand the heat. He pushed Lu Zhe's shoulder, his tone was a little softer than before, and he was a little more patient: "You loosen up, I'm going to get up."

Lu Zhe didn't say a word, didn't move, didn't know if he didn't hear it at all, or pretended he couldn't hear it.

Shen Qiao took a deep breath and started to pull his hand on his waist, but Lu Zhe closed his eyes and wanted to wrestle with him. Hands are up.

The quilt was rolled up in a mess by the two people, and the snow-colored quilt was lifted up by them one after another, and finally stopped abruptly.

The quilt vaguely outlines their entanglement—

The two people's breaths were close together.

Shen Qiao narrowed her eyes and looked at Lu Zhe in front of her. She saw that the other person opened his eyes lazily. There was a pleasant brilliance in those black eyes. In an instant, that beautiful face seemed to be hanging in silence. The picture scroll suddenly comes alive, and every frown and smile is filled with aura.

With a smile in his voice, he asked softly with a snort, "Stop moving?"

Shen Qiao noticed the heat on his legs, and the rhythm of breathing slowed down by three points.

However, it was useless for him to be rational and calm.

The instinct of the body has been awakened by the same kind of behavior, and I don't know if I want to demonstrate or fight back, in short...

He didn't control it either, and raised the flag with the other party.

Judging by the state of the two of them facing each other face to face at the moment, it looks like two young pioneers salute each other under the national flag.

Lu Zhe sensed his change, the corners of his lips raised, his brows raised, his eyes dropped, and he said to Shen Qiao, "Even if I don't let go, don't you get up?"

Shen Qiao: "..."

He was shocked by Lu Zhe's brazenness and the heat hit his face.

His throat was itchy for no reason, Shen Qiao's eyes wandered to the side, and his slightly low voice still had that hoarseness.

"There's a game today." He meant it.

Lu Zhe smiled, his hand under the quilt went to Shen Qiao's side, and his voice was short: "I know."

Hearing his words, Shen Qiao was about to lift the quilt and head towards the bathroom, but he suddenly grabbed his lifeline, and immediately froze, "You...!"

Saying that you know! What is this doing at hand!

Lu Zhe let out a soft "shh".

He pulled up the quilt and covered his head.

After half an hour.

There was a rush of water on the bathroom sink.

Standing on the side, Shen Qiao kept pressing the bottle of hand sanitizer, staring at Lu Zhe's actions of rinsing and brushing his teeth with a water cup next to him. Seeing his extraordinarily beautiful lips, he couldn't help but glance.

Lu Zhe noticed his sight, spit out the water in his mouth, raised an arc at the end of his eyes, and looked at him sideways, there was an inexhaustible hook:

"What? You want to taste yourself too?"

Shen Qiao immediately looked away and lowered her head seriously to wash her hands.

After Lu Zhe finished rinsing his mouth and brushing his teeth, Shen Qiao's hands had already been washed. She leaned against the sink to look at him, and finally couldn't help asking, "The wound on your lips... do you want some medicine?"

Lu Zhe's lips already had traces of being bitten by Shen Qiao last time, but it took only two days to scab, and this morning's trouble again made Shen Qiao feel bad about it.

So he also indirectly understood how the other party felt when he saw those scratches on his body.

Just uneasy.

Lu Zhe caught a glimpse of his expression, raised his hand and rubbed his hair: "It's okay, this will be fine in a while."

Before Shen Qiao could say another word, Lu Zhe had already gone out and said to him: "After you pack up, let's go have breakfast, remember to bring your medicine, and by the way, I will review XWG's video materials with me later. "

Shen Qiao responded, "Yeah."

At that time, Lu Zhe went outside to help Shen Qiao fold the quilt on the bed, and straightened his hair. Just as he was about to sit on the chair next to him for a while, he heard Shen Qiao's cell phone ring.

He walked to the bedside table and said casually, "Jojo, there is a phone."

Shen Qiao took the time to ask him, "Whose?"

Lu Zhe picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was just a string of numbers. It showed that the call was from China, with no remarks.

"Unfamiliar number, I don't know." He said.

Shen Qiao said "Oh", "Please help me answer it, just hang up if it's a harassing call."

Lu Zhe pressed the answer button, but before he made a sound, the person over there had already asked politely, "Is it Shen Qiao?"

His expression instantly turned cold.

this sound...

It's Lu Chengzhen's secretary.

"Mr. Lu has been very concerned about you and Young Master Lu recently. He wants me to remind you. I hope you remember what you promised Mrs. Shen to stay away from the Lu family, otherwise..."

At this moment, Lu Zhe noticed that the sound of water in the bathroom had stopped, and footsteps were gradually approaching from inside.

He hung up the phone with lightning speed and didn't finish listening to the next content.

Facing Shen Qiao who walked out of the bathroom, Lu Zhe handed the phone back and said casually, "It's a harassing call, I've already hung up."

Shen Qiao nodded, no doubt about him, took the phone, and said with him: "Let's go, let's have breakfast."

The author has something to say:

Today there is a bicycle passing by slowly, you smell, smell carefully!