When an Alpha is Marked by One of His Own Kind

Chapter 9


Zhou Dazui was almost not pissed off by Lu Zhe's response.

He pointed at Lu Zhe and shook for a long time, took a deep breath for a long time, and clutched his chest as if he could push it away at any moment.

The DG fans who knew about this on the Internet were not much better. When Lu Zhe posted this Weibo, netizens who were originally guessing the beginning and the end of the matter poured in immediately, and after a while, a stream of replies appeared.


"Drinking water, I spit out three thousand feet in one gulp. I suspect it is the Milky Way falling nine days. Captain, do you dare to talk more?"

"Okay, as expected of you."

"Joke of the Year: Two Alphas Flirting."

"Why are you flirting? Are you fighting each other's bayonets? To be more specific, I don't lack this traffic."

There was a crowd of demons dancing in the comment area, Zhou Dazui was paralyzed for a long time, and finally recovered, he said to Lu Zhe like a warning: "Don't make trouble for me! From now on, you are not allowed to post on Weibo until the club's announcement! Go out! Otherwise, your salary will be deducted this month, you hear it!"

Lu Zhe closed his ears casually, as if he was disgusting Manager Zhou's noise, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

Facing Zhou Dazui's annoyed expression, he showed a "I really can't do anything about your unreasonableness", his thin lips lightly opened, and he said lightly:

"When I get so angry, I heard that the risk of cerebral thrombosis and stroke will be higher."

After speaking, he sighed lightly again, frowning slightly and looking very hurt:

"What about the trust between people? No one believes the truth these days?"

Zhou Dazui seemed to hear the beep, beep, and beep alarm sound from the increase in his intracranial blood pressure. After a while, he laughed angrily and said to Lu Zhe, "The truth? Did you hear what you said was human? I performed on the spot. A sow climbing a tree is more reliable than your bullshit!"

Lu Zhe looked at him meaningfully: "...Really?"

His slender fingers stroked his chin, and his black eyes revealed a bit of playfulness, showing a rare look of anticipation: "Then you play one for me to see?"

Zhou Dazui: "..."

Zhou Dazui: "Stop talking about bullshit!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around angrily and wanted to go to the public relations office to discuss this matter. Just as he was about to step out of the door with one foot, Lu Zhe, who stayed in the same place, said slowly:

"I have good news, do you listen?"

Zhou Dazui snorted heavily to show his disdain, and the steps he took out became heavier, stepping out of the rhythm of six relatives who would rather die than give up.

As a result, Lu Zhe's next sentence pinned him in place:

"Shen Qiao promised to come to DG."

Zhou Dazui paused for a moment, with entanglement and struggle on his face, then turned around at the speed of light and rushed in front of Lu Zhe, his eyes full of inconceivable: "Impossible! Why? He refused my temptation yesterday so firmly, As a result, you had a fight with him today and he agreed? Why am I so unbelievable?"

Lu Zhe glanced at him up and down and affirmed, "Because you are ugly."

Zhou Dakou gasped like a toothache: "If I hadn't been able to beat you—"

Lu Zhe smiled but didn't, with a particularly bashful expression: "Yeah, what a pity."

Zhou Dazui: "..." He repeated in his heart not to be angry.

After taking deep breaths, Zhou Dazui asked in a low voice, "Captain Lu, Dad Lu, please satisfy my curiosity."

Lu Zhe smiled and answered without hesitation, "Because he likes me."

Zhou Dazui rolled his eyes, picked up the dignity he had just lost and put it on it, turned around indifferently and left: "If you don't want to talk, forget it."

Lu Zhe shrugged, chuckled lightly, and said no more, and went out to the training room.

"Captain, please have some tea!"

As soon as Fang walked into the room, Lu Zhe saw Qian Bao respectfully handing the cup in front of him to him, his expression full of admiration.

- After all, there are not many people in the entire DG who are as reckless on the Internet as Lu Zhe.

She looked at Lu Zhe in admiration, and asked humbly, "How can I cultivate your nonsense skills like you?"

Lu Zhe glanced at her cup with obvious disgust in his eyes, only the smile on his lips widened slightly. Leaning on his chin with one hand and resting his elbow on the armrest of the chair, he answered in a slow and warm tone:

"It's simple."

"First, you need to fall in love with an Alpha."

Alpha Qian Bao turned around the chair and faced the computer, as if nothing had happened just now, and only left one sentence: "Excuse me, the concubine can't do it."

Lao Wo and Er Hua looked at each other and gave Lu Zhe a thumbs up, full of admiration.

The old snail sighed:

"I can't even think of such a ghost story."

Erhua nodded deeply:

"Your father is still your father, and the bragging posture is different from that of mortals."

Alphas have a strong concept in the field, and pheromones are mutually exclusive. Naturally, they have a desire to compete and fight with other similar people. Cupid closes his eyes and shoots at the Alpha piles, and they can dodge them with their powerful physical strength.

The old snail glared at Erhua: "Don't take me with you if you recognize your own father, am I such a casual person?"

The next moment, he turned to Lu Zheyang and said, "Papa Lu, are you double row?"

Lu Zhe flatly refused: "No."

The old snail showed a hamster crying and sold miserably: "What do you think about it? If you miss such an excellent ADC, I will still be waiting for you at the next village entrance!"

Lu Zhe still firmly refused.

Erhua showed a mocking smile to Lao Wo, and then said sweetly to Lu Zhe, squeezing her throat: "Brother, look at me! If you can breastfeed and be beaten, I will accompany you on a two-person tour of the canyon. Would LPL be the most considerate assistance?"

Qian Bao heard their extremely shameful self-recommendation, and sighed faintly: "In ancient times, you would be immersed in a pig cage."

Erhua and Lao Snail: "Bah."

Lu Zhe's answer sounded at this moment:

"This jungler has been bound, idlers should not tease."

Saying that, he opened Weibo and slowly typed the next line in Shen Qiao's backstage private message.

at the same time.

Shen Qiao, Lele and Xu Xiao were in the manager's office, Lele pointed at Xu Xiao: "The angle of the photo was taken from the inside, when I passed by the second floor, I saw him taking a picture there with his mobile phone, isn't he who? The window angles are all the same."

Xu Xiao spread his hands innocently: "You guys have checked the phone, it's not my number, and I don't have any photos, so it's not good to spray people with blood like this?"

Lele sneered and wanted to say more, but the manager had already clapped his hands: "Okay, stop arguing."

He looked at Shen Qiao, who was indifferent, and then looked at Xu Xiao. One was the former top order who was about to become a water cooler guard, and the other was the newcomer who was hired by the club at a high price to be used this season. With calculation:

"Okay, don't do this kind of thing again. I don't like infighting, and neither will the higher-ups."

He pointedly warned Xu Xiao, and said to Shen Qiao:

"Shen Qiao, you are the same, next time I don't want you to have this kind of physical conflict with others again, otherwise the club will consider banning your game."

Lele's eyes widened, and when she heard the obvious partiality, she wanted to say something, but Shen Qiao had already said "um" and left in a perfunctory manner.

So he glared at Xu Xiao fiercely, and followed Shen Qiao out.

On the way, Shen Qiao noticed that the phone was vibrating, and took a look at it. When she saw a spam message, she saw that someone sent her a private message.

He clicked in and took a look, it was a familiar black and white head—

DG-ZHE: "I was in a hurry today, I forgot to tell you something."

DG-ZHE: "You come to DG to place the top order, and I will tie myself to the top of the road from now on."

Seeing this, Shen Qiao moved her fingers, trying to enter something in the dialog box, but she never sent a message.

Just then, two more sentences appeared in the private message box.


"[/Picture] This photo was taken very well, thank the original owner for me."

Shen Qiao sent a string of ellipses.

Seeing his response, Lu Zhe in front of the computer smiled with satisfaction, and tapped the keyboard with his sharp-boned fingers a few times, his expression full of contentment.

After a while, Shen Qiao paused, took a deep breath, and said abruptly:

"I regret."

Lele looked at him blankly: "ah?"

Shen Qiao looked at Lele seriously, and questioned her soul: "Why didn't I kill Lu Zhe just now?"

Lele: "?!"

Shen Qiao lowered her head again, selected the information, and clicked Report.

Those are Lu Zhe's latest two sentences—

"do you know?"

"You look like you want to hit me but don't want to do it, it makes me want to make you cry."

The author has something to say:

I changed the settings today, because I made a mistake about the rules of lpl, I apologize to the sweet and sour steak dogs who suggested it and thank you! It has been modified! It's now a transfer period!