When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 5


Shen Qiao didn't want to speak.

Just at this moment, Lele next to him suddenly made a "tsk" sound.

In the Ban hero section on the screen, the AD player of his team banned the nanny Lele had already indicated, and also banned Yasuo, who wanted to choose in the middle.

The middle lane is obviously a hot-tempered character, and immediately output in the dialog box:


"I'm going to have a Yasuo, you ban me and play?"

Everyone could vaguely smell the fragrance that he wanted to spit out from the essence that had been harmonized.

AD quickly replied: "Most low-end games are orphan cables, orphan cables don't deserve to have teammates :)"

As soon as these words came out, the middle and AD who entered the hero selection process let go of the mouse, and started a series of keyboard interactions between you and me to greet Lingtang and ancestors. Shen Qiao glanced at it and locked a crocodile silently, followed by that " Xiao O stood up and chose the blind monk in seconds.

Lele tasted the gunpowder smoke in the dialog box, and in order for the game to proceed normally, he couldn't help but persuade him: "The two of you take time out of your busy schedules to choose a hero, whoever chooses me to help him report the other one first~"

The dialogue continued for a second, but soon the two chose Lissandra and Vayne respectively.

Midway didn't forget to take the time to win Lele: "Lissandra, I don't know how to play, I'll go in and hang up later, please help me report AD after the game is over, thank you."

Lele typed happily: "Okay."

Then he said calmly in the earphone: "Brother Qiao, remember to send them a report second company when you come out, one to hang up, one to swear."

Shen Qiao gave a "hmm" and saw that the Xia Luo dog food combination on the opposite side was locked, and asked Lele, "Bron?"

Xia Luo's Q level is upgraded, and Braum's passive deceleration cooperates with Vayne, which can suppress the opposite bot lane in the early stage.

Lele locked Bron, looked at the progress bar of loading the game, straightened the headphone cable, opened the game box, laughed dryly, and asked Shen Qiao:

"Brother Qiao, have you heard the story of Baiyin's one dozen nine?"

Shen Qiao threw the cigarette he just pulled out into the cigarette case, and looked at him lightly: "As long as you don't play me, I won't play nine."

Lele shook his head: "The difference between two and eight is not too big. Guess how many times the blind monk played with you just now who was fighting for the jungle position?"

Shen Qiao: "Well?"

Lele didn't give a shit, and said word by word with clear lips and a standard intonation: "Blind monk, 10 appearances, 0% win rate - surprise or surprise?"

Shen Qiao: "..."

He was silent for two seconds before entering the canyon. When buying equipment, he changed the Dolan Sword that he used to attack with to Dolan Shield, and manipulated the crocodile to go to the top of the road. He said to Lele in the earphone: "Be steady, I I don't want to overturn in the national service Baiyin."

Lele let out a "uh" and looked at AD who was running into the grass after leaving the door, and said slowly:

"I wanted to be steady, but—"

"First Blood!" The cordial female voice in the game sounded.

The second half of Lele's sentence continued: "Look at our heroic AD, who surrounded the five people on the opposite side by himself in the grass."

Shen Qiao glanced at the map. One minute into the game, Quan Shui hung up on the middle road, and the bottom road was reckless. It was estimated that there was no hope for life in these two roads.

However, the silver bureau did not let him go because of this. The jungler followed to the jungle next to the top road, manipulated the characters to dance, and continued his magical style in the channel:

[Little O stands up (blind monk): Little brother, don't be afraid! I am coming! ]

Shen Qiao: "?"

He replied ruthlessly: "Don't come, don't stain my soldiers."

He will never allow anyone to meddle in his line!

[Little O stands up (blind monk): I hate it, they are still clean girls. ]

[Little O stands up (blind monk): But I have to grow first, and when I get bigger and thicker, I will come back to you. ]

Shen Qiao pretended not to see it, and didn't say a word to the tower. Just when she met Akali who was opposite, she wanted to ride on her face. He raised his brows and raised his W calmly. A human head sent by a small crispy skin.

On the contrary, Lele took the time to reply to the blind monk: "Could it be that you are the fairy stick that can become bigger, smaller and more beautiful in the legend?"

The innocence of the other party's tone seems to be visible on the screen: "What are you talking about? I mean that I have to work hard to level up and thicken the blood bar."

Lele: "… "

He felt that he couldn't stand this enchanting rank, so he honestly bowed his head to assist Wei En.

On the opposite side, Luo and Xia played very strongly. Bronze, Silver, and Gold ranks accounted for the bulk of the game. There were all kinds of people mixed up. The unifying feature was that they never played cards according to common sense.

When you think your opponent is going head-to-head, he may just flash over to look at you, then turn around and leave. When you think that the opponent has no advantage to develop at this time, he will suddenly rush over and let you finish a set in confusion. Skills take away his head.

Lele encountered such confusion at this time.

His Blumping A move can be passively stacked up to four layers, and the opponent can be stunned after playing. , just when Vayne rushed to collect the head-

Wei En rushed up and beat the person to the point of blood, and suddenly retreated.

Lele: "… "

He slowly put a question mark in the dialog box.

Wei En quickly replied: "Don't chase after the poor, be steady."

Lele: "!"

God is so poor, no gangsters chase after him! You tell me how can a Luo who has been stunned and stunned be chased after him! what! Even if you hang a fire for that guy? ?

He endured and endured, holding himself back a little bit, and typing: "You... I... I'm going to swim away."

Wei En: "Go, don't take my experience here, it's so tiring to lead you, the rookie doesn't understand anything."

Lele, a rare and precious Alpha assistant in the LPL division, recognized as the best-tempered and gentlest Alpha among professional players, almost broke his ring at this moment.

He spoke in his earphone as if he was a gossamer, "Listen! The Titan in the pool is telling me that he misses the faint smell of rust mixed in the sound of soldiers and gunfire."

Shen Qiao happily treated Akali on the opposite side as a soldier again, feeling much more comfortable, and said lightly, "Speak human words."

Lele: "I'm going to play the mid laner with Titan next."

Shen Qiao: "Yes."

The wine barrel jungler on the opposite side couldn't see the coward who sent three heads on the road, and hid in the grass beside Shen Qiao's first tower, preparing to secretly surround him from behind while Shen Qiao led his troops to fight Akali. A wave.

However, Shen Qiao had planted his eyes in the grass long ago, and his position had long been exposed. When he jumped out and surrounded Akali, Shen Qiao was ready.

He dodged the wine barrel that exploded at his feet, and when Akali 2nd R came up to pursue, he quickly surrendered and flashed back to the tower.

at the same time-

The blind monk also jumped out of the grass and took away Akali, who had handed in all the skills, along with the wine barrel.

[Little O stands up (blind monk): Brother, I saved your life, do you have anything to repay me? ]

Shen Qiao was accustomed to glance at the lower left corner of her eyes, and when she saw this sentence, she answered succinctly, "I won't die."

The other party replied: "Ah! Is this the white-eyed wolf that the teacher said?"

Shen Qiao: "..."

In the middle of the road, Lele took advantage of the crow on the opposite side to return to the city to change equipment and quickly grab the line. He opened the economy and glanced at it, and said in surprise, "This blind man turned bloody so quickly?"

The average player jungler is also a Tiamat at this time, and he can actually make a big deal... This is not ordinary wealth.

Shen Qiao also raised his brows, but didn't say much.

Then, he glanced at the tower that was about to be pushed down in the middle, and took the troops to the opposite tower. After returning to the city to change equipment, he went to defend the tower in the middle.

The opposite Akali seemed to be injured, so while he was away, he quickly developed on the top road.

The wine barrel refused to accept it, and followed to the middle, trying to cooperate with the crow to fight the crocodile, but the blind monk came again—

Not only did the blind monk come, but so did Blom, and he became gray again.

When he stood in the spring, he began to scold the whole channel:

"Are you tied to the belt of your crocodile trousers? Are you chasing stars?" Wherever the crocodile goes, the blind man will stay there

Shen Qiao saw it, her eyes darkened, and she silently decided to kill him five times.

Lele answered, "I'm too busy, so don't blame others for targeting you. Seeing you, I only ordered two bowls of rice for takeout tonight."

The wine barrel began to frantically scold the three of them, especially the blind monk whose id looked like a good bully.

"Let your blind monk go far away, don't be alone, or I will kill you every time I see you."

Lele was trying to persuade the other party to ignore it, worried that the mentality of this skilled teammate would collapse, but an answer appeared in the dialog box.

[Little O stands up (blind monk): How do you know that I am a dog? ]

[Little O stands up (blind monk): Brother, look at me—]

Shen Qiao rarely replied: "?"

In the next moment, a word that can be heard when you look at the dialog box pops up:


Shen Qiao: "..."